DIRECTIONS: Mark off each young woman as you receive …

Directions: Mark off each young woman as you receive clues that the Value Project is not theirs. When you have discovered the young woman, their tool, and the room it was done in, return to this room.

Young Women:

← Sarah Service

← Natasha Knowledge

← Whitney Worth

← Honest Heather

← Daphne Divine Nature

← Fabulous Faith

← Debbie Do-Good

← Sandy Scripture

← Paula Prayer

← Chelsea Choice


← Sewing Machine

← Cookie Sheet

← Mop

← History Book

← Scriptures

← “The Living Christ”

← Dance Shoes

← Jump rope

← First Aid Kit

← Strength of Youth/Personal Progress


← Primary Room

← Relief Society Room

← Classroom 1

← Kitchen

← Classroom 2

← Classroom 3

← Young Women’s Room

← Classroom 4

← Nursery

← Classroom 5

List of Young Women

Sarah Service: Sarah is a Laurel who loves to help the Senior Citizens of our ward. She has often been seen shoveling snow, baking bread or cookies for neighbors, and visiting shut-ins. She is a delight to all that know her.

Natasha Knowledge: Natasha loves a good book. She is preparing for college now by studying hard and getting good grades. Natasha enjoys learning new things and developing new skills. She is a wonder.

Whitney Worth: Whitney is a very talented Beehive in our ward. She loves to sing, dance, act and perform. She enjoys having the young women of our ward attend her various performances. She really gives them 100%.

Honest Heather: Heather took to heart the Stake Presidency’s counsel to read her scriptures for at least 20 minutes daily. She has really learned a lot from searching the scriptures and this has helped tremendously with personal progress. She is a joy to have in young womens.

Daphne Divine Nature: Daphne loves to repeat the Young Woman theme every week. She enjoys knowing she is a daughter of God. She wants everyone to have this knowledge. Daphne has set and reached many goals that have helped her toward her Young Womanhood Recognition.

Fabulous Faith: Faith attends her Church meetings, young women activities, seminary, and firesides. She looks forward to going to the Temple. She is preparing now to serve a mission.

Debbie do-good: Debbie is a Mia Maid in our ward who loves to babysit, read, and talk on the phone. She exercises 45 minutes daily and has a healthy well-balanced diet. She listens in her young women class and offers insightful comments. She is very energetic.

Sandy Scripture: Sandy is a Laurel. She loves seminary. She can often be found working on her Value Experiences. She loves to read of the Savior and has handed our 4 Book(s) of Mormon to her friends.

Paula Prayer: Paula, a Beehive, has calluses (not really) on her knees from frequent, fervent praying. She serves in her class presidency and is well-liked at school and church. She is very mature for her age.

Chelsea Choice: Chelsea is a Mia Maid. She enjoys school, hanging out with her friends, and is a great help to her mother. She helps her circle of friends accept and befriend those that are a little different from themselves. Chelsea looks forward to being a mom.

List of rooms:

Primary Room – Honest Heather

Relief Society Room – Natasha Knowledge

Classroom 1 – Whitney Worth

Kitchen – Sarah service

Classroom 2 – Daphne Divine Nature

Classroom 3 – Fabulous Faith

Young Women’s room – Debbie Do-Good

classroom 4 – Sandy Scripture

Nursery – Paula Prayer

Classroom 5 – Chelsea Choice

List of tools:

Sewing Machine: Many uses – but by whom? Is it a mom or a young woman?

Cookie Sheet: Men in the kitchen or a value project in progress?

Mop: seeminly common object. Could have been used to mop one’s own house or for service.

History book: Is this an attemp to ditch the book or was a young woman working on homework?

Scriptures: a lost and found item or used by a wise young woman?

“Living Christ”: Was this from Relief Society or maybe someone’s been trying to memorize.

Dance shoes: These seem innocent enough, but were they used to practice for a performance?

Jump rope: Do the nursery leaders use this to tie up the children or has exercising been goin on?

First Aid kit: Accident or prevention?

For the strength of Youth and Personal progress books: Materials for bringing to church or actual use?


Detective’s Notebook


|President Wright has found a Young Woman’s value project that is completely finished, but she doesn’t |

|know who it belongs to. It is up to you to find the clues. Whose project is it? How and where did they|

|do it? |

Character Description: Sarah Service

Sarah is a Laurel who loves to help the Senior Citizens of our ward. She has often been seen shoveling snow, baking bread or cookies for neighbors, and visiting shut-ins. She is a delight to all that know her.


You have been assigned to the kitchen. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Fabulous Faith did not do the value project. She was talking to the sister missionaries in the foyer.

2. Whitney Worth did not do the value project. She was busy playing the piano in the aaronic priesthood room.

3. The Value project was not done in the Relief Society room. The Young Single Adults were having Institute.

4. The Value project was not done in the kitchen. The activity day girls were making cookies.

5. The sewing machine was not the tool used. It was locked up in the relief society closet.

6. The first aid kit was not the tool used. The scouts were practicing first aid and using it at the time.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Sarah Service


Character Description: Natasha Knowledge

Natasha loves a good book. She is preparing for college now by studying hard and getting good grades. Natasha enjoys learning new things and developing new skills. She is a wonder.


You have been assigned to the relief society room. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Natasha Knowledge did not do the value project. She was studying her Biology before mutual opening exercises.

2. Sandy Scripture did not do the value project. She was talking to her young women leader in the hall.

3. The value project was not done in the primary room. You know that the 11 year old scouts were running around and hiding in there.

4. The value project was not done in classroom 4. The 5th ward was having a class activity in there.

5. The mop was not the tool used for the value project. After the activity day girls made cookies they cleaned up the messy floor with the mop.

6. The “Living Christ” was not the tool used for the value project. It was leftover from a relief society lesson.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Natasha Knowledge


Character Description: Whitney Worth

Whitney is a very talented Beehive in our ward. She loves to sing, dance, act and perform. She enjoys having the young women of our ward attend her various performances. She really gives them 100%.


You have been assigned to classroom 1. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Daphne Devine Nature did not do the value project. She was talking with the Bishop outside of his office.

2. Honest Heather did not do the value project. She hadn’t finished her scripture reading for the day so she was taking the opportunity to finish up in the foyer.

3. The value project was not completed in the nursery. Sixth ward was holding pack night in there.

4. The value project was not completed in classroom 5. Teacher improvement was going on in there.

5. The scriptures were not used to finish this project. They were left by a primary child on Sunday.

6. The dance shoes were not used to finish the project. They were accidentally dropped out of a mom’s diaper bag.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Whitney Worth


Character Description: Honest Heather

Heather took to heart the Stake Presidency’s counsel to read her scriptures for at least 20 minutes daily. She has really learned a lot from searching the scriptures and this has helped tremendously with her personal progress. She is a joy to have in young womens.


You have been assigned to the primary room. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Debbie Do-good did not do this value project. She was doing a few relaxation moves in a quiet corner.

2. Paula Prayer did not do this value project. She was involved in a class presidency meeting.

3. The Young Women’s room was not used for this project. The librarians were doing their annual cleaning of the library and used this room to oranize their materials.

4. Classroom 2 was not used to do this project. The 5th ward was having their Young Women presidency meeting in there.

5. The “For the Strength of Youth” and “Personal Progress” were not the tool for this project. A busy young woman was using them to learn more about the personal progress program.

6. The cookie sheet was not the tool used for this value project. The activity day girls used every cookie sheet in the kitchen.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Honest Heather


Character Description: Daphne Divine Nature

Daphne loves to repeat the Young Woman theme every week. She enjoys knowing she is a daughter of God. She wants everyone to have this knowledge. Daphne has set and reached many goals that have helped her toward her Young Womanhood Recognition.


You have been assigned to classroom 2. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Sarah Service did not do this value project. She was busy helping a young mother get her whole gang out to the car.

2. Fabulous Faith did not do the value project. She was talking to the sister missionaries in the foyer.

3. The value project was not done in classroom 3. This room was having the carpet redone.

4. The Value project was not done in the Relief Society room. The Young Single Adults were having Institute.

5. The history book was not the tool used for this value project. A Deacon forgot about it when the basketball game started.

6. The sewing machine was not the tool used. It was locked up in the relief society closet.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Daphne Divine Nature


Character Description: Fabulous Faith

Faith attends her Church meetings, young women activities, seminary, and firesides. She looks forward to going to the Temple. She is preparing now to serve a mission.


You have been assigned to classroom 3. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Natasha Knowledge did not do the value project. She was studying her Biology before mutual opening exercises.

2. Daphne Devine Nature did not do the value project. She was talking with the Bishop outside of his office.

3. The value project was not done in the primary room. You know that the 11 year old scouts were running around and hiding in there.

4. The value project was not completed in the nursery. Sixth ward was holding pack night in there.

5. The mop was not the tool used for the value project. After the activity day girls made cookies they cleaned up the messy floor with the mop.

6. The scriptures were not used to finish this project. They were left by a primary child on Sunday.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Fabulous Faith


Character Description: Debbie Do-Good

Debbie is a Mia Maid in our ward who loves to babysit, read, and talk on the phone. She exercises 45 minutes daily and has a healthy well-balanced diet. She listens in her young women class and offers insightful comments. She is very energetic.


You have been assigned to the young women’s room. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Whitney Worth did not do the value project. She was busy playing the piano in the aaronic priesthood room.

2. Paula Prayer did not do this value project. She was involved in a class presidency meeting.

3. The Young Women’s room was not used for this project. The librarians were doing their annual cleaning of the library and used this room to oranize their materials.

4. The Value project was not done in the kitchen. The activity day girls were making cookies.

5. The cookie sheet was not the tool used for this value project. The activity day girls used every cookie sheet in the kitchen.

6. The “Living Christ” was not the tool used for the value project. It was leftover from a relief society lesson.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Debbie Do-Good


Character Description: Sandy Scripture

Sandy is a Laurel. She loves seminary. She can often be found working on her Value Experiences. She loves to read of the Savior and has handed our 4 Book(s) of Mormon to her friends.


You have been assigned to classroom 4. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Honest Heather did not do the value project. She hadn’t finished her scripture reading for the day so she was taking the opportunity to finish up in the foyer.

2. Sarah Service did not do this value project. She was busy helping a young mother get her whole gang out to the car.

3. The value project was not done in classroom 4. The 5th ward was having a class activity in there.

4. The value project was not done in classroom 3. This room was having the carpet redone.

5. The “For the Strength of Youth” and “Personal Progress” were not the tool for this project. A busy young woman was using them to learn more about the personal progress program.

6. The first aid kit was not the tool used. The scouts were practicing first aid and using it at the time.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Sandy Scripture


Character Description: Paula Prayer

Paula, a Beehive, has calluses (not really) on her knees from frequent, fervent praying. She serves in her class presidency and is well-liked at school and church. She is very mature for her age.


You have been assigned to the nursery room. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Debbie Do-good did not do this value project. She was doing a few relaxation moves in a quiet corner.

2. Natasha Knowledge did not do the value project. She was studying her Biology before mutual opening exercises.

3. The value project was not completed in classroom 5. Teacher improvement was going on in there.

4. The Value project was not done in the kitchen. The activity day girls were making cookies.

5. The dance shoes were not used to finish the project. They were accidentally dropped out of a mom’s diaper bag.

6. The cookie sheet was not the tool used for this value project. The activity day girls used every cookie sheet in the kitchen.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

Paula Prayer


Character Description: Chelsea Choice

Chelsea is a Mia Maid. She enjoys school, hanging out with her friends, and is a great help to her mother. She helps her circle of friends accept and befriend those that are a little different from themselves. Chelsea looks forward to being a mom.


You have been assigned to classroom 5. Groups will come through and ask for clues. They may NOT ask you if the value project is yours. You can give only 2 clues, though you have 6. If a group would like more clues, they must exit the room, visit another room, and then re-enter your room to get 2 more clues from you. They can specify if they would like to get a clue about a room, tool, or young woman, but you may choose which to tell them.

List of Clues

1. Sandy Scripture did not do the value project. She was talking to her young women leader in the hall.

2. Honest Heather did not do the value project. She hadn’t finished her scripture reading for the day so she was taking the opportunity to finish up in the foyer.

3. Classroom 2 was not used to do this project. The 5th ward was having their Young Women presidency meeting in there.

4. The Value project was not done in the Relief Society room. The Young Single Adults were having Institute.

5. The history book was not the tool used for this value project. A Deacon forgot about it when the basketball game started.

6. The first aid kit was not the tool used. The scouts were practicing first aid and using it at the time.


Young Woman’s Guidebook

chelsea Choice



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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