Sda lesson 3rd quarter pdf


Sda lesson 3rd quarter pdf

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ZZZ_LESSON_NUMBERO Program (ZZZ_SP_NUMBERO) Sunday (ZZZ) - ? ? ?,?? zzz, Monday (ZZZ) - ? ? ?,?? zzz ? ?Tuesday (ZZZ) - ? ? ? € ? ? zzz ? Wednesday (zZZ) - ? ? € ? zzz Thursday (zZZ) - ? ? ?,?? zzz ? ?program 1 (ssp210027) Read lesson 1 online Reading: Genesis 2: 1-3 , Jer.45: 1-5, Exod. 20:11, 2 Sam. 7:12, Mark 6: 30-32 Gen. 4: 117 Memory Text: ? ? ?,?? MY GREAT SOUL LONG, S?, SFONDICI FOR PERSONAL CARE OF THE LORD; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God ... (PS. 84: 2, NKJV). Sunday (John Lomacang) - ? ? ?,?? worn and tired - Monday (Kenny Shelton) - ? ? ?,?? style Running on Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Defining rests in the old

testamento? ? ? ? Wednesday (ryan day) - ? ? ?,?? rest in the New testamento? ? ? ? Thursday (Shelley Quinn) - ? ? ? ? "a wanderer restless PROGRAM 2 (SSP210028) Read the lesson 1 online Reading: Num. 11: 1 ? ? ? ? "33, num. 12: 1 ? ? ? ? "13, num. 13: 27 ? ? ? ?" 33, num. 14: 1 ? ? ? ? "23, 1 Cor. 10: 1 ? ? ? ?" 11, num. 14: 39-45 Memory

Text: ? ? ? "Now all these things happened as examples and were written for our admonition, upon which came the ends of centuries of age (1 Corinthians 10:11, NKJV ). Sunday (Jill Morikone) - ? ? ?,?? Sestless in a desert Monday (John Lomacang) - ? ? ?,?? is contagious Tuesday Tuesday (Kenny Shelton) - ? ? ? ? ?. Impostezza leads to rebellion Wednesday (Shelley Quinn) - ? ? € ? an intercessor - Thursday (ryan day) - ? ? ?,?? Faith presumption against "program 3 (ssp210029 ) Read the lesson 1 online Reading: matt. 10: 34-39, Luke 12: 13 ? ? ? ? "21, Phil. 2: 5 ? ? ? ?" 8, Luke 22: 14-30, Matt. 23: 1 13 Memory Text: ? ? ? "For since ? jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be

disorder and every vile practice ... (James 3:16, ESV). Sunday (Shelley Quinn) - ? ? ? "Jesus brings division Monday (John Dinzey) - ? ? ?,?? selfishness? ? ? ? Tuesday (Kenny shelton) - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?,?? Bition? ? ? ? Wednesday (John Lomacang) - ? ? ?,?? Hypocrisy? ? ? ? Thursday (Jill Morikone) - It ? ? € ? uprooting

unrest "program 4 (ssp210030) Read 1 online reading reading: 2 Sam. 11: 1 ? ? ? ?" 27, 2 Sam. 12: 1-23 Gen. 3: 1-8, 1 John 1: 9 Memory Text: ? ? ? "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a constant spirit within me ... ( PS. 51: 10, NKJV). Sunday (Ryan Day) - ? ? ?,?? worn and tired - Monday (John Lomacang) - ? ? ?,?? Wake-up calls

Tuesday (Shelley Quinn) - ? ? ?,?? forgiven and forgotten - Wednesday (Jill Morikone) - ? € ? ? ? ? ? Something Newa Thursday (Kenny Shelton) - ? ? ?,?? Reflectors of God's lighta ? ? ? program 5 (ssp210031) Read lesson 1 online Reading: Matt. 11: 20-30, Matt. 5: 5, DEUT. 18:15, GAL. 5: 1, Exod. 18: 13-22, GAL . 6: 2 memory Text: ? ? ?,?? "for

me, for me, all of you who work and are heavy laden, and I'll give you the riposo?" ? ? ? ? (Matt. 11:28, NKJV ). Sunday (Kenny Shelton) - ? ? ? ? "I'll give you rest Monday (Shelley Quinn) - ? ? ? ?" Your my yoke upon you Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - ? ? ? ? "I in kind and humble heart ... Wednesday (John Dinzey) - ? ? ? ? "For my yoke is easy Thursday Thursday (John Lomacang) - ? ? ?,?? MY Bonkden is the Light program "program 6 (ssp210032) Read the lesson 1 online reading: Genesis 34; Heb. 11: 17 ? ? ?" 22; DEUT. 4:29; 1 John 3: 1, 2; Genesis 39; AND MAKES. 6: 1-13 Memory Text: ? ? ? "Therefore, beloved, since you know in advance, be careful who you fall from your stelezza

also, being led by the error of the wicked; But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. to him be the glory both now and forever. Amen Amen (2 Peter 3:17, 18, NKJV). Sunday (John Lomacang) - ? ? ?,?? Dysfunzione home Monday (Shelley Quinn) - ? ? ?,?? conoso a new direction Tuesday (Yvonne Shelton) - ? ? ?,??

Findare the true self - Wednesday (Jill Morikone) - ? ? ? ? "reports for reports of God Thursday Thursday (Danny Shelton) - ? ? ? € ? the big controversy, Up Close and personala ? ? ? program 7 (SSP210033) Read lesson 1 online Reading: Jan. 42: 7-20, Matt. 25: 41-46 Gen. 42: 21 - 24 Gen. 45: 1 15, Luke 23:34, Gen. 50: 15 - 21 Memory Text: ? ?

?,? ? "? ? ?,? ~ but now, not being saddened or angry with yourself because you sold me here; For God he sent me in front of you to preserve life "? ? ? ? ?" (Gen. 45: 5, NKJV). Sunday (Jill Morikone) - ? ? ?,? ? "Facing of the past, Monday (Ryan Day) - ? ? ?,? ?" Saiting the The the Tuesday (Shelley Quinn) - A Forgiving and forgetting a Wednesday

(John Dinzey) -? ? ? Making It Practical? Thursday (John Lomacang) - a finding rest after Forgiveness? ? PROGRAM 8 (SSP210034) Read Lesson 1 online reading: Mark 2: first 12, 1 Kings 18 1 Kings 19: 8 first, Matt. 5: 1 to 3, Isa. 53: 4th 6, 2 Kings 2:11 Memory Text: It's The Lord is my light and my salvation; Who will have to be afraid? The Lord is

the strength of my life; A'll have no fear of those who (Ps. 27: 1, NIV) ?. Sunday (Shelley Quinn) - a healing REMAINS Monday (Jill Morikone) - a root Treatment? ? Tuesday (John Lomacang) - A Awaya system Wednesday (Yvonne Shelton) - One Too tired to Runa Thursday (Danny Shelton) - A rest and Morea PROGRAM 9 (SSP210035) Read lesson 1

online reading: Genesis 1, Exodus. 20 8A 11, Exodus. 16: 14A 31, Deut. 5: 12a 15, Psalm 92, Isa. 58:13 Memory Text: ? Then God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because ? ripos?? in it from all his work which he had created and Madea (Genesis 2: 3, NIV). Sunday (John Lomacang) - Prelude To It remains Monday (John Dinzey) - It's the

command to REMAINS Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - A new Circumstances? ? Wednesday (Shelley Quinn) - It's Another reason REMAINS Thursday ( Greg Morikone) - A Keep Sabbath? ? PROGRAM 10 (SSP210036) Read lesson 1 online reading Gen. 1:26, 27; Gen. 9: 6; 2 PET. 2:19; Rom. 6: 7 1st; Ex. 19: 6; John 5: 16 ? 7A of the text memory: one will wait

six days to work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. Ye shall do no work therein; It is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings? ? (Lev. 23: 3, NIV). Sunday (John Dinzey) - a Saturday and Monday Creation? ? (John Lomacang) - A Celebrating Freedom? ? Tuesday (Shelley Quinn) - The Stranger in Your ? ? ? Gates?

Wednesday (Ryan Day) - ? ? Serve Sabbath? Thursday of Other honors God (Jill Morikone) - it's the sign that we belong to Enjoy PROGRAM 11 (SSP210037) Read lesson 1 online reading: 1 Cor. 10: 11 1st, Lev. 4: 32a 35, John 1:29, Heb. 4: first 11, Ps. 8A 95 11 Memory Text: A Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire

evil as Dida (1 Cor. 10: 6, ESV). Sunday (Shelley Quinn) - A baptized into Moses? ? Monday (John Lomacang) - A ritual and Sacrifices? ? Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - ? ? The "Example" di Resta Wednesday (Kenny Shelton) - It's not harden Hearts? ? Thursday (John Dinzey) - Winning a heavenly CITYA 12 (SSP210038 program) Read lesson 1 online

reading: Jonah 1A 4, Jer. 25: 5, Ez. 14: 6, Rev. 2: 5, 9: 51A 56, Jude 1? 25 Memory Text: ? And should I not pity Nineveh, the great city, in which are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who They do not know how to discern between their right hand and their left? ? and much cattle? ? ? (Jonah 4:11, NIV). Sunday (Kenny Shelton) - A

system Awaya Monday (Jill Morikone) - AA three days REMAINS Tuesday (Jason Bradley) - A mission Accomplished? ? Wednesday (John Lomacang) - It's a mad, Restless Missionary? ? Thursday (Shelley Quinn) - Two-way Street * AA ? PROGRAM 13 (SSP210039) Read lesson 1 online reading: Rev. 1: 9a 19; Opaque. 24: 4a 8, 31, 23A; Rev. 14: 6A 12 ?;

Heb. 11: 13A 16; Phil. 4: 4th 6 Memory Text: A, but as it is written, An eye has seen, nor ear ? ud??, ? nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Hima A (1 Cor 2. 9, NIV). Sunday (Jill Morikone) - AA Vision of the Enda Monday (Ryan Day) - The Countdown? ? ? ? Tuesday (John Lomacang) - a

Ordersa Wednesday (Shelley Quinn gear) - Rest in Peace? ? ? Thursday (John Dinzey) - A Rejoice in the Lord Always? ? Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 34 ? ? ? Go Down Subject / Started by Replies / Views Last post 0 members and 78 are viewing this board. 9 Replies 114 Views September 2, 2021, 22:15:42 by Richard Myers 9 Replies 203 Visits August 27,

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