Science 6 Resources for At Home Learning Matter - Weebly

嚜燙cience 6

Matter & Atoms

6.P.2.1, 6.P.2.2, 6.P.2.3

These materials are supplemental and will not be counted for a grade; students will not be penalized if the

packet is not completed.

pages 44, 47 (br) Hutchings Photography/Digital Light Source

Copyright ? by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is

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ISBN: 978-0-07-891459-1

MHID: 0-07-891459-0

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EC Services:? Each student with a disability has unique learning needs related to his/her disability, so it is very difficult to

make recommendations for accommodations and how to differentiate learning that would be relevant to all students. If

possible, referencing the supplementary aids and services (classroom accommodations) portion of each student*s

Individualized Education Program (IEP) to assist with access/accommodation needs may be helpful for parents who may

be facilitating the supplementary work at home.

Servicios de Necesidades Excepcionales: ?Cada estudiante con una invalidez tiene necesidades de aprendizaje 迆nicas

relacionadas a su invalidez, entonces es bastante dif赤cil hacer recomendaciones para acomodaciones y como diferenciar

aprendizaje que seria pertinente para todos los estudiantes. Si es posible, referenciar las ayudas suplementarias y

servicios (acomodaciones de sal車n de clase) porci車n del Programa Educativo Individualizado (PEI) de cada estudiante

para ayudar con necesidades de acceso/acomodaci車n puede ser 迆til para los padres que pueden estar facilitando el

trabajo suplementario en casa.

ESL Instructional Services: ?Since school is cancelled and these are not instructional days students will not be receiving

direct services. Packets for ELs will be included with other instructional material that will go to schools. ESL teachers will

follow their schools* guidance.

Servicios Instruccionales de Ingl谷s como Segundo Lenguaje:? Ya que se cancela la escuela y estos no son d赤as de

instrucci車n, los estudiantes no recibir芍n servicios directos. Los Paquetes para los estudiantes del idioma ingl谷s se

incluir芍n con otro material instructivo que llegar芍n a las escuelas. Los profesores de Ingl谷s como Segundo Lenguaje

seguir芍n la direcci車n de la escuela.

Advanced Academics Services:? Advanced learners need differentiation which provides them with more complex

materials, tasks, and activities than their age peers 每 tasks that lead to authentic learning. To respect the unique learning

needs of every student who needs more challenge, supplemental materials will be provided to offer 1) extension

activities that are designed to broaden the understanding of a particular subject, idea, or concept by adding depth and

complexity; and/or 2) enrichment options that provide a variety of learning opportunities that enhance a student*s

interests and talents through creative and academic exploration. These choice materials will be available in your

student*s At Home packet for your reference and student engagement opportunities.

Servicios Acad谷micos Avanzados: ? Los estudiantes avanzados necesitan una diferenciaci車n que les proporcione

materiales, tareas y actividades m芍s complejas que sus compa?eros de edad-- tareas que conducen al aprendizaje

aut谷ntico. Para respetar las necesidades de aprendizaje 迆nicas de cada estudiante que necesita m芍s desaf赤os, se

proporcionar芍n materiales suplementarios para ofrecer 1) actividades de extensi車n que est芍n dise?adas para ampliar la

comprensi車n de un tema, idea o concepto en particular al agregar profundidad y complejidad; y/o 2) opciones de

enriquecimiento que proporcionan una variedad de oportunidades de aprendizaje que mejoran los intereses y talentos

de un estudiante a trav谷s de la exploraci車n creativa y acad谷mica. Estos materiales de elecci車n estar芍n disponibles en el

paquete de estudiantes para completar en casa para su referencia y oportunidades de participaci車n estudiantil.

6th Grade Science 每 Matter and Atoms

Week 1 每 Substances & Mixtures

Day 1 每 Read p. 41-41. Complete p. 40

Day 2 每 Read p. 43-44. Complete p. 51

Day 3 每 Read p. 45-47. Complete p. 52

Day 4 每 Read p. 48-49. Complete p. 53

Day 5 每 Complete p. 50,15-16

Week 2 每 Substances Continued.

Day 6 每 Complete 17-19.

Week 2 每 The Structure of Atoms

Day 7 每 Read p. 55-56. Complete p. 54

Day 8 每 Read p. 57-59. Complete p. 60, 26

Day 9 每 Complete 35-36.

Day 10 每 Complete 27-28.






Matter and Atoms

Substances and Mixtures

Key Concepts

What do you think? Read the three statements below and decide

whether you agree or disagree with them. Place an A in the Before column

if you agree with the statement or a D if you disagree. After you*ve read

this lesson, reread the statements to see if you have changed your mind.




1. Things that have no mass are not matter.

? What is the relationship

among atoms, elements,

and compounds?

? How are some mixtures

different from solutions?

? How do mixtures and

compounds differ?

2. The arrangement of particles is the same

throughout a mixture.

3. An atom that makes up gold is exactly the

same as an atom that makes up aluminum.

What is matter?

Copyright ? McGraw-Hill Education.

Have you ever gone windsurfing? You lean back to balance

the board as the force of the wind pushes the sail. You can

feel the spray of water against your face. Everything around

you, whether you are windsurfing or sitting at your desk, is

made of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.

Matter is everything you can see, such as water and trees. It

is also some things you cannot see, such as air. You know

that air is matter because you can feel its mass when it blows

against your skin. You can see that it takes up space when it

inflates a sail or a balloon.

Anything that does not have mass or volume is not matter.

Types of energy, such as heat, sound, and electricity, are not

matter. Forces, such as gravity, are not forms of matter.

What is matter made of?

All solids, liquids, and gases are made of atoms. An atom is

a small particle that is the building block of matter. In this chapter, you

will read that an atom is made of even smaller particles. There

are many types of atoms. Each type of atom has a different

number of smaller particles. Atoms can combine with each

other in many ways. It is the many kinds of atoms and the

ways they combine that form the different types of matter.

Substances and Mixtures

Identify Main Ideas

Highlight the main idea of

each paragraph. Highlight

two details that support each

main idea with a different

color. Use your highlighted

copy to review what you

studied in this lesson.

Reading Check

1. Identify two

characteristics that a thing

must have to be called


Matter and Atoms



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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