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First LookTM

Curriculum for Preschoolers

We want preschoolers to take a first look at who God is and understand...

God made me.

God loves me.

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Lead Editor: Kathy Hill

Copy Editor: Dana Wilkerson

Curriculum Writer: Holly Crawshaw, Ashley Hiers

Illustrators: Jodi Blackwell, Sharon van Rossum

Graphic Designer: David Hill, Sharon van Rossum

FL Creative Team: Sue Miller, Lois Pallansch, Kathy Hill, Autumn Ward, Ashley Hiers, Donna High, Danielle Schneller

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Scripture marked NIrV is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version™, Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

These resources are intended to be downloaded and printed for use by the subscribing entity only and may not be electronically transferred to or duplicated by other non-subscribing entities. Any unauthorized reproduction of this material or incorporation into a new work is a direct violation of US copyright laws. © 2014 First Look. All rights reserved.


The reThink Group, Inc. gladly grants permission to churches, schools, and other licensees to tailor First LookTM materials to fit their unique leadership requirements, locale and format preferences, and physical environment needs. However, if you wish to edit the content substantively, including Bible stories, learning activities, scripts, and any other content in which biblical principles and concepts are presented, you are obligated to do so within the doctrinal guidelines we’ve expressed in our Statement of Faith.

July 12, 2015

Basic Truth: God loves me.

Key Question: Whose way is perfect?

Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.

Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIRV

Bible Story: God’s way is awesome!

Moses in the Sea • Exodus 13:17 – 14:31

Here’s an overview of what you’ll be teaching in 2s this week.

Make It Fun

(Choose one or all of these activities)

• Rough Waters

• What’s in the Water?

• Make a Path

Make It True

• Worship

• Bible Story

Make It Stick

(Choose as many of these activities as you like)

• God’s Way

• Parting the Sea

• This Way or That

• Moses and the Red Sea


July 12, 2015

Basic Truth: God loves me.

Key Question: Whose way is perfect?

Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.

Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIRV

Bible Story: God’s way is awesome!

Moses in the Sea • Exodus 13:17 – 14:31

Make It Fun

Prepare to offer one or more of the following activities as your 2-year-olds arrive. Let one or two teachers lead small groups of children in activities throughout the room while another teacher greets parents and kids at the door. At this age not all children will participate, but most will want to be part of the fun.

1. Rough Waters

“Rough Waters” is an activity that introduces this week’s Bible story while kids shake and move the water.

What You Need: Blue parachute or sheet

What You Do:

Before the activity: Spread the parachute or sheet out in an open area in the room.

During the activity: Shake the parachute softly and then shake it a little more vigorously. Repeat as many times as desired.

At the end of the activity: Sit down together on top of the parachute and introduce the Bible story.

What You Say:

Before the activity: “Let’s pretend the parachute is water! Everyone find a spot and pick it up.”

During the activity: “Let’s start making the water move. Shake it easy. (Pause.) Now a little harder. (Pause.) Now let’s make the water move really fast. (Pause.) Now hold it still. Great job, friends. Now take one step back and lay the water down.”

At the end of the activity: “Sit down on top of the water. (Pause.) Today we are going to hear how God made some water split in two. Have you ever seen water split in two? Me either! I can’t wait to hear the story.”

2. What’s in the Water?

“What’s in the Water?” is an activity that introduces this week’s Bible story while encouraging kids to sort land and sea animals.

What You Need: Plastic toy animals (make sure to have plenty of both land and sea animals) and a piece of blue and a piece of green construction paper

What You Do:

Before the activity: Place the animals and the paper on the table.

During the activity: Ask kids to pick up an animal, name it, decide if it’s a land or sea animal, and then place the sea animals on the blue paper and the land animals on the green paper. Repeat with all the animals.

At the end of the activity: Introduce the Bible story.

What You Say:

Before the activity: “Hello, friends! Come sit with me and look at all the different animals on the table.”

During the activity: “What animal do you see? (Pause.) Is that an animal that lives in the water or lives on the land? (Pause.) If your animal lives in the water, put it on the blue paper. If your animal lives on the land, put it on the green paper. Repeat until all animals have been identified and placed on a paper.

At the end of the activity: “In our Bible story today we’ll hear about a man named Moses and his people that needed to get across the sea. They may have seen some of these animals that live in the water.” (Pick up a few of the water animals.)

3. Make a Path

“Make a Path” is an activity that introduces this week’s Bible story while encouraging kids to make a path in the rice by pushing it to the right and the left.

What You Need: Medium shallow plastic container, blue dyed rice, Little People® figures, brown construction paper, masking tape, and scissors

What You Do:

Before the activity: Cover bottom of container with brown paper, cut as needed, and tape to secure. Fill container with blue rice covering the paper. Place the Little People® next to the container.

During the activity: Let kids make paths in the rice for the Little People® to walk on.

At the end of the activity: Introduce the Bible story.

You can see a sample of this craft on the July 2015 Pinterest board found on the First Look Curriculum’s Pinterest page:

What You Say:

Before the activity: “Hey, friends! Come on over and look what I have for us to play with today!”

During the activity: “Let’s pretend that this is water. Can you make a path in the rice for the people to walk on? (Pause.) Good job! Let’s try and make a path from this side to that side. (Pause.) Super, now let’s walk the people across the path from this side to that side. Terrific!”

At the end of the activity: “That was so much fun making all the different paths. Today we are going to hear a story about how God made water real water split and form a path for people to walk on.”

July 12, 2015

Basic Truth: God loves me.

Key Question: Whose way is perfect?

Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.

Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIRV

Bible Story: God’s way is awesome!

Moses in the Sea • Exodus 13:17 – 14:31

Make It True

After children have participated in Make It Fun, tell the Bible story and then encourage the kids to have fun singing with you.

When sharing the Bible story, guide kids to gather around you on the floor. Some kids (especially the younger ones) may wander. That’s OK. They’re still listening and learning!


What You Need: CD player, this month’s worship song, “Keeps Me Safe,” downloaded from the Website, and the motions for the song.

LEADER: “Good morning, everyone. I’m so glad you’re here today. Do you remember what we’ve been talking about this month? (Pause.) That’s right. We’ve been talking about how [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Whose way is perfect? [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. We’re still at Camp Splish Splash. But remember, we have a new song to sing. Let’s sing it together!”

Lead children in singing “Keeps Me Safe.”

“Wow! You are doing great with this song. Isn’t it cool that [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect and that He loves us so much? Who loves you? [Basic Truth] God loves me.

Bible Story

What You Need: Bible, “Moses and Israelites” and “Pharaoh” from the Activity Pages found on the Website, copy paper, scissors, painter’s tape, 3-5 clean laundry scoops, 2 blue scarves or towels, 2 paper towel tubes, cotton balls, glue sticks, an empty rectangle tissue box, a large box, and red, orange, and yellow tissue paper

You can see example of these props on the July 2015 Pinterest board found on the First Look Curriculum’s Pinterest page:

What You Do:

Before the Story: Copy “Moses and Israelites” and “Pharaoh” on copy paper and cut out. Tape or glue the figures from “Moses and Israelites” onto the empty tissue box. Tape the figures from “Pharaoh” into the laundry scoops. Glue cotton balls all over one of the paper towel tubes. Glue the tissue paper to the other paper towel tube. Place all these items into the big box with the scarves/towels and place in the Bible story area.

STORYTELLER: “Come here, everyone, and sit with me! It’s story time! Yay for story time! Our story comes from this very special book—the Bible! (Hold up Bible, give it a big hug, and lay it down.) Can you say, ‘Bible’?” (Pause.)


STORYTELLER: “We love the Bible because it has God’s stories in it. And God’s stories are always TRUE! Today’s story is about Moses and God’s people, the Israelites. (Take out the tissue box with Moses and the Israelites on it and sit it in front of you.) Can you say, ‘Moses’?” (Pause.)


STORYTELLER: “Can you say, ‘Israelites’?” (Pause.)


STORYTELLER: “Great job! God’s people, the Israelites, had a leader and his name was Moses. Moses was leading them out of a place called Egypt where there was a mean ruler named Pharaoh. God was with Moses and the Israelites. God made a great big pillar of clouds to lead them during the day (hold up the tube of cotton and place in front of Moses) and a great big pillar of fire to lead them at night. (Hold up the tube of tissue paper and switch it with the cotton ball tube.) God helped them to know where to go night and day. (Take the tissue paper tube away and replace with the cotton ball tube.) God showed them where to go because: Whose way is perfect?” (Pause.)

CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] “God’s way is perfect.”

STORYTELLER: “Whose way is perfect?”

CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] “God’s way is perfect.”

STORYTELLER: “One day the mean Pharaoh decided to chase after Moses and the Israelites with his whole big army! (Place the detergent cups with pictures behind Moses.) Pharaoh’s army chased them to the edge of the Red Sea. (Place the two blue scarves or towels down in front of Moses.) There were army men on one side and lots of water on the other side! The Israelites were scared, but Moses told them not to be afraid! God was there with them and [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Say that with me.”

CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] “God’s way is perfect!”

STORYTELLER: “God told Moses to hold his staff out over the water, and when he did God made the water move this way (point with thumb to the right and move one scarf to the right) and that way (point with thumb to the left and move one scarf to the left) until there was dry ground to walk on! God made a path through the water for His people! They walked on dry ground right through the middle of the water. (Move Moses and the Israelites through the path and then bring the scarves back together.) Amazing! Moses and the Israelites followed God and God kept them safe because His way is perfect! Whose way is perfect?” (Pause.)

CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] “God’s way is perfect!”

STORYTELLER: “Whose way is perfect?”

CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] “God’s way is perfect!”

STORYTELLER: “Thank you for being such great listeners today. Now let’s put our hands together, close our eyes, and talk to God.

“Dear God, thank You for loving us and keeping us safe like You did with Moses and the Israelites. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

July 12, 2015

Basic Truth: God loves me.

Key Question: Whose way is perfect?

Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.

Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIRV

Bible Story: God’s way is awesome!

Moses in the Sea • Exodus 13:17 – 14:31

Make It Stick

Choose two or more of the following activities to help make the Bottom Line stick. Lead the activities with small groups of children. Encourage children to play on their own if they do not wish to take part in an activity.

1. God’s Way

“God’s Way” is an activity that helps kids recite this month’s Memory Verse as they review and make a classroom picture depicting this week’s Bible story.

What You Need: Brown construction paper, blue construction paper, scissors, a brown pipe cleaner, and a lot of Little People®

What You Do:

Before the activity: Cut blue paper into pieces about two inches square. Place all the paper on the table. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the arm of one of the men and set all the Little People® on the table.

During the activity: Talk about how in the Bible story, Moses followed God’s way. Have the children cover the brown paper completely with the blue paper. Say the Memory Verse. Position Moses with the pipe cleaner at the edge of the blue covered paper and place all the other people behind him. Say the Memory Verse again and push blue paper from the middle to the right and to the left, exposing a strip of brown down in the middle. Say the Memory Verse again. Walk Moses across the strip while the children walk the Little People® across the strip. Say the Memory Verse together.

At the end of the activity: Say the Bottom Line with the kids.

You can see a example of this craft on the July 2015 Pinterest board found on the First Look Curriculum’s Pinterest page:

What You Say:

Before the activity: “Come sit with me. Look at all these things. (Pause.) We’re going to tell a story with them as we say our Memory Verse today.”

During the activity: “In our Bible story today we learned that Moses listened to God and followed His way because ‘God’s way is perfect,’ 2 Samuel 22:31. Can you cover up this brown paper with all the blue pieces of paper? (Pause.) Great job! God led Moses (hold up Moses) and the Israelites down to the Red Sea. (Position Moses at the edge of the paper.) Can you move the people behind Moses? (Pause.) Great! Now let’s say our Memory Verse together. Repeat after me. ‘God’s way (repeat) is perfect’ (repeat), 2 Samuel 22:31. (Repeat.) Great! Now Pharaoh’s army is coming after them and they have nowhere to go. Say the Memory Verse with me. ‘God’s way is perfect,’ 2 Samuel 22:31. God told Moses to hold up his staff and the water went to the right (push the blue paper from the center to the right) and to the left. (Push the blue paper from the center to the left.) Say the Memory Verse again. ‘God’s way is perfect,’ 2 Samuel 22:31. (Walk Moses through to the other side.) Walk the people through to the other side. (Pause.) Super! Say the Memory Verse with me one more time. ‘God’s way is perfect,’ 2 Samuel 22:31. Fantastic!”

At the end of the activity: “Great job helping me tell our Bible story and saying the Memory Verse today! We learned through Moses’ story that [Bottom Line] God’s way IS perfect! Moses believed what God said, and that means we can too. Whose way is perfect? [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect.”

2. Parting the Sea

“Parting the Sea” is an activity that retells the Bible story while the children reenact it.

What You Need: Large sheet of brown butcher paper, 2 large sheets of blue butcher paper, scissors, painter’s tape, fire and cloud pillars from the Bible story

What You Do:

Before the activity: Lay the brown paper on the floor and tape to secure. Lay the blue pieces on top of the brown paper, overlapping slightly in the middle. Glue cotton balls to one paper towel tube and tissue to the other paper towel tube.

During the activity: Retell the Bible story. Walk around a small area of the room while telling the story. Then with the help of several leaders, lift up the sheets of blue paper and make a wall of water for the kids to walk through on the brown paper.

At the end of the activity: Say the Bottom Line together and return the blue paper to its original position.

What You Say:

Before the activity: (Start out across the floor from the water.) “Today in our Bible story, we heard about a man named Moses and the Israelites and something pretty amazing that happened with some water. Come and follow me.”

During the activity: “Moses was leading the Israelites out of a place called Egypt where there was a mean ruler named Pharaoh. God was with Moses and the Israelites. God made a great big pillar of clouds to lead them during the day (hold up the tube of cotton) and a great big pillar of fire to lead them at night. (Hold up the tube of tissue paper.) God helped them to know where to go night and day. (Take the tissue paper tube away and replace with the cotton ball tube.)

“Then, one day the mean Pharaoh decided to chase after Moses and the Israelites with his whole big army! Pharaoh’s army chased them to the edge of the Red Sea. (Walk up to the edge of the water.) There were army men on one side of Moses and his people and lots of water on the other side! The Israelites were scared, but Moses told them not to be afraid! God was there with them and [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Say that with me. [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. God told Moses to hold his staff out over the water and when he did God made the water move this way (point with thumb to the right and have two leaders pick up the blue paper holding it up as a “wall”) and that way (point with thumb to the left and have two leaders pick up the blue paper holding it up as a “wall”) until there was dry ground to walk on! God made a path through the water for His people! (Walk through the dry land with the kids and have them sit down on the other side and then bring the paper back together.) Amazing! Moses and the Israelites followed God and God kept them safe!”

At the end of the activity: “Moses followed God’s direction and led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the dry land of the Red Sea. God kept them safe because [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Whose way is perfect? [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect.”

3. This Way or That

“This Way or That” is an activity that encourages kids to use their gross motor and cognitive thinking skills.

What You Need: Large sheet of blue butcher paper, scissors, and painter’s tape

What You Do:

Before the activity: Cut a large sheet of blue butcher paper. Lay it on the floor and tape it to secure. Have kids stand on the blue paper.

During the activity: Call out actions for kids to do both to the right and to the left. Be creative, have fun, and do the actions along with the kids.

At the end of the activity: Have all the kids sit on the blue paper, and talk about how the water went this way and that way to leave dry land for Moses and the Israelites to walk through. Say the Bottom Line together.

What You Say:

Before the activity: “Hey, friends! Go stand on the blue paper. (Pause.) Super! Put on your listening ears. I’m going to call out actions for you to do and I’ll do them too!”

During the activity: “Okay, friends, let’s get started! Let’s clap our hands together. (Pause.) Clap this way (clap to the right) and clap that way. (Clap to the left.) Let’s clap big, loud claps this way … and that way. (Pause.) Good! Now let’s clap soft, tiny claps this way … and that way. (Pause.) Woo-hoo! Now let’s jump up and down. (Pause.) Jump this way … and that way. (Pause.) Great job!” (Continue with different actions as long as desired.)

At the end of the activity: “Friends, that was so much fun! Sit down with me on the paper. In our story today we learned how God made the water go this way (sway arms to the right) and go that way. (Sway arms to the left.) When that happened, there was dry land for Moses and the Israelites to cross. Moses knew that [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Whose way is perfect? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect.”

4. Moses and the Red Sea

“Moses and the Red Sea” is an activity that reintroduces the Bible story while children use their fine motor skills to create a scene of Moses at the Red Sea.

What You Need: “Red Sea” and “Israelites” from the Activity Pages found on the Website, light blue cardstock, copy paper, brown dot markers, scissors, glue sticks, and a marker (Optional: fish stickers)

What You Do:

Before the activity: Copy “Red Sea” on blue cardstock, one per child. Fold both sides in where noted. Copy “Israelites” on copy paper and cut out, one set per child. Make one to use as an example (leave the people off).

During the activity: Hand out the Activity Pages and have children open the flaps and color the middle area with the brown dot marker. Talk about the Bible story and help them glue Moses and the Israelites to the brown area. (Optional: Adhere fish stickers to the sea if desired.) Write names on the Activity Pages.

At the end of the activity: Say the Bottom Line together and set aside.

You can see the inspiration for this activity on the July 2015 Pinterest board found on the First Look Curriculum’s Pinterest page:

What You Say:

Before the activity: “In our Bible story today Moses followed God’s way, because he knew [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Let’s make a picture of our Bible story today.”

During the activity: (Give each child a “Red Sea” Activity Page.) “Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the desert, and to the edge of the Red Sea. (Hold up folded paper.) When the Egyptians came after them and they had no place to go, God did something amazing! (Unfold your paper to reveal the dry land.) Open your paper. Can you color in the area right here where the dry land is? (Pause.) Super job! God told Moses to lift his staff over the sea and God made the water go to this side and to that side making a wall of water on both sides. Moses (hold up the Moses figure and glue him to the paper) led the Israelites (hold up the Israelite figures and glue them to the paper) through the dry land to safety. Look at your picture! It’s awesome! Written at the bottom it says, [Bottom Line] ‘God’s way is perfect,’ and it tells where we can read about this story in the Bible. Now let’s add your name to your paper.”

At the end of the activity: “Moses did what God said because he knew that [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. God kept Moses and the Israelites safe because they did things God’s way. [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Whose way is perfect? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect.”

Get Ready to Dismiss

Set any take-home creations where you or parents can get them easily. Greet parents at the door and tell them that this month preschoolers are learning that [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Encourage parents to repeat the Bottom Line at home and help their child understand that [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect.

Have this month’s Parent CUE available for parents to pick up or send it in a monthly email. Encourage parents to use the activities found in Parent CUE to reinforce this month’s Bottom Line: [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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