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Faraway Point SUFM


Who we are:

We at Faraway Point SUFM (Scripture Union Family Mission) are people from various Christian churches, who have come to Faraway Point to share what we believe (outlined over the page).

We have fun activities planned for all the family during mission each year. Many of our activities are for the whole family while others are for different age groups. If you would like to talk to any of us, drop into the SUFM site for a coffee and a chat.

What we believe:

God and the World

God is great and awesome

Remember the Lord [God], who is great and awesome … Nehemiah 4:14b esv

God made everything

[God:] I created everything from the sky above to the earth below. Isaiah 44:24 cev

God rules justly over all

You [God] are the ruler of all nations, and you do what is right and fair. Revelation 15:3 cev

God shows mercy and love

[God:] I am merciful and very patient with my people. I show great love, and I can be trusted. Exodus 34:6 cev

Sin and Jesus Christ

Breaking God’s law is sin

… sin is a breaking of the law. 1 John 3:4 gnt

All people have sinned

All of us have sinned ... Romans 3:23 cev

The penalty of sin is death

Sin pays off with death. Romans 6:23 cev

But God sent Jesus to die for us

God showed how much he loved us by having [Jesus] Christ die for us … Romans 5:8 cev

Jesus Christ is God’s Son. He died in our place, to pay for our sin.

God raised Jesus back to life

God raised him from death. Acts 2:24 gnt

What to Do

Believe in Jesus Christ

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 esv

Believe Jesus to be the means of forgiveness, by his death. And so trust in him for God’s forgiveness of your own sins. This brings life after death.

Love God – and love others

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. …39… Love others as much as you love yourself. Matthew 22:37, 39 cev

The above text is from The Bible Unpacked - Two-Minute Edition.

CEV Contemporary English Version Copyright © 1991,1992,1995 by American Bible Society. GNT Good News Translation Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. ESV The Holy Bible, English Standard Version copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles. All rights reserved. All Scriptures used by permission.

Activities we have:

Infants (ages 4-7) and Youngsters (ages 8-11)

Meet at 10 am every day at the big tent.

Young Teens (ages 12-15)

Meet at 1:45 pm every day at the big tent.

Older Teens (ages 16+)

Look out for us or drop down to the big tents and talk to Ben, Jenny and Dave.


Feel free to drop in and watch your child (if you have one!) during the kids programs in the mornings. Come along to any of our evening programs, and enjoy a great night out.

Where we are:

We are located at the western end of the caravan park. Look for the big green tent with our SUFM sign.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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