These reports are frequently augmented, so use …



To Counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ & the Restoration of All Things


N.B. Each topic is titled with a familiar Bible term. The parenthesis ( ) which follows identifies either the actual or a counterfeit fulfillment of prophecy through the agency of the secret societies. Please see Introduction for protocols of this prophecy study.


A. Rapture of the Church (Transformation/Transfiguration/Astral Travel)

B. Blood of the Martyrs (Vampirism)

C. Time of Jacob's Trouble (Israel Persecuted/Anti-Semitism)

D. The Two Witnesses (John the Baptist & John the Evangelist)

E. Murders / Human Sacrifice (Genocide/Eugenics)

F. No Death (Cloning)

G. Men Will Seek Death (Suicide)




20-A. RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH (Transformation/Transfiguration/Astral Travel)


• At the end of the Church Age, the true Church will be caught up to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air.

• The rapture of the true Church will be celebrated on earth as God's removal of the wicked; Satan will have a false rapture at the beginning of the Golden Age.

|God's Plan | Pre-Flood Era   |


• The rapture of the Church will be celebrated on earth as God's removal of the wicked.

    "The Odes of Solomon is an apocryphal book of songs believed to be written by newly baptized Christians of the First Century.  It is interesting to note that in one of the songs, it speaks of the Saints, i.e. the Elect going out to meet Jahshuwah.  Odes of Solomon 7:18-23

    "The Most High will be known in His Saints, to announce to those that have songs of the COMING OF JAHSHUWAH

    "So that they may go forth TO MEET HIM, and may sing to Him with Joy and with the harp of many tones. The seers will come before Him and they will be seen before Him, And they will praise Jahshuwah for His love because HE IS NEAR and beholdeth. Thus hatred will BE TAKEN FROM THE EARTH, (rapture of the wicked), along with jealousy it will be drowned. For ignorance hath been destroyed, BECAUSE THE KNOWLEDGE OF JAHWAH HAS ARRIVED (arrived on earth.)  Jahshuwah is the Living Word, i.e. wisdom and knowledge of Jahwah, thus the knowledge or the Word of Jahwah has arrived on earth when Jahshuwah arrives.  All ignorance is gone." (emphasis in original) - 450

• Adepts and Masters will complete training by 'reincarnated' beings (demons) for teaching the masses to ascend / transcend the material world.

"There are many Light workers on the Earth now to help people with the preparation that is needed to ascend. In the future they will complete their own ascensions and teach all over the world. Right now these Light workers are helping by channeling Sananda (Jesus), the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, and many other higher dimensional beings. Bringing their messages, love and energy to the Earth." - 875

""When magi speak of 'the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel,' they refer to that particular manifestation of spirit which is their own experience. The principle is the same, whether it is the great Aumakua of the Hawaiian Hunas or the visitation of the Archangel Gabriel for someone in our culture. The purpose of M/magic(k) is not worship, but transformation. And the purpose in evoking the Holy Guardian Angel is to obtain information that is essential to the work of transformation." (912)


• The Antichrist will declare those who have been raptured to be 'the wicked'.

And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.- Rev. 13:6

• Astrology and Grail mythology will be used to promote and determine the timing for a false rapture.

"Traditionally Scorpio has been associated with male sexuality, destruction, the occult, the mystical, illumination and...healing and resurrection." - 100:301

"It will be through the Grail in England that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the Seventh Golden Age." - 45:37

• The False Prophet and 144,000 monastics will oversee a false rapture -- an initiation rite called the Transfiguration.

    “…God is revealed as light above all at the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor, when ‘his face shone as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light’ (Matt. 17:2). This divine light, seen by the three disciples on the mountain—seen also by many of the saints during prayer—is nothing else than the uncreated energies of God. This light of Tabor, that is to say, is neither a physical and created light, nor yet a purely metaphorical ‘light of the intellect’. Although non-material, it is nevertheless an objectively existent reality.  Being divine, the uncreated energies surpass our human powers of description; and so, in terming these energies ‘light’, we are inevitably employing the language of ‘sign’ and symbol. Not that the energies are themselves merely symbolical. They genuinely exist, but cannot be described in words; in referring to them as ‘light’ we use the least misleading term, but our language is not to be interpreted literally.

     “Although non-physical, the divine light can be seen by a man through his physical eyes, provided that his senses have been transformed by divine grace.  His eyes do not behold the light by the natural powers of perception, but through the power of the Holy Spirit acting within him.

     “’The body is deified at the same time as the soul’ (St Maximus the Confessor). He who beholds the divine light is permeated by it through and through, so that his body shines with the glory that he contemplates. He himself becomes light. Vladimir Lossky was not speaking merely in metaphors when he wrote: ‘The fire of grace, kindled in the hearts of Christians by the Holy Spirit, makes them shine like tapers before the Son of God.’ The Homilies of St Macarius affirm concerning this transfiguration of man’s body:

“Just as the Lord’s body was glorified, when he went up the mountain and was transfigured into the glory of God and into infinite light, so the saints’ bodies also are glorified and shine as lightning… ‘The glory which thou hast given to me I have given to them’ (John 17:22): just as many lamps are lit from one flame, so the bodies of the saints, being members of Christ, must needs be what Christ is, and nothing else… Our human nature is transformed into the power of God, and it is kindled into fire and light.’

“…In the lives of the saints, Western as well as Eastern, there are numerous examples of such bodily glorification… In The Sayings of the Desert Fathers we are told how a disciple looked through the window of Abba Arsenius’ cell, and saw the old man ‘like a flame of fire’. Of Abba Pambo, it is said, ‘God so glorified him that no one could look at his face, because of the glory which his face had.’…

“…as Jacob Boehme puts it, ‘The darkness is not the absence of light, but the terror that comes from the blinding light.’” (Bishop Kallistos Ware) - 633:127-128


See: The 144,000 (Monastic Communities) 24.F

Candidate for False Prophet: Bishop Timothy (Kallistos) Ware

• Demons will be summoned to teach mankind how to ascend, i.e., astral travel, out-of-body experiences, transcending the material world.

"At its heart, the ascension is a spiritual awaking and a step to the next level of spiritual development. You chose to be born into a physical body to experience and learn from what the Earth has to offer. In most cases, you learn by being born into each life with a limited understanding of the spiritual being that you are. We are here to help you expand your awareness of yourself and to help those who wish to take that step to move on to their next level of spiritual development.

"To ascend is to complete your 3D Earth studies and graduate to the next level. When you ascend you move beyond many of the limitations that you have on the 3D Earth and you regain a more complete conscious connection with your higher self and All That Is (God)...

"Light workers are people who are from the higher dimensions who have incarnated on the Earth in this lifetime to help with the ascension. Most Light workers have incarnated on the Earth many times over the millenniums as teachers and spiritual leaders, helping and supporting the spiritual development of people on the Earth." - 875


"A Hebrew document called Baraita deMazzalot (the Baraita of the Constellations) is a comprehensive astrological treatise along the lines of Hellenistic astrology but with a Jewish theological slant... Connected with these on some level are the early mystical tractates known as the Hekhalot literature (Merkavah mysticism) that claim to give instructions on how to ascend through the seven celestial palaces to view the throne of God (the Merkavah) and sing with the angelic choir or, conversely, to compel angels to descend from heaven to teach the mystic esoteric secrets of Torah…

"…Hekhalot texts do tend to summon angels (never God, I believe) in a very preemptory way, and they ask for various types of esoteric wisdom and theurgic power." - 883

"…The study of...mysterious visions and symbols, according to the Talmudic *haggadah* or commentary on the 'tellings' or narratives of the Tanak (sacred scriptures), tells of the descent of this same 'fire' on the expositor of the prophetic scrolls when in a holy state of contemplation. In contrast, such meditation could lead to an 'ascent' (in imitation of Elijah) which could lead astray the unprepared, but could, as in the case of R. Akiva, lead to ascent and descent in 'perfect peace' (Scholem, 1991)." - 885

• Ascension rites will produce altered states of consciousness in which the initiates imagine they see God and become deified.

"The earliest documents (~100 - ~1000 A.D.) associated with Kabbalah describe the attempts of 'Merkabah' mystics to penetrate the seven halls (Hekaloth) of creation and reach the Merkabah (throne-chariot) of God. These mystics used the familiar methods of shamanism (fasting, repetitious chanting, prayer, posture) to induce trance states in which they literally fought their way past terrible seals and guards to reach an ecstatic state in which they 'saw God'." - 884

"It seems clear also that the Merkavah mystics were deified (turned to angelic creatures of fire) before the throne of God, at least for the duration of the heavenly journey. Enoch received this deification permanently when he was transformed into the angel Metatron in 3 Enoch. But perhaps not too much should be made of this either, since deification rites are also known from the pagan magical papyri..." - 883

• The counterfeit 'ascension' will be levitation rite that is performed through the combined agency of musical instruments and the ingestion of white powdered gold as part of the Grail Mass and Luciferic Initiation.

"In 'Genesis of the Grail Kings', Laurence Gardner describes the exotic anti-gravitational properties of the white powder of gold and other orbitally rearranged monatomic elements (ORMEs). Our collective work in this field has led us to postulate on the potential of the three combined forces: the single-atom powder, acoustics and architecture - and that, without this triple and holistic conjunction to facilitate an interdimensional state known as the Plane of Sharon, the superconductive forces inherent in levitation may not be possible. We do not know at this stage whether the Tibetan stones contained a monatomic substance, but it is becoming possibly apparent in other architectural structures around the world." - 740 


"...if you ask a Rabbi if he ever heard of the white powder of gold, he says, yes, we know of the white powder of gold, but to our knowledge No one knows how to make it since the destruction of the first Temple, the Temple of Solomon.

"This knowledge was not completely lost, the high priests who left the temple when it was destroyed went out on the desert and organized the community known as Qumrun, they were the Essenes. If you get copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, which Eiseman and Wise just translated, this in ancient Egypt was known as the GOLDEN TEAR from the EYE OF HORUS.

"It was the white powder of gold mixed in water. It was called that which issues from the mouth of the creator. The spittle. Not the word of God, but the spittle, or the semen of the father in Heaven...

"You have to understand the symbolism, the understanding of; prepare yourself like a bride in the bridal chamber, purify and cleanse yourself, prepare yourself for the coming of the father in Heaven. To be inseminated by this father in Heaven in the bridal chamber, to totally be regenerated, to be purified, to be cleansed.

"Every cell in your body will be taken back to the state it is supposed to be, when you were a teenager or a child. It perfects the DNA, and closes the light within the body until you literally reach a point where the light body exceeds the physical body.

"...But you also have to feed the spirit body, you have to feed the KA, so it can grow and become what its meant to be. And most of you are not feeding your KA... The texts say you must feed the KA with the semen of the father in heaven.

"And the KA grows and grows, becoming ever more enlightened, until you reach a point where the light body exceeds the material body, you literally light up the room when you walk in. The gifts that go with this are perfect telepathy, you can know good and evil when it is in the room with you, you can project your thoughts into someone else's mind, you can levitate, you can walk on water, because It is flowing so much light in you, you literally don't attract to gravity." - 657


See: Sorceries/Pharmakon (Alchemy/Holy Grail) 9.B

New Song/Sound of the Trumpet (Pipes of Pan) 18.B

A Review & Defense of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church*


• Watch and pray that ye may be accounted worthy to escape.

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. - Luke 21:34-36


See also: Matt. 25:1-13

• Out-of-body experiences result in demon possession.

"Of the further dangers of the great starry abyss, little is known. Many of those who have attained or aspired to ascension have not returned, and of those who have, much of what they attempt to communicate to us is so garbled or easily misconstrued that nothing comes of it save yet another malformed religion (Buddhism, Christianity, Thelema...). Even in Qabalistic terms, the final path to Kether is that of the Fool; and the would-be Ipsissimus who travels it becomes all but incomprehensible. Whether this is due to a loss of sanity or to the attainment of so-called supersanity, it is impossible to say. Perhaps their wits burn up on re-entry." - 876

"Most occultists deeply desire to spend more and more time in their Fantasy World. They can travel there through Astral Travel, in which their soul actually leaves their body to go into the next dimension; of course, a demonic spirit must remain in the body to keep it from dying, as it will when it has no spirit.  The Bible speaks to this fact most clearly; in Genesis 25:8, God describes Abraham's death in this manner:  'Then Abraham's spirit was released , and he died ...' [Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary].

"Of course, a person that practices Astral Travel is demonically possessed.  The spirit that stays behind to keep the human body alive is the spirit(s) possessing that Satanist." - 881


20-B. BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS (Vampirism)


• At the end of the Great Tribulation, God will avenge the blood of His saints by shedding the blood of their persecutors.

• At the beginning of the Golden Age, the Antichrist will avenge the blood of the Inquisition heretics by shedding the blood of Christians.

God's Plan | Pre-Flood Era   | Old Testament   |Church Age (Last Days) |Tribulation |Great Tribulation> |Millennium |New Heavens/New Earth | |Satan's Counterfeit |Pre-Flood Era |Old Testament |Church Age | Tribulation   |Great Tribulation | ................

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