'13 Timeless Principles for Living a Life that is Pleasing ...

13 Timeless Principles for Living a Life that is Pleasing to God

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong

in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” II Chronicles 16:9

1. Lordship of Christ – Our lives must be built on an unconditional, absolute, lifetime surrender to Jesus as Lord.

• Is there any area of my life where I am reserving the right to make the final decision?

• Do I daily surrender myself afresh to the Lordship of Christ?

• Do I habitually acknowledge the Lord’s right to reign over every area of my life?

• Do I truly believe that my life is not my own?

• Do my choices, my actions, my words, my attitudes, and even my thoughts reflect the Lordship of Christ?

• Do I have a growing desire to please God and a diminishing desire to please men?

“He is also head of the body, the church… so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything.” Col. 1:18 NASB

2. Authority of Scripture – The Word of God must determine our thinking, direct our decision-making, and reign supreme over every area of our lives.

• Is there any biblical truth that I know but am not obeying?

• On a regular basis, do I allow God to reveal His will and His ways for my life through His word? Do I ask Him to do this? When was the last time this occurred?

• Does God’s Word have supreme authority in my convictions and decisions no matter what others say or how I “feel” the Lord is leading me?

• Can I honestly say that I have an increasing hunger and love for Scripture?

• Do I meditate on God’s Word day and night?

• Do I obey God’s Word with all my heart?

• Does God’s Word determine my thinking and my decisions in every area of my life?

• Do I accurately believe and teach what the Bible says is true or what I want the Bible to say is true?

“I esteem all Thy precepts concerning all things to be right.” Psalm 119:128

3. Ministry of the Spirit – As we are dependent upon and directed and energized by the Holy Spirit, the supernatural power of God will be manifested in and through our lives.

• Am I depending on my own natural strength and abilities, or on the power of the Spirit, to live the Christian life and to serve the Lord?

• Do I regularly experience incidences of the Holy Spirit’s leading me in my walk?

• Do I regularly allow the Holy Spirit to purify me through the joy of repentance?

• Do I live in the realm of the supernatural as I walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leadership?

• Am I being conformed to the image of Christ as I walk filled with the Holy Spirit?

“And my speech… was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” 1 Cor. 2:4

4. Life Message – Our lives must be living demonstrations of the truth of God’s Word.

• Is there any truth I am communicating to others, that I am not practicing in my own life?

• Is my life becoming a reflection of Christ – a living demonstration of His heart and ways?

• Is the reality of my life consistent with what I claim to believe?

• Is there any hypocrisy or pretense in my walk – any area where I am leaving a better impression of myself than is honestly true?

• Do I desire to be cleansed of any hypocrisy, and do I regularly ask the Holy Spirit to search my heart and see if there be any wicked way in me?

• Does my life create a thirst in others to know and walk with God?

“You are witnesses, and so is God, how… blamelessly we behaved toward you believers.” I Thess. 2:10 NASB

5. Message of the Cross – Through Christ’s death on the cross, we received eternal life. Through our death with Him, we enter into His abundant life.

• Is there any area of pride, resistance, or self-sufficiency in my life that is hindering the life of Jesus from flowing through me?

• Am I dead to my own rights and reputation?

• Do I regularly meditate on the cross and overflow with gratitude to the Savior for His taking my sin upon Himself and shielding me from the wrath of God that was poured out on Him in my place?

“If we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.” Rom. 6:5

6. Biblical Priorities – An effective, fruitful life and ministry flows out of a commitment to scriptural priorities.

• Based upon how I spend my money and time, what are my real priorities?

• Have I allowed God, by His Word and His Spirit, to show me what is on Him agenda for this season of my life?

• Are my plans, priorities, and schedule daily yielded to God?

• Are my time, efforts, and energy devoted to those things that will count for eternity and that matter most to God?

• Would I rather spend time with God in solitude, or spend time in trivial “fellowship” with other people?

• Has any human relationship(s) superseded my relationship with God?

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt. 6:33

7. Spirit of Excellence – Our lives and service ought to reflect the excellence of God’s name and works. He is worthy of the very best we can offer Him.

• Am I reflecting the excellence of God’s character in my appearance, my attitudes, and my work?

“Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord.” Col. 3:23

8. Walking by Faith – Faith in the person and power of God – faith that acts on the principles of His Word – will move us into the realm of the supernatural.

• What am I believing God for, that only He can do?

• Do I attempt to control my circumstances and to figure everything out in advance, or is my walk one that is marked by faith?

• Do I rejoice or complain when God puts me in situations where I have to depend upon Him?

• Is my first response to trust God when I cannot see where He is leading or how He is going to provide?

“Without faith it is impossible to please Him.” Heb. 11:6

9. Servant’s Heart/ Humble Heart – We are called to be servants of Christ and of His people. A true servant esteems all others better than himself and seeks to make those around Him a success.

• Is there anyone that I do not esteem better than myself, or that I am unwilling to serve?

• Do I respond in a right manner when I am treated like a servant?

• Do I willingly take the place of a servant toward Christ and toward others, regardless of how menial the task?

• Is there any person I have not forgiven, any offense that I am holding in my heart against another?

• Is there anyone whom I have offended whose forgiveness I need to seek?

• As “far as it lies within (me),” am I “at peace with all men” (Rom. 12:18)?

• Do I love some people publicly, but downgrade them privately? Am I secretly pleased when others fail? Am I jealous of anyone’s success?

“Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.” Matt. 20:27

10. Vision for Revival – If we want God to be glorified in our world, we as His people must first be willing to humble ourselves, pray, turn from our wicked ways, and seek His face.

• If revival depended upon my prayers, my faith, and my obedience, would my family, church or country ever experience revival?

• Is my heart burdened for genuine revival in my own life, in the lives of my family members, in my church, and in the nations?

“God be merciful unto us… and cause His face to shine upon us; that Thy way may be known upon earth, they saving health among all nations.” Psalm 67:1-2

11. Faithfulness – God has not called us to be “successful” as the world measures success, but to be faithful.

• Am I being faithful in fulfilling the responsibilities and caring for the possessions that God has entrusted to me?

• Do I live each day in such a way that if it were to be my last, I would be able to hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

• Do I seek human recognition or some impressive assignment, instead of seeking to simply faithfully fulfill each responsibility – large or small – that God gives to me?

“It is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” I Cor. 4:2

12. Sacrificial Giving – God blesses us so we can bless others. Our lives should be characterized by sacrificial giving to meet the needs of others and to further the Kingdom of Christ.

• How have I exercised faith and sacrifice in my giving recently?

• Do I cling to the things I hold dear, or does all that I have willingly belong to the Lord?

• As Christ freely gave His life for me, do I gladly give all that He asks of me in return?

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” II Cor. 8:9 NASB

13. Prayer – Through prayer our hearts are linked to a sovereign God, and His purposes are fulfilled in our world. A prayerless life is a self-sufficient and fruitless life.

• How much time have I spent in prayer in the past 24 hours?

• Do I try to solve things on my own, rather than looking to God to meet the need?

• Can I say that I intercede according to God’s will, so that His purposes may be fulfilled throughout the earth?

• Do I see prayer as an incredible gift from God – that He invites me to come before Him and lay before Him my needs and the needs of others?

• Are praise and thanksgiving significant parts of my prayer life?

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” Eph. 6:18


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