Science Fiction Notes - Montgomery Township School District

Taking Notes on Science Fiction

Overview: Taking notes on science fiction is similar to taking notes on other fiction; it has the same elements. I have made the questions more specific to help you focus on the specific issues that are important in sci-fi; highlighted questions are especially important. You will complete a short version of the notes for shorter pieces. When you read stories for homework, you should take notes (as usual) based on these questions.


Content—Science fiction, of course

Format—novel (PCR) OR short story OR short film (TV) OR full-length film


• When was the story written or filmed?

• What is the time of the setting?

o Year

o Season, etc.

o How much time passes?

o Is the story supposed to be about the past, present or future?

o Is the story outdated in any way because it was a product of its own historical moment? (We’ll notice this in older stories more than in new ones.)

• What is the place of the setting?

o Town, country

o Specific locations (important ones)

o Is this a real or imaginary world?


• Bullet the main events of the story. Be sure to explain any unusual events, machines, creatures or surprises (even if you are not sure you understand them.) It might be a good idea to label the plot parts of the events, just to keep things organized (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution).


• Who are the characters? Include important individuals and any group that functions as one character (like an angry crowd).

• Is there a main protagonist? If so, what are his/her main quests and conflicts? (Some stories may not have one protagonist. If this is the case, explain the quests and conflicts for all important characters.)

• Who is supposed to be the hero, if there is one? Explain. Why are we supposed to admire him/her?

• Is there a main antagonist or someone who is clearly bad? Explain. Why are we supposed to dislike him/her?

• Are there any other examples of good or bad qualities in people? For example, is there a coward, and if so, of what is he/she afraid?

Motifs and Themes:

• List at least three topics or issues raised by this story. For classwork, you’ll share these with your table and add to your list.

• Generate at least one theme statement that conveys the intended message of the story… AND explain it in 3-4 sentences. Hint: think about what social commentary the author/director makes. In other words, what is wrong with people/society/human nature according to this story?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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