We are going to give you a list of three words and we ...

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TESOL 2013

Mª Antonia Castro & Silvia Benítez

Ebenen Escuela de Idiomas



“Hello my name is Ann. I come from Andorra. I am an athlete. I like apples and I am very attractive. Students continue with all the letters of the alphabet (from A to Z). They are in a circle and when one student cannot continue, they get out of the circle.

2) SHOUTING GAME (German original version: Shreitspiel)

Class divided into two groups standing in a line (one opposite the other). Each group decides on a person who has to stand behind the other team. Then, each group thinks of a word and when the teacher says “time” each team starts shouting the word so that the partner behind the opposite team can hear it. It will be very noisy, but funny. Excellent tool to lighten up the mood.

3) IN A MATTER OF SECONDS ANSWER (German version: Sekundenschnelle Antwort)

Students stand in a circle. One person will be chosen as a leader to ask the questions. This “questioner” has to decide who answers every question. The teacher will control the time, which has to be 2 seconds per answer. There are points when the questions are correctly answered within the time with no hesitation, stammering or mumbling. Possible questions are:

- What’s the name of the current vice president?

- How many toes have you got?

- What’s the root of 49?

- Which month are we in?

- Which day will be in 3 days?

- What’s the name of the president of France?

- Which letter comes after W?

- Which letter comes before K?

- How many people are there in class?

- How old will you be in 12 years?

- What is heavier, a kilo feather or a kilo iron?...

Or questions focused on language (prepared by the teacher to review vocabulary, grammar...):

- How do you say “espinilla” in English?

- Synonym of “bring up”

- Opposite of generous...

4) ANSWER THE PREVIOUS QUESTION Students stand in a circle and every student has to ask a question to be answered by the student on their right, with the only exception of student nr 2, who won’t answer the question of std nr 1. Student nr 2 will make a question to student nr3 but he/she will answer the question of student nr 1, and so on...


Class divided into two groups. Every group thinks of a sentence with as many syllables as members in their group. Every student will get a name, which is one of the syllables of their sentence, at random. All students will mingle and ask each other about their names (the phoneme given) until any of the students says “stop” and calls out the sentence made by the other group.


The class is divided into 2 groups. 2 students (one out of each group) leave the class. Half of the class is given a word and the other half their synonyms, opposites, collocations, translation, etc., so that when the stds. come back into the class they have to play memory by calling their partners´ names. E.g.: Pedro! (and he calls out his word- look into), Silvia! (and she calls out her word-search). Pedro’s and Silvia’s words do not match, so they sit down again and it is the turn of the other student until they get the couples. It is a very good way of pairing students for further activities



- Whatsapp associations

The teacher calls out a word. Students have to think of a word related to the topic and send it via whatsapp. The first but also the last whatsapps received will get a point to motivate students to continue sending words.

- Rearranging story lines (better with email)

Each student receives (either by whatsapp or email) a message with some lines of a story. Then they have to join and try to rearrange the lines of the story.

- Life of one/ two singers

Among the students’ favourite singers, the teacher decides on two of them of similar ages and mixes up their lives, sending each student one line per email/ whatsapp. The first thing they do, at the beginning of the following class, is to tell each other what they have received and agree on the lines of the 2 lives. To finish this activity, the group with the highest guesses will decide on one song by any of them. This will be played just for the sake of listening, because most of the times it is useless to work with favourite songs since they already know them by heart.


Using general knowledge questions and also including grammar and vocab questions.


4) I HAVE NEVER (water- version/ daring things ()

Students in a circle. One of them says an “I have never” sentence, (e.g- I have never been to Italy). Those who have done it have to drink a glass of water.

Variation: I will never, I would never....

This activity is great fun for students but the teacher should control the appropriacy of the questions though.

5) WHAT IS A _____ FOR?

Students sit in a circle. Each student has to ask the student on their right a question using “What’s a _____ for?” and get an answer. When the round has finished, each student will report to the class connecting the questions they were made to the answers they received to the questions they made. This produces funny situations. The next time they play this game, they will play it wisely so that laughter is guaranteed.



- Freeze the image and ask students to predict

- Prepare the script with gaps

- Make questions

- Debates

- Use it to teach vocabulary

- Just for fun




We create a twitter account and decide on the people we want to follow.

Every week we use some time to do some activities with OUR twitter. Ex, WARMING UPS:

1) What's the most interesting tweet you've read this week?- 5' discussion in groups and feedback

2) Re-order the tweet

I- older – wishing – childhood – and – entire – spent – now – my – was – older – I'm – I -

…. - it- sucks

(We have to consider that they've already read the tweet, so they are familiar with it and it is not so hard)

3) “For and against”- class into two groups, they have to agree/ disagree with the tweet and give reasons (T' says which group is for and which is against): Eg:

“A real man can make every day Valentines Day for his girl”

“I'm done being a good friend to those who don't deserve it”

“Love isn't complicated, people are”

4) Tell them to look for the funniest tweet in a week. One we got some weeks ago: “Every mother gives birth to a baby, except mine. She gave birth to a legend. High five, mom!”


The teacher creates a Facebook account. All the class decides on the name, picture, etc., and the language, of course is English

- 15' Facebook a week- we talk about what's going on in our page (then feedback on mistakes, improvements, etc)

- Fast finishers- they play and keep our games updated- Thread of mistery, Farmville, Scrabble… Then they report to the class


Tweet the hashtag of the week. Eg. “I hate Mondays”/ “English is easy”,.. then feedback session on how popular the topic was, the most interesting statements, etc.

(For those with no access to technology the hashtag can be written on the board/ cardboard paper where the students can write their contributions throughout the whole week.

We hope the ideas resulting from this research are useful for both your teens and you as teachers

Mª Antonia & Silvia



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