Brave New World Essay -

Brave New World Essay

Final Essay 80 Assessment Points

Rough Draft 40 Assignment Points

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is an example of a classic dystopia: a nightmarish world often run by an oppressive totalitarian regime. It is also science fiction—offering a version of the future that often reflects the issues of the contemporary period. In this paper you will choose one of the prompts below to build a 500 to 750-word essay.

General Directions:

Write an essay of at least 500 of your own words (not counting direct evidence) that has a clear, complex argumentative thesis, which addresses your chosen prompt. Your essay must contain multiple paragraphs with a clear introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. You will want to include both direct and indirect evidence that you have synthesized to support your thesis. Your essay must be in MLA format including MLA heading, works cited page, properly integrated quotes and paraphrases, etc. Moreover your essay needs to be double-spaced in Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt. font.


Characters as theme: In the dystopic world of Aldous Huxley, characters act as more than just 3-dimensional people, Huxley also uses them to build theme within the novel. Analyze how Huxley uses character to achieve his theme. Questions you may want to consider: what is the role of the major characters within the book; how does Huxley construct each character in the book and how do those choice help create the theme? In order to be successful in this prompt you will not only have to analyze characters, but also assert a theme for the novel.

Dystopias Abound: The prevalence of dystopic fiction continues to permeate American culture. These projections of the future often say more about us at the present than what may happen one day. Compare and contrast how Aldous Huxley in his 1932 novel, Brave New World, and Andrew Niccol in his 1997 film Gattaca, each use a dystopic view of the future to comment on the present through their use of theme. In order to be successful in this prompt, you must assert both a theme for Brave New World and Gattaca, this may be a universal theme or one that is specific to each text. You will also need to compare and contrast as well as analyze how each text uses dystopia to comment on the present through your theme(s).

Insanity vs. Lunacy: In his Preface, written 15 years after the publication of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley writes: “At the time the book was written this idea, that humans beings are given free will in order to choose between insanity on one hand and lunacy on the other, was one I found amusing and regarded as quite possibly true.” Analyze how Huxley illustrates this choice for his characters and how that choice creates theme within the novel. In order to be successful in this prompt, you must assert a theme as well as break down how Huxley’s characters choose between insanity and lunacy. You will then need to tie those choices to your asserted theme. You may also want to define lunacy and insanity for your audience.

Brave New World Response to Literature Rubric

Name Score

| |25 points |21 points |19 points |16 points |10 points |

|Ideas and |Essay contains a clear and complex,|Essay contains a clear thesis |Essay contains a clear thesis |Essay’s thesis is unclear and/or|Essay’s thesis is unclear and/or absent. Ideas and |

|Explanation |argumentative thesis. At least |and at least two of its ideas |and/or ideas and explanation |ideas and explanation are too |explanation may be or are absent, irrelevant, |

| |three of its ideas and explanations|and explanations are |are mostly on topic and |simple, very repetitious, hard |unsupported by evidence, or incomprehensible. |

| |are insightful, thorough, |reasonable, substantial, and |understandable but evidence |to follow mostly irrelevant, | |

| |convincing, varied in strategy, and|supported by well-chosen |may be limited and |inaccurate, and/or contain | |

| |strongly supported by compelling |evidence. |explanations are often too |mostly plot summary. | |

| |evidence. | |simple obvious, brief, vague | | |

| | | |or illogical. May contain | | |

| | | |some plot summary or | | |

| | | |evidence-to-inference. | | |

|Organization |Essay has a clear introduction, |Essay’s organization Is |Essays organization maintains |Essay shows some minor skill but|Essay lacks paragraphing and is illogical and |

| |body and conclusion with topic |logical and appropriate for |one idea per paragraph, but is|has major flaws—i.e. no |confusing or essay is too short to have any |

| |sentences. Essay uses appropriate |content, but not as smooth as |simplistic or idea |controlling idea; poor |organization |

| |transitions between and within |5. |relationships are sometime |paragraphing; redundant | |

| |paragraphs for consistently clear, | |unclear |sections. | |

| |smooth and logical relations among | | | | |

| |ideas. | | | | |

|Style |Is a “pleasure to read” – graceful,|Is clear, show sentence |Is functional, but sentence |Has major flaws—i.e., |Has such severe flaws that sentences are hard to |

| |uncluttered, rich, vivid. Uses |variety, and using interesting|variety and vocabulary are |simplistic, wordy, repetitious, |understand or essay is too short to judge |

| |rhetorical and stylistic devices to|and precise vocabulary. |limited or style is lively but|monotonous, often unclear. | |

| |the writer’s advantage. | |wordy. | | |

|Grammar, Mechanics |Errors are rare or absent |Errors are occasional |Errors are frequent |Errors exist in almost every |Errors are pervasive and obstruct meaning or essay |

|and MLA | | | |sentence and may interfere with |is too short to judge grammar/mechanics/MLA |

| | | | |meaning | |


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