Prefixes, Suffixes, and Latin Roots

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Latin Roots - Fall

These prefixes, suffixes, and roots are the basis for many words used in science. Knowing the meanings of them is helpful in learning, remembering, and spelling scientific terms. By learning these, you can figure out what a word mean or to what it pertains, even without using context clues or the glossary! Etymology is the study of the origin of a word.

a, an not, without asymmetrical, amoral

as (af, ag, an, ap) to, toward adapt, adduct

ambi both sides ambidextrous

ana back, up anaphase

anti against antibody

aqua water aqueous

as to ascend, aspire

aud hear audible

auto self automobile, automatic

bi, bin two binary code, bisect

by near, aside bypass, bystander

bio life biology, biochemistry

cal hot calorie

carot carrot carotene

centr center centrifuge

chlor green chlorophyll

chrom color chromosome

circ, circu, circum around circumference, circumcision

cide, cise kill, cut circumcision, genocide

co, con with, together congenital (with birth)

corp body corpse

crypt hidden encrypted

cycl circle cycle

cyt cell cytology

dactyl digit (finger, toe) pterodactyl

de- to do the opposite dehumidifier, deform

di two disaccharide, dicotyledon

dia across diagonal, diameter

dis apart dissect

ecto outside ectoplasm

em in embalm, embedded

en in enclose, envelope

epi upon epicenter, epidermis

equ equal equidistant, equation

eu good, well, true euphoria, eugenics

ex out exhaust, exit

extra outside extrapolate, extraterrestrial

fil a thread filaments

fric rub friction

gam marriage, wife or husband monogamy, gametes

gen, genesis origin, production generate, spermatogenesis

glyco sugar glycolysis, glucose

gon seed gonads

graph write telegraph

gravi heavy gravity, gravitropism

hemi half hemisphere

hetero different heterosexual, heterozygous

homo, hom same homosexual, homozygous

hydro water hydroelectric power

hyper excessive hyperactive, hypersensitive

hypo under hypodermic, hypothesis

im/in into implant, import, incision

in/im not incomplete, immoral

inter between interstistial, interstate

intra within intravenous, intracellular

iso equal isosceles, isometric

kary seed eukaryote

lab work labor, laboratory

lysis, lys loosen hydrolysis, lyse

macro large macronucleus, macrobiotic

mal bad malicious, malnutrition

max greatest maximum

mega large megahertz, megacycle

meso middle mesoderm, mesosphere

meta after metaphase, metamorphosis

micro small microscope, microchip

mis- wrong misguide, miscommunication

mono one monocot, monosaccharide

multi many multiply, multicolored

mut change mutation

ocu eye binoculars

ology study of ecology, psychology

omni all omnipotent, omnivorous

oo, ov egg ovary, oogonium

phil love philosophy

phobia fear of arachnophobia

photo light photosynthesis, photograph

re- back, again redo, return

retro backward retrospect, retrovisur

sci know omniscient, science

script write post script, scripture

semi half semicircular, semilunar

sens feel sensory, sensitive

soma, som body chromosome, somatic

sub under subterranean, submerge

super more than supernova,superfime

super, supra over supraorbital, superimpose

sym/syn with, together symbiosis, symmetrical

synthesis put together photosynthesis

therm heat thermometer, thermos

trans across transfer, transport

under below/less than underground, underweight

vac empty vacuum

xanth yellow xanthophylls

with back withdrawal, withhold


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