Processing of WEEE plastics - Sustainable Recycling

[Pages:39]Processing of WEEE plastics

A practical handbook

December, 2019

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Andreas Bill, Michael Gasser, Arthur Haarman, Heinz B?ni Empa, Switzerland



This handbook was prepared as part of the SECO funded SRI project, which is jointly implemented by Empa and WRF. It has been written in close collaboration with the StEP initiative and we would like to warmly thank all those who contributed to its content through their valuable inputs and comments. This especially includes the members of the StEP working group for plastics and Roland Weber of POPs Environmental Consulting, as well as SERI for their financial contributions.

Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) initiative, an independent multi-stakeholder platform for designing strategies that address all dimensions of electronics in an increasingly digitized world. StEP facilitates research, analysis and dialogue among its members drawn from business, international organizations, governments, NGO's and academic institutions around the world.

Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a world where electronic products are reused and recycled in a way that promotes resource preservation; the well-being of the natural environment; and the health and safety of workers and communities.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This document has been produced without formal SECO editing. The designations employed and presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of SECO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries or its economic system or degree of development. Mention of firm names or commercial production does not constitute any endorsement by SECO.

sustainable- sri@

Turning waste into resources for development

SRI builds capacity for sustainable recycling in developing countries. The programme is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO) and is implemented by the Institute for Materials Science & Technology (Empa) and the World Resources Forum (WRF). It builds on the success of implementing e-waste recycling systems together with various developing countries since more than ten years.


When people discard their used Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE), different materials become available for recycling and reuse. Recycling companies process such Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and sell the sorted materials to refining and manufacturing industries. In terms of volume, the most important of these materials are steel, aluminum and copper as well as plastics. Recovering these and some other metals is rather uncomplicated and local markets for metal scrap are generally abundant. Valorizing the plastic fraction, on the other hand, is more challenging because the different plastics need to be sorted by type. In addition, plastics containing hazardous additives should be removed and individual markets have to be identified. The purpose of this document is to provide practical information on how to recognize, process and market different WEEE plastics. It is specially oriented towards recycling companies in developing and emerging economies, where the potential for investments in advanced technologies is usually very limited.

Users of this handbook are encouraged to implement, adapt and further develop the methods and processes discussed throughout the document based on their own requirements. While utmost care has been taken to collect precise and up to date information, users should be aware that the conditions and the market of plastic recycling is changing very quickly and that the methods described should only be performed while using adequate safety equipment and processes. The authors, organizations and persons affiliated to this handbook and the sponsoring organization cannot be held liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of the information contained in this document.

Handbook structure: General information

Plastic identification & sorting

Potential customers & markets

Process design

Managing non-target plastics

Icon Source: Information by Jamison Wieser-, Search by Lyhn-, Money Bag by Laymik-, Gear by Gregor Cresnar-, Question mark by Vladyslav Severyn from the Noun Project


General information

Plastics are very versatile materials. They can be hard or soft, rigid or flexible, transparent or opaque, light or heavy etc. These physical properties depend on the plastic type, but can also be influenced by chemicals and other additives. Because of their versatility and the fact that plastics are often cheaper and lighter than alternative materials (e.g. wood or metal), their presence in products is continuously increasing. WEEE recycling companies are experiencing this development at first hand, as the share of plastics in their input material has been increasing over the last years and is currently as high as 20% on average. Companies that are active in trading and processing of WEEE can benefit substantially from a successful valorization of plastics, simply because these materials represent a large amount of their input. In addition, the recovery and recycling of plastics also has important environmental benefits both through the substitution of virgin plastics in products1, and because higher recycling rates result in less plastic waste ending up in the environment and in lower CO2 emissions. However, there are two main challenges to WEEE plastic recycling that have to be addressed:

1. WEEE contains many different types of plastics. To obtain high quality products, the different plastic types need to be sorted before they can be further processed.

2. Plastics often contain additives, some of which are hazardous to human health and the environment. The most problematic plastic additives are Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) and additives based on heavy metals (mostly Pb and Cd). Plastics containing such hazardous substances need to be removed and disposed of in appropriate ways.

Plastic types

Two main groups of plastics can be distinguished by their reaction to heat. Thermoplastics soften and melt when heated and harden when they cool down again. Thermosets, on the contrary, become rigid when heated and also stay rigid after they cool down, which makes their recycling impossible. Fortunately, most plastics found in WEEE belong to the first group and can be recycled. However, with some few exceptions (e.g. ABS/PC), mixing these plastics in the recycling process has negative effects on material qualities like flexibility, hardness or durability. The key to WEEE plastic recycling is therefore effective sorting, which is challenging as more than 15 different types of plastics are present in WEEE and identifying and sorting them is not always easy. To simplify the task, plastics that are used most often in EEE can be targeted first. 2

Figure 1: Main plastic types used in EEE 2

1 A detailed life cycle assessment evaluating the environmental benefits of plastic recycling can be found in: P.A. W?ger, R. Hischier / Science of the Total Environment 529 (2015) 158-167 2 Plastic composition as determined by: C. Slijkhuis, Recycling plastics from WEEE requiring a sensible and practical approach on POPs, in: Going Green Care Innovation 2018


As indicated in Figure 1, over 70% of the total mass of WEEE plastics consists of the same four plastic types, which can be collected, processed and sold in large volumes. Methods on how to identify and sort these and other plastic types will be presented throughout this document. These methods can then be further developed and adapted to target other WEEE plastics.

Plastic additives

Plastic manufacturers often use chemicals and other materials to change the properties of their products. Such additives can make plastics harder, more flexible, shinier, and heat-resistant or simply give them a certain color3. Unfortunately, the presence of some of these additives restricts the recyclability of plastics. Some of the chemicals that were used in the past, and sometimes still are today, are known to be hazardous to human health and the environment. Other additives can damage recycling equipment, or their presence reduces the quality of recycled plastics. In order to safely and successfully valorize plastics, recycling companies need to know how to detect the presence of problematic additives and how to remove and dispose of plastic fractions unsuitable for recycling.


Plastics are mixed with low-cost filler-materials to reduce production cost. Some fillers can also make a plastic more rigid or increase its strength, toughness or heat resistance. Most of these materials are based on either minerals or glass fiber. Mineral-based fillers (e.g. calcium carbonate, talc, etc.) are, in general, unproblematic in the recycling process. Fillers based on glass fiber are used to increase the strength and resistance to bending of some plastics. Their presence can be problematic in the recycling process, especially when the glass fiber content is high.

Top: Mineral filler (CaCO3) Bottom: Glass fiber

Very high contents of mineral fillers can make a plastic brittle. Such brittle plastics should be sorted out as they affect product quality.

If a mechanical shredder is used to granulate plastics, it can be damaged when materials with high glass fiber content are processed.

When glass fibers are cut and shortened in the recycling process, their positive effects on strength and resistance to bending is lost, which results in reduced product quality.


These chemicals increase the softness, flexibility and durability of plastics. Their main application is the production of soft PVC, which is often used as a cable insulator, but it is also possible to find them in other WEEE plastics. Some plasticizers are hazardous to human health and especially children and pregnant women should not be exposed to these chemicals.

Plasticizer used to soften PVC

Soft PVC plastics often contain high levels of potentially hazardous plasticizers and must not be used to make toys or products that come into contact with food or water.

3 For a detailed overview on plastic additives see: J.N. Hahladakis et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 344 (2018) 179-199



Flame-retardants are used to make plastics more resistant to fire. During their use in EEE, certain plastic parts are regularly exposed to heat, which is why WEEE plastics often contain significant amounts of flame retardants. These additives can be sorted into three main groups:

Mineral flame retardants

Phosphorus-based flame retardants

Flame-retardants are used to prevent plastics from catching fire when exposed to heat

Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs)

Some flame retardants are hazardous to human health and the environment. Various chemicals belonging to the third group are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and therefore especially problematic, which is why their use is restricted by regulatory limits (e.g. PBBs, PBDEs, HBCDD). Plastics containing BFRs therefore need to be sorted out and appropriately managed.

High levels of BFRs can often be found in plastic housings of screens, IT-equipment and small electronic devices while BFR levels in plastics from large household appliances (e.g. fridges, freezers, washing machines, tumbling dryers etc.) are generally below legal limit values.

Different flame-retardants are used in combination with different plastic types. BFRs are mostly present in ABS and HIPS plastics. As indicated in Figure 1, around 10% of all ABS and HIPS plastics found in WEEE contain BFRs.


The color of a plastic can be influenced by adding pigments. These are generally inorganic compounds, some of which are based on heavy metals like lead and cadmium. Heavy metals are toxic to human health and the environment and their presence in recycled products is therefore restricted by legal limit values.

Pigments are used for color

Plastics should be sorted by color during the recycling process. White and transparent plastics reach the highest market prices followed by single color fractions. Mixed color plastic fractions are generally less valuable.

Red, orange and yellow colored plastics may contain lead- or cadmium-based pigments. When the presence of these heavy metals is suspected, plastic parts should be removed from the recycling process.


Icon Source: money spent by barurezeki-, Gears by Luis Prado-, toxic barrel by nopixel from the Noun Project

Plastic identification & sorting

The first thing to do when targeting WEEE plastics for valorization is to separate the plastics from other materials. This can be done manually without difficulties. The result, however, is a fraction of mixed plastics parts, including many different plastic types of which some contain undesirable additives. In order to set up a successful business model, recycling companies need to know which plastic types are present in their WEEE input and how they can recognize and sort out the ones that they can sell.

First clues

The more information a recycling company has about its input material, the better it can design efficient sorting processes. The specific function a part had to fulfill, and the product type it was obtained from, can be used as a first source of information. Some plastics for instance are used for very specific purposes and can be identified because of this. A transparent plastic sheet obtained through the dismantling of a flat screen, for example, is almost certainly made from PMMA plastic. Other plastics are commonly used in some devices, but rarely in others, and some can be found in almost any device. Knowing where different plastics are frequently used allows to estimate how much of which type can potentially be collected from a specific input. Figure 2 shows the average plastic composition of different WEEE categories4. Although the input a recycling company receives is often variable, these figures can be used to make rough estimates on the plastic composition of received shipments, as well as educated guesses about specific plastic parts (e.g. a plastic housing from a CRT TV is probably made from HIPS or ABS plastic). It is important to recognize, however, that the charts represent average values and that the exact composition of a specific input can be somewhat different in reality.

Figure 2: Average plastic composition of selected WEEE categories

4 Composition data based on literature (W?ger et al. 2010) and batch test analysis at Swiss WEEE recycling facilities







CRT screens




Flat screens




IT equipment




Large Household Appliances (LHA)





Cooling and Freezing Appliances (CFA)





Small electronic devices







Table 1: Hazardous additives in main plastic types obtained from various WEEE categories. Red: BFR concentration potentially above legal threshold values, blue: heavy-metal concentration potentially above legal thresholds values, black: concentrations of hazardous additives generally below legal threshold values.

The origin of a plastic part can further be used as an indicator for the potential presence of problematic additives. BFRs for instance are generally found above legal threshold values in ABS and HIPS plastics from IT equipment, screens and small electronic devices (see Table 1).

Simple methods for plastic identification

The figures and table above are useful to narrow down the list of plastic types a part might be made of and determine the potential presence of hazardous additives. However, in order to actually identify plastic types and sort plastic parts accordingly, additional methods are needed. One possibility is to use simple tests which can be performed manually and are therefore accessible to everyone.

ISO tag

According to the ISO 11469 standard, plastic parts weighing more than 100 grams should be marked with a visual identifier. These markers are sometimes difficult to find and interpret, but they can provide useful information. A complete identifier consists of 4 terms indicating the plastic type, filler materials, plasticizers and flame retardants. Figure 3 shows the correct order of a complete identifier and how it should be interpreted.

Figure 3: ISO tag interpretation

The letters GF on an ISO tag refer to the presence of glass fiber as a filler material. This can be problematic in the recycling process. (See section 1 about additives)

Flame-retardant identifiers 14, 15 and 18-21 may indicate hazardous BFRs. Plastic parts with these markings have to be removed and appropriately managed.

WEEE plastics are often unmarked, mismarked or only show incomplete tags. The information obtained from an ISO tag should therefore be used with caution.



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