St Philip's School

90678016764000St Philip’s School Homework Pack *Please visit the school website for further instructions Round 1 – Tasks 1-30To be able to get dressed for school independently (not including buttons or tie).To be able to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.To be able to make your bed in the mornings.To be able to keep your belongings tidied and organised.To be able to get up on time in the morning.To be able to lay the table appropriately for dinner.To be able to put away dishes after they have been cleaned to their correct places.To be able to pour yourself a drink of water independently.To be able to stop at a crossing without adult prompts and cross the road safely.To be able to dial a mobile phone number. To be able to independently and safely walk to a nearby shop to buy a drink.To be able to give a pet water and feed them.To be able to water house plants.To be able to put water out for the birds.To be able to draw a picture and give it to someone of your choice.To be able to make a list of different animals you see in your garden or local park.To be able to put food waste into the food waste bin.To be able to read aloud one paragraph from a text of your choice.To be able to do a sport/exercise for 20 minutes.To be able to learn the meaning of a new word.To be able to count all the windows in your house.To watch Newsround and explain in your own words what you watched.To be able to practice a relaxation technique of your choice.To be able to write a short story.To be able to write down three things you are grateful for today.To be able to read for 20 minutes from a book of your choice.To be able to play a board game of your choice with a friend or family member.To be able to learn one word in a language of your choice.To be able to learn how to say ‘Hello’ in another language.To be able to play a game of noughts and crosses or Connect 4.Task: 1Round: 1Theme: Personal CareDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to get dressed independently (not including buttons or tie). Equipment/resources: School tips:Make sure you have all items of your school uniform in front of you, such as shirt, trousers, blazer and shoes.Check your clothes are not inside out as this will make it easier for you to get changed. Lay out your clothes in the order you will put them on.Check which way is the front and back of clothes by looking for the tag.Success criteria:When you can get dressed independently without prompts from an adult.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo of you in your uniform.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 2Round: 1Theme: Personal CareDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Equipment/resources: Sink, warm water and tips:You should be washing your hands for around 20 seconds. Rub your hands together for long enough to sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song in your head twice.Remember to clean the palms, back of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails.Rinse your hands off with clean water and dry them with a towel or hand dryer. Success criteria:When you can wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds without the prompting of an adult.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 3Round: 1Theme: IndependenceDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to make your bed in the mornings.Equipment/resources: Bedding, duvet, pillows and internet connection (paper based instructions available at school). Top tips:Find an online tutorial that is easy for you to understand by typing ‘how to make your bed’ into a search engine such as Google.Have the tutorial in front of you and practice making your bed.Repeat over the course of several days until you can make your bed independently.Success criteria:To be able to make your own bed in the morning without the aid of a tutorial or adult.Suggested evidence:Photo and witness statement. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 4Round: 1Theme: IndependenceDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to keep your belongings tidied and organised. Equipment/resources: Personal belongings. Top tips:Find a neat place to put away your belongings. Make your bed. Put any dirty clothes in your laundry basket.Success criteria:When you can put away your personal belongings neatly and without the help of an adultSuggested evidence:Photo and witness statement. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 5Round: 1Theme: IndependenceDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to get up on time in the mornings.Equipment/resources: Alarm tips:Set an alarm before you go to bed.Remember not to go to bed too late as it can make getting up in the mornings more difficult. Success criteria:When you can independently get up on time in the mornings without the prompting of an adult.Suggested evidence:Witness statement over the course of a few weeks. Tick chart. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 6Round: 1Theme: Food SkillsDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to lay the table appropriately for dinner.Equipment/resources: Cutlery (knives, forks, spoons), plates and internet connection (paper based instructions available at school). Top tips:Find a picture online that shows you how a table should be set up by typing into Google ‘How to set a table’.Copy how the knives, fork, spoons and plates are laid out in the image and practice setting your own table. Repeat this over the course of a few days until you no longer need the support of the image.Success criteria:When you can independently lay the table ready for dinner and have the cutlery in the correct places. Suggested evidence:Photo and witness statement. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 7Round: 1Theme: Food SkillsDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to put away dishes after they have been cleaned to their correct places.Equipment/resources: tips:Remember that everything needs to be put back to its original home from before it was used. If you are unsure where something goes, ask someone at home.Try not to carry too many things at once.Repeat putting away the dishes for a few days until you can remember where different dishes live in your kitchen. Success criteria:When you can independently put dishes back to their correct cupboards/draws without the support of an adult. Suggested evidence:Photo and witness statement. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 8Round: 1Theme: Food SkillsDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to pour yourself a drink of water independently.Equipment/resources: A cup. Top tips:Position your cup/bottle under a tap before you start running the water to avoiding any spillages.Start running the tap but make you stop running the water before the water reaches the top of your glass.Success criteria:When you can independently pour yourself a drink of water without any spillages. Suggested evidence:Photo and witness statement. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 9Round: 1Theme: IndependenceDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to stop at a crossing without adult prompts and cross the road safely. Equipment/resources: N/A. Top tips:Always stop when you reach a crossing even if the road is quiet and you cannot hear anything coming.Look for a safe crossing such as traffic lights or a zebra crossing. Wait until there is a green light but still make sure you look both ways.Keep an eye out for cyclists that you may not be able to hear. Success criteria:When you can independently stop at a crossing and cross the road safely. Suggested evidence:Photo and witness statement. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 10Round: 1Theme: IndependenceDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to dial a mobile phone number. Equipment/resources: Mobile phone and pen/paper to practise. Top tips:Practice writing down the mobile phone number on a blank piece of paper and then checking if you got it correct.Success criteria:When you can independently recall and write down your mobile phone number from memory. Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 11Round: 1Theme: IndependenceDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to independently and safely walk to a nearby shop to buy a drink.Equipment/resources: Mobile phone (if applicable) and some change to buy a drink. Top tips:Remember to look both ways before crossing any roads.Keep to pavement while you are walking. Remember to count your coins to check you have enough money.Keep the receipt from the drink you have bought (you can use this in your evidence). Success criteria:When you can independently and safely walk to your local shops to buy a drink. Suggested evidence:Witness statement and receiptEvidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 12Round: 1Theme: Caring for OthersDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to a pet water and feed them every day. Equipment/resources: Water bowl, food bowl and pet food. Top tips:Think about how often a pet needs to be fed and decide a time of day that would most suit feeding them. You could even write it down as a reminder or set an alarm to remind yourself. Think about how much food a pet needs each time it is fed. Discuss with the pet owner to make sure your pet is getting the right amount.Remember a pets’ water bowl always needs to be filled. Repeat this every day until you can do this independently and without reminders. If you don’t have your own pet as a friend or someone at school. Success criteria:When you can independently provide your pet with food and water every day without any reminders. Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo of your pet. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 13Round: 1Theme: Caring for the EnvironmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to water house plants. Equipment/resources: Small watering can/jug of water. Top tips:Find any house plants you have inside your house.Discuss with someone at home how often these plants need to be watered and agree on how often you are going to do this. Also discuss with them how much water each plant needs.Water these plants for a few days until you can do this independently and without reminders.If you don’t have any plants at home ask a friend or someone at school. Success criteria:When you can independently water indoor houseplants giving them the right amount of water.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 14Round: 1Theme: Caring for OthersDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to put water out for the birds.Equipment/resources: Water and water dish. Top tips:Find something suitable which you can put water in for birds to safely drink from. Choose a sensible place to put this water bowl. Take a photo of any birds that you notice that come to drink from it (you can include this in your evidence).Success criteria:When you can put water out for birds which they can drink from.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 15Round: 1Theme: Caring for OthersDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to draw a picture and give it to someone of your choice.Equipment/resources: Pencils and tips:Draw a picture that you would like to give to another person.It can be anyone such as a family member or friend.Success criteria:When you can draw a picture for a family member or friend and give it to them.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo of your drawing.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 16Round: 1Theme: Caring for OthersDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to able to make a list of different animals you see in your garden or local park.Equipment/resources: Pen and tips:Find a comfortable spot for you to sit and look for animals.With a pen and paper write down the names of any animals you see, such as birds or squirrels. Put your chosen location on the top of your piece of paper (you can include this in your evidence). Success criteria:When you can make a list of different animals you see in either your garden or local park.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and copy of the list of animals. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 17Round: 1Theme: Caring for the EnvironmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to put food waste into the food waste bin.Equipment/resources: Bin and bin bag. Top tips:Remember that any food waste you have such as leftovers from dinner or a banana skin you might have eaten should go in your food waste bin. If you are unsure where this is, ask someone at home.Repeat throwing away your food waste into the food waste bin until you feel confident doing this without support or reminders from an adult.If you don’t have a food waste bin you can try this in school. Success criteria:When you can independently put your food waste into the food waste bin.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 18Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to read aloud one paragraph from a text of your choice. Equipment/resources: Book of your choice and pen/ tips:Choose a text you have been reading or would like to read out loud. It can be fiction or non-fiction.You can choose one from the library at school if you would like.Write down on a piece of paper the name of the text you read and the page number you read from (you can include this in your evidence).Success criteria:When you can read aloud one paragraph from a book of your choice.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and name of your book and page number. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 19Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to do a sport/exercise for 20 minutes after school. Equipment/resources: Sports clothing, trainers, water bottle, stopwatch and pen/ tips:Choose what kind of exercising you want to do, such as football, basketball or running. Make sure you are wearing suitable sports clothing.Use a timer on your phone or a stopwatch so you know when your 20 minutes has finished. Write down on a piece of paper, the type of exercise you did and the date you did it (you can include this in your evidence). Success criteria:When you can exercise one day after school for 20 minutes doing a sport of your choice. Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 20Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to learn the meaning of a new word.Equipment/resources: Dictionary or internet connection and pen/paper. Top tips:Find a word you do not know the meaning of. Look up what the word means with either a dictionary or use the internet by typing into a search engine ‘____ meaning’. Write down the word and its meaning on a piece of paper and try remembering it (you can include this in your evidence).Once you feel confident get someone at home to test you on this. Success criteria:When you can look up the meaning of a new word and learn it.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and copy of your word and its meaning.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 21Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to count all the windows in your house.Equipment/resources: Pen and paper. Top tips:Go around your house with a pen and paper keeping count of all the windows in your house.Write down your final number at the end. Success criteria:When you can independently count all the windows in your house.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and number of windows in your house.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 22Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To watch Newsround and explain in your own words what you watched.Equipment/resources: Internet tips:Use your tablet/computer to watch Newsround.Type ‘Newsround’ into a search engine such as Google and watch the news.Write down three things you learnt (include this in your evidence). Remember to write down the date you watched Newsround.Success criteria:When you can watch an episode of Newsround and write down three things you have learnt. Suggested evidence:Witness statement and copy of three things you learnt when watching Newsround. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 23Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to practice a relaxation technique of your choice. Equipment/resources: Internet connection and a quiet tips:Use the internet to find a relaxation technique you would like to try. Some examples are deep breathing or taking a walk.Practice doing this and then write down the relaxation technique you chose (you can include this in your evidence).Success criteria:When you can practice a relaxation technique in a quiet place.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and copy of the relaxation techniques you chose. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 24Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to write a short story. Equipment/resources: Pen and paper. Top tips:Use a pen and paper to write a short story about something of your choice.When you have finished writing it, give it to someone to read. Success criteria:When you can write your own short story.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and copy of your story. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 25Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to write down three things you are grateful for today.Equipment/resources: Pen and tips:Write down on a piece of paper three things you are grateful for.It can be anything, such as a family member or something a friend did for you today. Success criteria:When you can independently write down three things you feel grateful for.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and copy of the three things you are grateful for. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 26Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to read for 20 minutes from a book of your choice.Equipment/resources: Book. Top tips:Choose any book you would like to read from. You can choose one from the school library if you would like. Find a comfortable spot where you can read for 20 minutes. Write down the name of the book you have read from and the chapter number (you can use this in your evidence). Success criteria:When you can independently read from a book for 20 minutes.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and name and page numbers of the book you have read from.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 27Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to play a board game of your choice with a family member.Equipment/resources: Board game, pen/paper. Top tips:Choose a board game you would like to play, such as scrabble, monopoly, snakes and ladders.Play this game with a family member.Remember to read the rules for your game if you are unsure of how to play.Success criteria:When you can choose and play a board game with a family member and remember to win or lose graciously.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo of your game. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 28Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to learn one word in a language of your choice.Equipment/resources: Pen, paper, internet connection or foreign language book. Top tips:Choose a language, such as Spanish, French, German, Italian etc. Choose a word you would like to learn: Goodbye, thanks, please etc. You can either use a search engine to find out what your chosen word is in your chosen language or if you have a book of foreign words at home you can use that. Practise saying and spelling this word over a few days until you are confident you can remember it. Success criteria:When you can learn one word in another language and remember it’s meaning. Suggested evidence:Witness statement and copy of your chosen word saying its meaning and what language it is in.Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 29Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to learn how to say ‘Hello’ in another language.Equipment/resources: Pen, paper, internet connection or foreign language tips:Choose a language, such as Spanish, French, German, Italian etc.You can either use a search engine to find out what ‘Hello’ is in your chosen language or if you have a book of foreign words at home you can use that. Practise saying and spelling this word over a few days until you are confident you can remember it.Success criteria:When you can say and write down hello in another language.Suggested evidence:Witness statement and copy of your word in your chosen language. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 Task: 30Round: 1Theme: Skill DevelopmentDate task completed:Learning Intent: To be able to play a game of noughts and crosses or Connect 4.Equipment/resources: Connect 4 game or pen/paper for noughts and crosses. Top tips:Find someone you can play a game of Connect 4/noughts and crosses with. Keep practising playing this game a few times. Success criteria:When you can play a game of Connect 4 or noughts and crosses with a friend. Suggested evidence:Witness statement and photo. Evidence box 1 Evidence box 2 ................

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