Study Guide Chap 6: DNA

UNIT 6 Study Guide: DNA

1. Who were the scientists involved with DNA and what were their contributions

_Rosalind Franklin constructed an X-ray diffraction image of DNA . _Watson & Crick constructed models of the structure of DNA and used Franklin’s data to correctly identify the structure of DNA as a double helix.___________________________ ____________________________________________________________


2. _DNA_____ has a structure like a twisted ladder; it is called a ___double___ ______helix____.

3. DNA is made of chemical building blocks called nucleotides. To form a strand of DNA, nucleotides are linked into chains, with the phosphate and sugar groups alternating.

4. Nucleotides are made of a _sugar____, a _____phosphate___, and a ___nitrogen base__.

5. Draw and correctly label a nucleotide below:

6. Chargaff’s rules states that A = _T_ and C = _G_.

7. If TTGGCTA is a strand of DNA, what would its complementary strands look like?


8. In DNA, what are the sides of the ladder and the steps of the ladder made up of? Draw and label the structure of DNA below.

Sides: made of sugars and phosphates

Steps of Ladder: made of nitrogen base pairs

9. Chromosomes are made of __DNA____ and protein.

10. Write the complimentary strand to the DNA sequence below:


11. In a DNA strand, the sides of the “ladder” are made of alternating _sugar___ and ___phosphate_ molecules.

12. In a DNA strand, the steps of the “ladder” are made of _nitrogen____ __bases____.

13. A group of 3 bases that code for an amino acid is called a _codon____.

14. A strand of DNA is “read” from ___left___ to ____right________ like reading a book.


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