Data Collection Questionnaire : Agile-Scrum

Data Collection QuestionnaireApplication Development & EnhancementAgile - ScrumVersion : 1.0 Final DOCPROPERTY Version \* MERGEFORMAT Release Date : 7 January 2019 DOCPROPERTY "Release Date" \* MERGEFORMAT ? ISBSG 2019Table of Contents TOC \* MERGEFORMAT Introduction PAGEREF _Toc534632239 \h 4The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group PAGEREF _Toc534632240 \h 4Submitter PAGEREF _Toc534632241 \h 6General Information PAGEREF _Toc534632242 \h 6Organizational Information PAGEREF _Toc534632243 \h 7Application Information PAGEREF _Toc534632244 \h 8Application PAGEREF _Toc534632245 \h 9Application type PAGEREF _Toc534632246 \h 9Application Type Details PAGEREF _Toc534632247 \h 9Application Environment PAGEREF _Toc534632248 \h 9Users PAGEREF _Toc534632249 \h 9Application Complexity PAGEREF _Toc534632250 \h 10Organization PAGEREF _Toc534632251 \h 10Application PAGEREF _Toc534632252 \h 10Technology PAGEREF _Toc534632253 \h 11Package (Commercial of the shelve) PAGEREF _Toc534632254 \h 11Programming Language PAGEREF _Toc534632255 \h 11Database PAGEREF _Toc534632256 \h 11Architecture PAGEREF _Toc534632257 \h 11Environment PAGEREF _Toc534632258 \h 12Middleware PAGEREF _Toc534632259 \h 12Instances PAGEREF _Toc534632260 \h 12Team PAGEREF _Toc534632261 \h 13Scrum Attributes PAGEREF _Toc534632262 \h 15Agile Practices PAGEREF _Toc534632263 \h 16Tools PAGEREF _Toc534632264 \h 17Quality Metrics PAGEREF _Toc534632265 \h 18Scrum Metrics PAGEREF _Toc534632266 \h 19Test Automation Metrics PAGEREF _Toc534632267 \h 20Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment PAGEREF _Toc534632268 \h 21Estimation PAGEREF _Toc534632269 \h 22Actual Effort and Cost PAGEREF _Toc534632270 \h 23Size Estimate Other than Story Points PAGEREF _Toc534632271 \h 24Team and User Satisfaction Survey PAGEREF _Toc534632272 \h 25Additional Information PAGEREF _Toc534632273 \h 26IntroductionThe International Software Benchmarking Standards GroupThe International Software Benchmarking Standards Group, (ISBSG), is a not-for-profit organization.The ISBSG Software Project Repository exists:to provide software development practitioners with industry output standards against which they may compare their aggregated or individual projects, and;to provide real data of international software development that can be analyzed to help improve the management of IT resources by both business and government.Benefits of Your InvolvementContributing to the ISBSG Project Repository provides you with an opportunity to see how your projects compare with the industry. You will be able to answer the question:"Where do we fit in and why?"In addition, you are contributing to a body of software engineering knowledge that is open, available and used for the betterment of the ICT profession.AnonymityThe anonymity of contributors to the ISBSG repository is assured. The ISBSG has a process in place that ensures that the identity of contributors remains confidential. Submitting informationPlease use the e-mail address frontoffice@ (administrator) for all communication with ISBSG and submitting your information.Further steps1. The administrator assigns a submission ID to this submission.2. The administrator removes all data from the sheet that references to the submitting organization.3. The administrator forwards the anonymized submission to the repository manager.4. The repository manager analyzes the data and may have some questions.5. The repository manager sends the questions to the administrator.6. The administrator contacts the submitter in order to have the questions resolved.7. The repository manager processes the submission.8. The repository manager creates a benchmark report for the submission.Thank you for submitting data! You are helping the industry advance step by step!In case of questions, the front office will contact you on the provided e-mail address:Glossary of TermsA Glossary of Terms is available as a separate document that you can download from InformationAnswerContact person?E-mail?Role?OrganizationGeneral InformationQuestionAnswerNotesAmendment to earlier submission <Previous ISBSG ID, if any>Please provide ISBSG IDDevelopment TypeNew DevlopmentPlease give details in case of ‘N/A’What is the Project ID you wish to use for this project?<Project Identification>This is for your own reference ISBSG will assign an ISBSG ID as wellStart date of the data/benchmark periodDD-MM-YYYYEnd date of the data/benchmark periodDD-MM-YYYYWhat was the most important objective for this release?<Select Answer>What was the second most important objective for this release?<Select Answer>What was the third most important objective for this release?<Select Answer>Release Definition of Done (DoD)<DoD>Please list the most important DoD criteria In case DoD criteria s not defined please mention ‘N/AWas Release Definition of Done (DoD) completed?<Select Answer>Did the release comply to all DoD criteria? Specify details in case the Release DoD was not completed. Release Elapsed duration in months<Number>Mention the duration planned for the release in months.For e.g.., 3 months, 1.5 months, 0,5 monthsRelease Delivered DateDD-MM-YYYYMention the date the release is deliveredOrganizational InformationQuestionAnswerNotesIn which industry(s) do the software’s end users work?If other or N/A, please specify<Select Answer>End users are the people who physically interact with the software.<Industry Details>Please give details in case of Others or N/A’What is the type of the organization the software’s end users work?<Organization Type>For instance, Banking or Insurance End user’s organization location(s)/countries<Location(s) / Country Name(s) >Conversion rate of hours per full time equivalent (FTE) per year<Number> The number of hours an FTE works in the country where the software was developedApplication InformationQuestionAnswerNotesIs the application developed/maintained / supported internal (in house) or external?Internal (in house)Please give details in case of ‘N/A’Is the application developed/maintained/ supported on an onshore, nearshore or offshore location?? Onshore ? Nearshore ? OffshorePlease select multiple options, as applicableOnshore Country<Country Name>If Work was carried out in an onshore country, which country was this?Nearshore Country<Country Name>If Work was carried out in a nearshore country, which country was this?Offshore Country<Country Name>If Work was carried out in an offshore country, which country was this?Is the application bespoke or Commercial off the Shelf (CotS) software?<Select Answer>Example of packages: SAP, Peoplesoft, OracleIf Commercial of the shelf, please specify the supplier<Supplier Name>Application go live dateDD-MM-YYYYRemarks<Additional remarks, if any>ApplicationQuestionAnswerNotesApplication typeWhat type of application, within the selected application group, has the project produced or enhanced?Real-time ApplicationPlease provide details if answer is ‘N/A’In case of a Business Application, select from the following list<Select Answer>Please provide details if answer is ‘N/A’In case of a Realtime application, select from the following list<Select Answer>Please provide details if answer is ‘N/A’In case of a Mathematically intensive application, select from the following list<Select Answer>Please provide details if answer is ‘N/A’If other, please specify<Specify>Application Type DetailsIf you have selected an application within more than one application group, please estimate amount of functionality provided in each application group.Business application<nn.nn>%Real-time application<nn.nn>%Mathematically-intensive application<nn.nn>%Application EnvironmentImplementation platform<Select Answer>Please provide details if answer is ‘N/A’If other, please specify<Specify>If mobile or device embedded, please specify<Select Answer>Please provide details if answer is ‘N/A’If other, please specify<Specify>UsersQuestionAnswerNotesNumber of active (distinct) end users<Number>Number of key users<Number>Average number of concurrent users<Number>Maximum number of concurrent users<Number>Number of distinct installations<Number>Application ComplexityQuestionAnswerNotesOrganizationNumber of different countries servicedNumber of different user locationsNumber of different user profilesApplicationApplication importance for the organization? Process not important ? Process important ? Process critical? Business not important? Business important? Business critical? N/APlease specify details if answer is ‘N/A’Total number of interfaces<Number>Number of batch interfaces<Number>Number of real time-online interfaces<Number>Operating System (OS) on which the application is deployed<Specify>Hardware (Brand, type) on which the application is deployed<Specify>Age of the application<Years>Expected date of retirement/replacementDD-MM-YYYYNumber of releases in this benchmark period<Number>Percentage code changed (in benchmark/data period)<nn.nn>%Percentage functionality changed (in benchmark / data period)<nn.nn>%Percentage of changes caused by rework (in benchmark / data period)<nn.nn>%TechnologyQuestionAnswerNotesPackage (Commercial of the shelve)Degree of customization (%)<nn.nn>%Programming LanguageMain programming language<Specify>2nd programming language<Specify>3rd programming language<Specify>…. programming language<Specify>DatabaseMain database<Specify>2nd database<Specify>3rd database<Specify>…. database<Specify>ArchitectureQuestionAnswerNotesArchitecture<Specify>Architecture of the application: stand alone, multi-tier, Client-server, multi-tier with web public interfaceClient / Server<Select Answer>Indicator of whether the application or product requires more than one computer to operate different components or parts of itClient roles<Specify>The roles performed by the computers that provide interface to the software’s external users.Server roles<Specify>The services provided by the host/server computer(s) to the software application or product.Type of server<Specify>A description of the server to the software application or product.Client server description<Specify>A description of the architecture of the client/server software application or product.Web development<Specify>A derived indicator of whether the project data includes any comment that it is a web-development.EnvironmentQuestionAnswerNotesMiddlewareWeb server<Specify>Message server<Specify>Another platform<Specify>InstancesNumber of production instances<Number>Number of acceptation instances<Number>Number of test instances<Number>Number of development instances<Number>Number of other instances<Number>Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>TeamQuestionAnswerNotesScrum Training Received by teamDetails of Scrum training received by the team. Also mention if any role/work specific training undergone by the teamSpecify details of training conducted onshore, offshore and near shoreNumber of Agile teams working on this release<Number>Number of Distributed teams<Number>Mention the number of distributed teams that are part of the release. Teams are considered as ‘co-located’ if all team members are located in same office or city. Otherwise team is ‘distributed’ teamNumber of Co-located Teams<Number>Mention the number of co-located teams that are part of the release. Teams are considered as co-located if team members are located in same office or city. Otherwise team is distributed teamTeam Cross functional<Select Answer>Average No. of people in a team<Number>Average Team Size.Average per day Productive Hours considered<Number>Specify the average per day productive hours considered for a sprint.For e.g. 6.5 Hours/ day or 7 Hours/Day or 8 Hours/DayNumber of Scrum masters with more than 5 years of experience<Number>Number of Scrum masters with experience between 3 years to 5 years<Number>Number of Scrum masters with less than 3 years of experience<Number>Number of times Scrum Master replaced during the release<Number>Number of times scrum master changed during the project/release.Number of Product Owners with more than 5 years of experience<Number>Number of Product Owners with experience between 3 years to 5 years<Number>Number of Product Owners with less than 3 years of experience<Number>Number of times Product Owners replaced during the release<Number>Number of times product owner changed during the project/release.Number of Scrum team members with more than 5 years of experience<Number>Number of Scrum team members with experience between 3 years to 5 years<Number>Number of Scrum team members with less than 3 years of experience<Number>Average per day Productive Hours considered<Number>Total Number of Sprints in this Release<Number>Sprint duration (in weeks)<Number>Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>Scrum AttributesQuestionAnswerNotesTotal Number of Sprints in a Release<Number>Mention the number of sprints executed in the release. Note: Provide the sum of sprints executed by all teams part of the releaseE.g., Release duration is 3 months, Sprint duration is 2 weeks. So, 6 sprints by a team in a releaseNumber of teams part of release: 3Total number of sprints in a release : 18Sprints Duration (in weeks)<Number>Ideally sprint duration should be within 2-4 weeksSprint Definition of Done<Select Answer>Acceptance Criteria Defined for each user story<Select Answer>Backlog Refinement Session<Select Answer>Sprint Review<Select Answer>Customer Demo performed at regular intervals during the project<Select Answer>Sprint Retrospection<Select Answer>Product Backlog<Select Answer>Mention if the teams are using the product backlog to maintain user stories, bugs and other work itemsSprint Backlog<Select Answer>Mention if the teams are using the sprint backlog to maintain the committed user stories, bugs and other work items for the sprint.Impediment List<Select Answer>Mention if the team is using the impediment list artifact to maintain impediments encountered during sprintArchitecture/ Design/ Functional specification<Select Answer>Mention, if any specification document is used. Please provide details in case of ‘N/A’Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>Agile PracticesQuestionAnswerNotesTest Driven Development<Select Answer>Pair Programming<Select Answer>Business Driven Development<Select Answer>Feature driven development<Select Answer>Other development practices<specify>Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>ToolsQuestionAnswerTool NameNotesAgile Project Management Tool used?<Select Answer><Specify tool name, in case answer is yes>Code Quality Tools used?<Select Answer><Specify tool name, in case answer is yes>Test Automation Tools used?<Select Answer><Specify tool name, in case answer is yes>Build / CI Tools used?<Select Answer><Specify tool name, in case answer is yes>Test Management tools used?<Select Answer><Specify tool name, in case answer is yes>Performance Testing Tools used?<Select Answer><Specify tool name, in case answer is yes>Vulnerability Testing Tools used?<Select Answer><Specify tool name, in case answer is yes>Release Automation / Continuous Delivery Tool used?<Select Answer><Specify tool name, in case answer is yes>Any other tools used<Select Answer><specify any other tools used that are not listed elsewhere>Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>Quality MetricsQuestionAnswerNotesCustomer Reported Minor Defects<Number>Minor defects reported within three months of release Go LiveCustomer Reported Major Defects<Number>Major defects reported within three months of release Go LiveCustomer Reported Extreme Defects<Number>Extreme (Blocker and Critical) defects reported within three months of release Go LiveTotal Defects Reported by Customer<Number>Total number of defects reported within three months of Go Live This column shows the total of defects reported (Minor, Major and Extreme).or Where no breakdown is available, the single value is specified, if known.Defects Density<Number>Defects per story points calculated as: Total Defects Reported by Customer / Total Release Story Points deliveredMeasures the quality of software in terms of defects delivered against total story points delivered for the releaseCode Coverage Percentage 1st Language<%>Code Coverage(%) is calculated as: Lines of Code Covered by Automated Testing / Total Lines of CodeCode Coverage Percentage 2nd Language<%>Code Coverage(%) is calculated as: Lines of Code Covered by Automated Testing / Total Lines of CodeCode Coverage Percentage 3rd Language<%>Code Coverage(%) is calculated as: Lines of Code Covered by Automated Testing / Total Lines of CodeRemarks<Additional remarks, if any>Scrum MetricsQuestionAnswerNotesCommitted Velocity (in Story Points)<Number>Sum of story points for the committed Features/User Stories for the releaseRelease Velocity (in Story Points)<Number>Sum of story points for completed Features/User Stories delivered in the releaseOn Time Delivery (%)<%>Mention the percentage of functionality/requirements delivered within the agreed timelines for the releaseIs all Committed Functionality Released within committed time? <Select Answer>Mention Y/N if the agreed scope / functionality for the release are delivered within the committed time‘Y’ indicates the agreed scope are delivered within time‘N’ indicates the agreed scope were not delivered within timeRemarks<Additional remarks, if any>Test Automation MetricsQuestionAnswerNotesAutomated Unit testing – 1st Language<%>Mention the percentage of unit test automation done for the 1st languageAutomated Unit testing – 2nd Language<%>Mention the percentage of unit test automation done for the 2nd languageAutomated Unit testing – 3rd Language<%>Mention the percentage of unit test automation done for the 3rd languageAutomated API testing<%>Mention the percentage of API Testing automationAutomated Functional testing<%>Mention the percentage of automation done for Functional TestingAutomated Regression testing<%>Mention the percentage of automation done for Regression TestingAutomated Performance testing<%>Mention the percentage of automation done for Performance TestingAutomated Vulnerability testing<%>Mention the percentage of automation done for Vulnerability TestingAny other test automation<%>Mention if any other testing performed and percentage of automation done for that testing typeOverall Automation Testing<%>Mention the overall percentage of automation for a Product/ReleaseRemarks<Additional remarks, if any>Continuous Integration, Delivery and DeploymentQuestionAnswerNotesBuild Frequency<Specify>Mention the frequency as on demand, multiple times in a day, daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc.Build Trigger<Select Answer> <Mention the mode of build triggered Manual/AutomatedIs automated unit testing executed with build<Select Answer>Common Artifact Repository<Specify>Mention if versions are maintained in common repository for every build that is successfulDeployment frequency to Production<Specify>Mention the frequency as Hourly, daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc.,How many times code was deployed in production?<Number>Number of sites to be deployed<Number>Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>EstimationQuestionAnswerNotesSize estimate method<Specify>Method used to estimate the story size e.g. planning pokerRelease size estimate in Story Points<Number>Estimated story points for the releaseRelease Capacity – (FTE Days)<Number>Mention the available or planned capacity for the release. Capacity is calculated based on the total team size for the release, release duration and removing the vacations, training, organizational activities during the release duration Release Delivery Date Committed<DD-MM-YYYY>Delivery date estimate: Estimate of the delivery date for the release made during the planning activity. Release Cost Estimate<Number>Estimated cost of Release made during the planning activity.Cost Estimate Currency<Specify>USD, GBP, Euro etc.Currency Exchange rate to the USD at the time of estimate<Number>Mention the currency conversion rate to USDCost estimate method<Specify>Method used to estimate the cost.<Specify>Estimation comments<Specify>Additional comments related to estimationRemarks<Additional remarks, if any>Actual Effort and CostQuestionAnswerNotesTotal Team Effort Estimate<Number>Estimate of the total effort of the release of the teams.Average hour rate of all hours spent in the Project/Release<Number>The sum of all effort hours spent divided by all cost related to these hours.Actual Total Team Effort The sum of all effort hours spent on the project/release. Mention the effort only for scrum team including scrum masterTeam Cost<Number>The sum of the cost of all effort hours spent on the project/release. Mention the total cost only for scrum team including scrum master%Effort spent on Requirements <nn.nn>%Indicate the percentage of the effort hours spent on requirements gathering and analysis by the team, not the product owner.%Effort spent on Design <nn.nn>%Indicate the percentage of the effort hours spent on User story definition and possible other design documentation%Effort spent on Coding<nn.nn>%Indicate the percentage of the effort hours spent on Coding, configuring or parametrization and bug fixing after testing%Effort spent on Test <nn.nn>%Indicate the percentage of the effort hours spent on all Test activities, e.g. test case design, development and execution%Effort spent on Implementation <nn.nn>%Indicate the percentage of the effort hours spent on brining the software in a live production environmentTotal Release Cost Estimate<Number>Estimate of the total cost of the release. This includes Human Resource, Software, Hardware, Infrastructure, Facilities etc.,Currency<Specify>USD, GBP, Euro etc.Currency Exchange rate to the USD at the time of estimate<Number>Mention the currency conversion rate to USDActual cost comments<Specify>Additional comments related to actual costRemarks<Additional remarks, if any>Size Estimate Other than Story PointsQuestionAnswerNotesFunction Points (Project Size)<Number>The number of function points measured for the Product/ReleaseFunctional Size Measurement Standard<Specify>Specify the method used to measure the functional size: IFPUG, Nesma, COSMIC, FISMA, Mark II, CISQVersion of the Standard<Specify>For instance, Nesma 2.3 or IFPUG 4.11Method for calculating Project Size<Select Answer>Did you measure the Project Size using the following formula?Project Size = FP Added + FP modified + FP deleted?Nesma FPA enhancement<Select Answer>Did you the Nesma FPA for Enhancement method? This method can also be applied to IFPUG. It considers impact factors for changed functionality, based on complexity of the change, and deleted functionality.Is the FPA analyst certified?<Select Answer>Please specify if the FPA analyst holds a valid certification for the method used to measure.Lines of Code<Number>The number of the source lines of code (SLOC) produced for the Product/Release.Tools used to capture LoC<Specify>Specify the tools used to calculate LoCOther Size Units<Specify>Specify any other Sizing methods used e.g. Function pointsOther Size<Number>Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>Team and User Satisfaction SurveyQuestionAnswerNotesTeam Happiness Rating<Select Answer>1 is Low and 5 is HighUser Satisfaction Rating<Select Answer>1 is Low and 5 is HighUser Satisfaction method<Specify>Specify the method/tool used to capture user satisfaction ratinge.g.., Questionnaire, Net Promoter Score etc.,Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>Additional InformationQuestionAnswerNotesIs the team involved in implementing Process Improvement Program?<Select Answer>A process improvement program comprises a planned series of actions to improve how the software development team does its workDoes your organization have standard metrics program?<Select Answer>Specifies whether the organisation has implemented a metrics program.Metrics program duration (Years)<Number>Duration of the organisation's metrics program (in years) in case the organisation has implemented a metrics program.Remarks<Additional remarks, if any>Thank YouPlease send to frontoffice@ ................

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