Things to Know About Humans

Things to Know About Elves

A free society of peers.






Terrain 5

Weather 5

Disasters 5

Government 5

Population & Demographics 6

Capital & Commodities 6

Technology (stone/bronze/iron/steel/mithral) 6

Magic (none/superstition/natural/synthesized/low-lv/ common items/mid-lv/unique items/hi-lv/artifact) 7

Offensive Tactics 7

Defenses (none/militia/warrior/fort/castle) 7

Taxes, Tariffs & Tithes 8

Cycle of activity (day, night, anytime) 9

Food 9

Social order (distribution of wealth, castes, responsibilities, hunting male vs gathering female) 9

Marriage and Family 10

Civilization (barbaric, tribal, nomadic,...) 10

Law (anarchy/.../martial) & Crime rate (% chance of being victim) 10

Alignment (lawful/neutral/chaotic, good/neutral/evil) 10

Neighbors 10

Non-Weapon Proficiencies 10

Appendix A: 12

MMI, FF, MMII or issue as appropriate with stats and info 12

Optional statistics for leaders or special characters 12

Racial Attributes 12

Height, weight, age 13

Appendix B: 14









Appendix C: Supplementary information, if any, which may be used to assist in understanding the race as presented. 30

PH description 30


“Point of View” 32


Priest’s of the Seldarine 38

Aerdrie Faenya 38

Corellon Larethian 39

Deep Sashelas 40

Erevan Ilesere 42

Hanali Celanil 43

Labelas Enoreth 44

Lolth 45

Rillifane Rallathil 46

Solonor Thelandira 47

Rillifane Rallathil 48


Elves are of various sorts, including a marine race, all of which are detailed here. These creatures are naturally gifted in the arts of magic, woodcraft, swordplay, and archery. It is unusual for an elf not to have a broad range of skills and ability, they are often Jacks-of-all-Trades and masters of many. They have only a loose social structure based on independent bands, which owe allegiance to an overlord (duke, prince, king, or queen).

For every 20 elves in a band there will be one with above average fighting ability (2nd or 3rd level).

For every 40 elves encountered there will be one with this fighting ability plus 1st or 2nd level magic user ability.

If 100 or more elves are encountered there will be the following additional figures: a 5th (6th, 7th, or 8th) level fighter1/8th level magic user, two 5th (or 6th)1 level fighter/5th level magic user, and a 4th level fighter/4th level magic user/4th level cleric.

If over 160 elves are encountered their leaders will be a 5th to 8th level fighter1/9th level magic user, and a 5th or 6th level fighter1/6th level magic user/6th level cleric; and these leaders will have two special retainers each – 4th to 6th level fighter1/5th level magic user, 3rd level figher/3rd level magic user/3rd level cleric. These are also in addition to the group indicated.

If encountered in their lair there will also be these extra figures: a 4th to 7th level fighter1/7th level magic user, a 4th level fighter for every 40 elves in the group, a 5th level fighter, a 6th level fighter, and females and young equal to 100% and 5% respectively.

Elves of all sorts seek to make their home secure by locating it in secluded copse, wood, or forest. They typically (65%) have from 2-12 giant eagles as guards for their lair.

Elves normally arm themselves as listed below, they generally wear a light

but surprisingly strong armor called "Elven Chain" (AC 5, movement 12")

Spear or Quarter staff 20%

Composite Bow 15%

Spear or Quarter staff and composite Bow 50%

Other1 15%

1 Other common weapon selections are bows (simple), cudgels, daggers, darts, javelins, and sling.

Although elves do not favor horses, certain bands of elves will have female fighters who will be mounted on unicorns, although this is rare (5%) and only from 10-30 of such warrior elf maids are typically encountered.

When in natural surroundings such as a wood or meadow, elves can move silently (surprise on a 1-4 on a D6) and blend into the vegetation so as to be practically invisible (i.e., NWP Hide in Shadows++) requiring the divination scrying magic or equivalent to locate them) as long as they are not attacking. Note the bonus elves gain with bow or sword. Elves are also very quick and agile, so they can move, fire their bows, and move back all in the same round.

Elves are able to speak the tongue of goblins, orcs, hobgoblins, and gnolls, in addition to common, elvish, halflingish, and gnomish.

Description: Elves are slim of build and have pale skin. Their hair is light, and their eyes are green. Their garb is typically pastel and of blue or green or violet (but often covered by a greenish gray cloak). The life span of these creatures is marked by centuries.

Abilities: Detect Hidden, Extended Senses (provides sensory input sufficient for optimal operations, at 60’ range, including detect invisibility); Hide in Shadows(woodlands only)++

Immunities: 90% immunity to Charms

1 The level limit, if any, imposed on the elven race NOT experience is the limiting factor of this dual classed fighter’s ability. 1st edition PHB limitations stated that elven fighters with less than 17 strength are limited to 5th level; those with 17 strength are limited to 6th level; those with an 18 strength are limited to 7th level. Note if single not dual classed those the individual may advance two additional levels beyond this stated maximum.

Corrections made related to the level of dual classed individuals. Original statistics are not achievable using 1st edition PHB experience guidelines.


Also called sea elves, they are found almost exclusively among heavy weed beds in quiet sheltered salty waters, they are great friends of the dolphins. They fashion caverns in lagoon bottoms and reefs where they live and work. They trade with land elves – metal goods (they are unable to forge underwater) for rare items found in the sea. For every 20 sea elves, there is a 50% chance that they are accompanied by 1-3 friendly dolphins.

Aquatic elves use spears and tridents as weapons, usually in combination with nets. They do not use magic. They speak only elvish.

They are humanoid in appearance, with gill slits on the throat and greenish-silver skin and green or blue-green hair. Seaweed affords little or no hindrance to their movement. They are invisible in weeds or on reefs. They are mortal enemies of sharks and sahuagin, and will attack either if the elves outnumber them. They are friends to dolphins and land elves, and neutral to all others, except for fishermen, whom they dislike due to the number of sea elves snared in nets and killed mistakenly as sahuagin by these ignorant humans.


These noble elves are the rarest and most powerful of their kind. They are more intelligent than other sorts (+1 on dice roll for intelligence), and those few with supra-genius abilities can become wizards. They are very reclusive, live in isolated meadowlands, and never associate with any other humanoids, other than elves, for long – or with frequency. They usually are armored with chain mail and shield. And all carry swords. Grey elves often (50%) have hippogriffs as steeds (70%) or actually use griffons (3-12) as guards/mounts (30%). They speak the same languages as do high elves. Grey elves have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. The latter sorts are generally called faeries. They favor white, yellow, silver, or gold garments. Their cloaks are often deep blue or purple. They live beyond the age of 1,500 years.


Sometimes called sylvan elves, these creatures are very reclusive and generally (75%) avoid all contact. Wood elves are more neutral than are other elves. They are unusually strong for elves (add +1 to all die rolls, treating 19 as 18), but they are not quite as intelligent (treat 18 intelligence as 17). They usually wear studded leather or ring mail (armor class 6) and fully 50% of any band is equipped with bows. Only 20% carry swords, 40% of wood elves use spears. The lair of a band of wood elves is usually (70%) guarded by 2-8 giant owls (80%) or by 1-6 giant lynx (20%). They live in primeval forests and distant woodlands. Wood elves speak only elvish and the languages of certain woods animals and treants. Their complexions are fair, their hair is yellow to coppery red and their eyes are light brown, light green or hazel. They wear russets, reds, brown, and tans. Their cloaks are usually green or greenish brown. Wood elves have a life span of centuries.

Audit Trail: Monster Manual I; Cleaned up class information; Changed ‘need to see invisible objects’ to detect them, need Divination Scrying magic to detect them; Infravision and ability to detect secret doors changed to Detect Hidden and Extended Senses; Changed hair color from dark to light; removed reference to alignment tongue; made changes in weapon selection particularly with composite bows, spears, and quarter staves replacing simple bow, short sword and long sword as innate weapons of elves.


As is generally common understanding, elves typically dwell in forests. Forests are a once their homes, pantries, gardens, recreation spots, and defense. In short, for the elves, a forest is source of all their material needs.


Elves prefer a cool, dry climate generally in the temperate to sub-arctic zones.


While hardly immune to the forces of nature, elves are so naturally attuned to it that they suffer little from natural disasters. Elves demonstrate a gift akin to animals for sensing the coming of significant natural phenomenal. With this 6th sense they usually have sufficient warning to seek shelter in times of crisis. Further, any disaster that would possibly cause a serious threat to an elven population is normally adjusted by magic, either locally to protect the group or globally to correct the problem, depending on the power of available elven sorcerers.


Elves have virtually no concept of government. There are no politicians, civil servants, or even acknowledged leaders in their society.

With a deeply rooted belief in the value of individual freedom rightfully associated with those of strong Chaotic Good bent, they accept no duty or obligation to be impressed upon them. However, they fully live up to any agreement that they themselves voluntarily accept. It is common for elves to willingly seek to undertake efforts commensurate with their abilities that protect and benefit their society, though this behavior is neither expected of them nor is it frowned upon if withheld.

An elven society has no authority figures in it and is a society of peers. Status or prestige for the elves is no more than laurels or temporary honors from respectful peers. Even very young elves that have not reached the age of sub-adult are considered as full peers, brothers and sisters if you will, to all other elves. Even their deities are considered to be in this peerage, though obviously Correllian Larethian is thought of as a well respected and honored elder sibling.

Population & Demographics

Although elves have similar populations to other civilized races they usually have a relatively low population density. Elves do not build cities. In fact it would be unusual for them to build permanent structures of any sort.

Males and females are found in equal number. Young typically represent 5% of the female population.

Elves have no gender specialization in their culture. There are no class distinction between young or the old, males or females and no polarity of wealth.

Capital & Commodities

Hard currency is not in use by the elves. Each elf is capable of being entirely self sufficient, learning all the skills they require over the course of their protracted childhood.

They do barter for information or desirable magic. But this is more not seen as a commercial activity and is more akin to a free exchange of equally valuable gifts between friends.

Elves produce beautiful and well-crafted items, often imbued with natural or synthesized magic, which they use on a daily basis. Magic itself is a basic building block of most elven work.

Technology (stone/bronze/iron/steel/mithral)

Technology has never been an interest or pursuit of the elves. As they spend virtually all their long lives in the outdoors, most metals or devices rust or wear out far too soon for them unless magically enchanted.

They have a masterful use of Stone Age technology and their tools and weapons of flint, bone, or antler normally surpass the quality and durability produced by those races that prefer metal tools. Of course, weaving natural and synthetic magic into these items aids considerably into increasing and extending their worth.

Pottery and carvings of wood, bone, or ivory are made as master works of art, but used functionally in ordinary life, having no exceptional value to the elves.

Most if not all elven metal goods, including their wonderful long and short swords, are created or worked by means of magic into usable form. Elves do not mine so they work metal, even through magic, only when deposits are excruciatingly readily available.

Elves have developed personal protection items that no other race has duplicated. This special clothing including Elven Chain – not really chain at all but magically enhanced leather armor, Elven Cloak – adds to their natural ability to hide in natural environments and is virtual proof against normal weather and is also well enchanted, and Elven Boots – adds to their natural ability to move silently and again is excellent foot protection.

Magic (none/superstition/natural/synthesized/low-lv/ common items/mid-lv/unique items/hi-lv/artifact)

Magic is a basic part of Elven life. Even the youngest and least experienced elves have a natural affinity for magic and recognize and understand it. Natural magic permeates virtually every aspect of elven technology and synthesized magic is as common as metal tools in dwarven culture. Low level casting of magic (spells levels 1-3) is quite common and magic is the tool of choice for any elf that masters it. Magic, regardless of its form, has no mystic for elves. They regard it as natural and easily harnessed.

Some exceptional sites created by the elves are so highly magical that mid-level magic and even unique magical item(s) form their core.

Offensive Tactics

Elves prefer the use of Special Forces style units strongly armed with magic, bow, and sword. Elves also are able to field unparalleled units of archers.

Defenses (none/militia/warrior/fort/castle)

With their strong relationship with nature, elven defenses are composed of four ingredients.

First of all, no enemy in an elven wood is ever alone. Of course the elves themselves keep watch over their homes, but this is expected. What most intruders fail to realize is that elves regularly speak with the animals of the forest and birds in particular are able to provide very up to date information on unusual events and intruders. Add this to basic magical scrying and other forms of collecting information at the disposal of the elves and very little that happens in their lands goes unknown.

The forest itself forms their perimeter defenses, walls, moats, and other barriers. A natural barrier for cavalry, aerial units are blocked by natural tree cover, and although well suited to the guerrilla style fighting of which the elves are undisputed masters, orderly formation of an invading armies lines are completely impossible. Add to this the problems with supplying an army miles deep into a heavily wooded forest and it is easy to see the pointlessness for most attempts at invading an elven homeland.

As if nature wasn’t sufficient to secure their borders, elves enhance this protection with ample magic. If a determined invader has penetrated and is successfully dealing with the natural hazards of movement through the wild, the elves multiply this difficulty magically. Normal predators are altered to become monstrous and even more deadly, possibly even coached or ensorcelled by the elves to intelligently harass and kill the enemies of the elves. Weather and terrain change to impede, confuse or attack invaders. Physical traps are used as well, concealed naturally and through magical means, quite often making entire sections of the woods into “mine fields” for humanoid invaders. Elves with their natural awareness of secret and concealed objects are quite able to avoid such lethal encounters at an almost instinctual level allowing them to safely live in the heart of such a mine field or traverse it routinely without the slightest fear of accidentally triggering the devices placed for their protection.

Finally, if all of the above fails to dissuade threats to the elves or their home, individually or collectively they will form an invisible army specializing in hit and run tactics, killing off scouts, foragers, or stragglers with ease. Systematically they will destroy their opponents man by man with guerrilla tactics. Through snipers and ambush they will never cease day or night until the invaders have fled or destroyed.

It has often happened that such invasions have been broken up and destroyed without the elves even showing themselves to the enemy.

Taxes, Tariffs & Tithes

Although no formal tax or tariff is imposed or collected by the elves, elves frequently volunteer service to their land or their fellows. Such service is often in the form of military service as needed. This service provides the protection of an exceptional form of militia that effectively eliminates the need for a standing army of any sort. Which is good since it would be virtually impossible to press an elf into the rigid authority chain of an army. Other services given freely include passing of knowledge or other instructions to other elves of the community.

Elves do pay homage to their deities but this is not worship in the sense that most other races would understand. Elves acknowledge their deities as ancient and gifted elves who have given and taught selflessly since the beginning of time. It is out of respect and admiration rather than devotion or obedience that elves honor their deities.

Cycle of activity (day, night, anytime)

Day or night mean little to elves, and they function just as well in either.

Of all the fourth wave races, elves are the closest to being immortal. Because of this they many associated benefits. They have an immensely efficient body metabolism. This metabolism minimizes their need to eat or sleep. Elves eat and sleep in a month approximately as much as a human (or most other mortals) do in a day. It would therefore be quite normal for an elf to take only a few short catnaps a week in order to have the full rest of 8 hours in a month. Likewise eating a handful of berries one day, a flask of water over a week, a few bites of meat on occasion will provide sufficient sustenance for them indefinitely


As noted above elves require little food. What food they do eat is generally of high quality and exceptionally fresh and natural. Berries, nuts, or fruits picked fresh, a serving of fresh venison, rabbit, fish or fowl, honey, water, and on occasion well-aged wines. Though elves do have the ability to eat a much wider selection of foods they generally do not. It may also be noted that each elf most often personally hunts/gathers and prepares his/her own food personally, even the youngest.

Social order (distribution of wealth, castes, responsibilities, hunting male vs gathering female)

Elves are remarkably self-sufficient individuals. Because of this they have little need or dependence on one another. Each elf is an island to his self. Only a loose connection of personal loyalty and earned respect form the basis of bonds between them.

After mating, males and females may stay together a moment or an eternity depending on their preferences. Females do frequently bear the young by themselves though this is not a particularly taxing chore, females being able to remain fully active until mere days before the actual birth itself.

Baby elves are small at birth but are amazingly well developed. In fact shortly after birth young elves may leave their mother and spend years frolicking in the wild, their instincts and well wishing adults protecting them as they grow and learn. Elven children have often been mistaken for nymphs or pixies, as those who are unaware how self-sufficient even baby elves are.

The only form of social distinction among the elves is the respect given to an elf that has voluntarily offered frequent or exceptional service to his people. And this distinction while real and often draws other elves to follow this icon’s lead is often misinterpreted by other races. Elves often willing choose to listen and emulate the actions of another of their species who has earned their respect. But elves have no royalty or noble classes. The titles that other races sometimes give elven heroes, such as prince, lord, king or queen are mere conventions for the other race to understand the more complex relationships among the free willed elves.

Marriage and Family

There are no restrictive bonds of family or blood in Elven culture. Elves base their associations, friendships, and mating efforts on their personal feelings towards another. The bonds that do exist between all elves are best described as a universal brotherhood based on commonalities and similarities of interest and origin.

Civilization (barbaric, tribal, nomadic ...)

Elven society is loosely bonded though groups usually based in or around a specific territory.

Law (anarchy/.../martial) & Crime rate (% chance of being victim)

It could be truly said though that elves have no laws, as no elf would submit to the judgment of another. This makes laws something of a moot point in practice. For another race this might set the scene for evil practices and excess, but elven culture is rooted in the mutual respect of peers, and little true crime is committed. Mischief and what could be called minor infractions are quite common however.

Alignment (lawful/neutral/chaotic, good/neutral/evil)

Elves are strongly Chaotic Good in view. They bow to no one nor do they seek subservience from others. They freely give of themselves if the cause is just and beneficial to other deserving creatures or the land itself, but they would resist with their last breath any attempt to command their service, even for the same act.


Elves are perhaps the best neighbors one could ask for. They seek no trouble yet they guard against it. They are unobtrusive and can cohabitate with other species often without the other species even being aware of their existence. As further bonus’s to the proximity of elves, weather often “magically” improves, crops increase in bounty, wild animals are less a threat, and naturally occurring magic sources increase in abundance.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies

Elves are born with a number of basic instinctual skills that is a natural part of an elf’s being. Innate skills involve understanding of magic, woodcraft, outdoor survival, and covert movement and activity.

With the decades between birth and adulthood, elves naturally acquire an abundant number of NWP in their development. These generally include improving NWP derived from instinct, fighter skills, craft skills involving natural (especially) organic material, and social skills.

Additional skills are learned through life as the need or whim strikes them.

Between these factors, even an average elf has a number of NWP at his disposal.

Elves naturally excel (+ or ++) at skills involving archery, swordsmanship, magic, awareness and detection, and outdoor survival skills. Elves have little ability with skills used underground, involving metal technology, horses, or the sea.

(Note that these generalities of typical NWP do not apply to sea elves)

Appendix A:

MMI, FF, MMII or issue as appropriate with stats and info

|Frequency: |Uncommon |

|No. Appearing: |20-200 |

|Armor Class: |5 |

|Move: |12'' |

|Hit Dice: |1+1 |

|% in Lair: |10% |

|Treasure Type: |Individuals N; G, S, T in lair |

|No. of Attacks: |1 |

|Damage/Attack: |By Weapon or 1-10 |

|Special Attacks: |+1 with bow, staff, or spear |

|Special Defenses: |See Below |

|Magic Resistance: |90% resistance to sleep and charm |

|Intelligence: |High and up |

|Alignment: |Chaotic Good |

|Size: |M (5' + Tall) |

|Psionic Ability: |Nil MMI |

Optional statistics for leaders or special characters

|Cleric |Druid |Fighter |Paladin |

|7 |Unlimited |8 |No |

|Ranger |Magic-User |Thief |Assassin |

|8 |11 |Unlimited |11 |

|Listed limitations may be used in place of listed information for 'leaders' or other 'special' individuals |

|typical of this culture if the individuals are determined by the DM to be advanceable. |

|Exceptional or unique figures, equaling ................

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