
1. Suzy’s immunization records show that she is lacking many of the major vaccinations.

Klac fo edlaimc / ndaetl rcae __________________________________________

2. The mistreatment of a child by a person responsible for the child’s welfare that results in injury or harm for the child. Ylhicpsa seabu _________________________________

3. Once again, five-year-old Tommy is left by himself as the parents are gone for long periods of time. Qidaeatnue iospvierurns ____________________________________

4. Connie is constantly hungry and looks extremely undernourished. Alck fo eqdeatua tunnoirit _________________________________________

5. Mark missed 100 days of school and his parents have been visited by the truancy officer several times already. Lcak fo dprinigov cacses ot caedniout _____________________________________________________

6. The lack of support or emotional care or love can cause the infant and or child’s weight to fall below the fifth percentile for that age. Ilerfau ot vrtihe ______________________________________________________________________

7. The magazine displayed children with indecent exposure and sexually interacting with adults. lxeuas bsaue ______________________________________

8. Peggy’s family live in an apartment with inadequate heating and litter spread everywhere. Kacl fo daeuaeqt thelers________________________________________

9. Amy’s parents were constantly yelling and embarrassing her in front of friends and neighbors. Balvre sbaue ___________________________________

10. Laura is craving acceptance and attention in the eyes of her strict father. Oniemalot gtelnec _____________________________________________

11. Amanda has been coming to class with hardly any warm clothes to keep her warm in this weather and she is constantly ill. Ckal fo deqteuaa glcohtin ____________________________________________________________________


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