P16-1A Davison Carecenters Inc

P16-1A Davison Carecenters Inc. provides financing and capital to the health-care industry, with a particular focus on nursing homes for the elderly. The following selected transactions relate to bonds acquired as an investment by Davison, whose fiscal year ends on December 31. 2010 Jan. 1 Purchased at face value $2,000,000 of Hannon Nursing Centers, Inc., 10-year, 8% bonds dated January 1, 2010, directly from Hannon. July 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Hannon bonds. Dec. 31 Accrual of interest at year-end on the Hannon bonds. (Assume that all intervening transactions and adjustments have been properly recorded and that the number of bonds owned has not changed from December 31, 2010, to December 31, 2012.) 2013 Jan. 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Hannon bonds. Jan. 1 Sold $1,000,000 Hannon bonds at 106. The broker deducted $6,000 for commissions and fees on the sale. July 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Hannon bonds. Dec. 31 Accrual of interest at year-end on the Hannon bonds. Hint: Journalize debt investment transactions and show financial statement presentation. (SO 2, 5, 6) Instructions (a) Journalize the listed transactions for the years 2010 and 2013. Gain on sale of debt investment $54,000 (b) Assume that the fair value of the bonds at December 31, 2010, was $2,200,000. These bonds are classified as available-for-sale securities. Prepare the adjusting entry to record these bonds at fair value. (c) Based on your analysis in part (b), show the balance sheet presentation of the bonds and interest receivable at December 31, 2010. Assume the investments are considered long-term. Indicate where any unrealized gain or loss is reported in the financial statements.

P16-2A In January 2010, the management of Noble Company concludes that it has sufficient cash to permit some short-term investments in debt and stock securities. During the year, the following transactions occurred. Feb. 1 Purchased 600 shares of Hiens common stock for $31,800, plus brokerage fees of $600. Mar. 1 Purchased 800 shares of Pryce common stock for $20,000, plus brokerage fees of $400. Apr. 1 Purchased 50 $1,000, 7% Roy bonds for $50,000, plus $1,000 brokerage fees. Interest is payable semiannually on April 1 and October 1. July 1 Received a cash dividend of $0.60 per share on the Hiens common stock. Aug. 1 Sold 200 shares of Hiens common stock at $58 per share less brokerage fees of $200. Sept. 1 Received a $1 per share cash dividend on the Pryce common stock. Oct. 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Roy bonds. Oct. 1 Sold the Roy bonds for $50,000 less $1,000 brokerage fees. At December 31, the fair value of the Hiens common stock was $55 per share. The fair value of the Pryce common stock was $24 per share. Hint: Journalize investment transactions, prepare adjusting entry, and show statement presentation. (SO 2, 3, 5, 6) Instructions (a) Journalize the transactions and post to the accounts Debt Investments and Stock Investments. (Use the T-account form.) Gain on stock sale $600 (b) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2010, to report the investment securities at fair value. All securities are considered to be trading securities. (c) Show the balance sheet presentation of investment securities at December 31, 2010. (d) Identify the income statement accounts and give the statement classification of each account.

P16-3A On December 31, 2010, Ramey Associates owned the following securities, held as a long-term investment. The securities are not held for influence or control of the investee. Common Stock Shares Cost Hurst Co. 2,000 $60,000 Pine Co. 5,000 45,000 Scott Co. 1,500 30,000 On December 31, 2010, the total fair value of the securities was equal to its cost. In 2011, the following transactions occurred. July 1 Received $1 per share semiannual cash dividend on Pine Co. common stock. Aug. 1 Received $0.50 per share cash dividend on Hurst Co. common stock. Sept. 1 Sold 1,500 shares of Pine Co. common stock for cash at $8 per share, less brokerage fees of $300. Oct. 1 Sold 800 shares of Hurst Co. common stock for cash at $33 per share, less brokerage fees of $500. Nov. 1 Received $1 per share cash dividend on Scott Co. common stock. Dec. 15 Received $0.50 per share cash dividend on Hurst Co. common stock. 31 Received $1 per share semiannual cash dividend on Pine Co. common stock. At December 31, the fair values per share of the common stocks were: Hurst Co. $32, Pine Co. $8, and Scott Co. $18. Hint: Journalize transactions and adjusting entry for stock investments. (SO 3, 5, 6) Instructions (a) Journalize the 2011 transactions and post to the account Stock Investments. (Use the T-account form.) (b) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2011, to show the securities at fair value. The stock should be classified as available-for-sale securities. Unrealized loss $4,100 (c) Show the balance sheet presentation of the investments at December 31, 2011. At this date, Ramey Associates has common stock $1,500,000 and retained earnings $1,000,000.

P16-4A Glaser Services acquired 30% of the outstanding common stock of Nickels Company on January 1, 2010, by paying $800,000 for the 45,000 shares. Nickels declared and paid $0.30 per share cash dividends on March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15, 2010. Nickels reported net income of $320,000 for the year. At December 31, 2010, the market price of Nickels common stock was $24 per share. Hint: Prepare entries under the cost and equity methods, and tabulate differences. (SO 3) Instructions (a) Prepare the journal entries for Glaser Services for 2010 assuming Glaser cannot exercise significant influence over Nickels. (Use the cost method and assume that Nickels common stock should be classified as a trading security.) Total dividend revenue $54,000 (b) Prepare the journal entries for Glaser Services for 2010, assuming Glaser can exercise significant influence over Nickels. Use the equity method. Revenue from investments $96,000 (c) Indicate the balance sheet and income statement account balances at December 31, 2010, under each method of accounting.


(a) 2010

Jan.  1 Debt Investments 2,000,000

Cash 2,000,000

July  1 Cash ($2,000,000 X .08 X 1/2)   80,000

Interest Revenue   80,000

Dec. 31 Interest Receivable   80,000

Interest Revenue   80,000


Jan.  1 Cash   80,000

Interest Receivable   80,000

 1 Cash [($1,000,000 X 1.06) – $6,000] 1,054,000

Debt Investments 1,000,000

Gain on Sale of Debt

  Investments   54,000

July  1 Cash ($1,000,000 X .08 X 1/2)   40,000

Interest Revenue   40,000

Dec. 31 Interest Receivable   40,000

Interest Revenue   40,000

(b) 2010

Dec. 31 Market Adjustment—Available-

  for-Sale   200,000

Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity   200,000

(c) Balance Sheet

Current assets

Interest receivable   $ 80,000


Debt investments, at fair value $2,200,000

The unrealized gain of $200,000 would be reported in the stockholders’ equity section of the balance sheet as an addition to total paid-in capital and retained earnings.


(a) Feb. 1 Stock Investments 32,400

Cash ($31,800 + $600) 32,400

Mar. 1 Stock Investments 20,400

Cash ($20,000 + $400) 20,400

Apr. 1 Debt Investments 51,000

Cash ($50,000 + $1,000) 51,000

July 1 Cash ($.60 X 600)    360

Dividend Revenue    360

Aug. 1 Cash ($11,600 – $200) 11,400

Stock Investments

  [($32,400 ÷ 600) X 200] 10,800

Gain on Sale of Stock

  Investments    600

Sept. 1 Cash ($1 X 800)    800

Dividend Revenue    800

Oct. 1 Cash ($50,000 X 7% X 1/2)  1,750

Interest Revenue  1,750

1 Cash ($50,000 – $1,000) 49,000

Loss on Sale of Debt Investments

  ($51,000 – $49,000) 2,000

Debt Investments 51,000

| |Stock Investments | |Debt Investments |

| |Feb. 1 32,400  | Aug. 1 10,800 | |Apr. 1 51,000  | Oct. 1 51,000 |

| |Mar. 1 20,400  | | | | |

| |Dec. 31 Bal. 42,000  | | |Dec. 31 Bal. 0  | |

(b) Dec. 31 Unrealized Loss—Income  800

Market Adjustment—Trading

  ($42,000 – $41,200) 800

| |Security | |Cost | |Fair Value | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Hiens common | |$21,600 | |$22,000 | |(400 X $55) |

| |Pryce common | |20,400 | |19,200 | |(800 X $24) |

| | | |$42,000 | |$41,200 | | |

(c) Current assets

Short-term investments, at fair value $41,200

|(d) |Income Statement Account | |Category |

| |Dividend Revenue | |Other revenues and gains |

| |Gain on Sale of Stock Investments | |Other revenues and gains |

| |Interest Revenue | |Other revenues and gains |

| |Loss on Sale of Debt Investments | |Other expenses and losses |

| |Unrealized Loss—Income | |Other expenses and losses |


(a) 2011

July 1 Cash (5,000 X $1)  5,000

Dividend Revenue  5,000

Aug. 1 Cash (2,000 X $.50)  1,000

Dividend Revenue  1,000

Sept. 1 Cash [(1,500 X $8) – $300]  11,700

Loss on Sale of Stock Investments

  ($13,500 – $11,700) 1,800

Stock Investments (1,500 X $9) 13,500

Oct. 1 Cash [(800 X $33) – $500] 25,900

Stock Investments (800 X $30) 24,000

Gain on Sale of Stock Investments

  ($25,900 – $24,000)  1,900

Nov. 1 Cash (1,500 X $1)  1,500

Dividend Revenue  1,500

Dec. 15 Cash (1,200 X $.50)  600

Dividend Revenue  600

31 Cash (3,500 X $1)  3,500

Dividend Revenue  3,500

|Stock Investments |

|2011 | 2011 |

|Jan.  1 Balance 135,000  | Sept.  1 13,500 |

| | Oct.  1 24,000 |

|2011 | |

|Dec. 31 Balance 97,500  | |

(b) Dec. 31 Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity

  ($97,500 – $93,400) 4,100

Market Adjustment—Available-

  for-Sale 4,100

| |Security | |Cost | |Fair Value | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Hurst Co. common | |$36,000 | |$38,400 | |(1,200 X $32) |

| |Pine Co. common | |31,500 | | 28,000 | |(3,500 X $ 8) |

| |Scott Co. common | |30,000 | |27,000 | |(1,500 X $18) |

| | | |$97,500 | |$93,400 | | |

(c) Investments

Investment in stock of less than

  20% owned companies, at fair

  value $  93,400

Stockholders’ equity

Common stock $1,500,000)

Retained earnings 1,000,000)

Total paid-in capital and

  retained earnings  2,500,000)

Less: Unrealized loss on available-

for-sale securities 4,100

Total stockholders’ equity $2,495,900


(a) Jan.  1 Stock Investments 800,000

Cash 800,000

Mar. 15 Cash  13,500

Dividend Revenue

  (45,000 X $.30) 13,500

June 15 Cash  13,500

Dividend Revenue  13,500

Sept. 15 Cash  13,500

Dividend Revenue  13,500

Dec. 15 Cash  13,500

Dividend Revenue  13,500

31 Market Adjustment—Trading 280,000

Unrealized Gain—Income

  [$800,000 – ($24 X 45,000)] 280,000

(b) Jan.  1 Stock Investments 800,000

Cash 800,000

Mar. 15 Cash  13,500

Stock Investments  13,500

June 15 Cash  13,500

Stock Investments  13,500

Sept. 15 Cash  13,500

Stock Investments  13,500

Dec. 15 Cash  13,500

Stock Investments  13,500

Dec. 31 Stock Investments  96,000

Revenue from Investment in

  Nickels Company

  ($320,000 X 30%) 96,000

|(c) | | |Cost Method | |Equity | |

| | | | | |Method | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Stock Investments | | | | | |

| |Common stock | |$1,080,000 |* |$842,000 |** |

| |Unrealized Gain—Income | |   280,000 | | | |

| |Dividend revenue | |    54,000 | |       0 | |

| |Revenue from investment in Nickels | | | | | |

| |  Company | |         0 | |  96,000 | |

| | | | | | | |

| |**$24 X 45,000 shares | | | | | |

| |**$800,000 + $96,000 – $54,000 | | | | | |


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