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Linking the Classroom into the World: The Environment

Система изучения разделов «Окружающая среда» (8 класс)

и «Сохраним природу» (6 класс)

на уроках английского языка

Авторы – учителя школы №34

г. Карши:

Наталья Хамидова (5 учебных планов)

Турабоева Камила (2 учебных плана)

Болтаева Чарос (2 учебных плана)

Гуломова Шахноза (2 учебных плана)


Сегодня проблема окружающей среды – это глобальная проблема, требующая большого внимания всего человечества. Для ознакомления учеников с этой проблемой в учебник английского языка введен раздел «Проблемы окружающей среды».

Четыре учителя английского языка школы №34 города Карши организуют изучение проблем окружающей среды, используя информацию из ресурсов Интернет.

В результате работы по изучению проблем окружающей среды в 6-х и 8-х классах была разработана система преподавания курса на основе интерактивных методов. Курс – это шесть ученых планов для 8 класса по разделу «Окружающая среда» и четыре учебных плана для 6 класса по разделу «Сохраним природу».

Цель курса опирается на требования государственного образовательного стандарта: «в процессе обучения учащиеся изучат географию, историю, литературу, искусство, науку и культуру, а также сведения об окружающей среде нашей страны и англоязычных стран».

В соответствии с образовательными стандартами учащиеся должны знать:

6-ой класс (стр.71):

- сведения о площади и населения изучаемых стран;

- природу;

- погоду.

8-ой класс (стр. 72)

- познать проблемы окружающей среды.

Тема «Сохраним природу» в 6-ом классе поддерживает цели № 13 «Nature and climate» в учебнике. Тема «Окружающая среда» в 8-ом классе соответствует целям раздела № 8 «Environmental matters» в учебнике.

Особенность данного проекта – широкое использование метода «разговорная речь», что является одним из необходимых условий для всестороннего изучения языка.

Опыт показывает, дети, которые способны переводить трудные тексты и знают хорошо грамматику, но не имею разговорной практики, зачастую не могут ответить на элементарные вопросы. Поэтому устная речь, вместо переписывания текстов и слов из учебника, дает возможность ученикам употреблять грамматику английского языка в реальной жизни. Таким образом, диалог и разговорная практика, как один из наиболее легких и доступных методов развития речи через многократное повторение того или иного материала, дают возможность организовать обсуждение проблем окружающей среды на уроке.

Новизна предлагаемых материалов в том, что в содержание урока внедряются Интернет ресурсы. Интерактивные методы стимулируют учеников к обсуждению экологических проблем, делиться своим отношением к проблеме с классом и учителем. Освещение темы происходит в доступной и интересной форме и привлекает внимание учеников к изучению предмета в целом.

Цели проекта:

- расширить знания учеников в области окружающей среды, ее проблем в глобальном размере;

- использовать в изучении темы новейшую информацию и раздаточный материал, полученные из Интернет;

- внедрить в преподавание курса новые методы обучения: групповое решение проблем, образовательные игры, мозговой штурм и дискуссия.

Проект также нацелен на:

- развитие критического мышления учеников;

- выявление и развитие и ораторских и лидерских способностей учеников;

- повышения ответственности учеников за сохранность природы, то есть воспитание навыков активного гражданина.

Какие знания получат ученики:

• Работая в группах, научатся слушать и принимать мнения других членов группы, дискуссировать во время мозгового штурма, разовьют ораторские способности;

• В игровой форме узнают новые слова и выражения, относящиеся к теме, практикуя их во время презентации своей группы, или представляя свою позицию;

Повысят свои знания о проблемах окружающей среды, которые им обязательно пригодятся и в изучении других предметов: истории, географии, науки, физики, биологии и т.д.

Научатся определять и решать проблемы окружающей среды в группе, разовьют навыки критического мышления и творческий подход к решению проблемы.

Разовьют устную речь, научатся выражать свои мысли на английском языке

Для того, чтобы использовать содержание проекта, материалы представлены в виде учебных планов, уроки по которым провели авторы проекта. Каждый учебный план содержит в себе ресурсы Интернет и интерактивные методы, имеет следующую структуру:

1) Введение в тему;

2) Новая информация по теме (ресурсы Интернет);

3) Интерактивная часть;

4) Творческое домашнее задание.

Обязательным требованием для использования материалов проекта является доступ к Интернету и принтер. Раздаточный материал, подготовленный учителем на основе информационных технологий, на уроках дает возможность компенсировать недостаток учебников у учеников или устаревшую информацию в учебниках.

Содержание курса для 8-ого класса

Данный раздел представляет собой систему преподавания курса в 8 классе по разделу «Окружающая среда», состоит из 5 уроков и одного альтернативного урока по теме «Аральское море».

Содержание и план уроков по разделу «Окружающая среда»:

|№ |Название урока |Автор |

|1 |The Aral Sea Disaster |Наталья Хамидова |

|2 |The Aral Sea (alternative) |Наталья Хамидова |

|3 |The catastpophe in Asia |Наталья Хамидова |

|4 |The Earth Day |Турабоева Камила |

|5 |Animals in danger |Болтаева Чарос |

|6 |Problems and solutions of environment |Турабоева Камила |

Hamidova Natalya

Karshi, school #34

Teacher of English language

Subject and the class: This lesson plan for English language, Lesson for 8th forms.

Name of the lesson: “The Aral Sea Disaster”

(the theme was taken from the book English Matters, Unit 8 , Environmental matters ,lesson 2-3) the lesson plan was elaborated in accordance with educational standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The theme is divided into two lessons (45 min each, 90 min. in total)

Lesson goals:

1. learn about the Aral Sea

2. figure out why the problem of Aral Sea appeared

3. learn new words connected to process and the environment

4. to aware students how human actions can change natural systems.

Description of necessary resources:

Paper – to print the information on, to use in group work

Printer – to print the information.

Wall map – to find the location of Aral Sea.

Internet access – to find necessary information .

Posters – for the interactive part.

New terms and definitions :

Environment, damage, spill, crisis, exceed, disease, smog, burst, jobless, shrink, decline, irrigation, livelihood, harvest, healthcare, increase, decrease, consequences, disaster, degradation, ecological disaster, shrinkage, pollution, hazards, reduction

Detailed description of the lesson, indicating the steps and timeline:

Before the lesson, find recent information about the Aral Sea location, its environmental Problems and causes of disappearance, consequences of the changes in the Aral Sea, about current situation in Muynak, about organizations working to save the Aral Sea.

Make a photocopy to each pupil with the information about the Aral Sea. This information can be taken from following sites:

- ? Id=519&print-general information about Aral Sea

Geographical location of the Aral Sea

reasons, consequences, solutions of the Aral Sea problem

map of the Aral Sea

- map of Salton Sea

First part of the lesson (45 min.)



What is the worst episode of Soviet mismanagement?  People usually say “Chernobyl” but they are wrong.  Another catastrophe that will have that will have a much deeper environmental impact long term- perhaps in all of human experience -is the Aral Sea Disaster.  This lesson will focus on the disaster that has befallen the Aral Sea as a direct result of human mismanagement before and after the collapse of the USSR.   The themes of location, place, human-environment interaction and regions will be emphasize.

Step 1 – Speaking and writing. (5 min)

Introduce the topic to the students: The Aral Sea .Ask the students to write words and expressions about the Aral Sea.

The spider web drawing on the blackboard shows the arrangement.

Tell them that they can put any word there are able the connection to the Aral Sea.

What do you know about Aral Sea?

With your partner, write as many words as you know about Aral Sea

Step2. Work with map. Ask a student to point out the Aral Sea on a world wall map so everyone knows here it is located (5 min)


Ask a student to point out the Aral Sea on a world wall map so everyone knows where it is located.

Step 3.Speaking and reading. (10 min)

Before students discuss in pairs what do you think caused the Aral Sea crisis.

Now read the text and see if you were right.

Give each pupil a copy of the text containing information about the Aral Sea taken from web resources.

Let them read it attentively. During reading tell them to:

1.Circle unfamiliar words and expressions.

2.Underline the ideas they do not understand.

3.Make notes about sections in the text they would like to discuss about.

The Aral Sea

The degradation of the Aral Sea has been called the greatest human-caused ecological disaster of all time From 1960 to 2000 it lost 75 percent of its volume and 50 percent of its surface area. In the early 1960s the Soviets began to use the waters of the two main rivers flowing into it, the Syr-Daria and Amu-Daria to irrigate the plains of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in order to grow cotton.

The degradation of this sea has been ruinous to the people and plant and animal life in its region. None of the twenty species of fish once found in the Aral survives in the sea's heavily polluted and highly saline water. The water become very salty and lost most of its natural plants and animal life. The low quality of water has caused many diseases. Towns that were once sea-side resorts or which relied on the fishing industry for their viability now sit in the desert, many miles from the shore line. The ships Muynac's population once used for its thriving fishing industry now sits on desiccated land full of salt and pesticides. The dust from this degraded land is carried by the wind for as far as 150 miles, which presents health hazards to populations of the region. Studies also show that with the reduction of the Aral Sea's size, the surrounding climate has changed. Summers are hotter and dryer; winters are longer, colder, and snowless. This has a significant impact on agriculture in the region; the growing season has been reduced

Several international organizations including the UNDP and

UNEP are now helping the Government of Uzbekistan tackle the problem of the Aral Sea. The World Bank is giving over $30 million to help save the Aral Sea.

In fact, there is a joke that if every expert who visit the Aral Sea brought a bucket of water the problem could be Solved! But for the people of the area it is no laughing matter. Written in chalk on the side of a ship stuck in the sand near Muynak are the words, “Forgive us Aral. Please come back!” Whether the Aral is prepared to forgive us is still an unanswered question.

Step4.Have students brainstorm answers to the following questions in their groups and write down their responses: (10 min)

• How does the current situation in the Aral Sea region affect your daily life (as a biologist, fisherman, etc.)?

• What power, if any, do you have to improve conditions in the Aral Sea region?

• Do you want to improve conditions in the Aral Sea region? Why or why not?

Let students compare the level of water in 1960 and 1990.


Step 5. Divide the class into 4 groups ask students to consider how the following are affected by changes in the Aral Sea, and write their point of view on this topic: (15 min)

• Human health

• Agriculture

• Fishing industry

• Ecosystems

Homework:Ask students to imagine that they are experts who have been called in to the Aral Sea region to help find solutions to the problems there. Have them, either individually or in their groups, list the things that they think would need to be done to help.

As an option, have students carefully assess their lists and write paragraphs answering the question "Do you think there is any hope for the Aral Sea and its people? Why or why not?"

Lesson 2. Investigation of the Aral and Salton Seas

Step 1. Students answer the question (5 min )

Why has the water become more and more salty?

• Why are more people getting sick?

• How is the climate changing?

• What has happened to the fishing industry, and why?

Step 2. Draw a puzzle on a blackboard, write each question on a peace of paper and put them up-side-down on the desk, let students come to the blackboard and choose one question and write the answer into the puzzle, the questions and the answers of the puzzle written bellow. (10 min)

1.One of the organizations working to save the Aral Sea.

2.The layer in the atmosphere protects us from the sun’s harmful rays.

3.Breathing dirty air can affect your…..

4.The salinity of the Aral Sea is high. In other words it contains too much…..

5.By cutting down too many trees we are disturbing the balance of…..

6.The planet on which we live.

7.A time when there is very little food in region.

8. A combination of smoke and fog.

9.A former fishing town near the Aral Sea.


1.UNEP 2.ozone 3.health 4.salt 5.nature 6.earth 7.famine 9.Muynak

Step 3.Speaking and reading and comparing. Bellow is a text about Salton Sea in Southern California which has the same problem as the Aral Sea, it is given to students so student could have an idea about the water problems in other part of the world. (10 min)

The Salton Sea, located in Imperial County of Southern California, is a saline lake that was formed in a large basin (called the Salton Trough) created by releasing bend of the San Andreas fault. In modern times, the Salton Trough became a lake in 1891, but dried up within a year. It began to form again in 1893. In 1905, the Colorado River was diverted into the Salton Trough to create the Salton Sea. The Salton Sea was originally a fresh water lake. The Aral Sea , located in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, is historically a saline lake. It is very much like the Salton Sea of Southern California, except much larger. The Aral Sea was also formed in a basin formed by a releasing bend of a strike slip fault. The Aral Sea and the Salton Sea are both prime examples of dynamic environments. The Aral Sea is considered a true environmental disaster, but most students do not think this could ever happen in the United States, much less in their own back yard. By making students aware that the Aral and Salton Seas share many similarities, we hope that students will become more environmentally conscious. It may be too late to "save" the Aral Sea, but there is still hope to prevent the ecological collapse of the Salton Sea.

Step4. Divide the class into two groups. (15 min)

First group write about similarities and second group write about differences between the Salton Sea and the Aral Sea.

Approximate answers:

Differences and similarities between the Salton (SS) and the Aral (AS) Seas

• Recent major environmental changes that were caused by humans.

• Potential dangers from military toxins/wastes.

• Loss of fisheries due to human-caused environmental changes.

• Sea water that is polluted by sewage, pesticides, defoliants, selenium (SS), agent orange (AS), and DDE (SS).

• Salinity at near-fatal (SS) or fatal (AS) level for sea-living organisms.

• Salinity levels that are still on the rise.

• Major source of airborne particles (dust) for their respective regions.

• Cotton growing regions.

• Closed systems, with no outlet except for evaporation.

• The health of animals and people in the areas have been negatively affected.

Evaluate students according to the answers. (5 min)


Search for information in Internet, answering the following question:

What are the names of the rivers supplying the water to the Salton Sea?

Is there any other source(s) of water entering the Salton Sea?

What is grown in the Salton Sea region?

Does the agriculture in the area create any environmental concerns/problems?

Do any organisms live in the Salton Sea?

What is the recent history (since 1900) of the Salton Trough?

What is the more ancient history of the Salton Trough?

Alternative version of the lesson plan about Aral Sea

Hamidova Natalya

Karshi, school #34

Teacher of English language

Subject and the class: This lesson plan for English language lesson in 8th forms.

Name of the lesson : “The Aral Sea”

(the theme was taken from the book English Matters, Unit 8 , Environmental matters ,lesson 2-3) the lesson plan was elaborated in accordance with educational standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The theme is divided into two lessons (45 min each, 90 min. totally)

Lesson goals:

- learn about the Aral Sea

- figure out why the problem of Aral Sea appeared

- learn about the organizations that help Uzbekistan to solve this problem

- learn new words and definitions

- practice using active and passive voice(turning the sentences from active to passive & passive to active)

Description of necessary resources:

Paper – to print the information on , to use in group work.

Printer – to print the information.

Wall map – to find the location of Aral Sea.

Internet access – to find necessary information .

Posters – for the interactive part.

New terms and definitions :

Environment , damage, spill, crisis, exceed, marble, cancer, smog, burst, rust, jobless, shrink, decline, irrigation, livelihood, harvest, slogan, healthcare, increase, decrease, consequences, disaster

According to the curriculum the lesson “The Aral Sea” is divided into two parts – two lessons, a plan lesson 45 min., so there is 90 min. for explaining the causes of the changes in the Aral Sea.

Detailed description of the lesson , indicating the steps and timeline:

Before the lesson, find recent information about the Aral Sea location, its environmental Problems and causes of disappearance , consequences of the changes in the Aral Sea, about current situation in Muynak, about organizations working to save the Aral Sea.

Make a photocopy to each pupil with the information about the Aral Sea. This information can be taken from following sites :

general information about Aral Sea

Geographical location of the Aral Sea

reasons, consequences, solutions of the Aral Sea problem

First part of the lesson (45 min.)

Step 1 –Introduce the lesson : ( 5 min . introducing,20 min. reading, 25 min. totally)

Introduce the topic to the students : The Aral Sea .

Give each pupil a copy of the text containing information about the Aral Sea taken from web resources .

Let them read it attentively .During reading tell them to :

1.Circle unfamiliar words and expressions .

2.Underline the ideas they do not understand .

3.Make notes about sections in the text they would like to discuss about .

Step 2- Reading comprehension ( 5 min. )

Ask pupils if they didn’t understand something, explain it to them and than ask them to check out the unfamiliar words in online dictionaries, like lingvo.ru

Step 3 – Check out how they understood the text (15 min.)

Ask following questions:

1.Which of the following would you choose as a title for the text ?

Environmental Problems in Uzbekistan …

The Pollution of the Aral Sea …

The Aral Sea Disaster …

2.Find the answers to the following questions in the text :

a. How many species of the fish once lived in the Aral Sea ?

b. By how much has the level of the Aral Sea fallen since 1960 ?

c. How much money is the World Bank giving to help tackle the problem?

d. How much water is lost from the Sea each year through evaporation ?

e. What was the increase in the rate of infant death between 1980 and 1989 ?

Home assignment: Design a notice to inform people about the problem you have chosen and to make them think about the way they act.


- to make the message clear and direct

- to include some facts to strengthen the message

- to think of a memorable slogan

- the design should be “eye-catching”

The second part of the lesson using interactive methods: (45 min.)

Step1- preparation for group work (10min.)

Divide pupils into three groups.

1-group) Reasons of Aral Sea problem

2-group) Consequences of Aral Sea problem

3-group) Problem solutions

Step2-Work in groups, grammar practice(30min totally, 20 min. work with posters,10 min. presentation ,3 min. for each speaker )

Each group will get a poster, where they have to write 5 sentences in active voice about the topic they are given: 1-group: reasons of Aral Sea problem, 2-group: Consequences of Aral Sea problem, 3-group: Problem solutions and then turn them to passive voice and write them down at the poster. The sentences should be created basing on the main text they read at the first part of the lesson.

After completing this task each team will choose a leader that will present the poster of the team.

Step3-Conclusion (5 min):

Make a conclusion of the lesson let students express their opinion about the lesson.

Home assignment: To solve an environmental crossword copied for each student.

Expected results:

• During the lesson students are expected to:

• learn about the problem , consequences and solutions of Aral Sea problem.

• Practice their grammar(active and passive voice)

• Learn new words and definitions.

Kashkadarya Region, Karshi

Hamidova Natalya

Teacher of English Language in school # 34

Name of lesson: The catastrophe in Asia.

Class of the lesson: the lesson is elaborated for the 8th form, The lesson plan totally accord to the educational standards of Uzbekistan (the lesson is taken from the book English Matters, Unit 7,lesson 5)


1.To show pupils examples on how disasters work and why they occur.

2.To present and practice some vocabulary in order to enable pupils to talk about different disasters.

3.To increase awareness about disasters: what we can learn from previous disasters and how these lessons can help us to be prepared for future disasters.

Necessary resources: Internet access to find overall information about natural disasters, printer to print the information on paper for each student, sites about disasters, copies of map for every student.

New terms and definitions: catastrophe, disaster, hurricane, earthquake, forest fire, drought, tsunami, ocean, killed, injured, death, destruction, damage, forecast, unexpected, unprepared.

Detailed description of the lesson Steps and Timeline:

Before the lesson, the teacher find recent information about natural disasters and its consequences. The teacher makes a photocopy to each pupil with the information about natural disasters and map about the most affected countries. This information can be taken following sites:

the map about the most affected countries by tsunami

-information about what tsunami is

The teacher suggest to view the following sites for preparing homework:

Step 1.Introduce the topic to the student: Disasters. -5 min

1.The teacher asks the pupils about disasters they know.

If pupils don’t know them in English the teacher helps them. (flooding, hurricane, earthquake, forest fire, drought)

2.The teacher asks the pupils about disasters they heard about in the news or read from Internet during the past few days.

Examples of answers -Tsunami in Indonesia, Thailand and India. Flooding in Russia, Lithuania, Switzerland and England. Forest fire in Florida, USA. Strong storm in New Jersey, USA. Blizzard in Colorado, USA.

Step2. Reading. -15 min

It isn’t easy to guess what nature will do? Every year natural disasters, such as earthquake, hurricanes, floods, forest fires, cause death and destruction all over the world. Natural catastrophes now kill a million people each decade and cause billions of dollars of damage. Although scientists try to forecast them and warn people, disasters are often unexpected and strike when people are unprepared. And now briefly about each disaster: tsunami is an undersea earthquake, earthquake is a shaking of the earth of the earth’s surface, flooding is the covering of dry land with water, hurricane is a very strong fast wind, forest fire is the fire spreading rapidly through trees, blizzard is a strong storm with wind and snow, drought is a long period without rain.

Step 3.Work with map. -5 min

The teacher gives each pupil a copy of the map containing information about the most affected places by tsunami. The teacher lets them to look it attentively and than pupils answer the following questions:


1.In what ocean is Indonesia, Thailand and India located?

The Indian Ocean

The Arctic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

2.What can cause tsunamis?

Undersea quake



3. The state in the United States at greatest risk for a tsunami?




Step 4.Writing. – 10 min.

Discuss with the teacher the following questions : -10 min.

1.Which disaster killed the most people?

2.Which disaster caused the most destruction?

3.Which disaster left the most people homeless?

4.Which disaster happened in Indonesia, Thailand and India?

Step 5 Matching. -5 min.

The pupils match the natural disasters with the definitions:

Earthquake an undersea earthquake

Flooding a shaking of the earth’s surface

Hurricane the covering dry land with water

Forest fire a long period without rain

Drought fire spreading rapidly through trees

Blizzard a strong storm with wind and snow

Tsunami a very strong fast wind

Step 6 Conclusion and home assignment 5 min.

The teacher explains that it is important to know what people must do when disasters occurred. People have to learn from previous disasters and be prepared for future disasters.

People have to help each other when they are in trouble.

Home assignment: to find information about recent disasters and complete the table:

|Type of disaster |Where |Number killed |Number injured |Other effects |

| | | | | |

- information about tsunamis.

Expected results: during the lesson students are expected to:

- Learn about natural disasters and its sequences.

- Learn about the most affected countries

- Learn new words and definitions about natural disasters

- Speaking, reading, writing practices

Turabaeva Kamila

Teacher of English Language in school # =34

Kashkadarya Region, Karshi Town

Lesson plan

Name of lesson: Earth Day.

This lesson accords to the educational standards of Uzbekistan, the theme is taken from the book English Matters: Unit 8, lesson 5-6.

Subject and class: lesson of English language for 8 grade students


1.Students will be able to recognize the various problems that Earth faces (pollution, endangered species, ozone depletion, etc.).

2.Students will identify and express how they feel about environmental problems on the Earth .

3. Students will become familiar with the terms pollution, activist, endangered species, extinction, recycling, ozone, hole in the ozone) the greenhouse effect.

4.Students will demonstrate their knowledge of what they can do personally to help protect and beautify the earth.

5.Students will demonstrate knowledge of an assigned endangered animal, and will become familiar with four additional endangered animals.

6. Students will become familiar with what Earth Day is, why it is important, and why it is celebrated.

Necessary resources: Internet access to find overall information about Earth Day, printer to print the information on paper for each student, paper for individual work and collaborative work, , information about specified endangered animals (articles or books),endangered Animals worksheet, posters - for discussion part.

New terms and definitions: ecology, environment, pollution, damage, ozone layer, become existing, habitat, pollution, endangered species, affect

Detailed description of the lesson Steps and Timeline:

Step 1.

1.Before the reading, introduce the topic –Earth Day. Ask the students what they know about it (allow the limited use of the mother tongue if needed).

2.Pre-teach key words, either by explaining the meaning or giving the translation.

3.Get them to read the text. Allow enough time for this.

4.Give each pupil a copy of the text containing information about Earth Day taken from web resources. Let them to read it attentively

About Earth Day

Environmentalists have been actively aware of these issues, and are doing their best to promote awareness. In the late sixties, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin first suggested the idea of an Earth Day to bring people to the realization that Earth has some problems, and we as humans need to do something about it. The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970. It was a nationwide focus. Twenty million Americans joined in to proclaim the message, "Give Earth a Chance." A series of events took place on a community level, most of which were organized by student groups. Since then, Earth Day has expanded. The tenth anniversary of the celebration in 1980 was sponsored partly by The United States Environmental Protection Agency. The twentieth anniversary in 1990 was sponsored by hundreds of environmental organizations across the nation. Every year on April 22, all Americans are asked to celebrate Earth, to take a look at what is being done to help our ecosystem, and to ask ourselves, "What am I doing to help?" Many people use the day to plant flowers or trees, clean up communities, promote recycling, forest and wildlife protection, etc., and look to the future of the earth.

Ask following questions:

1.What is the text about?

2.When did the first Earth Day take place?

3.Who first suggested the idea of an Earth Day?

4.Do many people celebrate this day nowadays?

Step 2.

Divide children into three groups and give them different texts about environmental problems.

Group 1:1.Pollution has become more and more a problem, especially in the past century with the drastic increase in technology. Garbage, sewage, chemicals, and oil are being dumped into the ocean. As human population grows, people are looking to the ocean more for resources. Landfills and littering have polluted the land. Dangerous levels of chemical emissions from cars, planes, factories, aerosol cans, etc., enter the air without end. Plants and animals are dying because of pollution.

Group 2:.Many species became extinct before mankind made its appearance, however, since humans have existed on the earth, the extinction rate has risen dramatically. More than 4,000 species are currently considered threatened. Plant and animal life become endangered for many reasons. Forest depletion, hunting, and pollution are the most obvious factors. When an animal becomes endangered, dozens of other species can also become endangered. For example, elephants disappeared from southern Africa about 80 years ago because of hunters. Elephants continue to be hunted, mainly for their costly ivory tusks. The endangerment of elephants also has endangered such animals in their area as wildebeest and antelope who live off of the open-grassland which elephants create by eating their way through a jungle.

Group 3:Ozone is a form of oxygen that has collected in a layer about 30 km above the earth's surface. This ozone layer protects us from most of the dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Without this layer, living things could not thrive on the earth. Satellites have detected in the last ten or so years damage done to the ozone. The damage is often referred to as a hole in the ozone. This damage has been caused by certain chemicals being emitted into the atmosphere that react with the ozone. One major chemical is called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are commonly used in such products as solvents used for cleaning electronics such as television and computer circuit boards, cooling fluid in automobile air conditioners, aerosol spray cans, etc. Ozone depletion has effected the temperature of the earth. Some scientists say that if CFCs were not in existence, the earth would be cooler now than it presently is. This global warming is often called the greenhouse effect.

Step 3 – Interactive game(15 min for the game 5 min for conclusion)

Divide children into three groups. Give each group a poster. Ask them to write the problem they read about in brief and propose the solutions to these problems. Ask each group to choose a leader and make a presentation of the poster.

Make a conclusion of the lesson ask students to express their opinion about the lesson.

Home assignment: Write an essay about “Why should we save water, energy, natura, animals and gas”

Boltaeva Charos

Karshi, school #34

Teacher of English language

Subject and the class: This lesson plan for English language, lesson in 8th forms.

Name of the lesson : “Animals in danger”

(the theme was taken from the book English Matters, Unit 8, Environmental matters, lesson 10) the lesson plan was elaborated in accordance with educational standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Lesson goals:

5. To increase awareness of the ecological importance of animals.

6. To practice group decision-making skills and writing.

7. learn new words associated with endangered animals and protection

8. to explore personal values and feelings about endangered animals

Description of necessary resources:

Paper – to print the information on , to use in group work.

Printer – to print the information.

Internet access – to find necessary information .

New terms and definitions :

Environment - Everything around us, plants, air, land, life etc.

Species - A certain type of plant or animal

Exotic species - Animals or plants introduced to new environments different from where they originated; may be dangerous to native species

Habitat - Natural home of plant or animal

Deforestation - Clearing forests of trees

Detailed description of the lesson , indicating the steps and timeline:

Before the lesson, find recent information about endangered animals

Make a photocopy to each pupil with the information about endangared animals

This information can be taken from following sites :

glossary about endangered animals

general info about endengered animals

info about tigers

- research form for the problems and solutions of endangered animals

- information about problems and solutions of endangered animals


“The deer, the horse the great eagle, these are our brothers......the Earth is our mother.......all things are connected like blood which unites our own house” - The Dalay Lama

Step 1 –Introduce the lesson : (10 min)


Get students come up with animals they know to be in danger in the world.

Discuss how they heard about them.

Why they are in danger?

Give each student a printed copy of the following picture, this is a picture of the animals which are being in danger at the present moment, let students define the names of animals and write down the ones which are unfamiliar to students.


Step 2. Reading and disscussing: (20 min)


A species is said to be extinct when it has not been seen for over 50 years. Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago but, in the last 50 years, more animals and plants have become extinct, because of hunting and loss of habitat. Globally, many hundreds of species will face extinction in a very few years without intensive conservation, education and environmental management and policy-making.


The dodo was a large bird found on Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean. It was like a big turkey with a large beak. Since it had no natural enemies, it had lost the ability to fly. Having no experience of predators, the dodo was easy for the newly arrived European settlers to catch and kill. The rats and pigs they brought with them also killed thousands. By 1680, 80 years after the arrival of Europeans, the last dodo was dead.


In January 1999, hundreds of parrots, toucans and macaws ate fruit from farms in Guyana. In response, the farmers, using government money, poisoned the birds. People are angry because they believe that a foreign company had destroyed the birds’ habitat, which had forced the birds to invade the fruit farms.

We must take action against those who get satisfaction in driving species to extinction.


Tigers are just one of the beautiful species of animals that face extinction in the wild if we cannot step up our efforts to conserve their habitat, and protect them from poachers.

Discuss following questions:

Many animals are in danger because people kill them for sport or profit. Can you imagine a world without animals? How can we stop it becoming a reality?

What can be done to save them from extintion ?

What is your opinion on hunting animals?

Do people hunt animals for selfish reasons?

Which forms of life do you think it’s more important to save, endangered plants or endangered animals? Why?

What kind of animals should be saved? Usefulness to humans? Beauty? Species that live in your country?

Why are most people more interested in saving larger , more beautiful animals than smaller, less beautiful ones?

Step3: Problems and solutions: (15 min)

Give students a text and the Endangered Animals Research Form about problems and solutions of endangered animals so student can be awared about the main reasons of animal disappering and the ways of solutions of this problem, the text can be taken from: , the Endangered Animals Research Form can be taken from:

After students read the text make students do the following activities:

1. Ask students to brainstorm a list of animals that they think might be endangered. Next, ask students if they know why the animals are endangered. Then discuss what might be done to save the animals.

2. Provide students with research materials. Then hand a copy of the Endangered Animals Research Form to each student. From the list provided, assign one or two animals to each student, or divide the class into small groups and assign one or more animals to each group.

3. Explain to students that they will do research, focusing on two areas of information: why an animal is endangered (problem), and what could save the animal (solution). Have students complete the Endangered Animals Research Form.

4. Have students share what they have learned with the class

Homework: To find information about endangared animals in Uzbekistan

Turaboeva Kamila

Karshi, school #34

Teacher of English language

Subject and the class: This lesson plan for English language lesson in 8th forms.

Name of the lesson : Problems and solutions of enviroment.

(the theme was taken from the book English Matters, Unit 8, Environmental matters ,lesson 5-6) the lesson plan was elaborated in accordance with educational standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Lesson goals:

-talk about envinromental problems

-Students will discuss the relation to environmental solutions

-learn to recognize how human activities can have adverse environmental consequences;

-propose alternative activities to save environment clean

Description of necessary resources:

Paper – to print the information on , to use in group work.

Printer – to print the information.

Internet access – to find necessary information .

New terms and definitions : Ozone depletion

poisonous gases, dust storms, pollution, protect,rubbish, recycle,cancer,harmful

Detailed description of the lesson , indicating the steps and timeline:

- information about air polution,ozone depletion, global warming, human health

about water


- problem solutions of environmental problem

- glossary


The quote from an American Indian Chief speaking over 140 years ado.

“The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Eath. All things are connected. Whatever happens to the Earth happens to us. We didn’t weave the web of life. We are only a stand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourself.”

In most places, we have to wash our windows regularly. Why? Because they get clogged with pollution from the air. But that is the same air we breathe – and we can’t wash our lungs.

People love cars, most of us want one! What can we do to end this love affair with the car before it ends us?

Step 1 –Introduce the lesson : (5 min)

Introduce the topic to the students : Problems and solutions of environment.

Brainstorming with the class about what environmental issues are, and what can cause problems of environment.

Step 2. Reading. (15 min)

Read the text about environmental matters .

Choose the title for each text wich best describes its main idea.

1.Air pollution 2.Human health 3.Ozone depletion 4.Global warming

1.Our planet is becoming choked with poisonous gases mostly from our daily activities like driving cars, warming our houses and running power stations. The problem is worst in Latin America and Asia. In cities like Seoul and Mexico City, the air is so bad, some people wear face masks to filter the air they breathe. In cities like Beirut and Damascus, dust storms make it even worse! And pollution doesn’t need a passport. Pollution from factories and power stations in Europe, North America and Russia ends up in the Arctic region.

2.Air pollution is a major factor in causing humans to get ill. Tuberculosis, bronchitis, heart and chest diseases, stomach disorders, asthma and cancers can all be traced to chemicals in the air. Pesticides and fertilisers release gases and particles into the air which poison people and kill animals.

3.Imagine that the Earth has a sunshade around it protecting it from the heat of the sun. This is called the ozone layer but the sunshade has holes so that harmful rays get through, causing cancer. To prevent it, we wear sun glasses to protect our eyes, and sun cream to protect our skin.

4.For years, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were used as a cooling device in freezers and air conditioners. Scientists discovered, however, that CFCs destroy the ozone layer – the layer that filters ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Ultraviolet radiation causes eye damage and skin cancer. An international agreement commonly called the Montreal Protocol, signed in 1989, has helped stop the production of CFCs. If we keep to this agreement, ozone-depleting substances will stop being produced and the ozone layer will begin to repair itself over the next 100 years.

5.The world is warming up because carbon dioxide (CO2) from smoke and car exhausts collects in the atmosphere and traps some of the heat going back to space, like a greenhouse. CO2 and other greenhouse gases are expected to raise global temperature by an average of 2°C by the year 2100 causing the polar icecaps to melt, sea levels to rise and freak weather conditions which may cause millions of deaths.

Discussion:With of these problems do think is the worst? Why?

Step 3. Speaking. Presenting solutions to students. Give students a list with the following solutions and ask the to read and remember them and propose their own solutions: (10 min)

Things you can do to protect the environment every day, wherever you are!

Don’t leave your rubbish lying around.

Get your family and school thinking about environment issues daily!

Promote anti-pollution awareness: demand car-free days

Plant trees – care for and nature them

Get your community to encourage recycling of all their waste

Create a garden! Grow fruits and vegetables. Reward yourself with nature’s riches every day

Step 4.

Matching, this will help students to remember the new words from the texts and know the meaning of this words. Give students a printed copy of the list with new words and their meanings or write them on the blackboard and let them define the right meaning to each word. (15 min)

Asthma - Ultraviolet rays: an invisible form of energy harmful to most living organisms

Bronchitis - Substance which provides plant nutrients when added to soil

Carbon dioxide - Gas formed by burning of carbon and by breathing

Ozone - Cancer of the skin caused by over-exposure to sunlight

Skin cancer - A form of oxygen with three atoms in a molecule; found as a layer in the upper atmosphere, and close to the ground

Environment - Energy from the sun

Solar energy - Everything around us, plants, air, land, life etc.

Fertiliser - A disease which affects lungs and breathing

UV rays - Illness which makes breathing difficult


Asthma - Illness which makes breathing difficult

Bronchitis - A disease which affects lungs and breathing

Carbon dioxide - Gas formed by burning of carbon and by breathing

Ozone - A form of oxygen with three atoms in a molecule; found as a layer in the upper atmosphere, and close to the ground

Skin cancer - Cancer of the skin caused by over-exposure to sunlight

Environment - Everything around us, plants, air, land, life etc.

Solar energy - Energy from the sun

Fertiliser - Substance which provides plant nutrients when added to soil

UV rays - Ultraviolet rays: an invisible form of energy harmful to most living organisms

Homework: Write an essay about the environmental problems of Uzbekistan.

Содержание курса для 6-ого класса

Данный раздел представляет собой систему преподавания курса в 6 классе по разделу «Сохраним природу», состоит из 4 уроков. Содержание и план уроков по разделу «Сохраним природу»:

|№ |Название урока |Автор |

|1 |Wild Animals of Uzbekistan |Хамидова Наталья |

|2 |«What we can do?» |Гуломова Шахноза |

|3 |«Save the water» |Гуломова Шахноза |

|4 |“Dangerous Earth” |Болтаева Чарос |

Hamidova Natalya

Teacher of English Language in school # =34

Kashkadarya Region,Karshi Town

Lesson plan

Name of lesson: Wild animals of Uzbekistan.

This lesson accords to the educational standards of Uzbekistan, the theme is taken from the book Fly High: Unit 13,lesson 1.

Subject and class: lesson of English language for 5th grade students


1.To revise the vocabulary for wild animals.

2.To present and practice some more vocabulary in order to enable pupils to talk about wild animals and their habitats.

3.Draw attention to the plural formation of fox, mosquito, butterfly.

4.To increase awareness at the endangered animals.

5.To practice group decision – making skills reporting and writing.

Necessary resources: Internet access to find overall information about wild animals of Uzbekistan, printer to print the information on paper for each student, paper for individual work and collaborative work, sites about Uzbekistan. Posters - for discussion part.

New terms and definitions:

Wild, endangered, extinct, save, protect, hunt.

Spider, butterfly, lizard, varan, fox, hedgehog, snow leopard, tiger, eagle, snake, tortoise, wolf, deer, bear, gazelle, mosquito, mountains, tugai forest, desert , phalanx, tarantula, , scorpion, steppe agama, , jackal, black crow, wild goat, mountain sheep, wolf, bears ,snow leopards ,panthers, Bukhara deer .

Detailed description of the lesson Steps and Timeline:

Step 1.Introduce the topic to the student(10 min.)

Wild animals of Uzbekistan .Put pupils into groups and ask the groups, in three minutes, to write all the words that come in their mind about wild animals of Uzbekistan. Listen to the list: which group has got the most words?

Step 2. Reading(15 min)

Give each pupil a copy of the text containing information about wild animals of Uzbekistan taken from web resources. Let them to read it attentively.

This information taken from:

Wild animals in Uzbekistan

The fastest animals live in desert areas. . Among the fast runners are phalanx, tarantula, foxes , gazelles. Lizards are also among the fastest desert animals. . There are a lot of small animals too:

snakes, lizards, tortoises and spiders .A lot of snakes and spiders are poisonous. But we must not kill them. A lot of in the desert are rare. Varans live in the desert. They are dangerous but not for people.

There are phalanx, scorpion, tarantula, beetle, mosquitoes, and others. There are reptiles such as round-heads, steppe agama. Also, there are different types of wolves, hedgehogs, foxes, rabbits and other animals.

There are tugai forests near the Sir Darya, Amu Darya and Zarafshan rivers. There are deer in the tugai. When you are in tugai you cannot see the wild animals. They don’t like people. They run fast. But you can hear a lot of birds, wild ducks and frogs and see hedgehogs and beautiful butterflies. The snakes in tugai are not usually poisonous, but be careful-there are lots of mosquitoes.

The mountains in Uzbekistan are beautiful. There are wild goat, mountain sheep, bad fox, wolf, bears ,snow leopards ,panthers, jackal, black crow, Bukhara deer and many others.

Step 3 – Interactive game(15 min for the game 5 min for conclusion)

Divide children into three groups. Give each group a poster. Each group has to write on the poster the names of all animals depending from their particular habitats (desert, mountains, tugai forests )

Draw pupils attention, that the fauna of mountainous and plain areas is alike .



snow leopards

gazelles spiders

bears snakes




tugai forest

panthers hedgehogs

rabbits butterflies

ducks tortoises

butterflies snakes tortoises


snakes rabits

black crows

Bukhara deer






Draw pupils attention to the rule of plural formation of nouns: (for example fox(es),mosquito(es), butterfly(ies))

In conclusion explain that it is important to protect endangered animals, plants and insects. Many scientists predict that he lost of this species will have serious consequences for all species on the planet, including humans.

Home assignment: Ask pupils to interview four or five people. They should ask each person to name five endangered species. Have the students summarize their finding in a brief writing report and be prepared.

Expected results: Pupils will expand their knowledge about wild nature of Uzbekistan. Learn the rule of usage nouns in plural, learn about rare and endangered animals and in result learn about importance of saving the nature.

Gulomova Shahnoza

Teacher of English Language in school # =34

Kashkadarya Region, Karshi town

Lesson plan

Name of lesson: What we can do!

This lesson accords to the educational standards of Uzbekistan, Unit 13 ,lesson 4 ,6 class.


✓ To motivate “green behavior”.

✓ To practice writing and discussion.

✓ To increase awareness of the nature and extent environmental problems around the world.

✓ To increase individual actions that can help to protect the environment .

✓ To practice asking and answering yes / no .

Necessary resources: Internet access to find overall information about

New terms and definitions:

Environment – where we live

Global warming – the weather is getting warmer all over the world

Turn on, turn off, climate, nature, energy, gas, electricity, million, environment, damage, poisonous fumes,

Detailed description of the lesson Steps and Timeline:

Step 1.Introduce the topic to the student: Save the energy! (10 min)

1.Play: My leisure Time.

a. What do you do in you spare time?

Approximate answers: listening to the music, talk on the phone, watch TV, drink tea with friends.

2. Ask student: Is it possible to arrange the events mentioned above without energy?

Step-2. Speaking: Divide students into 4 groups. Discuss each the following ideas in groups (10 min.)

1.Life without electricity.

2.life without cars.

3.life without telephones.

4.life without TV, radio and computers

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of life without electricity.

Approximate answers:

Advantages: No pollution

Disadvantages: Everything would take much longer to do

3.Discuss and answer the questions(5 min):

.How do the people produce the energy?

By burning coal or oil.

3. What do the burning of coal and oil add into atmosphere ?

Carbon dioxide (CO2).

4.Is it useful to breathe in smog and poisonous fumes?

No. It causes different illnesses and cancer and it is very bad for environment.

Step 3. Reading text . Save energy! Now! (10 min.)

No matter were we live , the environment is facing a crisis.

When we make tea and coffee we use energy: gas, electricity and coal. Global warming comes from energy we use. So each time we make a cup of tea we make a problem for our world.

Lands that were once green are turning into deserts. Forests are disappearing , and the pollution of water and air is threatening all nations. If we want the environment to provide us with these resources, we need to protect it from damage.

2.Write the quotation on the board (5 min): “Mother planet is showing us the red warning light-“be careful”- she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house” –The Dalai Lama

3. Conclusion (5 min)

Divide the class into the groups and ask them to discuss the following questions:

1. How would you express the quotation in your own words?

2. Do you agree with the quotation? Why or not why not?

3. What can you propose to save energy?

Gulomova Shahnoza

Teacher of English language in school #34

Kashkadarya region, Karshi town.

Lesson Plan.

Name of the subject and class: English language, 6 form

Name of the lesson: Save water!

(Unit 13, Lesson 3. Fly high, 6 form)

Lesson goals:

1. Determine the amount of water used or misused daily at home.

2. Identify certain ways to conserve the use of water.

3. Discuss why water is essential for day-to-day .

4. To increase awareness of individual actions that can help to protect the water resources.

5. To practice asking and answering yes/no questions.

Necessary resources: Internet access to find overall information about Water, printer to print the information on paper for each student, paper for individual and collaborative work and for text photocopies, web resources as online dictionaries , sites about Saving Water . Posters for discussion part. A big wall map of the country.

Detailed description of lesson, indicating steps and timeline:

Step 1- Introduce the lesson: (10 min)

Make a brainstorming “What is water? for what and why do we use it”

Have learners discuss and write down the answers to the following questions:

1. Do you leave the water on all the time you brush your teeth?

2. When we use the washing machine, do we wait until there is a full load or do we do small and partial loads?

3. Describe how we wash our dishes by hand. Is there any way we can save water when we perform this task?


Water conservation is important in all states and for all individuals. Because water has so man uses, the more water we conserve, the more water there is available for other uses.

Man homes waste water daily. This can be prevented with a very simple method as well as becoming "water conscious". We use water in everyday life. If you thought water was just for bathing, drinking, and swimming, then you're wrong!

Step 2 – New words and practice, give students new words with it’s translation and let them make at least 5 sentences with new words. (15 min)

Approximate list of new words:

|bathe |liquid |spring |

|drink |natural |steam |

|drip |pipeline |stream |

|filtration |pond |swimming |

|fluid |pool |thirst |

|fountain |pour |treatment |

|humidity |puddle |vapor |

|ice |quench |water |

|intake |resource |wet |

| |river | |

Step 3 – Puzzle, give each student a printed version of puzzle and let them do it, and evaluate students by the result of how many words they found.(10 min)

- website of Franklin Institute online, where you can find interesting crossword about water and word related to water.

Water Words

|P |

|bathe |liquid |sewer |

|drink |natural |spring |

|drip |pipeline |steam |

|filtration |pond |stream |

|fluid |pool |swimming |

|fountain |pour |thirst |

|humidity |puddle |treatment |

|hydrogen dioxide |quench |vapor |

|ice |resource |water |

|intake |river |wet |

Prompt: [pic]

Step 4- Conclusion, making best solutions to save water.(10 min)

People in cities waste a lot of water everyday

You brush your teeth. The water runs. You waste 15-20 liters of water every minute.

You do your washing up. The water runs. You waste 15-20 liters of water.

In the summer the water runs when you wait for cold water. You can fill 24 bottles.

You have a shower. You use 15-20 liters water every minute! You can fill 40 bottles.

You have a bath. You use 230 liters of water.

When you reduce the water you save water.

Answer the questions:

1. Now many times a day do you do each thing?

2. Count how much water do use each time.

3. Write the total water you use each day.


Home assignment: Ask student to write their opinion about water according to the directions bellow:

I need water to _____.

Ask students why they think it is so important to keep the water.  Students will brainstorm things they do to protect and save the water.  Discuss ways that people water.    Students will brainstorm on the various ways to save water and brainstorm as a class the following questions. 

What would you do if you found a leaky faucet? 

How can you use less water when you brush your teeth? 

What can you do when you want a drink of cold water instead of letting the water run?   Students will brainstorm on the various ways to save water and brainstorm as a class the following questions. 

What would you do if you found a leaky faucet?

  How can you use less water when you brush your teeth?  What can you do when you want a drink of cold water instead of letting the water run?

Boltaeva Charos

Teacher of English Language in school # =34

Kashkadarya Region, Karshi Town

Lesson plan

Name of lesson: Dangerous Earth.

This lesson accords to the educational standards of Uzbekistan, the theme is taken from the book Fly High: Unit 7,lesson 5.

Subject and class: lesson of English language for 6th grade students


1.To revise the vocabulary of natural disasters.

2.To present and practice some more vocabulary in order to enable pupils to talk about damages, distractions and victims.

3. To increase awareness about natural disasters.

4.Searching information about recently occurred disasters.

Necessary resources: Internet access to find overall information about natural disasters, printer to print the information on paper for each student, paper for individual work and collaborative work. Pos

New terms and definitions:

Hurricane, forest fire, victim, death, injuries, damage, flooding, catastrophe, emergency, aid,

earthquake, tragically, courage, event

Detailed description of the lesson Steps and Timeline:

The information can be taken from the following sites:

-Tashkent v 1966 g

- about modern Tashkent.

- about tsunami

Step 1.lntroduce the topic to the student (5 min.)



1.The teacher shows the picture of well-known monument in Tashkent and asks the following questions:

Where is the monument?

Why it is there?

What time does the clock show?


Pupils answers”

1.In Tashkent

2. The symbolic of a monument is the strong earthquake in Tashkent.

3. 5.23 at the morning -this is the time when the earthquake begun.

Step 2. – Reading -14 min.

The teacher shows the pictures and gives a copy of the text containing information about the earthquake in Tashkent in 1966 taken from web resources .

The pupils read it attentively. During reading tell them to :

1.Circle unfamiliar words and expressions.

2.Underline the ideas they do not understand.


The last strongest earthquake taken place in Tashkent April 26, 1966. This tragically event of the newest history of two-thousand-year city found the reflection in the memorial "Courage" located on a coast of ancient channel Anhor. A choice of a place for a monument is not random. Channel Anhor divides Tashkent on two parts. On the right of its (western) coast there is an old city, and on east side from Anhor a so-called new (European) city appeared in second half XIX centuries. After joining of Tashkent to Russian empire this new city was designed and built up as the provincial center. In this place where there was an epicenter of the strongest earthquake of 1966, the monument "Courage" was erected.

Result of the strong earthquake was full or partial destruction of 38 thousand apartment houses and public buildings. There were also victims among the townspeople.

2.The teacher shows the pictures about old, destroyed and modern Tashkent and asks following questions:

Which do you like: old Tashkent or new Tashkent? Why?

Tashkent Pictures

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Alisher Navoi Theater |Amir Timur Monument |Amir Timur Museum |

|[pic] | |[pic] |

|Tashkent Circus | |Romanov Residence |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Tashkent Fountains |Modern Tashkent |Hast Imam |

|  |  |  |

Step3. –Reading -14 min.

The teacher gives the copy of the text about the history of Tsunami.

The pupils read the text and answer the following questions:

On December 26, 2004, there was a big earthquake off the coast of Sumatra. Sumatra is a large island in the Indian Ocean. It belongs to Indonesia. The quake shook the ocean floor forcefully. It sent out waves. These waves, called tsunamis, spread out from the center of the quake to all directions. As they came ashore, they grew higher rapidly. Eventually, they looked like giant "water walls"! Once these giant "water walls" hit the land, they broke and ruined everything they touched.


2     On land, many people died, and more lost their homes.


3     Underwater, coral reefs were gone, too.

After reading pupils answer the following questions:

1.What caused tsunamis on December 26, 2004?

2.In what ocean is Sumatra located?

3.Were there any deaths and destructions?

4.What happened with coral reefs?

5.What do you think would make a tsunami even more dangerous than earthquake or other related disasters?

Step4.Group discussion. - 10 min.

1.Is the disaster very easy to predict?

2.Can people expect and be prepared to disaster?

3.How people must be prepared, if disaster occur?

4.What activities can solve disasters problems in Asia? How can pupils take part in it?

Home assignment: to write essay “Should people help each other? Why?”,“How pupils of the world can help to people in trouble?”

The pupils can use the following sites:

Рекомендации учителю по использованию материалов проекта «Linking the world into the classroom: Environmental problems»

В наши дни взаимодействие общества и природы, благодаря появлению новых отраслей науки, техники, производства и расширению сферы влияния трудовой деятельности людей на окружающий мир, стало настолько тесным, что вторжение человека в природу уже не может быть хаотическим и безграничным. Оно должно определенным образом регулироваться, иначе человечество окажется перед лицом экологической катастрофы, не менее угрожающей его существованию, чем ядерная война.

Индейцы из Америки еще 140 лет назад высказали мысль:

«Земля не принадлежит нам: мы принадлежим Земле. Все на Земле связано. Что случится с Землёй, случится и с нами. Что мы делаем на Земле, обязательно отразиться на нас самих. И только когда последнее дерево погибнет, последняя река будет отравлена и последняя рыба выловлена, поймем ли мы, что мы не можем, есть деньги, что мы питаемся тем, что дает природа. » (Word Wise, Мартин Севиор)

Для предотвращения возможных отрицательных последствий вторжения человека в природу необходимо решение ряда научно-технических, социально-политических и других проблем, среди которых одно из первых мест занимают педагогические, воспитательные. Современная естественно научная картина мира немыслима без отражения экологических проблем.

Подрастающее поколение еще на школьной скамье должно быть подготовлено к научно обоснованному и бережному отношению к окружающей природной среде. Вот почему идея "экологизации" учебных дисциплин (т.е. формирования у школьников экологической культуры) приобрела в настоящее время исключительно важное значение. Изучение и знакомство с экологией и экологическими проблемами введено также и в английский язык.

Проект «Linking the world into the classroom: environmental problems» разработан специально для 6 и 8-х классов, для того чтобы ученики уже с раннего возраста понимали насколько важно оберегать природу и как страшны последствия экологических катастроф.

Система преподавания курса по английскому языку на тему «Linking the world into the classroom: the environment» разработана в соответствии с целями уроков, поставленными государственным стандартом Республики Узбекистан. В шестом классе ученики должны узнать сведения о площади и населения изучаемых стран, их природу и погоду, а в восьмом приступить к изучению экологических проблем.

Курс разработан для учеников, владеющих английским языком соответственно на уровне шестиклассника и восьмиклассника, имеющих навыки работы на компьютере и доступа к Интернет.

На каждом уроке широко используются ресурсы Интернет в виде раздаточного материала и рекомендаций для учителя, а также для повышения активности учеников на уроке и хорошей усвояемости изучаемого материала в ход урока введены интерактивные занятия в группе и образовательные игры.

Курс разработан специально для занятий в аудитории, то есть в каждом уроке предусмотрена распечатка материалов из Интернет. Следовательно, чтобы проводить уроки по требованиям курса учитель должен предварительно подготовиться к уроку, заранее найдя и распечатав необходимые материалы.

Как показала практика, при малом количестве компьютеров или при технических неполадках урок может быть менее эффективным или не достигнуть поставленных целей.

Предоставляемая система преподавания курса по экологическому разделу в английском языке для шестых и восьмых классов отличается от традиционных методов преподавания, но при этом достигает целей не только поставленных в учебнике, но и воспитательных, направленных на воспитание хороших граждан своей страны.

Основное отличие в том, что на уроке взаимодействует не только учитель с учениками, но также ученики с учениками, эту возможность даёт учителю применение интерактивного метода.

На уроках, помимо изучения нового материала, ученики развивают навыки критического мышления, анализа информации, и учатся выражать свои мысли. На каждом уроке ученики развивают навык устной речи, затем чтение и навыки написания. Осознание ценности чистой экологии и ужасающих последствий экологических катастроф, и нерационального использования природы во имя собственного обогащения, поможет ученикам научиться беречь природу и рационально использовать богатства природы нашего государства, что является одной из основных целей нашего государства, указанной в Конституции Республики Узбекистан.

Структура каждого урока предлагаемой системы преподавания курса составлена в определенной последовательности, которая на практике многих учителей показала свою эффективность. Каждый урок имеет следующую последовательность:

1) Введение в тему – в этой части урока учитель знакомит учеников с темой, составляется кластер, ведется мозговой штурм, о том, что ученики знают о данной теме, а затем учитель вводит их в тему и готовит к изучению нового материала. Эта часть урока рассчитана на 5-10 минут.

2) Изучение нового материала урока – на это обычно выделяется около 10-15 минут в зависимости от сложности и объема текста.

Изучение нового материла, в данной системе преподавания, обычно основывается на ресурсах из Интернета и дает базовые знания по данной теме. Во всех разработанных планах системы используются раздаточный материал и наглядные пособия. В раздаточных материалах для учеников обычно бывает текст, иллюстрации или кроссворды (кроссворды чаще используются в интерактивной части урока). В наглядные пособия входят географические карты, фотографии или картинки, соответствующие той или иной теме.

3) Закрепление темы с помощью вопросов, задаваемых ученикам учителем – после чтения нового материала требуется его закрепление, в соответствии с разработанной системой преподавания курса - это осуществляется через опрос в виде нескольких наводящих вопросов у учеников по изученному материалу. На это обычно выделяется около 5 минут.

4) Интерактивная часть, запоминание новых слов – это основная часть урока, на которую уделяется равное с изучением нового материала время, интерактивная часть является основной частью закрепления всех аспектов изученного материала. Между учениками, разделенными на группы, материал делится на определенные части, выражающие какую-либо определенную идею, и ученики получают по этой идее (отрывку текста) определенное задание. Обычно это заменяет письменное задание в виде упражнения по грамматике, лексике или орфографии в традиционном стиле обучения. Чем оно лучше обычного задания данного в учебнике? Интерактивность создает оживление среди учащихся и вовлекает как слабых, так и сильных учеников, таким образом, в выполнении задания участвуют все. А самое главное, интерактивные игры помимо развития навыков писания, чтения и устной речи развивают ряд других важных навыков, таких как ораторское искусство, критическое мышление и работа в группах.

5) Домашнее задание – влияет на прочное запоминание материала, а также имеет воспитательное влияние, оказанное на ученика уроком. Выполнение домашнего задания указывает на степень усвоения урока, насколько ученики поняли и запомнили те или иные правила. В данном курсе домашние задания для уроков различные. В темах, имеющих большой воспитательный смысл, выбирались задания типа сочинения или предложение своих путей решения той или иной экологической проблемы. Эти задания помогут учителю узнать, насколько ученик усвоил материал и как он подействовал на его ценности, его отношение к проблеме.

Следует отметить, что ход урока может быть несколько видоизменен учителем, использующим данные материалы, исходя из способностей учащихся и имеющихся ресурсов, учитель должен подстраиваться под интересы и способности своих учеников.

Поговорим об интерактивности на уроках, как отмечает Евгений КОЖАРА, директор Российского Центра педагогических технологий:

«Что может стать искрой, воспламеняющей творческую энергию ребят?! Интрига, парадокс, неожиданность, азартное условие игры, старт соревнования... Наверное, не стоит исключать и такие приемы, как «удар кнутом» типа: «Завтра решающая контрольная». Можно и вкусный пряник: «Победители поедут в Париж!»

Но самая мощная и безотказная «система зажигания» — это коллективная творческая работа.

Коллективный способ работы диаметрально противоположен нашему привычному, фронтальному способу.

На традиционном уроке ребята сидят в рядах, в затылок. Мизансцена выстроена так, чтобы каждый ученик видел не соседа справа, слева, спереди или сзади, а главное — руководящее лицо - Учителя. Принцип «разделяй и властвуй».

При такой методе главная для нас помеха — общение учеников между собой. Но тут и разделительная мизансцена не помогает. Их патологическая тяга друг к другу на уроке — сущий бич для учителя. Они толкают, пинают, дергают, бросают, передают, отбирают, переговариваются, подсказывают, перешептываются, меняются, договариваются, дразнятся и даже дерутся. Пока их держишь громким голосом и строгим взглядом, еще ничего. Но стоит нам отвернуться к доске, как тут же за нашей спиной начинается шум, движение... начинается жизнь, общение.

Единственное спасение от этой напасти — занять всех делом. Всех сразу. При фронтальном способе это обычно одновременная и индивидуальная работа, которая для многих ребят скучна и быстро надоедает. К тому же разнобой в скорости выполнения заданий все равно приводит к занятости одних и бездействию других.

Именно от их безделья все наши беды на уроке. «Занять всех детей делом» — фраза для нас магическая. Легко сказать. Как сделать так, чтобы они все время, каждую минуту были при деле?! Притом, что мы стараемся все сделать за них сами. Ведь когда мы говорим (а говорим мы много) или мучаем кого-то из них у доски, или разбираемся с кем-то, в это время они как раз и остаются без дела. (Если не брать в расчет наше заблуждение, что, когда мы говорим, они заняты тем, что нас слушают. Как бы не так. Наши разговоры их мало занимают)».

В интерактивной части разработанных планов уроков курса используются следующие виды взаимодействия учеников:

А) Работа в группах, групповое решение проблем и поиск путей решения - некоторые учителя избегают таких интерактивных приемов. Боятся, что общение учеников может превратиться в неуправляемый беспорядок, который потом трудно остановить. Действительно, в этом случае нужна режиссерская хватка. Важно заранее продумать, предъявить ребятам и принять как закон «правила игры» коллективной работы. Закон может быть игровым по форме, но жестким по регламенту. Особенно хорошо нужно продумать количество групп, на которые разбивается класс, количество участников в каждой группе, состав групп, способ их формирования. Четкого регламента требуют время раундов работы по каждому заданию, продолжительность и форма презентации результатов коллективного труда каждой группы. Представляется важным то, что коллективная работа в группах не должна быть слишком продолжительной. Весь урок опасно превращать в сплошное общение.

В) Мозговые штурмы и дискуссии - вариант мозгового штурма хорошо знаком нам по любимой не одним поколением телезрителей передаче «Что? Где? Когда?». Метод построен на вольном высказывании ассоциаций. Свободное ассоциирование первоначально использовалось в психотерапии, сейчас оно применяется также для группового решения задач, и это получило название «мозговой штурм». Смысл в том, чтобы коллективно генерировать идеи, которые не пришли бы в голову отдельному человеку, если бы он размышлял в одиночку. Слово за слово, образ за образ... Один высказывает, другой подхватывает, третий завершает. Сущность метода заключается в том, что выдвижение, предложение идей отделено от процесса их критической оценки и отбора. Было обнаружено, что человек средних способностей может придумать почти вдвое больше решений, когда работает в группе, чем когда трудится в одиночку. Кроме того, такая ситуация вызывает соревнование между членами группы. До тех пор пока соревнование не вызовет критических или враждебных установок, оно способствует интенсификации творческого процесса, так как каждый участник старается превзойти другого, выдвигая новые предложения. Правда, вместе с тем эксперименты показывают, что наилучшие результаты дает оптимальное чередование периодов индивидуального и группового мышления. По мере увеличения количества идей повышается их качество.

С) Кроссворды - "Игра века" - так называют кроссворд. Интерес к кроссворду поддерживается нашей природной любознательностью. Ведь, решение кроссворда тренирует память, оттачивает сообразительность, повышает грамотность, учит работать со справочной литературой, побуждает углублять знания, вырабатывает умение довести начатое дело до конца, позволяет скоротать время в пути и, что особенно важно, способствует активизации общения людей. Главное в игре - слово. Есть слова, которые должен знать любой достаточно образованный человек, и их легко закрепить в памяти во время игры.

D) Раздаточный материал - В процессе обучения иностранному языку чтение - один из важнейших источников языковой и социально-культурной информации. Но достаточно ли много мы читаем тексты в учебниках иностранного языка? Конечно, мы читаем тексты в учебнике, но часто в школах не достает учебников или информация в учебниках мала или устарела. Современные дети, изучающие иностранный язык, нуждаются в таких материалах, которые бы подстегнули в них интерес к живому языку, к сегодняшним реалиям жизни людей. Уроки с использованием веб источников ценны, во-первых, потому, что ученик соприкасается с реальным языком (а не условно учебным), а также, потому что, Интернет ресурсы всегда содержат новейшие материалы. А раздаточный материал дает учителю возможность снабдить каждого ученика нужной для него информацией.

В целом, интерактивные методы на уроках, игры, кроссворды и раздаточный материал, все это вносит большое разнообразие в ход урока, что и мотивирует учеников на активное участие на уроке.

В ходе преподавания проблем окружающей среды следует:

Внимательно относитесь к уровню знаний слабых учеников. Тщательно отрабатывайте весь учебный материал, уделяя большое внимание закреплению и повторению. Не избегайте «скучных» видов работы — отработки правил, повторения.

Старайтесь активизировать учащихся не внешней развлекательностью уроков, а особенностями самого предмета.

Во время опроса больше времени отводите ответу каждого ученика, добивайтесь действительно правильного ответа, никогда не исправляйте ошибки сразу: пусть ошибавшийся сам четко сформулирует и исправит свой ответ, а вы помогайте ему уточнениями и дополнениями. Всегда давайте подробную и объективную оценку каждому ответу.

Повышайте требовательность. Следите, чтобы учащиеся отвечали и выполняли проверочные работы самостоятельно, без подсказок и подглядывания. Старайтесь выполнять намеченный план и. анализировать свою деятельность на уроке вместе с учениками (сделать анализ того, чему научились, что понравилось на уроке, о чем еще хотели бы узнать).

В целом, проблема экологии очень насущна в наше время и несет в себе глубокий смысл. Мы зависимы от состояния экологии, поэтому нашей задачей, задачей педагогов, является своевременное и качественное донесение до умов молодого поколения всей важности сохранения природы, а также, параллельно с этим, изучение английского языка самым увлекательным и доступным образом.


(Литература и веб-ресурсы)

? Id=519&print-general information about Aral Sea (Environmental Literacy council)

Geographical location of the Aral Sea

reasons, consequences, solutions of the Aral Sea problem(Отдел Геоинформационных систем (ГИС) Центра Информационных Технологий петрозаводского Государственного Университета.)

map of the Aral Sea ( Medecins sans frontieres)

- map of Salton Sea (MSN Encatrata, World Atlas)

the map about the most affected countries by tsunami (Website of edHelper)

-information about what tsunami is (Website of edHelper)

glossary about endangered animals (United Nations Environment Programme)

general info about endengered animals (United Nations Environment Programme)

info about tigers (United Nations Environment Programme)

- research form for the problems and solutions of endangered animals (Houghton Mifflin Education Day)

- information about problems and solutions of endangered animals (Houghton Mifflin Education Day)

- information about air polution,ozone depletion, global warming, human health (United Nations Environment Programme)

about water

polution (United Nations Environment Programme)

- problem solutions of environmental problem (United Nations Environment Programme)

- glossary (United Nations Environment Programme)

- website of Franklin Institute online, where you can find interesting crossword about water and word related to water.

-Tashkent v 1966 g (Tashkent – past and present)

- pictures of modern Tashkent. (Advantour –web site of Central Asian World )

“Word Wise” – Martin Seviour, “Sharq” publishing house, 1997

“Forum” – English Teaching, Volume 43, November 2, 2005


Содержание проекта “ Система преподавания курса по английскому языку для 8 класса на тему «Linking the Classroom into the World: The Environment»”

и его описание с указанием авторов разделов

|№ |Название урока |Автор |

|1 |The Aral Sea Disaster |Наталья Хамидова |

|2 |The Aral Sea (alternative) |Наталья Хамидова |

|3 |The catastpophe in Asia |Наталья Хамидова |

|4 |The Earth Day |Турабоева Камила |

|5 |Animals in danger |Болтаева Чарос |

|6 |Problems and solutions of environment |Турабоева Камила |

Содержание проекта “ Система преподавания курса по английскому языку для 6 класса на тему «Linking the Classroom into the World: The Environment»”

и его описание с указанием авторов разделов

|№ |Название урока |Автор |

|1 |Wild Animals of Uzbekistan |Хамидова Наталья |

|2 |«What we can do?» |Гуломова Шахноза |

|3 |«Save the water» |Гуломова Шахноза |

|4 |“Dangerous Earth” |Болтаева Чарос |


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