
ROOM #24 WEEKLY PLANNING FORMWEEK OF: 8/3-8/7TEACHER’S NAME: Jenn WongWeekly Focus Question: What are different things we see at the beach and in the ocean? Focus Question Vocabulary: seashells; sand; ocean; sea animals; crab; jellyfish; starfish; turtle; umbrella; boatDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- lesson)Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUSSkill Building Activity(Small group centers:Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers)]MondayDate: 8/3 -What season are we in? (summer)-One special activity that we talked about last week was going to the beach.-What do you like to do at the beach? What are some things you might see at the beach?-One thing we might see are crabs.-Can you describe what a crab looks like? What color is a crab?-“Animals in the Ocean”Click the link below: -What does a crab look like? Where do we find crabs?-Create a crab using various household materials. Materials include a paper plate, red marker, googley eyes, red construction paper, and scissors. Cut the construction paper into strips and fold the paper plate in half. Color the plate and glue the eyes to make it look like a face. An example is found below:MATH- The number of the week is 12. Find numbers 1-12 around the house. Put post-its on each number that you find.LITERACY- Review letter E.Have your child say the sound that ‘E’ makes. Invite child to find household objects that start with ‘E’. HANDWRITING- Invite child to practice writing their name in mediums such as shaving cream, whipped cream, sand, sugar, etc.LIBRARY/ MEDIA- “Rainbow Fish”Click the link below: Play: Pretend you are a sea animal in the ocean. What sea animal are you? What do you do in the ocean? How do you move around?-Science: Sea animal memory game--With assistance, print out pictures of crab, jellyfish, and starfish. Print 2 pictures of each sea animal. Cut them out. Mix them up and lay them out on a table facing down. Try to find the sea animal match by using your memory. Describe what these sea animals look like.-Blocks: Build a sand castle using household materials, such as egg crates or dirt from your backyard.TuesdayDate: 8/4-What season do we go to the beach in? (summer)-What are some things we might see at the beach? (sea animals in the ocean; seashells; sand)-What sea animals might we see in the ocean?-“Down in the Deep Blue Sea”Click the link below: -What kind of sea animals might you find in the ocean? (fish; dolphins; whales; jellyfish; starfish; etc.)-Go to on your favorite “live cam” video---view the underwater sea life in the Aquarium that is going on right now. What sea animals do you see? Draw what you see.MATH- Sorting— look through your clothes. Sort through your clothes and put the clothes you can wear during the winter time in one pile, and the clothes you wear in the summer time in another pile. How are these piles different from each other?LITERACY-“My Ee Book”- review with child and color—page 33 by clicking link below: Have your child pick out their favorite book to read. During reading time, stop and have them write three simple words from the story (ex: the, it, am, etc).LIBRARY/ MEDIA- “Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea”Click the link below:: Look through magazines and newspapers. Cut out various letters using scissors (with assistance) and create unit vocabulary words. Paste words on paper.-Music/ Movement: Invite child to listen and dance to the song found below:“Sea Animal Song”Click the link below:: Create a jellyfish in a bottle. Use a plastic bag to be cut in the shape of a jellyfish; put blue food coloring and water into a water bottle and stick plastic bag jelly fish in water bottle. An example is found below:WednesdayDate: 8/5-Where do we see sea animals? (in the ocean; at the beach)-What are some types of sea animals that we have talked about? (jellyfish; starfish; dolphins; crabs; fish; sharks)-Have you ever seen a sea animal when you were on the beach? What did you see?-What is your favorite sea animal? Why?-What sea animals have we learned about this week? (turtles; jellyfish; starfish; crabs)-Click on the song below.-“Move Like Sea Animals”Click the link below: -Move your body based on each type of sea animal. Pay attention to how it moves in the ocean.MATH- Sorting—Find 10 objects that you like to play with in your household. Lay them out. Sort them based on what color each object is. LITERACY- Letter E: Sound out all objects that start with “E”. As you say each “E” object, color it in using crayons.See Page 5 by clicking the link below: Page 33 by clicking link below: MEDIA- “Ocean Life”Click the link below:: Under the sea graham crackers—spread blue icing on your graham cracker to make the ocean. Place goldfish on your icing. An example is found below: -Writing: Use paper and pencil to practice writing the unit vocabulary words, “jellyfish”, “crab”, “starfish”.-Art: Think of one of your favorite sea animal. Use paper and crayons to draw this sea animal. Why is this sea animal your favorite? Describe your drawing. ThursdayDate: 8/6-When do we go to the beach? (in the summer)-Why do we go to the beach in the summer? (because it is hot; so we can be by the water)-Last week we talked about some activities we can do at the beach. What is one activity we can do at the beach?-Another activity we can do is find seashells. There are many different seashells at the beach.-What part of the beach might you find seashells at? What do they look like?-“Beach Song”Click the link below: a seashell using string, crayons, a hole puncher, and a paper plate. Cut the paper plate in the shape of a shell—color this shell—use a hole puncher to punch holes in the shell and put string through these holes. An example can be found below:MATH- Invite child to count 12 objects that they play with in the summer. Describe these objects and count out loud.LITERACY- Have child write letter J on post-its. Invite child to sound out letter “J” and match to letter J on tree.Page 142 by clicking link below: Page 18 by clicking the link below: MEDIA- “It’s a Seashell Day!”Click the link below: Play: Pretend you are at the beach. Who would you bring to the beach with you? What would you do at the beach? What would you wear to the beach?-Art: Look through magazines and newspapers. Cut out things that you might see at the beach and paste on paper to make a beach collage. Objects to cut out may include bathing suits, sunglasses, umbrellas, hats, sea animals, etc. -Sensory: Use soap and water to create a soapy sea foam. Play in the “sea foam”. What is sea foam? What do you find in sea foam? FridayDate: 8/7 -What might we see at the beach that we have discussed so far? (sea animals; sand; sea shells)-What can we see from the shore of the beach that is floating on top of the water in the sea? (sailboats)-Who drives a sailboat? (captain) Can you describe a sailboat?-“Row Row Row your Boat”Click the link below: an origami paper sailboat (with assistance). All you will need is a piece of paper.-Click the video below for instructions on how to make your paper sailboat: example is found below:MATH- Fill up a bucket with water. Have parent put in many small toys into the water. Using a large spoon, fish out 12 small toys from the water bucket. Count as you go. LITERACY- Have child find letter ‘J’ in various magazines or newspapers—have them use scissors to cut out these letters to make a letter ‘J’ collage and glue on paper.HANDWRITING- Page 21 by clicking link below: MEDIA- “Brilliant Boats”Click the link below:: Create a boat using household materials, such as cardboard boxes, sheets, chairs, etc. Where are you going on the boat? What do you see in the ocean from the boat?-Cooking: Make a banana boat by slicing a banana open in the middle; add chocolate chips and other toppings in between banana slit; wrap in tin foil and put on grill or in oven for a couple of minutes. An example is found below:-Music/Movement: Have a family member write down things they see on the beach or in the ocean on different post it notes (crab; jellyfish; turtle; starfish; fish; seashells; boats) Pick one post it from the box. Move your body based on what it says on the post it. Ex: move your body like a jellyfish.Social/ Emotional- Week to ReviewWeek 14 Page 63 by clicking the link below: Core State Standards:Domain 1: Approaches to Learning PK.AL.5.a: Demonstrates persistence; maintains focus on a task.Domain 2: Physical Development and Health PK.PDH.3.b: Demonstrates coordination and control of large muscles; maintains balance during sitting, standing, and movement activities.Domain 3: Social and Emotional Learning PK.SEL.3.a: Demonstrates and continues to develop positive relationships with significant adults (primary caregivers, teachers, and other familiar adults); interacts with significant adults.Domain 4a: Communication, Language and Literacy PK.AC.4.d: Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary; expresses understanding of words used in read-alouds, in conversations and in descriptions of everyday items in the world. ................

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