Research Plan - Lugo Science Fair

Research Plan

Format – Typed – 10 or 12 point Times New Roman or Arial

A. Question – This is your project’s problem stated in the form of a question.

Example: Which bridge design will withstand hurricane forces and flooding with the least structural damage?

B. Hypothesis – This is what you think the outcome will be based on your research or what you know about the topic. IF…THEN… BECAUSE… format

(Example: If plants are grown in different types of light, then those grown with sunlight will be the tallest because sunlight contains the light from the spectrum that is most beneficial for photosynthesis to occur.)

C. Plan & Materials -

1. List of Materials – Identify how much, what type, species names, concentrations, disposal, safety, etc for the materials you will be using.

a. Example: 10 black pots, 10 white pots, 10 terracotta pots (identify size if possible) 1 bag potting soil, 100 lima bean seeds, water, 200 ml-cup, spoon, metric ruler, etc.

2. List or give specific description of procedures. You need to clearly identify how you will set up and measure your project. Someone else should be able to read your procedures and be able to duplicate your experiment exactly.


1. Using a 200 ml cup, fill completely with soil then transfer to an empty pot.

2. Using spoon, create 5 holes in the pot to plant seeds. Each hole should be approximately 5 cm’s in depth and spaced evenly around the pot.

3. Place one seed in each hole, then gently cover hole with soil.

4. Water each pot with 150 ml’s of water.

5. Repeat steps a-d for each pot.

6. Place all pots in an area where they will receive god light, and are protected from animals, etc.

7. Observe for germination. Once seeds germinate, begin measuring plants every other day. Record data for the three different types of pots.

8. Measure growth for 6 weeks.

9. Average the weekly growth for each group, and graph these averages on a line graph. (Triple line graph)

**Include in your plan any information concerning safety that you need to, as well as disposal of materials – especially if you are using chemicals or hazardous devices.

D. Bibliography – (5 Sources needed MINIMUM) Must include the ISEF rules – see citation below for example of format. Do NOT number these!

Society for Science/ International Science and Engineering Fair. N.p.: Society for Science/ International Science and Engineering Fair, n.d. International Science and Engineering Fair. Society for Science, May 2013. Web. 12 Sept. 2013. .

Full rules and guidelines for the 2014 International Science and Engineering Fair.

Special Project Information:

Hazardous Chemicals, Activities & Devices:

• Describe Risk Assessment process and results – What are the hazards of your project, and how likely are they to occur?

• Detail chemical concentrations and drug dosages. Identify how you will obtain these chemicals as well.

• Describe safety precautions and procedures to minimize risk

• Discuss methods of disposal – if necessary, refer to the MSDS form to access this information.

Your bibliography must include the following:


• Chemical, or device reference

o MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) citation for each chemical you will use, as well as any other source that provides safety information for the equipment or procedures you will use

o If you are working with fire, you must have a fire safety reference.

• At least 3 other sources for your topic.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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