Rules and Procedures for Miss Kalmbach’s 7th Grade Science ...

Rules and Procedures for Miss Kalmbach’s 7th Grade Science Class

Classroom Goals

The goal of this class is to further your knowledge of the nature of the world so you are able to use this knowledge to become a life-long learner and responsible global citizen. You must work hard independently, but will also have to work effectively with other students and me, just like you would in a sport.

Guidelines for Success: ROAR


On time, on task

Always follow directions


Classroom Rules

1. Be respectful (to me, your peers, and yourself)

2. Be prepared (with supplies and homework)

3. Give your best effort (show up on time to class every day you are not sick and work to the best of your ability)


There are many different activities we will engage in throughout the week and you are expected to behave appropriately during each one. Examples include: large group (teacher-directed), partner work, group work, independent work, science lab, and computer lab.


This year in my class we are using a different grading program. Formative grades will still be worth 50% for on-level and 40% for honors and summative will be 50% for on-level and 60% for honors. Instead of assigning grades 0-100, grading will be done on a 5 point scale. This is done so that grades below 60 do not have as big of an impact on your overall average. This should improve student averages. The scale is below:

100=5 90=4 80=3 70=2 60=1


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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