Tough Primary School

Rothienorman Primary School

Bulletin Number 12: 7th June 2016

Dear Parents


Our xylophone is now installed with two of the pupils adding the final bar!

Please remind your children that they should not be cycling on the astro at any time as it damages it.

Staff Training

Staff have recently taken part in the following professional development opportunities:


• Music for Primaries

• Meldrum P7 Transition Music Project

• Visible Learning and Leadership 2

• Photoshop Art Skills

• Attachment and Nurture

• Big Picture

• British Sign Language (B.S.L.)

• Getting the Best (Leadership)

Macduff Marine Aquarium

P1,2 pupils had a great time at Macduff Marine Aquarium despite the rather chilly weather. They enjoyed seeing the variety of fish and other sea creatures at such close quarters.

National Sport Week

Sponsorship forms have now gone home for our event on 21st June with Liam Davie, the Scottish gymnast who won a silver medal in the Glasgow Commonwealth games. Pupils watched a DVD about this project at assembly.

Football Pitch

The football pitch has been sanded and seeded so we are avoiding using it at the moment. There have been some stones thrown onto the pitch (outside of school hours) from the small wooded area at the end. There have also been children throwing stones in the playground. These are generally the drainage stones found along the bottom of the embankment. We have spoken to children in school about this but it would really help if parents can also speak to children about the dangers of throwing stones in terms of hurting someone or damaging property.

P6,7 Pupils to Lead Playground Games

P6 and P7 pupils have started organising a couple of sessions a week of playground games where they lead relay races, tig, circle, listening, ball or instructional type games. These are proving popular with the younger pupils and the older pupils are enjoying the responsibility and challenge of leading them.

Taste of Grampian

The Chirpy Cherry’s, Drew, Libby, Georgia and Leon got through to the final at The Taste of Grampian Event on Saturday 4th June and enjoyed showing off their tasty, healthy lunch designed for an Olympic athlete.

Dental Health Visitor

We have again had Becky from the Childsmile team visit our nursery sessions to promote good teethbrushing.


The morning nursery session visited Windyhills on Tuesday 31st May and sure enough it was windy. They had great fun exploring this new location and both afternoon and morning sessions will go to Windyhills on Tuesday 28th June for their joint Sports day, 10.30am – 2pm, please bring a picnic.

Tempest Photography

The class photographs should be home for approval shortly with a tight turn around in order to get them back before the summer holidays.

Nursery and P1 Induction

Thank you to the PPG who helped us reflect on our P1 induction procedures in order to improve them for this session, your feedback was really helpful. Staff have started to organise visits to see children in their other settings in preparation for joining us in either nursery or primary 1.

P7 Transition

A number of visits have taken place so far with Meldrum staff visiting our P7s to answer their questions and a few of our children have had the opportunity to visit Meldrum for further bridging visits. The main three day visit will take place 7th- 9th June. Families have received the information regarding this directly from the academy. Murray will be attending the transition days for Hazlehead Academy and Carys will be attending the transition days for Dyce Music School. I’m sure they’ll all thoroughly enjoy these exciting experiences.

Step Up Afternoon

On the afternoon of Thursday 9th June our children will all be ‘stepping up’ into their new classes with their new teachers for next session.

Satrosphere Trip

The P4,5 class will be visiting Satrosphere Science Centre for their trip on Thursday 23rd June.


Our coffee morning went well on Friday 27th May 2016 with some of P2,3 telling their Viking stories and some of P4,5 giving their accounts of their space missions. As ever thank you to Karen Johnstone for organising these popular events.

Citizenship Groups

Health and ICT groups worked with P1-3 pupils last week to play Young Leader’s games and to learn about following directions with a Beebot robot challenge.

The School Grounds group planted sunflower seeds with them this week. With the encouragement of the Litter and Waste group we are managing to increase our recycling and reduce the amount that is going to landfill. Our Pupil Council are continuing work on developing a School Travel Plan. The Health group are busy planning our Sports Day.


We learnt more about the refugee crisis and the displacement of people around the world at assembly. This was followed up with pupils each completing a luggage tag which will be part of an exhibit in the degree show at Gray’s Art School where a student is using a 16 foot displaced tree covered in thousands of luggage tags to draw attention to this problem.

Mr Graeme Smith joined us on 31st May to tell the story of ‘Peter and John Go to Pray’.

Monymusk Muddy Run - Children's Trail Race

It was great to see some of our pupils racing in this event – well done!

Fyvie Football Tournament

Our P4-7 footballers did extremely well to win this tournament for the second year in a row – superb!

Rothienorman Out of School Club

Rothienorman Out of School Club meets Monday to Friday morning and afternoon. Breakfast Club is from 7.30 to 9 am and After School Club is from 3.15 to 6 pm. The Club meets in the Village Hall. Staff take children to school in the morning and collects them from school in the afternoon. Currently the Club has spaces and if you are interested in finding out about joining the Club and current fees please contact Pat Foulis, Co-ordinator on 07920 806038 between 2.30 and 5.30 pm.

Sports Day

There will be an early lunch on Sports Day, 12-1pm. We are hoping to have our School Sports Day on Wednesday 15th June, 1.30pm on the football pitch adjacent to the school. If this has to be cancelled for any reason it will state so on the

Telephone Information Line: 0870 054 4999

Rothienorman School Pin Number: 022530

If we have to reschedule it will be held on Wednesday 22nd June. Preschoolers and parents are welcome to join us to watch our Sports Day at 1.30pm and there will be a fun race for them to participate in at the end if they wish. Please complete the slip indicating if you are able to help out with the organising of Sports Day, it would be helpful if you could arrive at 1.15pm to hear how you can help. Nursery pupils will also take part in some sports activities at Windyhills on Tuesday 28th June, 10.30am – 2pm.

Pupils should ideally wear the colours allocated to their house for Sports Day as this makes organisation much easier:

Bennachie – red Blackford – blue Cranna – green Fraser - yellow

New School Lunch Arrangements

A letter went out last week to each individual pupil from the Council about how the payment system for school lunches is changing. The letter included information on registering for on-line payment. This new system will commence on Monday 13th June 2016. Please can you ensure that any tickets you have are used this week; any unused tickets can be sent into school and credited to your account. All drinks at lunchtime will now be 20p and these must be paid for in cash.

Leaver’s Assembly Early Lunch

There will be an early lunch, 12-1pm on Friday 1st July in order for us to get set up for the Leaver’s Assembly. P7 parents will get further details regarding the assembly.

School Uniform

Rothienorman School Uniform can now be ordered from the Tesco website in addition to being available for purchase from DFS in Inverurie.

Kind Regards

Ms. Julie Symington,

Head Teacher.


Saturday 4th June 2016 Taste of Grampian

Monday 6th June 2016 Holiday (occasional day)

Tuesday 7th – Thursday 9th June 2016 P7s at Meldrum Academy

Tuesday 7th June 2016 2-3pm, P1 visit

Thursday 9th June Step Up Afternoon including P1 visit

Various Dates P1 short visits

Monday 13th June, 6pm, Meeting to discuss Dalguise Residential Trip

Wednesday 15th June 2016 Sports Day (first choice), early lunch 12-1pm

Thursday 16th June, 9.15am Nursery Welcome Meeting

Wednesday 22nd June 2016 Sports Day (if 15th is cancelled)

Thursday 23rd June 2016 After School Club will be in the school (voting)

Tuesday 28th June, 10.30am – 2pm Nursery Sports Day and Picnic at Windyhills,

Friday 1st July 2016 Leaver’s Assembly, early lunch 12-1pm

Friday 1st July 2016 School closes

Tuesday 16th August 2016 School starts

Sports day on Wednesday 15th June 2016, 1.30pm

I am \ am not able to help out with Sports Day on Wednesday 15th June 2016, 1.30pm. Ideally it would be helpful if you are able to come to school at 1.15pm to hear how you can help.

Signed: …………………………………………….. Name:……………………………………………………. Date:………………….


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