Mr. Tickler's Class

AP Review – LEQ PromptsDifferent social, technological, and environmental factors led to the development of complex civilizations in the period before 600 B.C.E. Develop an argument that evaluates how one or more factors led to the development of complex civilizations in this time period. In the period 1450-1750, ocean voyages resulted in the Columbian Exchange, which transformed the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.Develop an argument that evaluates how the Columbian Exchange affected peoples in Afro-Eurasia in this time period. In the period 1900 to 2001, rapid advances in science and technology took place. Develop an argument that evaluates how advances in science and technology affected society in this time period. In the period 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E., different factors led to the emergence and spread of new religions and belief systems such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity. Develop an argument that evaluates how such factors led to the emergence or spread of one or more religions in this time period. In the period from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade, and expanded the geographical range of active trade networks. Develop an argument that analyzes economic continuities and changes in trade networks within Afro-Eurasia in the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. In the period 1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E. human populations migrated around the world for work, in some cases by choice while others were forced. Develop an argument that evaluates a significant continuity and a significant change in labor migration in the period 1450 – 1750 C.E. In the period from 1750 to 1900 the global spread of European political and social thought and increasing number of rebellions stimulated new transnational ideologies and solidarities. Develop an argument that compares the effects of at least TWO of the following revolutions. American Revolution (1775-1781)French Revolution (1789-1799)Haitian Revolution (1791-1803)In the period from 1900 to the present international conflicts such as World War I, World War II, and the Cold War altered political power around the world.Develop an argument that evaluates a significant continuity and a significant change in the global balance of political power in the period 1900 C.E. to the present. In the period 1900 to the present, people and states around the world adopted political ideologies such as communism, fascism, or nationalism to challenge existing political and/or social order. Develop an argument that evaluates how one or more of these political ideologies challenged the existing political and/or social order from 1900 to the preset. AP Review – LEQ OutlineDirections: With your group, create an in-depth essay outline following the template below for your assigned LEQ prompt. COPY and PASTE your assigned LEQ PROMPT at the top of the outlineIntroductionThree Solid Sentences to summarize the topic, time, and themes (“Previously on…”ClaimBody Paragraph #1Topic Sentence (What are your arguing in this paragraph) List specific historical evidence (What examples will you use to prove your argument)Summary Analysis Statement (1-2 sentences to explain how evidence you listed supports your argument) Body Paragraph #2Topic Sentence (What are your arguing in this paragraph) List specific historical evidence (What examples will you use to prove your argument)Summary Analysis Statement (1-2 sentences to explain how evidence you listed supports your argument) Body Paragraph #3Topic Sentence (What are your arguing in this paragraph) List specific historical evidence (What examples will you use to prove your argument)Summary Analysis Statement (1-2 sentences to explain how evidence you listed supports your argument) ConclusionThree Solid Sentences to restate and recap your claim and then relate your argument to the time period immediately after (“On the next episode…) ................

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