The Dangers of Harry Potter

In your area, you have no doubt heard about the “Harry Potter” phenomena that is gaining popularity around the world.

I urge you to read the following. After reading it, write letters to local schools, churches, and members of government to urge them to remove these books from the school system. Do not allow your children to read them either. Even write and speak to local muslims in your area, for sometimes they are better at defending their own faith in the light of sinful matters. If you have friends overseas, write or e-mail them and urge them to do the same in their area. A Harry Potter movie is targeted for release sometime in the year 2001. We have some time to warn many people. There is strength in numbers, but the ultimate strength comes from prayer to the Lord. May He help us in fighting this evil.

While it is good to have children excited about reading, people fail to see the real danger. Think for a bit.

Is something really popular always good for you? The witchcraft and wizardry in "Harry Potter" books may

be fantasy, but they familiarize children with a very real and increasingly popular religion -- one that very few


Wicca is the organization or council of witches formed in the United States. According to their web site,

, the first wiccan church was formed in 1968. In 1972, wicca gained US federal recognition of witchcraft as a religion. In 1985, it convinced a federal appeals court that wicca was a religion equal to any other. Some wiccan covens worship not only a mother goddess, but also a horned masculine deity.

On the inside cover of the "Goblet of Fire", it speaks about Harry attending a school of witchcraft (wicca). The book is a subtle how-to course in the wiccan religion. It teaches kids about divination and how to cast spells, potions, and the make up of the witch's broom. It’s basically an indoctrination of young kids (and adults too) about the world of witchcraft.

The book's main characters engage in occult and Wiccan-style exercises. Harry and his colleagues routinely practice sorcery, cast spells, fly on broomsticks and talk with spirits of the dead. Author J.K. Rowling incorporates graphic depictions, including a professor whose leg is mangled by a three-headed dog; a

mysterious figure who is caught drinking blood from a unicorn carcass; Lord Voldemort's horrific appearance as a ghastly face on the back of a professor's head; and Nearly Headless Nick - a ghost whose head is barely attached.

Harry frequently and unapologetically lies, breaks rules and disobeys authority figures, including the professors at Hogwarts. He specifically disregards a direct order from one of his teachers and takes off on a broom. Instead of being punished, Harry is honored for his riding skills. Harry resents his cruel relatives and rather than extending forgiveness, is eager for retribution. Upon returning to family members at the end of the school year, Harry is pleased at the opportunity to torment them.

Is this what we want to be teaching to our children? Why do they allow this book in school but ban the Bible or the Quran? We must stand up for our rights.

The scriptures reveal the judgments are severe against the practitioners of such sorceries (witchcraft): Exodus 7:11, Jeremiah 27:9, Malachi 3:5, Revelation 9:21, Revelation 18:23, 1 Samuel 15:23, Galatians 5:20 are some examples. 1 Samuel 15:23 " ... for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft" Rev 9:21 "... and they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their fornication or their thefts..."


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