UNIT 10: Earth’s Energy Resources

UNIT B: Earth’s Energy Resources


High School Content Expectations

• E2.2A - Describe the Earth’s principal sources of internal and external energy.

• E2.2B – Identify differences in the origin and use of renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy.

• E2.4A – Describe renewable and non-renewable sources of energy for human consumption; compare their effects on the environment, and include overall costs and benefits.

• E2.4B - Explain how the impact of human activities on the environment can be understood through the analysis of interactions between the four Earth systems.


← You will be assigned one of Earth’s energy resources.

← You and your team will research that resource and present it to the class.

← You will be responsible for teaching your resource to the class.

← You will be responsible for taking notes during other group presentations.

← You will be graded on the following:

o How well you collaborated with your group.

o How well your group worked together.

o The content (facts, accuracy, etc.) of your presentation.

o The professionalism of your group presentation.

o Your organization – note taking, research notes, etc.


← Assign different tasks to your group – divide the work.

← Research your energy source, completing the Research Notes

o Do not use websites that allow users to post and answer questions on the site (, yahoo.answers, wiki.answers, etc.)

o Find a professional site that is all about your resource

o MINIMUM of 3 different sources – make sure they are appropriate (factual, etc.)

o Do not count search engines as a source (Google, Bing, etc.)

← Create a PREZI to be presented to the class.

← Develop speaker notes or note cards to use during your presentation

← PRACTICE your presentation


Use this table to help divide the work – don’t make all the assignments right away, fill in as you go.

|Task |Responsible Person/People |Notes |Done |Who is speaking? |

|Create PREZI | |One person must make an account ADD your group members|( | |

|DO NOT start PREZI until all | |(get their email) either as viewers or editors | | |

|research is done. | | | | |

|Research-formation | | |( | |

|Determine/Research-source/type/conve| | |( | |

|rsion | | | | |

|Research-uses | | |( | |

|Research-environmental impact | | |( | |

|Research-costs/cons | | |( | |

|Research-benefits/pros | | |( | |

|Connect to Michigan | | |( | |

|final recommendation | | |( | |

|Find Graph | |send url to PREZI maker – or show them how to find it |( | |

|Find Video | |send url to PREZI maker – or show them how to find it |( | |

|create speaker notes or note cards | | |( | |

| | | |( | |

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ALL members of your team must complete this form. You may divide the work and have different members research each section, just be sure to share your information.

Title of Presentation (choose something creative, not just the name of your resource.)

Resource Assigned:

Definition/Formation: What is this energy? How does (did) it first form? How is it created?

Source: Where do we get this energy now? How do we harness or convert it to a usable form?

Ultimate Source of Energy?

Originally an Internal or External energy source? (circle) Explain why:

Energy Type: Most (but not all) energy sources need to be converted before we can actually use that energy source. Check off which type of energy your resource is – and then if it is converted, check off to which type of energy it is converted.

Renewable (or) Non-Renewable

|Original Form | |Converted or Usable Form |

|Chemical energy |primarily |Chemical energy |

|Electrical energy |converted to… |Electrical energy |

|Magnetic energy | |Magnetic energy |

|Mechanical energy | |Mechanical energy |

|Nuclear | |Radiant/Electromagnetic |

|Solar/Radiant/Electromagnetic | |Thermal energy |

|Thermal energy | | |

How much left (if non-renewable)?

Uses: How is this resource primarily used? (Pick the top three for your presentation.)

Environmental Impact: Again, these can be good or bad – but what does using this resource do to the environment? Are there harmful byproducts? Be sure to think of all aspects – before we use it, do we have to build anything to use the resource, does it put anything into the environment, does it take away anything, etc.? (Pick the top three for your presentation.)

Costs/Cons: This is more than just money – does it cost resources, lives, the environment, etc.? (Pick the top three for your presentation.)

Benefits/Pros: What positives come from using this energy source? (Pick the top three for your presentation.)

Michigan Connection: Do we already use this resource or is Michigan? Why or why not? How much of this resource is already used in Michigan? (good place for a graph??) Are there plans to either increase or decrease the use of this resource?

Recommendation: What is the future of this energy resource? What would your group recommend to society/scientists/government/world about this resource?

Other ITEMS that MUST be in your presentation:

▪ GRAPH – you must include a graph and explain it during your presentation – this can be related to any of the required topics. Make sure you can answer questions about the graph because I will be stopping you and asking (.

▪ VIDEO – you must include a professional video, approximately 2 minutes long. If your entire video is much longer than 2 minutes then you must find an appropriate start/stop time. Many websites put informational videos on their sites – there are also videos on YouTube and other video sites. Make sure the one you pick is professional, not a student project. Put the link in your PowerPoint.



← all eight aspects are included (one slide each)

← 2-minute video – imbedded or linked

← graph – be ready to explain

← Michigan connection

← Final recommendation

← Sources (list of websites – do not include search engines)

← one relevant picture/graphic/clipart per slide/topic


← creative title (not just the name of the energy source)

← names of group members

← appropriate colors and color combinations

← easy-to-read fonts (type, size, and color)

← short, bulleted statements – NOT complete paragraphs, or large quantity of text. (Remember, your class will be writing down your information so make it short and simple to copy.)

← Have you decided who is presenting which slides? Who is running the PREZI (clicking the slides forward)?

Anything extra??? Can you bring in a sample or other visual to share with the class? Include an “Interesting Facts” or a “Did You Know” page, trivia page, etc.?? Other??


Energy Source:

Renewable or Non-Renewable (circle)

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(NOTE – This is weighted as a project/test in the gradebook.)


|Looks Like |Sounds Like |

|List below what a professional presentation looks like: |List below what a professional presentation sounds like: |

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|Things NOT to do: |

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• This is an example of the note column that your audience will be filling in during your presentation.

• Make sure you have something for them to write down for each section.

• Put your slides in this order to make it easier to follow along.

• Make sure you do not have too much text on the screen – less is best!


|Definition | |

|Formation | |

|Ultimate Source |Sun |

| |Earth’s Formation |

| |Natural Mechanism |

|Type of Energy Source |Internal (or) External |

|Type of Energy |Renewable (or) Non-Renewable |

|Source: | |

| | |

|Conversion |( |

|Uses | |

| | |

|Michigan | |

|Byproducts (if your energy | |

|source has some) | |

|Environmental Impact | |

| | |

|Costs/Cons | |

| | |

|Benefits/Pros | |

| | |

|Other Requirements |( Group Recommendation |( References |

| |( Graph |( Picture or Graphic on Every Slide |

| |( Video | |




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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