Persuasive Essay Checklist

Persuasive Essay Checklist

|4 (100-90) |3 (89-70) |2 (69-40) |1 (39-20) |0 (19-0) |

|Ideas: Always Relevant to task, thorough|Ideas: Mostly relevant to task, good |Ideas: Somewhat relevant to task, good |Ideas: Weak relevance to task, weak |Ideas: Unclear relevance to task, little|

|understanding, accurate details that |understanding, mostly accurate details |understanding, many accurate details that|understanding, few accurate details to |understanding, inaccurate/weak details to|

|support strong argument. |that support strong argument. |support argument. |support argument. |support argument |

|Organization: Uses 5 paragraphs w/all |Organization: Uses 5 paragraphs w/most |Organization: Uses 5 paragraphs w/some |Organization: Uses 5 paragraphs w/little |Organization: Uses few if any paragraphs |

|information as listed on checklist. Uses|information as listed on checklist. Uses|information as listed on checklist. Uses|information as listed on checklist. Uses|w/little information as listed on |

|quality transitions when changing |many transitions when changing |some transitions when changing |few transitions when changing |checklist. Uses no transitions when |

|topics/ideas. |topics/ideas. |topics/ideas. |topics/ideas. |changing topics/ideas. |

|Word Choice: uses variety of grade level |Word Choice: uses many grade level ELA & |Word Choice: uses some grade level ELA & |Word Choice: uses few grade level ELA & |Word Choice: does not use grade level ELA|

|ELA & Science vocabulary and uses |Science vocabulary and uses mostly |Science vocabulary and uses some accurate|Science vocabulary and uses few accurate |& Science vocabulary or accurate wording.|

|accurate wording. |accurate wording. |wording. |wording. | |

|Sentence Fluency: Always varies sentence |Sentence Fluency: Mostly varies sentence |Sentence Fluency: Sometimes varies |Sentence Fluency: rarely varies sentence |Sentence Fluency: No attempt to vary |

|length and style to create strong rhythm.|length and style to create some rhythm. |sentence length & style to create weak |length and style & has very little |sentence length and style—lacks rhythm. |

|The first word of sentences always |First word of sentences often varies. |rhythm. First word of sentences |rhythm. First words of sentences rarely |First word of sentences rarely varies. |

|varies. | |sometimes varies. |vary. | |

|Conventions: Uses accurate grammar, |Conventions: Uses mostly accurate |Conventions: Uses somewhat accurate |Conventions: Uses weak grammar, spelling,|Conventions: Uses inaccurate grammar, |

|spelling, & punctuation for grade level. |grammar, spelling, & punctuation for |grammar, spelling, & punctuation for |& punctuation for grade level. |spelling, & punctuation for grade level. |

| |grade level. |grade level. | | |

|Voice: Your writing uses strong heart, |Voice: Your writing uses mostly heart, |Voice: Your writing has some heart, |Voice: Your writing has little heart, |Voice: Your writing has very little |

|feeling, and tone. Do not list facts. |feeling, and tone. Do not list facts. |feeling, and tone. Sometimes lists facts.|feeling, and tone. Mostly lists facts |heart, feeling, and tone. Mostly a |

| | | | |listing of facts. |


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