interactive texts


Chris Funkhouser


Casually speaking, a MOO is a text-based "virtual reality" system where many people can connect to a common electronic database and are able create their own "space," objects, characters, and dialog that appear on the screen as descriptions or words in ascii (plain) text. In a MOO, one also navigates through digital constructions along with characters designed and directed by others. Technically, MOO stands for MUD, Object Oriented programming. A MOO combines the Internet’s Multiple-User Dimension (MUD) system with an Object-oriented code that makes it a more dynamic textual zone (though it does not permit the inclusion of visual images). During the first half of the 1990s, there were hundreds of MUDs (if not more), being used for a range of purposes by researchers, teachers, gamers, techno-thrill seekers and the like.

Julian Dibbell, in My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World (New York: Henry Holt, 1998), a supreme forebear to my book, imparts detailed descriptions and analysis of LambdaMOO (and such virtual spaces in general). Unlike my collection, which foregrounds the onscreen experience and shows the control authors have (and do not have) over this superficial space, My Tiny Life is a deep portrait of LambdaMOO, which Dibbell describes as, “a very large and very busy rustic mansion built entirely of words.” (11) I refer to his book for the most apt descriptions of the territory, as Dibbell absorbed himself in the “culture” of this space over a longer period of time, and masterfully recounts his experience and observations a MOOer. He describes MOOs as “semifictional digital otherworlds” (12), that are “neither exactly real nor exactly make-believe, but nonetheless profoundly, compellingly, and emotionally true.” (17) Dibbell saw MOOs as, “a vast playpen in which they [MOOers] might act out their wildest fantasies without fear of censure,” though his book revolves around an incident in LambdaMOO (a virtual rape) that illuminates the downside of such territory. (23) All MUDS exist, he observes, “in a conceptual twilght zone between the games from which they had evolved and the real-life social meshes they had come to resemble.” (62) Ultimately, asserts Dibbell, LambdaMOO was, “basically a map, and like all MUDs it mapped a place as yet uncharted by conventional cartographic means: the strange, half-real terrain occupied by the human animal ever since it started surrounding itself with words, pictures, symbols, and other shadows of things not present to the human body.” (62) Idealistically, he believes that, “the MOO was a place people came to in part to exercise and share their creativity—to make culture.” (63) Dibbell’s thorough exposition is a valuable study for readers who are interested in the sociological and emotional aspects of MOO phenomena. As an informed, battle-worn study My Tiny Life offers an important view of the complexities of multiple aspects of MOO textuality.

The LambdaMOO logon screen reads:

LambdaMOO is a new kind of society, where thousands of people voluntarily come together from all over the world. What these people say or do may not always be to your liking; as when visiting any international city, it is wise to be careful who you associate with and what you say.

The operators of LambdaMOO have provided the materials for the buildings of this community, but are not responsible for what is said or done in them….

During the period the texts in this book were composed, I ventured into three different MOOs (LambdaMOO, ZenMOO, MediaMOO), all of which are represented here. I learned about the inviting and somewhat mysterious concept of MOO from poet-professor Don Byrd, who encouraged a poetic investigation of the space. Byrd (whose character was “Intensity”) gave me a printout of LambdaMOO instructions, including useful commands in the margins, and suggested that I register a character. Engaging in such explorations—examining various channels within newfound virtual space—was permitted at the fringes of my graduate school research in digital textuality. Friends and teachers satisfied my need for “community” at the time. Had I lacked such privileges, my interests in the MOO may have been completely different: more attempts would have been made to secure new camaraderie and develop interpersonal discourse. What interested me were the aspects of the MOO as a textual tool, a place of creative discovery, and the development of narrative and forms of personal expression in virtual space.

Serendipitously, Roddy Potter, a poet and friend who I’ve known more than half of my life (and for a decade before we began to use computers to communicate with each other), had become intensively involved in LambdaMOO subculture, mainly to distract himself from the dissatisfactions of his life. Remarkably, he acknowledges that he was living more in the MOO than in his physical location at the time (New York City). Roddy’s character’s name was Mineral. The title of this book combines a MOO line command (whereis) with Roddy’s character, as I customarily began my forays into LambdaMOO by looking to see if and where he was online and frequently followed his path. Our exchanges are steady and personal. That our kinship began as teenagers, that we have a real-life bond that stems from common interests in music and literature, is germane to this book. Roddy and I had been completely out of touch for many years when Allen Ginsberg, who we shared as a teacher, rejuvenated our connection in 1989. In 1992 I moved back east from California and both Roddy and I were in English doctoral programs in New York (NYU and SUNY-Albany). This period, late 1992 and early 1993 marked my indoctrination into the practice of using computer networks as a publisher and a writer. Though we had different interests in it entirely, I followed Roddy’s leads into MOO space, and this collection would not be possible had there not been such an influence. It became a worthwhile activity, an fresh and hip blip on the horizon.

The motivations and imaginations of the builders and drifters through this entirely ephemeral and plastic zone unquestionably aroused my curiosity. I did not integrate my involvement in MOO into my life as severely as did Dibbell and Potter. Mine was a dalliance in comparison, to no end but to experience and document such unusual, digitally enabled text. Now I attempt to represent the narrative in print for the sake of showing how I interacted with the machines and other characters when given the opportunity to investigate machine-modulated composition via MOO and network systems. This was part of my introduction to communication and community in a virtual space. Initially there was no intent other than research and enjoyment, or any long-range plan of creating a book from the material. However, I quickly found that the texts have a performative quality to them. Preparing for a reading at the Poetry Project (St. Mark’s Church) in May 1993 I decided to present excerpts from these transcripts, which I improvisationally chanted. The audio document of the reading was distorted even further in a recording studio, and released on a cassette compilation by BOOG Lit. Later I performed some of the material in London and also on WRPI-FM radio accompanied with live spontaneous music by James Keepnews.

Only one other time have I seen or heard MOO texts used in a way similar to my own (or what is printed in these pages). Helen Thorington, on a syndicated radio program, was reading stories that she had shaped from experiences and encounters in MOO. In her piece, all of the commands and extraneous text are removed. Thorington’s approach was to smooth out her narratives into a somewhat conventional form of fiction. Documenting and representing the entire textual encounter of a MOO, or as much of it that could possibly interest readers, is an intentional aspect of this book. To incorporate the diversions into the narrative and on the page is not a simple process. Since the logs did not read what I type onto the screen the same way that the computer (server) does, it was necessary to edit or retranslate the pages altogether to remove extraneous words, symbols, and other errors. One example of this that I have left in the book is the “emote” command. In order to represent non-dialogic communication, such as offering a (virtual) present to someone, a player has to type ‘emote gives candy to X,’ which will then show up in the MOO as “Player gives candy to X.” Some information that comes across the screen in the MOO logs is clearly redundant and superfluous. A fair amount of it, if not contributing directly to the MOO narrative, does impact upon the tale of the experience the (co-)author has during “composition” of the piece.

Many questions arise in the process of taking a transcript of events that happened online and presenting them on the page. All of the commands and machine language can be removed and the words can be edited to conform to convention. However my motivations lead me to do otherwise; materials are edited and formatted without masterful models to reference. I have put together scipts and a chapbook of MOO materials, so I have experienced editing MOO texts for the page. In this collection I place some of the interrupting texts in the body of the narrative and others, such as indexes of users logged on while these MOO sessions were happening and commands at a player’s disposal, in a Glossary and Appendix. Though my objective is to bring a facsimile or depiction of the experience of the text to the reader in print, it does not seem necessary to include such extensive (and often unnecessary) materials in their original places. Yet since this is a multi-author document and all I know of the other authors is the information in the Appendix, it seems appropriate to give them “credit” in this way.

Logs of my nearly random movements and temporal encounters in MOO space, along with a Glossary of terms and indexes of users are glued together here. A lot of editing has been done to this manuscript. It began as some 2,500 pages of MOO logs, retrieved during summer of 2001 from a MacIntosh hard drive that had been stored in an attic at my parent’s house in Massachusetts. A lot of these pages/files I can only describe as scrambled line garble, known as “snow”, symbols and characters generated somewhere in the computer-modem-network connection. From my apartment in downtown Albany, I would log in to SUNY’s server on a 2400-baud modem and type the line commands that routinely connect me to databases in California, Massachusetts, England, or other locations. That there would be some nonsensical interference that came to the page was not a surprise! The logs contained enormous formatting irregularities and some of the salvageable content was simply uninteresting or unformed, so some of what is left appears in media res (though many of the sessions are fully intact). Of the three MOO spaces featured in this volume, LambdaMOO (hosted by a Xerox server) is most prominent. I appear as guest and as two characters in LambdaMOO, Marble and Vortex, and definitely consider myself to have been a participant in what Dibbell calls “LambdaMOO’s ant-farm experimentalism.” (61) In MediaMOO (MIT Media Lab) I was a guest (green) at a gathering, and in ZenMOO I successfully took on the identity of Bom Shankar and other monnikers.

One feature of the system (and experience) included here is a running catalog of on-screen difficulties. I have left intact this feature of the logs (which capture everything that occurs on the screen) to impart to the analog reader the types of secondary information that intrinsically accompanies the dialog. The reader experiences to some degree my learning of the systems and space. However, I have attempted to avoid redundancy in these materials through close editing. “Movement” in the MOO happens by typing in directions such as east ( or “e”), south (“s”), northwest (“nw”), up (“u”), etc. Having left all of these lines in the text, I try to subvert confusion on the part of the reader by formatting these commands with bold type. Leaving the commnads I have entered in the narrative in shows readers the results of choices I made (or was required to make) at the time. Presumably, the demarcation will help alleviate the inclusion of such foibles. The only other text formatting that differs from the original ascii logs is that I have indicated a change in “place” by presenting the names of places in italics. I have removed all duplicate descriptions of these places, which automatically appear upon re-entry. Readers should refer to the Glossary to help clarify any unclear jargon.

Primarily my book serves to document one of the different forms of textuality that has emerged as a result of computer technology. Though I claim authorship to this book, having contributed text and uniquely capturing the experience of it, clearly this is a collaborative text and largely I am not the author at all; it is form of authorship can also be viewed as accidental. Since the social function of the space is so overt, most of what transpires does not pretend to invite consideration for its literary qualities. Thus it is logical that a deep narrative is not ultimately attained. Nonetheless, strains of continuity on various levels are present throughout, and a more complex picture is hopefully indicated beneath the surface. Standard components of fiction such as plot and character development are minimal. It is obvious that certain elements of fiction are blunted by the peripatetic tendencies of the genre. Descriptions of virtual spaces and dialog fill the pages with the chaos of the world, overtly acknowledged and shaped here in the formation of character’s words, interests, and identities.

Throughout my contributions to the work, which read “You say, ‘…’,” references are made to energies close to my work as a writer. References to thelemonade (a poetry performance group), We Press, DIU, Ginsberg all essentially reflect the subculture in which I was a participant in “real life.” At the time, I felt inclined—at least as a place to start—to inject/promote these things to the group online. One approach to reading or writing (and capturing) MOO-life might be for the reader to embody the character by playing the role of the person who is saying, ‘You say…’. In Whereis Mineral, that person is unquestionably me because of the real-life orientation of my character(s) as I first engaged in MOO composition. My approach was to be myself in it, bring my personal interests into digital character. Another iteration of the experiment would broaden the self that is the ‘You say’-er.

The final section of the book, which appeared as chapbook (The Idea of Switzerland, We Press 2001), transpired nearly a year after the previous meetings, and is a log of Roddy Potter’s session and not my own. . The online poetry/poetics magazine I assembled at the time, Descriptions of an Imaginary Universe (DIU), publicized an online meeting time and place; several readers and associates of DIU attended. Roddy and I logged in from the same house; he was using my computer and host (with some difficulty). Here this section is a type of coda that serves as one example of a MOO poetics: players drift and dialog in an unformed manner, even when an attempt is made at organization.

The MOO is an expressive tool that I used for compositional and social purposes. These logs reveal some lack of patience and focus on my part; when there were substantial lags, computer slow-downs, or inactivity perceived I would move on quickly, perhaps too quickly. It is possible that a more sustained narrative would have been developed if I had been less restless and free-wheeling at the time. As it is another kind of journey, however; that impatiently happens. This book hopes to introduce readers unfamiliar with such new textual zones to their presence, and perhaps to their possibilities. The creative, if transitory, attributes of the MOO are exposed here in a way they are not in Dibbell’s book or anything else I have seen in print. Yet in no way would I claim this representation to be a definitive picture of what MOO, or MOO writing, is about.

The final claim for these MOO texts are that they are a prototype for interactive films or writings that will be made like this in the future, where the viewer (or reader) is a character in a densely pre-programmed world where narrative will be both consumed and made. In such texts it is possible that the reader may not always know whether it is another writer or a computer program generating the text. Computers do enable the programming of characters and movements, networks dictate the access to and efficiency of the text. These are not flawless mechanisms. I hope that some of their defects are apparent here, and that refinements will develop as necessary in realms of virtual communication and expression. What sorts of “virtual” “literature” will develop? It is clear, if anything, that a multiplicity of digital forms is at hand.

Whereis Mineral wishes to raise a literal question of the title, where is the “mineral,” the inner ore of one’s expressiveness in technologized literary forms? How does the transmission of what would be a poem or story or letters on the page meld with chat rooms, networked discussion groups, and video games? All of those elements are present here. Virtual space is evermore animated as each year passes. The surface logistics of a non-animated are on display here in rudimentary, unintentional, invented form for curiosity seekers to sift through and consider its values beyond a document of what happened. Looking back at these documents nearly a decade later, the only explanation as to why the project was not pursued further is that more demanding and pertinent aspects of my scholarship—coursework, writing, teaching—took up all of my available time. Though I may have a few more MOO logs stored away somewhere, and MOOs are still available on the Internet, my involvement with them essentially ceased in 1994. Nevertheless, I still see great potentials in terms of a person developing an aesthetic while virtually communicating and presenting themselves and their work. As our modes of communication increasingly involve digital mechanisms, personalization of such remains a worthwhile pursuit.

—Chris Funkhouser

New Jersey Institute of Technology


Sadric waves.

Sadric [to Vortex]: eh?

duck says, "hi"

You say, "Sadric are you really on an escalator to nowhere?"

duck says, "wow"

Korvac walks around a corner in spacetime.

You say, "Has anyone seen Gam-bit?"

duck slides open the glass door to the deck and slips out, sliding it closed behind it.

Korvac says, "He left. Got bored"

Sadric [to Vortex]: If you saw the simpsons last night, you'd understand.

Sadric grins.

You say, "Where did you go?"

You say, "Sadric: I love the Simpsons but didn't see it last night.

You say, "What happened during the Simpsons last night?"

Korvac flattens out into a largish 29 cent postage stamp and floats away.

A largish 29 cent postage stamp floats into the room and fattens up into Korvac.


whereis gam-bit

Gam-Bit (#50235) is in Gam-Bit's (#52300).

teleport Gam-bits

I don't understand that.

go gam-bits

You can't go that way (gam-bits).

go gam-bit's

You can't go that way (gam-bit's).

teleport vortex gam-bit's

I don't understand that.

Korvac turns into Chrysalis.

Chrysalis opens Portable Hole.

Chrysalis puts Virtual Guitar in Portable Hole.

Chrysalis closes Portable Hole.

Sadric [to Vortex]: well, the title is in reference to a bit at the end where Marge was saying that the monorail was the only folly the people of Springfield ever bought into. That and the popsickle-stick skyscraper, and the 50' magnifying glass, and the escalator to no where. (had people riding up about 50 stories and then dropping off...) :)

page gam-bit

Dr.Fate materializes out of thin air.

Sadric causes Chrysalis to fall down laughing.

Gam-Bit is not currently logged in.

Chrysalis says, "I hope it gets repeated... that sounds great"

Dr.Fate waves to all.

You say, "how can I teleport to Gam-bit's?"

Chrysalis [to Vortex]: @go #52300

Shandril teleports in.

Shandril says, "howdy!"

You say, "howdy Shandril, where you come from?"

Dr.Fate says, "To learn how to stop wasting money, give me $20."

Chrysalis teleports warm and fuzzy Greene doll out.

Chrysalis takes off her sunglasses.

Chrysalis teleports sunglasses out.

Shandril says, "In real life?"

You say, "well, what is real life?"

You blink, and suddenly Tim appears out of nowhere.

Dr.Fate flattens out into a largish 29 cent postage stamp and floats away.

Shandril says, "good point."

You say, "Chrysalis I'm wondering about you too"

Chrysalis says, "It doesn't matter WHAT real life is. It matters WHY."

Chrysalis [to Vortex]: Pardon?

Cockatoo squawks, "Ehy. What's up?"

Shandril is in Connecticut, USA.

You say, "Why? What's yer story?"

Chrysalis says, "Well, I got infected with Xenovirus Takis-A..."

A largish 29 cent postage stamp floats into the room and fattens up into Dr.Fate.

You blink, and suddenly Tim has vanished.

Chrysalis says, "I didn't draw the Black Queen, at least."

Bloaf shrinks rapidly and disappears with a "pop!"

Chrysalis smiles.

Cockatoo squawks, "quit laughing at me....quit laughing about me!!"

Shandril teleports out.

You say, "Would you like to be on a movie screen with me Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis says, "A movie screen?"

Chrysalis says, "I'm not sure people would pay to see me..."

You say, "Are you experienced?"

Chrysalis [to Vortex]: Look at me.

Dr.Fate turns his head and coughs.

Chrysalis [to Dr.Fate]: You're the doctor, the patient does that.

look chrysalis


A nice young lady with transparent skin. She speaks with a British accent.

She is awake and looks alert.


Portable Hole backpack

Dr.Fate says, "Blast it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a...er, yeah."

Sadric *HIGS* Shandril.

Chrysalis turns into Fortunato.

look fortunado

Sadric says, "How've ya been?"

I see no "fortunado" here.

Sadric says, "HUGS even. :)"

Sadric misses too! :)

Sadric goes back to sleep. /grin

@go #52300

You begin to move into the room but encounter some resistance. With a snap you're catapulted back where you came from.

Either Vortex doesn't want to go, or Gam-Bit's didn't accept it.

@go #52300

Fortunato says, "The nice thing about Chrysalis is she doesn't often wear clothes... and no one looks :)"

You begin to move into the room but encounter some resistance. With a snap you're catapulted back where you came from.

Either Vortex doesn't want to go, or Gam-Bit's didn't accept it.

Dr.Fate says, "Quite a shift, there, Fortunato."

Fortunato says, "After all, seeing someone's organs move is a bit.... unnerving."

Fortunato [to Dr.Fate]: Yes.

You say, “beautiful in a Ballardian way”

Fortunato says, "Ballard?"

Jezebel teleports in.

Fortunato says, "I'm a Tantric mage :)"

You say, "I'm reading THE ATROCITY EXHIBITION these days"

Jezebel says, "A tantric mage?"

Fortunato > Cuckoo! >BARK, BARKoug steps through the velvet curtain into the men's dressing room.

|>oug goes northeast.


Plaid_Guest, Moulton, Killer, Jade_Guest, emr, and Albert are here.

Albert takes a nugget of cheese from the plate.

Albert takes a helping of cheese from the plate.

Albert takes a serving of cheese from the plate.

Albert takes a lump of cheese from the plate.

Albert takes a chunk of cheese from the plate.

Moulton has disconnected.

Albert eats a lump of cheese.

Albert eats a chunk of cheese.

look albert

You see a freshman learning his way around the Media Lab.

He is awake and looks alert.


Backpack helping of cheese

nugget of cheese serving of cheese

Albert is wearing a loincloth of many colors.

Albert eats a serving of cheese.

Albert eats a helping of cheese.

Albert eats a nugget of cheese.

Looking underdressed, Kid_Gloves timidly steps into the ballroom.

Kid_Gloves materializes out of thin air.

Alan (sweaty) returns to the ballroom.

Alan (sweaty) steps off the dance floor.

Albert rubs his belly

Alan (sweaty) steps through the velvet curtain into the women's dressing room!

Alan (sweaty) goes northwest.

eat a nugget of cheese

I don't understand that.

look kid_gloves

You see a handsome high-tech glove floating in space. He used to occupy space in the Medialab but has moved on into the real world.

He is awake and looks alert.

Killer steps into the foyer.

Kid_Gloves steps through the velvet curtain into the men's dressing room.

Kid_Gloves goes northeast.


You step into the slightly brighter light of the foyer.

Ballroom Foyer

Cerulean_Guest, andru, and Killer are here.

look cerulean_guest

Guest is wearing neatly-pressed, cerulean-blue business attire and looking alternatively amazed and lost.

It is awake, but has been staring off into space for 3 hours.

You say, "Where U going Killer?"


Sixth-floor Atrium

Tom is here.

Killer has arrived.


This space hasn't been developed yet. I plan to have links to interesting RL documents, such as papers players have written or found interesting. If you have suggestions, or have seen something similar implemented elsewhere (preferably in a MU*), please send Michele email (mevard@media.mit.edu).

Obvious exits: out to Sixth-floor Atrium

You see an old terminal here.

Killer has arrived.


Killer says, "Hi"

Orange_Guest has arrived.

You say, "Yo Killer..."

Killer says, "finally we're alone"

You say, "Kill anyone lately?"

Orange_Guest says, "not quite alone..."

You say, "OOOOooo"

look orange_guest

Guest is wearing neatly-pressed, yellow business attire and looking alternatively amazed and lost.

It is awake and looks alert.

Killer says, "well, Shiuittt"

You say, "What's up cyberpholk?"

Killer says, "guess who's next on my list "

Orange_Guest dissolves into a glob of ones and zeros and flows into the screen of an old terminal!

You say, "I hope it's me..."

Killer says, "I wanna party"

You say, "Me too"

You say, "Where?"

Killer says, "take my hands and I'll take you to heaven"

take Killer's hand

I see no "Killer's hand" here.

You say, "Not sure how to do that"

Killer says, "let's go pogoing in the Ballroom!"

You say, "OK"


Sixth-floor Atrium


You enter the ballroom foyer.

Obvious exits: south to The Ballroom, east to Men's Dressing Room, west to Women's Dressing Room, and north to Sixth-floor Atrium

Cerulean_Guest is here.

Killer steps in from the atrium.


You step through the velvet curtain into the women's dressing room.

Women's Dressing Room

The dressing room is a clutter of gowns, hats, and gloves from all different eras. Type 'examine rack' for more information.

Obvious exits: east to Ballroom Foyer and south to The Ballroom

You see women's clothing rack and a gold plaque here.

Violet_Guest and Alan (somber) are here.

Kid_Gloves materializes out of thin air.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Killer steps through the velvet curtain into the dressing room.

Killer has arrived.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Killer says, "you can't escape now Alan"

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan [to Killer]: "And why would I want to?"

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

look alan

A man, five-ten, long black hair, full beard and moustache.

He is awake and looks alert.

look gold plaque

I see no "gold plaque" here.

Killer says, "well, now you want anymore"

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.

Alan searches through the women's clothing rack.


The Ballroom

Plaid_Guest, emr, Michele, and |>oug are here.

look emr

emr is a short woman with bright red hair.

She is awake, but has been staring off into space for 29 minutes.

emr is wearing a floor-length green-sequinned evening gown, matching sling-back heels, and dangling diamond earings.

Michele orders vanilla milkshake

Lucy says, "Lots of calories in that, aren't there?"

Lucy turns away from the counter, and you hear a blender hard at work.

Lucy brings Michele a vanilla milkshake.

Michele says, "thanks"

|>oug says, "When does the music start?"

look michelle

I see no "michelle" here.

Michele says, "the music is on the dance floor... south (but it's got a bug right now.)"

look michele

A grad student who's carrying various books and papers she should probably be reading.

She is awake and looks alert.


Wind-Up Puppy map1

help-cracking vanilla milkshake

Generic Wind-Up Toy

Michele is wearing clean but well-worn jeans, a faded Phish t-shirt and a comfortable old pair of Birkenstocks.

You say, "Did you change names, Michele?"

Alan (relaxed) returns to the ballroom.

Alan (relaxed) has arrived.

Looking underdressed, Killer timidly steps into the ballroom.

Killer has arrived.

whois killer

Killer's real name is "Stahl Stenslie".

Killer can be reached via email as: stahl@khm.uni-koeln.DE

Killer says, "Sh...."

You say, "Killer, where's khm.uni-koeln?"

|>oug steps through the velvet curtain into the women's dressing room.

|>oug goes northwest.

Killer steps through the velvet curtain into the men's dressing room.

Killer goes northeast.

Alan says, "Denmark"

|>oug returns to the ballroom.

|>oug has arrived.

whois drave

Drave has no real name.

Alan (relaxed) orders gin & tonic

Lucy says "Ah! A person of refined tastes."


You step through the velvet curtain into the men's dressing room.

Men's Dressing Room

The dressing room is a clutter of tuxedos, tail coats, cummerbunds, gloves, and hats from all eras. Type 'search rack' to pick an outfit, and 'wear # from rack' to put it on!

Obvious exits: west to Ballroom Foyer and south to The Ballroom

You see Men's Clothing Rack and a gold plaque here.

Grey_Guest, Jeremias, Greg, Jade_Guest, Killer, and andru are here.

whois grey_guest

Grey_Guest has no real name.

Killer says, "well you've found me finally"

You say, "Yes, pas de probleme"

Killer slips into a large eyeball surmounted by a black top hat.

You hear the bips of keyclick, the sliding of mice and the hum of computers in the distance as andru fades slowly out of view, heading towards them.

Kid_Gloves steps through the velvet curtain into the dressing room.

Kid_Gloves has arrived.

The housekeeper arrives to cart Jeremias off to bed.

search rack

You search through the rack and find vibrant shiny fuschia suit-jacket with barbed-wire pleated pants and yellow silk tie ripped halfway down (Outfit #46) which would look fabulous on you.

Kid_Gloves slips into a green on orange double-breasted paisley dinner jacket.

Kid_Gloves goes west.

Killer says, "if you wanna know where I come from you have to come closer"

wear #46

I don't understand that.

There are the light bips of keyclick and the sliding of mice as andru fades into view, shoving himself away from the console, which promptly fades away.

wear #46 from rack

You slip into vibrant shiny fuschia suit-jacket with barbed-wire pleated pants and yellow silk tie ripped halfway down.

Teal_Guest steps through the velvet curtain into the dressing room.

Teal_Guest has arrived.

Teal_Guest searches through the Men's Clothing Rack.

look teal_guest

Guest is wearing neatly-pressed, teal business attire and looking alternatively amazed and lost.

It is awake and looks alert.

Killer says, "hey Greeny,what a look!"

You say, "Yezzum, ain't it nice? 2 layers of clothes! A disguise!"

Teal_Guest says, ""Teal, not green..."

You say, "I'm green, DOOD"

Orange_Guest steps through the velvet curtain into the dressing room.

Orange_Guest has arrived.

You say, "How was cyber land Orange?"

Killer says, "I'll go for the wild one"

Killer goes south.

You return to the ballroom.

Looking underdressed, Teal_Guest timidly steps into the ballroom.

Teal_Guest has arrived.

Killer says, "lucy, hand me that cheese of yours!"

You say, "I want some too"

Killer says, "make you deserve some"

You say, "OK. I'll bite..."

Killer says, "It's time for that wild stuff"

You say, "Yezzum"

Killer says, "Greeny, you do the tango with me!"

You say, "OK"

Killer says, "Where'"

Lucy sees the vanilla milkshake going untouched and comes to collect it.

You say, "Anywhere is fine"

Looking underdressed, Orange_Guest timidly steps into the ballroom.

Orange_Guest has arrived.

Killer says, ""

Teal_Guest says, "I beg your pardon?"

Killer says, "Finally it's time for the Blues"

You say, "south"

Gray_Guest pauses in the doorway of The Ballroom, gazing around the ballroom.

A voice announces, "Gray_Guest".

Gray_Guest has arrived.

Killer steps onto the dance floor.

Michele says, "try the dance floor--@dances shows some that are there..."


I don't understand that.

Alan (relaxed) returns to the ballroom.

Alan (relaxed) steps off the dance floor.

Orange_Guest steps into the foyer.

look gray_guest

Gray_Guest is wearing charcoal grey suit, athletically cut, with an aqua paisly tie.

You say, "Nice touch to your grey grey"

Looking underdressed, Teal_Guest timidly steps into the ballroom.

Teal_Guest has arrived.

Killer returns to the ballroom.

Killer steps off the dance floor.

You say, "Um, gray gray"

Alan looks puzzled. "Green, you talking to me?"

You say, "Not that I know of. Do you want to talk?"

Alan shrugs. "Just trying to figure out what gray/grey had to do with anything.

You say, "Gray_guest has a nice tie!"

Gray_Guest says, "thanks green!"

Killer says, "don't make me jealous"

You say, "De nada"

Alan looks nauseated.

You say, "Why nauseated Alan?"

Alan says, "Aqua paisley on grey? Yecch!"

Teal_Guest steps onto the dance floor.

Kid_Gloves (feeling better) returns to the ballroom.

Kid_Gloves (feeling better) steps off the dance floor.

Plaid_Guest, emr, Michele, Gray_Guest, Alan (nauseated), Killer, and Kid_Gloves (feeling better) are here.

Kid_Gloves (feeling better) steps into the foyer.

Killer says, "leave him alone, hi's just a kid"

You say, "Who's a kid?"

Alan [to Killer]: "Who was that remark to?"

look kid_gloves

I see no "kid_gloves" here.

|>oug returns to the ballroom.

|>oug steps off the dance floor.

|>oug takes a wedge of cheese from the plate.

|>oug takes a hunk of cheese from the plate.

Looking underdressed, Teal_Guest timidly steps into the ballroom.

Teal_Guest steps off the dance floor.

"|>oug takes a pat of cheese from the plate.

|>oug takes a tidbit of cheese from the plate.

|>oug takes a fragment of cheese from the plate.

You say, "How is the cheese | >oug?"

Killer says, "gimme that bottle Lucy"

andru returns to the ballroom.

andru has arrived.

andru steps onto the dance floor.

Orange_Guest returns to the ballroom.

Orange_Guest has arrived.

whois andru

andru's real name is "Andrew Myers".

andru can be reached via email as: andru@thor.lcs.mit.edu

|>oug says, "I haven't eaten it yet.... I'm a collector of cheese."

You say, "Wow"

You say, "I have some interesting cheese in my belly-button"

|>oug hands you pat of cheese.

Teal_Guest says, "Does anyone know how late this reception is going until?"

Orange_Guest says, "10pm"

take cheese

You already have that!

eat cheese

You eat your pat of cheese.

Teal_Guest says, ""Is Green ok? Someone seems to have spiked the cheese..."

|>oug says, "Could I have some of that belly button cheese for my collection?""

You say, "Mmm- mmm I'm fine"

Teal_Guest says, "Probably even better than fine, yes?"

You say, "Well, you'd have to come to Albany for it..."

Orange_Guest takes a morsel of cheese from the plate.

Orange_Guest eats a morsel of cheese.

|>oug says, "I wonder if it would be a tidbit, a fragment, or a wedge?"

|>oug eats a wedge of cheese.

Orange_Guest says, "Hi Lucy"

whisper killer What's doing?

I don't understand that.

Orange_Guest steps through the velvet curtain into the women's dressing room.

Orange_Guest goes northwest.

|>oug takes a scrap of cheese from the plate.

|>oug takes a segment of cheese from the plate.

Killer says, "Lucy, gimmie another one"

|>oug takes a piece of cheese from the plate.

Gray_Guest steps onto the dance floor.


You step into the slightly brighter light of the foyer.

Cerulean_Guest and Jave are here.

whois jave

Jave has no real name.

look jave

A random janitor-ly type.

He is awake, but has been staring off into space for a minute.


You feel a tingling sensation and suddenly realize that you are no longer wearing vibrant shiny fuschia suit-jacket with barbed-wire pleated pants and yellow silk tie ripped halfway down.

Sixth-floor Atrium

You see an elevator call button here.

push call button

You push the button, which lights up.


I don't understand that.

The elevator doors open.


I don't understand that.


I don't understand that.

The elevator doors close.

push button

You push the button, which lights up.

The elevator doors open.


I don't understand that.

The elevator doors close.

push button

You push the button, which lights up.

The elevator doors open.


You walk into the elevator.


You are inside the Media Lab elevator. The walls are dull steel and the floor is grey rubber with raised circular bumps. You see push buttons labeled LL, G, 2, 3, 4, Roof, and 6. The floor indicator shows 6. The elevator is stopped and the doors are open.

The doors close.


I don't understand that.


I don't understand that.

go G

You can't go that way (G).


I don't understand that.


I don't understand that.


I don't understand that.

push G

You push the button for G

The elevator begins to move down.






The elevator doors open.


You walk out of the elevator.

Ground-floor Lobby

You are standing in a large open space. The floor is dark grey, and the walls are covered with square off-white and pale grey tiles with colored pieces interspersed (seemingly randomly). As you look up, you realize that the second, third and fourth floors open onto this space. The ceiling is glass, with a grey framework right below the panes. There is a large stairway down to the Lower-level Lobby, as well as a door to the stairwell.

Obvious exits: stairs to Ground-floor Stairwell, up to Hovering in the atrium, elevator to elevator, and down to Lower-level Lobby

You see Sign of Incompletion and elevator call button here.

The elevator doors close.

look sign of incompletion

There appears to be some writing on the note ...

read note

I don't understand that.

read writing

I don't understand that.


I don't understand that.

read map

I don't understand that.


I don't understand that.


You rise gracefully up into the air.

Hovering in the atrium

You stand in open air. From here you have a fine view of the entire wall mural. Looking down you see the ground floor lobby, and behind you is the railing of the balcony on the second floor. High above you is the glass roof of the building.

Blimp is here.

look blimp

You see a silvery blimp about one meter long hovering in the air. The shell is thin and shows signs of having been carefully patched. Two small red propellers make a faint, yet somehow cheerful noise.

It is sleeping.


cellular phone


You can't go that way.


You gently float down to the lobby.

Ground-floor Lobby


You click your heels three times.

The LEGO Closet

It's dark in here, and there are little crunchy plastic things under your feet! Groping around, you discover what feels like a doorknob on one wall.

Obvious exits: out to The E&L Garden


I don't understand that.


*** Disconnected ***

Connection closed by foreign host.


Guest exits to the north.

whereis gam-bit

Gam-Bit (#50235) is in Gam-Bit's (#52300).

FireHeart is on a chair actually.

Green_Guest says, "hi Vortex"

@go #52300

You begin to move into the room but encounter some resistance. With a snap you're catapulted back where you came from.

Either Vortex doesn't want to go, or Gam-Bit's didn't accept it.

You say, "Hi"

Green_Guest is chastened

At waffle's request, the housekeeper sneaks in, deposits a map of LambdaHouse and leaves.

look map

This is a map of part of LambdaHouse and the surrounding areas. Exits between rooms are shown, but keep in mind that some exits are one-way, and some, such as `enter', `up', and `down' aren't shown. Also remember that, although this map is kept as accurate as possible, LambdaHouse is a volitile thing, always changing. Areas marked with `...' have exits to other areas you may wish to explore.

see map

I don't understand that.

show map

I don't understand that.


Green_Guest says, "hello ...anybody out there?"

You say, "Yoo-hoo"

Green_Guest thought everyone had gone

You say, "Nope"

Guest teleports in.

Green_Guest says, "where are you from then?"

You say, "Albany NY USA"

Guest thinks green is AT IT AGAIN....

You say, "Am I safe?"

Green_Guest boffs Guest over the head

Green_Guest says, "perfectly"

Shasta comes into view.

Look green_guest

By definition, guests appear nondescript.

This one has a slight greenish tint, however.

It is awake and looks alert.

Guest says, "not from green - she is a man eater"

Green_Guest says, "hi shasta"

FireHeart is still here but a bit busy as well...loading up for this evening.

look guest

By definition, Guest appears nondescript.

She is awake and looks alert.

Shasta wavers.

look shasta


It is awake and looks alert.



Green_Guest says, "loading what up"

whereis mineral

Mineral (#50669) is in The Idea of Switzerland (#53048).

@go #53048

The Idea of Switzerland

A quiet place. Shadows of streetcars move along the walls but otherwise it is gray and white and more or less empty.

Mineral is here.

You say, "Are you awake mineral"

look mineral

Gaunt, w/long sideburns, bellbottom corduroys, maroon suede boots, a T-Rex t-shirt and a fossil trilobite pendant.

He is sleeping.


big pink eraser


2 messages:

1: Nov 22 11:11 Gam-Bit (#50235) hello

>>>2: Jan 16 16:19 Gam-Bit (#50235) MOOmail



Message 2:

Date: Sat Jan 16 16:19:01 1993 PST

From: Gam-Bit (#50235)

To: Vortex (#50457)

Subject: MOOmail

Dear Vortex,

i got your message & dont write your message as your subject!

rebel (a.k.a. Monthy_Python, .(period), Rebel, Remy_LeBeau, NightCrawler, The_psychotic_android, Marvin)



Usage: @send

@send to continue with a previous draft

@send mineral


[Type a line of input or `@abort' to abort the command.]

Visited The Idea Of Switzerland, You

Do a 'look' to get the list of commands, or 'help' for assistance.

Composing a letter to Mineral (#50669) entitled "Visited The Idea Of Switzerland, You"


I don't understand that.

Came to see you, must be sleeping, later I'll don a similar pendant, wildman, we'll go for a walk soon. Listening to B'water/Roky Erikson....Vortex

I don't understand that.


Mail actually sent to Mineral (#50669)

The Idea of Switzerland

Mineral is here.

You say, "MINERAL!"


Power Pop Heaven

A dark, smoky space smelling a little of old beer. You sense the presence of something dark and urgent and alkaline.


The Idea of Switzerland


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


Power Pop Heaven


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


I don't understand that.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.

You say, "What's up?"


I don't understand that.

@go #23917

Event Lab

You see large numbers of smock-wearing scientist types entering and leaving various test rooms over and over.

You see Event Tester Class (asleep), Generic Event-Receiving Room, An Intel 80486 chip, Sniff, and Better Babbler here.

Zippy (dozing) is here.


Tavern Second Floor

This is the second floor of the Looking Glass Tavern, where rooms are rented to steady customers on a long-term basis. There are several doors on either side of the hallway, some marked vacant, many bearing room numbers and the names of the occupants. The hallway extends back to the east, leading to what appears to be a less-used area.

The spiral staircase leading to the first floor is at the west end of the hallway.


plaque titled Directory

SIGN: New Mailing List For Looking Glass Tavern


You can't go that way.


You climb down the spiral staircase to the bar of the Looking Glass Tavern.

Looking Glass Tavern Bar

The bar of the Looking Glass Tavern is one vast, smooth expanse of primeval wood (from the primeval forest) against the north wall, polished to a high sheen by the never-ending efforts of a not-quite-human bartender. Behind the bar is a mirror that doesn't appear to be reflecting the contents of the room accurately...

Steps lead up, to the second floor and down, to the cellar. A stack of cases of Old Frothing Slosh beer rest in the southwest corner.

You see center of the room, wurlitzer, behind the bar, drunken stupor, a long mirror that looks kind of hazy and doesn't quite reflect the contents of the room, a dart board, Laser Light Box, and Bert the Boojum here.

jabberwock is here.

look jabberwock

a tall blonde with an affection for wonderland

She is sleeping.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


Yoshie's Assassin Guild

The guild looks like an old fortress. It has tall ivy covered walls that are patrolled by guards. There is little light in the guild. Most of it is coming from a bonfire in the center of the guild. The fire illuminates about a twenty foot circle in the room. The rest of the guild is obscured by shadows. The moon can be seen overhead. It has a hazy quality that fortells of bad weather in the future. You have a feeling that you are being watched. You occasionally see movements in the shadows. You hear pleasant music coming from outside the walls. As you look around the guild you notice what appears to be a book shelf on the eastern wall. It is too dark too tell at a quick glance what books are there. You can barely recognise the shape of a throne on the other side of the fire. There is also a small chamberpot in the southeastern corner of the guild. There are various tapestries hanging on the walls.

Yoshie (asleep) is sitting in the throne.

You see Thunder here.

You carefully slide the stone door back into place and enter the Guild.

look thunder

A beautiful wolf with a coat the color of thunder clouds. Every muscle in his body is ready to respond to any command given to him by his master. He appears to be a gentle and loving animal.

pat thunder

I don't understand that.


You can't go that way.



You enter a place of soft lights and soothing music. A warm fire glows in the hearth, giving a semblance of carefree life to the shadows, and seems to dance in time with the music. On the mantel lies a golden harp, the symbol of the Spellsinger's Guild. A fine Oriental rug lies in front of the fireplace. Against one oak-paneled wall is a plush couch, and across from it is an antique rocking chair. Behind the chair is a bookshelf, taking up the entire wall. In one corner is a baby grand, and a harpsichord is in the other. A chestnut cabinet is set near the door. The air itself smells of burning cedar and pipe tobacco. The entirety of the room beckons you to relax, and enjoy the everpresent and infinite beauty of the Heartsong.

An oaken door to the south leads back to the Spellsingers' Guild.

Daylight streams from the window to the west, above the couch.

Taliesin the Master Bard (dreaming of reality) is here.

look bookshelf

Made of sturdy pine, this bookshelf takes up half the wall opposite the couch. A wide range of books adorn the shelves, from Tolkien to Azimov, but most seem to be songbooks or poetry.

A few titles catch your eye: 'Mists of Avalon' by Marion Zimmer Bradley, the Witch World series by Andre Norton, 'Greenmantle' by Charles de Lint, and 'Taliesin's Red Book of Spellsongs.'

add book

I don't understand that.


I don't understand that.

push bookshelf

I don't understand that.


I don't understand that.

look Taliesin

Taliesin the Master Bard

A redheaded man, standing 6'4", with a trim beard. He seems to have a shining wisdom glinting in his hazel eyes, behind the lenses of his wire-rims. He is carrying a lute, an ancient stringed instrument. Every so often, he runs his fingers over the strings, and blue sparks of magick fly up on the wings of the chords. He proudly displays Taliesin's Official Helpful Person Badge.

He is sleeping.


cloak (worn) backpack

magickal lute Shillelagh

suit of chainmail


Usage: @send

@send to continue with a previous draft

@send Taliesin


[Type a line of input or `@abort' to abort the command.]


Mail Room

Do a 'look' to get the list of commands, or 'help' for assistance.

Composing a letter to Taliesin (#37114) entitled "VORTEX CAME TO VISIT YOU "

Mr. T, I came by, browsed, looks & smells good in here. When I figure out how to run the system a little better I'll get a flute & we can jam, OK? VORTEX SEND

I don't understand that.


Mail actually sent to Taliesin (#37114)



I don't understand that.


The Spellsingers' Guild

A large, auditorium-sized room, with many stools and chairs strewn about. A wooden stage is to the south, with a podium. The podium bears the crest of the Guild, a golden harp. Below the crest are the words, "When the song sings the singer, a spell is revealed." Behind the podium is a huge tapestry, depicting scenes of ancient tales and heroic deeds. To the west are stained-glass windows, each bearing the golden harp. Every so often, notes fill the air as a bard tunes an instrument. Lanterns line the wall, giving a cheery glow to the entire room. You can sense magick in the air.

To the east are double doors made of oak, which lead back to the Academy. Another door to the north leads to the BardHome.

A sign on the wall reads: "To become a Spellsinger, type 'TRAIN'."

A bronze plaque upon the wall holds the names of all the members of the Guild. A large cedar cabinet stands in a corner.


You must be initiated by the Bovine Illuminati first.

look plaque

A plaque on the wall which holds the names and titles of all ordained bards.

look names

I couldn't find "names".

look titles

I couldn't find "titles".


Help is available on the following general topics:

introduction -- what's going on here and some basic commands

index -- index into the help system

players -- setting characteristics of yourself

movement -- moving yourself between rooms

communication -- communicating with other players

manipulation -- moving or using other objects

miscellaneous -- commands that don't fit anywhere else

building -- extending the MOO

programming -- writing code in the MOO programming language

editors -- editing text and code in the MOO

@pagelength -- what to do if lines scroll off your screen too fast

@linelength -- what to do if lines are truncated

tinymud -- a list of equivalences between MOO and TinyMUD concepts/commands

LambdaMOO -- the `theme' of LambdaMOO, what new building should be like

manners -- the commonly-accepted rules of behavior on this MUD

wizard-list -- current list of LambdaMOO wizards

Type 'help ' for information on a particular topic.

You say, "hello"

whereis Bovine Illuminati

"Bovine" is not the name of any player.

"Illuminati" is not the name of any player.


You open the doors to the east, and walk down a flight of stairs to the Academy.

End of Corridor

The corridor ends here with a solid brick wall to the east, in which is set a dark oaken door emblazoned with a symbol of a golden harp. A huge lantern suspended from the ceiling provides better-than-average illumination. To the north is a very plain, wooden door.


Goodyear Blimp


Counselling Centre

Several concerned, supportive-looking people are continually answering telephones and talking to people about their problems. One appears to be rostered to instruct people in counselling.

A sign on the wall announces that members may enrol in the following courses here:

coun1 : A quick course in helping and understanding people.

coun3 : A more intensive counselling course.

coun5 : A crash course in understanding and being supportive.


You can't go that way.


End of Corridor


You open the door to the east, and walk up a flight of stairs to the Spellsinger's Guild.


You open the doors to the east, and walk down a flight of stairs to the Academy.

End of Corridor


You open the door to the east, and walk up a flight of stairs to the Spellsinger's Guild.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You open the doors to the east, and walk down a flight of stairs to the Academy.

End of Corridor


You open the door to the east, and walk up a flight of stairs to the Spellsinger's Guild.

The Spellsingers' Guild


You open the doors to the east, and walk down a flight of stairs to the Academy.

End of Corridor


Shadowy Corridor


Gloomy Corridor


Dark Corridor


How did you get back there? You're not an initiate! Teleport out and walk from the west.

You say, "no"


How did you get back there? You're not an initiate! Teleport out and walk from the west.


Gloomy Corridor


School of Deportment

The School of Deportment and Beauty exists to educate initiates in the art of looking their best. The walls are covered with before and after pictures of previous students.

A sign on the wall announces that members may enrol in the following courses here:

DB1 : Introduction to impressing people.

DB3 : A more intensive course in presenting yourself impressively.

DB5 : For prospective diplomats, gigolos and beauty pageant entrants.


Gloomy Corridor


You open the door and enter. The door closes behind you with a resounding clang of finality.


The tiny cell is completely bare. The floor is cold, bare stone, as are the unadorned walls. A candle in one corner provides enough light to see the burly guard leaning against a wall, waiting for someone to supervise.

A sign on the wall announces that members may enrol in the following courses here:

dep1 : Introductory bodily deprivation, for those requiring a modest reinforcement of willpower

dep3 : Intermediate bodily deprivation, an intensive course in self-control

dep5 : Advanced bodily deprivation, an intensive crash-course for those who wish to develop true wills of iron

whereis intensity

Intensity (#50242) is in The Body Bag (#25489).

@go #25489

Either Vortex doesn't want to go, or The Body Bag didn't accept it.

whereis seldon

Seldon (#50268) is in The Body Bag (#25489).


Gloomy Corridor


Shadowy Corridor


Gonzo's Amazing Hall of Magic

The room is a monument to glitter and bad taste. Juggling clubs and conjuring apparatus lie scattered all over the place and a white rabbit nibbles contentedly at a deck of cards. The once-great Gonzo is collapsed in one corner, half asleep. Despite his decline, he is eager to pass on his skills before he becomes incapable of doing so.

A sign on the wall announces that members may enroll in the following courses here:

sleight1 : A quick course in sleight of hand and deftness of touch.

sleight3 : A more intensive course.

sleight5 : A crash course for those to whom deftness of the hands is important.


Shadowy Corridor

The east-west corridor continues in both directions, with doors to the north and south. The occasional torch on the wall casts huge shadows along the floor and walls.


I don't understand that.


Private Investigation Agency

A seedy-looking private detective sprawls behind a desk. He looks too old to work in the field now, but he is obviously willing to impart his skills to others.

A sign on the wall announces that members may enrol in the following courses here:

for1 : Introductory forensics, for those wishing to become amateur sleuths.

for3 : Intermediate forensics, for those more serious about sleuthing.

for5 : Advanced forensics, a must for all private investigators.


Shadowy Corridor


End of Corridor


You open the door to the east, and walk up a flight of stairs to the Spellsinger's Guild.

The Spellsingers' Guild


You can't go that way.


You open the doors to the east, and walk down a flight of stairs to the Academy.


You can't go that way.


Counselling Centre


End of Corridor


You open the door to the east, and walk up a flight of stairs to the Spellsinger's Guild.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You open the doors to the east, and walk down a flight of stairs to the Academy.

End of Corridor


You open the door to the east, and walk up a flight of stairs to the Spellsinger's Guild.

@whereis the Bovine Illuminati

"Bovine" is not the name of any player.

"Illuminati" is not the name of any player.

Crawfish (#52451) is in Crawfishes Underworld (#20820).

@go #20820

You begin to move into the room but encounter some resistance. With a snap you're catapulted back where you came from.

Either Vortex doesn't want to go, or Crawfishes Underworld didn't accept it.




You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


The Spellsingers' Guild




You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


You can't go that way.


I don't understand that.


You can't go that way.


The Spellsingers' Guild


I don't understand that.


You click your heels three times.

The Coat Closet

The closet is a dark, cramped space. It appears to be very crowded in here; you keep bumping into what feels like coats, boots, and other people (apparently sleeping). One useful thing that you've discovered in your bumbling about is a metal doorknob set at waist level into what might be a door.


You open the closet door and leave the darkness for the living room, closing the door behind you so as not to wake the sleeping people inside.

The Living Room

FireHeart (distracted), Zippy, Chaos, Venice, Xandu, and Hiro (having fun...) are here.

You see Chaosjack into the Metaverse. There is a brief flash of light and then they are gone.

Hiro says, "oops..."

Zippy [to Hiro]: Oughta be a space after the name.

Zippy says, "Vortex."

Venice says, "you see typojack into the metaverse"

You say, "Up"

Zippy [to Vortex]: Which beach did you grow up on?

You say, "Thousands and thousands of beaches...""

Zippy giggles at Venice.

Hiro says, "ok!"

Chaos steps out from behind a flowing black cloak.

You see Xandujack into the Metaverse. There is a brief flash of light and then they are gone.

Venice says, "Charmed, I'm sure."

Zippy [sings]: Because it makes me feel like I'm a man, when I put a spike into my vein.

Hiro picks up The Metaverse Terminal.

Hiro sinks into the floor.

Venice . o O ( termites )

Zippy nods solemnly.

You say, "Santa Cruz, Buzzards Bay, many others..."

Zippy nods Vortex.

look zippy


Too good to be true. He is wearing Zippy's Official Helpful Person Badge, but appears to be off duty. He seems to have a transparent shield surrounding him, rendering him impervious to food fights.

He is awake and looks alert.

Zippy hasna been to Santa Cruz in a few years now, sigh.

You say, "I'm going in 11 days!"

Zippy [to Vortex]: Where are you now?

Chaos [to Zippy]: pffff

Venice . o O ( gnarly )

You say, "Chaos has been to Santa Cruz!"

Zippy [to Chaos]: ffffp

Chaos says, "i has not"

You say, "Vortex now located in Albany NY USA"

Zippy eeks.

Zippy [to Vortex]: My condolences.

A violent tornado with blue, gray, and black swirls in it arrives. The tornado settles, and reveals Xandu.

You say, "No, Albany's way cool""

Zippy oogs.

Zippy hasta find out when he's sposed to go into Seattle tonight, oog.

You say, "Where are you zippy & chaos"

Zippy >>2: Jan 16 16:19 Gam-Bit (#50235) MOOmail

3:+ Jan 24 04:22 Gam-Bit (#50235) hmmm



Message 2:

Date: Sat Jan 16 16:19:01 1993 PST

From: Gam-Bit (#50235)

To: Vortex (#50457)

Subject: MOOmail

Dear Vortex,

i got your message & dont write your message as your subject!

rebel (a.k.a. Monthy_Python, .(period), Rebel, Remy_LeBeau, NightCrawler, The_psychotic_android, Marvin)



Message 3:

Date: Sun Jan 24 04:22:30 1993 PST

From: Gam-Bit (#50235)

To: Vortex (#50457)

Subject: hmmm

well you're at it again *DON'T* type every thing in the subject it is annoying type the subject and WRITE the letter!





I don't understand that.


The Coat Closet


You open the closet door and leave the darkness for the living room, closing the door behind you so as not to wake the sleeping people inside.

The Living Room

Jimmy_Buffet, Black_Francis, Leigh-Cheri, Dred, Yellow_Guest, Tamazipam, Fizban (The great), Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue (looking tasty as usual), and Guest are here.

Fizban (The great) nods solemnly.

Black_Francis invites slacker to a game of Hide the Salam.

Dred is here wondering if life is worth .10.

Tamazipam asks, "where are you if no one is around ?"

Yellow_Guest is going to leave and go request her character, finally!

slacker says, "hi."

look bookcases

I see no "bookcases" here.

Black_Francis [to slacker]: Gewe?

Leigh-Cheri says, "yay for Elizabeth!!"

Tamazipam [to slacker]: hi

You say, "Yo Mistah Slack"

Fizban tries a fireball spell, when it suddenly backfires! Creating a huge cloud of smoke obscuring your vision of him, all you hear is OOPS!!. When it clears, he is gone, all that is left is a slowly falling feather.

Yellow_Guest waves good bye to everyone and kicks smurf in the butt on her way out

Yellow_Guest has disconnected.

The housekeeper arrives to remove Yellow_Guest.

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue licks Leigh-Cheri's earlobes.

Phylon teleports in.

Jimmy_Buffet says, "sex makes it all worth more than .10 Dred."

Black_Francis is jealous.

Tamazipam blushes

Tamazipam says, "for the hell of it"

Tamazipam quickly morphs into Dean_Moriarty.

Jimmy_Buffet smiles dreamily

Leigh-Cheri smiles

Phylon exits to the north.

Dred [to Jimmy_Buffet]: I hope sex is worth more thant $.10!

You say, "I think of Dean Moriarty...""

Dean_Moriarty chortles loudly

Black_Francis leaves. Big deal.

slacker gewes.

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue smiles.

Jimmy_Buffet [to Dred]: no way dude...its only good when given free.

Even the Deslacker says, "dean!"

Leigh-Cheri says, "is anybody left here?"

Dean_Moriarty [to Vortex]: gee thanks

Murray teleports in.

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue says, "I am! I am!"

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue says, "But I'm not really paying mulch attention..."

You say, "Even the Dean moriarty we never found (in denver?)"

Leigh-Cheri shruggs

Jimmy_Buffet says, "changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes."

Dean_Moriarty asks, "hope they are pleasant thoughts ?"

Guest exits to the north.

You say, "In America when the sun goes down..."

Dean_Moriarty quickly morphs into Neal_Cassady.

Neal_Cassady [to Vortex]: is that better?

Markus comes out of the closet (so to speak...).

You say, "Yass, Yass, & I'm Alvah Goldberg"

Neal_Cassady says, "lost the pseudonym now..."

You feel suddenly and uncontrollably intimidated as Hester glides into your meek presence and cracks her whip.

Jimmy_Buffet says, "...ran into a chum with a bottle of rum and wound up drinking all night."

slacker says, "hi." to Neal_Cassady.

Dred waves to Hester.

Neal_Cassady says, "yup...speed all night speed all day"

Jimmy_Buffet says, "intimidated?"

Jimmy_Buffet falls down laughing.

Look hester

A deceptively innocent looking woman with proud bearing and a poiercing gaze. There seems to be a letter embroidered on the front of her gown and a whip at her belt. Not the kind of womand to be taken lightly. She is, however, looking rather sullen lately.

She is awake and looks alert.



Leigh-Cheri says, "by what?"

Hester waves to dred

Neal_Cassady . o O ( or whom )

Jimmy_Buffet says, "good times and riches and sons of a bitches, I've seen em all...."

You say, "A"

Leigh-Cheri says, "all this morphing has got me confuzzed"

Neal_Cassady [to Leigh-Cheri]: so am i !?!?!?

Jimmy_Buffet laughs...want a margarita Lay?

Jimmy_Buffet says, "woops...that's leigh..."

Neal_Cassady chuckles

Leigh-Cheri says, "ha ha ha ha ha, sure, ok"

Markus becomes a liquid mass and oozes through the floor


You can't go that way.

Leigh-Cheri gags at Markus

whereis gam-bit

Jimmy_Buffet has a pitcher full of that frozen concoction...makes laundry day all that much easier.

Gam-Bit (#50235) is in Gam-Bit's (#52300).

@go #52300

slacker bonks Neal_Cassady. Neal_Cassady says, "OIF!"

You begin to move into the room but encounter some resistance. With a snap you're catapulted back where you came from.

Either Vortex doesn't want to go, or Gam-Bit's didn't accept it.

Neal_Cassady has got to do some Chemistry stuff...:-(

Jimmy_Buffet says, "kinda blows that its ugly out...if not...beach action would have been inevitable."

Neal_Cassady says, "bye bye all"

Leigh-Cheri says, "i'm sure it does...not my preference for substances, though"

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue says, "bi!"

You say, "Bye Neal, see you in San Jose"

Neal_Cassady disappears in a puff of illogicality

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue says, "yeah, but yer just an addict..."

Leigh-Cheri says, "untrue!"

You sense that Neal_Cassady is looking for you in Davinci's Bar.

He pages, "yup, you’re on..."

look leigh-cheri

A sexpot princess, probably wearing a dress and combat boots. Leigh-Cheri is 19, romantically neurotic, an avid reader, occasional drug user, and always on the lookout for a good place to nap.

She is awake and looks alert.

Homeward ho!

Jimmy_Buffet says, "what is it youre addicted to?"

Leigh-Cheri smacks SRF

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue says, "better hide the axes from you..."

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue says, "The killer week!"

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue says, "er, weed!"

look steamed_rhubarb_fondue

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fondue has disconnected.

Leigh-Cheri has disconnected.


He is tall, svelte, strangely handsome, and wearing fishnet stockings and a garter belt.

He is sleeping.


Utility Belt a quarter

Generic Zapper Magic Mushroom

a quarter

Jimmy_Buffet says, "killer weed?"

The cockatoo wriggles out of the gag.

Cockatoo squawks, "And Doolittle..."


I don't understand that.

Hester has disconnected.


*** Disconnected ***

Connection closed by foreign host.


thor% telnet lambda.parc. 8888


Connected to lambda.parc..

connect vortex omaly

*** Connected ***

The Coat Closet

Last connected Sun Jan 24 10:59:44 1993 PST from thor.albany.edu

There is new activity on the following lists:

*smut 486 new messages

Morlor opens the closet door and leaves, closing it behind himself.


Darklighter has connected.

whereis mineral

Mineral (#50669) is in The Idea of Switzerland (#53048).

@go #53048

The Idea of Switzerland

Mineral is here.

whereis gam-bit

Gam-Bit (#50235) is in Gam-Bit's (#52300).


You click your heels three times.

The Coat Closet

Darklighter opens the closet door and leaves, closing it behind himself.


You open the closet door and leave the darkness for the living room, closing the door behind you so as not to wake the sleeping people inside.

The Living Room

Purple_Guest, Tzu'lar, Eris (She's Actual Size), Shrapnel, Justy_Shadowhawke (alive and kicking), j.w.catch, Eclipse (mama told me not to come), Hiro (daydreaming) (jaw hurts...(a filling!) :), Scouser, Morlor, Rolf, Tobin, and Darklighter are here.

Rolf says, "VCRs are no problem but I have never bothered to figure out half the programming features on my CD player."

Tzu'lar says, "And where did the 'Rocket Scientist' as a measure of genius come from anyways ? Anyone want to count the number of screw-ups in the space program over the last 5 years ?"

Eris [to Sal]: OK, well, hrm... ask around and see if your VAX can send stuff via the ZXmodem protocol, and see if your terminal emulator can handle Zmodem. Beyond that, I cannot really help you, seeing as I am not there.

Darklighter waves hello

Eris says, "AARgh./"

Eclipse sighs loudly.

Eclipse waves.

Eclipse goes home.

Justy_Shadowhawke waves

Darklighter wanders off into the kitchen.

Tzu'lar waves to Eclipse.

Scouser wanders off into the kitchen.

Tobin [to Tzu'lar]: how about the first 5 years???

You say, "S I M U L A C R U M""

Shrapnel says, "bye all catch ya."

Shrapnel goes home.

Tzu'lar [to Tobin]: OK, mabye, but lately... if there was a guy in the office who blew up the photocopier and paid $10,000 for a haircut, I'd say 'That guy is some rocket scientist'.

Eris greets Darklighter... or did she do that already?

Eris says, "Whoops."

Eris says, "He ain't here."

Eris feels stupid.

Tobin [to Tzu'lar]: must be a canadian thingy... havent heard it here...

You say, "look eris"

Rolf vanishes in a plainly-labelled puff of generic SMOKE.

Justy_Shadowhawke > Cuckoo! oug (#560) 25 minutes 2 minutes Men's Dressing Room

Christopher (#298) 43 minutes 4 minutes E15-404 AHIG

Greg (#206) an hour 4 minutes Men's Dressing Room

Jeremias (#352) 28 minutes 6 minutes Men's Dressing Room

Guest (#113) 34 minutes 14 minutes The Root Lounge

Amber_Guest (#700) 15 minutes 15 minutes The Root Lounge

Jade_Guest (#701) 38 minutes 18 minutes The Ballroom

Lenny (#115) 3 hours 21 minutes Lenny's office

emr (#578) 3 hours 22 minutes The Ballroom

jaime (#2) 33 minutes 32 minutes Jaime's capacitor

Blue_Guest (#106) 2 hours an hour Dance Floor

Plaid_Guest (#122) 2 hours 2 hours The Ballroom

Violet_Guest (#184) 2 hours 2 hours Women's Dressing Room

Grey_Guest (#358) 2 hours 2 hours Men's Dressing Room

Cerulean_Guest (#488) 3 hours 3 hours Ballroom Foyer

Total: 31 players, 19 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Green_Guest (#121) 46 minutes 0 seconds The Ballroom

Orange_Guest (#344) 36 minutes a second Men's Dressing Room

Teal_Guest (#347) 14 minutes 4 seconds The Ballroom

Rancher (#299) 16 minutes 4 seconds E15-404 AHIG

Lenny (#115) 3 hours 4 seconds Lenny's office

Amy (#75) 2 hours 6 seconds Dance Floor

|>oug (#560) 41 minutes 9 seconds Dance Floor

andru (#570) 2 hours 14 seconds Men's Dressing Room

ebob (#207) 46 minutes 15 seconds Dance Floor

Kid_Gloves (#568) 29 minutes 16 seconds Dance Floor

Alan (#151) 2 hours 18 seconds Dance Floor

Jave (#199) an hour 21 seconds E15-404 AHIG

Gray_Guest (#691) 31 minutes 23 seconds Men's Dressing Room

Christopher (#298) an hour 23 seconds E15-404 AHIG

Killer (#532) 2 hours 29 seconds The Ballroom

Albert (#119) an hour a minute Dance Floor

Tom (#300) 36 minutes a minute The Root Lounge

Jeremias (#352) 4 minutes 4 minutes Jeremias' Office

Michele (#120) 2 hours 9 minutes The Ballroom

Jade_Guest (#701) 55 minutes 11 minutes Men's Dressing Room

Drave (#176) 2 hours 14 minutes Dance Floor

Greg (#206) 2 hours 20 minutes Men's Dressing Room

Guest (#113) 50 minutes 30 minutes The Root Lounge

Amber_Guest (#700) 31 minutes 31 minutes The Root Lounge

emr (#578) 3 hours 39 minutes The Ballroom

jaime (#2) 49 minutes 48 minutes Jaime's capacitor

Blue_Guest (#106) 2 hours an hour Dance Floor

Plaid_Guest (#122) 2 hours 2 hours The Ballroom

Violet_Guest (#184) 2 hours 2 hours Women's Dressing Room

Grey_Guest (#358) 2 hours 2 hours Men's Dressing Room

Cerulean_Guest (#488) 3 hours 3 hours Ballroom Foyer

Total: 31 players, 18 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Gray_Guest (#691) 47 minutes a second Dance Floor

Green_Guest (#121) an hour a second The LEGO Closet

Rancher (#299) 32 minutes 3 seconds Elevator

Killer (#532) 3 hours 7 seconds Ballroom Foyer

Amy (#75) 2 hours 8 seconds Dance Floor

andru (#570) 2 hours 9 seconds Yellow Cab

Albert (#119) an hour 29 seconds Dance Floor

Drave (#176) 2 hours 29 seconds Abbe & Robyn's office

djs (#537) 2 minutes 34 seconds Medialab

Alan (#151) 2 hours 48 seconds The Ballroom

|>oug (#560) 58 minutes a minute The Ballroom

Abbe (#118) 7 minutes 2 minutes 401 Common Space

ebob (#207) an hour 4 minutes Dance Floor

Jave (#199) an hour 5 minutes Ballroom Foyer

Lenny (#115) 3 hours 10 minutes Lenny's office

Michele (#120) 2 hours 14 minutes The Ballroom

Jeremias (#352) 20 minutes 20 minutes Jeremias' Office

Jade_Guest (#701) an hour 27 minutes Men's Dressing Room

Greg (#206) 2 hours 37 minutes Men's Dressing Room

Guest (#113) an hour 47 minutes The Root Lounge

Amber_Guest (#700) 48 minutes 48 minutes The Root Lounge

emr (#578) 3 hours 55 minutes The Ballroom

jaime (#2) an hour an hour Jaime's capacitor

Blue_Guest (#106) 2 hours an hour Dance Floor

Plaid_Guest (#122) 2 hours 2 hours The Ballroom

Violet_Guest (#184) 2 hours 2 hours Women's Dressing Room

Grey_Guest (#358) 2 hours 2 hours Men's Dressing Room

Cerulean_Guest (#488) 3 hours 3 hours Ballroom Foyer

Total: 28 players, 13 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Shasta (#49808) 0 seconds 0 seconds Shuttle Bay

Vortex (#50457) a minute 0 seconds The Living Room

DeadFather (#53454) 4 minutes 0 seconds The Kitchen

Ikem (#38727) a minute a second Generic mage object

CyberTec (#50176) 11 minutes 10 seconds HVECs City - Xythian Dr

Green_Guest (#5722) an hour 10 seconds The Living Room

CardiffMOO (#49761) 3 hours 20 seconds The Relay Room

Guest (#5704) an hour 22 seconds Looking Glass Tavern Ba

u-dude (#50431) 13 minutes 25 seconds HVECs City - Xythian Dr

Moriah (#50459) an hour 31 seconds Moriah's

Tony (#35849) 44 minutes 33 seconds The Compass Rose

Xorian (#5229) 8 minutes 41 seconds Xorian's Apartment

Purple_Guest (#5790) 22 minutes 47 seconds The Compass Rose

FireHeart (#42472) 11 minutes a minute The Living Room

Miles (#50636) an hour a minute Oak Room

Warin (#49378) 32 minutes a minute Warin's Retreat

Euphistopheles (#50222) 50 minutes 2 minutes Moriah's

Zippy (#23517) 8 minutes 8 minutes Event Lab (#23917)

ashes (#18502) 21 minutes 15 minutes Porcupine Crematorium

e (#33901) 52 minutes 22 minutes the vowel shaker

Falryx (#26440) an hour 49 minutes Catharsis

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 12 hours 7 hours Orbiting LambdaMOO

Puff (#1449) 9 hours 8 hours The Foyer

Haakon (#2) 2 days 14 hours Lambda's Den

FourSixEightSixOne (#46861) 21 hours 15 hours Cinder Pile

Cloister (#34107) 2 days 15 hours Red Dwarf

Zachary (#4670) 19 hours 18 hours Zachary's Hangout

feh (#35841) 20 hours 20 hours Cinder Pile

raviv (#42513) a day a day Raviv's place for the f

Total: 29 players, 17 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 33 minutes 0 seconds The Living Room

CyberTec (#50176) 43 minutes a second The Yard

CandyGuru (#52396) a minute 2 seconds The Yard

ashes (#18502) 37 seconds 3 seconds Porcupine Crematorium

Ikem (#38727) 33 minutes 6 seconds Generic mage object

Moriah (#50459) an hour 6 seconds The Yard

u-dude (#50431) 44 minutes 7 seconds The Yard

Teddy (#39113) 30 minutes 8 seconds North Arcade [editing v

CardiffMOO (#49761) 4 hours 10 seconds The Relay Room

Xorian (#5229) 39 minutes 11 seconds Xorian's Apartment

Zippy (#23517) 39 minutes 13 seconds The Living Room

Miles (#50636) an hour 13 seconds The Yard

Chaos (#6853) 18 minutes 19 seconds The Living Room

Xandu (#52797) 27 minutes 22 seconds The Living Room

Venice (#41011) 21 minutes 26 seconds The Living Room

FireHeart (#42472) 43 minutes 42 seconds The Living Room

Purple_Guest (#5790) 53 minutes 2 minutes The Warm Blue Carribean

Tony (#35849) an hour 7 minutes The Warm Blue Carribean

Falryx (#26440) an hour an hour Catharsis

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 12 hours 7 hours Orbiting LambdaMOO

Puff (#1449) 9 hours 9 hours The Foyer

Haakon (#2) 2 days 15 hours Lambda's Den

FourSixEightSixOne (#46861) 22 hours 15 hours Cinder Pile

Cloister (#34107) 2 days 16 hours Red Dwarf

Zachary (#4670) 20 hours 18 hours Zachary's Hangout

feh (#35841) 21 hours 21 hours Cinder Pile

raviv (#42513) a day a day Raviv's place for the f

Total: 27 players, 17 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Markus (#51062) 5 seconds 2 seconds Lake Woebegon

Vortex (#50457) 2 minutes 2 seconds The Coat Closet

ERA (#31930) 49 minutes 2 seconds ERA's room.

Black_Francis (#50292) an hour 3 seconds The Living Room

brij (#51233) 3 minutes 4 seconds The Coat Closet

Sylvia (#50287) an hour 4 seconds Master Bedroom

Magenta_Guest (#5726) 16 minutes 5 seconds Looking Glass Tavern B

CyberTec (#50176) 2 hours 5 seconds HVECs Maintenance Bay

Ophelia (#50198) 4 hours 5 seconds Dungeon

Ashley (#51625) 15 minutes 7 seconds Breezy's

slacker (#50390) 8 seconds 9 seconds The cherry orchard

CardiffMOO (#49761) 5 minutes 9 seconds The Relay Room

FrontierMOO (#49897) 29 minutes 10 seconds The Relay Room

Huw (#51173) 8 minutes 11 seconds The Living Room

David (#50163) 10 minutes 12 seconds Svelte's NightClub

Bewitch (#50272) 3 minutes 13 seconds The Compass Rose

Emile (#53452) 19 minutes 16 seconds The Library

Jonatha (#25251) 50 seconds 17 seconds Somewhere, someplace

JoeFeedback (#2612) 39 minutes 17 seconds Joe Feedback's Room

Svelte (#50430) an hour 18 seconds Svelte's NightClub

Phylon (#53471) 31 minutes 21 seconds Breezy's

SamIAm (#41011) an hour 21 seconds Dungeon

CyberFox (#50053) an hour 25 seconds HVECs Maintenance Bay

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) 43 minutes 30 seconds The Living Room

Rohan (#38904) 2 minutes 33 seconds Stronghold

Fizban (#50357) 4 minutes 33 seconds The Living Room

Korvac (#34696) 13 minutes 34 seconds The Mess

Denis (#43902) an hour 36 seconds Ohio_State_Dorm

Euphistopheles (#50222) 31 minutes 37 seconds Sanctum_Arcanum[musing

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fon (#53430) 43 minutes 37 seconds The Living Room

Guest (#5704) 17 minutes 38 seconds The Living Room

Yellow_Guest (#5743) 9 minutes 44 seconds The Living Room

Purple_Guest (#5790) 14 minutes 44 seconds The Living Room

crayon (#39390) 2 hours 44 seconds The Lambda MOOvie Thea

evangeline (#24846) 3 hours 44 seconds Dream-domain

Greene (#49795) 8 minutes 50 seconds The Mess

Zippy (#23517) a minute 52 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

Cyrano-De-Bergerac (#50424) 46 minutes 53 seconds Breezy's

Beige_Guest (#5798) 41 minutes 57 seconds Joe Feedback's Room

Tony (#35849) 2 hours 57 seconds The Compass Rose

Cable (#50066) 2 hours a minute Svelte's NightClub

Dred (#49925) 41 minutes a minute The Living Room

Moriah (#50459) 33 minutes a minute Breezy's

BowHunter (#42472) 47 minutes a minute The Living Room

Mara (#50464) 2 hours 2 minutes Mara's Room

Cassnak (#13412) 37 minutes 2 minutes Cassnak's Workroom

Ivy (#37254) 28 minutes 5 minutes Ivy's Cottage

Q (#28058) 13 minutes 8 minutes The Back Room

Val (#50285) an hour 8 minutes Waterfall

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) a day 14 minutes Orbiting LambdaMOO

ashes (#18502) an hour 19 minutes Porcupine Crematorium

Networker (#50261) 29 minutes 24 minutes Between Worlds

Geust (#24442) 31 minutes 29 minutes a bubble

Elehcim (#50607) an hour 33 minutes The Deck

Murray (#3673) an hour 57 minutes Murray's Cave

raviv (#42513) 2 days 7 hours Raviv's place for the

Haakon (#2) 13 hours 12 hours Lambda's Den

Cloister (#34107) 3 days 21 hours Red Dwarf

FourSixEightSixOne (#46861) a day a day Cinder Pile

feh (#35841) a day a day Cinder Pile

Total: 60 players, 46 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Fizban (#50357) 43 minutes 0 seconds The Castle of Spiritsong

andromeda (#34201) an hour 0 seconds The BDP Studio's

flyboy (#53094) an hour a second Dungeon

Eclipse (#49921) 10 minutes 5 seconds The Living Room

Justy_Shadowhawke (#50017) 15 minutes 5 seconds The Living Room

Beatos (#53478) 51 minutes 5 seconds Love Nest

Clara (#51011) an hour 5 seconds Clara's room

Euphistopheles (#50222) 3 hours 5 seconds Sanctum_Arcanum

Jase (#38731) 4 hours 9 seconds Kath's abode

Marcus_Aurelius (#50074) 31 minutes 10 seconds The BDP Studio's

Sal (#50408) 9 minutes 13 seconds The Living Room

j.w.catch (#50390) 44 minutes 13 seconds The Living Room

Ghostwheel (#50063) 2 minutes 14 seconds Ghostwheel's Sitting Roo

Shrapnel (#50887) 19 minutes 14 seconds The Living Room

Simone (#50217) an hour 15 seconds Simone's experiment

Vortex (#50457) a minute 16 seconds The Coat Closet

Eris (#24929) 29 minutes 16 seconds The Living Room

Scouser (#51100) an hour 16 seconds The Living Room

Moonripple (#50634) 17 minutes 17 seconds Dungeon

Morlor (#53487) an hour 18 seconds The Living Room

Trystan (#44064) 5 hours 18 seconds The BDP Studio's

Phylon (#53471) 35 minutes 19 seconds Moor's Den Of Delight

Ophelia (#50198) 4 minutes 23 seconds Dungeon

Exxxx (#53330) 44 minutes 23 seconds Clara's room

Mantis (#49851) a minute 25 seconds Dungeon

MoorishMaiden (#50237) 26 minutes 26 seconds Moor's Den Of Delight

u-dude (#50431) 31 minutes 26 seconds The Gardner's Office

natasha (#17865) 6 minutes 28 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

KRS-One (#50281) 4 minutes 32 seconds The BDP Studio's

Blackjak (#53498) 7 minutes 32 seconds Cinder Pile

Red_Barchetta (#50020) 6 minutes 36 seconds Red_Barchetta's Abode

Rolf (#29985) 11 minutes 36 seconds The Living Room

Snicklefritz (#49844) 3 minutes 39 seconds Duldoon

Guildenstern (#38784) 9 minutes 40 seconds The Coat Closet [mailing

Tray (#53502) 13 minutes 40 seconds Love Nest

Manchmal (#50503) 8 minutes 47 seconds The Hangout

Zippy (#23517) 10 minutes 59 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

calamity_jane (#37582) an hour 59 seconds The BDP Studio's

Snooze (#1221) 5 hours a minute Dungeon

Kath (#53465) an hour a minute Kath's abode

Hiro (#53239) 11 minutes 2 minutes The Living Room

Tzu'lar (#28424) 58 minutes 2 minutes The Living Room

CardiffMOO (#49761) an hour 2 minutes The Relay Room

crayon (#39390) 24 minutes 3 minutes The Lambda MOOvie Theatr

Networker (#50261) an hour 3 minutes Between Worlds

Count (#35076) 38 minutes 3 minutes The Midnight Forest

JoeFeedback (#2612) an hour 7 minutes Joe Feedback's Room

Elehcim (#50607) 2 hours 7 minutes Rube Goldberg contraptio

Kilik (#2819) 23 hours 10 minutes Kilik's Dog House

Puff (#1449) 50 minutes 16 minutes Mirror Behind The Bar

ashes (#18502) 35 minutes 18 minutes Porcupine Crematorium

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 3 days 32 minutes Orbiting LambdaMOO

Morgantis (#53470) 40 minutes 32 minutes a globe: United States,

Ford (#13) 2 hours 32 minutes Hackers' Heaven

Saul (#49059) 6 hours 41 minutes Hackers' Heaven

Booga (#634) 4 hours an hour Hole in the ground

Cloister (#34107) 5 days an hour Red Dwarf

Purple_Guest (#5790) 2 hours 2 hours The Living Room

Haakon (#2) 2 days 17 hours Lambda's Den

raviv (#42513) 5 days 2 days Raviv's place for the fu

Total: 60 players, 46 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 14 minutes 0 seconds The Living Room

Bloaf (#15550) 3 minutes a second The Living Room

Wolfy (#50357) 56 minutes a second Clara's room

andromeda (#34201) an hour 3 seconds November Rainbow

Crawfish (#52451) 7 minutes 4 seconds Red_Barchetta's Abode

Iris (#50288) 10 minutes 4 seconds Prism

Mantis (#49851) 14 minutes 4 seconds Dungeon

Tzu'lar (#28424) an hour 4 seconds The Living Room

Simone (#50217) an hour 5 seconds Simone's experiment

Phylon (#53471) 49 minutes 7 seconds Moor's Den Of Delight

Beatos (#53478) an hour 7 seconds The Loft

Scouser (#51100) an hour 7 seconds LambdaMOO Museum (Misc. Ob

Kath (#53465) 2 hours 7 seconds Kath's abode

Clara (#51011) an hour 8 seconds Clara's room

Tom (#49961) a minute 9 seconds Prism

Snicklefritz (#49844) 16 minutes 9 seconds Duldoon

Red_Barchetta (#50020) 20 minutes 9 seconds Red_Barchetta's Abode

Blackjak (#53498) 20 minutes 10 seconds Cinder Pile

Euphistopheles (#50222) 3 hours 10 seconds The Hangout

Marcus_Aurelius (#50074) 44 minutes 14 seconds The BDP Studio's

A_Smile (#46432) 4 minutes 16 seconds Dungeon

Shrapnel (#50887) 32 minutes 18 seconds Shrapnel's Bungalow

Jase (#38731) 4 hours 18 seconds Kath's abode

KRS-One (#50281) 17 minutes 22 seconds The BDP Studio's

PB (#50224) 3 minutes 26 seconds The Loft

MoorishMaiden (#50237) 39 minutes 27 seconds Moor's Den Of Delight

irony (#50390) 57 minutes 32 seconds Fossil Falls

Ophelia (#50198) 17 minutes 34 seconds Dungeon

Moonripple (#50634) 30 minutes 36 seconds Dungeon

Mara (#50464) 6 minutes 40 seconds Mara's Room

u-dude (#50431) 44 minutes 41 seconds West of Green House

Manchmal (#50503) 21 minutes 42 seconds The Hangout

Darklighter (#37537) 12 minutes 52 seconds Moor's Den Of Delight

CardiffMOO (#49761) 2 hours 54 seconds The Relay Room

Tray (#53502) 26 minutes 58 seconds The Loft

Trystan (#44064) 6 hours a minute November Rainbow

Tobin (#27135) 12 minutes a minute The Living Room

calamity_jane (#37582) an hour a minute The BDP Studio's

Zippy (#23517) 23 minutes a minute Event Lab (#23917)

crayon (#39390) 37 minutes 3 minutes The Lambda MOOvie Theatre

Guest (#5704) 4 minutes 3 minutes The Coat Closet

Snooze (#1221) 5 hours 8 minutes Snoozeplace

flyboy (#53094) an hour 8 minutes Dungeon

JoeFeedback (#2612) an hour 20 minutes Joe Feedback's Room

Elehcim (#50607) 3 hours 20 minutes Rube Goldberg contraption

Kilik (#2819) 23 hours 23 minutes Kilik's Dog House

Puff (#1449) an hour 29 minutes Mirror Behind The Bar

ashes (#18502) 48 minutes 31 minutes Porcupine Crematorium

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 3 days 45 minutes Orbiting LambdaMOO

Morgantis (#53470) 53 minutes 45 minutes a globe: United States, No

Ford (#13) 2 hours 45 minutes Hackers' Heaven

Saul (#49059) 7 hours 54 minutes Hackers' Heaven

Booga (#634) 4 hours an hour Hole in the ground

Cloister (#34107) 5 days 2 hours Red Dwarf

Purple_Guest (#5790) 2 hours 2 hours The Living Room

Haakon (#2) 2 days 17 hours Lambda's Den

raviv (#42513) 5 days 2 days Raviv's place for the fun

Total: 57 players, 41 of whom have been active recently.



Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 25 minutes 0 seconds The Living Room

Count (#35076) 5 hours a second Stormhaven [fighting C

LaTraviata (#50413) 36 minutes 2 seconds The Serail

Drizz't (#50029) 18 minutes 3 seconds Master Bedroom

Mandarb (#51975) an hour 3 seconds The Jello Pit!

Wispy (#50633) 31 minutes 4 seconds The Jello Pit!

Yasmin (#50394) 2 hours 4 seconds The Warehouse [editing

Sylvia (#50287) 34 minutes 5 seconds Master Bedroom

Euphistopheles (#50222) an hour 5 seconds Sanctum_Arcanum

Phylon (#53471) an hour 7 seconds The Living Room

Stargazer (#38481) 45 minutes 8 seconds Happy Cottage

holten (#50205) 2 minutes 10 seconds The Dark Side of the M

Dav (#50183) 27 minutes 10 seconds The Dav's room!!

Moriah (#50459) 4 hours 10 seconds Musty Old Book Store

Black_Francis (#50292) 2 minutes 11 seconds Cramped passage

Wyldcard (#49866) 15 minutes 13 seconds Underwater

CyberFox (#50053) 3 hours 13 seconds Musty Old Book Store

Clara (#51011) 29 minutes 15 seconds The Jello Pit!

topographic_fish (#50423) an hour 15 seconds Musty Old Book Store

Dano (#50448) 52 minutes 17 seconds Mara's Room

Ophelia (#50198) 2 hours 17 seconds Black cube

Outshined (#53462) 7 minutes 19 seconds The Whole

Boulder (#50186) an hour 19 seconds Black cube

Foobies (#23371) 3 minutes 20 seconds The Serail

Steamed_Rhubarb_Fon (#53491) 4 minutes 22 seconds The Living Room

LaughingMan (#50387) 36 minutes 22 seconds The Serail

Calypso (#50099) 36 minutes 27 seconds Calypso's Isle

Ben_Wymore (#44531) 12 minutes 30 seconds The Living Room

SamIAm (#41011) 21 minutes 31 seconds The Conversation Pit

Shadow_Hawke (#52777) 5 hours 31 seconds Somewhere, someplace

Muse (#23007) 45 minutes 34 seconds Parnassus

Lestat (#50206) 19 minutes 39 seconds Crypt

Mara (#50464) an hour 39 seconds Mara's Room

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 2 days 40 seconds Orbiting LambdaMOO

Socks (#50883) 10 minutes 41 seconds Musty Old Book Store

Cort (#51569) 43 minutes 41 seconds The Jello Pit!

CyberTec (#50176) 50 minutes 46 seconds Musty Old Book Store

Jonatha (#25251) 7 hours 51 seconds Somewhere, someplace

Sylph (#53518) 34 minutes 53 seconds Panavision

Manticore (#53484) an hour a minute Panavision

lisa (#53497) 42 minutes a minute The Coat Closet

Plaid_Guest (#32861) an hour a minute Musty Old Book Store

Sancho (#50247) an hour a minute The Warehouse

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) an hour a minute The Living Room

QUE (#53494) 22 minutes a minute The Jello Pit!

Morpheus (#2957) 3 hours 2 minutes The Living Room

Spice-E (#53116) 43 minutes 2 minutes PARADISE

Harold (#53107) 10 minutes 2 minutes The Living Room

evangeline (#24846) 40 minutes 3 minutes The dreaming [mailing]

e (#33901) 6 hours 4 minutes the vowel movement

Archer (#52775) 14 minutes 4 minutes Musty Old Book Store

Starsinger (#22691) 2 hours 9 minutes Hot Air Balloon

Mole (#49801) 23 minutes 11 minutes Mole's Place

ajia (#41630) 47 minutes 13 minutes Ajia's teahouse

Sadie (#53422) an hour 23 minutes Between The Bedsheets

Zachary (#4670) 5 hours 24 minutes Zachary's Hangout

Praecox (#52694) an hour an hour The Library

Puff (#1449) a day an hour Looking Glass Tavern B

Blue_Guest (#5720) 2 hours 2 hours The Living Room

Guest (#5704) 2 hours 2 hours The Living Room

Froxx (#49853) 6 hours 5 hours Froxxome

Magenta_Guest (#5726) 6 hours 6 hours The Coat Closet

Leigh-Cheri says, "thanks lestat. that's really who i want to see...:("

Zman (#23570) 7 hours 7 hours Z-Room

Haakon (#2) a day 23 hours Lambda's Den

Green_Guest (#5722) a day a day The Coat Closet

Cloister (#34107) 8 days a day Red Dwarf

Total: 66 players, 51 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 16 minutes 0 seconds The Living Room

Dred (#49925) 4 minutes 2 seconds The Zero Surface (achiev

hoton (#40591) 5 minutes 3 seconds Hellbent

Eris (#24929) 4 minutes 7 seconds The Living Room

QUE (#53494) 13 minutes 7 seconds THE CASTLE

Frobno (#49397) 51 minutes 7 seconds Corridor (academy-east)

Sylph (#53518) 41 minutes 8 seconds Xanadu

evangeline (#24846) 10 minutes 9 seconds The Living Room

silas (#35480) 29 minutes 10 seconds The Body Bag

Phylon (#53471) an hour 10 seconds Phylon's Palace - Entran

Moriah (#50459) 31 minutes 11 seconds Breezy's

Sadric (#46622) 20 minutes 12 seconds The Living Room

Icefox (#53486) an hour 12 seconds Corridor (academy-east)

Nectar (#51261) 14 minutes 14 seconds THE CASTLE

Plaid_Guest (#32861) 49 minutes 14 seconds The Living Room

Mantis (#49851) 18 minutes 16 seconds The Body Bag

Ariel (#49804) an hour 16 seconds Xanadu

Korvac (#34696) 54 minutes 17 seconds Scrabble Board (not play

Socks (#50883) 3 minutes 18 seconds Xanadu

Silicon (#50823) 59 minutes 18 seconds The Living Room

Grump (#122) an hour 25 seconds White room

PB (#50224) an hour 29 seconds Scrabble Board (205 poin

Mephisto (#53101) 18 minutes 31 seconds The Living Room

Blondie (#52119) 47 minutes 31 seconds The Living Room

Morlor (#53487) 22 minutes 38 seconds Pilot Recruitment Center

DarkEyes (#48036) an hour 47 seconds Scrabble Board (85 point

Primate's_Stick (#41732) 12 minutes 50 seconds Pleistocene Pond

Justy_Shadowhawke (#50017) 2 minutes a minute Scrabble Board (171 poin

Jonny (#3920) a minute a minute Jonny's Home

Xandu (#52797) 12 minutes a minute The Living Room

darkrider (#7003) 33 minutes a minute Dadarkrider's personal s

Euphistopheles (#50222) 12 minutes 3 minutes Sanctum_Arcanum

Hiro (#53239) an hour 6 minutes The Black Sun

Fizban (#50357) 26 minutes 10 minutes The Garden

flyboy (#53094) an hour 20 minutes MOOhangar

Sadie (#53422) 32 minutes 32 minutes Between The Bedsheets

Haakon (#2) an hour 52 minutes Lambda's Den

Greene (#49795) 56 minutes 53 minutes The Mess (stretched out

Total: 38 players, 32 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 42 minutes 0 seconds Mole's Library

Mantis (#49851) 45 minutes 0 seconds The Body Bag

Blondie (#52119) an hour 0 seconds The Living Room

Frobno (#49397) an hour 0 seconds Private Investigation Agen

Hobbes (#49920) 58 seconds 2 seconds A Place for Hobbes

legba (#26603) 10 minutes 2 seconds The Living Room

Manchmal (#50503) 22 minutes 2 seconds Green room

Yonse-Erik (#50123) 21 minutes 3 seconds Magic Department

Grump (#122) an hour 4 seconds Green room

Moriah (#50459) 58 minutes 5 seconds Lonely Camp [fighting Rorr

Hiro (#53239) an hour 6 seconds The Living Room

Moonshadow (#49804) an hour 6 seconds The Living Room

Euphistopheles (#50222) 38 minutes 10 seconds Sanctum_Arcanum

QUE (#53494) 39 minutes 10 seconds THE CASTLE

Icefox (#53486) an hour 10 seconds Private Investigation Agen

Quantum-Vacuum (#53118) 24 minutes 14 seconds The Library

evangeline (#24846) 37 minutes 14 seconds The dreaming

Nectar (#51261) 40 minutes 15 seconds THE CASTLE

silas (#35480) 56 minutes 15 seconds The Body Bag

Korvac (#34696) an hour 21 seconds The dreaming

Judi (#53411) 15 minutes 24 seconds The Well

Sylph (#53518) an hour 29 seconds The Living Room

Plaid_Guest (#32861) an hour 35 seconds The Living Room

Sadric (#46622) 47 minutes 37 seconds Sadric's Room

Morlor (#53487) 48 minutes 45 seconds Elevator

CyberTec (#50176) 25 minutes 53 seconds HVECs City - The Square

Wolfy (#50357) 53 minutes 55 seconds Fizban's Den

Phylon (#53471) an hour 59 seconds MooRaDiO

Dred (#49925) 30 minutes a minute The Zero Surface (achievin

Quinn (#19845) 22 minutes a minute The Well

Primate's_Stick (#41732) 39 minutes a minute Pleistocene Pond

Everlast (#50231) 5 minutes a minute Ely

Nosredna (#2487) 11 minutes a minute Nosredna's hideaway

PB (#50224) an hour a minute The Loft

hoton (#40591) 32 minutes 2 minutes Pleistocene Pond

Zippy (#23517) 13 minutes 2 minutes The Living Room

Mephisto (#53101) 45 minutes 4 minutes Mephisto's Private Hell

flyboy (#53094) an hour 6 minutes MOOhangar

Dren (#13033) 13 minutes 8 minutes The Casting Couch

Greene (#49795) an hour 19 minutes The Mess (stretched out on

Chaos (#6853) 25 minutes 22 minutes Chaos' Flat

darkrider (#7003) an hour 28 minutes Dadarkrider's personal spa

Sadie (#53422) 59 minutes 59 minutes Between The Bedsheets

Haakon (#2) an hour an hour Lambda's Den

Total: 44 players, 37 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Tailchaser (#50194) 8 minutes 0 seconds Foyer

JoeFeedback (#2612) 14 minutes a second Joe Feedback's Room

Jens-hringr (#50266) 59 minutes 3 seconds The Russian Tea Room

Vortex (#50457) 13 minutes 4 seconds The Idea of Switzerland

PsychoStorm (#38317) 50 minutes 4 seconds PsychoStorms_Room [editin

Phylon (#53471) an hour 4 seconds Mara's Room

t_pascal (#33015) 57 seconds 5 seconds T. Pascal's Mansion [mail

Black-Velvet (#53553) 14 minutes 5 seconds Bottle_of_Whiskey

Cary (#50669) 39 minutes 5 seconds The Idea of Switzerland

Dayel (#1370) an hour 5 seconds Dayel's Flat

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 10 hours 5 seconds Orbiting LambdaMOO

Tigress (#50124) 11 minutes 6 seconds The Jungle

JonTom (#50173) 16 minutes 6 seconds Xorbon's Floral Shoppe

Opal (#49755) 23 minutes 6 seconds Dayel's Flat

Greene (#49795) 3 hours 6 seconds Brazil

Yesterday (#53581) 4 minutes 7 seconds Mine Shaft

Yasmin (#50394) 31 minutes 8 seconds The Russian Tea Room

Sylph (#53518) 31 minutes 10 seconds The Pizza Parlor

Joel (#50142) 3 minutes 11 seconds Ballroom

Quantum-Vacuum (#53118) 3 minutes 11 seconds Inside the worm hole

The_Batman (#46102) an hour 11 seconds Dirty Apartment [editing

Miles (#50636) 4 hours 11 seconds The Russian Tea Room

Jinx (#50135) 13 minutes 12 seconds The World of Illusion

Green_Knight (#50244) 23 minutes 12 seconds The Living Room

Bob_Barker (#34696) 47 minutes 12 seconds Bottle_of_Whiskey

u-dude (#50431) an hour 12 seconds U-dude's Cottage

Blob (#21528) 10 minutes 14 seconds The Kitchen

Nightplayer (#50262) 6 minutes 23 seconds The Kitten's Corner

Guest (#5704) 4 minutes 24 seconds The Living Room

Slothrop (#53564) 9 minutes 26 seconds The Pizza Parlor

Count (#35076) 4 hours 27 seconds Abandoned Chapel

Mordenkainen (#53120) 8 minutes 29 seconds Mordenkainen's Research L

Zippy (#23517) an hour 29 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

The-Ninja (#53116) 41 minutes 31 seconds Abandoned Chapel

Sorcerer (#50112) 7 minutes 32 seconds Sorcerer's Workshop

Rusty (#48961) 38 minutes 33 seconds The Living Room

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) 21 minutes 36 seconds Xorbon's Floral Shoppe

Duvy (#50171) 9 minutes 38 seconds Duvy's Shack

Mara (#50464) an hour 39 seconds Mara's Room

Zachary (#4670) a day 39 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

Beryn (#25433) 50 seconds 40 seconds RoofTop

CyberTec (#50176) 22 minutes 41 seconds HVECs CITY - Shadow Crest

Tony (#35849) 44 minutes 42 seconds The Compass Rose

Monet (#53311) 46 minutes 44 seconds Brazil

Merlinx_Evermore (#50378) an hour 44 seconds Deep Space 9

Blackbriar (#30119) an hour 45 seconds Blackbriar's Patch

CyberFox (#50053) 9 hours 47 seconds In the Desert

Nil (#49747) 41 minutes 49 seconds Abandoned Chapel

Mack-the-Knife (#47551) 13 minutes 53 seconds The Living Room

ajia (#41630) 26 minutes 53 seconds Kitchen garden

jerico (#34983) 3 hours 53 seconds Radio station

lisa (#53497) 31 minutes 59 seconds Lisa's_Room

Lemon_Curry (#51627) 7 minutes 60 seconds The Table

legba (#26603) 16 minutes a minute The Living Room

Katie (#50051) an hour a minute Kitchen garden

Deathstalker (#42472) 46 minutes a minute Pleasure Island

CardiffMOO (#49761) 6 hours a minute The Relay Room

Crawfish (#52451) 32 minutes a minute The Living Room

Morpheus (#2957) 41 minutes a minute Event Lab (#23917)

Moriah (#50459) 3 hours a minute In the Desert

Booga (#634) 3 hours 2 minutes Booga Headquarters

Geust (#24442) 2 minutes 2 minutes a bubble

crayon (#39390) 2 hours 2 minutes The Lambda MOOvie Theatre

Tzu'lar (#28424) an hour 4 minutes The Lambda MOOvie Theatre

Primate's_Stick (#41732) an hour 6 minutes The Living Room

Icefox (#53486) 39 minutes 7 minutes Crystal castle

Iccaru (#53466) 46 minutes 8 minutes Flight_Control

Dav (#50183) 38 minutes 12 minutes Sodden-roofed hovel

Hagbard (#36271) 3 hours 18 minutes The Living Room

Xythian (#24436) an hour 30 minutes Xythian's Room

Minstrel (#32005) an hour 38 minutes Deep Space 9

AcidHorse (#6924) an hour an hour The Grand Ballroom

Outshined (#53462) an hour an hour The Whole

GregSASO (#53303) 2 hours 2 hours SASO_Room

Kilik (#2819) 2 hours 2 hours Kilik's Dog House

Puff (#1449) 5 hours 4 hours Looking Glass Tavern Bar

Haakon (#2) a day a day Lambda's Den

Total: 77 players, 64 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Yesterday (#53581) 6 minutes 0 seconds Secluded grove

Frobno (#49397) 4 minutes a second Candleglow

Vortex (#50457) 37 minutes a second The Idea of Switzerland

Jinx (#50135) 13 minutes 2 seconds The World of Illusion

Mordenkainen (#53120) 17 minutes 2 seconds Mordenkainen's Research La

Nightplayer (#50262) 30 minutes 2 seconds Radio station

JoeFeedback (#2612) 37 minutes 2 seconds Joe Feedback's Room

Yasmin (#50394) 55 minutes 2 seconds The Russian Tea Room

CyberFox (#50053) 10 hours 4 seconds Expedition Office

Jesus_Christ (#50194) 3 minutes 5 seconds Deep Space 9

Guest (#5704) 28 minutes 5 seconds The Hot Tub Deck

Dav (#50183) an hour 5 seconds Sodden-roofed hovel

Rusty (#48961) an hour 5 seconds The Living Room

Korvac (#34696) an hour 5 seconds The World of Illusion

The_Batman (#46102) 2 hours 5 seconds Batmobile Platform

Velouria (#49594) 2 minutes 8 seconds Bedroom

LaughingMan (#50387) 9 minutes 8 seconds The Russian Tea Room

Opal (#49755) 46 minutes 8 seconds Dayel's Flat

Mineral (#50669) an hour 8 seconds The Idea of Switzerland

Alison (#53311) an hour 8 seconds Brazil

Miles (#50636) 4 hours 8 seconds Mordenkainen's Research La

ZenBooga (#29181) 19 minutes 9 seconds Booga Headquarters

BoogaII (#47551) 36 minutes 9 seconds Booga Headquarters

Booga (#634) 3 hours 10 seconds Booga Headquarters

Boulder (#50186) 14 minutes 11 seconds The Pizza Parlor

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) 45 minutes 11 seconds Flight_Control

Sioned (#45623) 38 seconds 12 seconds Sioned's Fortress

Quantum-Vacuum (#53118) 27 minutes 12 seconds The GrandSlam Bridge Club

u-dude (#50431) 58 seconds 13 seconds U-dude's Cottage

Tigress (#50124) 35 minutes 13 seconds The Jungle [mailing]

Green_Knight (#50244) 47 minutes 13 seconds Dren's Salvage Factory

Greene (#49795) 3 hours 14 seconds Brazil

Icer (#50158) 6 minutes 15 seconds Tropical Beach

Sylph (#53518) 54 minutes 15 seconds The Pizza Parlor

DNA (#50267) 14 minutes 16 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Jens-hringr (#50266) an hour 18 seconds The Russian Tea Room

Sorcerer (#50112) 31 minutes 19 seconds Sorcerer's Workshop

Dayel (#1370) an hour 19 seconds Dayel's Flat

Morpheus (#2957) an hour 20 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

Moriah (#50459) 3 hours 21 seconds Expedition Office

Margarita (#49878) 7 minutes 23 seconds The Grand Ballroom

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 11 hours 23 seconds Orbiting LambdaMOO

Zachary (#4670) a day 23 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

Arete (#53538) a minute 24 seconds The Coat Closet

Joel (#50142) 26 minutes 28 seconds Secluded grove

lisa (#53497) 55 minutes 29 seconds Lisa's_Room

Phylon (#53471) 2 hours 33 seconds Mara's Room

crayon (#39390) 3 hours 33 seconds The Lambda MOOvie Theatre

Black_Francis (#50292) a minute 38 seconds A Rock

boogalegba (#26603) 40 minutes 38 seconds Booga Headquarters

Mara (#50464) an hour 40 seconds Mara's Room

Moonshadow (#49804) 21 minutes 42 seconds The Lambda MOOvie Theatre

jerico (#34983) 3 hours 44 seconds Radio station

LaForge (#53606) 6 minutes 46 seconds Deck 19: Ready Room

Nil (#49747) an hour 48 seconds Candleglow

BoogaXXX (#36271) 3 hours 49 seconds Booga Headquarters

WhiteRabbit (#3685) 7 minutes a minute Bedroom (WhiteRabbit's hou

CardiffMOO (#49761) 7 hours a minute The Relay Room

Boogabooga (#50224) 10 minutes a minute Booga Headquarters

BoogaVII (#52451) 56 minutes a minute Booga Headquarters

Spice-E (#53116) an hour a minute PARADISE

JerseyGirl (#50239) 11 minutes 2 minutes The waterbed

Geust (#24442) 26 minutes 2 minutes a bubble

PsychoStorm (#38317) an hour 2 minutes PsychoStorms_Room [editing

Primate's_Stick (#41732) an hour 3 minutes Booga Headquarters

Deathstalker (#42472) an hour 3 minutes Pleasure Island

Blackbriar (#30119) 2 hours 3 minutes Blackbriar's Patch

Zippy (#23517) an hour 3 minutes Event Lab (#23917)

ajia (#41630) 50 minutes 4 minutes Ajia's teahouse

Tzu'lar (#28424) an hour 7 minutes Pretentious Abode

Count (#35076) 5 hours 7 minutes Abandoned Chapel

Tony (#35849) an hour 7 minutes The Compass Rose

Icefox (#53486) an hour 31 minutes Crystal castle

Minstrel (#32005) 2 hours an hour Deep Space 9

Outshined (#53462) an hour an hour The Whole

GregSASO (#53303) 2 hours 2 hours SASO_Room

Kilik (#2819) 2 hours 2 hours Kilik's Dog House

Puff (#1449) 5 hours 4 hours Looking Glass Tavern Bar

Haakon (#2) a day a day Lambda's Den

Total: 79 players, 69 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Marble (#50454) 13 seconds 0 seconds The Beach

Wyldcard (#49866) an hour 0 seconds THE CASTLE

Dicky (#52630) 56 minutes a second The Rose Gardens

Iccaru (#53466) an hour a second Stormhaven [fighting Sp

Nectar (#51261) 3 hours a second THE CASTLE

Guest (#5704) a minute 2 seconds Looking Glass Tavern Ba

Alyssa (#53721) 12 minutes 3 seconds The Rose Gardens

Svelte (#50430) 2 hours 4 seconds Svelte's NightClub

Dred (#49925) 3 hours 4 seconds Ajia's teahouse

PatGently (#37637) 57 minutes 6 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Blue_Guest (#5720) 31 minutes 7 seconds The Library

Rusty (#48961) 32 minutes 8 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Bane (#50064) 23 minutes 10 seconds The Rose Gardens

Falkon (#50135) 42 minutes 10 seconds The Rose Gardens

Aviendha (#53464) an hour 10 seconds The Aiel Waste

SPICE-E (#53116) an hour 10 seconds The Rose Gardens

Dav (#50183) an hour 11 seconds Stormhaven

{Dream} (#35203) 25 minutes 13 seconds The Living Room

Sylvia (#50287) 5 minutes 14 seconds Master Bedroom

Wattsman (#50108) 6 minutes 14 seconds Van

Carlos (#53533) 12 minutes 14 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Kray (#53613) 6 minutes 15 seconds The Rose Gardens

David (#50163) 2 hours 15 seconds Svelte's NightClub

Silver_Rocket (#53699) 14 minutes 17 seconds The Dining Room

Mierin (#48308) an hour 17 seconds The Living Room

CardiffMOO (#49761) a day 18 seconds The Relay Room

Sick (#41057) 13 minutes 24 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Red_Guest (#5707) 5 hours 26 seconds The Rose Gardens

Orange (#49888) 6 minutes 28 seconds Blasted hole

Lemon_Curry (#51627) an hour 30 seconds The Rose Gardens

Euphistopheles (#50222) an hour 30 seconds Sanctum_Arcanum [editin

Pasha (#49936) 35 minutes 32 seconds Tavern Second Floor

Ponytail (#53706) 3 hours 32 seconds The Rose Gardens

Dartsey (#52024) 6 minutes 42 seconds Mara's Room

Mara (#50464) 17 minutes 42 seconds Mara's Room

Humpty (#53702) 2 hours 45 seconds The Rose Gardens

ajia (#41630) an hour 46 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Count (#35076) 6 hours a minute Abandoned Chapel

Zippy (#23517) 4 hours 2 minutes Ajia's teahouse

Blackay (#53704) 19 minutes 3 minutes Secluded grove

sol (#4290) 24 minutes 4 minutes First Floor Corridor

PaulSimon (#35871) an hour 4 minutes A Comfy, Musical place

feh (#35841) an hour 6 minutes Ajia's teahouse

e (#33901) 2 hours 6 minutes the vowel movement

Specter (#51468) 52 minutes 8 minutes The Entrance Hall

Moriah (#50459) 14 minutes 10 minutes An old chest

Sadie (#53422) 3 hours 38 minutes Between The Bedsheets

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 12 hours 39 minutes Orbiting LambdaMOO

Hagbard (#36271) 45 minutes 43 minutes Hag's [musing]

Nick (#49922) an hour an hour Study Room

Robbie(Upsidedown) (#26941) an hour an hour Robbie's room

Ahtraddis (#31289) 2 hours 2 hours Booga Headquarters

Puff (#1449) 6 hours 5 hours Looking Glass Tavern Ba

Zman (#23570) 7 hours 7 hours Z-Room

Zachary (#4670) a day a day Zachary's Hangout

Total: 54 players, 41 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) a minute 0 seconds Gam-Bit's

The_Great_Yogurt (#53472) 7 minutes 0 seconds The Warehouse

WhiteRabbit (#3685) 17 minutes 0 seconds PatGently's room

hoton (#40591) 27 minutes 0 seconds West LambdaStreet

Miles (#50636) 2 hours 0 seconds Sodden-roofed hovel

Mole (#49801) 3 hours 0 seconds Mole's Room

Jant (#46729) 4 hours 0 seconds Scrabble Board (154 point

Dicky (#52630) 25 minutes 8 seconds The Kitchen

PaulSimon (#35871) 52 minutes 10 seconds A Comfy, Musical place

Blue_Guest (#5720) 7 minutes 11 seconds The Kitchen

Star (#25685) 28 minutes 15 seconds Bubble (Worn)

Zippy (#23517) 2 hours 15 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

Red_Guest (#5707) 30 minutes 16 seconds The Kitchen

Morgoth (#53695) 32 minutes 19 seconds Morgoth's Play Room (adul

The_Blue_Wizard (#53117) an hour 19 seconds The Blue Wizard's Master

Green_Guest (#5722) an hour 19 seconds Scrabble Board (188 point

Beryn (#25433) 25 minutes 22 seconds Bubble (Worn)

Count (#35076) 52 minutes 22 seconds Altar of the Grove [sleep

Dahg_Rastubfari (#49830) an hour 22 seconds Scrabble Board (105 point

ajia (#41630) an hour 22 seconds Mole's Room

CyberTec (#50176) 2 hours 22 seconds HVECs Maintenance Bay - L

Teal_Guest (#5789) 10 minutes 23 seconds The Coat Closet

Quinn (#19845) 3 hours 23 seconds Nocturne

Babette (#30647) 27 minutes 24 seconds The Hot Tub

technocat (#39292) 2 minutes 29 seconds Technorock

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 2 hours 29 seconds Orbiting LambdaMOO

Blue_Thunder (#50409) 18 minutes 30 seconds The Kitchen

Magenta_Guest (#5726) 42 seconds 32 seconds The Kitchen

Bewitch (#50272) a minute 35 seconds Mousike [mailing]

Kurt (#41687) 49 minutes 38 seconds Mole's Room

Moriah (#50459) 2 hours 38 seconds Nocturne

Walker (#50073) 17 minutes 42 seconds The Kitchen

PatGently (#37637) 16 minutes 43 seconds PatGently's room

Dred (#49925) 31 minutes 43 seconds Mole's Room

Manchmal (#50503) an hour 44 seconds Sodden-roofed hovel

Kerbouchard (#54370) 20 minutes 57 seconds Armoury

Rusty (#48961) an hour a minute Mole's Room

Silver_Rocket (#53699) 54 minutes a minute Mole's Room

caRRoT (#47498) 45 minutes a minute Ajia's teahouse

Grump (#122) 25 minutes 2 minutes Black room

Black_Francis (#50292) an hour 3 minutes Secluded grove

Shadowspawn (#45160) 4 minutes 3 minutes Study Room

Pluto (#50741) 17 minutes 4 minutes The Disney Store

Starfire (#45743) 8 hours 4 minutes Secluded grove

Hagbard (#36271) 18 minutes 5 minutes Hag's [musing]

Simon (#53468) 12 minutes 6 minutes Black room

Euphistopheles (#50222) 5 hours 8 minutes An_Atrium

Brand (#53308) 13 minutes 13 minutes The Coat Closet

Outshined (#53462) 17 hours 20 minutes The Whole

Ivy (#37254) 37 minutes 22 minutes Home

Cassnak (#13412) 28 minutes 28 minutes Cassnak's Workroom [editi

Fizban (#50357) 7 hours an hour The Castle of Spiritsong

Haakon (#2) 4 days an hour Lambda's Den

Einstein (#36364) 4 hours an hour Einstein's Lair of Excell

Puff (#1449) 8 hours 2 hours Looking Glass Tavern Bar

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) 3 hours 2 hours Academy

Plaid_Guest (#32861) 3 hours 3 hours The Living Room

Marcus_Aurelius (#50074) 4 hours 4 hours The Living Room

Guest (#5704) 6 hours 5 hours The Coat Closet

Purple_Guest (#5790) 7 hours 7 hours The Coat Closet

Autumn (#37781) 7 hours 7 hours Alba

46861 (#46861) 7 hours 7 hours The Kitchen

Ahtraddis (#31289) a day 10 hours Ahtraddis' Workshop

Total: 63 players, 44 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 9 minutes a second Bovine Illuminati Library

Walker (#50073) 25 minutes a second The Kitchen

caRrOt (#47498) 53 minutes a second Ajia's teahouse

Star (#25685) 36 minutes 2 seconds Bubble (Worn)

Morgoth (#53695) 40 minutes 2 seconds a globe: Earth

CyberTec (#50176) 3 hours 2 seconds The Living Room

Beryn (#25433) 33 minutes 3 seconds Bubble (Worn)

hoton (#40591) 35 minutes 3 seconds Hellbent

Zachary (#4670) 4 minutes 4 seconds Zachary's Hangout

Bewitch (#50272) 9 minutes 4 seconds An_Atrium

The_Great_Yogurt (#53472) 15 minutes 4 seconds The Warehouse [editing ve

Kurt (#41687) 57 minutes 4 seconds Mole's Room

Count (#35076) an hour 4 seconds Secluded grove

Simon (#53468) 20 minutes 7 seconds Black room

PaulSimon (#35871) an hour 7 seconds A Comfy, Musical place

Mole (#49801) 3 hours 7 seconds Mole's Room

Jant (#46729) 4 hours 11 seconds Scrabble Board (161 point

Euphistopheles (#50222) 5 hours 11 seconds An_Atrium

Dred (#49925) 39 minutes 12 seconds Mole's Room

Moriah (#50459) 2 hours 12 seconds Nocturne

Magenta_Guest (#5726) 8 minutes 14 seconds The Living Room

Miles (#50636) 2 hours 15 seconds Sodden-roofed hovel

Black_Francis (#50292) an hour 16 seconds Cavern

ajia (#41630) 2 hours 17 seconds Mole's Room

Quinn (#19845) 3 hours 17 seconds Nocturne

Teal_Guest (#5789) 18 minutes 20 seconds The Living Room

PatGently (#37637) 24 minutes 31 seconds PatGently's room

Kerbouchard (#54370) 28 minutes 32 seconds Batcave

Grump (#122) 33 minutes 32 seconds Black room

WhiteRabbit (#3685) 25 minutes 35 seconds PatGently's room

Blue_Thunder (#50409) 26 minutes 35 seconds The Kitchen

Manchmal (#50503) an hour 35 seconds Sodden-roofed hovel

Blue_Guest (#5720) 45 seconds 48 seconds The Coat Closet

SamIAm (#41011) 3 minutes 48 seconds PatGently's room

The_Blue_Wizard (#53117) an hour 48 seconds The Blue Wizard's Master

Dahg_Rastubfari (#49830) an hour 48 seconds Scrabble Board (105 point

Einstein (#36364) 5 hours 48 seconds Einstein's Lair of Excell

Red_Guest (#5707) 38 minutes a minute The Living Room

Rusty (#48961) an hour a minute Mole's Room

Green_Guest (#5722) 2 hours a minute Scrabble Board (195 point

Froxx (#49853) 2 minutes a minute Froxxome

Silver_Rocket (#53699) an hour a minute Mole's Room

Shadowspawn (#45160) 12 minutes 2 minutes Study Room

Zippy (#23517) 2 hours 3 minutes Event Lab (#23917)

Babette (#30647) 35 minutes 3 minutes The Living Room

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 2 hours 4 minutes Orbiting LambdaMOO

Pluto (#50741) 25 minutes 12 minutes The Disney Store

Starfire (#45743) 8 hours 12 minutes Secluded grove

Hagbard (#36271) 26 minutes 13 minutes Hag's [musing]

Brand (#53308) 21 minutes 21 minutes The Coat Closet

Outshined (#53462) 18 hours 28 minutes The Whole

Ivy (#37254) 45 minutes 30 minutes Home

Cassnak (#13412) 37 minutes 36 minutes Cassnak's Workroom [editi

Fizban (#50357) 7 hours an hour The Castle of Spiritsong

Haakon (#2) 4 days an hour Lambda's Den

Puff (#1449) 9 hours 2 hours Looking Glass Tavern Bar

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) 3 hours 3 hours Academy

Plaid_Guest (#32861) 3 hours 3 hours The Living Room

Marcus_Aurelius (#50074) 5 hours 5 hours The Living Room

Guest (#5704) 6 hours 5 hours The Coat Closet

Purple_Guest (#5790) 7 hours 7 hours The Coat Closet

Autumn (#37781) 7 hours 7 hours Alba

46861 (#46861) 7 hours 7 hours The Kitchen

Ahtraddis (#31289) a day 10 hours Ahtraddis' Workshop




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Marble (#50454) 10 minutes 0 seconds The Living Room

Black_Francis (#50292) 8 minutes 2 seconds Secluded grove

Exxxx (#53330) an hour 2 seconds The Living Room

Autumn (#37781) 17 minutes 3 seconds Stone Cottage

Mephisto (#53101) 34 minutes 3 seconds Mephisto's Private Hell

Ophelia (#50198) 4 hours 3 seconds Loch Raven Tower

Marbles (#48810) 25 minutes 5 seconds a globe: The Terrace, esca

Storm (#50282) 47 minutes 5 seconds Waterfall

Jeye (#42982) an hour 5 seconds Hell-Spawn-Vat

Blackay (#53704) 55 seconds 6 seconds Master Bedroom

Teal_Guest (#5789) 32 minutes 6 seconds a globe: Hippodrome, Londo

Carlos (#53533) 4 seconds 7 seconds The Coat Closet

Fizban (#50357) 20 minutes 8 seconds The Castle of Spiritsong a

Goofball (#50121) 45 minutes 9 seconds Wacky World

Foobies (#23371) 7 minutes 10 seconds The Living Room

Necromancer (#53702) 32 minutes 10 seconds Galactica

emma (#49869) 55 minutes 11 seconds The Living Room

Delta (#54214) a minute 12 seconds The Entrance Hall

Han_Solo (#53491) 49 minutes 12 seconds Millenium Falcon

Avenger (#50204) 26 minutes 13 seconds Wacky World

Euphistopheles (#50222) 52 minutes 13 seconds Sanctum_Arcanum [mailing]

Moriah (#50459) 2 hours 13 seconds North of Crag [fighting Fl

Joel (#50142) 2 hours 15 seconds North of Crag

JoanOfArk (#54197) 37 minutes 16 seconds The Living Room [mailing]

Auditor (#53513) 49 seconds 18 seconds Auditor's House

Sick (#41057) 6 minutes 18 seconds The Quiet Room

Val (#50285) 20 minutes 20 seconds Waterfall

Jacquio (#51487) an hour 20 seconds Hell

Zippy (#23517) 4 hours 20 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

Marlboro (#53408) 5 minutes 24 seconds The Living Room

Guest (#5704) a minute 25 seconds The Living Room

Gethyenki (#50389) 10 minutes 25 seconds Armoury

Tristan (#53707) 38 minutes 25 seconds The Catacombs

Purple_Guest (#5790) 48 seconds 26 seconds The Coat Closet

Nightplayer (#50262) 3 minutes 28 seconds You see My Very Own Place

Pandora (#52615) 25 minutes 43 seconds The Living Room

Denara (#53705) 31 minutes 46 seconds Master Bedroom

Priestess (#49921) an hour 46 seconds The Living Room

Nitram (#33005) 15 minutes 47 seconds The Living Room

Elixir (#54102) 9 minutes 49 seconds The Catacombs

Stace (#48442) 11 minutes 54 seconds Stace's bedroom

Arielle (#53480) 41 minutes 60 seconds Loch Raven Tower

Quantum-Vacuum (#53118) 3 hours a minute The Living Room

Corwin (#50279) an hour a minute Forked Path

Katie (#50051) 36 minutes a minute The Living Room

Sorcerer (#50112) 2 minutes 2 minutes Sorcerer's Workshop

Tex (#53595) 5 minutes 2 minutes Tex's Crib

Beryn (#25433) 2 minutes 2 minutes Bubble (Worn)

Grump (#122) 28 minutes 2 minutes Purple room

Red_Guest (#5707) an hour 2 minutes Master Bedroom

Alexis (#53488) an hour 3 minutes The Living Room

Mole (#49801) 13 minutes 4 minutes Mole's Library-Circulating

JoeFeedback (#2612) 11 minutes 6 minutes Joe Feedback's Room

Joe_Strout (#33290) 18 minutes 17 minutes Shelly and Joe's Bedroom

Deicide (#49824) an hour 18 minutes Hell-Spawn-Vat

Count (#35076) 2 hours 19 minutes Nil's Dreaming Zone

Babette (#30647) a day 2 hours Jacquio's Tower Top

Ahtraddis (#31289) 3 days 12 hours Ahtraddis' Workshop

Puff (#1449) 13 hours 12 hours Desire

Green_Guest (#5722) 16 hours 16 hours Master Bedroom

Haakon (#2) 5 days a day Lambda's Den

Marcus_Aurelius (#50074) a day a day Cinder Pile

46861 (#46861) a day a day The Kitchen

Total: 63 players, 52 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Kath (#53465) 37 seconds a second Kath's abode

Foobies (#23371) 21 minutes a second The Living Room

KRS-One (#50281) a minute 2 seconds The Living Room

Storm (#50282) an hour 2 seconds Waterfall

Han_Solo (#53491) an hour 2 seconds Millenium Falcon

Corwin (#50279) an hour 2 seconds Secluded grove

Joel (#50142) 2 hours 2 seconds North of Crag [fighting Fl

Moriah (#50459) 3 hours 2 seconds Secluded grove

Gethyenki (#50389) 24 minutes 5 seconds Crawlway

Purple_Guest (#5790) 4 minutes 6 seconds The Living Room

Miles (#50636) 7 minutes 6 seconds Oak Room

Jeye (#42982) an hour 6 seconds Hell-Spawn-Vat

Jacquio (#51487) an hour 6 seconds Hell's library

Marble (#50454) 23 minutes 7 seconds a globe: Canada, North Ame

Priestess (#49921) an hour 8 seconds The Living Room

Blue_Guest (#5720) 4 minutes 9 seconds The Pool Deck

Image (#50375) 12 minutes 9 seconds Ruby

Marlboro (#53408) 19 minutes 9 seconds The Entrance Hall

Quantum-Vacuum (#53118) 4 hours 9 seconds The Library

Tristan (#53707) 52 minutes 12 seconds The Catacombs

Alexis (#53488) an hour 12 seconds The Living Room

Val (#50285) 34 minutes 14 seconds Waterfall

Avenger (#50204) 40 minutes 14 seconds Avengers palace

silas (#35480) a minute 23 seconds Silas's Home

Plaid_Guest (#32861) 5 minutes 24 seconds The Kitchen Patio

Arielle (#53480) 55 minutes 24 seconds Loch Raven Tower

Guest (#5704) 15 minutes 29 seconds The Living Room

Pandora (#52615) 39 minutes 29 seconds The Deck

Katie (#50051) 50 minutes 32 seconds Kitchen garden

Black_Francis (#50292) 22 minutes 39 seconds Hell-Spawn-Vat

Elixir (#54102) 23 minutes 39 seconds The Catacombs

Necromancer (#53702) 46 minutes 47 seconds Galactica

Teal_Guest (#5789) 46 minutes 47 seconds a globe: Canada, North Ame

emma (#49869) an hour 50 seconds The Living Room

Marbles (#48810) 39 minutes a minute a globe: Canada, North Ame

Jant (#46729) 10 minutes a minute Mild Roaming Plain

Sick (#41057) 20 minutes a minute The Quiet Room

Blackay (#53704) 14 minutes a minute The Living Room

Ophelia (#50198) 4 hours a minute Loch Raven Tower

Nitram (#33005) 28 minutes 2 minutes a globe: Oxford, England

Denara (#53705) 45 minutes 3 minutes Dressing Area

Zippy (#23517) 4 hours 5 minutes Event Lab (#23917)

kessura (#49710) 13 minutes 6 minutes Another Coat Closet

Red_Guest (#5707) an hour 8 minutes Master Bedroom

Fizban (#50357) 34 minutes 11 minutes The Castle of Spiritsong a

Mephisto (#53101) 48 minutes 13 minutes Mephisto's Private Hell

Stace (#48442) 25 minutes 14 minutes Stace's bedroom

Grump (#122) 42 minutes 16 minutes Purple room

Joe_Strout (#33290) 31 minutes 31 minutes Shelly and Joe's Bedroom

Deicide (#49824) an hour 32 minutes Hell-Spawn-Vat

Count (#35076) 2 hours 32 minutes Nil's Dreaming Zone

Babette (#30647) a day 2 hours Jacquio's Tower Top

Ahtraddis (#31289) 3 days 12 hours Ahtraddis' Workshop

Puff (#1449) 13 hours 13 hours Desire

Green_Guest (#5722) 16 hours 16 hours Master Bedroom

Haakon (#2) 5 days a day Lambda's Den

Marcus_Aurelius (#50074) a day a day Cinder Pile

Total: 57 players, 41 of whom have been active recently.



Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 45 seconds a second Gam-Bit's

Dicky (#52630) a minute a second The Living Room

Lestat (#50206) 56 seconds a second Coffin

Jeye (#42982) 10 minutes a second Neo-Scrabble Board (not pla

Prince_Louis (#53333) 18 minutes a second Chewed Tunnel (termiteland)

Lightbringer (#53581) 33 minutes a second Muddy Path [fighting Willie

Blue_Guest (#5720) 53 minutes a second The Living Room

Denny (#43902) an hour a second Ajia's teahouse

Count (#35076) 2 hours a second North of Crag

Arracun (#53611) 2 hours a second The Living Room

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 2 hours a second Orbiting LambdaMOO

ajia (#41630) 2 hours a second Ajia's teahouse

Hiro (#53239) 3 hours a second The Living Room

Starfire (#45743) 4 hours a second North of Crag

Outshined (#53462) 4 hours a second Neo-Scrabble Board (not pla

Thunder (#50183) 19 minutes 9 seconds Secluded grove

Radar (#52968) 9 minutes 12 seconds The Hot Tub

A_Smile (#46432) 18 minutes 12 seconds Messiah's Blissful Temple

Silicon (#50823) 2 hours 12 seconds Debate Room

Green_Guest (#5722) 48 minutes 13 seconds Private Beach

Jon-Tom (#50173) 17 minutes 14 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Dred (#49925) 2 hours 14 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Moriah (#50459) 2 hours 17 seconds Neo-Scrabble Board (172 poi

Miles (#50636) 3 hours 19 seconds Neo-Scrabble Board (193 poi

Sick (#41057) 50 minutes 21 seconds Ajia's teahouse

PB (#50224) 57 minutes 21 seconds Neo-Scrabble Board (not pla

B-Squared (#50386) an hour 23 seconds The Living Room

CyberTec (#50176) 23 minutes 24 seconds Neo-Scrabble Board (not pla

Abraxas (#42395) 24 minutes 25 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Russ_Freeman (#50429) 54 seconds 27 seconds The St. James Club

Messiah (#53522) 3 hours 27 seconds Messiah's Blissful Temple

PaulSimon (#35871) 39 minutes 28 seconds Private Beach

RocketMan (#53094) 11 minutes 30 seconds The Living Room

Beryn (#25433) 47 minutes 30 seconds The Kitchen

Buddy (#53503) 2 hours 30 seconds Muddy Path

Plutonium (#51467) 13 minutes 38 seconds The Living Room

Nectar (#51261) 14 minutes 38 seconds THE CASTLE

Grump (#122) an hour 45 seconds Blue room

Sim (#53519) 5 minutes 46 seconds Globe of Frogs

X-Static (#54218) 21 minutes 46 seconds Smurfadelic

Quinn (#19845) 4 hours 52 seconds Neo-Scrabble Board (160 poi

Sylvia (#50287) 33 minutes 56 seconds Master Bedroom

Plus 11 other players (53 total; out of time and lag is high)



Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Plexus (#53592) 2 hours 3 seconds Black Lake [fighting Cennor

Moonshadow (#49804) 13 minutes 5 seconds Club Dred

Nectar (#51261) 2 hours 5 seconds Svelte's NightClub

Vortex (#50457) 30 minutes 8 seconds Gam-Bit's

Mineral (#50669) 8 minutes 9 seconds Underground Cowsino

Icer (#50158) 4 minutes 10 seconds Tropical Beach

Guest (#5704) 12 minutes 10 seconds The Kitchen

Maverick (#53483) an hour 11 seconds The Library

ManCub (#54952) 3 hours 11 seconds Club Dred

Amadeus (#34987) 28 minutes 12 seconds Underground Cowsino

Beige_Guest (#5798) 43 minutes 12 seconds Club Dred

Quinn (#19845) 48 minutes 12 seconds Makeshift Cave

Starfire (#45743) 3 hours 12 seconds Summer Sky

Frobno (#49397) 2 hours 13 seconds Black Lake

Obvious (#54879) a minute 14 seconds Obvious Research Ltd

ajia (#41630) 12 minutes 14 seconds Club Dred

PatGently (#37637) 15 minutes 15 seconds Underground Cowsino

Dr.Fate (#23809) 3 minutes 18 seconds The Living Room

Zooey (#53554) 11 minutes 18 seconds Mountain Cabin

He (#50117) 16 minutes 18 seconds Svelte's NightClub

APHiD (#31783) 27 minutes 18 seconds APHiD's Office [editing ver

CardiffMOO (#49761) 16 hours 18 seconds Between Worlds

Moriah (#50459) 2 hours 21 seconds Deepthought's Domain (Level

Chaos (#6853) 43 minutes 23 seconds Makeshift Cave

Michael (#34696) 2 hours 23 seconds Club Dred

ghond (#48) a minute 25 seconds Ghond's groovy pad

Brautigan (#54778) 30 minutes 25 seconds A Simple Mountain Cabin

Eris (#24929) 9 minutes 26 seconds The Living Room

Thunder (#50183) 55 minutes 28 seconds Black Lake [fighting Cennor

Miles (#50636) 5 hours 32 seconds Deepthought's Domain (Level

Teal_Guest (#5789) 51 seconds 33 seconds The Coat Closet

Mandarb (#51975) 31 minutes 42 seconds Mountain Cabin

Ophelia (#50198) 38 minutes 47 seconds A Simple Mountain Cabin

Sal (#50408) 6 minutes 49 seconds The Living Room

Flatlander (#54930) 2 hours 58 seconds It's Not Indiana

Quastro (#55065) 2 hours a minute Isfania's and Quastro's Tre

Mole (#49801) 29 minutes a minute Club Dred [editing verbs]

Starsinger (#22691) 25 minutes a minute Underground Cowsino

Katie (#50051) 2 hours 2 minutes Kitchen garden

Arracun (#53611) 3 hours 2 minutes Kitchen garden

PaulSimon (#35871) 40 minutes 2 minutes A Comfy, Musical place

Terminator! (#53494) 54 minutes 3 minutes Stormhaven

Blake (#45626) 5 minutes 3 minutes Blake's room

Isfania (#30647) 14 minutes 13 minutes Isfania's and Quastro's Tre

Michele (#50607) 2 hours 16 minutes A Quiet Room

Greene (#49795) 2 hours 17 minutes The Mess (stretched out on

Cpt.Vader (#50739) an hour 21 minutes The Bedroom

Grump (#122) an hour 49 minutes Blue room

Euphistopheles (#50222) 7 hours 50 minutes Sanctum Arcanum[musing, on

wyrmtongue (#50666) 7 hours an hour Sanctum Arcanum

Zachary (#4670) a day 3 hours Zachary's Hangout

Puff (#1449) 5 hours 5 hours Mirror Behind The Bar

Minstrel (#32005) 5 hours 5 hours Desire

Player (#1780) 23 hours 23 hours Throne Room

Cloister (#34107) a day a day Red Dwarf

Einstein (#36364) 6 days 6 days Einstein's Lair of Excellen

Total: 56 players, 43 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 8 minutes 0 seconds The Library

Magenta_Guest (#5726) 59 seconds a second The Coat Closet

ajia (#41630) 12 minutes 3 seconds Ajia's teahouse

DaveM (#32063) 14 minutes 3 seconds Graceland/Jungle Room

Mack-the-Knife (#47551) 24 minutes 4 seconds The Living Room

Storm (#50282) 52 minutes 4 seconds The Dav's room!!

Susan (#51259) 30 minutes 7 seconds Stairwell (4251998th Su

Korvac (#34696) an hour 9 seconds The Serail

Beige_Guest (#5798) 5 hours 9 seconds Ohio_State_Dorm

Xandu (#52797) 11 minutes 13 seconds The Entrance Hall

Fizban (#50357) 45 minutes 13 seconds Kath's abode

Archer (#52775) 53 minutes 13 seconds Underground Arcadia [ed

Zippy (#23517) an hour 13 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

Sick (#41057) 23 minutes 17 seconds The Sick Room

Demian (#50389) 18 minutes 20 seconds The Library

Iccaru (#53466) 45 minutes 20 seconds Cinder Pile

Phylon (#53471) an hour 22 seconds The Dav's room!!

Shelly_Marie (#50289) 36 seconds 25 seconds Shelly and Joe's Bedroo

Cable (#50066) 29 minutes 26 seconds The Dav's room!!

Chaos (#6853) 39 seconds 27 seconds Chaos' Flat

Kath (#53465) 38 minutes 29 seconds Kath's abode

LaTraviata (#50413) 6 minutes 47 seconds The Serail

Denis (#43902) 3 hours 49 seconds Ohio_State_Dorm

Cpt.Vader (#50739) an hour a minute Altar of the Grove [sle

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 19 hours a minute Orbiting LambdaMOO

CardiffMOO (#49761) 11 hours a minute The Relay Room

Guest (#5704) 30 minutes a minute Stairwell (15th Sub-bas

Opal (#49755) 45 minutes 2 minutes Blackbriar's Patch

Rohan (#38904) 3 minutes 3 minutes Stronghold

Booga (#634) 44 minutes 6 minutes The Living Room

CyberFox (#50053) 11 minutes 7 minutes Artemis

Blbrar (#30119) 18 minutes 7 minutes Blackbriar's Patch

Hagbard (#36271) an hour 10 minutes The Living Room

Froxx (#49853) 50 minutes 49 minutes Froxxome

Sadie (#53422) an hour an hour Between The Bedsheets

marcie (#53085) 2 hours 2 hours marcie's

Cloister (#34107) 3 days 3 hours Red Dwarf

Falryx (#26440) 8 hours 5 hours LambdaMOO Museum (Misc.

Puff (#1449) 16 hours 16 hours The Foyer

Haakon (#2) 2 days 22 hours Lambda's Den

FourSixEightSixOne (#46861) a day 22 hours Cinder Pile

Zachary (#4670) a day a day Zachary's Hangout

feh (#35841) a day a day Cinder Pile

raviv (#42513) 2 days 2 days Raviv's place for the f

Total: 44 players, 29 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 18 minutes 0 seconds The Idea of Switzerland

Manchmal (#50503) 2 minutes a second The Hangout

Demian (#50389) 28 minutes 3 seconds The Pits of Despair

Cpt.Vader (#50739) an hour 3 seconds Southeast of Crag [figh

little-wind-spirit (#39585) 47 seconds 4 seconds Windy Riverside

Iccaru (#53466) 55 minutes 4 seconds Dr.Sherry's Office

Zippy (#23517) an hour 4 seconds Event Lab (#23917)

Cable (#50066) 40 minutes 5 seconds The Dav's room!!

Phylon (#53471) an hour 5 seconds The Dav's room!!

Dagard (#49807) 46 seconds 7 seconds Dagard's Abode

ajia (#41630) 23 minutes 7 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Mole (#49801) 8 minutes 14 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Dav (#50183) a minute 17 seconds The Dav's room!!

Sick (#41057) 34 minutes 17 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Kath (#53465) 48 minutes 17 seconds Kath's abode

Korvac (#34696) an hour 17 seconds The Serail

Beige_Guest (#5798) 5 hours 17 seconds Ohio_State_Dorm

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 20 hours 17 seconds Orbiting LambdaMOO

Xandu (#52797) 22 minutes 34 seconds Xandu's Underwater Real

Susan (#51259) 41 minutes 39 seconds Secluded grove

LaTraviata (#50413) 16 minutes 46 seconds The Serail

Storm (#50282) an hour 46 seconds The Dav's room!!

CardiffMOO (#49761) 11 hours a minute The Relay Room

JerseyGirl (#50239) 5 minutes a minute The waterbed

Fizban (#50357) 55 minutes a minute The Coat Closet

Denis (#43902) 3 hours a minute Ohio_State_Dorm

Opal (#49755) 56 minutes 2 minutes Blackbriar's Patch

A_Smile (#46432) 9 minutes 3 minutes The Dav's room!!

Mack-the-Knife (#47551) 35 minutes 3 minutes The Living Room

Blbrar (#30119) 28 minutes 4 minutes Blackbriar's Patch

Guest (#5704) 41 minutes 4 minutes Stairwell (13th Sub-bas

Einstein (#36364) 10 minutes 5 minutes Einstein's Lair of Exce

Rohan (#38904) 14 minutes 5 minutes Stronghold

CyberFox (#50053) 22 minutes 6 minutes Artemis

Booga (#634) 55 minutes 17 minutes The Living Room

Hagbard (#36271) an hour 20 minutes The Living Room

Froxx (#49853) an hour an hour Froxxome

Sadie (#53422) 2 hours 2 hours Between The Bedsheets

marcie (#53085) 3 hours 2 hours marcie's

Cloister (#34107) 3 days 3 hours Red Dwarf

Falryx (#26440) 9 hours 5 hours LambdaMOO Museum (Misc.

Puff (#1449) 17 hours 16 hours The Foyer

Haakon (#2) 2 days 22 hours Lambda's Den

FourSixEightSixOne (#46861) a day 22 hours Cinder Pile

Zachary (#4670) a day a day Zachary's Hangout

feh (#35841) a day a day Cinder Pile

raviv (#42513) 2 days 2 days Raviv's place for the f

Total: 47 players, 31 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Sick (#41057) 2 hours 0 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Psalty (#50091) 11 minutes a second Ajia's teahouse

Vortex (#50457) 15 minutes a second Ajia's teahouse

Ford_Prefect (#50296) 22 minutes a second Bistromath

Grump (#122) 5 minutes 4 seconds The Possibly Happening plac

Shorty (#51697) 31 minutes 4 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Greene (#49795) 3 hours 4 seconds The Hangout

Fizban (#50357) 2 hours 7 seconds The Castle of Spiritsong an

DejahThoris (#32334) an hour 8 seconds The Library

Korvac (#34696) 4 hours 8 seconds Orb

Ethyreon (#49398) 15 minutes 12 seconds Orb

Guest (#5704) 24 minutes 12 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Dav (#50183) 4 minutes 14 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Velouria (#49594) 57 minutes 14 seconds The Possibly Happening plac

Xandu (#52797) 2 hours 14 seconds LambdaMOO Survey Office

Gordo (#52080) a minute 15 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Denny (#43902) 2 hours 15 seconds Ajia's teahouse

WhiteRabbit (#3685) 34 seconds 20 seconds Bedroom (WhiteRabbit's hous

ajia (#41630) 49 minutes 20 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Xandria (#45732) an hour 20 seconds The Castle of Spiritsong an

CardiffMOO (#49761) 5 hours 20 seconds The Relay Room

Kyra (#50291) 2 minutes 25 seconds Pool Parlour

Phylon (#53471) an hour 27 seconds Orb

Manchmal (#50503) 6 minutes 31 seconds The Hangout

Mara (#50464) 6 hours 35 seconds Mara's Room

Azariah (#51627) 2 minutes 38 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Opal (#49755) 14 minutes 50 seconds Briar's Den

Stigmata (#53507) a minute 51 seconds Zen

Mephisto (#53101) 3 minutes 53 seconds Ajia's teahouse

Briar (#30119) an hour 60 seconds Briar's Den

Miles (#50636) 8 minutes a minute Oak Room [editing verbs]

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) 3 hours a minute Flight_Control

Claudette (#53106) 21 minutes a minute The Coat Closet

Yellow_Guest (#5743) 43 minutes a minute Ajia's teahouse

Iccaru (#53466) an hour a minute Flight_Control

Count (#35076) 2 hours a minute Mara's Room

Euphistopheles (#50222) an hour a minute Scrabble Board (18 points)

Moriah (#50459) an hour 2 minutes Scrabble Board (12 points)

ashes (#18502) 37 minutes 6 minutes Porcupine Crematorium

Ben_Wymore (#44531) 22 hours 7 minutes The Trivia Centre

Sioned (#45623) 9 minutes 9 minutes Sioned's Fortress

Chaos (#6853) 36 minutes 28 minutes Chaos' Flat

Zman (#23570) 2 hours 2 hours Z-Room

Cloister (#34107) 5 hours 4 hours Red Dwarf

marcie (#53085) 8 hours 8 hours marcie's

Haakon (#2) a day a day Lambda's Den

Total: 46 players, 38 of whom have been active recently.



Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Pkzip (#54099) 25 minutes 0 seconds Cygnus' Bedroom

ThinkTankMOO (#58123) 11 hours a second Glass Bell Jar

Blackbriar (#30119) 7 minutes 2 seconds Blackbriar's Patch [mailing]

Bewitch (#50272) 4 minutes 4 seconds Mousike

Plaid_Guest (#32861) 8 minutes 4 seconds The Living Room

Stranger (#56629) 23 minutes 4 seconds A Strange Land

Alain (#56819) 37 minutes 4 seconds A Strange Land [mailing]

Beany_Lobo (#56855) an hour 4 seconds Secluded grove [resting]

Azreela (#57466) 4 minutes 6 seconds Xyphus' Copse [mailing]

Merman (#58251) an hour 6 seconds Makeshift Cave

Teddy (#39113) 2 hours 6 seconds Mine Shaft

Agincourt (#57956) 3 hours 6 seconds Pankey's Palace of Dreams

Jaffa (#57510) 7 minutes 7 seconds The Living Room

Fingle (#58157) 11 minutes 7 seconds The Living Room

Laurie (#53502) 15 minutes 7 seconds Chateau

Kath (#53465) an hour 7 seconds The Living Room

Zarabeth (#57474) 40 minutes 10 seconds The Coat Closet

Isagi (#21077) 26 minutes 12 seconds Secluded grove

Vlad (#58286) 8 minutes 14 seconds The Living Room

Pankey (#58201) 2 hours 15 seconds Pankey's Palace of Dreams

Boulder (#50186) 7 minutes 22 seconds The Living Room

Guest (#5704) 31 seconds 26 seconds The Living Room

Moriah (#50459) 9 hours 28 seconds Generic RPG Shop [editing]

CardiffMOO (#49761) 22 hours 45 seconds Glass Bell Jar

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 2 days 45 seconds Orbiting LambdaMOO

Senuv* (#35404) an hour 53 seconds Secluded grove [resting]

Tower (#49916) 51 minutes a minute The Living Room

Zeppelin (#56377) an hour a minute The Living Room

Womble (#55456) 3 hours a minute The Living Room

Count (#35076) 46 minutes a minute The Living Room

Red_Guest (#5707) 6 minutes 3 minutes Makeshift Cave

SamIAm (#41011) 4 minutes 3 minutes The Conversation Pit

Manticore (#53484) an hour 10 minutes The Living Room

Angie (#57014) 14 hours 17 minutes Dominatrix's B&D Chamber

Freakster (#56294) an hour an hour The Goat Closet

Cotton (#54104) an hour an hour Cotton's bedroom

Eager (#58038) an hour an hour The Entrance Hall

Hagbard (#36271) 2 hours 2 hours Hag's [musing]

Cloister (#34107) 11 hours 7 hours Red Dwarf

Shag (#49608) 10 hours 10 hours ShagWorld

.. (#634) 16 hours 14 hours Hole in the ground

dr (#7003) 17 hours 14 hours The Underground

Michele (#50607) a day 17 hours Garret

Bushi (#56700) 20 hours 20 hours The Coat Closet

Total: 44 players, 32 of whom have been active recently.




Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 19 minutes 0 seconds Bovine Illuminati Dormit

Moriah (#50459) 3 hours 0 seconds Breezy's

Queerboy (#35824) 21 minutes 2 seconds The Living Room

Yonse-Erik (#50123) an hour 2 seconds Secluded grove

waffle (#9082) 7 minutes 5 seconds Foyer (Nyssa's and Black

Dav (#50183) 28 minutes 5 seconds Breezy's

Euphistopheles (#50222) 2 hours 6 seconds Foyer (Nyssa's and Black

Val (#50285) 3 hours 6 seconds Waterfall

Briar (#30119) 5 minutes 7 seconds Briar's Den

Dagard (#49807) 51 minutes 7 seconds Temple of Death [editing

Kath (#53465) an hour 7 seconds Kath's abode

Guest (#5704) 34 minutes 8 seconds Cara's Place

Blue_Guest (#5720) 21 minutes 9 seconds Kath's abode

Shadow_Hawke (#52777) an hour 9 seconds Somewhere, someplace

Joel (#50142) an hour 10 seconds Secluded grove

Jetta (#28847) 28 minutes 11 seconds The Living Room

Bane (#50064) 2 hours 12 seconds Stoddard Temple

Demian (#50389) 3 minutes 15 seconds The Psychedelic Solution

Simone (#50217) 4 minutes 16 seconds Simone's experiment

Gam-Bit (#50235) 30 minutes 17 seconds Gam-Bit's

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) 57 minutes 17 seconds Stoddard Temple

Marbles (#48810) 3 hours 17 seconds Scrabble Board (51 point

Mara (#50464) 4 hours 17 seconds Mara's Room

THM (#16097) 3 hours 29 seconds Scrabble Board (89 point

Chaos (#6853) 33 minutes 30 seconds Morpheus' Study

Cara_Mia (#52486) 38 minutes 30 seconds Cara's Place

Iccaru (#53466) 36 minutes 37 seconds Breezy's

Sick (#41057) an hour 42 seconds The Living Room

Count (#35076) 11 hours 42 seconds Mara's Room

Storm (#50282) 27 minutes 44 seconds Waterfall

Buddy (#53503) 27 minutes 59 seconds A Place for all friends!

CardiffMOO (#49761) 4 hours 59 seconds The Relay Room

Justy_Shadowhawke (#50017) 2 hours 60 seconds The Living Room

Jinx (#50135) 46 minutes a minute The World of Illusion

Manticore (#53484) 45 minutes 2 minutes Hell

Opal (#49755) 4 minutes 3 minutes Briar's Den

Rusty (#48961) an hour 3 minutes The Hot Tub Deck

Zippy (#23517) an hour 4 minutes Event Lab (#23917)

Fizban (#50357) 52 minutes 23 minutes The Castle of Spiritsong

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 13 hours an hour Orbiting LambdaMOO

Grump (#122) 3 hours 2 hours Teal room

Oisin (#53290) 2 hours 2 hours Cafe Milano

Froxx (#49853) 3 hours 3 hours Froxxome

Cloister (#34107) a day a day Red Dwarf

marcie (#53085) a day a day marcie's

Haakon (#2) a day a day Lambda's Den

Total: 46 players, 38 of whom have been active recently.


Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Vortex (#50457) 41 minutes 0 seconds 1934 Buick

Cara_Mia (#52486) an hour 0 seconds Cara's Place

THM (#16097) 3 hours 0 seconds Scrabble Board (146 points)

JaysHouseMOO (#52536) 13 hours a second Orbiting LambdaMOO

Sylvia (#50287) 7 minutes 2 seconds Master Bedroom

Euphistopheles (#50222) 2 hours 2 seconds Foyer (Nyssa's and Blackbri

LaughingMan (#50387) 11 minutes 4 seconds Tibet's Stormy Coast

Wsk_Rumisk (#53499) 38 seconds 5 seconds The Living Room

Joel (#50142) an hour 5 seconds Secluded grove

Moriah (#50459) 4 hours 6 seconds Breezy's

Manticore (#53484) an hour 8 seconds Hackers' Heaven

Grump (#122) 3 hours 12 seconds Teal room

Iccaru (#53466) 58 minutes 13 seconds Foyer of Stormhaven

Sick (#41057) an hour 15 seconds 1934 Buick

Rusty (#48961) 2 hours 15 seconds 1934 Buick

Yasmin (#50394) 6 minutes 20 seconds The Russian Tea Room

Dav (#50183) 50 minutes 21 seconds Breezy's

Guest (#5704) 57 minutes 21 seconds Cara's Place

Calypso (#50099) 9 minutes 24 seconds Calypso's Isle

CardiffMOO (#49761) 5 hours 24 seconds The Relay Room

Bane (#50064) 2 hours 27 seconds Stoddard Temple

Ashley (#51625) 3 minutes 28 seconds KircAM 97.1 FM -=< The Bes

Mara (#50464) 5 hours 28 seconds Mara's Room

Yellow_Guest (#5743) a minute 48 seconds The Coat Closet [mailing]

Jetta (#28847) 50 minutes 50 seconds 1934 Buick

Demian (#50389) 26 minutes a minute The Psychedelic Solution

Chispa (#50042) 5 minutes a minute Forewarned Backroom

Leigh-Cheri (#53476) an hour a minute Stoddard Temple

Marbles (#48810) 3 hours a minute Scrabble Board (145 points)

Briar (#30119) 28 minutes a minute Briar's Den

Ophelia (#50198) a minute a minute Dungeon

Storm (#50282) 50 minutes 2 minutes Waterfall

Val (#50285) 4 hours 2 minutes Waterfall

Zippy (#23517) an hour 3 minutes Event Lab (#23917)

Havel (#49616) 14 minutes 3 minutes The Library

Opal (#49755) 27 minutes 4 minutes Briar's Den

Fizban (#50357) an hour 10 minutes The Castle of Spiritsong an

Buddy (#53503) 49 minutes 11 minutes A Place for all friends!

Oisin (#53290) 3 hours 2 hours Cafe Milano

Froxx (#49853) 3 hours 3 hours Froxxome

Cloister (#34107) a day a day Red Dwarf

marcie (#53085) a day a day marcie's

Haakon (#2) a day a day Lambda's Den

Total: 43 players, 36 of whom have been active recently.



18 messages on *Music (#37708):

630:+ Jun 28 23:16 Raymond (#74077) Skatali(ghts)(tes)

631:+ Jul 14 00:49 LLrain (#59513) New List

632:+ Jul 14 10:58 Tobin (#27135) mutant stuff

633:+ Jul 15 04:39 Black_Francis (#50292) (None.)

634:+ Jul 15 15:07 Gowan (#76661) Gigolo Aunts

635:+ Jul 15 17:15 Booga (#634) (None.)

636:+ Jul 15 19:02 Ox (#54875) Gigolo Aunts...They Rock!

637:+ Jul 19 16:50 P7A77 (#53430) WOXY in *CINCI*???

638:+ Jul 19 17:21 Gilmore (#34435) (None.)

639:+ Jul 19 19:07 P7A77 (#53430) Thpthpthptph...

640:+ Jul 19 23:21 Gilmore (#34435) (None.)

641:+ Jul 19 23:30 Ox (#54875) (None.)

642:+ Jul 21 17:03 P7A77 (#53430) Lollapalooza 1994

643:+ Jul 21 19:48 Tobin (#27135) lollapalooza

644:+ Jul 21 21:57 Spoonman (#60015) Not Lolla

645:+ Jul 22 00:03 Gilmore (#34435) (None.)

646:+ Jul 22 15:59 P7A77 (#53430) Smashing Pumpkins...

647:+ Jul 25 23:20 Dr.Galazkiewicz (#86979) ITEOTWAWKI Lyrics



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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