Science websites for 5th graders -

Science websites for 5th graders


Science websites for 5th graders

Free science websites for 5th graders. Amusement Park Physics Explore how the laws of physics play a role in the design of amusement park tours. Design a roller coaster, determine the outcome of auto bumper collisions, and more. Ask Dr. Universe How do chameleons change color? When was the light bulb invented? Why can't cats and dogs be friends? Want to know the answers to these and hundreds of other questions? Then ask Dr. Universe, the most curious cat in the world! Brain Pop Brainpop is a really cool and unique site full of animated health and science movies, and funny quizzes. Bill Nye the Science Boy Check out Bill Nye the Science Boy and his show, choose from 40 'Home Demos' you can try, watch video clips, and more. Color Matters Budding artists and anyone interested in color will want to see how color affects our mind and our body, its use in design and art, plus a lot more. Explains additive and subtractive color systems, how the eye sees colors, and how other cultures see and use colors. Dr. Bob's Interesting Science Stuff Investigate interesting and unusual scientific topics. It includes the sections 'Ask Dr. Bob' and 'Did You Know'. Explore Leonardo Discover Leonardo da Vinci, his futuristic inventions and the unique way to look at the world in this attractive site. Extreme Science Where is the deepest place in the ocean? Which creature is the strongest? Want to know which is the fastest terrestrial animal? Take a look at this site for answers to these and other scientific record-breakers! FT Exploration A fun-filled science site exploring energy and other basic science principles. Topics include sections on "super bugs", photosynthesis, marine science, and more. Know-it-all turtle, Dr. Galapagos provides humorous and intuitive answers to scientific questions. At Funology, science is all for fun! But that's not all. In addition to fun facts and experiments you can perform, you will also find crafts, recipes, magic tricks, jokes, and much more. Great engineering results of the 20th century In 1900, life was a constant struggle. 100 years later, the world was a healthier, safer and more productive place, due to the hard work of engineers and scientists. From electrification, to cars, to computers, learn how engineering has changed and improved our lives. How Stuff works curious about what makes things tick? As Stuff Works brings you hundreds of items covering a wide range of subjects such as 3D graphics, animals, video games, engines, roller coasters, toys, electricity, computers and much more. Infrared Zoo The Infrared Zoo shows how animals appear in a completely different light. See how birds, reptiles and mammals look like infrared, and learn how animals fur, blubber and feathers to isolate. Make a human body tour. This site offers a fun, interactive way to get to know skeletal, digestive, muscle and other body systems. Join Earthman, Sunnyray, Fluffy and the rest ofGang to learn all about our planet, time and ways to recycle and conserve Earth's resources. You will also find sections with crafts you can do, games, coloring pages and many other fun things. Popular Science You will always find a lot of interesting and interesting things to read on the website of the famous Science Magazine. Articles on Science, Space, Internet, Computers and more are all here to keep you informed of the latest advances in technology. The rudiments of the Encyclopedia of Wisdom include thousands of cartoons covering almost everything you want to know! Originally plotted over a period of 14 years for the observer's daily, you'll find information on animals, art, entertainment, music, science, sports and 16 other subjects. The Scientific Explorer that uses common household items, make a salty volcano, a roto-branch, or one of over 25 other projects in this pretty site. Time for children Do you have a nose for news? Time Magazine's website for kids has science, entertainment and world news, along with research and home care, places to explore, online games and more. Science has made simple simple answers to common scientific questions, as well as fun projects, experiments and scientific news. Hockey science joins the exploratory and the San Jose sharks as they explain the science behind the equipment used in the game, such as slapping a disc at 100 miles an hour, keeping players fit and more. Science Monster Discover our solar system, take a star tour, see how you work in gravity and inertia, play a fun game Lunar Lander and more on this site from the makers of . Sea and sky take your pick and explore the beauty of the sea, or the wonders of the universe. Sea and Sky is an incredible resource, providing ample information on the mysteries of each in amazing detail. Skateboard Science sees how skateboards are made and know the science behind how tricks like 'the Ollies' are made. Includes video plus a skateboard glossary. Strange scientists scientists have not always had the right things and this site shows some of the blouses they have made in their quest for knowledge. Included is a chronology of significant historical and scientific events, biographies of noted scientists and artists and resources you can use to learn more. Triumph of the Nerds Take a look at the history of computers and some of the "nerds" who contributed to their existence, play "Guess the Computer" to see how much potential nerds you have, read the detailed transcripts from the TV Program this site is based and more. Volcanoes learn how they form volcanoes, see what happens when a volcano erupts and find out what science is doing to better understand and predict when a volcano erupts Your weight on other worlds Did you know that a person weighing 120 pounds on Earth would only weigh 8 pounds on Pluto? Enter your weight on this site and you will be able to see how much you would weigh on 16 other planets, moons and even stars. UN UN Non-fiction texts and sites have become more important with the implementation of recent educational standards. For teachers with a limited budget, however, provide high quality materials and adequate to the age has placed a significant challenge. Fortunately, there are websites that will not only fill the non-fiction, the scientific gap in the classroom, they do it too for free. Start by exploring free science websites for watching children. You may also be interested in: 11 free reading websites for children 11 free math websites for children # 1. Frontiers for Young Minds provide educators, parents and students with scientific articles that are oriented towards children is what Frontiers for Young Minds is all. Intriguing articles and content suitable for drinks make it an excellent and engaging resource. #2. Earthquakes for children from images to puzzles and games, USGS provides students and teachers with excellent resources for earthquake education. Students can also ask a geologist a question or clarification on an argument (thinking about writing center!). # 3. Chemicool What is so great in the periodic table of the elements? Chemicool will tell you! Students can explore the periodic table of elements, know the scientists, and find out why science is so cool. # 4. Galileo Legacy Site Galileo was one of the most important spacecraft ever launched by NASA. From its discovery of a possible ocean on the Moon Europe to detailed information on Jupiter, Galileo changed the way scientists thought of the universe. This is the legacy site for the mission and offers great information on Jupiter and the importance of probe results. # 5. National Museum of Aria and Smithsonian Space There is something magical in Smithsonian museums. Deeply rooted in history, science and education, museums offer visitors both online and person the possibility of exploring how never before. The National Air and Space Museum brings science to students while exploring museum exhibitions and learn everything from planets to current research. # 6. Climate Kids La NASA offers students many wonderful opportunities to get to know different aspects of science and with their climate Kids site is not different. Focusing on the terrestrial climate and the impact of global change, the site offers activities, games, videos and more. It is a great site for a learning station of science when studying climate and climatic changes are studied. # 7. The Lorax project brings Lorax to live with this science-related site by Seussville's people, the official website for Dr. Seuss. The awareness of conservation has never been as interesting as when you combine with the characters in the history of Seuss, The Lorax. Activities, games and great information make the site Excellent resource for young students. #8. My First Garden There are few things that bring science to life Gardening. ? If you have never had your students plant a seed or design a garden, add it to your lesson plans for this school year. They will learn so much and have a lot of fun doing it. My First Garden is a fantastic site that helps students plan what they want to plant and provides them with the history and growing conditions needed for the plants they select. It's Cultivation. All of it. #9. It's The Farmer's Almanac for Children How many times have students heard the term "Farmers' Almanac" without understanding what it is? On the Farmers' Almanac for Kids website, they not only discover the details of the Almanac, but can also explore weather patterns and other scientific topics. Forecast with your students and see if the Almanac supports them! Number one. Building Big Building Big is a wonderful free website that can demonstrate the impact of an architectural design on the strength of a building and its ability to withstand natural disasters and the weather of everyday life. There are engineering workshops, information on some of the most interesting (and large!) buildings in the world and challenges to make students think about the importance of design. Number one. Discovery Kids Discovery Kids provides games, videos and learning materials to keep students busy and busy. Everything, from the solar system to puppies, is located on the site. It's a word of caution, since there are so many ads on the site. If you are looking for a good resource for parents, this might be a good choice. 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