7th Grade General Science Syllabus

Hines’ 8th Grade Physical Science Syllabus

Northland Preparatory Academy 2015-16

Welcome 8th graders to your general Science course! Eureka!!

Course Book: Glencoe “Physical Science” ISBN# 0-02-826953-5

Jeffrey Hines email: jhines@

Brief statement of Teacher Philosophy: Through the study of science we have the opportunity to study and understand the natural world that we live in. The study of science is a demanding endeavor and one that requires personal commitment and active participation. Through scientific experimentation I hope to “reenchant” students to the complexity of their natural world

Course Description: This course serves as a comprehensive starting point for 8th grade students beginning their journey towards more advanced and specific scientific interests. My plan is to teach this course with an emphasis on the Nature of Science through the study of Matter and Energy. I teach with the hope that students can use this class to enhance their scientific literacy, problem solving and critical thinking skills and to re-enchant students to the world with which they interact.

The 8th grade Physical Science course follows problem based learning strategies found in lab and class demonstrations as the main source of knowledge. Students are encouraged to discuss their observations and develop their own conclusions as they work towards the class goal of discovering the intended scientific concept. Parents you will see little use of the Glencoe book and more use of outside reading and research for student background information. It is essential that all students actively participate. Students will be expected to use both their written and oral communication skills as the year progresses to present and discuss their findings and experimental designs for various class projects and experiments. Students will display their ability to work independently or in a group to complete class projects.

Student Expectations: The goal of Physical Science is to expose students to some of the main ideas and methods in the realm of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students can expect to work hard and learn a great deal in our science classroom. Students must keep up on; research, readings, homework and Lab activities. Classroom Lab activities require students to work in a safe, cooperative and efficient manner either independently or in a group setting, failure to do so will jeopardize your participation in future labs. Additional tasks required of the class include; taking notes, writing lab reports, research, class presentations, use of class website , and assorted other assignments to help you become a better student and scientist.

I expect all students to be punctual and prepared for class; this is crucial towards students’ success in our class, so come ready to work.

Classroom Policies: Protecting the Rights of Others to Learn

At the Heart of Maturity is Respect for the

Rights of those with whom we Interact.

I. Entering the Classroom

1. Quietly be seated with your “stuff” and ready to work

2. Begin Bell Work

3. Remember the Bell does not begin class… You begin class.

If your ready to work I am ready to work.

Remember that the Bell does not end class… Hines ends class.

II. Classroom Rules: Hines’ 12 Be’s

1. Be punctual

2. Be prepared. Bring all necessary materials daily

3. Be respectful of yourself, of others and the school

4. Be responsible. Clean up after yourself. Own your mistakes

5. Be patient. Raise your hand to signal you would like to speak

6. Be considerate

7. Be open-minded

8. Be healthy. Save candy and sweet drinks for the weekend, Healthy snacks and water are OK in class, except during lab.

9. Be positive. Keep hands, feet and negative comments to yourself

10. Be attentive. Follow directions the first time

11. Be self-sufficient. If you have questions during class; 1st check your notes, 2nd ask your neighbor or 3rd ask Hines. Except during assessments.

12. Be Awesome!!

No tiny knives!!

III. What happens if you don’t follow the rules? Do you really have to ask?

Class disruptions will be dealt with quickly and decisively, based on the severity of disruption. Students that accumulate two disciplinary detentions (not tardy related) will be scheduled for an in school parental conference. Upon the student receiving a third reprimand the student will be immediately removed from class and sent to the administrative office with a recommendation for a brief removal from the classroom. Because this is a lab-based curriculum it is imperative that every student follow classroom police to insure a safe and fun lab experience. Failure to do so will result in immediate removal from the lab, a zero score for the lab, and possible further consequences based on severity of the infraction. Then we need to figure out how we can help you be more successful inclass. There is a zero tolerance for cell phone use within the school and classroom; cell phones will be confiscated for the parent to pick up at Mrs. Keberliens’ office. Classroom procedure and policies will be discussed further in class.

IV. Attendance and Tardiness: Students will be considered absent if they are not seated in their assigned seat directly following the last bell signaling the beginning of the period. Those students that are tardy will go to the office to receive a classroom tardy pass. After two tardies 5 points are deducted from students daily participation points. Continuation of such tardiness will result in parental conference and referral to administrative reprimand. Any excused tardy must be a signed and dated document by a faculty member.

V. Science Binder: Students are required to bring Science Binder every day. Failure to due so will be lose of daily class participation points. Students will forfeit a “Potty-Pass” to retrieve forgotten items.

Science Binders will have a table of contents on first page. Each subsequent page will be properly titled, dated, and numbered. The binder will be divided with labeled tabs as follows:

1. Bell work / Class notes

3. Handouts (often handouts will either accompany class notes or lab section, you decide)

4. Labs / Class notes

5. Homework

6. Quizzes / Tests

VI. SUPER SCIENCE SESSION: Wed: 3:15 – 4 ish. This is a time when students can always come and receive extra help. If day #9 falls on a Wed. I will reschedule SSS. I often offer lunch help sessions to be announced.

VII. Late / Makeup work. Homework: Homework assignments can be found on the web page and Students are expected to check web page and when absent to insure they are keeping up to date with work. All assignments will be either checked in-class, collected in class or placed in the Homework IN box on Hines’ mess, I mean desk. No late homework will be graded following 5 days from the due date, unless arrangements have been made with Hines. Late work will drop 10% each day it is late. Makeup work due to an excused absence will be collected based on the number of days out. Students that have not handed in 2 assignments will attend either lunch detention or Super Science Session after school for missing assignment. Parents will be notified.

About Edmodo: Edmodo can be incorporated into classrooms through a variety of applications including Reading, Assignments, and Paper-studying. Current uses include posting assignments, creating polls for student responses, embedding video clips, create learning groups, post a quiz for students to take, and create a calendar of events and assignments. Students can also turn in assignments or upload assignments for their teachers to view and grade. Teachers can annotate the assignments directly in Edmodo to provide instant feedback.

Parents can also view this website be creating their own account (if the parent chooses to) through a special password that Hines will provide. The Parent accounts allow parents to see their children's assignments and grades. Teachers can also send alerts to parents about school events, missed assignments, and other important messages through Edmodo. Educators are finding creative ways to support student learning by using Edmodo as a place to post and critique one another’s literature analysis, collaborate with their peers, and post creative writing for an audience.

VIII. Lab Cleaning Up: I am not your maid, servant, parent / guardian, or whoever, with that said; it is your job to clean up after yourself. It is imperative to cleanup our lab daily in preparation for the next class and to keep our lab equipment in good shape and students safe. If you make a mess, take a moment and cleanup. There will be time allowed at the end of the period to cleanup. No one leaves the classroom until I check the cleanliness of the lab. Consequences will develop if repeated messiness occurs.

Breakdown of Grading Scheme: Grades will be based on Total Points.

I. (~60% of grade) Class Participation, Class Work, Homework, and Labs:

Class participation: Daily Participation grade is worth 5 points each day.

Students receive:

1 pt. = Ready for class ( Student has all necessary materials and is working on Bell Work.

1 pt = Bell Work ( answered BW to best ability

2 pts. = Daily Work ( includes all assignments. Points will be awarded for quality of work and performance. Horseplay will affect points award since horseplay affects fellow classmates ability to learn.

1 pt = On Task Behavior and Participation

As I said before, students must actively participate to succeed in our class.

Homework/Class work: will be assigned as needed and is due on the date students are told. Late work will be not be accepted 5 school days following due date of assignment, however I will deduct of 15% of the total value each day it is late. Remember a 55% is better than 0%. Excused absences, such as illness will need to be discussed on a case by case basis, so see me if you are absent and have missed a deadline. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! 2 missing Homework assignments will result in Super Science Session and call to parents.

Labs / Activities: are designed to reinforce developed concepts and allow students to construct their own knowledge about the concept. These are usually completed in-group work; individuals must provide evidence of their participation.

➢ Quizzes/ Tests (~35% of Grade) the formative assessments are designed to help you study for summative tests. Quizzes may be given at any time and without notice, so stay on top of your studies! Tests will usually be given every two to three chapters and will consist of mostly multiple choice, short answer and essay style questions. Students will answer Lab practical test questions as well. Tests will be announced at least one week in advance and a review session will be held the day before the test. I encourage students to ask questions and seek extra help if concepts are unclear.

Science Binder Grade (~5%) Science Binders will be randomly reviewed for grade 3 times during the semester. So be prepared. This may seem tedious but it is very handing for studying and keeping track of your grade incase I mess something up. You will have every graded assignment in order and will have solid evidence to show me incase I record a grade incorrectly.

Communication of grades:

➢ Parents and students are expected to check grades using Family Link.

➢ Grades will be posted inclass anonymously every 2 weeks so that students may track their progress and keep up on missing work.

➢ Parents will receive one progress report in the middle of every quarter.

➢ Parents will receive a password allowing them to view their students’ work on the Edmoto website.

➢ Parents and students are welcome to contact me to set up a conference anytime.

o Email: JHines@

The rules that you as students have agreed to are in place to insure a safe learning environment, an environment that allows freedom of constructive thought and speech. I expect everyone to treat others as they wish to be treated; every person in this classroom will respect the views of others. Above all have Fun while learning Science… Eureka!


Please return this page to Hines. DATE DUE:________________

Thank you for your careful review and agreement to our classroom policies. Please sign to signify that you have read and agree to the Hines’ Classroom Policies. Thanks, Hines

Student Printed Name: ___________________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________________

Parent / Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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