Allen Independent School District

Respiratory System Clinical Procedures

Pulmonary Angiography: __Dye________ is injected into a blood vessel, and

_x-rays are taken of the arteries or veins in the lung.


Bronchoscopy: Lighted, flexible, fiber-optic tube is passed through the nose, throat, larynx, and trachea and into the bronchi. Specimens can be obtained through the tube.




Endotracheal Intubation: Tube is placed through the nose or mouth, through the pharynx and larynx and into the trachea to establish an airway and allow a person to be placed on a _ventilator.


Laryngoscopy: Lighted, flexible tube is passed through the mouth or nose into the _larynx in order to _visually examine the _larynx.


Pulmonary Function Tests: Measures ventilation mechanics and quantity of air moved into and out of the lungs. A spirometer measures air taken in and out of lungs. Forced Vital Capacity – pt. inspires to maximum and then exhales into spirometer as _forcefully_ and rapidly as possible.


Thoracocentesis: Insertion of _a needle or catheter through skin and between _the ribs into pleural space to obtain fluid for analysis, to _drain pleural effusions, or to re-expand a collapsed lung.


Thoracoscopy: Examination of the pleural space, pleura, and lungs with a scope_ that is inserted through a small incision between the ribs.

Tracheostomy: Creation of an _opening_ into the _trachea through the neck and the insertion of a tube to create an _airway; can be __permanent or used as an _emergency device.


Tuberculin Tests: Intradermal injection causing a local _cutaneous inflammatory reaction in persons who have had or currently have an infection with tuberculosis.

Tube Thoracostomy: _A chest tube is passed through a small incision in skin to continuously drain pleural spaces after thoracotomy.



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