Science Fair Experiment : Research Rough Draft

Science Fair Experiment: Background Research Rubric ___________________________________ Name ____________________________

|CATEGORY |Advanced |Proficient |Basic |Below Basic |Far Below Basic |

|Logical and related |Identified all questions which were |Identified all questions which |Identified all questions which were |Identified all questions which were |Identified all questions which |

|grouping of |interesting to the student and which|were interesting to the student |interesting to the student and which |interesting to the student and which |were interesting to the student |

|Information |could be investigated. |and which could be investigated. |could be investigated. |could be investigated. |and which could be investigated. |

| |Who What When Where Why How |Who What When Where Why How |Who What When Where Why How |Who What When Where Why How |Who What When Where Why How |

| |All Six Elements |Five out of Six Elements |Four out of Six Elements |Three out of Six Elements |Two out of Six Elements |

|Internal Citations |Correct APA format |Correct APA format |Incorrect APA format |Incorrect APA format |Incorrect APA format Not |

| |Parenthetically cited |Parenthetically cited |Parenthetically cited |Not parenthetically cited |parenthetically cited |

|Research Collection |Complete documentation of sources |Incomplete documentation of |Incomplete documentation of sources |Incomplete documentation of sources |Incomplete documentation of |

| | |sources | | |sources. |

| |Data was collected from several | |Data was collected from several |Data was collected from just a few | |

| |different resources. Ten or more |Data was collected from several |different resources. |different resources. |Data was collected from one |

| |resources cited throughout paper |different resources. |Six Resources cited throughout paper |Four Resources cited throughout paper |resource. |

| | |Eight Resources cited throughout | | |Two Resources cited throughout |

| | |paper | | |paper |

|Mechanics |Accuracy in spelling, grammar, and |Accuracy in spelling, grammar, and|Inaccuracy in spelling, grammar, and |Numerous spelling, grammar, and |Numerous spelling, grammar, and |

| |quotations. |quotations. |quotations. |quotation mistakes. |quotation mistakes. |

| |Correct usage of 3rd person. |Incorrect usage of 3rd person. |Incorrect usage of 3rd person. |Incorrect usage of 3rd person. |Uses 1st person. |

GRAND TOTAL________/50 points possible Graded by _____________________________________________________________


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