Slains and Collieston Community Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 4th September 2013

|Present: |Roger Berl, Sally Sheehan, Sheena Junor, Julie Swan, Trish Davidson, Andrew Davidson, Nora Harper, |

| |Suzie Stewart, Alex Stewart, Nicole Bell, Charles Esson, Councillor Merson |

|Apologies |Councillors Davidson and Thomson, Annette Holland, Huib Attema |

|In attendance |Julie Ritchie, Police Scotland |


| | | |

|Approve minutes |Proposed by Sheena, seconded by Suzie | |

| Police Scotland | Constable Ritchie told the meeting that apart from five calls about sheep on the | |

| |road, there was nothing of major significance to report. | |

| |Operation Ruby is still ongoing and a reminder was given for vigilance in securing| |

| |vehicles. The police would welcome calls if anyone has any concerns if they think| |

| |something looks suspicious. | |

| |Roger asked if the police were aware of the car in the ditch near Slains School. | |

| |He also thanked the Police for their attendance at Gala. | |

| |A concern was raised about speeding in the village, particularly at the top of the| |

| |village where children are playing. Constable Ritchie will request the mobile | |

| |speed camera on our behalf. As well as advising motorists of their speed the | |

| |camera can also collect data. | |

| | |PC Ritchie |

| | | |

|Election Results and |Nominations closed on 23rd August with no requirement for an election. Three | |

|election of office |Community Councillors retired by rotation – Sarah MacPherson, Sally Sheehan and | |

|bearers |Nicole Bell. Nicole and Sally had been nominated and re-elected with a new | |

| |member, Andrew Davidson also being nominated and elected. | |

| | | |

| |Roger thanked Sarah on behalf of all the Community Council for her three years on | |

| |the Council and the last two years as Chair. | |

| | | |

| |Roger welcomed Andrew to the meeting and to the Community Council. | |

| | | |

| |Election of office bearers was as follows:- | |

| | | |

| |Chair – Roger Berl Proposed by Suzie Stewart, seconded by Nicole Bell | |

| |Vice Chair – for consideration at the next meeting | |

| |Secretary – Sally Sheehan – by common consent | |

| |Treasurer – Proposed by Julie Swan, seconded by Trish Davidson ( nomination | |

| |subject to Huib’s acceptance as he was not present at the meeting) | |

| |Planning & SNH liaison – Charles Esson | |

| |Well Being – Sheena | |

| |Suzie Stewart – Website and Fact Sheet | |

| | | |

| |New bank account signatories would be advantageous, deferred until the next | |

| |meeting. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Sally |

|Matters Arising |Sarah had sent some updates for consideration. Sarah is happy to liaise with the | |

| |families who are donating two memorial benches to the village. All in agreement. |Sarah |

| | | |

| |Judges have visited to assess our entry to Formartine in Bloom. The award is in a| |

| |few weeks, Lesley Stewart had indicated her interest in attending – Trish Davidson| |

| |will also go. |Trish |

| | | |

| |Sarah said that although she would be pleased to continue to help with planting | |

| |etc, she would be unable to coordinate. Trish Davidson and Julie Swan offered to | |

| |compile the order for next year’s bedding plants, and would also liaise with the | |

| |Slains School request. |Trish/Julie |

| | | |

| |Sarah felt that the rockery is in need of rebuilding. Members present felt unable| |

| |to commit to this project at the present time. | |

| | | |

| |A small working group would assess the current ownership and condition of village | |

| |lawn mowers and strimmers and determine their future use and need | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Trish/ |

| | |Andrew |

|Secretary’s Report and |Several points were brought to the attention of the Community Council:- | |

|Correspondence | | |

| |A PVS and PRS licence would be purchased on completion of the hall refurbishment. | |

| |Future meeting times were discussed, all in agreement for a 7pm start. |Sally |

| |New plates to be purchased as there were some breakages over the summer. | |

| |The possibility of obtaining a village Costco card was discussed but declined. |All |

| |Nicole said that it may be possible to purchase items through the shop’s Cash and | |

| |Carry card if required. |Sally/ |

| |The Community Council had submitted letters of support of behalf of Mill of Leask |Sheena |

| |residents regarding the consultation about reinstatement of the bridge, and also | |

| |in support of Forvie’s application to the AEFF for a new Forvie Hub. | |

| |An environment grant had been submitted to the Formartine Partnership for a new | |

| |Marmax bench for the play park. | |

| |A new Homecoming Scotland Grant was a potential source of revenue for next year’s | |

| |Gala. For discussion at the next meeting. | |

| |A consultation of Visioning Aberdeenshire was to be circulated shortly around | |

| |members and the wider community. | |

| |An application had been submitted to the British Heart Foundation for possible | |

| |funding toward the purchase of the second defibrillator – this will be sited at | |

| |the hall. | |

| |David Burrows had expressed interest in starting a new climbing club for village | |

| |children and young people. He hopes to attend a future meeting to outline his | |

| |plans. | |

| |The Fire Service and Ellon Rotary organise “Santa Claus” to go around the streets | |

| |in Ellon before Christmas. Suzie will ask Cameron if he could make enquiries | |

| |whether this is a possibility for Collieston. |All |

| |Email: | |

| |Aberdeenshire council Settlement Objectives - Slains and Collieston Community | |

| |Council | |

| |Aberdeenshire Council, Denis Scott – Gala insurance | |

| |Robert McGregor Formartine Delegated list – June 2013 | |

| |Police Scotland Local Policing Team Update - Formartine | |

| |PVG through Youth Scotland - Collieston Action for Teens | |

| |Various correspondence re Mill of Leask bridge | |

| |Estate factor – Bog drains | |

| |Next Day Catering – invoice for new water flask and optics | |

| |Various correspondence re memorial bench |Suzie |

| |Jamie Harrison Police Scotland re meeting dates | |

| |Roger Berl Ythan Project volunteers meeting | |

| |Various correspondence re payment for village work | |

| |Sian Earlam – CATs donation to Community Council for Gala and Pier fund for Fun | |

| |Run | |

| |S&CCC response to Mill of Leask consultation | |

| |Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Car Parking review | |

| |Village resident requesting flowers in memory of Connor Shields | |

| |Ellon times in regard to opening of Smugglers Cone | |

| |Various correspondence regarding funding for events/projects | |

| |Various emails in regard to additional meeting re current projects | |

| |Rod Gunson Formartine Partnership Formartine in Bloom dates | |

| |Carol Crawford – community Council election arrangements | |

| |Sarah MacPherson re Forvie Hub request for letter of support | |

| |Huib Attema finance update | |

| |Sarah MacPherson re proposal for climbing wall at Cransdale car park | |

| |Sian Earlam broken plates | |

| |Annabel Drysdale – letter of support request for Forvie Hub | |

| |Sian Earlam Costco card enquiry | |

| |Robert McGregor Formartine Delegated Planning List - July 2013 | |

| |River Ythan Trust Fishery Management Plan Summary Report 2010-2012 and update of | |

| |21st August 2013 | |

| |Sarah MacPherson – wheelbarrows, strimmers etc | |

| |Robert McGregor Invitation to the community council Forum Wednesday 3rd September | |

| |Sarah MacPherson letter to Community Council | |

| |Roger Berl Ythan Project Volunteers next meeting date | |

| |Post: | |

| |NHS Grampian booklet – How you can get involved | |

| |Scottish and Southern energy – Guide to Future energy Network | |

| |Parkers Bulb catalogue | |

| |Cit and Shire Development Plan update | |

| |Sir Richards Sutton’s Settled Estates £250 donation for Gala, £500 one off payment| |

| |towards grass cutting | |

| |Ellon Community Centre letting form 2013/2014 | |

| |Aberdeenshire Council Corporate Services – variation of licence conditions for | |

| |Halls | |

| |Police Scotland – review of Traffic Warden provision and public service opening | |

| |hours at police offices | |

| |Sent to SNH – letter of support from the Community Council in regard to the | |

| |funding application for Forvie Hub | |

| |Sent to Aberdeenshire Council – letter of support from the Community Council in | |

| |regard to the consultation re the bridge at Mill of Leask. | |

| |Bonfire Night – Parent Forum members will not be available to help on 2nd | |

|Planning for events |November, Saturday 9th discussed as an alternative. As the hall will probably not| |

| |be available, serving of food would only be possible if done outdoors. Nicole was | |

| |to ask the Parent Forum if they wanted to be involved on the 9th. Cost of the | |

| |event was also a big consideration with the current demand on community finances. |Nicole |

| | | |

| |If the event does take place, the cost of fireworks is to be reduced by 50%. | |

| |Burns Supper – Nicole was to ask Nicola Twine if she might consider arranging next| |

| |year’s event after the success this year. Julie will ask Mike Earlam about | |

| |catering. Event planned for Saturday 25th January. | |

| |Senior Citizen’s Christmas lunch – Arrangements to be planned. |Huib |

| |Gala – Saturday 26th July 2014 | |

| |Hall Opening Event – To be arranged when completion dates are known. | |

| | |Nicole/ |

| | |Julie |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Sally/ |

| | |Julie |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |The funding agreement with SITA signed by Keith Newton the Area Manager on behalf | |

|Update on hall works |of Aberdeenshire Council and Sally Sheehan on behalf of the Community Council. | |

| |The expectation is that as soon as SITA also sign and return the agreement the | |

| |works will start. Completion is expected to take approximately 8 weeks. | |

| |Plans are already available to view on the Council website, but they will also be | |

| |put on the Collieston website soon. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Sally |

| | | |

| |The last financial statement prepared by Huib showed a balance of £13,140.02. | |

|Financial update |Roger reaffirmed the Community Council’s decision to donate £2,500 to the Pier | |

| |group and approximately £1,000 toward the new defibrillator. | |

| |Huib has sent the accounts to the auditor and will present them at the AGM at the | |

| |end of September. | |

| | | |

| | |Huib |

|Post Gala discussion |All agreed that the Gala – and the weather – had been a great success. | |

| |The Ceilidh band had written to express their enjoyment and desire to return. | |

| |They will be booked! | |

| |Andrew was concerned that the marquee was in need of maintenance and repairs, and |Sally |

| |that it should be kept in a dry place for storage. | |

| |Although Mick had tied down and covered the boards, this was only a temporary | |

| |measure. Andy Harper will try to get a good sized tarpaulin to protect the | |

| |boards. Cost approx £100. | |

| |Nora asked a question about the raffle takings. As the money had been used for | |

| |several cash payments – disco, band etc the amount shown was not a true reflection|Nora/ |

| |of what the raffle takings had been – approx £850. |Andy |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Pier and Harbour |David Stewart was now Chair of the Pier and Harbour group. The second stage of | |

| |the emergency repair work had been expected to start almost immediately, but | |

| |unfortunately due to the contactors other commitments delayed until the end of the| |

| |month. | |

| |The harbour group are planning to purchase a leaving gift for Andrew Coupar. | |

| |A fundraising Craft Fair will take place in the hall (or Slains School) on Sunday |Pier Group |

| |10th November. | |

|Planning |No building warrant of planning applications since the last meeting, other than | |

| |the Forvie Hub. | |

|SNH |Charles was to attend the forthcoming meeting concerning the development of the |Charles |

| |Forvie Hub. | |

|Fact Sheet |Suzie will work on the current version and bring to the next meeting |Suzie |

|Work Parties |There had been no village work parties, but Alex Stewart had been carrying out | |

| |work on the paths etc. | |

|CATs |The Coastal Café had had a very successful season. Currently planning the | |

| |possibility of a trip nearer Christmas. The Café will run again next summer, | |

| |albeit with fewer staff. | |

|Blether |Next Blether will go out after the AGM |Sally |

|Well Being |Sheena reported several events of late. New family at Cotehill Cottage, | |

| |Congratulations to Jo Smith on becoming a Professor, forthcoming weddings, two |Sheena |

| |residents in hospital, new babies. Rhys Gauld had sent a thank you card for the | |

| |gift and flowers to his Mummy. | |

|AOCB |Roger had already booked a holiday before his nomination for Chair. Huib will be |Roger/ |

| |asked to chair the AGM. |Huib |

| |Keith Newton the Area Manager is to retire at the end of October. A Collieston | |

| |framed photograph will be purchased as a gift from the community. | |

| |Slains School are to have a Craft Fair on Saturday 7th December. |Sally |

| |Julie commented on how impressed her family had been with Councillor Merson’s | |

| |actions after attending his recent surgery. | |

| |John Hitchcock addressed the meeting to outline the new project – (CORC) | |

| |Collieston Offshore Rowing Club. The initial meeting had taken place the previous| |

| |week with an attendance of 20 people. The aim of the group is to build and boat | |

| |and then race at events around the coast. There are currently approximately 50 | |

| |other clubs in Scotland. The club will enable a lot of involvement and | |

| |participation. There are 4 rowers and a Cox per team, with an average of 4 or 5 | |

| |teams over a weekend race event. | |

| | | |

| |CORC’s fundraising target is around £8k. John had already talked to Sally | |

| |about availability of grants and CORC’s fundraising team would be investigating | |

| |these. In kind donations can be included in application. An application to the | |

| |Area Top up fund will be the first. | |

| | | |

| |The boat will be built in John’s garage, the timescale is for a Spring launch and | |

| |that the boat will be entered at Portsoy next year. | |

| | | |

| |The group are keen to communicate and involve the community with young people | |

| |setting up Facebook, web blogs etc. | |

| | | |

| |Although the group would have liked to have some financial help, John appreciated | |

| |the extent of the Community Council’s financial commitments. | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| |AGM Friday 27th September 2013-09-06 |

|Date of Next Meeting |Wednesday 2nd October 2013 |


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