Hacker Vita - South Dakota State University


Patty Hacker, Ph.D.


South Dakota State University 46877 Amen Corner

SIM 116B Box 2203 Brookings, SD 57006

Brookings, SD 57007 605-695-1553

605-688-5218 dragon@

605-688-6110 fax


Doctoral Degree: University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071 (May 1988)

Ph.D. Education (Physical Education Pedagogy)

Master’s Degree: West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506 (August 1983)

M.S. Physical Education

Post-Baccalaureate Glenville State College, Glenville, WV 26351 (August 1976) Physical Education NK-6 certification

Undergraduate Degree: Glenville State College, Glenville, WV 26351 (May 1973)

B.A. Education (Physical Education 7-12, Art 7-9)

July 2010- present Professor, Department of Health and Nutritional Sciences

Courses taught: (undergraduate) Theories, Strategies, And Application of Management & Instruction; K-8 Methods of PE; Science of Movement; Experiential Education in Physical Education; Communities of Learning and the Professional World; Student Teaching II; Student Teaching III.

Courses taught (Graduate) Analysis and Strategies of Teaching and Coaching Physical Education and Sport; Graduate Motor Learning, Program Evaluation in Sport and Physical Activity; thesis, field experience; individual study; Plan B paper.

July 1991- June 2010 Professor, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Coordinator, undergraduate Physical Education Teacher Education program South Dakota State University. Responsibilities include teaching undergraduate and graduate physical education courses, coordinating the undergraduate Physical Education Teacher Education program, supervision of physical education student teachers, and serving as liaison/resource person for teacher education in HPER to other departments and campus groups; graduate student recruitment and advising, and co-directing the graduate program in Health, Physical Education and Recreation.

Courses taught: (undergraduate) K-12 Methods of Teaching Physical Education (renamed 7-12 Methods of Teaching Physical Education), K-8 Methods of PE, Curriculum Development and Evaluation in PE, Tumbling and Gymnastics, Tests & Measurement, Adapted Physical Education, Senior Seminar (renamed Seminar & Advanced Writing), Motor Learning & Development, Study Abroad: Scandinavia, K-8 Student Teaching, 7-12 Student Teaching, Assisting Teaching

Courses taught (Graduate) Research Methods, Analysis and Strategies of Teaching and Coaching Physical Education and Sport, Graduate Motor Learning, thesis, field experience, individual study, Plan B paper

August 1988- July 1991 Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education, Eastern New Mexico University. Responsibilities included teaching undergraduate and graduate physical education courses, supervision of student teachers and coordinator of physical education teacher education preparation program.

Courses taught: Elementary School Physical Education Methods, Curriculum in Physical Education, tumbling and Gymnastics, Motor Learning, Student Teaching, Analysis and Strategies of Teaching and Coaching Physical Education and Sport, Research Methods

Professional Experience- Public School

September 2004-

Present Kindergarten physical education teacher. Responsibilities include planning and implementing lessons for a section of Brookings School District 51-1 Kindergarten, housed in the South Dakota State University Lab School.

August 1979-

May 1983 Teacher/coach Campbell County School District, Gillette, WY. Responsibilities included teaching elementary physical education K-6 and coaching 5-6 grade intramural sports teams.

September 1973-

August 1979 Teacher/coach Gilmer County Schools, Glenville, WV. Responsibilities included serving as roaming teacher (to fill need for classroom teacher and school saw fit, physical education teacher K-8 and coach for 5-8 girls’ competitive sports teams.

Professional Certifications:

Praxis II Content Physical Education

Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching


Hacker, P. (Spring 2011). Reflecting on Reflection: How We Teach Students To Think About What

They Know. Central District AAHPERD Insight, pp.19-21.

Hacker, P. (2006). Selection of Assessments for NASPE/NCATE Program Reports. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 77 (2), 25-31.

Hacker, P. (2002, August). The status of physical education and physical activity in South Dakota. A limited circulation report to the Department of Health and the Department of

Education and Cultural Affairs, Pierre, SD.

Hacker, P. (1999). From a different perspective: Sport and physical education in China. Abstracts

and proceedings of the 1999 Sewrey Faculty Colloquium, South Dakota State University,


Hacker, P., Malmberg, E. & Nance, J. (1996). Gymnastics fun & games: 51 activities for children. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.

Hacker, P. E. (1996). Development of a movement-centered model for an undergraduate PETE

program. The Chronicle of Physical Education in Higher Education, 7 (2), 7, 18.

Lidstone, J. E., Hacker, P.E. & Oien, F.M. (1996). Where the rubber meets the road: Revising

promotion and tenure standards according to Boyer. Quest, 48 (2), 200-210.

Hacker, P. Kaufman, R. & Lane, K. (1995). Assessment: A “guide “ to realizing what you already

do! Or formalizing the informal. [Brochure]. Pierre, SD: South Dakota Curriculum


United States Gymnastics Federation (Hacker, P. & Nance, J., Eds.) (1993). I can do gymnastics:

Essential skills for the intermediate gymnast. Indianapolis, IN: Masters Press.

United States Gymnastics Federation (Hacker, P. & Nance, J., Eds.) (1992). I can do gymnastics:

Essential skills for the beginning gymnast. Indianapolis, IN: Masters Press.

Hacker, P., Malmberg, E., Nance, J., Tilove, A. & True, S. (1992) Sequential gymnastics level II:

The instructor’s guide (3rd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: United States Gymnastics Federation.

Hacker P. (1991) Sequential gymnastics: The best kept secret of the USGF, U.S. Gymnastics

Technique, 11 (4), 18-19.


Hacker, P. Using SLOs and the Danielson Framework to Meet K-12 Standards. Presented at

SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN, April 5-9, 2016.

Hacker, P. When Opportunity Knocks at Your Door, Will You Answer? (October, 2015)

Presentation at the SHAPE America PETE & HETE Conference 2015, Atlanta, GA.

Hacker, P. Looking Across An Ocean at PETE Preparation and Reflective Practitioners (October,

2015). Presentation at the SHAPE America PETE & HETE Conference 2015, Atlanta, GA.

Hacker, P. Crossing Continents: Collaboration Between PETE Programs (February, 2015).

Presentation at the SHAPE America CD Convention, Moorhead, MN.

Hacker, P. Common Core, Mass Customization, 21st Century Learners, Physical Education, and…..

S.P.A.R.K. (April 5, 2014). Presentation at the SHAPE America National Convention, St. Louis, MO.

Hacker, P. Standards and More Standards: Maximizing Our Content, Minimizing Our Stress.

(November 7, 2013). Presentation at the SDAHPERD Convention, Brookings, SD.

Hacker, P. & Nelson, T. Collaboration Between PETE and Exercise Science Program Standards.

(February 23, 2013). Presentation at Central District AAHPERD Convention, Jackson

Hole, WY.

Hacker, P., Edwards, S., Hayes, K., Tebben, C. & Weets, E. Becoming Reflective Practitioners:

Undergraduate Research in Kindergarten PE. (November 8, 2012). Presentation at SDAHPERD Convention, Spearfish, SD.

Hacker, P., February 11, 2011, presenter, Reflecting on Reflection: How We Teach Students To

Think About What They Know, Central District AAHPERD Scholar’s Presentation,

Rapid City, SD (referred).

Hacker, P., March 31, 2011, presenter, Social Capital, AAHPERD National Convention

International Relations Symposium, San Diego, CA (invited panel member).

Hacker, P. & Lynn, B., April 9, 2011, presenters, Learning to Move, Moving to Learn, Child Care

Providers Conference, Watertown, SD (invited presenters).

Hacker, P., November 3, 2011, presenter, What? So What? What Next? SDAHPERD Fall

Convention Sioux Falls, SD .

Hacker, P. (October, 2009). Using Documentation Panels as an Alternative Assessment of

Teacher Candidate Knowledge. Session presented at the National Physical Education

Teacher Education Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Hacker, P., Gagen, L., Bowie, S. & Jenkins, J. (April, 2005). Who’s Mentoring the Mentors? Half-

day workshop presented at the AAHPERD National Convention, Chicago, IL

Hacker, P. (November 2004). Finding Your Way Home From That Icelandic Forest: The Saga

Continues. Presentation continued from student presentation What Do You Do When You Get Lost in an Icelandic Forest? Presented at the annual fall convention of the South Dakota Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Watertown, SD.

Hacker., Graper, M. C., Peterson, D. & Smyer, T. (August, 2004). SOTL and Promotion and

Tenure at SDSU. Presented as part of the Bush Fall Faculty Development Conference, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

Hacker, P. (March 2004). Presentation to students and faculty of the physical education teacher

education program at Växjö University in Växjö, Sweden, detailing the SDSU PETE program and showcasing several of the activities taught to students in the program.

Hacker, P. (November, 2003). Education British Style. Presented at the annual convention of the

South Dakota Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Rapid City, SD.

Hacker, P. & Schoorman, R. (May, 2003). Physical activity and obesity. Presented as part of the

South Dakota Department of Health DDN series To Be Well: Health Issues for Our Schools.

Hacker, P. (November, 2002). The state of our state: South Dakota K-12 physical education.

Presented at the annual convention of the South Dakota Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Chamberlain, SD.

Hacker, P. (September, 2002). The status of K-12 physical education and physical activity in

South Dakota. Presented at the Health Children Healthy Schools Network meeting, Pierre, SD.

Hacker, P . (February, 2002). Applications of Technology for Authentic and Alternative

Assessment in PE. Presented at the annual convention of the Central District Association of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Rapid City, SD.

Hacker, P. (March, 2000). Y2K – Methods of teaching goes high tech. Presented at the annual

convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Orlando, FL.

Degan, C., Hacker, P., Ridinger, L. & Wright L. (April, 1999). Greetings from the Great Wall!

NAGWS goes to China. Presented at the annual convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Boston, MA.

Hacker, P. (February, 1999) From a different perspective: Physical education and sport in China.

Presentation for the David Fee Memorial Lecture, Sewery Colloquium, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

Hacker, P. (October, 1996). Movement-centered physical education teacher education program.

Invited presentation at the Futures Conference, SUNY-Brockport, Brockport, NY.

Hacker, P. (January 1996). Development of a movement-centered model for an undergraduate

physical education teacher education program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education, Corpus Christi, TX.

Lidstone, J. E., Hacker, P. E., & Oien, F. M. (January, 1995). The world according to Boyer:

Revising department promotion and tenure standards. Presented at the annual conference of the National Association of Physical Education in Higher Education, Palm Spring, CA.

Other Research in progress:

A Study of Student-Athlete Workload Compared With Traditional Student Workload (2016). Manuscript in preparation for submission to The Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics.

Developing a Yearlong Residency: Pros and Cons of the Application of the Model (2016).

Manuscript in progress, to be submitted to The Journal of Teacher Education

Use of Professional Learning Communities as Part of the Residency Model of Student Teaching. Manuscript in progress.

Using Heart Rate Sensors to Track Activity Time and Levels in PETE Program Classes: A Pilot Program. Manuscript in progress.

Use of the S.M.A.R.T. Program and Current Neurological Research to Enhance Academic

Readiness in Young Children

Reflective Practitioners: How to develop the skills of reflection in undergraduate physical

education teacher education students.

Hacker, P. & Brokmeier, S. The use of the S.M.A.R.T. Program to enhance motor and cognitive skill in kindergartners.

Using a Field Experience to Enhance Movement Diagnosis and Reflection Skills of Teacher

Candidates. Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) Scholars Program research 2008.

Grants Written

Proposal Submitted to the National Science Foundation for funding. Title: Integrating Education,

Kinesiology, and Neurology to Enhance Academic Readiness in Young Children. Team of

6 in three states includes neuropsychology, exercise science, teacher education and

studies of the brain and movement.

Internal grant written in 2014 (funded $1350) to support travel to national convention to

present on PETE Program work on residency program and PETE program redesign.

Internal grants written and funded in 2012 and 2013 to support travel to national convention to

present work on accreditation of the Physical Education Teacher Education program.

Grant written for NASPE National Physical Education Teacher Education Program Accreditation

(fall 2011) , Dr. Patty Hacker and Tracy Nelson, Co- PIs, SDSU Office of Academic Affairs. Funded $4200.00

Grant written for funding to work on NASPE Program accreditation (fall 2010). Mark of

Excellence: Accreditation (NASPE Accreditation). Funded $4200.00.

Grant written for funding to continue work with documentation panels Spring 2009. Funded

$4200 through the Office of Research, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning funding.

LOFTI grant for in-service training of HPER cooperating teaching for use of PDA technology in

skill assessment and student teacher assessment (funded $2700)

Coordinated School Health Office/CDC, November 2001-September 2002 for collecting data on

availability of community physical activity programs for schoolchildren. Funded $8,000.

Governor’s Advanced Award for Teaching with Technology, Summer 2001. Funded $24,000

Governor’s Award for Technology, 1999. Funded $20,000.00

Professional Memberships

SHAPE America (NASPE, NAGWS, Research Consortium) – Life Member (now SHAPE America)

National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE)

SHAPE SD (formerly SDAHPERD)-Life Member

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL)


Service (current and past)

South Dakota State University

Past Chair, Academic Senate General Education Core Committee

Past Chair, Academic Senate (2002-2003)

Member, HNS Graduate Faculty

Academic Senate (1999-2002 and 2002-2005 representing College of Arts & Science)

Academic Senate Executive Council (2000-2002 senator-at-large and vice chair)

SDSU Faculty Mentor Program (1999-2000)

SDSU Core Curriculum Committee (2000-2001, representing Academic Senate)

Academic Senate committee for Teaching Excellence Center (2000-2001)

Study Tour Leader, Study Abroad experience to Scandinavia (March 2004)

Participant, SDSU Faculty Study Abroad Manchester trip (March 2003)


Past Co-chair, Mayor’s Council on Community Wellness

Coordinator, Hoops for Heart Program 1996-1998

Coordinator, Jump Rope for Heart Event 1981-2004

Board of Directors Brooking County Heart Association, 1991-1995

Participant, Paws for a Cause Dog Walk, 1998, 1999, 2000


Praxis Test review panel member

Recognition chair, SDAHPERD (now SHAPE SD)1996-present

Member, South Dakota Curriculum Coalition (1994-1996)

President, SDAHPERD 1993-1994

Judge, girls gymnastics 1991-2004

American Sport Education Program Leader Level instructor (1989 – 2002)


Member CDAAAHPERD Recognition Committee (1996 – present)


Past Member, Council for Physical Education Teacher Education Executive Committee (NASPE national committee- current chair; due to restructuring, council does not


American Sport Education Program National Faculty, Coaching Principles Program

Instructor, American Sport Education Program

NASPE/NCATE program reviewer and past national program adjudicator

NCATE BOE member; now CAEP Site Visitor

Strategies article reviewer

National Council for the Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE) program reviewer

Scholastic, Professional and Service Honors

Central District AAHPERD Scholar, 2011

Recipient, Governor Janklow’s Faculty Awards for Teaching With Technology, Summer 2001

Professor rank, granted May 2001

College Teacher of the Year 1999-2000, SDAHPERD

NAGWS Pathfinder Award for South Dakota, 1999-2000

Recipient, Governor Janklow’s Faculty Awards for Teaching With Technology, Summer 1999

Recipient of CDAAAHPERD Honor Award, February 1999

Recipient of SDAHPERD Honor Award, November 1998

Recipient of SDSU Teaching Excellence Award, May 1996

Alpha Lambda Delta Scholastics Honor Society, inducted April 1994

Jump Rope for Heart Award, Dakota Affiliate 1992

United States Gymnastics Federation Service Award for Education 1991


Other Professional Experience:

Study Tour Leader, Study Abroad experience to Scandinavia (March 2004)

Participant, SDSU Faculty Study Abroad Manchester trip (March 2003)

Participant, South Dakota Teacher Forum (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001)

Participant, NAGWS cultural visit to China, summer 1998

South Dakota Curriculum Process Model instructor

American Sport Education Program Leader level Instructor (serve as ASEP National Faculty

for Coaching Principles program)

Certified girls gymnastics judge, South Dakota High School Activities Association

School coordinator for Jump Rope for Heart, 1980- 2005

Wyoming State Judging Director for the national Association of Women’s Gymnastics Judges,

Inc., August 1983-1988

Commissioner of Gymnastics, Cowboy State Games, 1987




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