Algebra I: Part I

SAT Math Preparation Class Syllabus

Mr. Cartin, mack.cartin@



Grading Scale Student Grade

A 90-100 Tests 30%

B 80-89 Quizzes 25%

C 74-79 Classwork 25%

D 70-73 Final Exam 20%

F below 70 TOTAL 100%

Course Requirements: Prerequisite: In the 11th or 12th grade planning to attend college that requires the SAT exam. Everyday all students must bring the following: notebook, pencils, and calculator. Students will need a scientific/graphing calculator on the SAT. I recommend a Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus (~$100), or a TI-NSpire (~$130). I will spend a good bit of time in class teaching how to use the calculator. So, please go ahead and purchase one of the above calculators to use for the course. During the SAT is not the time to learn how to use a new calculator.

Course Description: The SAT Math Prep Class focuses on the Mathematics Section of the SAT test. In addition to learning test taking skills, students will review four broad conceptual themes: 1) Number and Operations 2) Algebra and Functions 3) Geometry and Measurement 4) Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability.

Notebook: An up-to-date, accurate notebook will be critical for success in this class. Your notebook will serve as your “personal tutor” for studying for quizzes and tests. Students must have a one 2 -inch 3 ring binder. The notebook should be organized with the syllabus being the first page and the remainder of the notebook divided into 3 sections with tabs. Section 1: Class Notes, Section 2: Classwork, Section 3: Quizzes. Notebooks will be collected and graded on a regular basis.

Homework: All assignments will be completed during the class period.

Tests: All tests will be announced in advance. There will also be a final exam given in this course. Students will review for tests/final during class. All students are required to take the course final exam.

Tardiness: All students should be in class before the tardy bell rings. The classroom door closes when the tardy bell rings. It is simple. If the door is closed, you are tardy. The school tardy policy will be strictly enforced. Habitual tardiness results in detention, in-school-suspension, Saturday school and eventually suspension. Tardiness leads to out of class punishment which results in absence which leads to course failure. Be in class on time.

Tutoring: Monday (3:30 – 4:30pm), Thursday (7:30 – 8:10am), and other days/times by appointment.

Extra Credit: I do not offer extra credit work.

(Please review, complete and sign reverse side)

Class Expectations (Keys to Success)

➢ Attendance is Crucial. The majority of concepts covered should be a review of concepts learned in Algebra I & II and Geometry or Math I and II. However, it has been a while since you’ve seen the concepts. If you miss too many classes, you will not do well on the SAT or in the class.

➢ Come to Class Prepared. Everyday you will need a pencil, paper, calculator, and your notebook. Bring everything daily.

➢ Come Prepared to Learn. We’ll cover many concepts. Stay on task at all times. Part-time listening is a recipe for full-time failure.

➢ Participate in Classwork, Discussion and Activities. Your participation will allow me to gauge your level of understanding. When you have a question, Ask it! There is no such thing as a stupid question. Sleep at home, not in class.

➢ Take Responsibility For Your Actions and Your Grades. Don’t blame your actions on someone else. Everyone is graded on the same scale. My goal is that all students complete the course with an “A”. However, grades are earned, not given. You will receive the grade you earn.

➢ Respect Yourself and Others. Trash talking, cursing, bullying and put-downs are not appropriate or tolerated. The teacher will always respect you. Act the same toward the teacher and fellow students. Inappropriate behavior will result in a call to parents and a referral to an administrator.

➢ Put Forth Your Best Effort. Do your best at all times and push yourself. The best performers in the arts and athletics push themselves to their individual limits. Do the same in academics.

➢ Remain Quiet and In Your Assigned Seat. You should be prepared to start learning when the late bell rings. As soon as you enter the class, find your assigned seat, place your homework in the homework basket, sharpen your pencil, and get out your notebook. Begin working on the warm-up assignment as soon as the late bell rings. Frequently we will have group activities. Keep group discussion focused on the assigned activity. Bathroom passes will only be given on an emergency basis. Parents should notify teacher should there be a medical reason to deviate from the policy.

Student Name (Printed): ___________________________

Student Signature: ___________________________

Parent Name (Printed): ___________________________

Parent Signature: ___________________________

Parent Phone # Home: ___________________________

Parent Phone # Work: ___________________________

Parent Cell #: ___________________________

Parent Email Address: ___________________________

Circle Preferred Contact Method: Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone Email

May I contact you at work or on your cell phone regarding issues that require your immediate attention (ie: behavior, failing grades, etc)? ________________________

Parents, thank you for your support. I encourage you to use Pinnacle to monitor your student’s progress. Please feel free to contact me via email should you have any questions or concerns. The best way to contact me is via email: mack.cartin@ . You may also leave a message at 770-819-2521 extension 230.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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