Arizona Morgan Horse Association


President's Message: Spring 2013 Newsletter

And God took a handful of southerly wind, blew his breath over it and created the horse.

        -Bedouin Legend

Happy 2013 and greetings to all you Morgan folks.  I can’t wait to see what fun we’re going to have this year.

Just a quick introduction:  I grew up in the Midwest showing Thoroughbred and Arabian hunter jumpers.  I still love to watch the horses in the show ring. But ever since I’ve moved to the wild and wooley west, I’ve discovered what fun it is to ride my Morgans on the trail, following in the ghostly footsteps of cowboys, Indians, cavalry and all the other romantic icons of the “old west”.  My small remaining competitive streak is satisfied by riding my great little Morgan mare Tapper in the new ACTHA trail challenges.  When we do well, I feel like a true ambassador for the Morgan horse.

I’ve been involved with Morgans and AzMHA for over 15 years so I already know many of you.  I hope to meet everyone else this year at our events or by phone or email.  Check out the calendar and see about joining us.  

The last couple of years have seen many horse clubs around the country fold their tents and call it quits.  I’m very proud that the AzMHA, small as it is, has continued to provide a place where we can get together to brag about our special breed.  The Morgan truley is the horse that can do it all, and we all have specialized activities that we do with our horses.  I hope we can continue to support all aspects of this breed.  We live in a large state, and sometimes it’s hard to communicate and get together.  It’s easy to feel isolated and ignored.  Please let me and your Board know what you think about the club and the activities offered.  It’s easy with phone, text or email to get ahold of most people, but remember that all these methods of communication have their flaws.  If your suggestions or opinions have fallen through the cracks, try again!  I think most of us would love to see different activities offered and explore different parts of the state.  If you have a favorite trail you’d like to show off or something you love about the Morgan that you’d like to share, let the Board know.  We’d love to come join you.

Keeping a small club like ours viable and, more importantly, fun is a big job for all of us. I welcome suggestions and comments.  Let me know what you’re thinking!

You can reach me at 602-882-6615 or annekbiggs@. 

Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Anne Biggs

Respectfully submitted by Arizona Morgan Horse Association 2013 President

Anne Biggs

Election Results for 2013-Congratulations to the New Officers !!

President: Anne Biggs Vice President: Connie Alexander

Secretary: Sue McCullough Worsley Treasurer: Shirley Henry-Biszantz

Directors: Lindsay Naas Mike Ewens Sue McCullough-Worsley

Jim Crook Kathy Smith Nancy Jewel


AMHA Convention News

Club member Eileen Davis and friend Bee Hannon just returned from Morgan Convention. They felt it was the best ever.  The Host Stable was Illahee at Newberg, OR.  At the end of

the day they presented--A Parade of Pacific Northwest Stars with:  Grand Cru Beaujolais, Little Wood Chinook, Pondview Tres Bien (at liberty!), ECP Anchor Man and Festival Calypso.  The speakers were "over the top" with the latest equine info, and the convention hotel was 5 star (and I can really say that).  Everything went on schedule and was enjoyable.

Star Program

The club received word from our regional director, Mari Sanderson and then followed up by an AMHA announcement, that the Star Program for Morgan horse shows has been modified to include all breed shows such as Carousel! In fact, Carousel was used as an example of a growing show within the morgan breed that could utilize the 3 Star Rating of AMHA certificates for horses getting a championship at the show, banners for the show, pamphlets to be handed out at the show, and free advertising for Carousel in The Morgan Horse for the show! Thanks to Mari, our regional director for hearing our feedback!!


Clinic News from Our Members

Kathy Smith attended the Bobbin Hollow Clinic in January in beautiful Naples, FLA.  It was a weekend full of riding, visiting and some sightseeing. The clinic included private lessons geared to special requests, vaulting, dressage, driving obstacles, and group lessons. The school horses were all Morgans and Saddlebreds. We even had belly dancing lessons to keep us limber. The final day we were observed by a physical therapist and given tips on improving our posture while riding. But it wasn't all riding. We took a cruise in Naples Bay and we had wonderful meals and ample time to make new friends.

Editor’s Note: This was Kathy’s first adventure just 2 months after her hip replacement!! Way to go Kathy!

My Five Day Gaited Riding Clinic with Larry Whitesell By Letha Simmons

I was so excited to get one of the slots in the Larry Whitesell riding clinic last week in Cave Creek, Arizona. Let me say, if you ever get a chance, this is a clinician worth seeing.

A little history on Larry….he was a high school teacher and couch for many years. His coaching skills were excellent and he took his team to the state title 10 straight years! At some point his wife got a horse and he decided he’d better figure out how to train the horse to be safe before his wife got hurt….that started him on this path of training horses and riders. Larry was at one point a very successful trainer/breeder of Paso Finos. He was named trainer of the year in 2002. They are still his breed of choice. He produced many National Champions in his show days.

At some point in his equine career, Larry decided to study under Nuno Oliveira. What a humbling experience it was for him and he’s never looked back since. He studied with Nuno for one month stents several years in a row. Nuno is widely acknowledged as a master of the art of dressage. He taught the classical style of working with horses; taught both the horse and rider how to move in balance as a unit.

What Larry felt was if you break down the cues to the horse, you can start the dialog. He used the same philosophy as he used with his students at school. First you teach them words (cues),,,then sentences (two cues performed one over another) with your ultimate goal of speaking to your horse in a paragraph (dancing with your horse, controlling all his movements in balance). He used his teaching skills to teach both the horses and now the humans.

Larry’s clinics are labeled “Gaited Horsemanship” but I’ve now attended several of his clinics and have yet to have the opportunity to be on a gaited horse. One might ask, was I wasting my time then? Nope, not at all. His methods work with all horses, all breeds, gaited or trotting. He teaches a way to balance your horse, to balance yourself, to school your horse, to give your horse confidence so you are safer on the trail. He has found that if your horse is in balance and you are not putting him on his front end, your horse will be able to perform whatever gait he is bred to do in a fluid manner and often the gait becomes more fluid/much smoother. I’ve seen many people who have come to his clinic saying they purchased a gaited horse but it wouldn’t gait. It isn’t long before those horses are gaiting because he puts them in balance. It’s a real eye opener. He also explains that riding your horses in balance will add longevity to their useful riding careers. You are using their joints as they were designed. This is a win-win situation.

Another concept he teaches is using more of your seat/body aids/cues. Never pulling back on the reins, teaching the horse to lift his shoulders and be light in the front. You learn to move each of your horse’s legs individually with your aids. All of this is done with a snaffle bit. Never any gadgets/shanked bits/tie downs/pulley systems, etc….just lightness, timing and proper presentation of the cues.

You might wish to visit Larry’s website for further information:

I look forward to teaching these methods to my horse (and myself for that matter!)…..we have a start…now I just need the time.


Expecting Something??

The saying, “A watched pot never boils” seems to directly correlate with a pregnant mare. I know we have several members expecting foals any time now, with ours at Celebrity Time Morgans being the first to pop, followed by Kachina Morgan Ranch, and LeDan Morgans followed by Jazztime Morgans. (At least these are the ones I know of). We began the vigilant watching of the “bagging up”, looking for “the point”, watching for telltale signs of muscles and other body parts relaxing, and empathizing with an ever uncomfortable mama who is now slightly off her feed and using the facilities about every hour. Having witnessed a birth only once before, I remember running back to the house about 9:30 pm screaming “Kevin, She’s doing it!!!” Just so you all know, I have my running shoes at the ready, the vet on speed dial, and the coffee pot loaded. Here’s hoping for all a safe foaling process, and a successful breeding season for everyone beginning the journey in 2013 !

(At the finishing of the newsletter, Celebrity Time Morgans was blessed with a filly, Carly!! Res World Ch Lucky As Me x Kingsgrove Elegante. )


Send me your Foal pics!!!


From The Trail

A super fun time was had by all! We had two rides on Saturday, a long and a short. Afterwards the board met, and the raffle setup began. Dinner was fabulous and the raffle as always, was a blast! Another ride held on Sunday. See you all next year!

Pictures from Bumble Bee! More on Facebook and website to come!


2014 is planned to be a Poker Ride!!!


From The Rail

UPHA is offering a $7500 jackpot!!! Read on!

|[pic] |

2013 RULES


Morgan exhibitors must show at:  UPHA Chapter I, Charity Fair and the California Saddlebred Futurity Horse Shows.  PLUS the owner must show at either Carousel or the Morgan Medallion.


In all cases the owner earns eligibility.  If a horse is sold, purchased or changes trainers; the eligibility always remains with the owner, never with the horse.

Each eligible owner will be awarded one ticket per horse shown at each show in the series.

If an eligible owner shows at all five series shows that are available in their division; they will receive two bonus tickets for each horse shown throughout the series.


All tickets will be entered into the drawing.  One lucky ticket will be drawn at the Pacific Coast Horse Shows Circuit2013 year-end awards party.  The winner will be awarded $7,500.


Webmaster Sue McCullough-Worsley

Official 2013 Arizona Morgan Horse Meeting

and Event Calendar

• Carousel Show, Scottsdale, AZ - March 14-17th

• Mid September – non sanctioned Trail Ride TBD

• Club Sponsored ACTHA Trail Ride November 9th, McDowell Mt Park

• Annual Meeting – November 16th, Cave Creek Park

• Annual Christmas Party – December 14th, location TBD

Favorite links section:

Don’t forget, we are on Facebook!!!!!



Membership Application - Fiscal Year _ 2013____

I/We hereby apply for membership in the Arizona Morgan Horse Association and agree to abide by its By-Laws, rules and regulations.

________ Family Membership $25.00

________ Single Membership $15.00 _____Junior Membership $5.00

________ New ________Renewal Birth date ______mo/day/yr

Membership Fees are due January 1st of each year. As of July 1st each year, New Memberships are $12.50

Please list all names in for Membership:

Adult#1 ____________________ Child #1 ______________

Last, First

Adult #2 ____________________ Child #2 ______________

Last, First

Adult #3 ____________________ Child #3 ______________

Last, First

Address: ____________________________________

City, State, Zip: ______________________________

Phone Number: ______________________________

Email: _____________________________________

I/We would be interested in the following activities:

Clinics: _____________ Socials: ______________ Youth: ___________

Trail Rides: __________

I/We would be interested in supporting AzMHA as:

Director_____ Officer______ Committee Member______ Volunteer______

AzMHA would like to know more about your activities and interests in planning future membership directories, events and activities. Please fill out the following:

We offer: Stallion Service ______ Training ______ Stock for Sale ______

Lessons ______ Boarding _______

We do the following:

Trail/Pleasure_____ Competitive Trail _____ Class A Shows ______

Mini Circuit Shows _____ Carriage Driving______ Dressage _______

Hunter/Jumper ______ Stock Horse _________

We ask that Lifetime Members please fill out the above information to update our records.

Payment must be enclosed with application.

Please make your Check payable to Arizona Morgan Horse Association, Inc. Mail completed form with payment to:

Arizona Morgan Horse Association, Inc.

C/O Shirley Henry-Biszantz, Treasurer 31616 N. 144th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85262

Mission Statement

The Arizona Morgan Horse Association exists to preserve, promote and perpetuate the Morgan horse as America’s first and most versatile breed.


Sue McCullough Worsley-Secretary

429 E Cloud Rd

Phoenix, Az 85086


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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