The Names of God – Session 4

Session 4Jehovah-JirehJehovah-RaphaJehovah-NisiSchedule:WeekDateName(s)1July 14El and Elohim2July 21El Shaddai, El Elyon, El Olam3July 28Jehovah & YWH4Aug 4 Nisi, Jireh, RaphaAug 11Missionary Speaking- All church5Aug 18Saboath, Shalom,6Aug 25Immanuel, AdonaiReviewEl – God - Strong and PowerfulElohim – God = Creator and Covenant MakerEl Shaddai – All Mighty, bountiful providerEl Elyon – the Most High who rules over all kingdomsEl Olam – the Everlasting, Eternal GodJehovah – the Self Existing One, the Great I AmJehovah-JirehMeaning – Jehovah sees Jehovah provides First used:Genesis 22:1-14Gen 22:1-141 Chr 21:1-272 Chr 3:1Key eventSacrificing IsaacDavid counts the peopleSolomon builds the templeOrdersGod directs Abraham to the mountain (Gen 22:2)Make an altarV18ObedienceDisobedienceGod sawThat Abraham loved God more than Isaac v12V14….God providedA ramA way to endLocationMoriah(seen by Jah)Threshing floor of Onan in JerusalemOn Mt Moriah on the Threshing floorMoriah means: seen by JahOther Scripture:1 Chr 21:1-27 - David on the threshing floor (2 Sam 24:10)Built an altarBought the placeGod told him what to doGod showed mercyAltar was made2 Chronicles 3:1 - Solomon’s dedicationBuilt the temple on Mount MoriahPlace where David had met with God at the threshing floorCalvaryTherefore: God sees to provideJehovah-RaphaMeaning – Jehovah is our HealerFirst used:Exodus 15:22-26Three days with no waterPeople grumbled against MosesTurning the bitter water sweetAfter crossing the Red SeaGod showed Moses a treeV26:As our healer…He can keep us from the punishing diseases if we obey his voiceExodus 15:26 (ESV) 26 ?saying, “If you will diligently listen [hearken 8085 obey implied] to the voice of the LORD your God, and do [accomplish] that which is right in his eyes, and give ear [lend an ear…listen-poetic] to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your healer.” Other ScriptureAbraham prayed for Abimelech and God healed him (Gen 20:17)Moses asking God to heal Miriam (Num 12:13)Psalm 103:3 – who heals all your diseases Psalm 147:3 – heals the brokenhearted Jer 3:22 – faithlessThe only one to heal body, soul, and spiritJehovah-Rapha – the God that heals us from the bitterness of life, physically, and spiritually Jesus is our healer (by His stripes we are healed)Jehovah-NisiMeaning – Jehovah is our banner (sign)First used:Exodus 17:8-16Amalek – background as a ‘brother’ to Israel…from EsauMoses holding up the staff (which is a branch, small tree, a root)Genesis 36:12 – The Amaleks were children of EsauDeut 25:17-18 – Amalek attacked the rear and Deuteronomy 25:17-18 (ESV) 17 ? “Remember what Amalek did to you on the way as you came out of Egypt, 18 ?how he attacked you on the way when you were faint and weary, and cut off your tail, those who were lagging behind you, and he did not fear God.1 Sam 15:2-3 Saul was to destroy the Amalekites Didn’t….and ironically 2 Sam 1:16….its an Amaelkite that kills him…Banner wasn’t necessarily a flag …often it was just a bare pole with a bright shining ornament on top which glittered in the sun. Other ScriptureNum 21:9 - The pole of the brazen serpentPsalm 4:6 – word “Lift up”Isaiah 11:10Isaiah 11:10 (ESV) 10 ?In that day the root of Jesse, who shall stand as a signal for the peoples—of him shall the nations inquire, and his resting place shall be glorious. Why? Exodus 17:16 (ESV) 16 ?saying, “A hand upon the throne of the LORD! The LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.”Amalek represents the world and all the nations….God is at war with them…Jehovah-Nissi – our banner that we must rally to against His battle with the world. We must lift HIM up …and that requires help from others…we cannot go at it aloneConclusion:Jehovah-Jireh – God sees to provide for our need…our salvationJehovah-Rapha – God heals us Jehovah-Nissi – God our banner, is at war with the world and we must rally to His call and lift up Jesus in the battleBibliography:Stone, Nathan; Names of God , Andrew The Names of God Lockyer, Herbert; All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible Zondervan 1975Rose Publishing The Names of God:21 names and their meaningsFor Next WeekNisiExodus 17:8-15???????? ??????? [See Stg: <H3071>]yehōwāh nissiy: A proper noun designating Jehovah Nissi, the name given to the altar Moses built to the Lord after defeating the Amalekites (Ex. 17:15). It means "the Lord is my banner or my standard."AMG's Complete Word Study Dictionaries - The Complete Word Study Dictionary – Old Testament.RaphaExodus 15:22-27??????? [See Stg: <H7495>]rāp?a?: A verb meaning to heal, to make fresh. It describes the process of healing, being restored to health, made healthy, usable, fertile: of Abimilech's household being restored to fertility (Gen. 20:17); of physical and spiritual healing (Isa. 53:5); of wounds being restored (Lev. 13:18; Jer. 15:18); of water being restored to a healthy state, drinkable, wholesome (2 Ki. 2:21, 22); of the repair, restoration of an altar (1 Ki. 18:30); of many diseases being healed (Deut. 28:27, 35). In its participial forms, it refers to a person who acts as a physician, a healer: God, the Lord, as Israel's healer (Gen. 20:17; Ex. 15:26; Job 13:4). It describes the restoring of a person's soul, life (Ps. 41:4[5]). In an emphatic construction, it indicates having a person healed, cared for (Ex. 21:19). It is used in its reflexive infinitive to note a purpose, in order to be (get) healed, from (min) wounds inflicted in battle (2 Ki. 8:29; 9:15). God alone was able to heal the wounds of His broken people (Hos. 5:13; 6:1; 7:1). A true leader in Israel was to heal, care for the people of Israel (Zech. 11:16).AMG's Complete Word Study Dictionaries - The Complete Word Study Dictionary – Old Testament.JirehGenesis 22:1-24???????? ???????? [See Stg: <H3070>]yehōwāh yir?eh: A proper noun designating Jehovah Jireh, a name given to designate the Lord by Abraham for providing a sacrifice in place of Isaac (Gen. 22:14). It means "the Lord will see to it" literally but also means "the Lord will provide."AMG's Complete Word Study Dictionaries - The Complete Word Study Dictionary – Old Testament. ................

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