Mrs. Prario and Mrs. Woods are teaming up to bring your child an exciting and successful school year! This letter will help to explain our requirements and policies as well as our expectations for your child’s fifth grade experience.


• Binders: Students will be required to maintain an organizational binder. The binder needs to be the 1 ½ size with 6 pocket dividers. It should also include a supply of college ruled binder paper and a pencil pouch. This binder needs to come to school EVERY day. It will contain your child’s weekly assignment recording sheet, homework, notes from us and notes from the office. In the beginning please take time each evening to look through the binder to help your child get used to being organized and in control of his/her things.

• Pencils/Pens: Your child needs to have at least two pencils available each day as well as a red correcting pen. We are asking at this time that all class and homework be done in pencil. Pens may be used for special occasions when specified by us. It would also be helpful if your child had a small pencil sharpener to be kept in their desk or binder.

• Textbooks: Textbooks are issued to each student for their use over the course of the year. They are responsible for the care of their textbooks. If it is lost or damaged, the student will be required to pay for the loss or damage.


Your child will be receiving traditional letter grades as well as mastery marks (1-5) for Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science. Grades are based on each student’s proficiency and completion of California State Content Standards. The breakdown for grades in Math and Reading will be 60% tests, 20% class work and 20% homework. In Writing the grade is based on 20% notebook and daily oral language activities, 40% writing assessments, 15% Spelling and 25% Grammar. Social Studies and Science grades will be based on class projects and test scores. (Students scoring below 70% on an assessment must correct their mistakes and have the test signed by a parent in order to raise the failing score to a 70%.)

Honor Roll certificates are awarded each trimester as follows: Silver Honor Roll for those students with a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.9 and Gold Honor Roll for straight A’s or a 4.0 grade point average.


Homework is a very important part of your student’s success in fifth grade. Your child can expect 60 minutes of homework Monday through Thursday. Unfinished class work may also need to be completed. It is the student’s responsibility to write the night’s homework on their “homework assignment page” in their binder. All assignments are due the following day unless otherwise specified. LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Any late or missing homework will result in a grade of zero, which will affect the course grade. Please help your student to be responsible for completing their work on schedule and remembering to return it to school. (They will NOT be permitted to call home for missing work). Missing homework will also result in the loss of 2 Honor Points (to be explained later). If your student has an excused absence, he/she will be responsible for making up any class work or homework that has been missed.

We also expect your child to read each evening and to keep a “Reading Log” to show at least 60 minutes of pleasure reading per week. Reading Logs will run from Monday to Monday and should be stored in their binder.

Absence Policy

When a student is absent they will have the same number of days, +1, to make up the work. Ex: a student absent Tuesday and Wednesday would have 3 days to make up the work. It is their responsibility to find out what needs to be done to catch up.


Maintaining an appropriate learning environment is key to your child’s educational success. Classroom rules are clearly posted in the classroom. The rules for our class include the following:

• Respect those around you and their belongs

• Be responsible for your belongings and assignments

• Respect ALL school authorities and school property

• Follow all school rules

Please refer to the school handbook for specific school and playground rules.

Your child will be monitoring their own behavior daily on a weekly monitoring slip. This slip will be sent home every Friday for your review. There will be rewards and consequences as needed. Inappropriate behavior will result in the loss of Honor Points.

Classroom Volunteers

You are always welcome in our room. We will need volunteers to help grade papers, assist with special activities and to help prep special projects. If you are interested in helping out please let us know. Volunteering is a wonderful way to stay in touch with what is going on in the classroom.

“All Star Day” and Honor Points

All Star Day is a fun day designed to reward students who have been respectful and responsible during each trimester. Participation is based only on Honor Points earned and NOT on academic grades! Activities and dates will be announced at a later date.

Students will have the opportunity to earn 20 points daily; 5 points for class work and homework in each subject and 5 points for citizenship.

Fifth Grade Curriculum

• Math - Fifth grade has a rigorous math schedule. We will cover multiplication, division, rounding, time, graphs, geometry, decimals, fractions, measurement, perimeter, area, volume, algebraic expression, statistics and probability. Students must master ALL math facts, with instant recall, in order to be successful.

• Language Arts – Reading instruction consists of the use of a basal textbook as well as novels. Students will work on comprehension, fact finding, making conclusions, and vocabulary skills. Writing instruction will focus on grammar, proof reading, content and clarity. Writing assignments will be given weekly and will range from simple paragraphs to five paragraph essays and poetry. Spelling assignments will also be given weekly with follow-up tests.

• Social Studies – This year we will be covering United States history from the time of the Indians through the Revolutionary War and the settling of the West. Students will also study the geography of the United States and learn the location of all the states and their capitals. Lessons will be supplemented with study packets, group assignments and projects.

• Science – We will be focusing on three major areas which include, Life Science, Earth Science and Physical Science. Students will gain knowledge in, and begin to master the scientific process. which includes observing, comparing, measuring, classifying, predicting, inferring and drawing conclusions. A science fair project will be required near the end of the school year.

• Physical Education – Weather permitting, we will participate in PE several times a week. Push-ups and sit-ups will be done daily. (Your child may bring a towel for comfort) Please have your child dress in a way that will allow for safe and comfortable participation. Girls will need to wear shorts under dresses and skirts. If your child is unable to participate due to illness or injury please send a note. A doctor’s note is needed if your child needs to be excused for more than one day.

How to Help Your Child Study

We all want to see the students succeed. Study habits are an important part of this. Here are some ideas to help you insure that your child will be successful.

• Check the homework assignment page in the binder nightly.

• Find a quiet place for your child to work where you are available for help if needed.

• Make homework a daily routine that falls around the same time each evening.

• TV and video games should be a reward given for the completion of homework.

Parent/Teacher Communication

Please remember that we are here to address any concerns, comments or questions that you might have about your child’s school experience. We are best reached by e-mail at: vprario@murrieta.k12.ca.us and hwoods@murrieta.k12.ca.us. We try to check our e-mail several times each day! We are also available by phone at 696-1428 before and after school.

Daily Schedule


8:30-9:30 SS / Science

9:30-10:40 Block 1 (Language Arts/Math)

10:40-11:00- recess

11:00- 12:40 Block 2 (Language Arts/Math)

12:40-1:20- Lunch

1:20- 1:40 homeroom clean up

Tuesday – Friday

8:30-9:00 PE

9:00- 10:40 Block 1 (Language Arts/Math)

10:40- 11:00 recess

11:00- 12:40 Block 2 (Language Arts/Math)

12:40- 1:20 lunch

1:20- 2:40 SS / Science

***Mondays are Early Release Days – students will be dismissed at 1:40

5th Grade Contract

Student: I have read and understand the Welcome to Fifth Grade letter. I will do my best work at all times. I will follow all the classroom rules, and I understand that there are consequences for not following the rules. I will turn in my homework and class work on time. I will put forth my best effort on all assignments. I understand that if I am missing assignments and/or homework I will lose Honor Points.

Student signature:__________________________Date:______________

Parent: I have read the Welcome to Fifth Grade letter with my child. I understand the classroom rules and policies. I will do my best to help my child find a quiet place to do his/her homework and I will be available for help if needed.

I understand that late work will not be accepted. I am aware that my child will be held responsible for his or her work and behavior.

Parent signature:___________________________Date:______________

Teacher: I will be prepared for my students. I will administer the discipline plan fairly and accurately. I will grade and return work in a prompt manner. I will do my best to keep my students (and their parents) informed of their progress in class.

Teacher signature:__________________________Date:______________


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