Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Усний тур

1. My family and me

2. My friend (appearance, character)

3. Home duties. Household chores

4. My hobby and hobbies of my family.

5. Health and care.

6. Cinema. Visiting the cinema.

7. Theatre. Visiting the theatre.

8. London sightseeing.

9. Kyiv sightseeing.

10. School life. After school activities.

11. Why do we study English?

12. My last summer holidays.

13. Sports in my life.

14. Food. Favourite dishes and cooking.

15. Shops and shopping.

16. My native town. Its historical places.

17. Books in our life.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 1

Visiting the Doctor’s Office

If a person suffers from some diseases or feels unwell, he makes an appointment with the doctor. Doctors treat patients. A patient needs the doctor’s medical help if he has a sore throat, a headache, toothache, stomach ache or something else. First of all it is necessary to turn to the physician.

The doctor will examine you carefully: feel your pulse, sound your chest, heart and lungs, test your blood pressure. For you, as a patient it’s very important to follow his directions.

There are a lot of hospitals and clinics in our city. Experienced doctors and nurses work there day and night to help sick people. In many cases they save their lives. Every day surgeons make operations.

I want to tell you about the accident which happened to my grandfather. He is sixty-seven years old. For the last five years he has had problems with the heart. But one day he felt very bad and we immediately called for the ambulance. It arrived very quickly and took my granddad to a hospital. As the heart doctor told us later, granddad had a heart attack. It was very dangerous for his life. He was staying there for one month and the doctors treated him in a professional way. Now my granddad feels well.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. If a person feels well, he makes an appointment with the doctor.

2. Doctors treat everybody.

3. First of all it is necessary to turn to a surgeon.

4. When you see a doctor he examines you carefully.

5. Doctors and nurses work in the hospital days and nights.

6. Surgeons make operations very often, but not every day.

7. It’s very important to follow doctor’s directions.

8. The granddad was fifty-seven years old.

9. He had a heart attack.

10. The granddad was staying in a hospital for two months.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Doctors treat … people.

a) healthy;

b) sick;

c) kind-hearted.

2. First of all it is necessary to turn to the …

a) surgeon;

b) ear doctor;

c) physician.

3. It’s very … to follow the doctor’s directions.

a) important;

b) impossible;

c) impracticable.

4. … doctors work in hospitals.

a) expert;

b) expensive;

c) experienced.

5. There are a lot of hospitals in …

a) Ukraine;

b) the world;

c) our city.

6. In many cases the patients …

a) are treated;

b) die;

c) feels ill for a long time.

7. One day … happened to my grandfather.

a) a situation;

b) an amputation;

c) an accident.

8. The … doctor said that our grandfather had a heart attack.

a) heart;

b) eye;

c) ear.

9. There are a lot of hospitals and … in our city.

a) cafes;

b) clinics;

c) emergencies.

10. Now the granddad …

a) feels well;

b) is dead;

c) is in the hospital.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 2

The Great Fire of London

London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of narrow, dirty streets. Indeed, the streets were so narrow that it was often possible for a person at a window on one side of the street to shake hands with a neighbour on the other side. There was little light and air. Rubbish lay piled up in dark corners. It is no wonder that epidemics were common.

The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in 1665.

It was a sad time for London. The streets were empty, shops were closed and there were few boats on the Thames. Every house in which there were sick people was shut up, and no one was allowed to go in or out, and the door of the house was marked with a red cross.

The following year the Great Fire took place. It broke out late on a Saturday night in a street not far from London Bridge. The summer had been dry, a hot east wind blew and the fire spread quickly. This is what we read in the diary of John Evelyn, who saw the terrible fire with his own eyes. The Thames was covered with boats full of people. On the other side one could see carts carrying out the saved goods out into the fields and people putting up tents. At night the fire could be seen ten miles away.

The fire burned for five days and destroyed the greater part of the city. But it did the city good, as it cleared away the old wooden houses and dirty, narrow streets.

A monument near London Bridge still marks the spot where the fire broke out. Sir Christopher Wren, the famous architect of that day, took part in rebuilding the city.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of wide, dirty streets.

2. There was little light and air.

3. Epidemics were common.

4. The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in 1655.

5. The streets were empty and the shops were closed.

6. The Great Fire broke out late on a Sunday night in a street not far from London Bridge.

7. The summer was dry.

8. John Evelyn described the terrible fire in his diary.

9. At night the fire could be seen ten miles away.

10. The fire burned for four days and destroyed the greater part of the city.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. London of the middle of … was a city of narrow, dirty streets.

a) the 16th century

b) the 17th century

c) the 18th century

2. The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in …

a) 1655

b) 1665

c) 1765

3. The door of the house was marked with …

a) a black cross

b) a black spot

c) a red cross

4. … the Great Fire took place.

a) The following year

b) Two years later

c) Three years later

5. The Great Fire broke out late on a … night in a street not far from London Bridge.

a) Sunday

b) Saturday

c) Thursday

6. On the other side one could see … carrying out the saved goods out into the fields.

a) people

b) horses

c) carts

7. At night the fire could be seen … miles away.

a) five

b) ten

c) twenty

8. The fire burned for … days and destroyed the greater part of the city.

a) five

b) four

c) three

9. The fire cleared away the … houses and dirty, narrow streets.

a) old brick

b) new wooden

c) old wooden

10. Sir Christopher Wren, the … of that day, took part in rebuilding the city.

a) famous architect

b) old architect

c) famous builder

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада

з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 3

He Was Only Wrong by Two!

John was a football trainer at the English college. He always tried to find good football players for his team. John trained his players very well.

They were good in running, jumping, swimming, rowing and playing different games. They often took part in races and always won. All John’s players were tall strong sportsmen and just nice people. The college team was the best. Regular training, keeping to a diet and a lot of exercises were very important for the sportsmen. They always took the trainer’s advice and showed good results in all competitions and matches. They almost never lost a game or ended matches in a draw. They practically always won.

The only trouble with some of his football players was their bad knowledge of many school subjects. The sportsmen were often poor at Math, English and it was not always easy for them to study.

One day the trainer brought a young football player to the Professor of the college. The Professor had to ask the young player a few questions. The Professor chose very easy questions but the boy couldn’t answer them. At last the Professor asked,”Well, what are five times five?”

The student thought for a long time and then answered “Twenty six.” The Professor looked at the trainer. “It’s impossible!” he said. “I don’t want to punish your team. I understand he can play football very well but he doesn’t know mathematics at all. He can’t be a student.”

But the trainer said seriously, “Oh, please, sir! Let him became a student. He was only wrong by two”.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. John was a football player at an English college.

2. He always tried to find good football players for his team.

3. They rarely took part in races and never won.

4. Regular training and studying were very important for the sportsmen.

5. They almost never lost a game or ended matches in a draw.

6. Some of the football players had bad knowledge of many school subjects.

7. The sportsmen were often poor at Maths, German and it was not always easy for them to study.

8. One day the trainer brought a young football player to the Professor of college.

9. The boy could answer all the Professor’s questions.

10. The boy could play football very well but he didn’t know mathematics at all.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The John was a football trainer at…

a) an English school;

b) an English college;

c) an English university

2. John trained his players…

a) very well;

b) very persistently;

c) very seriously.

3. His football players were good in …

a) studying;

b) running;

c) languages.

4. They almost never…

a) kept to a diet;

b) showed good results;

c) lost a game.

5. They practically always…

a) showed bad knowledge of school subjects;

b) ended matches in a draw

c) won games

6. All John’s players were…

a) tall and strong sportsmen;

b) good students;

c) handsome and easy- going people.

7. For sportsmen is very important…

a) regular training;

b) knowing of school subjects;

c) being tall and nice people.

8. … helped the team to be the best.

a) keeping to a diet;

b) following the trainer’s advice;

c) taking part in races.

9. The trainer brought a young footballer to the Professor because…

a) he wanted the boy to be taken to the college;

b) he wanted the boy to study maths;

c) he wanted the boy to play football well.

10. The boy’s answer was…

a) 25;

b) 26;

c) 27.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 4

A Good Finder

One day two friends went for a walk. One of them had a dog.

“See here, John”, one of the men said. “I am going to put this coin here in the ground. I know my dog will find it”.

He put the coin in the ground on the road. Then the two friends went on.

In half an hour the man took out the coins he had in his pocket and said to his dog, “I lost a coin, Rex. Go and look for it, quick!”

The dog ran back along the road and the two friends went on.

At that time a traveller drove along the road. His horse knocked the coin from the ground and the traveller picked it up. The dog scented out the coin in the pocket of the traveller's trousers and ran after him. Soon they came to an inn.

The traveller thought, "Poor dog. It lost its master". As he liked the dog very much he took it to his room and gve it a good supper.

Then the traveller took off his clothes. He put on his pyjamas and his night cap and was ready to go to bed.

The dog stood at the door. The man thought, "The dog wants to go out", and he opened the door. The dog snatched the man's trousers and ran out of the room. The man ran after it with his night cap on.

The dog ran to its master's house. The man ran after it. He was very angry.

"Sir", said the dog's master, "my dog is very clever and if he ran away with your trousers, it is because you have in them money which is not yours".

The traveller became still more angry.

"I'm sorry", said the other, "but I know there is in your trousers' pocket a coin which you picked up on the road. It's my coin. That's why my dog brought me your trousers".

The traveller was amused. He laughed together with the dog's master. Then he took out the coin and gave it to him.

He took his trousers and went to his inn.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Two friends had dogs.

2. One of the men said that his dog would find the coin.

3. In a quarter the man said to his dog that he had lost a coin.

4. The traveller picked a coin up.

5. The dog scented out the coin in the traveller's bag.

6. The man snatched the man's pyjamas and ran out of the room.

7. The dog ran to its master's house.

8. In trouser's there was the traveller's money.

9. The traveller was shocked.

10. He laughed together with the dog's master.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. One day two friends...

a) went to see their relatives;

b) decided to have a picnic;

c) went for a walk.

2. In half an hour the man took out the coin he had in his pocket and...

a) said to his friend, "I lost a coin, and I don't know where";

b) said to his dog, "I lost a coin, Rex. Go and look for it";

c) said to himself, "I lost a coin, I want to find it".

3. The dog ran back...

a) the inn;

b) the house;

c) along the road.

4. The dog scented out the coin in the traveller's pocket and...

a) tried to bite the traveller;

b) ran along the road;

c) ran after it.

5. The traveller thought...

a) "Poor dog. It lost its master";

b) "Poor dog. I'll take it with me!";

c) "Poor dog. I'll give him supper!"

6. The traveller was ready...

a) to walk the dog;

b) to go to bed;

c) to feed the dog.

7. The man thought …

a) "The dog wants to go out";

b) "The dog misses his master";

c) "The dog wants to eat".

8. The dog snatched the man's trousers and...

a) brought them in the corner of the room;

b) ran out of the room;

c) the man's night cap.

9. The dog's master said...

a) "He ran away with your trousers and your money";

b) "He ran away with my trousers and your money";

c) "He ran away with your pyjamas".

10. The traveller was amused, he...

a) laughed together with the dog's master, but didn't return the coin;

b) laughed together with the dog's master and thanked him;

c) laughed together with the dog's master and returned him the coin.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 5

What is Shakespeare?

The businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of the men didn't have much education. His occupation had always been doing business and he hardly ever had time to work with books getting knowledge of different subjects. The man knew that many famous and respectable people would come and he worried a lot as he didn't want to show that he knew very little and he didn't want to make a fool of himself. But his friend said, "Don't worry! Just do what other people do, and don't talk about paintings or sculptures or other things you don't really understand."

As the professor lived at a small village rather far from the centre of the town where the friends' office was, it took them an hour and a half to get there. The professor's house was very nice with all modern conveniences: gas, electricity, central heating, hot and cold running water. A beautiful hall separated the sitting-room from the place where the guests were talking to each other.

They discussed different problems. The friends could hear talks about spaceships and exploration of other planets. Some old ladies were discussing the gardens full of chrysanthemums and honeysuckle in blossom while some men were telling each other the latest sport news. Everything was OK.

The friends stopped here and there, saying a bit and listening a lot. The party continued. Everybody ate a lot of tasty things: fried pork, vegetables, beefsteaks, potatoes and fish. The drinks were excellent too. At the end of the evening the friends were not worried any longer. They understood that nothing could do them any harm, as the party consisted of very nice men and women, who laughed a lot, sang and danced and had a good time.

Suddenly some guests asked the first businessman if he liked Shakespeare. He thought a bit and said, "It's a very nice game, but I prefer rugby". All the guests looked at him (he was speaking very loudly). Soon people began to leave.

When the two friends were out of the house, the second man said to his friend: "You certainly made a fool of yourself making that silly remark, that Shakespeare was a game".

"What do you mean?" asked the first businessman. "What was wrong with it?"

"Everybody knows that Shakespeare isn't a sports game", his friend said. "It is something we eat. I think it's a kind of cheese".

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A group of students were invited to the diner at the home of a college professor.

2. The man knew that many ordinary people would come.

3. A friend gave a piece of advice not to speak about the things you had never heard of before.

4. The professor lived near the centre of the town.

5. The guests discussed lots of interesting things.

6. At the end of the evening party the friends were not worried any longer.

7. They understood that something could do them some harm.

8. One of the businessmen was asked if he liked to read.

9. The first businessman said that he prefered rugby.

10. Everybody knows that Shakespeare is something we eat.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The men didn't want to...

a) speak with guests;

b) make fools of themselves;

c) show they knew very much.

2. It took them ... to get there.

a) two hours;

b) a quarter;

c) and hour and a half.

3. The friends could hear talks about...

a) literatute, computers;

b) spaceship, exploration of other planets;

c) music, theatre.

4. Some ladies were discussing...

a) fashion;

b) their gardens;

c) their husbands.

5. Everybody ate a lot of tasty things: ...

a) fruit and vegetables;

b) cakes and sweets;

c) potatoes and fish.

6. The understood that nothing could do them any harm, as the party consisted of...

a) very nice men and women;

b) very boring people;

c) very calm people.

7. Suddenly some guest asked the first businessman if he liked..

a) Shakespeare's dramas;

b) Shakespeare's poems;

c) Shakespeare.

8. He thought a bit and said...

a) "It is a very nice game, but I prefer rugby".

b) "It is a very tasty cheese".

c) "It is a very interesting poet".

9. People began...

a) to discuss;

b) to leave;

c) to ask the questions.

10. When the two friends were out of the house, the second man said...

a) that the people were stupid;

b) that the answer was quite right;

c) that his friend made a fool of himself.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 6

The English Colonies

The English started colonies in America soon after Spaniards. However, it took time for the English to succeed. The land and climate along the northeastern coast of North Africa caused many problems at first.

Queen Elisabeth Looks to North America

In 1558 a young woman came to the throne of England. She was Queen Elisabeth I. The new queen had great hopes for her country. She had watched Spain grow wealthy from the gold, silver and other riches from America. Now she wanted her country to gain profits from America too.

Queen Elisabeth secretly encouraged English pirates, called "sea-dogs" to attack the treasure fleets. After the "sea-dogs" captured a ship, they carried booty back to England.

Drake Sails around the World

Queen Elisabeth was a great admirer of the sailor Francis Drake. Therefore she gladly backed his plan to sail to the west coast of South America and rob one of Spain's greatest treasure ships. Drake succeeded. However, to escape the Spaniards he had to sail back to England by way of the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Cape of Good Hope. The voyage made him the first Englishman to sail around the world.

When Drake arrived back in England, Queen Elisabeth came aboard his ship, the Golden Hind. There she showed her thanks by making him a knight - Sir Francis Drake.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. England started colonies in America and Asia in1558.

2. The climate along the northeastern coast of America caused many problems.

3. In 1558 a young woman came to the throne of England.

4. Queen Elisabeth I had great hopes for her country as she wanted her country to gain profits from Spain.

5. She encouraged "sea-dogs".

6. Queen Elisabeth gladly backed his plan to sail to the east coast of South America.

7. Drake succeeded.

8. The voyage made him the first Englishman to sail around the world.

9. Drake arrived back in Spain.

10. Drake wanted to settle on the new continent.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. It took the English much time to succeed in...

a) capture new territories because of the resistance of natives;

b) the building forts in North America;

c) starting colonies because of the climate along the coast of North America.

2. England started colonies...

a) in Asia in 1558;

b) after Spaniards;

c) in America and Asia in 1558.

3. Queen had watched Spain grow wealthy from...

a) England;

b) Asia:

c) America.

4. She wanted her country to gain profits...

a) from Africa;

b) from America;

c) from colonies.

5. She secretly encouraged English pirates...

a) to save English trade fleets;

b) to discover new territories to start colonies;

c) to attack treasure fleets.

6. She was a great admirer of...

a) the explorer Francis Drake;

b) the sailor Francis Drake;

c) the soldier Francis Drake.

7. She gladly backed Francis Drake's plan to sail...

a) to the South Africa;

b) to investigate new sea-routes;

c) to rob one of the Spain's treasure ships.

8. To escape the Spaniards he had to...

a) sail back to America by the way of the Atlantic Ocean;

b) sail back to England by the way of the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean;

c) sail back to England by the way of the Arctic Ocean.

9. The voyage made him ... to sail around the world.

a) the first Englishman;

b) a famous person;

c) a knight.

10. When Drake arrived back in England...

a) Queen Elisabeth I made him a knight - Sir Francis Drake;

b) Queen Elisabeth I paid him huge money;

c) Queen Elisabeth I awarded him with a golden medal.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 7


Heidi was climbing up a steep path to her grandfather’s cottage. He lived in the mountains of Switzerland and had goats. Her Aunt Jane was with her. Heidi had been looked after by Aunt Jane since she was a baby. But now Aunt Jane had a new job in a big city called Frankfurt. She wanted Heidi’s grandfather to look after the child.

Heidi didn’t know it, but her grandfather was an old man who only came down from the mountain to sell cheese. Everyone called him Alm-Uncle, because he lived on the Alm mountain. At last they reached his cottage. The Alm-Uncle was sitting outside on a bench. He hadn’t seen Heidi for years, and what did he know about little girls? But Heidi was a bright, cheerful child and his heart softened.

The cottage was small but cosy. The only furniture was a table and a chair, and Grandfather’s bed. In a corner stood a ladder. Then it was time to eat. Supper was a large chunk of cheese, a thick slice of bread and a cup of fresh goat’s milk. Everything tasted delicious.

That night Heidi lay in her soft bed listening happily to the wind. Soon she was fast asleep, dreaming of goats and mountains.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1) Heidi went to her grandfather.

2) Her Aunt Betty was with her.

3) Heidi had been looked after by Aunt Jane since she was a baby.

4) Aunt Jane had a new job in a big city.

5) Aunt Jane wanted Heidi’s grandfather to look after the child.

6) Heidi’s grandfather was a young man.

7) He hasn’t seen Heidi for a year.

8) There were a lot of furniture in the cottage.

9) In a corner stood a ladder.

10) Heidi was happy to stay in the soft bed.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) This is a story about a little girl called ..

a) Heidi;

b) Pam;

c) Juliet.

2) She ….. a steep path to her grandfather’s cottage.

a) is climbing up

b) was climbing up;

c) have been climbing up.

3) He lived in the…..

a) city;

b) mountains of Switzerland;

c) in Australia.

4) ….. Aunt Jane was with her.

a) her;

b) his;

c) their.

5) Her grandfather’s name was….

a) Tom;

b) Sam;

c) Alm-Uncle.

6) He was an old man who only came down from the…….

a) ship;

b) mountain;

c) ladder.

7) Heidi was a ….. child .

a) bright;

b) sad;

c) happy.

8) The cottage was…..

a) small;

b) comfortable;

c) small but cosy.

9) Heidi ate a….

a) chunk of cheese;

b) piece of cake;

c) slice of toast.

10) Heidi lay in her soft bed ….. happily to the wind.

a) listening;

b) to listen

c) was listening.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 8


I am going to visit London during my summer holidays. It’s my dream to visit the British capital because I want to see many of the world famous places. I also want to improve my English in the language school.

I am planning to go on a tour round London when I arrive in the city. I’ve read that there are double-decker guided tours and I want to go sightseeing. I am eager to see the Tower of London.

I ‘ve read that this historic monument was built in the 11- th century. It was a fortress, a state prison, a royal treasury. Now it is a museum. I’d like to see the Ceremony of the Keys that takes every night, the guards of the Tower and, of course, the legendary black ravens that live in the Tower of London.

I am going to stay with the host family so I am taking some souvenirs from Ukraine. Among them the postcards of my native town and some embroidered Ukrainian towels.

I am planning to stay in London for two weeks. I hope my trip will be a success.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1) I am going to visit London during my summer holidays.

2) It’s my dream to visit Paris.

3) I wan t to see many of the world famous places.

4) I also want to improve my English in the college.

5) I am planning to go on a tour round London when I arrive in the city.

6) I am eager to see the Tower of London.

7) This historic monument was built in the 11- th century.

8) Now it is a hospital.

9) The legendary black pigeons live in the Tower of London.

10) I am planning to stay in London for a month.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) The author is going to visit…..

a) Kyiv;

b) Moscow;

c) London’

2) He wanted …..famous places.

a) to see;

b) was seen;

c) has been reading

3) It’s a good idea to improve English at……

a) concert;

b) college;

c) school.

4) When he arrives in the city he is planning…..

a) to go for a walk;

b) to go on a tour;

c) to go shopping.

5) There are many……

a) double-deckers;

b) trams;

c) cars.

6) The Tower of London was built in the…

a) 5-th century;

b) 10-th century;

c) 11-th century.

7) It ……a museum now.

a) has been;

b) was;

c) is.

8) The author wanted to see….

a) the Great Lake;

b) the Ceremony of the Keys;

c) the Buckingham Palace.

9) He ……some souvenirs from Ukraine.

a) has been taking;

b) is taken;

c) is taking.

10) The trip will be…

a) a success;

b) boring;

c) exciting.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 9

The Stronger Man

Many, many years ago there was a man in England who was very strong. Everyone knew him. He often said, “If I ever meet anyone who is stronger than I am, I’m going to give him all the money in my purse.”

One day as he was riding somewhere, his horse lost a shoe.

When the man came to the nearest town, he asked for someone who could shoe his horse.

The smith in that town was very strong, too. The man told the smith to bring him some of the best horseshoes he had.

When the smith brought him some horseshoes, the strong man looked at them, took one of them and said,”This is a bad shoe. It’s no good for my horse. Haven’t you got anything better? Look!” and he took it in his strong hands and broke it easily. The smith looked at him, but said nothing. Then he brought another horseshoe. The man took it and broke it as easily as the first one. The smith brought him a third one. The strong man broke it too and then said, “I see that you haven’t got any good horseshoes. Don’t you see that I need something really good for my horse? Bring me one more and I will go”. The smith brought a fourth shoe and the strong man gave him some coins.

The smith looked at the coins, took one and said, “This is a bad coin. Haven’t you got anything better? Look!” He took the coin between his fingers and broke it into two. It was now the strong man’s turn to be surprised. He didn’t say anything, but gave the smith another coin. The smith broke it, too. The man gave him a third coin. The smith broke it like the first two and said,” I see that you haven’t got any good coins. Don’t you see that I need some really good ones? So give me one more and we’ll be quits”.

The strong man looked at him and said, “I’ve promised to give my purse to anyone I meet, who is stronger than I am. Here it is. Take it! It’s yours now.”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Many years ago there lived a very strong man.

2. One day the man was riding a bus.

3. When he came to the nearest town he asked for someone to shoe his horse.

4. The smith in the town was not very strong.

5. The man asked the smith to bring him some nice horseshoes.

6. The man took all the horseshoes and broke them.

7. The smith took the coin between his toes and broke it.

8. The strong man was very surprised.

9. The man gave the smith his purse.

10. Now the two men were quits.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. As the strong man was riding somewhere one day,

A ) he lost his shoe.

B ) he lost his shoes.

C ) his horse lost a shoe.

D ) his horse lost his shoes.

2. When the strong man looked at the horseshoes the smith brought him,

A ) he took one of them and threw it away.

B )he took one of them and asked the smith to shoe his horse.

C ) he took one of them and broke it.

D ) he took one of them and gave it back to the smith.

3. When the strong man broke the shoe,

A ) the smith got angry.

B ) the smith began to laugh.

C ) the smith said nothing.

D ) the smith started fighting with the man.

4. The strong man broke

A ) all the shoes the smith brought.

B ) two shoes.

C ) three shoes.

D ) four shoes.

5. When the man gave the smith a coin,

A ) the smith was glad to get it.

B ) the smith asked for another one.

C ) the smith threw it away.

D ) the smith was upset.

6. The smith

A ) didn’t break any coins.

B ) broke more coins then the man had broken horseshoes.

C ) broke fewer coins than the man had broken horseshoes.

D )broke as many coins as the man had broken horseshoes.

7. When the man saw that the smith had broken his coin,

A ) he was angry.

B ) he was surprised.

C ) he was glad.

D ) he was happy.

8. How much money did the man promise to give?

A ) a lot of money.

B ) all the money.

C ) no money.

D ) a little money.

9. The man lived in

A ) France.

B ) Italy.

C ) Greece.

D ) England.

10. Where did the man keep his money?

A ) in a pocket.

B ) in a purse.

C ) in a bag.

D ) in a bank.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 10

Two days before our cruise started I had already packed my suitcase. I could hardly sleep the night before, but at last the morning came. Just before I left the house, I received the card from my cousin wishing me a good trip. Then I took my suitcase and went, with my mother, to the school where we had to meet the rest of our party.

The coaches which were to take us to the sea port were already waiting at the school. The teachers who were coming with us were checking our names on lists and handing out lables for our luggage.

When we got to our ship, steamship Devona, everyone looked at her with excitement, we couldn’t wait to get on board. After the ship’s officers had checked our passports, we were shown to our cabins. There were 15 bunks (beds) in each of them. The bunks were in threes. I slept in the top one.

We unpacked our things and went on deck to watch the ship sailing away from the port.

The first day on the ship was very interesting. Everyone wanted to explore the ship. It was quite big and had a marvelous swimming pool. Later we were allowed to go on the captain’s bridge.

Every morning we had the lectures or films about the next port we were to call at. Then we wrote down what we had done on the previous day in a diary. There was a prize for the best one at the end of a trip. We also had two lessons in the morning (History and Geography) and in the afternoon we played games or went swimming.

Nearly every night there was dancing. We had to go to bed at 10 and get up at 8.

There were many shore excursions at the four ports which the ship visited.

What I liked about Stockholm were its modern roads. Three days were spent in Petersburgh. Russian children had been invited to come on board the ship and we were impressed by how good their English was. The next port of call was Helsinki. I loved the cobbed streets and the fish market, where they were selling fish straight from the fishing boats. We took hundreds of photographs of different places.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1 The children got a lot of useful information.

2 They liked St.Petersburgh’s roads.

3 Every night there was singing.

4 The children had a lot of trips.

5 The pupils needn’t any documents to get on the ship.

6 Ship’s officers were polite.

7 The best one will be awarded a prize at the end of the trip.

8 The children got up late.

9 The travellers visited only big cities.

10 The pupils met children of different nationalities.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1 What was started two days before the author had packed his suitcase?

a) travelling c) voyage

b) cruise d) trip

2 What did the author receive from his cousin?

a) letter c) article

b) card d) story

3 What did the author take to school?

a) luggage c) bag

b) coat d) suitcase

4 How did the children get to the sea port?

a) by cars c) by coaches

b) by buses d) by trams

5 What were the teachers doing when the children gathered together?

a) checking c) listening

b) writing d) speaking

6 What feelings did the children experience looking at the ship?

a) delightful c) hate

b) excitement d) fear

7 What were the children done after the ship’s officers had checked passports?

a) run to their cabins c) thrown to their cabins

b) gone to their cabins d) shown to their cabins

8 What were in threes?

a) bunks c) tables

b) chairs d) sofas

9 Where did they go to watch the ship sailing away from the port?

a) bunk c) cabin

b) street d) deck

10 Where were the children allowed to go on?

a) bridge c) luggage

b) car d) port

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 11

Honesty Is the Best Policy

A woodman was once working on the bank of a deep river. Suddenly his axe slipped out from his hand and dropped into the water. ”Oh, I’ve lost my axe”, he cried. “What am I to do? The water is deep and I’m afraid to dive into it. What am I to do? Who can help me?”

Mercury heard the poor man’s cries and appeared before him. “What is the matter, poor man?” he asked. “Why are you so sad and unhappy?”

Mercury listened to the man’s story and said,”Perhaps I can help you”. He dived into the river and brought up a golden axe.” Is this yours?” he asked.” No, that is not mine”, was the answer. Mercury dived a second time and this time brought a silver axe. ”Is this yours?” he asked. Again the answer was “No”. So Mercury dived a third time and this time brought up the very axe that the woodman had lost. “That is my axe”, cried the man. “Yes, that is my own good axe”.

Mercury was so pleased with the fellow’s honesty that he at once made a present of the other two axes and disappeared before the fellow could even say “Thank you”.

The woodman went home very pleased with his good luck. He told his friends all about it and one of them decided to try his luck. So he went to the same place, dropped his axe into the river. Again Mercury brought up a golden axe. ”Is this yours?” he asked. “Yes, it is mine”, said the second man. ”It’s not the truth”, said Mercury. “That’s why you’ll neither have this axe nor the one that you so foolishly dropped into the water”.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1 The woodman was as busy as a bee.

2 The woodman was thankful to Mercury for help.

3 The woodman was a very honest man.

4 Mercury was angry with woodman’s friend.

5 The woodman wasn’t upset when he had dropped the axe into the river.

6 A kind woman helped the woodman to get back his axe.

7 Mercury didn’t present the woodman with money.

8 The woodman had an opportunity to tell lies mercury.

9 The woodman was a very courageous man.

10 The main idea of the story is friendship.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1 Where did a poor woodman go once?

|He went to a big city. |He went to the wood. |

|He went to visit his relatives. |He went to a deep lake. |

2 Where did his axe fall into?

|It fell to Earth. |It fell into the grass. |

|It fell into the water. |It fell into the lake. |

3 Who heard the poor man’s cries?

|Mercury. |His friend. |

|His wife. |His son |

4 What did Mercury bring up at first?

|He brought up the woodman’s axe. |He brought up a lot of money. |

|He brought up a golden axe. |He brought up a hummer. |

5 What did Mercury bring for the second time?

a) A golden axe.

b) A silver axe.

c) A broom.

d) Silver coins

6 Why was Mercury pleased?

a) With the woodman’s honesty.

b) With his work.

c) With his cries.

d) With his life.

7 What did Mercury present the woodman with?

a) Money.

b) A new house.

c) New clothes.

d) All axes.

8 Who else decided to try his luck?

a) His greedy wife.

b) One of his friends.

c) His elder son.

d) His neighbour.

9 What did the man answer Mercury?

a) He said it was his axe.

b) He said it was his mother’s axe.

c) He said he wanted much money.

d) He said he wanted two axes.

10 What was Mercury’s decision?

a) Mercury gave him nothing.

b) Mercury gave him only his axe.

c) Mercury gave him a golden axe.

d) Mercury gave him two axes.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 12

What is Halloween?

Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests called Druids. They observed the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Druids thought that Halloween was the night when witches came out. As they were afraid of the witches they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits. They also placed food and small gifts near the doors of their houses for witches. This was, as they say now, the beginning of the expression “trick or treat” (meaning “give me something or I`ll play a trick on you”).

It is considered that Halloween was brought to America by the immigrants from Ireland and Scotland. In the 19th century they celebrated Halloween according to their old traditions, (the integral part of the festival was a lantern made of a pumpkin with holes in the form of eyes, a nose and a mouth, and people believed that during the celebration all pumpkins were leaving their vegetable gardens to dance in the streets). As time went by, grown-up people lost interest to Halloween, and it was celebrated almost entirely by children. Dressed very strangely, children held festivals. During their carnival and after it, groups of children visited nearby houses and asked for candies. “Trick or treat! Trick or treat!” was heard everywhere.

In recent years, grown-up people have begun taking part in Halloween. In New York, for example, young and old take part in parades together. On the 31st of October, long before the time when the carnival procession begins to move, a great number of people get together in one of the streets. They are dressed as witches, demons, and other evil spirits. There are hundreds of large orange “pumpkins” in their hands. After the parade the festival lasts almost till early morning.

This is how the Americans celebrate Halloween.

|witch |відьма |pumpkin |гарбуз |

|lantern |ліхтар |evil spirit |злий дух |

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Halloween was first celebrated as the religious holiday.

2. The Druids organized the celebration of Halloween in Ireland and England.

3. The Druids didn`t like witches for their kindness.

4. The main symbol of Halloween is a carved out pumpkin.

5. The expression “trick or treat” means “give me something or I`ll sing a song to you”.

6. After festivals, groups of children visited nearby houses and asked for pumpkins.

7. Children dressed the costumes of animals and honoured the beginning of winter.

8. Children dressed different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the witches.

9. It`s only possible to hold Halloween festivals with children now.

10. Young and old take part in Halloween at night from the 30th till the 31st of October.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Halloween was first celebrated …

|a) some months ago |b) many years ago |

|c) two centuries ago |d) many centuries ago |

2. It was first celebrated …

|a) at the end of autumn |b) at the end of winter |

|c) in the middle of autumn |d) in the middle of winter |

3. The Druids were afraid of …

|a) kind spirits |b) witches |

|c) birds |d) animals |

4. The Druids placed small gifts …

|a) in front of the windows |b) near the doors of their houses |

|c) in the corners of their rooms |d) in the bookcases |

5. Halloween was brought …

|a) to Ireland from Scotland |b) to Scotland from America |

|c) to America from Ireland |d) to Ireland from America |

6. In the 19th century the Americans …

a) did not celebrate Halloween

b) celebrated Halloween according to new rules

c) did not want to celebrate Halloween

d) celebrated Halloween according to the old traditions

7. The integral part of the festival was …

a) a lantern made of cabbage

b) a cabbage with holes

c) a melon with holes

d) a lantern made of pumpkin

8. People believed that during the celebration …

a) all pumpkins were playing in the streets

b) all pumpkins were dancing in the streets

c) all vegetables were dancing in the streets

d) all vegetables were leaving their vegetable gardens

9. At present grown-up people …

a) celebrate Halloween

b) do not take part in Halloween

c) do not take part in parades

d) do not celebrate Halloween

10. On the 31st of October people …

a) are dressed as good spirits

b) are dressed as fruits

c) are dressed as evil spirits

d) are dressed as animals

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 13

A Dutchman

A Dutchman, who had arrived at a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there, went out sightseeing alone in the evening. It was late and the small street into which he had turned after crossing a well-lighted square seemed dark and lonely. Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him from behind. He turned his head and saw a man who quickly passed by, pushing him slightly with his shoulder. The man was nearly out of sight when the Dutchman, putting his hand into his pocket, found that his watch was gone. He decided to follow the man and force him to return the watch.

The Italian, however, did not understand Dutch and the Dutchman could not say a word of Italian as this was his first visit to Italy. But the Dutchman, showing his first and pointing to the watch-pocket of the Italian, made himself so well understood that the man gave up his watch.

On his return to the hotel the Dutchman told his wife what had happened to him in the street. He was, however, struck with astonishment when his wife, with a laugh, pointed to his own watch which he had left on the dressing-table. He took the other watch from his pocket and at once realized that by mistake he had robbed the Italian who was very probably only enjoying an evening walk.

The next morning Dutchman went to the police to explain the business. He found that the man had already been there and told the police that while having his usual walk in the evening he had been attacked by a foreigner and had been forced to give up his watch.

|to push |штовхати |to force |змушувати |

|was nearly out of sight |був поза зором |was struck with astonishment |був вражений від здивування |

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The Dutchman was going to travel to a small Italian town.

2. He was visiting the sights all day long.

3. His wife stayed at the hotel alone.

4. It was only possible to reach the small street after crossing a square.

5. The street was dark and he couldn`t see a man who quickly passed by.

6. The Italian had robbed his watch.

7. The Dutchman stopped the Italian and told him to give his watch back.

8. The Italian gave up his watch himself.

9. His wife noticed that he had got two watches.

10. The Dutchman apologized for his mistake at the police office.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The Dutchman went out sightseeing …

a) without his wife

b) with his wife

c) with his friend

2. The small street was …

a) well-lighted

b) dark

c) crowded

3. Suddenly he heard footsteps … from behind.

a) drawing nearer

b) going away

c) disappearing

4. A man who passed by … the Dutchman lightly …

a) pushed … with his hand.

b) jogged … with his shoulder.

c) pushed … with his foot.

5. The Dutchman found …

a) that his watch disappeared

b) his watch in the pocket

c) that the man was gone

6. The Dutchman couldn`t …

a) understand Italian

b) speak Dutch

c) make himself understandable to the Italian

7. He forced the Italian …

a) to give his watch to him

b) to show his watch to him

c) to take his watch out of the pocket

8. At the hotel his wife pointed to …

a) his own watch left in the dressing-table

b) his watch left by him on the dressing-table

c) his own watch which he left at the dressing-table

9. He understood that …

a) the Italian had been robbed by him by mistake

b) by mistake the Italian was enjoying an evening walk

c) the Italian robbed him during his evening walk

10. The next morning the Dutchman …

a) found the Italian at the police station

b) found the man there

c) found that the man had already told the police about his unfortunate adventure

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 14

Robin Hood

Robin Hood is a legendary hero of England. He lived in the twelfth century. The legend said Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with his merry men.

Robin Hood and his merry men took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. There are many stories about them. Here is one of them.

One day Robin Hood was walking through the forest with his men when he saw a young man. The young man was wearing a very fine red coat and singing merrily. The next morning Robin Hood saw the same young man without his fine coat. The young man was looking very sad. Robin Hood sent Little John to bring the young man. When the young man came to Robin Hood the latter asked him, “What is your name?” The young man answered that his name was Allan-a-Dale. Then Robin Hood asked: “Have you any money?” Allan-a-Dale answered, “I have only five shillings and a ring that I have kept for seven years. I wanted to marry a nice young girl. Yesterday I went to marry her, but her father is against it. He wants to marry her to a rich old man. Now I am unhappy.” Robin Hood asked the young man:

“What will you give me and my merry men if we help you to get your girl back again?” Allan-a-Dale had neither money nor gold, but he promised to be Robin Hood`s true servant. So Robin Hood decided to help Allan-a-Dale and they all went to the town where the girl lived.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The text mainly tells about ordinary events in history.

2. At the beginning of the story, the main character didn`t have his own home.

3. There must have been an accident with a young man.

4. The action takes place nowadays.

5. The Robin Hood`s men were all workers.

6. The young man was very sorrowful when he saw Robin Hood with his men.

7. Robin Hood wanted to take money from the young man.

8. The young man was going to marry a nice young girl.

9. The young girl was against this marriage.

10. Robin Hood`s company and the young man united their efforts to arrange with the girl`s father.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Robin Hood is a legendary hero of …

a) Australia

b) Great Britain

c) America

2. He lived in …

a) the 12th century

b) the 20th century

c) the 13th century

3. Robin Hood and his men …

a) gave money to the poor having taken it from the rich

b) took money from the poor and gave it to the rich

c) gave their money to the poor

4. Once Robin Hood saw a young man … who was singing …

a) in a red coat; sadly

b) in a very fine red suit; merrily

c) in a very nice coat; gaily

5. The next morning the young man looked …

a) unhappy

b) merry

c) without his fine coat

6. Robin Hood asked the young man …

a) where he was going

b) his name

c) why he was without his fine red coat

7. The young man had … and a ring for his girl.

a) 5 shillings

b) 15 shillings

c) 50 shillings

8. The girl`s father …

a) didn`t want his daughter to marry the young man

b) didn`t want his daughter to marry a rich old man

c) didn`t want his daughter to become rich

9. The young man promised … if he helped him to get his girl back.

a) to be Robin Hood`s good friend

b) to be Robin Hood`s true servant

c) to be Robin Hood`s true adviser

10. They all went to the town where …

a) the girl`s family lived

b) the rich people lived

c) the girl studied

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 14

Tom’s First Royal Dinner

At about one o’clock Tom was dressed for dinner. Then he was taken to a large room, where a table for one person was ready. The room was full of people. All of them knew that the Prince was mad and that they didn’t have to show any surprise if he did anything strange.

Poor Tom ate with fingers, but no one smiled. He looked at his napkin with great interest and then said: “Take it away, please, I’m afraid it will become dirty.” The napkin was taken away without a word of protest.

When he finished his dessert he filled his pockets with nuts but nobody paid any attention to that either. Suddenly his nose began to itch. He looked first at one then at the other of the lords near him. They ran up to him and asked what the matter was. Tom said with the tears in his eyes: “My nose is itching terribly. What shall I do?” Nobody smiled, nobody knew how to help him. Tears began to run down his cheeks; at last he begged pardon of the people standing around him and scratched his nose himself. Nobody smiled but all were sorry for the Prince.

At last our small friend was led to his cabinet and left alone. Then he remembered the nuts. He took them out of his pockets and soon was cracking them and feeling almost happy for the first time since he became a Prince.

When the nuts were eaten up, he found some books in the bookcase, among them one about the etiquette of the English court. He lay down upon the sofa and began to read it.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Tom was dressed for dinner at about two o’clock.

2. The room was full of people.

3. Tom ate with his fingers and everybody smiled.

4. The napkin was taken away.

5. Tom filled the pockets with apples.

6. Tom’s arm began to itch.

7. Tears began to run down his cheeks.

8. At last Tom was led to his cabinet.

9. Tom remembered about the nuts.

10. Tom read the book about animals.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) At about … o’clock Tom was dressed for dinner.

| a) five; | b) two; |

| c) one; | d) ten. |

2) In a large dining room a table for … was ready.

| a) everybody; | b) one person; |

| c) many persons; | d) the royal family. |

3) The room was full of …

| a) pupils; | b) people; |

| c) tables; | d) animals. |

4) Tom ate with …

| a) a knife and a fork; | b) a spoon; |

| c) his fingers; | d) a fork. |

5) When nobody advised him what to do with his itching nose, Tom began to …

a) cry;

b) laugh;

c) run away;

d) sleep.

6) Tom filled his pockets with …

a) forks;

b) stones;

c) nuts;

d) apples.

7) In his cabinet Tom ate … that he had taken from the dining room.

a) oranges;

b) nuts;

c) apples;

d) sweets.

8) … knew how to help him.

a) nobody;

b) everybody;

c) somebody;

d) everything.

9) In his cabinet Tom felt … for the first time he became a Prince.

a) happy;

b) angry;

c) hungry;

d) pleased.

10) At last Tom started to read a book about …

a) adventures;

b) royal history;

c) making toy;

d) good and bad manners.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 15


Eton is one of the oldest and best-known public schools for boys at the town of Eton on the river Thames. Its students are largely from aristocratic and upper-class families. The school was founded in 1440. Boys usually stay at Eton for five years (between the ages of 13 and 18). Eton provides fine teaching facilities in science, language, computing and design. There are two major libraries, College Library and School Library, but also numerous subject libraries.

Sport plays a very important part in the life of Eton. The principle games are rugby, football, cricket and rowing. Athletics, swimming, golf, squash, tennis, fencing, judo and karate are all very popular.

The boys are offered a very wide range of opportunities for spare time activities: art, sculpture, woodwork, metalwork and silver work. Besides almost any musical instrument can be learnt. There are also fifty societies run by the boys themselves.

Many distinguished people of Britain studied at Eton, among them twenty of Britain’s Prime Ministers. There were future writers among the students of Eton from Thomas Gray, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Henry Fielding to Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Eton is one of the oldest and best-known state maintained schools in Great Britain.

2. Eton is situated on the river Thames.

3. The students of Eton are largely from poor and middle-class families.

4. Eton school was founded in the XIX century.

5. Boys usually stay at Eton for five years between the ages of ten and sixteen.

6. Eton provides fine teaching facilities in science, language, computing and design.

7. There is only one college library in this public school.

8. Sport doesn’t play an important role in the life of Eton.

9. Rugby, football, cricket and rowing are the principal games at Eton.

10. The boys are offered a very wide range of opportunities for space-life activities.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) Eton is situated on the river …

| a) Severn; | b) Clyde; |

| c) Thames; | d) Dnieper. |

2) Eton is one of the oldest and best-known schools for …

| a) girls; | b) boys and girls; |

| c) teenagers; | d) boys. |

3) The students of Eton are largely from …

| a) families of black people; | b) aristocratic and upper-class families; |

| c) different countries; | d) London. |

4) The school was founded in …

| a) 1540; | b) 1940; |

| c) 1440; | d) 1740. |

5) Boys usually stay at Eton for …

a) 6 years;

b) 3 years;

c) 5 years;

d) 4 years.

6) The principle games are …

a) basketball, football and rowing;

b) rowing, cricket, ice hockey and football;

c) rugby, football, rowing and cricket;

d) fencing, rugby, football and cricket.

7) The boys are offered a very wide range of opportunities for … activities.

a) spare time;

b) school;

c) weekend;

d) summer.

8) There are … societies run by the boys themselves.

a) twenty-five;

b) thirty;

c) fifty;

d) sixty-five.

9) Many distinguished people of Britain studied in …

a) Eton;

b) Oxford;

c) Edinburgh;

d) Cambridge.

10) Among the students of Eton were …

a) 12 Britain’s Prime Ministers;

b) 20 Britain’s Prime Ministers;

c) 12 American Presidents;

d) none.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 16

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe lived in the city of York. When he was a small boy, he wanted to go to the sea. But he could do it only when he was eighteen. He had a friend whose father was the captain of a ship. The captain took the two boys on his ship when it went to London. That was Robinson’s first voyage. After that Crusoe made three or four voyages over the sea. Now he was a sailor and liked his work very much.

One day when the ship was at the sea, a great storm came on them. The ship broke and the crew moved forward in a small boat. The high waves picked their boat up and threw it on large stones. All the people were drowned. Robinson could swim well, so he stayed in the water for a long time. The waves carried him to the shore. It turned out that he was on an island. It was not large. Robinson went along the shore. He wanted to see somebody from the ship. But there were no people there. It was evening already and Robinson wanted to sleep. He was afraid to sleep in the open place, so he got on a tree and slept there.

When he woke up, it was morning. The storm was over. The sea was low and Robinson saw the ship. One part of it was over the water. It was not very far from the shore. Robinson swam to the ship and got on it. He saw many useful things there. Robinson found some wood and some tools and began to make a raft. When the raft was ready, Robinson put it on the water. Then he took two large boxes and put things, which he found on the ship into them. There were tools, guns, powder and a lot of other things. He put the boxes on the raft and sailed to the shore. Now he had guns and powder and could get some food. With the tools he could make a house.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Robinson Crusoe lived in the city of London.

2. He went to the sea when he was seventeen.

3. Crusoe didn’t like his work.

4. All the people except Robinson were drowned.

5. Robinson couldn’t swim well.

6. Robinson got on a tree and slept there.

7. The broken ship wasn’t far from the shore.

8. Robinson got on a ship and saw many useful things there.

9. He began to make a boat.

10. Crusoe put the boxes on the raft and sailed to the shore.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Robinson wanted to go to the sea …

| a) since childhood; | b) when he was 18; |

| c) when he lived in the city; | d) when the ship went to London. |

2. … was the captain of the ship.

| a) His father’s friend; | b) His father; |

| c) His friend’s father; | d) His friend. |

3. The captain took … on his ship when it went to London.

|a) only Crusoe; | b) Crusoe and his friend; |

| c) Crusoe and his father; | d) nobody . |

4. Robinson went along the shore because …

| a) he wanted to meet some people; | b) he was not alone; |

| c) he was drowned; | d) a great storm came. |

5. What is wrong? When he woke up …

| a) he saw his ship; | b) it was not night; |

| c) all the ship was over the water; | d) the sea was quiet. |

6. For getting food Robinson needed …

| a) tools; | b) guns and powder; |

| c) some wood; | d) two large boxes. |

7. To make a house Robinson needed …

a) guns;

b) tools;

c) some food;

d) powder.

8. When Robinson went to the sea for the first time he was …

a) 18 years old;

b) a small boy;

c) 8 years old;

d) 28 years old.

9. Robinson got on the island during his … voyage.

a) first;

b) second;

c) fifth;

d) tenth.

10. On the island Robinson …

a) saw some other people;

b) saw the crew;

c) saw some people from the ship;

c) was alone.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 17


On the fourth Thursday in November, in houses around the United States, families get together for a feast, or a large meal. Almost all families eat turkey and cranberry sauce for this meal, and have pumpkin pie for dessert. This feast is part of a very special day, the holiday of Thanksgiving.

In 1620 the Pilgrims made a difficult trip across the ocean from England. They landed in what is now Massachusetts. In England the pilgrims had not been allowed to practice their religion. So they went to the New World in search of religious freedom.

Their first winter was very hard. Almost half the group died of cold, hunger, and disease. But the Native Americans taught them to plant corn, to hunt, and to fish. When the next autumn came, the Pilgrims had plenty of food. They were thankful and had a feast to give thanks. They invited the Native Americans to join them. This was the first Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving became a national holiday many years later because of the woman named Sarah Hale. For forty years she wrote to each president and asked for a holiday of Thanksgiving. At last she was successful. In 1863 President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a holiday.

How much is Thanksgiving today like the Pilgrims Thanksgiving? Historians think that the Pilgrims ate deer, not turkey. The idea of thanksgiving, though, is very much the same: Thanksgiving is a day on which we celebrate and give thanks.

Word List

feast – свято

cranberry – журавлина

religion – релігія

in search of – в пошуках

to declare – проголошувати

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. On the fourth Thursday in November, in houses around the United States, families get together for a feast.

2. People eat turkey and cranberry sauce for this meal, and have apple pie for dessert.

3. This feast is the holiday of Thanksgiving.

4. In 1520 the Pilgrims made a difficult trip across the ocean from England.

5. In England the pilgrims had not been allowed to sing their songs.

6. They went to America in search of religious freedom.

7. The Native Americans taught the Pilgrims to plant potato, to hunt, and to fish.

8. The first Thanksgiving was in 1625.

9. For four years Sarah Hale wrote to the president and asked for a holiday of Thanksgiving.

10. In 1873 President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a holiday.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. On the fourth Thursday in … , in houses around the United States, families get together for a feast.

a) October

b) December

c) November

2. In … the Pilgrims made a difficult trip across the ocean from England.

a) 1620

b) 1720

c) 1520

3. The last part of a meal is called the … .

a) breakfast

b) dessert

c) lunch

4. When a boat has arrived from somewhere we say it has … .

a) feasted

b) joined

c) landed

5. People who travel from one place to another for religious reasons are … .

a) pilgrims

b) families

c) Native Americans

6. When you are sick, you may have a … .

a) hunger

b) feast

c) disease

7. When you look for animals to kill for food, you … .

a) plant

b) hunt

c) eat

8. When you have more than you need, you have … .

a) much

b) half

c) plenty

9. When the government of a country decides to celebrate a special day, it … a holiday.

a) declares

b) asks for

c) invites

10. People who write history are called … .

a) religious

b) historians

c) pilgrims

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 18

A Sad Story

Three men came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and took a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor. In the evening the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late.

“I am very sorry”, said the clerk at the hotel, “but our lifts do not work tonight. If you don’t want to walk up to your room, we’ll make beds for you in the hall.”

“No, no”, said one of the three men, “no, thank you. We don’t want to sleep in the hall. We shall walk up to our room. ”

Then he turned to his two friends and said. “It is not easy to walk up to the forty-fifth floor, but I think I know how to make it easier. On our way to the room I’ll tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories.”

So they began to walk up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs. At last they came to the thirty-four floor. They were tired and decided to have rest.

“Well”, said Tom, “now it is your turn, Peter. After all the jokes we heard on our way here tell us a long and interesting story with a sad ending.”

“I’ll tell you a sad story you ask me for”, said Peter. “It is not long, but it is sad enough. We left the key to our room in the hall.”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Two men came to New York for a holiday.

2. The room was on the fifty-fifth floor.

3. In the evening they went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late.

4. The lifts in the hotel do not work tonight.

5. The men decided to sleep in a hall.

6. Tom told interesting stories.

7. Andy sang some songs.

8. At last they came to the twenty-four floor.

9. They were tired and decided to sleep.

10. They left the key to their room in the hall.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. … men came to New York for a holiday.

a) four

b) three

c) two

2. They came to a very … hotel and took a room there.

a) large

b) nice

c) comfortable

3. Their room was on the … floor.

a) twenty- fifth

b) forty-fifth

c) thirty-fifth

4. In the evening they went to the … .

a) theatre

b) café

c) cinema

5. They came back to the … very late.

a) café

b) cinema

c) hotel

6. They decided to sleep in a … .

a) hall

b) room

c) café

7. Tom told them many … .

a) jokes

b) stories

c) poems

8. At last they came to the … floor.

a) twenty – four

b) fifty – four

c) thirty-four

9. They were tired and decided … .

a) to sleep

b) to have a rest

c) to sing songs

10. Peter told a story with a … ending.

a) sad

b) happy

c) nice

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 19

Bill Gates.

Personal computers are an important part of our everyday lives. Many people cannot imagine life without them. One of the most important people in making these machines work is Bill Gates.

Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He grew up in a rich family. His parents sent him to private school. There he met his business partner, Paul Allen. When they were in the eighth grade, they were writing programs for business computers and making money.

In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy. They thought he became a lawyer like his father. But he didn’t. Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his friend Allen. They worked eighteen hours a day. They were writing a program that would run one of the first personal computers. In 1975, they created a company called Microsoft to sell their product.

Allen became ill and left Microsoft in 1983. He recovered a few years later and started his own company. Meanwhile, Microsoft became a giant company. By 1990, at the age of 34, Gates was the youngest billionaire in the history of the United States. He was the “King of Software”. He achieved his success with a lot of hard work. He had a dream and the will to succeed. By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States.

Word list

to accept – вступати

to recover – зцілитися

billionaire – мільярдер

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Many people cannot imagine life without personal computers.

2. One of the most important people in making computers work is Bill Gates.

3. Bill Gates was born in 1965 in Washington State.

4. His family was not rich.

5. Bill Gates wanted to become a lawyer as his brother.

6. When Gates and Allen were in the eighth grade, they were writing programs for business computers and making money.

7. In 1975 Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his friend Allen.

8. Allen started his own company.

9. By 1990, at the age of 35, Gates was the youngest billionaire in the history of the United States.

10. By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Many people cannot imagine life without …

a) cars

b) computers

c) computer games

2. Gates was born in …

a) 1955

b) 1965

c) 1956

3. Bill Gates was born in …

a) New York

b) Washington

c) California

4. He grew up in a family of a … .

a) teacher

b) engineer

c) lawyer

5. His parents sent him to … .

a) private school

b) college

c) university

6. In 1973, Bill Gates was accepted at … .

a) Microsoft

b) Harvard

c) computer school

7. Bill Gates parents wanted him to become a …

a) computer programmer

b) teacher

c) lawyer

8. When Gates and Allen were in the eighth grade, they were writing programs for … .

a) business computers

b) personal computers

c) private schools

9. Paul Allen left Microsoft because … .

a) he wanted to start his own company

b) he was ill

c) he became rich

10. In 1990, Gates became the youngest … in the USA.

a) company president

b) college student

c) billionaire

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 20

A Conversation with My Father

by Grace Paley

Glossary: potassium — калій; despise — зневажати; junkie —наркоман.

My father is eighty-six years old and in bed. His heart, that blood motor, is equally old and will not do certain jobs any more. It still floods his head with brainy light. But it won't let his legs carry the weight of his body around the house. Despite my metaphors, this muscle failure is not due to his old heart, he says, but to a potassium shortage. Sitting on one pillow, leaning on three, he offers last-minute advice and makes a request.

"I would like you to write a simple story just once more", he says, "the kind de Maupassant wrote, or Chekhov, the kind you used to write. Just recognizable people and then write down what happened to them next".

I say, "Yes, why not? That's possible". I want to please him, though I don't remember writing that way. I would like to try to tell such story, if he means the kind that begins: "There was a woman…" Followed by plot, absolute line between two points which I've always despised. Not for literary reasons, but because it takes all hope away. Everyone, real or invented, deserves the open destiny of life.

Finally I thought of a story that had been happening for a couple of years right across the street. I wrote it down, then read it aloud. "Pa", I said, "how about this? Do you mean something like this?"

Once in my time there was a woman and she had a son. They lived nicely in a small apartment in Manhattan. This boy at about fifteen became a junkie, which is not unusual in our neighborhood.

In order to maintain her close friendship with him, she became a junkie too. She said it was part of the youth culture, with which she felt very much at home. After a while, for a number of reasons, the boy gave it all up and left the city and his mother in disgust. Hopeless and alone, she grieved. We all visit her.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

My father is an energetic 68-year-old man.

He has a weak heart and a potassium shortage.

He wants his daughter to write a complex epic novel.

He likes complex characters and mysterious plots.

I will write him a simple story.

I prefer to write stories that leave room for hope.

I wrote of a recent event.

The woman’s boy was 10 years old.

She was junkie.

Her son left her wealthy and well cared for.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. My father spends his time in:

a) bed;

b) church;

c) cafes;

d) pain and suffering.

2. His heart is weak but has not reduced the flow of blood:

a) to his legs;

b) to his strong arms and shoulders;

c) to his head;

d) to his liver.

3. His heart is weakened due to:

a) lack of exercise;

b) excessive smoking;

c) failure to rest;

d) a potassium shortage.

4.He thinks I write simple stories like:

a) Shultz and Dilbert;

b) Bulgakov and Shevchenko;

c) Chekov or de Maupassant;

d) Chekov and Marquis de Sade.

5.I don't write simple stories because:

a) they take away all hope;

b) are boring;

c) dislike easy work;

d) they are too hard to compose.

6. I … simple stories.

a) always write;

b) cherish;

c) despise;

d) find it difficult to write.

7.I was …to write a simple story for my father.

a) unwilling;

b) able;

c) saddened;

d) unable;

8. The woman and her son lived in:

a) Sumy;

b) Poland;

c) Manhattan;

d) Washington, D.C.

9. The boy became a junkie, which was…. where we lived.

a) common;

b) uncommon;

c) looked down upon;

d) held in high esteem;

10. The mother became a junkie too:

a) to remain close with her son;

b) in remorse for her son;

c) to buy her son his drugs;

d) because of pride.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 21


kingfisher - a small brightly-coloured bird with a blue body that catches fish in rivers

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby boy. He dropped his tools and ran to the boy. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the boy from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman’s place. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy who Fleming had saved.

„1 want to repay you”, said the nobleman. “You saved my son’s life”. “No, I can’t accept payment for what I did”, the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer’s son came to the door of the family hovel. “Is that your son?” the nobleman asked. “Yes”, the farmer replied proudly. “I’ll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If the fellow is anything like his father, he’ll grow to a man you can be proud of”.

And that he did. In time, farmer Fleming’s son graduated from St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin.

Years afterward, the nobleman’s son was close to death from pneumonia. What saved him?

Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son’s name?

Sir Winston Churchill

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The text mainly tells about ordinary events in history.

2. At the beginning of the story, the farmer was bathing in a river.

3. There must have been an accident with a little boy.

4. The action takes place nowadays.

5. The farmer’s children were all girls. •

6. The little boy’s father wanted to give the fanner a sum of money.

7. The farmer seemed to know the importance of knowledge.

8. The nobleman’s prediction did not come true.

9. The boy glorified his family name.

10. Sometimes wonderful coincidences happen in life.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

It may be inferred from the text that the Fleming family lived:

a) in the south of Great Britain b) in the north of Great Britain

c) in the centre of Great Britain d) outside Great Britain

The farmer must have been...

a) kind and wealthy b) noble and proud

c) hardly able to make ends meet d) idle and suspicious

One can make a conclusion that the saved boy’s father was:

a) a successful farmer b) a good hunter

c) an aristocrat d) a beggar

The farmer’s son must have been...

a) worth pride c) a nobleman

b) a wonder kid d) from Ireland

The nobleman’s offer was:

a) rather stupid c) not worth considering

b) just and generous d) never accepted

After receiving his education, young Fleming was supposed to:

a) work with customers c) look for criminals

b) sell medicines d) treat patients

Alexander Fleming discovered:

a) a penny ceiling b) a pan sealing

c) penicillin d) pennies while pealing

Fleming’s discovery made him:

a) cruel and dangerous b) famous worldwide

c) thrilling and exciting d) quite boring

The word „sir” before Fleming’s name may mean that he:

a) became as noble as Churchill b) came from Syracuse

c) performed in a circus d) was a sergeant in the British Army

One can infer from the text that:

the Flemings and the Churchills were close friends

Alexander Fleming may not necessarily have seen Winston Churchill after the childhood accident

Winston Churchill almost died from the medicines given by Fleming

Alexander Fleming was Winston Churchill’s personal doctor

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 22

Do Goodies Wear Hoodies?

There are lots of clothes shops in the Bluewater Shopping Centre in the south of England, so it’s easy to find fashionable hooded tops for sale there. However, you can’t wear a hooded top while you’re looking, because they’re banned. The shopping centre believes that teenagers who wear hooded tops often use them to hide their faces while they’re behaving badly. That’s why the new rule bans people wearing ‘hoodies’ (hooded tops) from the shopping centre. Baseball caps are also banned. Arid the managers of the shopping centre say that their new rules are working. More people are shopping there, and trouble-makers are staying away.

The Bluewater Shopping Centre is not the only place in the UK where certain clothes are banned. Students at Maesteg Comprehensive School in Voles are not allowed to wear hooded tops because the head teacher believes that they cause bad behaviour. If children wear hooded tops to school, the teachers take them away, and don’t give them back until the end of term. Most of the parents agree with this new rule.

However, many people, especially young people, believe that these rules are silly and unfair. They say that baseball caps and hooded tops are an important part of teenage fashion, and it’s impossible to judge a person’s personality from the clothes they wear. The head teacher of Coombeshead College in the south of England agrees. In fact, hooded tops are now part of the school uniform at Coombeshead College.

Many adults believe that young people’s behaviour is getting worse. One politician, Lord Ashley said, “Children are ten times worse than in the past”. However, he said that in 1823! The generation gap is nothing new.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

a) The Bluewater Shopping Centre is in Scotland.

You may not try hooded tops on in the Bluewater Shopping Centre.

Teenagers are the reason for banning hoods.

All people in hoods behave badly.

Hoods are not the uniform at the Bluewater Shopping Centre.

The measure taken have brought certain positive results.

All schools in Britain follow the example of the Bluewater Shopping Centre.

You must wait a while to get your hooded top back in Maesteg Comprehensive School.

The ban on hooded tops takes place only in English schools.

Some people seem not to like the modem youth fashion.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. At the Bluewater Shopping Centre:

there aren't any fashionable clothes.

hooded tops and baseball caps are not allowed.

only hooded tops are banned.

teenagers are banned.

2. It is believed that hooded clothes are used for:

not letting a person see what’s happening around.

stealing goods from the shops.

disguising a person.

masquerade shows.

3. We may come to a conclusion that:

only teenagers are not allowed to play baseball in the shopping centre.

the owners of the shopping centre hate Robin Hood.

the shopping centre must be rather conservative.

people can’t find ‘hoodies’ on sale in the shopping centre.

4. The result of the ban is:

clothes shops are closing.

teenagers are hiding their faces.

there are more teenagers in the shops.

there are more customers in the shops.

5. Students at Maesteg Comprehensive School:

may not wear hooded tops.

cannot shop at the Bluewater Shopping Centre.

all support the new rule

all behave very badly.

6. Maesteg Comprehensive School’s policy seems:

to enjoy certain support.

to be very authoritative.

to pay no attention to students.

to follow the general policy of the state.

7. The head teacher of Coombeshead College doesn’t believe that:

young people behave well.

hooded tops are fashionable.

you can judge a person by clothes.

school uniforms is a good idea.

8. We can make a conclusion that:

British schools are very strict about clothes.

not all school uniforms in Britain are very formal.

there is a ban on school uniforms in Britain.

young people in Britain are silly and unfair.

9. It can be inferred that:

all large shops in Britain require wearing official clothes.

youth fashion is banned not only in schools.

young people of Britain are not very interested in wearing youth fashion.

there are no shops selling clothes fashionable for the young.

10. Why did the writer of the article include Lord Ashley’s statement?

To show that adults always think children behave badly.

To show that children always behave badly.

To show that children behaved well in 1823.

To show that adults are the same as children.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 23

An Eisteddfod

Every year, in August, there is a national Eisteddfod in Wales. What is an Eisteddfod? It is a meeting of Welshmen interested in a Welsh poetry, Welsh songs and music. One year it is in a town in North Wales, the next year it is in a town in South Wales. It lasts for a week. At about 10,000 and 15,000 people come to an Eisteddfod every day. Some want to listen to the poems; some want to listen to the singing; and some want just to meet their friends and talk in Welsh. The Welsh people from many countries come back to Wales for the National Eisteddfod. You won’t hear much English at an Eisteddfod.

There are competitions at an Eisteddfod, too; for the best Welsh poem and song of the year, and for the best singers. The competitions are organized by the Druids. The Druids wear long clothes; their leader is always a poet.

About a hundred years ago, some Welsh people became very interested in the old traditions and ceremonies at the Eisteddfod.

Welsh traditions are very old, and the Welsh people are very proud of them.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. An Eisteddfod is a National Sport Competition.

2. It takes place every year in October.

3. One year it is in a town in North Wales.

4. The next year it is in a town in South England.

5. It lasts for a week.

6. Some want just to play and dance and talk in Welsh.

7. You will hear much English at an Eisteddfod.

8. The competitions at an Eisteddfod are for the best Scottish poem and song of the year.

9. The competitions are organized by the Druids.

10. Their leader is always a writer.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. What is an Eisteddfod?

a) a city;

b) a meeting;

c) a part of Britain;

Where does an Eisteddfod take place?

a) in London;

b) in Scotland;

c) in Wales;

How long does it last?

a) two days;

b) for a week;

c) three months;

What language do the visitors of Eisteddfod speak much?

a) English;

b) Welsh;

c) Scottish;

What are there competitions at an Eisteddfod for?

a) for the best poem;

b) for the best song;

c) for the best runner;

Who organizes an Eisteddfod?

a) the Druids;

b) the composers;

c) the singers;

What do the Druids wear?

a) old clothes;

b) long clothes;

c) modern clothes;

Who is the leader of Druids?

a) a musician;

b) a singer;

c) a poet;

Who became interested in the old traditions and ceremonies at an Eisteddfod?

a) Welsh people;

b) Englishmen;

c) the Druids;

What are the Welsh people proud of?

a) Welsh songs;

b) Welsh poems;

c) Welsh traditions.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 24

A Sad Story

Three men came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and took a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor.

In the evening the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late.

“I am very sorry,” said the hotel clerk, “but our lifts are not working. If you do not want to walk up to your room, you will have to sleep in the hall.”

“No, no,” said one of the three men, “no, thank you. We do not want to sleep in the hall. We shall walk up to our room.”

Then he turned to his two friends and said: “It is not easy to walk up to the forty-fifth floor, but I think I know how to make it easier. I shall tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories. That will pass the time.”

So they began to walk up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. They were very tired.

“Well,” said Tom, “now it is your turn, Peter. Tell us a long and interesting story with a sad ending.”

“I shall tell you a story,” said Peter. “It is not long, but it is sad enough: we left the key to our room in the hall.”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Four men came to New York for a holiday.

2. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor.

3. In the evening the three men went to the theater and came back to the hotel very early.

4. “I am very sorry,” said the hotel clerk, “but our lifts are not working.”

5. We do not want to sleep in the hall.

6. We shall not walk up to our room.

7. One of the three men said: “It is easy to walk up to the forty-fifth floor.”

8. One of the three men said: “I shall tell you some jokes.”

9. So they began to walk up to their room.

10. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. They were very tired.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

Three men came to New York …………………. .

a) at the weekend;

b) for a holiday;

c) for a birthday;

They came to a very large …………………. .

a) hotel;

b) hostel;

c) house;

Their room was on the ………………… .

a) forty-fifth floor;

b) fifty-fourth floor;

c) thirty-fourth floor;

In the evening the three men went to the ………………… .




The lifts in the hotel …………………. .

a) weren’t working;

b) were perfect;

c) were absent;

Three men didn’t want to sleep ……………………. .

a) in the hut;

b) in the hall;

c) in the hotel;

On the way up to their room Tom ………………….. .

a) told some jokes;

b) sang some songs;

c) told a sad story;

Then Andy …………………. .

a) told some jokes;

b) sang some songs;

c) told a sad story;

At last they came to the …………………… .

a) fifty-fourth floor;

b) forty-third floor;

c) thirty-fourth floor;

And Peter said that they had left ………………………… .

a) the key to their room in the hall;

b) their luggage in the hall;

c) their umbrellas in the hall.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 25

A Real Friend

Many years ago a rich man named Llewellyn lived in the mountains of Wales. He had a little son two years old, whom he loved very dearly. Gelert, a large hound, was always near the boy. He was ready to protect him at any moment.

One morning, as Llewellyn prepared to go hunting, Gelert could not be found, and Llewellyn had to go without him. That day the hunt was not good because his favorite hound was absent. When Llewellyn came back home late in the afternoon, Gelert came running to meet him. There was blood on his muzzle and head. Llewellyn hurried to the room where the child slept.

The child could not be seen in the room. The bed, chairs and tables were overturned. Here and there he could see blood on the floor.

Llewellyn turned to Gelert and said, “You have killed my child!” So he killed the dog. But a few minutes later he found his son in his overturned bed. He was all right. Then he saw the body of a large grey wolf lying in a dark corner of the room.

Then Llewellyn understood everything. Gelert had killed the wolf before it attacked the child.

Llewellyn laid a great stone in his yard as a monument to his hound Gelert.

hound – мисливський собака

muzzle – морда (собаки)

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

Many years ago a poor man named Llewellyn lived in the mountains of Wales.

He had a little son two years old.

Gelert, a large hound, was always near the boy.

One morning Llewellyn prepared to go working.

That day the hunt was not good because he wasn’t well.

Llewellyn came back home late in the afternoon.

His little son came running to meet him.

Llewellyn hurried to the garden where the child slept.

Here and there he could see blood on the floor.

Then he saw the body of a large grey wolf lying in a dark corner of the room.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) Many years ago a rich man named Llewellyn lived ………………. .

a) in the mountains of Wales;

b) in the mountains of England;

c) in the center of Wales;

2) He had a little …………….. two years old.

a) daughter;

b) dog;

c) son;

3) Gelert, …………… , was always near the boy.

a) a large hound;

b) a large cat;

c) a little horse;

4) One morning, as Llewellyn prepared to go hunting, ………… could not be found.

a) his son;

b) his goat;

c) Gelert;

5) That day the ………….. was not good.

a) hunt;

b) weather;

c) work;

6) Llewellyn came back home …………….. .

a) late at night;

b) late in the afternoon;

c) early in the morning;

7) There was blood on …………….. .

a) the door;

b) Gelert’s muzzle;

c) Gelert’s bone;

8) He ……………… the dog.

a) killed;

b) feed;

c) sold;

9) Then he saw the body of a large grey wolf lying in …………… .

a) the garden;

b) a dark cupboard;

c) a dark corner of the room;

10) Llewellyn laid a great stone in his yard as a monument to …………………… .

a) his little son;

b) his hound Gelert;

c) his favorite horse;

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 26

Which Heart Is Better?

Once there lived two brothers. They were very much alike, but they were quite different people. One was happy when other people were happy and sad when others were sad. The other brother never took care of other people.

“You never help people, you only take care of yourself,' said the first brother. “Yes, I take care of myself,” said the second brother, “because I want to live a long and happy life."

One day the two brothers parted. One brother lived long. His heart never troubled him. The other brother went to many places and everywhere he went1 people said: “He has left a bit of his heart with us.” Many years passed and two brothers met again. When the second brother saw his brother, ha thought: “Is this young man my brother? How can it be? He is so young, his hair is not white as my hair is.”

It was true. The first brother looted young and his heart was stronger than before. Do you understand why it was so? Because the first brother shared the joys and sorrows of the fellow men and it made his heart stronger and stronger.

The second brother did not say anything. He went slowly.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Two brothers were very much alike.

2. Both brothers never took care of other people.

3. They never help people.

4. Two brothers had a big house.

5. One day the two brothers parted.

6. They both lived a long and happy life.

7. They never met again.

8. Many years passed and two brothers met again.

9. The first brother looked young.

10. The second brother was old and unhappy

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Once there lived…brothers.

a) two;

b) three;


2. They were… .

a) different;

b) much alike;

c) very much alike.

3. The two brothers were…people.


b) brave;

c) different.

4. One was happy when other people were… .

a) kind;

b) interesting;

c) happy.

5. The second brother took care of… .

a) other people;


c) their parents.

6.One day the two brothers… .

a) parted;

b) walked;

c) talked.

7. ….years passed and they met again.

a) two;

b) five;

c) many.

8. «Is this young man my….?»

a) father;

b) son;

c) brother.

9. The first brother shared… .

a) love;

b) the joys;

c) the joys and sorrows.

10. The second brother was … .

a) strong;

b) old;

c) very happy.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 27

Funny Picnic

This weekend my cousins are staying with us, so today we are going for a picnic at our favourite picnic place.

My mother is a good cook. She is packing everyone’s favourite food in a big box. There are other boxes and bags, too. There are picnic things, swimming things, towels, knives, cups, glasses, drinks, sunshades, mats and a big box full of rubbish. I throw the box into the big rubbish bin in the street and we put everything else in our car.

We drive for about an hour along the big road and come to a small road and then to a track over dry rocky ground. It is a long and hot drive, but finally we see the river. It is beautiful and full of clean water from the mountains. There are a lot of places for swimming.

We jump from the rocks into the cool water and we are very happy.

Then everyone is hungry. We unpack the car and put up the sunshades.

But the food isn’t there! There is a box of rubbish, but no food, except for some bread and biscuits. Everyone looks at me. I say, “ I think the wrong box is in the rubbish bin now. Sorry”.

You can imagine what everyone is saying at the moment!

So, we have nothing else to do but eat the biscuits. I’m not the most popular person today!

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The food in the food box is very tasty.

2. His mother is packing everyone’s favourite food in a big bag.

3. There is only one big box.

4. The storyteller throws away the box of rubbish.

5. It is a short and cool drive, but finally they see the river.

6. There are a lot of places for swimming.

7. They jump from the rocks into the warm water and they are very happy.

8. Everybody laughs when they find out that the box with food is in the rubbish bin now.

9. They are eating biscuits for lunch now.

10. The storyteller is the most popular person this day.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) Today they are going for…..

a) a walk

b) a picnic

c) a cinema

2) The storyteller and his family plan to…

a) take food on the way to

b) buy food on the way to

c) go to the restaurant

3) When they pack the car, both the food and the rubbish are…

a) in a bag

b) in boxes

c) in a suitcase

4) Before they leave the storyteller throws……. in the bin.

a) a box

b) some bags

c) some newspapers

5) The picnic place is…

a) just somewhere close to the house

b) a long way from the house

c) in the forest

6) It is beautiful and full of……… from the mountains

a) ice

b) clean water

c) dirty water

7) They jump from……. into the cool water.

a) the rocks

b) a floating bridge

c) the motorboat

8) When they unpack the car and the food is…

a) not there

b) in the bag

c) in the case

9) You can imagine what everyone …… the moment.

a) is thinking

b) is doing

c) is saying

10) They eat …..

a) some bread

b) the biscuits

c) the sandwiches

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 28

Our First Pets

For thousands of years, people have made friends of animals and kept them as pets. Cats, dogs, and birds were the first pets. A pet can be a friend. It is someone to talk to and to play with, someone to love and to care for. Playing with an animal helps you to relax and feel happy. Because of this, pets are sometimes taken to hospitals to visit sick people. Walking, running, or playing with a dog is a good exercise and keeps you fit. Pets can be good friends for old people, too.

Keeping pets can make life more interesting. It can be a hobby that helps you to make new friends. Some people enjoy showing their pets at special clubs.

Pets can be useful, too. They help their owners in many ways. Dogs can be trained to bring small things. Cats can catch rats and mice. That's why pets, especially dogs, can be called 'man's best friend'.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1.For thousands of years, people have made friends of animals.

2.Cows were the first people`s pets.

3.A pet can`t be a friend.

4.Playing with an animal helps you to relax.

5.Pets are never taken to hospitals to visit sick people.

6.Pets can be good friends for old people.

7.Keeping pets can make life more difficult.

8.It doesn`t help you to make new friends.

9.Pets can be useful.

10.Pets,especiallymice,can be called ‘man`s best friend’.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1….were the first pets.

a) cows and dogs

b) cats and dogs

c) cats and rabbits

2.It is someone to… with.

a) work

b) study

c) play

3.Playing with an animal helps you to … .

a) study

b) relax

c) feel sad

4.Walking or playing with a dog is a …exercise and keep you fit.

a) bad

b) difficult

c) good

5.Pets can be good friends for… .

a) young people

b) students

c) old people

6.Keeping pets can make life more… .

a) interesting

b) expensive

c) difficult

7.It can be a hobby that helps you to make… .

a) more problems

b) a snowman

c) new friends

8.Some people enjoy showing their … at special clubs.

a) works

b) pictures

c) pets

9.Dogs can be trained to bring … .

a) happiness

b) presents

c) small things

10.Cats can catch… .

a) mice

b) fish

c) thieves

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 29

Better to Have Stones

There was an old man who had a lot of money, but he did not like to spend it. He always said, “I don’t buy meat and fruit because I can eat bread and drink water. I don’t buy new clothes because I can wear my old trousers and my old shirt. If I spend my money, I shall have no more. If I hide the money, I shall always have it.”

So he put his money in a box in the ground under a big tree. Every Sunday he went to the tree, opened the box and looked at his money. He did the same thing for many years; he never spent his money but always put some more into the box.

One day he came to the tree, but he box was not there.

“Oh, my money! My money!” he shouted. “Where is my box of money? Somebody has taken my money! What shall I do without it?”

The people heard him and they began to ask him questions, and the old man told them his story.

“It was a bad man who took your money,” said a woman, and we shall try to find him.”

“But what shall I do without my money if you do not find the man?” asked the old man.

“What did you do with your money when you had it?” said the woman. “Nothing. So get some stones, put them in a box, hide the box and go there everyday to look at them.”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. There was an old man who had a lot of stones.

2. The man bought a lot of meat and fruit.

3. He always wore new modern clothes.

4. He put his money in a jar under a big tree.

5. Every Sunday he looked at his money.

6. One day somebody stole his money.

7. The man was very happy.

8. The people tried to calm the man.

9. The man didn’t know what to do without his money.

10. The people advised the man to hide gold.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. There was a /an ___________ man.

a) young

b) middle-aged

c) old

2. The man had ___________ money.

a) a lot of

b) a little

c) very little

3. The man hid his money under _____________

a) a big stone

b) a big tree

c) a big box

4. The man came to the place where he held his money ____________

a) every Saturday

b) every day

c) every Sunday

5. The man did the same thing for ____________________

a) many months

b) a few years

c) many years

6. It was a ______________ man who took the money.

a) bad

b) generous

c) good

7. The man _____________ what to do without his money.

a) knew

b) didn’t know

8. The people were going __________________

a) to give him some money

b) to try to find his money

9. The people told the man to hide some _____________

a) some money

b) some beautiful stones

c) some gold

10. The people told the man to come to the tree _______________

a) every week

b) every year

c) every day

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 30

The Three Brothers

A man had three sons and he loved them all very much. He had no money, but the house in which he lived was a good one. 

"To which of my three boys shall I leave my house?" thought the old man. "They are all good sons to me and I want to be good to them, too."

Of course, he could sell the house and then give the money to the boys, but nobody wanted to do this. Not only the three boys, but their father, their grandfather, and their great-grandfather had lived in it. It was their home; they knew and loved every room, every window, every corner of it, and they could not sell it to other people. So the old man said to the boys, "All of you must go out into the world. Each can choose a trade and learn it well. 

In a year we shall meet here together, and he who has learned his trade best shall have the house. Do you agree? "

"Yes," said his sons, "that's right". 

"And the eldest said, "I think I will become a builder. That is the kind of work I like best."  

"And I," said the second, "have always wanted to make clothes."

"And I," said the third, "want most of all to become a gardener. 

"They agreed to come back in a year, and then they all went away.

Soon people began to talk about a young builder, a young tailor and a young gardener whose work was very good. Their father was glad to hear that. 

When the father saw his sons again a year later, he said, "You all have learned your trades very well. The house is yours; I hope you can live here all together.

As none of them wanted the house all to himself, they all agreed and live happily together for many, many years.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A man had three sons and a daughter.

2. The man loved his children very much.

3. The man’s children were not very good.

4. The man’s house was good.

5. The house had been in the man’s family for many years.

5. The man didn’t know to which of his sons to leave the house.

6. The man’s father, his grandfather and his great- grandmother had lived in the house.

7. They knew and loved every room in the house and especially the kitchen.

8. The man couldn’t sell the house to other people.

9. The man wanted to be good to his eldest son.

10.He decided to sell the house and to divide the money between his sons.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Each of the boys had to go _________________________

a) into the wood

b) into the yard

c) into the world

2. Each boy had to choose ____________________________

a) a wife

b) a trade

c) a house

3. They were to meet _________________________________

a) in a year

b) in a week

c) in a month

4. The eldest son wanted to become ______________________

a) a gardener

b) a builder

c) a tailor

5. The second son wanted to become____________________

a) a tailor

b) a gardener

c) a builder

6. The third son wanted to become ______________________

a) a builder

b) a tailor

c) a gardener

7. Soon people began to speak about______________________

a) a good builder, a good tailor, a good gardener

b) a good builder, a good tailor, a bad gardener

c) a good gardener, a bad builder, a good tailor

8. The father was ____________________to hear that.

a) sad

b) glad

c) surprised

9. The father left the house to ______________________

a) his eldest son

b) his youngest son

c) all his sons

10. None of the sons wanted the house ___________________

a) all to himself

b) to belong to the eldest brother

c) to belong to the youngest brother

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 31

About Badgers

A badger is a very interesting animal, but you can see him only in the evening, when it is dark. Then the badger comes out of his underground home to eat.

The father badger is a big animal, as big as a cat. He is covered with grey fur, his legs are short and very strong, he can dig very well. His head is white with little black fur on the top.

Badgers sleep during the day, and all winter too. In summer they come out in the dark when they want to eat. They eat berries, apples, and sometimes little birds or mice.

Badgers are very clean animals. When they come out from their underground homes, they begin to wash their faces with their front paws, then they comb their long fur with their paws. When they have done all that, the old badgers begin to play and to show their young how to catch mice or little birds.


a badger – борсук

hind – задній

paw - лапа

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A badger is a very interesting bird.

2. The badger comes out of his underground home to eat in the evening when it is dark.

3. The father badger is as big as a kitten.

4. The badger is covered with black fur.

5. The badger has got short and very strong legs.

6. The badger can dig very well.

7. The badger’s head is white with a little black fur on the neck.

8. The badgers sleep in winter.

9. Badgers eat berries apples, little birds and mice.

10. Badgers are very neat.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. You can see badgers ___________________.

a) in the morning

b) in the afternoon

c) in the evening.

2. Badgers live _________________.

a) underground

b) in the holes

c) in the trees

3. The father badger is a big animal______________.

a) as big as a dog

b) as big as a cat

c) as big as a kitten

4. The badger’s legs are ________________.

a) short and strong

b) long and short

c) very short and strong

5. The badger’s hear is_________________.

a) grey

b) black

c) white

6. Badgers sleep during the day, and all ______________ too.

a) spring

b) winter


d) autumn

7. Sometimes badges eat ____________________.

a) little birds and mice

b) big birds and mice

c) mice and little pigs

8. Badgers are very________________ .

a) untidy

b) clean

c) dirty

9. Badgers wash their faces with their ______________ paws.

a) front


10. Badgers show their young how _______________.

a) to play

b) to catch mice and birds

c) to eat

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 32

The Embroidered Towel

The towel on the wall…It’s our ancient custom. There was not a single Ukrainian house, which would not be decorated with towels. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children. A towel symbolized not only aesthetic taste, it was a face of a house and of a hostess. The towel proved that the hostess was tidy and hard-working.

A newly-born child was handed with the towel, guests were met with bread and getting married the newly-formed family was standing on a towel too. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel were a symbol of hospitality of the Ukrainian people. To take the towel, to kiss bread symbolized unity, peace, love, understanding among people. This custom has become a good tradition in our country.

Towels were used in different ceremonies and in everyday life as well: for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people. The ornaments and coloursof towels were different in different regions.

A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The towel on the wall is our ancient tradition.

2. There was not a single Ukrainian house, which would not be decorated with portraits of relatives.

3. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children.

4. The towels proved that the hostess liked to decorate the house.

5. Guests were met with bread and bacon on the towel.

6. While getting married the new-formed family was standing on a carpet.

7. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel symbolized the hospitality of the Ukrainians.

8. Towels were used for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people.

9. The ornaments and colours of towels were the same in all the regions.

10. A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. There was not a single Ukrainian house, which wouldn’t be decorated with…

a) Flowers;

b) Portraits of relatives;

c) A towel

2. A newly-born child…

a) Was wiped with the towel;

b) Was wrapped with the towel;

c) Was handed with the towel.

3. While getting married, the newly-formed family was standing on…

a) A porch;

b) A carpet;

c) A towel.

4. The towels in the house proved…

a) The hostess liked to decorate the house;

b) The hostess was hard-working;

c) The hostess was tidy and hard-working.

5. A house without a towel was compared with…

a) A garden without flowers;

b) A family without children;

c) Fields without wheat.

6. The ornaments and colours of towels were…

a) Different in same regions;

b) The same in different regions;

c) Different in different regions.

7. The houses decorated with towels and they…

a) Were put on the windows;

b) Were hung on the walls;

c) Were put on tables and benches.

8. An embroidered towel proved…

a) The hostess was tidy;

b) The hostess had a good taste;

c) The hostess was handy.

9. While meeting guests with bread and salt on the towel the hostess…

a) Showed her sympathy for guests;

b) Showed her hospitality for guests;

c) Showed she could afford to receive guests.

10. … symbolized unity, peace, love, understanding among people.

a) To bow and to kiss bread;

b) To bring a towel, to kiss a hostess;

c) To take a towel, to kiss bread

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 33

Half of American teenagers don’t get enough sleep on school nights.  They get an average of 60- 90 minutes less than they need, experts say.

One problem is biology.  Teens are programmed to go to sleep later and wake up later than other age groups, but many schools start classes as early as 7:00 a.m.

Many students go to class feeling tired.  One student, Danny, says that getting up in the morning is terrible.  He feels tired.  During his first classes of the day, it’s difficult to stay awake.

Michael Brest is a psychologist.  He’s an expert in sleep problems.  He says that teenagers need eight to ten hours of sleep a night.  He feels that sleepy teens can become depressed.  This can also affect their ability in sports and driving.  Michael Brest says a tired driver, especially a tired teenage driver, is dangerous.

What can schools do?  Psychologists say schools can start classes later in the morning.  Studies show that students’ grades improved by starting classes later.

St. George’s School in Rhode Island wanted to try this.  They started classes just thirty minutes later.

Visits to the health center by tired students decreased by half.  Late arrivals to first period decreased by one/third.  Students felt less sleepy during the day.  The teachers also noticed that students were happier and more awake.

Teenagers – підлітки

experts– фахівці

biology – біологія

depressed – пригнічений

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Fifty percent of American teenagers don’t get enough sleep on school nights.

2. Teens are programmed to go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier then other age groups.

3. Classes start at 8 am in many schools.

4. Many students go to class feeling weary.

5. Michael Breast is an expert in teens problems.

6. Sleepless teens can become depressed.

7. Psychologists say schools can end classes later.

8. Students’ results improved by starting classes later.

9. Visits to the health center by tired students reduced by one/third.

10. Students felt happier, more awake and not so much sleepy during the day.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Based on article, teenagers don’t get enough

a) money

b) sleep

c) love

2. Many schools start classes

a) too late

b) too early

c) at the right time

3. Students are getting _____ less minutes than they need

a) 120 - 150

b) 60 - 70

c) 60 - 90

4. What percent of American teenagers don’t get enough sleep?

a) 20 %

b) 40 %

c) 50 %

5. How do teenagers like to sleep?

a) They go to bed early and wake up late

b) They go to bed late and wake up late

c) They go to bed late and wake up early

6. What can happen to sleepy teenagers?

a) They can gain weight

b) They can become depressed

c) They can quit school

7. Why don’t American teenagers go to bed earlier.

a) Their bodies are programmed to go to sleep later

b) They’re tired

c) They don’t want to sleep too much

8. It’s more difficult to learn if you’re

a) awake

b) half asleep

c) a teenager

9. St. George’s School in Rhode Island started classes:

a) just fifteen minutes later

b) just half a hour late

c) just a quarter of a hour later

10. Students outcomes become:

a) lower

b) higher

c) the information was not given in the text

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 34

The Cyclone

Little Dorothy lived on the great Kansas prairie with Uncle Henry and Aunt Ann. Uncle Henry was a farmer and Aunt Ann was his wife. Their house was very small. It had only one room in it. In the room there were a table, three or four chairs and the beds.

There were no trees or flowers near the little house. Only the great, grey prairie on every side. Uncle Henry and Aunt Ann worked all day long. They never laughed. But Dorothy laughed very often, because she was happy. She was happy, because she had a dear friend, Toto, a little black dog with long hair, small black eyes and a funny little nose. Toto and Dorothy played together all day long.

One day Uncle Henry stood at the door of his house and looked at the sky. The sky was grey. Dorothy stood in the yard with Toto in her arms and looked at the sky, too. Aunt Ann was in the kitchen. Suddenly a strong, cold wind came from the East and the sky became dark. Uncle Henry cried out to Aunt Ann: “A cyclone, Ann, a cyclone! How terrible! I shall go and look after the cows and horses”. And he ran off.

Aunt Ann came to the door and looked at the sky in panic. “Quick, Dorothy”, she cried. “Run to the house. I must help Uncle Henry”. And Aunt Ann ran off too.

Dorothy ran into the house with Toto in her arms. The wind shook the house hard and the little girl suddenly sat down on the floor. At that moment a strange thing happened. The house spun around three times. Then the wind lifted it slowly into the air. The cyclone carried the little house miles and miles away.

It was very dark in the house. Dorothy was frightened and wanted to cry. “What will happen to us?” thought the little girl. Toto ran around and barked.

Hour after hour passed. Nothing terrible happened. “I have to wait and see what will happen!” thought Dorothy. “And I am so sleepy. “She got up from the floor, found her bed and lay down on it. Toto came up to her and lay down too.

The girl closed her eyes and was soon asleep.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1) Little Dorothy lived with her father and her mother.

2) Their house was very big.

3) There was only one room in the house.

4) In the room there were two tables, three or four chairs and the beds.

5) Dorothy never laughed.

6) Dorothy had a cat called Toto.

7) The wind came from the East.

8) Dorothy ran out with Toto when the cyclone came.

9) The wind lifted the house into the air.

10) Toto lay down with Dorothy.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) Little Dorothy lived on the great Kansas prairie with ...

a) Uncle Henry and Aunt Em.

b) parents

c) grandparents

2) There were no ... near the little house.

a) grass

b) trees or flowers

c) ponds

3) Dorothy laughed …

a) regularly

b) sometimes

c) very often

4) She was happy, because she had a dear friend, Toto, a little black ….

a) cat

b) lamb

c) dog

5) One day Uncle Henry stood at the door of his house and looked at the ….

a) river

b) sky

c) street

6) Aunt Ann was in the….

a) house

b) yard

c) kitchen

7) I shall go and look after the cows and horses.

a) cows and horses

b) sheep and cows

c) cows and sheep

8) The wind shook the ….hard.

a) house

b) chair

c) bench

9) Dorothy was …

a) surprised

b) frightened

c) happy

10) The girl closed her … and was soon asleep.

a) ears

b) mouth

c) eyes

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 35

The Beginning of Cinema

An American, Thomas Edison, made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891. It was called a kinetoscope. Then in 1895 a machine that projected pictures on to a screen was invented by two French brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere. They called their machine a cinematographe. The pictures from machine were shown one after another very quickly.

The Lumiere brothers gave the world's first public film show in 1896. In America the world's first cinema was built in Pittsburg in 1905. In the beginning films were made to show news. But by the 1902 film makers began to write stories for films and use actors. These films were very popular in America. Hollywood became important in the film making industry. The first "talkie" (film and sound) was shown in America in 1927. It was called "The Jazz Singer".

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

An Englishman, Thomas Edison, made the first machine with moving pictures.

The first machine was made in 1891.

A machine that projected pictures on to a screen was invented by French brothers Lumiere.

The pictures from machine were shown one after another very slowly.

The world's first public film show in 1892.

The world's first cinema was built in Paris.

The first films were made to show news.

The actors were used only 1905 weren’t they?

The first "talkie" (film and sound) was shown in London in 1927.

Hollywood became important in the film making industry.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) Thomas Edison was …

a) an Englishman

b) an American

c) an Italian

2) Two brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere were from …

a) America

b) France

c) Germany

3) The first machine with moving picture was called …

a) a cinetoscope

b) a cinematographe

c) printing

4) "The Jazz Singer" is a famous …

a) dance

b) film

c) song

5) Hollywood was …. city in which the first world’s cinema was built.

a) a German

b) an American

c) a French

6) By the 1902 film makers began to write stories for films and use ….

a) actors

b) music

c) dances

7) A cinematograph was constructed by …

a) Edison

b) The Limiere brothers

c) Spielberg

8) First films with actors were …. In America.

a) interesting

b) popular

c) boring

9) The pictures from machine were shown one after another very …..

a) quickly

b) slowly

c) rapid

10) The world's first cinema was built in ….

a) New York

b) Hollywood

c) Chicago

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 36

Food in Britain

Years ago a Frenchman said that the only way to eat well in Britain was to eat breakfast three times a day. And, let's be honest, most British food was terrible — overcooked vegetables, greasy sausages, boring sandwiches. For a lot of people, eating was something you had to do to survive; it was certainly not an enjoyable experience. But things have changed...

• Food has become very important in Britain... TV cooks are more famous than writers and their recipe boob are bestsellers.

• More of us eat out regularly and we can get excellent food in lots of different kinds of restaurants -French, Indian, Italian, Greek, Thai, Indonesian...even British!

• Traditional British pubs serve surprisingly good meals at good prices.

• British supermarkets are now full of exotic cooking ingredients, sauces, pasta, cheese, fruit and vegetables.

• The British love all kinds of "international" food. The most popular is now pizza and, according to a recent survey, 40% of British families have a curry for Sunday lunch, instead of traditional dishes like roast beef.

• We eat less meat and more fresh fruit and vegetables. A growing number of people are becoming vegetarians. Even children know about sugar-free sweets.

That is the good news. Unfortunately, there is also some bad news. As we work harder and have less time, we are eating more and more fast food and doing less exercise. For lunch, many of us have a hamburger or sandwich and when we come home in the evening we put our ready-made dinner into the microwave before sitting down in front of the TV. Meals are no longer family occasion

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

Years ago British food was really terrible.

Food in Britain has become less important that it was before.

There are a lot of different restaurants – French, Indian, Italian, Greek, Thai, Indonesian in Great Britain.

1) Traditional British pubs serve not bad meals at good prices.

There are not exotic cooking ingredients, fruit and vegetables in British supermarkets nowadays.

The British love their traditional food.

A lot of British families have a curry or roast for Sunday lunch.

British people eat more meat, fresh fruit and vegetables.

A growing number of people are becoming vegetarians.

2) Children do not know about sugar-free sweets.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) To eat in Britain is to eat ….. three times a day.

a) breakfast

b) dinner

c) lunch

2). TV cooks are more famous than …

a) poet

b) actors

c) writers

3) Traditional British pubs serve surprisingly good meals at …. prices.

a) expensive

b) good

c) cheap

4) The British love all kinds of ….food.

a) international

b) French

c) British

5) Most of us eat out ……

a) very often

b) sometimes

c) regularly

6) Most British food was …. overcooked vegetables, greasy sausages, boring sandwiches

a) good

b) terrible

c) bad

7) 40% of British families have …. for Sunday lunch, instead of traditional dishes like roast beef.

a) roast chicken

b) a curry

c) fruit and vegetables

8) Food has become …. in Britain.

a) usual

b) important

c) healthy

9) As we work harder and have less time, we are eating more and more ….

a) finger food

b) fast food

c) sandwiches

10) A growing number of people are becoming …..

a) vegetarians

b) sportsmen

c) patriots

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 37

He Was Afraid

A nervous man who lived in one of the suburbs of London was on his way home from the railway station. The road was dark and lonely. He heard footsteps behind him and had a uncomfortable feeling that he was being followed. He increased his speed. The footstep quickened accordingly. The man became frightened and darted down a lane. The footsteps still pursued him. In desperation he vaulted over a fence and, rushing into a churchyard threw himself panting on one of the graves.

“If he follows me here,” he thought fearfully, “there can be no doubt as to his intentions. That one behind was following, he was already scrambling over the fence. Visions of highwaymen, maniacs and the like flashed through the frightened man’s brain. Quivering with fear he arose and faced his pursuer.

“What do you w-w-want?” he demanded, “wh-wh-why are you following me?"

“I say," asked the stranger, mopping his brow, “do you always go home like this? Or are you giving yourself a special treat tonight? I’m going up to Mr. Brown’s, and the man at the station told me to follow you, as you lived next door. Excuse my asking you, but is there much more to do before we get there?”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

A nervous man lived in England

The road was unclear and empty

He misheard someone's steps

The footsteps became faster and faster

The man became scared

The man jumped through the fence

The man saw ghosts and maniacs

The man wasn't afraid at all

The stranger wanted to know where Mr Brown lives

10. Mr. Brown lives in the neighbourhood near the man

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

Where did the nervous man live?

in the country near London

near railway station in London

far from London

What was the road?


noisy and dark

full of people

What did the man hear behind him?

someone running behind him

something unusual behind him

someone going quickly behind him

How did the man feel after having heard the footsteps?

he was afraid of it

he felt worrying

he didn't frightened

5. What were the man’s actions after getting frightened

he darted to the place where were many graves

he rushed into a church chapel

he run to the church

6. How did the man feel when he faced the pursuer?

quivering with excitement

trembling with fear

quivering with worrying

What visions did the man see?

ghosts and highwaymen

maniacs and monsters

different dangerous people

What did a stranger ask a man about?

a) about way to the station

b) about road to his place of living

c) about special treating towards him

Why did a stranger pursue a man?

because he wanted to go to Mr. Brown’s station

because he wanted to know whether Mr. Brown is his neighbor

because he wanted to get to Mr. Brown's house

Say which of the following proverbs make the best ending of the story

He laughs best who laughs last

There is no smoke without fire

All is well that ends well

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 38

Thomas Sean Connery, named Thomas after his grandfather, was born in Fountainbridge, Edinburgh. His mother, Euphemia McBain "Effie" (née McLean), was a cleaning woman, and his father, Joseph Connery, was a factory worker and lorry driver. Connery claims he was called Sean, his middle name, long before becoming an actor, explaining that when he was young he had an Irish friend named Séamus and that those who knew them both had decided to call Connery by his middle name whenever both were present. [ When he was 9, during World War II, he earned money as a milk boy (early in the morning before going to school). On Saturdays he went to the cinema. He never finished his school, and when he was 16, he joined the Navy. Connery began bodybuilding at the age of 18 and from 1951 time trained heavily with Ellington, a former gym instructor in the British army. Connery was later discharged from the navy on medical grounds. At 19 he went to live in London. He became a furniture polisher and a printer. But he decided to become an actor.

To become an educated person, he went to a library and read every day for one year. He read aloud into a tape-recorder to develop his acting voice. After that, he got small parts in films….

Sean Connery made film after film and played all kinds of roles. He was the most famous and popular James Bond. His life has given him the experience he needed to play so many different kinds of people.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1) Sean Connery is considered to be the most famous and popular James Bond.

2) He didn’t have any experience to play different roles.

3) When he was nine, he earned money every morning before going to school.

4) He had an English friend when he was young.

5) When he was 16 he finished his school.

6) Sean Connery served in the British Navy.

7) He decided to become an actor after he had come to London.

8) Sean Connery developed his acting voice with reading aloud into tape-recorder.

9) He was an educated person.

10) He was born in the Scottish family.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1.Thomas Connery named Thomas after his…?

a) Grand grandfather

b) Grandfather

c) Grandmother

2. What capital of one of the part of Great Britain was he born in?

a) Edinburgh

b) Cardiff

c) Belfast

3. Who were his parents?

a) simple workers

b) rich people

c) medical workers

4. From what country did he have a friend when he was young?

a) from Ireland

b) Sweden

c) France

5. When Connery began to work?

a) when he was 10 years

b) Before going to school

c) when he was 8

6. What did Connery decide to do when he was 16?

a) joined the Drama club

b) joined the Civic Army

c) joined the Navy

7. What occupation did Connery choose when he was 18?

a) body art

b) bodybuilding

c) identifying body language

8. What field of profession was Connery interested in?

a) cinema and theatre

b) medicine

c) teaching

9. Why did Connery read aloud?

a) he wanted to develop his acting voice

b) he was proud of his voice

c) he wanted everyone to hear him

10. What goal did Connery achieve?

a) he became a producer

b) he became an artist

c) he became an actor

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 40


Baseball is America’s most popular sport. In a baseball game there are two teams of nine players. Players must hit a ball with a bat and then run around four bases. A player who goes around all the bases scores a run for his team. The team that finishes with more runs wins the game. Where did baseball come from? No one knows for sure. Many people believe that the idea came from a game played by children in England. Other people believe that a man named Abner Doubleday invented the game in Cooperstown, New York, in 1839. But the first real rules of baseball were written in 1845 by Alexander Cartwright. Two teams from New York played a game following Cartwright’s rules. The rules worked well. Soon there were many teams. These early teams were not professional. They played only for fun, not for money. But baseball was very popular from the start. Businessmen saw that they could make money with professional baseball teams. The first professional team was started in 1869. This team was the Red Stockings of Cincinnati. Within a few years there were professional teams in other cities. In 1876 these teams came together in a league, or a group, called the National League. The teams in the National League played with one another. In 1901 a new league called the American League was formed. To create some excitement, in 1903 the two leagues decided to have their first-place teams playing with each other. This event was called the World Series. Each year since then the National League winner and the American League winner have been playing in the World Series. And, each year, millions of people look forward to this exciting sports event.

(From All about the USA)

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1) Baseball is America’s worst sport.

2) There are two teams in this game.

3) The players run around four bases.

4) The team wins that finishes with more runs.

5) Everybody believes that baseball originated in Great Britain.

6) The first professional team was organized in the USA.

7) Businessmen could not make money with professional baseball teams.

8) The Red Stockings of Cincinnati is the name of the first professional team.

9) In 1877 the National League appeared.

10) The World Series was a name of a group of teams which came together in a league.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) In baseball players must … .

a) hit a ball with a bat

b) catch a ball

c) catch another player

d) hit another player with a bat

2) The first real rules of baseball … .

a) were never written

b) were written in 1845

c) were written in 2005

d) were written in 1745

3) The first professional team was called … .

a) Red Baseballers

b) Black Stockings

c) White Baseballers

d) Red Stockings

4) … there were professional teams in other cities.

a) Within ten years

b) Within a few years

c) Within one year

d) Within twenty years

5) In 1903 … decided to have their first-place teams playing with each other.

a) the two leagues

b) the two teams

c) the two players

d) the two managers

6) Each year since then the National League winner and … have been playing in

the World Series.

a) the British League winner

b) the Australian League winner

c) the American League winner

d) the Canadian League winner

7) What league was formed in 1901?

a) English league

b) North American League

c) American League

d) National American League

8) When was National League formed?

a) in 1976

b) in 1874

c) in 1876

d) in 1896

9) The two leagues decided to have their first-place teams playing with each other because they wanted….

a) to know who is the best team

b) to create some excitement

c) to please their fans

d) to have fun

10) What rules did the teams follow playing the game?

a) Cooperstown’s rules

b) Cartwright’s rules

3) Doubleday’s rules

d) English league’s rules

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 41

A Dentist and His Patient

One bright summer morning a well-dressed young man, who looked like a gentleman, called to see a well-known dentist in Piccadilly Street in London. He was shown into the waiting-room and told that the dentist would be ready to see him in the dentistry in a few minutes.The dentist was attending to another case at that time but he happened to glance through the door which was only partially shut. He saw a man removing various silver ornaments, which were scattered about the room, and putting them into his pockets.The man was about to leave the house, when the dentist requested him to come into his dentistry and to be seated.The dentist began examining the man's teeth. On finishing the examination the dentist said:"If you want to escape serious consequences, you must undergo a painful extraction together with a lancing of the gum. But don't be afraid you will be given gas and you won't feel anything at all."The patient expressed much unwillingness to undergo the treatment. He said:"You see, doctor, I'm not prepared for such a serious treatment today, I'll call on you in some days again, and then..."But the dentist, paying no heed to his objections, administered a powerful anesthetic. It rapidly made the man unconscious.Then the dentist sent for the police.The man was removed and woke up a couple of hours later to find himself securely locked up in prison.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. One gloomy summer morning a well-dressed young man, who looked like a gentleman, called to see a well-known dentist in Piccadilly Street in London.

2. The young man was shown into the waiting-room and told that the surgeon would be ready to see him in the dentistry in a few minute.

3. The dentist saw the young man removing various golden ornaments.

4. The young man put the ornaments into his bag.

5. The young man was about to leave the house, but the dentist requested him to come into his dentistry and to be seated.

6. The dentist began examining the man's pockets.

7. On finishing the examination the dentist said:"If you want to escape serious consequences, you must go to the police."

8. The patient was glad to undergo the treatment.

9. The dentist, paying no heed to the young man's objections, administered a powerful anesthetic.

10. Then the dentist sent for the security.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. One bright summer morning a well-dressed young man, who looked like a gentleman, called to see a well-known dentist in Piccadilly Street in

a. London

b. Paris

c. Berlin

2. He was shown into the waiting-room and told that the dentist would be ready to see him in the dentistry in

a. an hour

b. three hours

c. a few minutes

3. The dentist's door was

a. completely shut

b. partially shut

c. opened

4. he young man was removing various

a. golden ornaments

b. bronzed ornaments

c. silver ornaments

5. The young man was about to leave the house, when the dentist

a. asked him to get away out of his office

b. asked him to put the ornaments to their place

c. requested him to come into his dentistry and to be seated

6. On finishing the examination the dentist said:

a. "Your teeth are completely healthy."

b. "If you want to escape serious consequences, you must undergo a painful extraction together with a lancing of the gum."

c. "You have to brush your teeth regular twice a week."

7. The patient expressed much

a. unwillingness

b. sadness

c. curiosity

8. The dentist, paying no heed to the young man's objections,

a. hit him with his hand

b. closed him in the dentistry

c. administered a powerful anesthetic

9. Anesthetic rapidly made the man

a. happy

b. unconscious

c. unhappy

10. The man woke up a couple of hours later to find himself securely locked up

a. in prison

b. at home

c. in the dentistry

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 42

Good Advice

Once a farmer went to the nearest town to sell some butter and eggs there. It didn't take him long to sell his goods. After he had sold all the butter and eggs he decided to go to the inn to have his dinner there. On coming to the inn he sat down at a table, called a waiter and ordered his dinner. Then he looked around and saw a group of people who were speaking about the local lawyer."The lawyer is very clever and always gives good advice to his clients," said one of the men. After dinner the farmer went to the lawyer and asked to give him some advice. The lawyer asked the farmer what advice he needed."You can give me any advice you like," answered the farmer. The lawyer smiled, took a piece of paper, wrote a few words and gave it to the farmer. The farmer took the paper and without reading it left the lawyer's office. Late in the evening the farmer returned home. His wife asked him to gather in the hay. But the farmer was very tired and was about to go to bed. He didn't know what to do. Then he remembered that he had the lawyer's advice in his pocket. He took the paper out and read the following words: "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."Then the farmer left the house to gather in the hay. He worked for some hours and at last the hay was gathered in. At night there was a storm and the farmer was very glad that he had followed the lawyer's advice and that his hay was not ruined.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Once a farmer went to the nearest town to sell some butter and eggs there.

2. It took him long to sell his goods.

3. After he had sold all the butter and eggs he decided to go to the post-office.

4. On coming to the inn he sat down at a table, called a waiter and ordered the bottle of wine.

5. Then he looked around and saw a group of people who were speaking about the foreign lawyer.

6. The lawyer was very clever and always gave good advice to his clients.

7. After breakfast the farmer went to the lawyer and asked to give him some advice.

8. The lawyer wrote a few words on a piece of paper and gave it to the farmer.

9. Farmer's wife asked him to gather in the eggs.

10. The man didn't follow the lawyer's advice "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Once a farmer went to the nearest town

a. to sell some butter and eggs

b. to sell vegetables

c. to buy a cow

2. After he had sold all the goods he decided

a. to go home

b. to go to the inn

c. to go to the lawyer

3. In the inn he looked around and saw a group of people who were speaking about

a. the famous writer

b. the local doctor

c. the local lawyer

4. The lawyer is very clever and always gives good advice to his

a. children

b. clients

c. friends

5. After dinner the farmer went to the lawyer and asked

a. to give him some advice

b. to help him

c. to buy his goods

6. The lawyer smiled took a piece of paper and

a. wrote a few words on it

b. made a plane from it

c. burned it

7. His wife asked him to gather in

a. the hay

b. the eggs

c. the apples

8. Then the farmer remembered that he had the lawyer's advice in his

a. sack

b. pocket

c. hand

9. He took the paper out and read the following words:

a. "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."

b. "An early bird catches the warmth."

c. "Good luck!"

10. At night there was

a. raining

b. a hail

c. a storm

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 43

The Bear in the Classroom

It was in America many years ago. A boy called Henry was walking in the woods where there were bears. Suddenly Henry saw a black baby bear. The baby bear was very young and looked like a little dog covered with thick hair.

Henry took the baby bear. He carried it home. The bear’s food was milk with pieces of bread in it. Then Henry gave the bear soup with vegetables. Every day Henry went to school and the baby bear walked about the fields till the classes were over. At first the schoolchildren were afraid of the baby bear, but soon they became great friends.

The children carried their lunches in small baskets. These baskets were hung on the wall. At lunch time the children took them down. All the schoolchildren liked the bear very much. So the little bear always got a lot of bread and butter, apples and pears.

This went on for about two years. But one day Henry’s bear went to the woods and disappeared. Henry and his friends looked for the bear everywhere, but they could not find him. They were all very sorry for the bear.

Many years passed.

Henry and his friends graduated from school, and there were new children in the old schoolhouse.

One very cold winter day a boy left the door open. Suddenly a large black bear walked into the classroom. The schoolchildren were frightened to death. Some ran to the door. One big boy jumped out of the window and ran to the village for help.

But the bear did not touch anyone. He walked up to the fire and warmed himself. Then he walked to the wall where the lunch baskets were hanging. He ate bread and butter and other good things. After that he walked out of the schoolhouse and went back to the woods. Some young men with guns went to the woods to look for the bear. Henry was among them. Soon they found the bear, and Henry recognized his bear, the friend of his school days. Of course the men did not shoot the bear. They let the bear go back into the wood.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A boy called Henry was walking in the street.

2. The baby bear was very young and looked like a little dog covered with thick hair.

3. Every day Henry went to the forest with his friends.

4. At first the schoolchildren were afraid of the bear, but soon they became great friends.

5. The little bear never got o lot of bread and butter, apples and pears.

6. One day Henrys bear went to the woods and disappeared.

7. One very hot summer day a large black bear walked into the classroom and the schoolchildren were very happy.

8. The bear didn’t touch anyone.

9. The bear walked up to the wall where the lunch baskets were hanging.

10. He didn’t eat bread and butter and other good things.

11. Some young men with guns went to school to look for the bear.

12. Soon they found the bear, and Henry recognized his bear, the friend of his school days.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The event had happened in

|a) Spain; |b) America; |

|c) France | |

2. A boy was walking in the

a) street;

b) park;

c) wood

3. Suddenly Henry saw

a) a big bear;

b) a man;

c) a baby bear

4. Henry took … home

a) mushrooms;

b) a hare;

c) animals

5. The friends in the class were afraid of the

a) dog;

b) big bear;

c) baby bear

6. Children gave … to it

a) toys;

b) lunches;

c) sweets

7. This went on

a) two years;

b) three years;

c) one year

8. One day a large black bear

a) visited;

b) walked into the room;

c) opened the door

9. The bear

a) was afraid of the children;

b) ran after children;

c) ate good things from the lunch buckets

10) Henry recognized

a) his bear;

b) his friends;

c) his teacher

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 44

Thanksgiving Day.

There is one day in a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day. The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The pilgrims sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in September, 1620. They came to America for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. The name of their ship was the "Mayflower" . They landed at Plymouth Rock, in what is now the state of Massachusetts in December, 1620. "At first, the passengers enjoyed good weather at sea. But soon, strong winds and fierce storms developed. Our ship, the "Mayflower" began to shake and leak. Finally, one of the main beams broke. Some of the passengers and sailors were afraid the ship could not cross the ocean. They wanted to return to England. But others felt confident. "If we do not use all the sails, and if we repair the main beam, we will not sink," they promised. So everyone put his trust in God, and they all decided to continue. After a long struggle with the sea, the "Mayflower" came to land. What a joy the pilgrims had when they realized where they were!" There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived. These people were the Native American Indians. The Indians began settling in America about 25000 years ago. They hunted, fished, and farmed to survive. There were many groups, or tribes, and each had its own customs and beliefs.

The pilgrims' first winter in the New World was difficult. They had arrived too late to grow many crops. Without fresh food, half of the pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught the pilgrim how to hunt, fish, plant, and survive in America. The crops did well, and in the fall of 1621 the pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans, and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends to share this feast. The Indians brought food to the feast, too (they even brought popcorn!). Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1.There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived.

2.The pilgrims came to America for religious freedom.

3.They landed at Plymouth Rock.

4 Thanksgiving Day. is celebrated on the first Thursday in November.

5.They prepared a dinner of turkey, fish, beans, and pumpkins.

6.The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in autumn of 1621

7.The following spring the Indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, and survive in America.

8.The Indians hunted, fished, and farmed to survive.

9.The pilgrims' first winter in the New World wasn’t difficult

10.They were thankful because of good weather and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1.    The pilgrims landed in .... in 1620.

a). New York

b). Georgia

c). Massachusetts.

d). Mayflower

2.    The pilgrims celebrated the first ... in the fall in 1621.

a). Christmas

b) Thanksgiving Day

c). Valentine's Day

3.    The name of their ship was ...

а) The Mayflower

b). The Plymouth

c). The Harvest

4.    Some of the passengers and sailors were afraid they

could not... the ocean.

a). Land

b). Cross

c). Plant

5.    The Indians taught the pilgrims how to ...

a). Cook

b). Survive

c). Celebrate

6.    In the fall of 1621, the pilgrims had a good ...


b). Ship

c). Survival

7 The Indians began settling in America about ..years ago

a) 2500

b) 25000

c) 25

8.After arriving to America, half of pilgrims died because of..

a) hunger

b) cold winter

c)missing their native country

9. When the storm had broken everyone put trust in..

a) himself

b) God

c) nobody

10 New World is the name for..

a) Ancient India

b) America

c) England

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 45

What Made Her so Angry

A young man was engaged to a beautiful young girl, twenty-four years old. The day before her birthday he said to her: “Tomorrow I’ll send you roses, one for each year of your life.” That evening he telephoned a flower shop and asked the shopman to send twenty four finest roses to the young girl the next morning.

The shopman thanked the young man for his order and promised to do everything he could in the best way. Then he turned to his assistant and said: “John, I just got an order from young Mr. Hill for twenty four of our best roses. He’s a very good customer, you know. So put in an extra ten roses”.

When Mr. Hill met his girl on the following day, she was so angry with him, that the engagement was very nearly broken off.

to be engaged – бути зарученими

engagement – заручини

order – замовлення

customer – покупець

was very nearly broken off – була майже розірвана.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The beautiful young lady was twenty six years old.

2. The day before their marriage a young man promised to send roses to his future wife.

3. The shopman thanked the young man for his order.

4. The shopman was going to do everything he could in the best way.

5. The assistant decided to put in ten extra roses.

6. The roses were not good, so the girl was very upset.

7. The young lady didn’t like the present, she was angry with Mr. Hill.

8. Mr. Hill was a very good customer.

9. It was Mr. Hill’s wish to sent his girlfriend more roses than one for each years of her life.

10. The engagement was nearly broken off.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. What was the reason for buying flowers?

a) young lady’s birthday;

b) the ceremony of engagement;

c) the wedding.

2. The young man promised his bride:

a) to send a million of beautiful roses;

b) to spend all his money on flowers;

c) to send one rose for each year of her life.

3. How did Mr. Hill order the flowers?

a) he went to a flower shop himself;

b) he made an order by phone;

c) he send his friend to make an order.

4. How many flowers did the young girl get?

a) 24;

b) 26’

c) 34.

5. What did the shopman promise?

a) to send roses with his assistant;

b) to put some extra roses in the bunch;

c) to do everything he could in the best way.

6. The roses for young lady were from:

a) a flower shop;

b) the nearest flower-bed;

c) a market.

7. When Mr. Hill met his girl next day, she :

a) said nothing about his present;

b) was angry with him;

c) thanked for beautiful flowers.

8. What was the reaction of the shopman about her order?

a) he liked it and thanked a customer;

b) it was very difficult for him and he needed his assistance help;

c) nothing special.

9. Why was the engagement nearly broken off:

a) because the young man has changed his mind;

b) because the young lady couldn’t understand the man’s joke;

c) because of some kind of misunderstanding.

10. Whose fault was in that situation?

a) a shopman;

b) a shop assistant;

c) Mr. Hill.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 46

All Well that Ends Well

One sunny day last summer, Claire and her friend Greg went to Longleat Safari Park.

When they drove into the park, they closed the car windows tightly. “We don’t want to be a lion’s lunch”, Claire laughed. Soon, they saw some lions. Greg stopped the car very closed to the lions and started taking pictures of them. The lions roared loudly. “They’re beautiful, but very scary animals,” Claire said. “You are right, Clair. Let’s go and see the gorillas, now.”Greg said. He tried to start the car several times, but nothing happened. Suddenly, smoke began to come out of the engine.

A few minutes later, the front of the car was on the fire. They wanted to jump out of the car, but they couldn’t because the lions were around it. They were both really scared. “We’ll burn alive!”Clair screamed desperately. She beeped the horn and shouted for help. Just then, a park ranger came along the road in his jeep. “Hold on, we’ll get you out! “– he shouted. Almost immediately, another jeep arrived and chased away the lions. Claire and Greg jumped out of the car quickly and ran towards the jeep.

When they were safe inside the jeep, they thanked the park ranger for his help. They were still shocked, but happy. They knew they were very lucky to be alive.

tightly. – щільно

taking pictures – фотографувати

out of the engine – з під мотора

immediately – одразу

were very lucky to be alive – були щасливі залишитись живими

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The story took place in autumn.

2.The weather was cloudy.

3. Greg opened the door.

4.Did they see tree big crocodiles?

5.Greg stopped the car and feed lions

6. “Let’s go and see bears now’ Claire said.

7. Suddenly the rain started.

8.A few minutes later Safari Park was on fire.

9.They wanted to jump out of the car, but the lions were around it.

10. When they were safe inside the jeep, they thanked the park ranger for his help.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1.One gorgeous, sunny day last summer, Claire and her friend Greg went to …

a) an aquarium

b) Longleat Safari Park ;

c) the zoo

2. When they drove into the park, they

a) went for a walk;

b) closed the car windows tightly;

c) opened the door

3. Greg stopped the car very closed to the lions and

a) gave them some food;

b) started taking pictures of them;

c) called for help

4. Suddenly,_____________ began to come out of the engine.


b) smoke;

c) water

5. A few minutes later,____________________________.

a) a lion jumped on the car;

b) the front of the car was on the fire;

c) a monkey gave them bananas

6. They wanted to___________________, but they couldn’t because the lions were around it.

a) dance;

b) jump out of the car;

c) go for a walk

7. She beeped the horn and_____________________.

a)sang songs;

b) shouted for help;

c) went away

8. Just then, a park ranger____________

a) walked in the park;

b) came along the road in his jeep;

c) called for help

9. Almost immediately __________________ arrived and chased away the lions.

a)a bus with people;

b) another jeep;

c) a train

10) Greg and Claire were ______________

a) shocked but happy;

b) tired and scared;

c) hungry and angry

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 47

The Boy who Saved the Netherlands

Many years ago in Haarlem, Holland, there lived a young boy. His mane was Hans Brinker and he was eight years old. One autumn day, Hans went across the canal to visit an old blind man. He took the man some biscuits and stayed there for a while. Then Hans decided to return home.

“Be careful, Hans,” said the old man. “The water in the canal usually gets higher in autumn.” On his way home , Hans, sang songs ,watched the rabbits run around and picked some flowers for his mother. Suddenly, the sky got dark and heavy rain began to fall. Hans felt scared and started to run. Just then, he heard the sound of water flowing away. He looked around carefully, then noticed a very small hole on the dike.

Hans felt frightened because he knew what could happen. The small hole could get bigger and bigger. Then, the dike could burst and flood Holland. Hans knew what to do. He put his finger in the hole, so no more water could come through it. “Please, someone help me!” Hans shouted. But there was no one there to help him. After a while, he began to feel very cold and tired, but he couldn’t leave the dike. All night long, Hans waited and waited…

The next morning, a priest walked by and heard Hans’ cries.” I’m trying to stop the water,” the boy said. “Can you help me?”. The priest called some other people and they quickly mended the hole. Finally, the priest took Hans home. Everyone was very proud of that brave boy.

Blind - сліпий

for a while – на деякий час

water flowing away – вода, яка витікає

dike. - платина, дамба

burst and flood – розрушитись та затопити

a priest - священик

brave - сміливий.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A young boy lived in England.

2. Hans Brinker was eighteen years old.

3. It was autumn day.

4. Hans visited a young woman.

5. On his way home, Hans sang a song, watched the rabbits run around and picked some flowers for his mother.

6. Hans saw a big hole in the dike.

7. Hans felt happy because he knew what could happen.

8. The dike could burst and flood Holland

9. A woman heard Hans’s cries.

10. The priest mended the hole.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Many years ago in________________, there lived a young boy.

a) England;

b) Scotland;

c) Holland.

2. He was________________ years old.

a) eighteen;

b) eighty;

c) eight

3. Hans visited__________________

a) a young woman;

b) an old woman;

c) an old blind man.

4. He took the man _____________________ and stayed there for a while.

a) some ice – cream;

b) some biscuits;

c) a jar of jam.

5. On his way home, Hans sang songs watched ________________ and picked some flowers for his mother

a) the lions run around;

b) the birds fly around;

c) the rabbits run around.

6. He noticed___________________ on the dike.

a) a big hole;

b) a very small hole;

c) a little bird.

7. He put__________________ in the hole.

a) his shoe;

b) flowers;

c) his finger;

8. The next morning,_______________ walked by.

a) an old man;

b) a blind man;

c) a priest.

9. I’m trying__________________ the boy said.

a) to stop the water;

b) to clean my shoes;

c) to wash my fingers.

10. Everyone__________________ of that brave boy.

a) was afraid;

b)was thankful;

c) was very proud.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 48

Once upon a time a poor old man was cutting in the forest when he found a spring of cold water. He drank a little water from it as it was a hot day and was thirsty. Then he saw his face in the water and was surprised to find that he had suddenly grown young. In great joy the man ran home to tell the news to his wife.

When he ran into his little cottage, his wife couldn’t recognize him. He told her that he was really her husband. She began to cry, because she was afraid that such a handsome young man would not love an old woman.

“But you must drink this wonderful water too,” he cried. “We’ll both be young. I can show you the spring. Go there at once, while I remain to guard the cottage.”

An hour passed, two hours passed, a long time, but the woman did not return.

“What is the matter with her?” he thought.

The man went to her. He found the spring, but his wife wasn’t there. He loudly called her name, but there was no answer. Suddenly he heard pitiful yells from under a bush. He looked there and saw a baby girl crying bitterly. The poor woman had drunk too much water.

a spring струмок

to grow ставати

to recognize впізнавати

pitiful yells жалібні крики

to remain залишатися

to guard захищати

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

A man was cutting in the forest.

He found a cool river.

The man was thirsty.

The water was warm in the spring.

When the man drank, he grew young.

The man lived in a big house.

The man had changed himself without any help.

The man lived alone.

His wife recognized him at once.

His wife was glad that her husband had grown young.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The man was ___________.

a) young

b) middle-aged

c) old

2. The man __________ in the forest.

a) was walking

b) was cutting

c) was sleeping

3. When he saw his face in the water, he ________.

a) was surprised

b) was glad

c) was angry

4. The man had changed _________.

a) at once

b) in ten minutes

c) in an hour

5. When his wife saw him changed she _________.

a) was glad

b) cried

c) was angry

6. His wife was afraid her young husband wouldn’t _________.

a) love her

b) live with her

c) help her

7. The man decided _______.

a) to remain at home to sleep

b) to go with her wife to the forest

c) to remain to guard the cottage

8. In a long time the woman ________.

a) didn’t return

b) return home young

c) return home old

9. The man found his wife ________.

a) under a bush

b) at the spring

c) in the spring

10. The wife had changed into _______.

a) a young girl

b) a baby girl

c) a pretty woman

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 49

The Big Party

Harriet Reeves was a famous actress but her great success made her very selfish and unkind to people. On the stage she always tried to attract the attention of the public. After the performance she took no notice of her fellow actors. She always made promises but never kept them.

When she grew older she had to retire.

Harriet had a lot of money and could afford to live quite comfortably. A year later on her birthday she didn’t receive a single flower or a telephone call. She was so upset and lonely that she had a bad heart attack. The doctor who examined her told her frankly that her chance of living was not too good.

Harriet took the news bravely but one day she decided to give a big party and invite all theatre people with whom she worked. She was sure they would come because her parties with good food, drinks and music were always a success.

The same evening the old actress wrote invitations to the theatre people. She wanted to get them together and apologize for her behaviour in the past.

At 10 o’clock Saturday night none of the guests turned up. When she realized that nobody would come to the party she felt weak and tired.

“I can’t blame them for not coming. I myself used to break a lot of appointments”, she said to the doctor.

In a moment the doctor heard heavy fall. He saw Harriet Reeves lying on the floor in the bedroom. She was dead.

A few days later Harriet’s servants discovered a pack of invitations which Harriet had forgotten to post in her desk.


to be selfish — бути егоїстом

to attract attention — привертати увагу

to take no notice of— не звертати увагу на

heart attack — сердечний приступ

to retire — іти на пенсію

to afford — дозволяти

to tell frankly — сказати відверто

to blame — звинувачувати

to break an appointment — зірвати зустріч

to keep promise — дотримуватись обіцянки

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Harriet Reeves wasn't a famous actress.

2. On the stage Harriet tried to attract the actors’ attention to herself.

3. She always made promises but never kept them.

4. She had to retire because she grew older.

5. Harriet received some telephone calls on her birthday.

6. The doctor told Harriet frankly that her chance of living was not too good.

7. Harriet was upset after the news the doctor told her.

8. Harriet wrote invitations to her friends.

9. Nobody came to the party because they disliked Harriet for being selfish and unkind.

10. Harriet didn't blame her theatre people for not coming.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) What made Harriet Reeves selfish and unkind?

Her great success.

Her illness.

Her friends.

2) When did Harriet Reeves retire?

a) When she earned a lot of money.

b) When she grew older.

c) When her fellow actors asked her to.

3) Why could Harriet afford to live comfortably?

Because she continued to work.

Because she had a lot of money after she had retired.

c) Because her parents left a lot of money for her.

4) Why did Harriet feel upset a year later?

Because she had no money.

Because she had no job.

c) Because she didn't receive a single flower on her birthday.

5) How did Harriet take the news about her living chance?

a) She felt nervous.

b) She paid no attention to the news.

c) She took it bravely.

6) Why did Harriet decide to invite theatre people to the party?

Because she wanted to enjoy herself.

Because she wanted to apologize for her behaviour.

Because she missed them very much.

7) Why didn't her guests come?

Because they didn't like Harriet.

Because they had forgotten to come.

c) Because Harriet had forgotten to post those invitations.

8) Why didn't Harriet blame her guests?

a) Because she herself used to break a lot of appointments.

b) Because she was very kind and couldn't blame them.

c) Because they apologized to her.

9) Who discovered Harriet lying on the floor?

a) Her servant.

b) The doctor.

c) One of her fellow actors.

10) What is the text about?

a) The party without guests.

b) A famous actress.

c) Harriet's death.

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 50


To get to Canada Eliza had to cross the Ohio River. She knew the road to the river, as she had often gone with her mistress to visit some friends in the little village near the Ohio River. Eliza walked all the night. In the morning, when people and horses began to move along the road, she sat down behind the trees and gave little Harry something to eat. After a short rest they continued their way. In the afternoon she stopped at a small farmhouse to rest and buy some dinner for the boy and herself.

Suddenly she heard men’s voices and saw Haley. Her room had a door opening to the river. She caught up the boy and ran down to the river. The men saw her and started running after her. She heard their shouts. In a moment she jumped onto a large piece of ice in the river. It was a dangerous jump. Haley and the men cried something to her and lifted their hands. The piece of ice creaked as Eliza jumped onto it, but she didn’t not stay there. She jumped to another and still another piece, falling and jumped again. She lost her shoes, her stockings were cut from her feet, blood marked her every step on the ice; but Eliza saw nothing, felt nothing, till, as in a dream, she saw the other bank of the Ohio, and a man helping her up the bank.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The girl didn’t know the road to the river.

2. Eliza had a lot of friends in the little village.

3. She stopped at a large farmhouse to rest.

4. In the morning she bought some dinner.

5. Eliza caught up the boy and ran down to the sea.

6. She heard Harry’s shouts.

7. It was dangerous to jump onto a large piece of ice.

8. The girl jumped on the pieces of ice, fell and jumped again.

9. Eliza lost her left shoe.

10. The girl’s stoсkings were cut from her feet.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. To get to Canada Eliza had to cross …

a) the State of Ohio.

b) the Ohio River.

c) the English Channel.

2. Еliza walked …

a) all the day.

b) for half an hour.

c) all the night.

3. She sat down behind the trees and gave little Harry …

a) something to play with.

b) something to drink.

c) something to eat.

4. After a short rest they continued …

a) their talk.

b) their way.

c) their meals.

5. Suddenly she heard men’s voices and saw

a) Harry.

b) people running across the street.

c) Haley.

6. Her room had a door opening to …

a) the street.

b) the river.

c) the woods.

7. The men saw her and started …

a) shouting at her.

b) shooting at her.

c) running after her.

8. Haley and the men cried something to her and …

a) lifted their guns.

b) lowered their hands.

c) lifted their hands.

9. Blood marked her every step …

a) on the floor.

b) on the ice.

c) on the sand.

10. She saw the other bank of the Ohio, and a man …

a) helping her up the bank.

b) looking at her attentively.

c) swimming up to the bank.

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 51

The Clever Poor Man

One day, a poor man was riding a horse to a small town. In the evening he tied his horse to a tree and sat down under it to eat his supper. Soon a rich man stopped near him and began to tie his horse to the same tree.

"I advise you not to tie your horse to that tree," said the poor man. "My horse may kill yours. Better tie it to another tree."

But the rich man answered, "I shall tie my horse where I like."

A few minutes later the two horses began to fight. The men ran up to them, but it was too late — the rich man's horse was dead.

"You'll have to pay for my horse," said the rich man, "it was a very good horse." So he brought the poor man before a judge.

The judge asked the poor man, "Is it true that your horse has killed his horse?"

The poor man did not answer. The judge asked him many other questions, but the poor man did not say a word. At last the judge said, "What can I do? This man cannot speak!"

"Oh," said the rich man, "he can speak as well as you and I can. He spoke to me when I met him."

"What did he say?"

"He told me not to tie my horse to the tree where his horse was tied to. He said that his horse could kill my horse."

"Oh,' said the judge, "now I see that you are not right. You cannot make him pay. He told you not to tie your horse to that tree"

Then he turned to the poor man and asked him why he had not answered his questions.

"I didn't answer your questions, "said the poor man, "because I knew that you would believe a rich man sooner than a poor man. So I wanted him to tell you everything. Now you see who was right and who was wrong."

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. One day a poor man was riding a horse to a big town.

2. In the morning he decided to have a rest.

3. Soon a rich man stopped near him.

4. “I advise you to tie your horse to that tree,” said the poor man.

5. A few minutes later the two horses began to fight.

6. …but it was too late – the poor man’s horse was dead.

7. They both were before a judge.

8. The poor man was ready to tell the judge everything.

9. The judge believed a rich man not a poor one.

10. It was easy for the judge to understand who was right.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. A poor man was riding a horse to a …

a) city

b) village

c) town

2. Soon … stopped near him and began to tie his horse.

a) an old man

b) a tall boy

c) a rich man

3. The poor man … not to tie the horse there.

a) advised

b) told

c) said

4. In a few minutes …began to fight.

a) they

b) the two horses

c) the two men

5. It was too late - …horse was dead.

a) the rich man’s

b) the poor man’s

c) the boy’s

6. They both were before …

a) a judge

b) a policeman

c) a friend

7. … did not speak in the court.

a) the men

b) the rich man

c) the poor man

8. … could make him speak.

a) the poor man

b) nobody

c) the judge

9. The rich man told the judge …

a) the funny story

b) the history

c) what had happened

10. The judge believed …

a) the poor man

b) the rich man

c) both of them

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 52

At the Theatre

(After O. Wilde, "The Picture of Dorian Grey")

For some reason or other the house was crowded that night. The orchestra was quite dreadful, but it lasted a few minutes; then the curtain rose, and Sybil Vane stepped onto the stage. Yes, she was certainly lovely to look at. She stepped back a few paces, and her lips seemed to tremble.

The scene was the hall of Capulet's house, and Romeo had entered with Mercutio and his other friends.

She showed no sign of joy when her eyes rested on Romeo. The few words had to speak were spoken in a thoroughly artificial manner.

Dorian Grey grew pale as he watched her. He was puzzled and anxious. Neither of his friends told him anything. She seemed to them to be absolutely incompetent. They were horribly disappointed.

Yet they felt that the true test of any Juliet is the balcony scene of the second act. They waited for that. If she failed there, there was nothing in her.

She looked charming, as she came out in the moonlight. That would not be denied. But her acting was awful, and grew worse as she went on. It was simply bad art. She was a complete failure.

Even the common, uneducated audience of the pit and gallery lost their interest in the play. They began to talk loudly and to whistle. The only person unmoved was the girl herself.

When the second act was over there came a storm of hisses, and Lord Henry got up from his chair and put on his coat. "She is quite beautiful, Dorian", he said, "but she can't act, let us go".

"I'm going to see the play through", answered the lad, in a hard, bitter voice, "I'm awfully sorry that I have made you waste an evening, Harry, I apologize to you both".

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. There were a lot of people at the theatre.

2. The scene was in the park.

3. Romeo had entered alone.

4. She looked happy when she saw Romeo.

5. The true test of any Juliet was the balcony scene of the second act.

6. The acting was charming.

7. The performance was excellent.

8. Sybil Vane was a rather good actress.

9. The girl was quite beautiful.

10. At the end of the second act the audience applauded the actor.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1 a) There were a lot of people at the theatre.

b) There were a few people at the theatre.

c) There were few people at the theatre.

2. The scene was__________.

a) in the yard;

b) at the Capulet's house;

c) in the park.

3. Romeo had entered __________.

a) with Mercutio and his other friends;

b) alone;

c) with his parents.

4. Dorian Grey __________as he watched her.

a) grew pale

b) got red

c) turned green

5. The true test of any Juliet was __________.

a) the balcony scene of the second act;

b) the hall scene of the second act;

c) the balcony scene of the first act.

6. The audience__________.

a) liked the performance;

b) didn't like the performance;

c) liked the end of the performance.

7. Sybil Vane was __________.

a) a perfect actress;

b) a bad actress;

c ) a rather good actress.

8. The actress was __________.

a) quite beautiful;

b) very nice;

c) not the most beautiful girl at the theatre.

9. The common audience __________.

a) lost their interest ;

b) enjoyed the play;

c) was exciting

10. The audience __________.

a) applauded;

b) whistled;

c) burst into tears.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 53

One of the wonders of this modern world is the art of making moving pictures.

The 19th century was a time of great discoveries and inventions. In 1895 the Lumiere brothers gave the world's first real cinematograph show in Paris to an audience of 33 people.

In 1894, two French brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere, heard about the kinetoscope, a machine that Thomas Edison had invented in the USA in 1889. It was a box which contained a strip of filmed photographs. The photos were moved past a light in the box, so when you looked into the box, the image scanned to move. It took more than fifteen metres of film to make a "movie" of twenty seconds.

The Lumiere brothers developed this idea and built a similar machine which projected the pictures onto a screen. They called it the Cinematograph and in 1895 they showed ten films. The "moving pictures" as entertainment was born.

The first film the Lumiere brothers showed was "The Arrival of a Train at a Station". So exciting was the experience that some members of the audience half expected the train to rush out at them from the screen.

In 1895 they showed nine films more. The first film theatre was opened in 1905, in Pittsburgh, USA. The first films were silent, but in 1920s, sound was developed. In 1927, cinema-goers were able to hear, for the first time, dialogue and music in The Jazz Singer. Technicolor appeared in 1932. Before then, each picture in a film had been painted by hand.

In 1950s there were a lot of developments based on new technology, for example, wide-screen processes and stereophonic sound. You sat in the cinema in front of an enormous screen and you could hear the sounds of voices or horses or cars moving from one side of the screen to the other. You felt as if you were actually in the picture.

By the end of 20th century, cinema audiences had got used to even more special effects, using computer graphics and other new techniques to produce spectacular films.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The only wonder of this modern world is the art of making moving pictures.

2. The I8th century was a time of great discoveries and inventions.

3. The Lumiere brothers gave the world's first real cinematograph show in London.

4. The kinetoscope was invented by Thomas Edison in the USA in 1889.

5. It took more than fifteen metres of film to make a "movie" of twenty seconds.

6. The Lumiere brothers built the Cinematograph.

7. In 1895 they showed nine films .

8. The Jazz Singer was the first silent film.

9. Wide-screen processes and stereophonic sound made audience feel as if they were actually in the picture.

10. By the end of 19th century, cinema audiences had got used to even more special effects.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The art of making moving pictures is ___________ of the wonders of this modern world.

a) the single;

b) the last ;

c) one

2. The ___________ century was a time of great discoveries and inventions

a) 19th ;


c) 18th

3. The Lumiere brothers gave the world's first real cinematograph show in ___________.

a) the USA;

b) France ;

c) the United Kingdom

4. The Lumiere brothers gave the world's first real cinematograph show to an audience of ____________

a) 33 people ;

b) 43 people ;

c) 53 people

5. Auguste and Louis Lumiere were _____________.

a) two American brothers;

b) two French brothers;

c) two Engish brothers

6. The Lumiere brothers built a similar machine Cinematograph in ____________.

a) 1895;

b) 1896;


7. The first film theatre was opened in ___________.

a) the United Kingdom;

b) France ;

c) the USA.

8. The first film the Lumiere brothers showed was _______________.

a) “The Jazz Singer”;

b)’’The Lost World’’;

c)"The Arrival of a Train at a Station".

9. The film was ______________.

a) a failure ;

b) not successful ;

c) exciting

10. ___________ cinema audiences had got used to even more special effects.

a) By the end of 20th century;

b) By the end of 19th century;

c) At the beginning of 20th century

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 54

Florence Nightingale

One of the most famous women in Britain is Florence Nightingale (she was called Florence because she was born in Florence, Italy, in 1820). She was one of the first women in West Europe who organized a women's medical service at the front! The story goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century. England was in war. The Times newspaper published a series of articles about the terrible conditions in the hospitals where the wounded soldiers were treated.

In England at that time nursing was done by dirty, drunken women. In fact, when women were taken to court, they were often given the choice of going to prison or doing hospital service.

That was the terrible position when Florence Nightingale wrote a letter to the Minister of War offering her services. Within a week she was ready, and with thirty-eight women nurses went to the front.

Florence was well educated in music, art, literature, Latin and Greek. She spoke Italian, French, German very well. From her childhood, Florence had nursed poor people and sick cats, dogs and horses and she wanted to become a nurse very much. Her parents tried to make her change her rnind but could not.

When Florence Nightingale came to the front, she found conditions there even worse than she expected. There were no bandages, almost no medicines and bad food. She had to buy everything with her own money.

Florence Nightingale worked twenty-four hours a day, dressing wounds, helping doctors, comforting the dying. She wrote angry letters to the Government of England making it do something for the wounded soldiers. As a result of her activity the number of death fell from sixty per thousand to three per thousand.

In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals at the front. It meant traveling in snow, and rain, and cold. She fell ill but continued her work from her bed. She didn't go home until the last soldier was sent to England when the war was over. When she finally came back to England, she was an invalid for life. But she lived fifty-four years longer. Though she couldn't leave her house, often not even her bed, she worked hard. Now it was not only one hospital that needed her, it was a whole world that was sick and needed her help.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Florence Nightingale was the second woman in Europe to organize a woman's medical service at the front.

2. The story goes back to the middle of the twentieth century.

3. The conditions in the hospitals at that time were awful.

4. Florence's parents made her go to the front.

5. Florence was a well-educated person.

6. She worked hard.

7. In 1856 Florence Nightingale was made an Inspector of all hospitals at front.

8. She was an invalid for life when she returned home.

9.She stopped her work.

10.She devoted all her life to people.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. One of the well-known women__________ is Florence Nightingale.

a) in France;

b) in Italy;

c) in Britain

2. She was a woman in _________who organized a women's medical service at the front.

a) West Europe;

b) Central Europe;

c) East Europe

3. The story goes back to the middle of the____________ century.

a) eighteenth;

b) nineteenth;

c) twentieth

4. Florence went to the front_________.

a) alone;

b) with thirty-eight women nurses;

c) with her parents.

5.Her parents ______________ go to the front..

a) made her;

b) asked her to;

c) tried to make her change her rnind

6.From her childhood, she wanted to become __________ very much.

a) a nurse;

b) a doctor ;

c) an Inspector

7.When Florence came to the front, she found conditions there even______________.

a) beautiful ;

b) better than she expected ;

c) worse than she expected

8 .There were ____________ medicines.

a) different;

b) almost no;

c) a lot of

9.As a result of her activity the number of death____________ .

a) grew;

b) fell;

c) was the same.

10. Florence Nightingale worked ____________.

a) all day and night;

b) half a day;

c) four hours a day

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 55

The Power of Imagination

Mr. Brown liked it in America, but he liked travelling too. He made trips to Europe and Asia and he visited India. Once after a long trip from England to America he arrived at a small country place. There was a small hotel there. Mr. Brown got to the hotel late in the evening. At the hotel he asked the receptionist whether there were any vacant rooms there.

At that moment another traveler came to the hotel and asked the receptionist for a room too. The receptionist checked if there were any vacant rooms. The only vacant room he could offer was a double room.

"Will it be convenient to you if you share the room?" the receptionist asked. "It'll be less expensive for you, you'll each pay half the price."

At first they didn't like the idea, but just then it began raining heavily and they were too tired to go to another hotel. They spoke to each other and told the receptionist that they agreed to spend the night in one and the same room.

A porter showed them to their room, took in their things and wished them good night. Soon the two men went to bed.

Suddenly Mr. Brown heard some noise. He opened his eyes but didn't see anything. It was quite dark.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Brown asked in surprise. The second traveller answered, "I'm very sorry, I had to wake you up. I'm not well. Please, open the window quickly."

Mr. Brown got out of bed and began looking for matches, but he couldn't find them in the dark, so he tried to find the window. It took him some time and at last he thought he had found it. He couldn't open the window. As the voice of the traveller was becoming weaker and weaker, Mr. Brown took a chair and broke the window with it. The man said he felt much better. After that the two of them slept until morning.

When they woke up the next morning they were surprised to see that Mr. Brown had broken to pieces not a window but a large mirror.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. It was late when Mr. Brown arrived at the hotel.

2. It was raining when Mr. Brown entered the hotel.

3. The receptionist offered a room for two persons.

4. The travellers were going to spend two nights in one room.

5. The two travellers talked a long time before going to bed.

6. Mr. Brown did his best to help the other traveller.

7. The other traveller felt bad at night.

8. Mr. Brown tried to air the room to help the other traveller.

9. Mr. Brown couldn’t open the window.

10. In the morning the two of them noticed the broken window.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Why did Mr. Brown and the other traveller agree to share the room?

A. It was less expensive than a single room.

B. They wanted to talk about their trips to different countries.

C. They liked the hotel very much.

D. They did not want to go anywhere because of the weather.

2. Why did Mr. Brown wake up at night?

A. He felt unwell.

B. Some noise woke him up.

C. He wanted to smoke.

D. He did not feel sleepy.

3. What did the other traveller ask Mr. Brown to do?

A. To give him the matches.

B. To find the chair.

C. To break the window.

D. To air the room.

4. Which of the men had a very vivid imagination?

A. Mr. Brown.

B. The other traveller

C. Neither of them.

D. Both of them.

5. What did Mr. Brown break at night?

A. The window.

B. The mirror.

C. The chair.

D. The leg.

6. After the sound of the broken glass the other traveller felt…

A. Sorry.

B. Worse.

C. Scared.

D. Better.

7. Who brought their things into the room?

A. A porter.

B. A receptionist.

C. Mr. Brown.

D. The other traveller.

8. In the morning the men were…

A. Tired.

B. Sick.

C. Sleepy.

D. Surprised.

9. Why did Mr. Brown decide to break the window?

A. He couldn’t open it.

B. He heard that the traveller’s voice disappeared.

C. He wanted to help the traveller.

D. He wanted to attract the attention.

10. Which part of the world hasn’t Mr. Brown visited?

A. Australia.

B. America.

C. Asia.

D. Europe.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 56

The Blind Man and the Great Artist

Every day in one of the streets of Vienna you could see a blind man playing the violin. His dog sat near him with a cap in his mouth. People, who were passing by dropped coins into cap.

One day, when the weather was cold, the man was playing for a long time, but nobody wanted to give him anything. The poor man thought that he would have to go to bed without supper. He was so tired and so weak that he stopped playing.

At the moment a young man came up to him and asked him why he had stopped playing. The blind man said he had played for two hours but nobody had given him anything. “Give me your violin. I shell help you”, said the man. And with these words he began to play. He played so well that people began gather and soon there was a big crowd. Everybody was eager to listen to the fine music and to thank the young man for pleasure.

Soon the cap was full of money.

“I don’t know how to thank you”, said the blind man. “Who are you?”

“I am Paganini”, was the answer.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. In the streets of Vienna a blind man played the violin.

2. His cat sat near him.

3. People dropped food into the cap.

4. One day the weather war warm.

5. Nobody wanted to give the blind man some money.

6. He wasn’t tired and wanted to play.

7. At the moment a young man came up to him.

8. The young man didn’t play well.

9. Everybody was eager to listen to the fine music.

10. The young man was Paganini- the famous composer.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Every day in the streets of Vienna… played the violin

a) a disabled man;

b) a mute man;

c) a blind man.

2. People, who were passing by, dropped

a) food;

b) dollars;

c) coins.

3. One day the weather was

a) chilly;

b) cold;

c) warm.

4. The young man said:

a)”Give me your hand”;

b)”Give me your violin”;

c)” Give me your cap”.

5. The young man played so well that soon

a) his friends gathered there;

b) a crowd of people gathered there;

c) young girls gathered there.

6. Everybody wanted to listen

a) to the piano;

b) to the sadness;

c) to the fine music.

7. The people thanked the young man

a) for the pleasure;

b) for the sadness;

c) for the fine music.

8. Soon the cap was

a) lost;

b) full of money;

c) empty.

9. The blind man asked the young man’s

a) name;

b) help;

c) advice.

10. The young man said that his name

a) was Mozart;

b) was Paganini;

c) was Lysenko.

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 57

The Rain Dancer

It happened during a long hot summer in a small village in England. The country needed rain. All the people suffered from heat and drought.

Kim Frazer, who had heard a lot about North American Indians and their rain dances, decided to do something. He went into the street, took off his clothes and started his rain dance. The people in the street were surprised, even shocked. He not only danced naked, but sang strange songs and shouted special words. Very soon the police arrived. "You cannot do this in the street" , they said. Kim told them about the rain dance but they were not interested. Poor Kim was arrested and taken to the police station.

The next day he appeared in court. He told his story about the rain dance. The judge wasn't interested in the story either and fined the man 25 pounds.

As he left the court, it began pouring and poor Kim got soaking wet on his way home. But in spite of this he felt happy because he thought that, after all, he was right.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

It took place during a long cold summer.

Kim Frazer heard some legends about South American Indians.

He decided to do something to help his country.

He put off his clothes and began his rain dance.

Very soon the doctors came and saw Kim.

Poor Kim appeared in court.

Kim didn't say a word before the judge.

The judge didn't believe the man.

As Kim left his house, it began raining very hard.

Kim felt depressed because it began pouring.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. "The country needed rain. All the people suffered from heat and drought" means that

there was no rain in England for a long time;

there was rain in England but not in the right place;

there was a lot of rain in England that summer.

2. Rain dances are performed by the Indians

when it is raining and they are happy about it;

when it is raining and they want it stop;

when they want to have some showers.

3. Kim decided to dance

because he was bored and had nothing to do;

because he thought that in this way it might rain;

to collect money from the people in the street.

4. People were shocked because

Kim was singing;

they knew Kim very well;

Kim had no clothes on.

5. " Kim told the police about the rain dance but they were not interested" means that

the police were not interested in street dancing;

the police didn't really believe Kim's story;

the police were interested in what Kim sang and shouted.

6. "The next day he appeared in court" means that Kim

had to appear before a judge;

was taken for a walk;

was set free by a judge.

7. " He was fined 25 pounds" means that

Kim had to pay 25 pounds;

Kim found 25 pounds in the court;

Kim was paid 25 pounds by the judge.

8. What happened while Kim was going home?

The court began its session.

It began to rain.

It began getting dark.

9. Why did Kim feel happy?

because it's nice to be soaking wet;

because he thought it was raining as a result of his dance.

because he got a 25 pounds fine.

10." It began pouring" means that

it was raining cats and dogs;

it was snowing;

it was drizzling.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 58

The Doctor's Help

There was a bookseller in a small town who did not like to spend his money. One day a big box of books fell down and hurt his foot.

"Go to the doctor," said his wife, "and show that foot to him."

"No," he said, "I'll wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then I'll ask him what to do about my foot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay him."

The next day the doctor came into the shop and bought some books. As the bookseller was wrapping up the books, he told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor examined it.

"Yes," said the doctor. "You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put some ointment on it."

He took out a piece of paper and wrote a prescription on it. "Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night," he said.

"Thank you," said the bookseller. "And now, sir, here are your books."

"How much?" said the doctor. "Two pounds."

"Good," said the doctor. "I won't need to pay you anything."

"Why not?" asked the bookseller in surprise.

"You asked me to look at your foot. I did so and wrote out a prescription. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I want two pounds. And I came here, didn't I?"

wrap up — загортати;

ointment — мазь

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. There was a bookseller who liked to spend much money.

2. One day a box of books fell on his foot.

3. The bookseller's wife called the doctor.

4. The doctor bought books at the man's shop.

5. The bookseller went to the doctor to show him his foot.

6. The doctor wrote a prescription on a piece of paper.

7. He told the man to put some ointment on the foot.

8. The man had to put his foot in cold water every night too.

9. The bookseller had to pay one pound for the doctor's advice.

10. The doctor paid two pounds for books.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The story is about...

a) man who wrote poems;

b) man who sold books;

c) man who bought books.

2. The bookseller lived in ...

a) a big city;

b) a small village;

c) a small town.

3. The man didn't like ...

a) to spend his money;

b) to buy books;

c) to read books.

4. The bookseller ... right after that.

a) went to see the doctor;

b) asked his wife to call for the doctor;

c) waited for the doctor in his shop.

5. The man ...

a) couldn't walk;

b) didn't want to pay money;

c) decided not to see the doctor.

6. One day the doctor came to the man ...

a) to help him;

b) to buy some books;

c) to see the doctor's wife.

7. The doctor examined his patient...

a) at home;

b) in the hospital;

c) in the shop.

8. The doctor prescribed some ...

a) pills;

b) ointment;

c) cold water baths.

9 .The bookseller didn't want to go to the hospital because ...

a) he was afraid of doctors;

b) he didn't want to pay money;

c) he couldn't walk.

10. The doctor ... for the books.

a) didn't pay anything;

b) paid two pounds;

c) paid one pound.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 59


Potatoes came to us from Central and Southern America. When Spaniards came to America they wondered that Indian tribes ate strange things like apples. Sailors brought them to Europe in the 16th century. Europeans tried to eat potatoes raw, they made salads of potato leaves, but nobody liked the dishes. And Europeans forgot potatoes.

Francis Drake, a well – known English sailor and traveller, brought potatoes to Europe again at the end of the 16th century. In many European countries people tried to use potatoes again. In France rich people liked white potato flowers, in Germany rich people liked the smell of potato flowers, in Poland people thought potatoes were herbs.

But poor people liked potatoes best of all. They called potatoes the second bread. In German town Offenburg there is a monument to Francis Drake with the following writing: “To Sir Francis Drake who spread potatoes in Europe. 1580.”

Some people in many countries like potatoes very much and cook many dishes of it. There are many sorts of potatoes in the world. In Ukraine we prefer pink potatoes, in German and Poland people prefer yellow potatoes, in England and the USA people like white potatoes.

People do not only eat potatoes. They can make many things of it.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Potatoes came to us from Eastern and Northern America.

2. Spaniards wondered to know that Indian tribes ate strange things like apples.

3. Potatoes were brought from Europe in the 15th century.

4. Francis Drake was a well – known sailor and traveller.

5. He brought potatoes to Europe at the beginning of the 16th century.

6. In France wealthy people liked rose potato flowers.

7. In Germany rich people liked the smell of potato flowers.

8. In Germany there is Francis Drake’s residence.

9. Poor people liked potatoes best of all.

10. There are many kinds of potatoes in the world.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Potatoes came to us from …

a) Eastern and Western America

b) Central and Southern America

c) Central and Northern America

2. Europeans … to eat potatoes raw.

a) tried

b) didn’t try

c) invited

3. Potatoes were first brought to Europe in …

a) the 14th century

b) the 16th century

c) the 13th century

4. Francis Drake was a well – known … traveller.

a) German

b) French

c) English

5. Francis Drake spread potatoes in Europe in …

a) 1580

b) 1680

c) 1880

6. In Germany rich people liked ... of potato flowers.

a) the taste

b) the smell

c) the colour

7. People called the potatoes …

a) the first bread

b) the second bread

c) the third bread

8. In the town of Offenburg there is … to Francis Drake.

a) a monument

b) a home

c) a tomb

9. Some people in … like potatoes very much.

a) few countries

b) few homes

c) many countries

10. There are …of potatoes in the world.

a) few kinds

b) many sorts

c) few flowers

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 60

It is a quiet lunch break at the Home And Away studious until a girl called Skye arrives with her mother. For Skye it is a day she will remember as long as her brave heart beats. She is going to meet her favourite soapie idols! She knows them only as Bobby (Nicole Dickson) and Ben (Julian McMahon).

Skye comes to the cameras like the actress she wants to be. Julian shakes his head. He doesn’t believe this girl to be sick. Julian and Nicole are surprised by young Skye’s cheerfulness.

Skye who is nearly eight, has AIDS. She is one of about 40 children in Australia having such a form of this illness.

Last year Skye was given a 50 per cent chance of living to Christmas. She takes three AZT tablets a day (they cost $8 each). “If I didn’t have them I would get very sick and die”, Skye says. “They help me live, because the vitamins I need are in them.”

Skye’s mother says that AIDS is going to affect more and more normal families. Everybody who knows about Skye, she says, has been ”fantastic with support and understanding.”

Skye has known other children who have died waiting for new treatment. Skye says she prays and if she is asked, sometimes she’ll tell you: “ Dear God, please help all the friends of mine that are in heaven, and the other kids that are sick in the world… and please take care of me.”

Skye looks forward to Christmas. When she is asked what she wants santa to bring her, she is full of life and joy: “ Everything he can carry!”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. It is a quiet breakfast at the Home And Away studious.

2. Skye is going to meet her favourite TV idols.

3. Skye wants to be a doctor.

4. TV stars are surprised with Skye’s cheerfulness.

5. Skye has a heavy form of AIDS.

6. Skye has to take tablets $9 each.

7. Skye’s mother considers that AIDS is going to affect more and more normal families.

8. Everybody who knows Skye always supports her.

9. Skye always prays for the other sick kids.

10. Skye looks forward for every holiday.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Skye arrives to the studious …

a) with her father;

b) herself;

c) with her mother.

2. Skye comes to the cameras like…

a) a soapie idol;

b) an actress;

c) an adult.

3. Skye is nearly…

a) eight;

b) six;

c) eighteen.

4. She was given…chance of living.

a) 80 %;

b) 45%;

c) 50%

5. Skye takes … tablets a day.

a) 5;

b) 3;

c) 6.

6. Skye is sure that tablets contain…

a) medicine;

b) minerals;

c) vitamins.

7. Skye’s mother says that AIDS is going to affect more and more…

a) people;

b) normal families;

c) children.

8. Skye has known …

a) many children who have died waiting for treatment;

b) many children who have died because of AIDS;

c) many children who have died.

9. Skye looks forward to…

a) another day;

b) Santa;

c) Christmas.

10. She wants Santa to bring her…

a) health;

b) life;

c) presents.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 61

Jane lived with her parents in the Far North. But the little girl was ill. She could neither run nor play. She could not eat.

“There is just one thing that will help Jane,” said the doctor, “but I haven’t got this medicine. We must try to get it as soon as we can. I know what I can do.”

The doctor sent a telegram to a doctor in a far-away city. The doctor in the far-away city got the medicine and went to the airport. He told the captain about the sick girl in the Far North, and the captain told his men about her. The weather was very bad, but one of the pilots said at once, “Give the medicine to me. I shall take it to her.” He took the medicine and got into his airplane.

The brave pilot flew on and on all day through the snow and the wind. He flew on and on all the night. He did not see any houses, any lights. He saw only snow everywhere.

Jane’s father and many other people got up very early that day. They were all waiting for the airplane.

Suddenly they saw it far away in the sky.”There it comes!”cried Jane’s father. Soon it landed on the snow. Jane’s father ran up to it. The pilot gave him the medicine.

The brave pilot was cold and tired.

But he was happy. He knew that the girl was safe. Jane’s parents invited him into their warm house and gave him a good breakfast. He had a short sleep and then flew back to the far-away city.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Jane lived with her parents in the far-away city.

2. The girl liked to run, play and eat chocolates.

3. Jane’s doctor didn’t have the medicine which could cure her.

4. Jane’s doctor sent a letter to the doctor in the far-away city.

5. The medicine was taken to the airport.

6. The pilot could not fly because of the snow and the wind.

7. The pilot had to fly all the night.

8. Jane’s father met the plane with the medicine.

9. The pilot was happy to help the girl.

10. Jane’s parents invited the pilot to their house.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Jane lived with her parents in…

a) the far-away city;

b) the Far North;

c) in the Far South.

2. The girl could neither … nor…

a) walk…play;

b) jump…play;

c) run …play.

3. Jane’s doctor sent a ….

a) telegram;

b) message;

c) letter.

4. The doctor in the far-away city told the captain about the…

a) medicine;

b) about the sick girl;

c) about the weather.

5. The brave pilot flew on and on through…

a) the snow and the wind;

b) the rain and the storm;

c) the clouds and the wind.

6. …. got up very early that day.

a) Jane’s father and his wife;

b) Jane’s father and many people;

c) Jane’s father himself.

7. The airplane landed …

a) on the snow;

b) on the ground;

c) on the ice.

8. The brave pilot was…

a) sick and tired;

b) cold and happy;

c) cold and tired.

9. Jane’s parent invited the pilot to their house and gave him…

a) the money;

b) a good breakfast;

c) a good present.

10. The pilot had …

a) a short sleep;

b) a short rest;

c) a short talk.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 62

The Angry Fan

This happened in Australia, during a water-polo game that was one of the main sport events of the season. There was nothing exciting at the beginning of the game; but suddenly one of the players jumped out of the water and ran to the referee. He said that one of the forwards of the other team had bitten him in the leg while he was swimming under the water.

At first the referee thought that it was some kind of a joke, but when the player pointed to blood on his leg, he had to believe that it was serious. He called the forward and asked him why he had done such a strange thing; and though the forward insisted that he had not bitten anybody, the referee made him leave the game.

They began again, but a few minutes later, two players, one from each team, climbed out of the water, shouting that somebody had bitten them. There was blood on both players’ legs. The game was stopped, and they began to let the water out of the pool. When almost all the water was let out, everybody saw a young crocodile at the bottom of the pool, but why? The truth became known when the players returned to their dressing room after the game and found the letter there.

“ I have been a water-polo fan for many years,” the author of the letter wrote, “and I am not satisfied with the way the players seem to act. They have allowed the game to become slow and uninteresting, and I have decided that I must do something to make them move faster. I don’t think I can do this well myself, and I decided that my crocodile will do it better”.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. This happened in Austria.

2. This game was one of the most important sport events of the season.

3. One player jumped out of the water because he was cut by somebody.

4. Referee thought it was a joke.

5. Referee made the forward of the opposite team leave the game.

6. There was blood on the legs of two players after somebody’s bites.

7. When the water was let out of the pool they found a big crocodile there.

8. The players were told the reason by their trainer in their dressing room.

9. The crocodile was put into the pool by the water-polo fan.

10. He did it because he wasn’t satisfied with the games of this team.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. This happened in…

a) Austria;

b) Australia;

c) Latin America.

2. There was nothing … at the beginning of the game.

a) especial;

b) extraordinary;

c) exciting.

3. At first the referee thought it was some kind of a…

a) joke;

b) bite;

c) play.

4. He called the forward and asked him why he had done …

a) such a strange joke;

b) such a strange thing;

c) such a bad thing.

5. That happened again to two players …

a) of both teams;

b) of one team;

c) of another team.

6. The water was…

a) taken out of the pool;

b) let out of the pool;

c) poured out of the pool.

7. Everybody could see a …

a) crocodile;

b) broken glass;

c) a young crocodile.

8. The players found a… in their dressing room.

a) water-polo fan;

b) letter from their fan;

c) trainer with a letter.

9. That fan wasn’t satisfied with their game because it became…

a) slow and uninteresting;

b) slow and unusual;

c) uninteresting and strange.

10. The author of the letter decided to make the players…

a) move quicker;

b) move better;

c) move faster.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 63

The Rich Lady and the Poor Beggar

A wealthy lady lived in a big hotel in New York that overlooked the Park. One day as she was looking out of the window, she saw a very poor man dressed in rags. He sat on a wooden seat and looked up at the windows of the hotel.

She looked the next day and the next, and every day he was looking up at the windows of the hotel. At last, one day while she was driven in her car, she told the driver to stop by the seat, where the man was sitting. She got out and spoke to him and asked him why he was looking at the windows.

“Lady,” he said “I sit on this seat every day and I sleep on this seat every night and all the time I think that some day I’ll sleep in that hotel.” The Lady said, “I should make your dream come true. Tonight you will sleep in the best room in the hotel.”

The next morning when she was sitting at her breakfast she saw the man and called him to come to her table. She said, “How did you sleep?”

“Lady,” he said, “My seat in the park was better.”

“Surely not,” said the Lady. “Yes,” said the beggar. “You see I sleep on the seat every night; but every night I dream that I’ll be in the soft bed in the hotel. But all last night while I slept, I thought that I’ll be back on the cold hard seat. So, I’ll go back to my seat in the park tonight.

overlooked the Park – виходив вікнами на парк dressed in rags – вдягнутий в лахміття

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A wealthy lady lived in a big hotel in New York that overlooked the Park.

2. One day as she was looking out of the window, she saw a man dressed in a latest fashion.

3. He sat on a wooden seat and looked up at the windows of the hostel.

4. She looked the next day and the next, and every day he was looking up at the windows of the hotel.

5. At last, one day while she was driven in her car, she told the driver to stop by the seat, where the man was sitting.

6. She got out and spoke to him and asked him why he was looking at the windows of the hospital.

7. All the time I think that some day I’ll sleep in that hotel.

8. Tonight you will sleep in the worst room in the hotel.”

9. But all last night while I slept, I thought that I’ll be back on the warm soft seat.

10. So, I’ll go back to my seat in the park tonight.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. A wealthy lady lived in a big hotel in New York that overlooked the … .

a) lawn;

b) forest;

c) garden;

d) park.

2. One day as she was looking out of the window, she saw …

a) a very poor man dressed in rags;

b) a very rich man dressed in the latest fashion;

c) a very poor woman dressed in rags;

d) a very rich woman dressed in the latest fashion.

3. He sat on … … and looked up at the windows of the hotel.

a) an iron seat;

b) a wooden seat;

c) a tin seat;

d) a glass seat.

4. She looked the next day and the next, and every day he was looking up at … .

a) the windows of the hostel;

b) the windows of the hospital;

c) the windows of the hotel;

d) the windows of the restaurant.

5. At last, one day while she was driven in her car, she told the driver to stop by the seat, where the man …

a) was singing;

b) was eating;

c) was sleeping;

d) was sitting.

6. She got out and spoke to him and asked him why he was looking at the … .

a) windows;

b) doors;

c) gates;

d) fence.

7. “Lady,” he said “I sit on this seat every day and I sleep on this seat every night and all the time I think that some day … … … .”

a) I’ll sleep in that hotel;

b) I’ll sing in that hotel;

c) I’ll eat in that hotel;

d) I’ll sleep in that hostel.

8. The … said, “I should make your dream come true. Tonight you will sleep in the best room in the hotel.”

a) clerk;

b) driver;

c) servant;

d) Lady.

9. The … … when she was sitting at her breakfast she saw the man and called him to come to her table.

a) next evening;

b) next morning;

c) today morning;

d) today evening.

10. “Surely not,” said the Lady. “Yes,” said the … .

a) driver;

b) servant;

c) beggar;

d) manager.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 64

A Sad Story

Three American students came for their holidays to New York. They stayed at a hotel, in a room on the 54-th floor. They spent the whole day in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway. Late at night they came back to the hotel. The clerk in the hall said to them: “Dear boys, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now. Will you wait till the lifts begin to work or will you go on foot upstairs?”

“That’s all right,” said one of them, “we’ll go on foot. It will take us much time but we’ll have a short rest, one of us will sing a song when we come to the 15th floor. As soon as we come to the 30th floor one of us will tell a funny story. As soon as we come to the 45th floor we’ll take a long rest and one of us will tell a long sad story.” So they started.

On the 15th floor John sang a funny song and the young men gaily continued their way.

On the 30th floor Tom told his friends a funny story, they laughed and continued their way.

On the 45th floor the young men were tired, they wanted to take a long rest. All of them looked at Jack, it was his turn to tell his long sad story.

“Well, boys,” said he, “my story won’t be long, but it will be really sad. The key to our room is downstairs in the hall. When we came to the hotel we forgot to take it.”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Three American students came for their holidays to New York.

2. They stayed at a hotel, in a room on the 64-th floor.

3. They spent the whole day in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway.

4. The clerk in the hall said to them: “Dear girls, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now.

5. Will you wait till the lifts begin to work or will you go on foot downstairs?”

6. On the 15th floor John sang a funny song and the young men gaily continued their way.

7. On the 30th floor Tom told his friends a funny story, they laughed and continued their way.

8. On the 54th floor the young men were tired, they wanted to take a long rest.

9. All of them looked at Jack, it was his turn to tell his long sad story.

10. “Well, boys,” said he, “my story won’t be long, but it will be really sad. The key to our room is downstairs in the hall.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Three American students came for their holidays to … .

a) New Castle;

b) New Delphi;

c) New Bedford;

d) New York.

2. They stayed at a … , in a room on the 54-th floor.

a) hostel;

b) hospital;

c) camp;

d) hotel.

3. They spent the whole … in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway.

a) night;

b) day;

c) morning;

d) week.

4. The … in the hall said to them: “Dear boys, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now.

a) manager;

b) servant;

c) clerk;

d) cook.

5. On the … floor John sang a funny song and the young men gaily continued their way

a) 13th;

b) 14th;

c) 15th;

d) 16th.

6. On the 30th floor … told his friends a funny story, they laughed and continued their way.

a) John;

b) Tom;

c) Sam;

d) Jack.

7. On the 45th floor the young men were tired, they wanted … .

a) to have supper;

b) to sing a song;

c) to have a bath;

d) to take a long rest.

8. All of them looked at Jack, it was his turn to … … … … … .

a) tell his long sad story;

b) tell his long funny story;

c) tell his short sad story;

d) tell his short funny story.

9. My … won’t be long, but it will be really sad.

a) song;

b) poem;

c) composition;

d) story.

10. The key to our room is downstairs in the … .

a) hall;

b) restaurant;

c) laundry;

d) bar.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 65

A Good Lesson

Once a rich English woman called Mrs. Johnson decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot of guests and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good voice.

The singer got to Mrs. Johnson’s house at exactly six o’clock as he had been asked to do, but when he went in, he saw through a door that a dining-room was already full of guests, who were sitting round a big table in the middle of the room. The guests were eating, joking, laughing, and talking loudly. Mrs. Johnson came out to him, and he thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she said, “ We are glad, sir, that you have come. You will be singing after dinner, I’ll call you as soon as we are ready to listen to you. Now will you go into the kitchen and have dinner, too, please?”

The singer was very angry, but said nothing. At first he wanted to leave Mrs. Johnson’s house at once, but then he changed his mind and decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson.

When the singer went into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He joined them. After dinner, the singer thanked everybody and said, “Well, now I’m going to sing to you, my good friends.” And he sang them some beautiful songs.

Soon Mrs.J ohnson called the singer.

“Well, sir, we are ready.”

“Ready?’ asked the singer. “What are you ready for?’

“To listen to you,” Mrs. Johnson said in an angry voice.

“Listen to me? But I have already sung, and I am afraid I shan’t be able to sing any more tonight.”

“Where did you sing?”

“In the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner with.”

Exactly – ровно, точно

Servant – прислуга

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Once a rich English woman called Mrs. Johnson decided to have a birthday party.

2. She invited a lot of guests and a teacher.

3. He got to Mrs. Johnson’s house at exactly seven o’clock as he had been asked to do.

4. You will be singing after dinner.

5. The singer was very hungry, that’s why said nothing.

6. He decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson.

7. When the teacher went into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too.

8. After dinner, he thanked everybody and said, “Well, now I’m going to sing to you, my good friends.” And he sang them some beautiful songs.

9. Soon Mrs. Jackson called the singer.

10. I always sing for those I have dinner with.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Once a rich English woman called Mrs. Johnson decided to have … .

a) a business trip;

b) a holiday supper;

c) a birthday party;

d) a sea voyage.

2. She invited a lot of guests and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had … .

a) a very good suit;

b) a very good voice;

c) a very good friend;

d) a lot of money.

3. The singer got to Mrs. Johnson’s house at … as he had been asked to do.

a) at exactly five o’clock;

b) at exactly three o’clock;

c) at exactly six o’clock;

d) at exactly seven o’clock.

4. The singer saw through a door that a dining-room was already full of guests, who … … round a big table in the middle of the room.

a) were running;

b) were jumping;

c) were walking;

d) were sitting.

5. Now will you go … and have dinner, too, please?”

a) into the living room;

b) into the kitchen;

c) into the bathroom;

d) into the bedroom.

6. The singer was … … , but said nothing.

a) very angry;

b) very hungry;

c) very attentive;

d) very satisfied.

7. At first he wanted to leave … … at once, but then he changed his mind and decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson.

a) Mrs. Daniel’s house;

b) Mrs. Jackson’s house;

c) Mrs. Simpson’s house;

d) Mrs. Johnson’s house.

8. When the singer went into the kitchen, the … were having dinner, too.

a) friends;

b) neighbours;

c) servants ;

d) children.

9. After … , the singer thanked everybody and said, “Well, now I’m going to sing to you, my good friends.”

a) supper;

b) breakfast;

c) lunch;

d) dinner.

10. Soon Mrs. Johnson called the singer. “Well, sir, we are ready. “Ready?’ asked the singer. “What are you ready for?’ “… … ,”

a) to discuss;

b) to speak about;

c) to cry;

d) to listen to you.

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 66


James Naismith invented basketball in 1891. Naismith was a Canadian, but lived in the United States. He was a teacher at Springfield Training School in the state of Massachusetts. He taught sports and found there were no interesting games to play indoors in the winter months. So he thought of a game.

Naismith’s students played the first game of basketball in the Springfield gym in 1891. There were nine men on each team. They used a soccer ball. They put peach baskets on the gym wall. The goal or purpose of the game was to throw the ball in the basket. That is why he called the game basketball. A man with a ladder went to the basket. He climbed the ladder and took the ball out of the basket. Luckily, only one man got the ball into the basket in the first game. Basketball is a very fast game. Players must run up and down the basketball court or gym floor the whole game. At the same time they must control the ball. Today, most players are tall. Many of them are over seven feet tall and weigh more than 200 pounds. But one of basketball’s great players was Barney Sedran. He played from 1912to 1926 and is in the Basketball Hall of Fame. He was only 5 feet 4 inches tall and 118 pounds!

Today, basketball is an international sport. In America, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has some of the best players in the world. Basketball is also an Olympic sport today. In the Olympics, the best teams from many countries play to show they are the best.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Massachusetts is in Canada.

2. Naismith was a teacher at a Springfield Language School.

3. There were many interesting indoor games at that time.

4. The first game of basketball was played on the sports ground.

5.The students had to throw the ball in the peach basket.

6. A man with a ladder took the ball out of the basket.

7. Three men got the ball into the basket in the first game.

8. All of the basketball players were tall.

9. Today basketball is played all over the world.

10. Basketball is never played in the Olympics.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. A hall with ropes and bars for gymnastics and sports is a _________

a. gym

b. school

c. basketball

2. A group of people who play together is a _________

a. game

b. team

c. ladder

3. Another word for inside a building is ___________

a. winter

b. Olympics

c. indoor

4. A sport that people play in every country in the world is ________

a. Canadian

b. international

c. fast

5. The name of a fruit which is round and juicy is a __________

a. peach

b. ball

c. basket

6. Basketball players run up and down the _________

a. basket

b. court

c. ball

7. You can have a ________ of basketball, soccer, football, and tennis.

a. pound

b. game

c. play

8. To get something high, you climb a ________

a. ball

b. peach basket

c. ladder

9. International sports competition is _____________

a. an exhibition

b. Olympics

c. a show

10. A man who makes something new is -------------------

a. an inventor

b. an explorer

c. a teacher

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 67


Many, many years ago tea was unknown in European countries. Many people didn’t even know the word “tea”, though drinking tea was very popular in the East.

Once a young sailor came back from India. He was the only son of an old woman and every time he returned to Great Britain from a far-away country he brought his mother a gift. Of course, he tried to bring her something unusual, that she could show to her friends.

This time he brought her a box of tea. The old woman didn’t know anything about tea, but she liked the smell, and invited all her friends to come and try it.

When her guests arrived, she invited them to the dining table. The old woman treated them to cakes, fruit and tea-leaves.

When the sailor entered the room and saw a big plate filled with the tea-leaves, he understood everything. He smiled when he saw his mother’s friends eating tea-leaves with butter and salt. They pretended they liked it, but it was clear they didn’t enjoy eating the leaves. “Where is the tea, mother?” - the sailor asked. His mother pointed to the plate in the middle of the table. “No, this is only the leaves of the tea”, the sailor said. “I threw the water away, of course”.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1.Tea was well-known in European countries many years ago.

2. Eating tea-leaves was very popular in the East.

3. An old woman had two sons.

4. A sailor brought a box of tea from Japan.

5. A young sailor always brought her mother a present from a far away country.

6. The sailor’s mother knew that tea was a drink.

7. The old woman liked the smell of the tea-leaves.

8.The old woman treated her guests to fruit, cakes and a new drink.

9. The woman’s friends enjoyed eating tea-leaves.

10.The sailor smiled when he saw his mother’s mistake.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Tea was known in…

a. Europe

b. the East

c. America

2.Tea is a…

a. dish

b. vegetable

c. drink

3.In Europe tea was…

a. popular

b. unknown

c. famous

4.A young sailor came back from …

a. India

b. China

c. Japan

5. The sailor’s mother lived in…

a. Ireland

b. Britain

c. France

6. The mother enjoyed the… of the tea-leaves.

a. smell

b. taste

c. look

7. The guests wanted to show that they… the dish.

a. enjoyed

b. hated

c. didn’t like

8. The mother threw the water…

a. out

b. into

c. away

9.The mother made a…

a. mistake

b. fortune

c. surprise

10. The young man…

a. smiled

b. was angry

c. was disappointed

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 68


The Shoplifter

Joe Brian was a thief. He had been in prison several times. Last time he was sentenced to ten months in prison for shoplifting when he tried to steal a silver necklace for his girlfriend Susie.

On the day he left prison, first he had a good meal in a restaurant, and then went to the cinema. He enjoyed being free again. He took a long walk in town looking at the windows. He had a few dollars and wanted to buy a present for his girlfriend Susie. He saw a pretty silk dressing gown in one window but he didn't like the colour. He saw a green and white striped cotton blouse in another shop window but he didn't like the pattern.

He looked at a fur cap in another shop but it was too expensive. Then he saw a nice leather belt and he thought that Susie would like it. He was just going to buy it but he changed his mind and thought it would make a poor present.

Then he went to a jeweller's shop. There he saw a nice gold bracelet on the counter. He always wanted a present like that. He had a quick look around and saw that nobody was watching him. The assistant was showing a diamond ring to a customer. The next minute the gold bracelet was in Joe's pocket and he started for the door. At that moment he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Young man," said the owner of the shop, "I saw you steal a bracelet. I'll have to call the police." Joe went pale. "Oh, no! Don't do that! I'll pay for the bracelet. Yes, I’ll pay for it."

The owner of the shop took a look at the gold bracelet and said, "All right. It will be 600 dollars." "Well," said Joe, "couldn't you show me anything cheaper? I really don't want to spend that much."

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Last time Joe Brian was sentenced to three months in prison for shoplifting.

1. His girlfriend's name was not Susie.

3. On the day he left prison he enjoyed his freedom.

4. He had some dollars and wanted to buy a surprise for his mother.

5. He saw a nice cotton belt and thought that Susie would like it.

6. Then he went to the butcher's.

7. The assistant was showing a diamond ring to a customer.

8. Joe Brian stole the diamond ring.

9. He was afraid and promised to pay for the gold bracelet.

10. He didn't want to pay 600 dollars because the price was too high.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Joe Brian was

a) a modest man;

b) a dishonest man;

c) a hard-working man.

2. He had been in prison

a) many times;

b) only once;

c) a few times.

3. He had spent a few months in prison because

a) he had wanted to buy a present for his girlfriend;

b) he had been caught shoplifting;

c) he had no money to buy a silver necklace.

4. When he left prison

a) he felt very happy;

b) he decided to steal again;

c) he forgot about his girlfriend.

5. He looked at a fur cap in another shop but it

a) cost too much;

b) was old-fashioned;

c) was not beautiful.

6. At a jeweller's Joe Brian

a) was shown a diamond ring;

b) saw a nice present;

c) noticed a customer stealing a gold bracelet.

7. Nobody was looking at him, so

a) he asked the assistant to show him a bracelet;

b) he left the shop;

c) he decided to steal a bracelet.

8. When Joe started for the door, the owner of the shop

a) stopped him;

b) felt a hand on his shoulder;

c) called the police.

9. As Joe was afraid of being arrested

a) he ran out of the shop;

b) he asked the jeweller to take a look at the bracelet;

c) he offered to pay the price of the thing.

10. When Joe heard how much the bracelet cost

a) he asked for something less expensive;

b) he went pale;

c) he promised to pay 600 dollars.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 69

Dear Mum and Dad,

I'm so happy to be here in Bergen for our holidays. I'm having a fantastic time and I just love this part of Norway. Lee and I are staying at the historic Royal Hotel. At the moment we are having a cup of hot chocolate and enjoying the spectacular view of the harbour.

The weather is cold, and perfect for skiing. The seven mountains around the city are covered in thick snow. The famous fjords are stunning. In these quiet waters you can sail past mountains, waterfalls and fields. We spend most of our days hiking in the mountains with our Norwegian friends, Erik and Katerina.

Norwegians really love the outdoors. They're very friendly and kind to us. I think they're really good-looking. Most of them tend to be tall, with fair hair and light blue eyes.

The food is delicious. Norwegians like eating fish and seafood, especially salmon, shrimps, lobster and caviar. I just love eating fresh bread and smoked salmon for lunch.

Next week we're going to Oslo. I can't wait to visit the Outdoor Folk Museum. Lee is not so keen, but I'm looking forward to it. Our flight is leaving from Oslo next Friday, so I hope you'll receive this before we get home!

I think you should come here next year. I'm sure you would love it!

See you soon.



I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Susan is on holidays.

2. She is having a rest alone.

3. The weather is perfect for skiing.

4. There are nine mountains around the city.

5. Susan spends most of her time with her Norwegian friends Lee and Katerina.

6. Most of Norwegians are tall and dark-haired.

7. The food is delicious.

8. Susan loves eating bread and caviar for lunch.

9. She is going to Oslo next week.

10. Susan wants to go there again the next year.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Where is Susan?

a) France

b) Norway

c) Netherland

2. Where is she staying?

a) at a hotel

b) in a flat

c) in her friends’ house

3. What is she doing at the moment?

a) having a cup of hot chocolate

b) having a cup of hot tea

c) having a cup of hot coffee

4. How many mountains are there around the city?

a) six

b) seven

c) eight

5. How does she spend most of her days?

a) going to museums

b) drinking coffee

c) hiking in the mountains

6. What are Norwegians like?

a) shy and honest

b) friendly and kind

c) easy-going and honest

7. What do Norwegians look like?

a) fair-haired and blue-eyed

b) tall and dark-haired

c) tall and dark-eyed

8. What do Norwegians like eating?

a) pasta

b) fish

c) bread

9. Where are Susan and Lee going next week?

a) Paris

b) Oslo

c) Bergen

10. When is her flight leaving from Oslo?

a) next Friday

b) next Saturday

c) next Sunday

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 70


France is a beautiful country of historical interest in western Europe. The climate is quite cool. And it is often wet in the north but much warmer and sunnier in the south.

The French are usually good-looking. They are of medium height with dark hair and a light complexion. The French are friendly people who are well-known for being stylish and wearing chic designer clothes. They are sociable and talkative and they are interested in history and culture.

There are both big cities and small villages in France. The French do many different jobs: they work in offices, factories, shops, on farms and in the fields. France is famous for producing cars, computers, cheese, meat and wine.

The French love going out with their friends and having fun. Their most popular free-time activities include going to cafes, going to the theatre and dancing at clubs. They also like good food and France is full of expensive restaurants, with delicious dishes of unique food.

France is a wonderful country with a lot of things to see and do. Tourists will surely love its fascinating sights and lovely people.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. France is located in the north of Europe.

2. It often rains in the north of France.

3. The French have got dark skin,

4. The French are very stylish.

5. They are interested in history.

6. There no villages in France.

7. They don't like meeting new people.

8. The French like watching plays.

9. The restaurants in France are cheap.

10. This article is probably from a travel magazine.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. France is located in … Europe.

a) western

b) eastern

c) north

2. France is a beautiful …

a) restaurant

b) city

c) country

3. The climate is …

a) cool

b) warm

c) mild

4. The French are usually …

a) of medium height with fair hair

b) of medium height with dark hair

c) of a light complexion with dark skin.

5. The French like wearing …

a) usual clothes

b) warm clothes

c) designer clothes

6. The French are …

a) sociable and stylish

b) good-looking and dark skinned

c) talkative but unfriendly

7. There are many … in France.

a) big cities and small villages

b) villages and farms

c) small towns and big villages

8. France is famous for producing …

a) cars and beer

b) computers and games

c) cheese and vine

9. The French love …

a) going out and having fun

b) eating home-made food

c) parties

10. The restaurants in France are ….

a) cheap

b) expensive

c) unique

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 71

A Gold Ring

Once upon a time there lived a pleasant girl, who was fond of fine things. Whenever she had money she ran to the market and bought something nice for herself.

One morning she got up very early, took a jar full of milk and started off. Going along the road she thought, "If I come to the market early, I will sell the milk and buy a fine gold ring."

The weather grew hotter and hotter, soon the sun came out of the clouds and the girl felt that she was tired. She stopped and sat down on a stone to rest a little. While sitting she said to herself, "How quickly time passes. I am afraid it is about ten o'clock. But if I came to the market at 11 o'clock I should still have time enough to sell the milk." Saying this she stood up and started running.

Being in a hurry she did not see a branch lying on the ground. She stumbled against the branch and fell down heavily. Standing up she saw that the jar was broken to pieces and there was no milk left. She couldn't help crying and exclaimed: "Oh, what a poor girl I am. If I had not broken the jar I should have bought such a beautiful ring, and now everything is lost."

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Once upon a time there lived a pleasant girl.

2. She often bought fine things in the supermarket.

3. One morning she took a jar full of sour-cream and started off.

4. She wanted to buy a fine gold ring.

5. The weather was hot.

6. Soon the sun hid in the clouds.

7. The girl felt tired.

8. She decided to rest on a stone.

9. She saw a branch lying on the ground.

10. There was some milk in the broken jar.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The girl was fond of …

a) fine things

b) selling milk

c) walking

2. One morning she got up …

a) very late

b) very early

c) not very early

3. She was going to sell ….

a) water

b) milk

c) a ring

4. She was going to buy ….

a) water

b) milk

c) a ring

5. The weather was …

a) hot

b) warm

c) cool

6. The girl thought it was …

a) 10 o’clock

b) 11 o’clock

c) 12 o’clock

7. After a short rest she started …

a) walking

b) running

c) selling milk

8. She was …

a) in a hurry

b) walking slowly

c) tired

9. She stumbled against …

a) the stone

b) the ring

c) the brunch

10. If she had not broken the jar, she would have bought …

a) milk

b) a beautiful ring

c) a beautiful stone

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 72

Extreme Ironing

What activities are sports? Running and football? Sure. Synchronized swimming? Probably. Ballroom dancing? Maybe. Playing cards? Probably not. Gardening? Definitely not. Most people believe that sports must combine physical activity and competition. If we use this definition, then extreme ironing is a sport. What is extreme ironing? Extreme ironing is pressing clothes in very difficult places. Ironists must carry their irons, ironing boards, and wrinkled laundry with them to the competition site. Some ironists take electric generators. Others heat their irons on gas stoves. The competitors get more points for the difficulty of the location. However, the quality of the ironing is important, too. Each item must be well pressed.

Extreme ironists compete in some amazing places. Contestants iron while they are climbing rocks, climbing mountains, and climbing trees. They iron in canoes, on the backs of cows, and even underwater. One team ironed while on a kayak in the Atlantic Ocean.

This sport is not a joke. Teams from 30 countries competed in the first world championships in Germany in 2002. Phil Shaw is the inventor of extreme ironing. He says that there are about 1,500 ironists worldwide. Some teams have corporate sponsors. The German corporation Rowenta, an iron maker, pays for Shaw's team. The goal of extreme ironists is to have their sport included in the Olympics. May be then they can start using their real names. At the moment, contestants use names such as Steam, Cool Silk, and Iron Man. Why? Shaw admits, "Most competitors don't want people to know that they are ironists."

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Running and football are sports.

2. Some people believe that sports must combine physical activity and competition.

3. Extreme ironing is supposed to be a sport.

4. Ironists must carry their equipment with them.

5. The competition site is indoors.

6. The competitors get no points for the difficulty of the location.

7. Extreme ironing is pressing clothes in very difficult places.

8. The first world championships was in Britain in 2002.

9. The contestants don’t use their real names.

10. The extreme ironists want to include their sport in the Olympics.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Most people believe that sports are…..

A playing cards.

В football.

C gardening.

2. Extreme ironing is a …..

A past time activity

B sport

C game

3. Extreme ironing is a sport because it combines…

A physical activity and competition.

B competition and excitement

C physical activity and excitement

4. Ironists must carry their ……. with them.

A. tents

B. wrinkled laundry

C. gas stoves

5. For the difficulty of the location…..

A. the competitors get more points

B. the competitors get less points

C. the competitors get no points

6. The quality of the ironing is…..

A necessary

B poor

C important

7. Teams from ………..competed in the first world championships .

A more than 30 countries.

В 40 countries.

C 30 countries.

8. Phil Shaw is ………of extreme ironing.

A the inventor.

B. the sponsor.

C the contestant.

9. There are about …..ironists worldwide.

A 1,300.

В 1,900.

C 1,500.

10. Most competitors don't want people to know that they are …

A sportsmen

В champions

C ironists

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 73

Jonathan Swift and the Errand Boy

Jonathan Swift, the famous Irish writer (1667-1745), leading satirist of his age, was not very generous. He seldom gave anything to the servants of those who sent him presents.

But once he received a lesson from a boy who very often brought him hares, partridges(1), and other game(2).

One day the boy arrived with a heavy basket full of fish, fruit, and game. When Swift opened the door, the boy said gruffly, "Here, my master has sent you a basket full of things." Swift, feeling displeased at the boy's rude manners, said to him: "Come here, my boy, and I will teach you how to deliver a message a little more politely. Come, imagine yourself Jonathan Swift, and I will be the boy."

Then taking off his hat very politely and addressing himself to the boy, he said: "Sir, my master sends you a little present and begs you will do him the honour to accept it."

"Oh, very well, my boy," replied the boy, "tell your master I am much obliged to him, and there is half a crown for yourself."

Swift laughed heartily, and gave the boy a crown for his wit(3).

1 partridge - куріпка

2 game - тут дичина

3 wit – кмітливість

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Jonathan Swift, the famous Irish writer.

2. He was very generous.

3. The servant often brought him hares, partridges and other game.

4. The boy taught Jonathan Swift a lesson.

5. Swift felt displeased at the boy's good manners.

6. Jonathan Swift wanted the servant to be more polite.

7. The writer seldom gave anything to the servants of those who sent him presents..

8. The writer pretended to be a boy.

9. The boy showed his wit by taking advantage of the situation.

10. Jonathan Swift gave the boy a crown for his behavior.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Hares, partridges, and other game mean...

A different kinds of soup.

В different animals that are hunted.

C different kinds of precious metals.

2. Jonathan Swift is a famous …

A Irish artist

B British writer

C Irish writer and satirist

3. He was not very generous because he didn’t like to give anything to…

A to the servants who brought presents

B to the servants who got a message

C to the servants who brought mail

4. But once Jonathan Swift ……. from a boy.

A. received hares, partridges

B. received a lesson

C. received the fish

5. Swift felt displeased because …

A. the boy was ill-mannered

B. the boy was late

C. the boy was laughing

6. Why does the text say, "'Oh, very well, my boy," replied the boy."?

A The boy was insulting Jonathan Swift by talking down to him.

В The boy was pretending to be Jonathan Swift.

C The boy thought that he was better than Swift.

7. “Come, imagine yourself Jonathan Swift, and I will be the boy."-…

A said the servant

B said the master

C said Jonathan Swift

8. In the end, Jonathan Swift was impressed by the boy because...

A he showed how proper he could be.

B he proved how polite he was.

C he showed his wit by taking advantage of the situation.

9. Jonathan Swift gave the boy a crown because...

A the boy was actually a prince.

В he wanted to give the witty boy a tip.

C he was a generous man.

10. The boy can be most fairly characterized by being called...

A arrogant and witty

В brave and witty

C daring and rude

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 74

New Restaurant with That Special Dog in Mind

Do you want to get your dog a special birthday present? If you live in Chicago, you can take Spike or Fifi out to dinner at the Pet Cafe. It has tables for the humans and eating stands for the dogs. A meal costs less than four dollars. For that price, your dog gets an entree, a fortune dog biscuit (the canine version of a fortune cookie), and a bowl of peanut-butter flavored ice cream. You, the owner, on the other hand, are only offered candy.

You may think a restaurant for dogs is strange. However, restaurant owner Vera Carter does not. She says, "People want to return the loyalty and love their animals give them. For a dog, the best way to do that is to give them good food."

Carl Gregory, a pet-industry expert agrees. He says Americans are not just buying food; they are spending millions of dollars on toys, beds, classes, and even clothing for their pets. In fact, today Americans spend twice as much on their pets as they did in 1994. In that year, they spent about 17 million dollars. In 2004, they spent more than 34 million dollars.

For these reasons, many different types of businesses are offering services to pet owners. Some hotels now rent pet-friendly rooms. Some even have room service for dogs. Mail-order companies offering steak for dogs have become more popular. There are also many bakeries selling pet treats in addition to pies and cakes for people. More and more restaurants are adding food for pets to their menus. However, there aren't many sit-down pet restaurants like the Pet Cafe.

Some people don't like the idea of a restaurant for dogs. As Web blogger Jack Simpson says, "Dog restaurants are absurd." Dog owner Sherry Evans doesn't agree. She went to the Pet Café with her dog, Lulu. "No, it's not ridiculous," she says. "Everyone has to feel needed. Lulu is my sweet, precious baby:'

an entrée- перша страва

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. People can eat at the Pet Cafe.

2. Dogs eat at tables at the Pet Café.

3. Pets are offered a meal cost less than four dollars.

4. Americans are spending less money on pets than they did before.

5. People don’t want to return the loyalty and love their animals give them.

6. Some hotels allow pets to stay.

7. Everyone thinks that pet restaurants are a good idea.

8 There are many pet restaurants in the United States.

9.There are also many bakeries selling pet treats in addition to cakes for people.

10. Many people don't like the idea of a restaurant for dogs.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1.The Pet Cafe has ….for the dogs.

A Tables

B stands

C plates

2.The dog gets an entree, a fortune dog biscuit and a bowl of…… ice cream.

A chocolate

B vanilla

C peanut-butter flavored

3.The owner, on the other hand, is offered ….

A candy

B biscuit

C a cup of tea

4. The best way to return the loyalty and love animals is….

A to buy them clothes

B to give them good food

C to take them for a walk

5. Americans spend ….of dollars on their pets.

A thousands

B hundreds

C millions

6. Many different ….are offering services to pet owners.

A types of businesses

B kinds of cafes

C hotels

7….. restaurants are adding food for pets to their menus.

A Some

B Not many

C More

8. …don't like the idea of a restaurant for dogs.

A Few people

B Some people

C Old people

9. Offering steak for dogs….. have become more popular.

A bakeries

B Food –order companies

C Mail-order companies

10"Everyone has to feel needed”- said ….

A Sherry Evans

B Jack Simpson

C Lulu

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 75

The Man and the Monkeys

It happened in Africa. A man lived in a small house in a village. The man made caps. He sold his caps. He had many caps. His caps were brown and white, grey and red. And his own cap was black.

One summer day the man went to the market to sell his caps. His way lay trough a wood. He walked for a long time and came to a big tree. The day was hot and the man was tired. He wanted to have a little rest. So he sat down under the tree and put his caps on the ground. Only his own black cap was on his head. The man lay down and soon he fell asleep.

He slept for a long time. When the man woke up, he saw his caps had gone. Only his own black cap was on his head.

He looked to his right, but he saw no his caps. He saw to his left-but again he saw no caps. He looked behind the tree. But there were no caps there. The man could not find his caps.

At last he looked up into the tree. And he saw many monkeys in the tree. The monkeys sat there. Every monkey had a brown or, or white, or grey, or red cap on. The man looked at the monkeys. The monkeys looked at the man. The man didn’t know what to do.

Then the man asked the monkeys to give him back his caps. But the monkeys did not understand him, and they did not give him back his caps.

The man got angry. He shook a finger at them. But the monkeys shook their fingers back at him. He got very angry, so he shook both hands at them. He asked them to give him back his caps. But the monkeys shook their hands back at him.

At last he got extremely angry. So he took off his own black cap and threw it on the ground. When the monkeys saw that, they took off the caps and threw them on the ground too.

The man was very glad when he saw all his caps on the ground. So he picked up all his caps and went to the market to sell them.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A man lived in one of the African cities.

2. The man made caps of different colours.

3. He wanted to have a rest on his way to the market.

4. When the man woke up he couldn’t find his own cap.

5. He found his caps behind the tree.

6. The monkey gave the man back his own cap.

7. The man got angry because he couldn’t take his caps back.

8. The monkeys followed the man and shook their fingers back at him.

9. When the monkeys saw that the man took off his own cap and threw it on the ground, they did the same.

10. The man got extremely angry when he saw all his caps on the ground.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The man’s own cap was…

a) black;

b) brown;

c) grey.

2. One summer day the man went to the market…

a) to buy some caps;

b) to show his caps;

c) to sell his caps.

3. The man was tired and…

a) he wanted to come back home;

b) he wanted to have a little rest;

c) he wanted to put his caps on the ground.

4. He sat under the tree and…

a) put his own cap on the ground;

b) put all his caps on the ground;

c) put his brown cap on the ground.

5. When the man woke up, he…

a) saw his caps on the ground;

b) saw his caps had gone;

c) saw his caps on the tree.

6. The man found his caps…

a) behind the tree;

b) on his right;

c) on the monkeys.

7. The man asked the monkeys…

a) to come up to him;

b) to give him back his caps;

c) to look at him.

8. The monkeys…

a) didn’t understand the man;

b) understood the man;

c) got angry.

9. The monkeys threw the caps on the ground because…

a) the man got extremely angry;

b) the man shook the hands at them;

c) they saw the man threw his own cap on the ground.

10. At the end of the story…

a) the man went to the market to buy new caps;

b) the man went to the market to sell the caps;

c) the man went home without his caps.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 76


Hinemoa was the beautiful daughter of a Maori chief who lived on the shore of a great lake.

One day Hinemoa’s father gave a great feast at which all young men were present. Each young man tried to dance as well as he could because each hoped to win the heart and hand of the young lady.

Hinemoa liked one of them most of all. He was a young man from a small island of the lake, and he loved Hinemoa very dearly. But when Hinemoa told her father that she loved him, the old chief got very angry and said that the young man was not noble.

“Noble or not,” answered Hinemoa, “he is the man I love!”

This made the chief still more angry. He said, “If he comes to the shore again, I will kill him.”

Every night Hinemoa went to the shore of the lake but she never found a canoe there which could take her over the water. Hinemoa’s father had told his men to take canoes away every night and hide them.

However, Hinemoa didn’t lose hope. She decided to swim to the island. One night she started on her long dangerous swim. The night was dark and she could not see the island. She was a strong swimmer but after many hours she became weak. Just then the moon came out and she saw that the island was quite near. A few minutes more and she felt the stones under her feet.

At the place where she came ashore there was a hot spring. She entered the warm water, rested and warmed her cold body. Then she found the young man. They became husband and wife. They lived happily for many years.

The hot spring that gave Hinemoa life and strength is known even now as Hinemoa’s Bath.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Hinemoa was the beautiful daughter of a Maori chief who lived on the shore of a great river.

2. In spring Hinemoa’s father gave a great feast at which all the young men were present.

3. Each young man tried to sing and dance as well as he could.

4. Hinemoa liked a young man from a small island off the lake.

5. The old chief was very happy because the young man was noble.

6. The chief promised to kill that young man.

7. Every night Hinemoa went to the shore of the sea.

8. Hinemoa decided to swim to the island.

9. At the place where Hinemoa came ashore there was a hot spring.

10. The cool spring that gave Hinemoa life and strength is known even now as Hinemoa’s Bath.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. A Maori chief and his daughter lived on …

a) the shore of a great river;

b) the shore of a great lake;

c) the shore of a sea.

2. Hinemoa`s father gave a great feast at which all the young men …

a) tried to sing;

b) tried to run;

c) tried to dance.

3. The chief was very angry when Hinemoa told him she loved a man because this man…

a) was weak;

b) was poor;

c) was not noble.

4. Hinemoa went to the shore of the lake…

a) to meet her young man;

b) to find a canoe;

c) to help Hinemoa.

5. Hinemoa`s father had told his men…

a) to hide canoes;

b) to find canoes;

c) to help Hinemoa.

6. She decided…

a) to come back home;

b) to swim to the island;

c) not to swim to the island.

7. The girl saw the island…

a) when the morning came;

b) when the sun came out;

c) when the moon came out.

8. When Hinemoa came ashore…

a) she was weak and cold;

b) she was happy;

c) she went to sleep.

9. At the end of the story Hinemoa…

a) didn`t find the young man;

b) came back to her father;

c) became the young man`s wife.

10. The hot spring that gave Hinemoa life and strength is known as…

a) Maori’s Bath;

b) Life Bath;

c) Hinemoa`s Bath.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 77

The Jumping Frog

There was a fellow, Jim Smiley by name. He was very fond of betting. If there was a dog-fight, he bet on it; if there was a chicken-fight, he bet on it; if there was two birds sitting on a fence, he bet on them.

One day he caught a frog and said: “I shall educate him.” He called his frog Daniel Webster, he was very proud of him, kept him in a little box and carried him to the village for some bet.

Daniel Webster was a gifted frog, and Smiley taught him to jump so high that he outjumped any other frog.

But Jim was modest and natural. One day a stranger saw Smiley with his frog and asked him: “What have you in that box?”

It is only a frog,” Smiley answered.

The fellow took Daniel, examined him carefully, turned him from one side and from the other and asked again:

“What is he good for?” “Well, “, Smiley answered, “he is good enough for one thing: he can outjumped any other frog. And I’ll bet forty dollars,” he continued, “he will do it.”

“I am a stranger here,” the fellow answered,” and I have no frog; but if I had one, I could bet you.”

“Well, it is very easy,” Smiley cried out; “if you hold my box a minute, I’ll go and get you a frog.”

The stranger took the box, put his forty dollars upon those of Smiley and sat down to wait.

While Smiley was away looking for a frog, the fellow got Daniel out of the box opened the frog’s mouth, took a teaspoon and filled him with small stones. Then he put him down upon the floor.

At last Smiley came back with another frog. “ Now,” he said to the stranger, “if you are ready, put him near Daniel upon the same line and I‘ll give the signal. One ,two, three-advance!” The frogs started to jump. The new frog jumped smartly, but Daniel only lifted up his shoulders and did not jump. The fellow took the money and went away.

Smiley was surprised. At last he took Daniel by the skin of the neck, lifted him up and cried: ”Why he weighs five pounds!” He turned Daniel upside down, and there came out of the frog’s mouth a double handful of small stones.

He understood everything. He sat the frog down and ran after that fellow, but he never caught him.

Be fond of betting любити битися об заклад

Gifted талановитий

Stranger незнайомець

Weigh важити

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Jim Smiley was fond of dog-fights and chicken-fights.

2. Jim Smiley was proud of his frog because he was gifted.

3. Jim wanted to bet with a stranger.

4. The stranger had his own frog and agreed to bet.

5. Daniel outjumped other frogs because he had a teaspoon in his mouth.

6. While Smiley was looking for a frog, the stranger had to hold his box.

7. When Smiley came back with another frog, their frogs jumped.

8. Daniel jumped smartly and the new frog couldn’t jump.

9. Daniel weighed five pounds.

10. Smiley bet forty dollars and won.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Jim Smiley liked. . .

a) to watch a chicken-fight;

b) to visit dog-fight;

c) to bet on everything;

d) to bet on dog-fight

2. One day Jim Smiley caught. . .

a) a dog;

b) a chicken;

c) a bird;

d) a frog

3. Daniel Webster was. . .

a) the dog’s name;

b) the chicken’s name;

c) the bird’s name;

d) the frog’s name

4. Daniel Webster. . .

a) was well-educated;

b) could outjump any other frog;

c) was modest and natural;

d) could be taught to do everything

5. Smiley was proud of his frog because Daniel Webster was. . .

a) well-educated;


c) modest;

d) natural

6. Jim caught a frog and carried him to the village. . .

a) to keep him in a little box;

b) to bet on him;

c) to examine him carefully;

d) to have a good friend

7. One day Smiley bet with a stranger because. . .

a) he was modest and natural;

b) he had a frog;

c) he was proud of his frog;

d) he was fond of betting

8. Jim went looking for. . .

a) money;

b) forty dollars;

c) his frog;

d) a frog for the stranger

9. While Smiley was looking for the frog, the fellow. . .

a) filled the frog’s mouth with small stones;

b) watched Daniel in the box;

c) examined the frog;

d) looked for forty dollars

10. At the end of the story Jim Smiley. . .

a) didn’t understand anything;

b) got his money from the stranger;

c) understood everything;

d) caught the stranger

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 78

Lunch for a Tree

Do you believe that a tree could eat a person? Long ago, many people thought such frightening trees grew in unexplored parts of the world.

One of the first stories about people-eating trees was published in 1783. A doctor wrote a magazine article about stories he had heard in Southeast Asia, in what is now the country of Malaysia. The stories told about ordinary-looking trees that grew in the Malaysian jungles. The branches of the trees could reach out and seize people who walked too close to them! The doctor wrote that the people living in this area worshiped some of these trees as gods.

After that many stories were told about people-eating trees in remote parts of Asia, Africa and South America. Could some trees eat humans? Some people believed the stories, but others did not.

In 1930’s some newspapers printed stories about trees that ate people. These trees were supposed to be in a jungle area of Paraguay, in South America. They had sweet-smelling flowers to attract people. The trees’ huge leaves would wrap themselves around people who got too close to them.

As time passed, most of the world’s jungles were explored. No one ever found any people-eating trees. Today we no longer hear stories about such things.

But some people will always believe that magical things live in wild, faraway places – things such as monsters and even trees that eat people.

worshiped - поклонялися

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Many people believed in people-eating trees.

2. They thought these trees grew all over the world.

3. A magazine published the first story about people-eating trees in 1983.

4. A journalist wrote about ordinary-looking trees that grew in the Malaysian jungles.

5. People living in this area cut the branches of these trees.

6. There were a lot of such stories in Asia, Africa and South America.

7. All the people believed these stories about people-eating trees.

8. Stories about trees that ate people were printed again in 1930’s.

9. Paraguay trees had sweet-smelling flowers.

10. The explorers have already found some people-eating trees.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Long ago many people believed in …

a) people-drinking trees;

b) people-eating trees;

c) people-colouring trees

2. Such trees grew in … parts of the world.

a) explored;

b) partly explored;

c) unexplored

3. One of the first stories about people-eating tees was published …

a) in the 16th century;

b) in the 17th century;

c) in the 18th century

4. The article was written by …

a) the professor;

b) the doctor;

c) the journalist

5. The stories told about …

a) ordinary-looking trees;

b) fantastic trees;

c) ordinary-looking flowers

6. Some stories were told in remote parts of …

a) Asia and Africa;

b) Asia, Africa and Europe;

c) Asia, Africa and South America

7. … people believed these stories about people-eating trees.

a) Most;

b) Some;

c) Few

8. As recently as ..., some newspapers printed stories about trees that ate people.

a) 1930’s;

b) 1940’s;

c) 1950’s

9. The trees had …

a) sweet-smelling flowers and huge leaves;

b) sweet-smelling leaves and huge flowers;

c) sweet-smelling flowers and no leaves

10. … people-eating trees.

a) The explorers found;

b) The explorers found and took home;

c) No one ever found

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 79

An Arab in the Desert

An Arab was walking alone through the desert when he met two men.

“Have you lost one of your camels?” he asked them.

“Yes”, they said.

“Was he blind in the right eye and lame in the left foot?” asked the Arab.

“Yes, he was.”

“Had he lost a tooth and was carrying a cargo of honey and corn?”

“Yes”, said the men.

“Please tell us where he is.”

“I don’t know where he is”, said the Arab. “I have never seen such an animal nor have I talked with anyone about him.”

The two men looked at each other with surprise. They thought that the Arab was deceiving them. Finally they came up to him, took hold of him and said: “Where is the camel? And what have you done with the jewels which were in the cargo?”

The Arab said that he had never seen the camel. The men took him before a police officer.

“I have never seen their camel”, said the Arab to the officer. “I am a simple man; I have learned to look carefully at everything in the desert. This morning I saw tracks of a camel that was lost. I knew it was lost because there were no human tracks there. I also knew that the camel was blind in the right eye because the grass on that side was not eaten. The animal was lame because one track was much lighter than the other. He had lost a tooth, because where he ate the grass there was always a small space left untouched. I also found some ants which were pulling pieces of corn near the tracks. And flies were eating drops of honey along the way. From all these facts I was able to tell what cargo the camel was carrying.”

a cargo - вантаж

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. An Arab was riding along through the desert.

2. He met two men on his way.

3. The Arab had seen the camel which was lost.

4. The two men didn’t believe him.

5. The men took the Arab to the station.

6. The Arab was a simple man.

7. He didn’t look carefully in the desert.

8. That morning he saw some tracks.

9. There were the tracks of the camel and a man.

10. The Arab knew that the camel was blind and lame.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. While walking an Arab met …

a) one man;

b) two men;

c) two women

2. He asked them about their ….

a) mood;

b) cargo;

c) camel

3. The men thought that the Arab was …

a) telling the truth;

b) deceiving them;

c) telling the truth and deceiving them at the same time

4. The men took him before …

a) the judge;

b) the manager;

c) the police officer

5. The Arab was a simple man who learned to …

a) write carefully;

b) look carefully at everything;

c) ride a camel

6. One morning the Arab saw tracks of a camel which was …

a) happy;

b) sad;

c) lost

7. The camel was …

a) blind in the right eye ;

b) blind in the left eye;

c) not blind

8. … had lost his tooth.

a) The men;

b) The Arab;

c) The camel

9. There were some … pulling pieces of corn.

a) dogs;

b) camels;

c) ants

10.The Arab also saw some … eating drops of honey.

a) bears ;

b) flies;

c) birds

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 80

An Amazing Story

A friend of a friend of mine told an amazing story to me. He said it was true! Anyway, one couple didn’t have any children, so they went and bought a rabbit, an angora rabbit, you know the one with long hair and little red eyes like Panasonic power lights. They loved this rabbit. They kissed it and cuddled it and called it sweetheart and all that sort of thing.

Anyway the couple next door had a small dog, you know, the sort that bites postmen in the ankle. And they said: “If our dog ever gets that rabbit it going to be a very dead rabbit.”

One day they came downstairs and saw their dog in the garden going, GRRRRR!!! GRRRRR!!! So they went into a garden and found there a very dead rabbit. The neighbours weren’t in; the car wasn’t in the garage so the people with the dog took the rabbit inside the house and put it on the table.

“They are going to be so upset if they know our dog killed their rabbit!”

“Why don’t we get another one? They might not notice the difference!”

So they raced off to the local pet shop and bought one. It looked just the same to them. They raced back and put it into a hutch and then went back home.

A little while later the couple came home, went across the garden crying. The couple with the dog saw them. Suddenly they stopped and started to scream and hold each other! The couple with the dog ran out and said over the garden fence,

“Is everything all right?”

“No! It’s the rabbit!”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s alive!”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Well, it died yesterday and we buried it!”

couple – подружня пара

to cuddle – обіймати

a hutch – клітка

to bury – поховати

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. One pair didn’t have any children.

2. They decided to buy an angora cat.

3. Their pet had long hair and little red eyes.

4. They called their rabbit sweetheart.

5. Their neighbours had a big dog.

6. One day the dog ran to the garage.

7. The couple with the dog saw a dead angora rabbit.

8. They took the rabbit inside the house and put it on the chair.

9. The couple with the dog bought a new angora rabbit and put it into the hutch.

10. When the pair came back home they were shocked.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. One couple ……..children.

a) didn’t have any;

b) had two;

c) had three.

2. So they bought a ….

a) an angora cat;

b) an angora rabbit;

c) an angora dog.

3. The couple …it.

a) kissed the pet and played with;

b) kissed the pet and didn’t cuddle;

c) kissed the pet and cuddled.

4. Rabbit’s eyes were …

a) little;

b) little and red;

c) tiny and red.

5. The couple next door had a ….

a) big dog;

b) a small cat;

c) a small dog.

6. Once a dead rabbit was found …..

a) in the garden;

b) in the garage;

c) inside the house.

7. The neighbours decided to …..

a) hide a dead rabbit in the house;

b) buy the same sort of angora rabbit;

c) bury a dead rabbit.

8. A little while later the couple …..

a) came back home;

b) went shopping;

c) came back to the pet shop.

9. Suddenly they stopped and started to ….

a) laugh;

b) scream;

c) whisper.

10. The couple thought that the rabbit ….

a) came to life again;

b) slept;

c) disappeared.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 81

Racing Driver Missing

John Strange, the racing driver with the Springfield cars racing team, is 35 years old. His wife Claire is 25. She is a housewife. They live in London. John is a successful racing driver. He won many races. Springfield’s last race with cars was on the 22-nd of June. And their next race is in five days. But just before that race John had suddenly disappeared. Neither Mike Steel, Springfield’s manager, nor Claire knew where he was.

‘’We are very worried’’,-Steel said,- ‘’John always comes to work early in the morning and he never leaves before seven or half past. Yesterday we were all at the track as usual waiting for John to get there, but he didn’t arrive. He wasn’t at home and nobody has seen him since he said good bye to his wife, Claire, on Monday morning.’’

The police questioned a woman who lived next to Strange’s house, 18 East Road. She saw three men get into a car yesterday morning. One of them was John Strange.

On Tuesday afternoon John was found on a cliff face. In a dramatic rescue the racing driver was lifted to safety by a crew from the Air- Sea Rescue Service and taken to Alexandra Hospital. When found, Strange was suffering from cuts, bruises and severe shock.

Mike Steel said today, -‘’We are thrilled that John is safe and we hope he is going to drive in the race tomorrow. If he can’t drive because of his injuries, then Norman Fisher will take his place.

Norman Fisher is a mechanic with Springfield cars. He lives in London with his three children. Some years ago he was a great success as a driver with Springfield Cars. But after his wife’s death Fisher drove badly and had three major accidents. Fisher hasn’ t driven since that time. But he doesn’t like his job as a mechanic. He once said he would ‘ do anything’ to get onto the track.

Now, can you guess who had kidnapped John Strange?


Rescue - порятунок , рятувати

Crew - екіпаж

To be thrilled - бути схвильованим

To kidnap – викрадати (людей)

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. John Strange is a racing driver.

2. He failed many races.

3. Springfield’s last race with cars was on the 22-nd of July.

4. Just before the next race John had suddenly disappeared.

5. The police questioned a man who lived next to Strange’s house.

6. He said he had seen four men get onto a car, one of them was John Strange.

7. On Tuesday morning John was found on a rock.

8. John had got some injuries and was taken to Alexandra hospital.

9. Norman Fisher had two accidents with Springfield cars.

10. Fisher wants to get back onto the track.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Springfield manager is … .

a) John Strange,

b) Mike Steel,

c) Norman Fisher

2. Springfield’s next race is in … days.

a) three

b) four

c) five

3. John Strange never leaves before … .

a) six

b) five

c) seven

4. John’s house is in … East Road.

a) sixteen

b) seventeen

c) eighteen

5. Nobody has seen John since … .

a) Sunday

b) Monday

c) Tuesday

6. John Strange was found on a cliff face on Tuesday… .

a) morning

b) afternoon

c) evening

7. When found, John was suffering from … .

a) cuts , bruises and a bad cold,

b) cuts, bruises, and severe shock

c) cuts, bruises and a rash

8. Norman Fisher had … major accidents.

a) four

b) five

c) three

9. Norman Fisher had … children.

a) two

b) three

c) four

10. If john Strange can’t drive then… will take his place.

a) Mike Steel

b) Claire

c) Norman Fisher.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 82


Hollywood, the most famous town in America, got name in 1886 when a retired couple moved to California and built a ranch. The movies hadn’t yet been born and the couple chose the location because they liked the wide open spaces around the small but bustling city of Los Angeles.

Three years later moving pictures were invented in London when William Fries-Green gave the first demonstration before a paying audience in 1895. Ironically, they thought movies had no commercial use.

The first narrative film that used actors was called “The Great Train Robbery”. People went to see the film in their thousands. Each person paid five cents for admissions: this is why the first cinemas were called “Nickel Odeon’s”.

The popularity of movie boomed and the film companies joined together in order to get patent rights as a way of protecting their product. But pirate companies began to make films or their own outside the law. To avoid prosecution these film makers packed up and moved across country. They settled in a small town called Hollywood.

By 1914 this town had become the biggest film factory in the world. Other companies moved there because the sunny climate was conducive to shooting outdoors. The surrounding environment was also perfect for making westerns, the first and most popular American film genre.

The early Hollywood асtors were regarded with disrespect by many people..


a retired couple – сімейна пара пенсіонерів

a bustling city –метушливе місто

admission- допуск

to be conducive – сприяти чомусь

prosecution – виконання, ведення

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A retired couple moved to Florida in 1886.

2. They liked the wide open spaces around the city of Los Angeles.

3. That couple built a ranch.

4. Moving pictures were invented in London.

5. The Lumiere brothers gave the first free public demonstration.

6. The first narrative film was called “The Great Train Robbery”.

7. Each person paid six cents for admission.

8. The first cinemas were called “Nickel Odeon`s”.

9. The pirate companies settled in a small town called Los Angeles.

10. The first and the most popular American film genre was western.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The retired couple chose the location for their ranch because…

a) Los Angeles was a small and bustling town.

b) they liked to live near Hollywood,

c) they liked the environment.

2. Hollywood got its name in …

a) 1886

b) 1886

c) 1984

3. In 1886 Hollywood was…

a) only a small remote ranch,

b) the most famous city in America.

c) surrounded by wide open spaces.

4. The Lumiere brothers were the first…

a) to give a demonstration of moving pictures.

b) to get money for the demonstration of a film.

c) To believe that movies had commercial use.

5. The First film was called…

a) “The Great Train Journey ”

b) “The Great Coach Robbery”

c) “The Great Train Robbery”

6. Pirate film companies…

a) made their films illegally

b) wanted to work within the law.

c) joined together to project their products

7. According to the text, other film companies moved to Hollywood because…

a) they wanted to make movies outside the law.

b) the weather conditions allowed them to make films outside.

c) The weather was sunny most of the time.

8. According to the text…

a) “The Great Train Robbery” was a huge success.

b) people were not enthusiastic about “The Great Train Robbery”.

c) each person gave a thousand dollars for “The Great Train Robbery”.

9. According to the text in the 1920s many people in America…

a) respected actors very much.

b) thought badly of Hollywood artists

c) were not interested in movies and actors at all.

10. By … Hollywood had became the biggest film factory in the world…

a) 1916

b) 1914

c) 1915

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 83

In England people do a lot of strange things. Everything is not like in Europe. For example, the English are fond of taking about weather. They usually start every conversation with a little remark about it. If you don’t say anything about weather, they will think you are terribly boring. The Europeans usually talk about the weather when they don’t have anything else to discuss. The English sense of humor is very special. You can offend people on the continent if you make jokes about their clothes, their jobs, and their lifestyle. But the English do it every now and then and find nothing bad in it. English people are also very sarcastic so you must be ready to be laughed at. The English are proud of their difference from Europe and indeed they are different in many ways.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. In England people do a lot of understandable things.

2. Everything is different in England.

3. The Europeans usually talk about the weather.

4. The English usually start every conversation with a little remark about the weather.

5. The English are fond of talking about the weather.

6. You can offend people on the continent if you make fun of them.

7. You can offend the English if you make fun of them.

8. The English are fond of making jokes every now and then.

9. You must be ready to be laughed at in England.

10 .The English are really different in many ways.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. The Europeans

a) seldom talk about the weather

b) are not so easily offended

c) usually don’t have anything to discuss

2. The English

a) are very sarcastic

b) talk about the weather all the time

c) hate when people laugh at them

3. The English sense of humor is

a) very specific

b) unique

c) strange

4. You can offend people on the continent

a) if you make jokes about their clothes & hair-cuts

b) if you make fun of their relatives and lifestyle

c) if you make jokes about their clothes, jobs, lifestyle

5. You should always be ready

a) to be laughed at

b) to be made fun of

c) to smile at everything

6. The story tells us about

a) the English humor

b) the English and the Europeans

c) the English character

7. In England people

a) do a lot of strange things

b) are not fond of talking about the weather

c) do many things the other way

8. The English are proud of their…

a) difference

b) self- identity

c) sense of humor

9. … usually talk about the weather when they don’t have anything else to discuss:

a) The Europeans

b) The tourists from Europe

c) The English

10. If you don’t say anything about the weather, the English will think you are :

a) terribly ordinary

b) awfully boring

c) terribly boring

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 84

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle lies in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida.

The legend of the Bermuda Triangle began more than two hundred years ago. In 1781, a United States Navy ship sailed into the Triangle and was never seen again. Over the next thirty years, three more U.S. Navy ship disappeared mysteriously in the same area.

In 1840, according to a legend, a French ship drifted out of the Triangle in perfect condition, – but without a single living person aboard! After that, many ships were reported missing in the area. As airplanes began to fly over the Bermuda Triangle, some of them vanished, too!

For a time, the disappearance of so many ships and planes over the Bermuda Triangle was quite a mystery. Then people began to investigate. They discovered some very surprising things. Many of the ships that reportedly vanished in the Triangle actually went down in storms thousands of miles away. Many of the ships that reportedly disappeared in good weather were in fact caught in storms. The investigators even found that many stories of mysterious happenings in the Triangle were made up!

Today these stories are almost forgotten. People learned that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle was really no mystery at all.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

The Bermuda Triangle lies in the Pacific Ocean .

The legend of the Bermuda Triangle began more than two hundred years ago.

In 1881, a United States Navy ship sailed into the Triangle and was never seen again.

Over the next thirty years, three more U.S. Navy ship disappeared mysteriously in the same area.

In 1840, according to a legend, a French ship drifted out of the Triangle in perfect condition, – but without a single living person aboard.

. As airplanes began to fly over the Bermuda Triangle, many of them vanished, too.

The disappearance of so many ships and planes over the Bermuda Triangle was quite a mystery.

People began to investigate.

They did not discover some very surprising things.

Many of the ships that reportedly disappeared in good weather were in fact caught in storms.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

The Bermuda Triangle lies in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast…

a) Texas

b) Florida

c) California

The legend of the Bermuda Triangle began more than… … years ago

a) two hundred

b) three hundred

c) four hundred

3. Over the next thirty years, … more U.S. Navy ship disappeared mysteriously in the same area.

a) two

b) three

c) four

4. After that … ships were reported missing in the area.

a) little

b) few

c) many

5. The disappearance of so many ships and planes over the Bermuda Triangle was quite a …

a) discovery

b) mystery

c) event

6. Then people began to … .

a) open

b) find

c) to investigate

7. They discovered … surprising things.

a) some

b) many

c) a lot of

8. Many of the ships that reportedly vanished in the Triangle actually went down in … thousands of miles away.

a) rains

b) storms

c) earthquakes

9. Many of the ships that reportedly disappeared in … weather were in fact caught in storms.

a) good

b) bad

c) fine

10. The investigators even found that many … of mysterious happenings in the Triangle were made up!

a) songs


c) stories

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 85

Three Black Umbrellas

Sally had been studying at an art college for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money. It was going to be her mother's birthday soon, and she wondered what she could buy her as a present that could be nice and useful but not too expensive.

At lunch time one day, a week before her mother's birthday, she decided to have a quick sandwich and a cup of coffee instead of her usual meal in the college hall, and then go shopping near her college to try and find a nice present for her mother.

Half an hour later, she came across a shop that was selling umbrellas cheap, and decided that one of those would solve her problem, since her mother had lost hers. She chose a black umbrella because you can carry that with clothes of any colour.

On her way home she felt hungry and went to the buffet leaving her umbrella behind in the compartment of the train. When she came back it had gone. Sally burst into tears when she saw that the umbrella was no longer there. The other three passengers felt sorry for her when she explained what had happened. They asked for her mother's address to send it to her in case someone had taken it by mistake and brought it back after Sally had got out of the train.

The next week, Sally heard from her mother. Her letter said, 'Thank you very much for your lovely presents, but why did you send me three black umbrellas?'

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1) Sally didn’t have much money.

2) It was going to be her birthday soon.

3) She decided to have a quick sandwich and a cup of tee instead of her usual meal in the college

4) Sally thought that one of the umbrellas would solve her problem….

5) Sally went to the buffet on her way when she felt dizzy.

6) The passengers felt sorry for her because she left the umbrella.

7) She was very excited and happy.

8) The passengers asked for her mother's address.

9) The next day, Sally heard from her mother.

10). Sally’s mother got three umbrellas from the three passengers.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Sally had been studying at an art college……

a) within twenty years;

b) within ten years;

c) for a year.

2. Like most students, she …….

a) don’t have much money;

b) had a lot of money;

c) didn’t have much money.

3. It was going to be ….

a) her mother’s birthday…..

b) a New Year party;

c) a Christmas holiday.

4. She wanted to buy…….. nice and useful but not too expensive.

a) someone;

b) anyone;

c) something.

5. …….. one day, a week before her mother's birthday, she decided to have a quick sandwich

a) in the morning;

b) at lunch time;

c) yesterday.

6. Sally decided to…..

a) have gone shopping;

b) is going shopping;

c) go shopping.

7. She came across a shop that was selling ……

a) umbrellas;

b) greeting cards;

c) fruits.

8. She …… a black umbrella

a) have chosen;

b) had chosen;

c) chose.

9. Sally left her umbrella… the compartment of the train.

a) behind;

b) beneath;

c) under.

10. Sally’s mother wrote: “Why did you send me……

a) five red apples;

b) three black umbrellas;

c) one big balloon.

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 86

A Very Bad Impression

Six people were travelling in a compartment on a train. Five of them were quiet and well-behaved, but the sixth was a rude young man who was causing a lot of trouble to other passengers.

At last this young man got out on a station with his two heavy bags. None of the other passengers helped him, but one of them waited until the rude man was very far away, and then opened the window and shouted to him, “You left something behind in the compartment!” Then he closed the window again.

The young man turned around and hurried back with his two heavy bags. He was very tired when he arrived, but he shouted through the window, “What did I leave behind?”

As the train began to move again, the passenger who had called him back opened the window and said, “A very bad impression”.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Five people were travelling in a compartment on a train.

2. One man was very tired and rude.

3. Some of the people were quiet and well-bred.

4. At last the rude young man got out on a station with his heavy bag.

5. One of the passengers helped this young man.

6. One of the passengers shouted to the young man, “You left something behind on the train!”

7. A young man hurried back to the train with his cases.

8. He was very upset when he arrived.

9. The passenger opened the window and answered , “A very bad impression of yours”.

10. A train began to move again soon after.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. …were travelling on a train

a) six young men;

b) six people;

c) several students ;

2. One of the people

a)was causing a lot of troubles to the passengers;

b) was very noisy;

c) was young;

3. At last the young man

a) got out of the train;

b) moved to another compartment;

c) changed the train;

4. None of the passengers

a) helped him;

b) said anything;

c) opened the window;

5. One of the passengers shouted, “

a)You left your bag!

b)A bad impression you left!

c)A very bad impression!”

6. The young man was very … when he came to the train;

a) angry;

b) tired;

c) cheerful;

7. The story is about

a) the tiresome trip;

b) rude people;

c) the young and the old;

8. “You left something … in the compartment!”

a) –

b) on the table;

c) behind;

9. Five of the people were:

a) silent;

b) well- behaved;

c) silent and well-bred;

10.The passengers were travelling

a) by train;

b) by coach;

c) by plane;

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 87

The Wedding Anniversary

It was half past ten at night and Janice was alone in the house waiting for her husband to come home. She was watching TV when the doorbell rang. “James has lost his key again,” – she thought as she opened the door. Instead of her husband, though, Janice saw a young woman standing there. She was wearing a long white dress under her coat, and she was holding a bouquet of pretty flowers.

“Excuse me,” the young woman said sweetly. “Would it be all right if I used your phone to call for a taxi?”

“Oh, yes, of course,” Janice replied. “I’ll call one for you now.” She went to the telephone, asked the local taxi service to collect the young woman, and returned to the front door. The young woman wasn’t there, but her flowers were lying on the doormat. Janice couldn’t see her anywhere, so she picked up the flowers, went inside and phoned the taxi service again to cancel the call.

She sat down on the stairs, puzzled by the young woman’s mysterious disappearance. There was something familiar about the woman, but Janice couldn’t think what it was. When James got home half an hour later, she was still sitting on the stairs with the flowers on her lap. She showed James the flowers, and told him about the strange woman. James laughed, and then went upstairs to change his clothes. As he was going past the guest room, he heard the sound of a clock ticking. But the clock stopped working twenty years ago! His grandparents were no longer alive, but many of their things were still there. The clock was ticking and showed the correct time. Then James noticed a photograph next to the clock. It was a picture of a young couple on their wedding day, with “15th April, 1940” written on the photograph. James took the picture and went downstairs.

“I know who the young woman was”, he said softly showing the photo. Janice looked at it and gasped in amazement. In the picture she saw the mysterious woman holding the same flowers. “My granny died before I met you.” James said. “Well, that’s her in the picture – and today is 15th April. It’s her wedding anniversary”.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Janice was reading the book when the doorbell rang.

2. James was late.

3. The woman asked to call for a taxi.

4. The woman was wearing a short white dress.

5. The mysterious woman was holding a bouquet of flowers.

6. Janice was sleeping when James came back home.

7. The woman disappeared unexpectedly.

8. The old clock hadn’t been working for twenty years.

9. James’s grandparents were not alive.

10. On that day James and Janice had a wedding anniversary.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. When the doorbell rang, Janice thought “It must be …”

a) grandmother;

b) James;

c) the woman with flowers;

2. The woman was wearing…

a) a wedding dress;

b) pajamas;

c) a white dress and a coat;

3. Janice called …

a) the local taxi service;

b) her grandmother;

c) James;

4. When she returned she found flowers lying ...

a) on the doormat;

b) near the clock;

c) near the TV-set;

5. There was something … about this woman.

a) strange;

b) familiar;

c) interesting;

6. James got home at …

a) half past ten;

b) eleven;

c) ten

7. When James got back home, Janice …

a) told him about the mysterious woman;

b) showed him the picture;

c) called for a taxi;

8. The old clock stopped working …

a) half an hour ago;

b) fifteen years ago;

c) twenty years ago;

9. It was a picture of …

a) James’s grandparents;

b) James’s parents;

c) James’s wedding;

10. Janice …

a) didn’t recognize the woman on the photo;

b) saw the woman from the photo 20 years ago;

c) recognized the woman on the photo;

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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 88

Working with the Sick

34-year-old Dianne Grey was a successful doctor in the south of England, but for the last eight months she has been living in Angola, working for an organization called Doctors without Frontiers that gives emergency health care in several African countries.

Dianne was a general practitioner in Horsham, Surrey. She had a good career ahead of her and a comfortable life, but she began to find her job rather boring. She says, “I was treating patients with routine medical problems – colds, sore throat and so on and I felt a need to do something more important.”

The organization she works for has been sending medical teams and equipment to Angola since 1986. Different armies have been fighting each other in the area for years and health care became worse. Outside the cities there aren’t enough hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses and many diseases have become a big problem.

At first Dianne was shocked, but she began working hard to make the conditions better there. During the time in Angola, she has treated thousands of patients and has been training local people as health care workers.

“Working here has been a very important experience,” she says. “I have never felt so useful before. It’s so great to know that we have been helping people who really need it.” She will leave Angola next month, but she has already decided to return to Africa as soon as possible.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Dianne Grey was a successful actress.

2. She began to find her job rather boring.

3. “I was treating people with routine medical problems.”

4. She is 24.

5. Dianne lived in Scotland.

6. Different armies have been fighting each other in Angola.

7. She will leave Angola next month.

8. She doesn’t want to return.

9. Dianne worked as a general practitioner.

10. Angola is situated in South America.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Dianne works for an organizations called …

a) Doctors from England;

b) Doctors without Frontiers;

c) Doctors for Africa;

2. Horsham is …

a) a country in Africa;

b) a town in Angola;

c) a town in Surrey;

3. Dianne had …

a) a good career;

b) a bad career;

c) a difficult career;

4. Dianne felt a need to do ...

a) something more important;

b) something less important;

c) something easier;

5. The organization has been sending doctors to Angola since …

a) 1896;

b) 1986;

c) 1968;

6. The main problem in Angola is …

a) food provision;

b) health care;

c) water provision;

7. At first Dianne was …

a) shocked;

b) surprised;

c) angry;

8. Some local people were trained as …

a) teachers;

b) soldiers;

c) health care workers;

9. Diane Grey was treating …

a) the sick;

b) the poor;

c) the wounded;

10. The woman describes her experience in Angola as …

a) useful;

b) necessary;

c) important;

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 89

Up, Up and Away

As soon as Fay woke up, she knew this birthday was going to be very special. It was a sunny morning and a gentle breeze was blowing in through the window. “A perfect day for a balloon ride!” Fay said excitedly to herself. Half an hour later, her friend Bob picked her up in his car. For her birthday present Bob, a pilot, was taking Fay for a ride in a hot-air-balloon.

Fay was thrilled when she saw the huge, bright yellow hot-air balloon. Bob made sure that everything was okay, and then climbed carefully into the basket. Moments later, the balloon began to rise slowly into the air. “This is fantastic!” she shouted cheerfully to Bob. Suddenly the smile disappeared from Bob’s face. Dark clouds were racing towards them, and before he could say anything, there was a ruble of thunder. Just as Bob was reaching for the radio, there was a bright flash of lightning. Fay fell backwards and hit her head, and everything went black.

When Fay opened her eyes, she saw Bob’s worried face in front of her. “The balloon went down, but unfortunately we’ve landed in a tree. I’ve already radioed for help”, he explained. Fay looked over the side of the basket and realized that they were hanging from a branch. “Don’t worry,” said Bob calmly. “It’ll hold us.” At that moment a fire engine appeared. Two firefighters jumped out and, five minutes later, Fay and Bob were standing on the ground.

“Fay, I’m sorry,” replied Bob. “It wasn’t quite what I had in mind, but I’m sure you won’t forget this birthday.”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Fay knew that her birthday would be an ordinary day.

2. It was a perfect day for a balloon ride.

3. Her friend was a pilot.

4. Bob gave her a bunch of balloons.

5. The hot air balloon was bright green.

6. The weather changed very quickly.

7. The balloon landed into the tree.

8. Bob dialed 911 and asked for help.

9. Soon the fire engine appeared.

10. Fay soon forgot about this adventure.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. In the morning the weather was …

a) cloudy;

b) sunny;

c) rainy;

2. Her friend picked her up …

a) an hour later;

b) two hours later;

c) half an hour later;

3. Bob was taking Fay for a ride …

a) in a hot-air-balloon;

b) in a sports car;

c) in a boat;

4. When Fay saw the present she was …

a) thrilled;

b) disappointed;

c) indifferent;

5. Suddenly the smile disappeared on … face.

a) Fay’s;

b) Bob’s;

c) firefighter’s

6. Just as Bob’s was reaching for the radio, there was …

a) a ruble of the thunder;

b) a flash of lightning;

c) a wailing of fire engine;

7. Fay fell and hit her …

a) head;

b) arm;

c) back;

8. When the girl opened her eyes, she saw Bob…

a) on the ground;

b) climbing the tree;

c) in front of her;

9. When the rescue service arrived … firefighters jumped out from the car.

a) two;

b) three;

c) four;

10. They spent the birthday …

a) the way Fay wanted it;

b) the way Bob wanted it;

c) the way that none had expected.

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 90

Josiah Hodge collapsed in a seat at the Café du Monde restaurant in New Orleans. He put his head in his hands and let out a deep sigh.

Josiah had come to New Orleans as a public service. He had come up with the idea to develop a play for children affected by Hurricane Katrina and had secured a modest grant from the government to do so. But he hadn’t accounted for the major hindrance he would face: blistering heat in August with no clean water to drink.

Buying water for his crew of 38 volunteers for weeks on end would be far too expensive to do on his shoestring budget, and he had no one to turn to on such short notice for help. Josiah feared he would have to close up the production and return home.

As he sipped on a glass of soda, he found it ironic that water, which flooded this city and left many residents without homes or hope, would now be his downfall as he tried to spread the joy of theater to its children.

“Hello, sir,” a man at the table next to him said. “What brings you to New Orleans?”

Josiah shook his head. Later, he would find it amusing that this man knew, just by looking, that Josiah was not a local. For now, he was just tired and irritated.

“Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve had a bad day,” Josiah said. “I don’t much feel like talking.”

“What brings you to town?” the man said, pleasantly.

Josiah grudgingly talked a bit about his work as a theater director in Manhattan and his dream to bring a top flight play to the children of New Orleans.

The next day, as Josiah left a blazing hot outdoor studio, he noticed the same man from the restaurant, parked on the street. A shock of fluffy white hair framed his dark face, making him look almost saintly.

“Look sir, what do you want?”

“To help.”


“What do you need?”

“What I really need is clean water. That’s all I need.” Josiah turned and walked away. He had been rude, he knew, but he was so frustrated by this problem.

When he arrived back at his hotel room that evening, the front desk clerk handed Josiah an unmarked envelope. Inside was a check for $2,000. The memo line read, “For water.”

Josiah was flabbergasted. Who was this man?

As he pondered his good fortune, the phone rang in his hotel room.

“Will that get you some water?” a voice said on the other end.

“Why, yes, yes it will,” Josiah said. “Thank you so much for your generosity.”

“My wife and I would like to take you to dinner.”

Josiah could not refuse! This man was his savior, and his curiosity had gotten the best of him. Who was this benefactor?

At dinner, Etienne Fanchon and his wife, Adelaide, formally introduced themselves. Mr. Fanchon never graduated from high school, but inherited 5 acres of land from his father upon his death. For years, Mr. Fanchon grew cucumbers on the land, barely making a living. One day, a neighbor offered Fanchon a bag of money if Mr. Fanchon would let him bury three old trucks at the back of his property.

Mr. Fanchon took the bag and agreed. Later, he could not believe how much money was in the bag. “And just for letting him bury some trucks!”

The next morning, Mr. Fanchon said, he woke up, picked all the cucumbers off his land and converted the 5 acres into a waste management facility. He is now one of New Orleans’ few multimillionaires.

“So, I have all this money now and live to help others,” said Mr. Fanchon. “That is why I’ve helped you.”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Josiah had come to New Orleans as a public teacher.

2. Josiah had come to Manhattan as a public service.

3. Later, he would find it amusing that this man knew that Josiah was not a local.

4. He noticed the same woman from the restaurant.

5. The front desk clerk handed Josiah an unmarked envelope.

6. Inside was a check for $200.

7. The memo line read, “For water.”

8. For years, Mr. Fanchon grew potatoes on the land.

9. Mr. Fanchon took the bag and agreed.

10. “So, I have all this money now and live to help others,” said Mr. Fanchon.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. Josiah Hodge collapsed in a seat at the Café du Monde ________in New Orleans.

a) restaurant

b) café

c) supermarket

2. “What brings you to town?” the man said,_____________.

a) angrily

b) pleasantly

c) happily

3. He noticed the same man from the restaurant, _________on the street.

a) parked

b) walked

c) running

4. “Will that get you some________?” a voice said on the other end.

a) bread

b) money

c) water

5. He had been_________, he knew, but he was so frustrated by this problem.

a) rude

b) funny

c) pleasant

6. “My _________and I would like to take you to dinner.”

a) wife

b) family

c) mother

7. Mr. Fanchon never graduated from _________

a) collage

b) primary school

c) high school

8. Josiah could not___________!

a) refuse

b) believe

c) say a word

9. Later, he could not believe how much ___________was in the bag.

a) water

b) money

c) cucumbers

10. “That is why I’ve helped_________.”

a) you

b) him

c) them

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 91

When I was about 12-years-old, my older brother, James, smuggled a BB gun into the house.

I’m not quite sure where he got it. This was in 1938, during the Great Depression. He must have bartered for it with one of his friends.

Having any form of weaponry in our home was strictly taboo.

James brought me to his room and took the BB gun out of a shoebox in his closet. I was immediately enamored. He let me touch it and walk with it around the room. I fingered the trigger.

“Can I shoot it, Jamesie?” I asked, hopefully.

“No way,” James said, taking it from me and putting it back into its covert spot.

I forgot about it for a while, but one day, when no one was home, I went into James' closet and took it out.

For some unknown reason, I went to the front window of the second floor in our row house. I cracked the window open. I pointed the gun outside and shot. I quickly shut the window and peaked outside.

In a matter of seconds, old Mr. Schlosberg came out of his grocery store. He looked back at his store window. He looked up the street. He looked down the street. Then he looked straight across to our house. He could tell from the trajectory just where that shot had come from. He knew someone in our house was the culprit.

I ran back to James' room to return the gun and then sat downstairs, waiting nervously for someone to get home. Thankfully, Jamesie made it home before Mother or Father.

As he stepped through the door, I could hear old Mr. Schlosberg call his name.

“James, James,” he called. “Come here, son.”

I crept to look out the door and saw Mr. Schlosberg pointing feverishly at our house (up to the second floor window!) and then at his shop window. James ran back across the street and into the living room. I had retreated into the kitchen.

“Alma!” he screamed. “Get out here! You cracked Mr. Schlosberg’s window with my BB gun!”

“Oh, please, Jamesie,” I begged. “Don’t let him tell Mother. She will whip my bottom real good!”

Jamesie sighed. He wiped my tears and went back across the street to Mr. Schlosberg’s.

I don’t know what James said to that man, but there was never a mention of the incident again. I didn't know how I got out of it, but I got out of it, and that was all that mattered to me then. I was too self-absorbed to realize what a great brother I had.

Years later, I found out Jamesie had used the money he got from his newspaper route to pay for Mr. Schlosberg’s cracked window. He only got one cent for every paper he delivered. He managed to pay the debt off just before he went off to fight in World War II.

Since that day, I have never touched a gun. A BB gun, a water gun, a real gun, or any other type.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. I’m not quite sure where he got it.

2. This was in 1738, during the Great Depression.

3. “Can I shoot it, Jamesie?” I asked, hopefully.

4. I pointed the gun outside and ran away.

5. Thankfully, Jamesie made it home before Uncle or Aunt.

6. As he stepped through the door, I could hear old Mr. Schlosberg call his name.

7. James ran back across the street and into the bedroom.

8. She will whip my bottom real good!

9. I was too self-absorbed to realize what a bad brother I had.

10. Since that day, I have never touched a water gun.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. When I was about_______, my older brother, James, smuggled a BB gun into the house.

a) 12-years-old

b) 13-years-old

c) 14-years-old

2. James brought me to his ________and took the BB gun out of a shoebox in his closet.

a) room

b) roof

c) bathroom

3. “Can I shoot it, Jamesie?” I asked,___________.

a) happily

b) angrily

c) hopefully

4. In a matter of_________, old Mr. Schlosberg came out of his grocery store.

a) seconds

b) hours

c) days

5. I ran back to James' room to return the ________-and then sat downstairs.

a) gun

b) window

c) house

6. I don’t know what James said to that _________

a) man

b) lady

c) gun

7. I pointed the gun __________and shot.

a) in the room

b) inside

c) outside

8. He wiped my tears and _________across the street to Mr. Schlosberg’s.

a) swam

b) went back

c) ran away

9. I had retreated into the___________.

a) kitchen

b) bathroom

c) street

10. He only got one cent for every paper he__________.

a) delivered

b) read

c) wrote

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 92

Ana, her husband Mario, and their four-year-old son, Antonio, just moved to North Carolina.

They need a temporary place to call home until they get settled into their new surroundings.

Right now, they are staying in a hotel not far from Mario’s job.

Ana begins a search for an apartment for the family to live in.

First, Ana picks up an Apartment Book at the local newspaper stand. The Apartment Book contains listings of all the major apartment complexes in her area.

Ana starts by looking at the prices for apartments in the Apartment Book. Then, she reads about the amenities that each apartment complex offers.

For example, some apartments have a clubhouse. Some have a gym, which is also called a fitness center. Some have a pool. Some have all of these!

Ana notices that the more amenities an apartment complex has, the more it costs each month. She wants the family’s new apartment to be nice, but she does not want to spend too much money on it. Ana and Mario are trying to save money to buy a house.

After considering prices, amenities, and locations, Ana finds several apartment complexes that she thinks the family will like.

Ana calls the apartment complexes. She sets up appointments with the apartment managers to see the apartments she thinks are interesting.

Ana makes five phone calls in total.

When Mario gets back to the hotel from work, Ana shows him the list of apartments. “These look good,” he says.

The next day, while Mario is at work and Antonio is at childcare, Ana visits the apartment complexes.

She likes the fifth one the best. It is in a good school district. It has a pool, but no fitness center or clubhouse. It is near Mario’s job. Ana hopes to find a job nearby, as well.

When Ana gets back to the hotel, she discusses all that she has seen with Mario. They decide to rent the last apartment Ana saw.

The next day, Ana calls the manager of the apartment complex with the news.

The manager asks Ana and Mario to sign a lease and pay a security deposit.

If the family damages the apartment in any way while they are living there, the security deposit will help to pay for the cost of repairs.

Ana and Mario sign a lease and pay the money. They will move in next week.

Finally, they have a place to stay.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. Ana, her husband Mario, and their four-year-old son, Antonio, just moved to South Carolina.

2. Right now, they are staying in a hotel not far from Mario’s job.

3. Ana starts by looking at the pictures for apartments in the Apartment Book.

4. Some have a gym, which is also called a fitness center.

5. Ana calls the apartment complexes.

6. Ana makes 7 phone calls in total.

7. She likes the fifth one the best.

8. The next day, Ana goes to the manager of the apartment complex with the news.

9. Finally, they have a place to stay.

10. The next day, Ana calls the manager of the apartment complex with the news.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. They need a temporary place to call ________

a) home

b) flat

c) apartment

2. Ana begins a search for an apartment for the _________to live in.

a) her

b) husband

c) family

3. Some have a gym, which is also called a __________center.

a) running

b) fitness

c) cooking

4. Ana and Mario are trying to save money to buy a________.

a) house

b) room

c) car

5. Ana makes __________phone calls in total.

a) seven

b) five

c) three

6. They decide to __________the last apartment Ana saw.

a) rent

b) buy

c) sell

7. Ana and __________sign a lease and pay the money.

a) Mario

b) her husband

c) manager

8. They will move in_________.

a) last week

b) next week

c) two days

9. Ana hopes to find a _________nearby, as well.

a) job

b) shop

c) school

10. It is in a good ________-district.

a) job

b) shop

c) school

Департамент освіти Вінницької міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 93

A Portrait of a Family

There are three adults and two children in this family. The children are Ben, aged - twelve, and little

Stella who is four. Their parents are Andrew and Marion. The other adult is Leslie, who is Andrew’s

brother .He is twenty-four. They live in Newcastle, a large city in the north-east of England.

On weekdays mornings everyone gets up early. Andrew Barton works for a company which manufactures computers. He leaves at seven o’clock. He likes to avoid the rush hour, he says. Marion suspects that really he likes to avoid having breakfast with the children, who are very noisy.

Ben catches the school bus at eight-fifteen. Leslie is at university, studying physics. He lives away from home during term-time, so he avoids the noise, too.

Stella doesn’t go to school yet, of course. Next year, she will start at the nursery school where Ben used to go. Her mother is looking forward to this, as it will mean that she can go back to work. Before her marriage, she lived in London, where she worked for the National Gallery, in Trafalgar Square. She is hoping to find the same sort of job in Newcastle.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. There are two adults and two children in the family.

2. Leslie is Andrew’s brother, he’s twenty-four.

3. They live in London.

4. Every morning everyone gets up early.

5. Andrew Barton doesn’t work, he’s a pensioner.

6. Andrew likes to avoid the rush hour, so he leaves at seven.

7. Marion likes to avoid having breakfast with the children.

8 Ben catches the school bus at eight-fifteen.

9. Leslie studies French at the university.

10. Stella goes to the nursery school.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. How many adults are there in the family?

a. three

b. two

c. four

2. Who is Andrew’s brother?

a. Ben

b. Leslie

c. Tom

3. Where is Newcastle situated?

a. in the north of England

b. in the east of England

c. in the north-east of England

4. What does the company, where Andrew Barton works, manufacture?

a. cars

b. furniture

c. computers

5. Why does Andrew leave so early?

a. because he wants to avoid the rush hour

b. because he is afraid to be late

c. because he has to take little Stella to the nursery school.

6. What does Marion suspect?

a. Andrew doesn’t like to stay at home longer

b. Andrew is always late for his work

c. Andrew tries to avoid having breakfast with noisy children

7. How does Ben go to school?

a. by the school bus

b. by his car

c. On foot

8. How does Leslie avoid the noise at home?

a. he lives in the hotel

b. he lives away from home during term-time

c. he doesn’t pay any attention to it.

9. Why is Marion looking forward to Stella’s starting at the nursery school?

a. because Marion is very tired of looking after Stella

b. because Marion wants Stella to be among children at the nursery school

c. because Marion wants to go back to her work.

10. Where did Marion work before her marriage?

a. the National Gallery

b. the Tretyakov Gallery

c. the British Museum

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 94

How to Sell " Golden Dreams'

(After Stephen Leacock)

One day I went to a bookshop to look through new books. The manager showed me to the back of the shop where I could find some interesting books. While I was looking through the books, I could watch the manager at work and see some of his methods.

A fashionably dressed woman was standing at the counter and the bookseller was showing a book to her.

"Are you quite sure it's the latest?" the lady was saying to the bookseller. "Oh, yes", answered the manager. "This is Mr. John Desmond's latest book. It's having a wonderful sale." The lady bought the book and left the shop.

I looked at the title. The name of the book was "Golden Dreams".

Another lady entered the bookshop. She looked like a widow. She asked the manager to show her some new books.

"Would you like anything new in fiction?" repeated the manager. "Yes, Madam, here's a charming thing "Golden Dreams". The critics say that it's one of the sweetest things written by this author." "Is it a good book?" asked the lady.

"A charming one", said the manager. "It's a love story- very simple and sweet and wonderfully charming. My wife was reading it aloud only last night. She was crying all the time while she was reading it." The lady bought" Golden Dreams" and went away.

"Have you got any good light reading for vacation time?" asked the next customer. "Yes", said the bookseller. "Golden Dreams" is the most humorous book of the season. My wife was reading it aloud only yesterday. She was laughing all the time while she was reading it." The lady paid for the book and went out.

So every customer who entered the shop went away with "Golden Dreams". To one lady the manager sold "Golden Dreams" as the reading for a holiday, to another as the book to read after the holiday, another one bought it to read on a rainy day and the fourth as the right book for a fine day.

When I was leaving the bookshop, I went up to the bookseller and asked him, "Do you really like the book yourself?"

"Dear me!" said he. "I have no idea of the book! I have no time to read every book I'm selling."

"And did you wife like the book so much?" "I am not married, Sir", answered the manager smiling.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The author of the story was in the cellar where he could find some interesting books.

2. The author of the story could see some bookseller's methods.

3. The name of the book was not" Golden Dreams".

4. A neatly dressed woman was standing at the counter.

5. The manager said that his wife was crying or laughing all the time while she was reading.

6. All the ladies bought such a popular book and left the shop.

7. Both children and grown-ups who entered the shop paid for "Golden Dreams".

8. The book was offered for many different occasions.

9. When the author of the story was leaving the bookshop, he went up to the manager.

10. The bookseller was married.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. How could the author of the story watch the bookseller at work?

a) He was looking through magazines.

b) He hoped to find some interesting books.

c) He was waiting for the bookseller.

2. How did the first lady look?

a) a fashionably dressed woman;

b) an old-fashioned woman;

c) a stylishly dressed girl.

3. What was the author of the story amused at?

a) the bookseller's methods;

b) the manager's emotions;

c) the bookseller's humour.

4. How did the manager advertise "Golden Dreams"?

a) dull and boring;

b) wonderful and funny;

c) one of the worst thing by this writer.

5. Was the book "Golden Dreams" a fiction or non-fiction thing?

a) it was a science fiction novel;

b) it was one of the newest fantasy books;

c) it was one of the latest fiction books.

6. What occasions was that book offered for?

a) the right book both for rainy and fine days;

b) the best book for widows and married women;

c) the good book for children and grown-ups.

7. Whose feelings did the bookseller describe so often?

a) the critic's feelings;

b) his wife's emotions;

c) his widow's impressions.

8. Did every customer go away with "Golden Dreams"?

a) Several ladies didn't buy the book.

b) Nobody was interested in buying that book.

c) Every woman bought" Golden Dreams".

9. Did the bookseller read the book himself?

a) He read the book thoroughly.

b) He reread "Golden Dreams" several times.

c) He knew really nothing about the book.

10. What did the bookseller say about his marital status?

a) He was a widower.

b) He was single.

c) He was married.

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 95

Some Facts about Birds and Animals

The female emperor penguin lays only one egg each year. She gives it to the male, who puts it on his feet and covers it with a special pouch. The female then goes to the sea, perhaps many kilometers from the male, and does not return for three months. The male stands in the cold, with no food. When the egg hatches, the female comes back and her thin, weak mate goes off to feed.

The robin is a plump brown bird 14 cm long. It has a red face and breast and a white belly. Males and females look alike.

Robins live all over Great Britain and Ireland, and are often found in gardens. Each male or pair has a territory which the male defends.

Robins eat fruit, worms and insects. The female lays four to six eggs in a nest made of moss and hair. The eggs are white with light red spots.

A big male gorilla can weigh 200 kilograms. Gorillas build a nest to sleep in each night. Gorilla’s hands are 2.65 metres from its shoulders.

They live in groups and only move about one third of a mile a day. Gorillas are afraid of snakes. They never have fleas.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1) The male penguin lays eggs.

2) The female goes to the sea and never returns.

3) The male stands in cold, with no food.

4) When the female comes back, her weak mate goes off to feed.

5) Robin has a red belly and a white breast.

6) Robins eat fruit, worms and insects.

7) The robin’s nest is made of grass.

8) Each night gorillas build a nest to sleep.

9) Gorillas live in groups.

10) Gorillas move about one third of a mile a day.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1) How many eggs does the female emperor penguin lay?

a) one egg

b) two eggs

c) three eggs

2) Where does the penguin put the egg?

a) on his belly

b) on his feet

c) on his back

3) How much time is the female absent?

a) for a month

b) for a year

c) for three months

4) When does the female come back?

a) When the egg hatches.

b) When the female wants to eat.

c) When the male calls his mate.

5) What colour is the robin?

a) brown

b) red and white

c) brown, red and white

6) Where are the robins often found?

a) in forests

b) in gardens

c) at home

7) Who defends the territory?

a) the female robin

b) the male robin

c) nobody

8) How many eggs does the female robin lay?

a) four to six

b) five

c) six

9) What colour are the egg?

a) blue with white spots

b) white

c) white with red spots

10) How much does a big male gorilla weigh?

a) 200 kilograms

b) 100 kilograms

c) 300 kilograms

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 96

A Missing Cat

The owner of a missing cat is asking for help. “My baby has been missing for over a month now, and I want him back so badly,” said Mrs. Brown, a 56-year-old woman. Mrs. Brown lives by herself in a trailer park near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7-year-old cat, didn’t come home for dinner more than a month ago. The next morning he didn’t appear for breakfast either. After Clyde missed an extra-special lunch, she called the police.

When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that Clyde had beautiful green eyes, had all his teeth but was missing half of his left ear, and was seven years old and completely white. She then told the officer that Clyde was about a foot high.

A bell went off. “Is Clyde your child or your pet?” the officer suspiciously asked. “Well, he’s my cat, of course,” Mrs. Brown replied. “Lady, you’re supposed to report missing PERSONS, not missing CATS,” said the irritated policeman. “Well, who can I report this to?” she asked. “You can’t. You have to ask around your neighborhood or put up flyers,” replied the officer.

Mrs. Brown figured that a billboard would work a lot better than an 8”x11” piece of paper on a telephone pole. There was an empty billboard at the end of her street just off the interstate highway. The billboard had a phone number on it. She called that number, and they told her they could blow up a picture of Clyde (from Mrs. Brown’s family album) and put it on the billboard for all to see.

“But how can people see it when they whiz by on the interstate?” she asked. “Oh, don’t worry, ma’am, they only whiz by between 2 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. The rest of the day, the interstate is so full of commuters that no one moves.” They told her it would cost only $3,000 a month. So she took most of the money out of her savings account and rented the billboard for a month.

The month has passed, but Clyde has not appeared. Because she has almost no money in savings, Mrs. Brown called the local newspaper to see if anyone could help her rent the billboard for just one more month. She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepped forward.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. A cat is missing.

2. Mrs. Brown calls her cat “my baby”.

3. Mr. Brown is the owner of the cat.

4. Mrs. Brown is 56 years old.

5. Mrs. Brown lives with her husband.

6. Mrs. Brown lives in a trailer.

7. Mrs. Brown’s cat is a female.

8. Clyde is a seven-year-old black cat.

9. Clyde has all of his teeth.

10. Clyde is missing half of his right ear.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. What is Clyde missing?

A. He’s missing half of his right ear.

B. He’s missing half of his left ear.

C. He’s missing half of his.

2. How old is Clyde?

A. He’s seven years old.

B. He’s seventeen years old.

C. He’s eleven years old.

3. What color is Clyde?

A. He’s black and white.

B. He’s completely white.

C. He’s white.

4. How tall is Clyde?

A. He’s one foot tall.

B. He’s almost one foot tall.

C. He’s about one foot tall.

5. What did the policeman say that people are supposed to report?

A. He said that people are supposed to report missing pets.

B. He said that people are supposed to report missing relatives.

C. He said that people are supposed to report missing persons.

6. What is at the end of Mrs. Brown’s street?

A. A billboard with ads is at the end of her street.

B. An empty billboard is at the end of her street.

C. A billboard with a picture of Clyde is at the end of her street.

7. Where did Mrs. Brown get $3,000?

A. She got it out of her husband savings account.

B. She got it out of her bank account.

C. She got it out of her savings account.

8. Where did Mrs. Brown get the picture of Clyde?

A. She got the picture of Clyde from her album.

B. She got the picture of Clyde from her family album.

C. She got the picture of Clyde from her childhood album.

9. What is the interstate full of?

A. It’s full of commuters.

B. It’s full of lorries and cars.

C. It’s full of computers.

10. How much did the billboard cost MRS. BROWN?

A. It cost $3,000.

B. It cost $13,000.

C. It cost $300.

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для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 97

Popular Park Reopens

The Silas Lake Park reopens today after being closed for six months. The park was closed because mud and rock slides destroyed part of Cambridge Road, the only access into the park. “We had to remove tons of boulders and rocks,” said Hugh Foster of the Parks and Recreation Department. “Then we had to rebuild a bridge and reconstruct almost a mile of highway. I’m really surprised we got it done so soon.”

The park is three miles north of Colfax on Highway 28. Cambridge Road is a two-lane highway that winds upward through Pearl Canyon before it descends to Silas Lake, which has about 20 miles of shoreline. The largest lake in the county, it is also famous for bass. In fact, the record largemouth bass catch in California occurred here in 1975. A 14-year-old boy caught a 19-pound bass.

The lake has two ramps for boaters, a full-service restaurant, a snack bar, a small tackle store, and a boat rental facility. As with all county parks, no alcohol is sold or permitted. More than 100 picnic tables have protective roofs and big barbecue pits. There are public restrooms with free shower facilities, lots of trash cans, and hiking trails for nature lovers. The west side of the park includes a softball field, a soccer field, and two volleyball courts. Horseshoes and kite-flying are two other popular activities. In the summer, a designated swimming area has a lifeguard on duty seven days a week.

The entry fee is $10 per vehicle and $10 per boat. Reservations are not accepted. The parking lot holds about 500 vehicles; if it is full, no additional vehicles are allowed to enter. Latecomers either leave or wait in line for someone to leave the parking lot. Some weekends there are three dozen vehicles waiting in line outside the gate. Because of many requests, park officials soon might start permitting campers to stay overnight on weekends.

The park is open from dawn to 10 p.m. during the summer. “We probably average 2,000 people here every day during the summer,” said Foster. “They come here to fish, swim, water-ski, jet-ski, picnic, commune with Mother Nature, you name it. People love this place.”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. The park was closed today.

2. The park has been closed for half a year.

3. Cambridge Road was completely destroyed.

4. Cambridge Road is the only way into the park.

5. Mud and rocks slid onto Cambridge Road.

6. Tons of mud were removed from the road.

7. They had to rebuild a one-mile bridge.

8. The repair job was done quickly.

9. The park is north of Highway 28 on Colfax.

10. Cambridge Road is flat and straight.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. What’s the name of the park?

A. Its name is Yellowstone National Park.

B. Its name is Silas Lake Park.

C. Its name is Shenandoah National Park.

2. When does the park reopen?

A. It reopens today.

B. It reopens the other day.

C. It reopens on Tuesday.

3. How long has the park been closed?

A. It’s been closed for more than six months.

B. It’s been closed for six months.

C. It’s been closed for almost six months.

4. Why was the park closed?

A. Because mud and rock slides destroyed part of Silas Lake Road.

B. Because mud and clay slides destroyed part of Cambridge Road.

C. Because mud and rock slides destroyed part of Cambridge Road.

5. What did they have to remove?

A. They had to remove tons of boulders and mud.

B. They had to remove tons of mud and rocks.

C. They had to remove tons of boulders and rocks.

6. Whom does Hugh Foster work for?

A. He works for the Parks and Recreation Department.

B. He works for the Parks Department.

C. He works for the Recreation and Parks Department.

7. What did they have to rebuild?

A. They had to rebuild a highway.

B. They had to rebuild a bridge.

C. They had to rebuild Cambridge Road.

8. Where is the park?

A. It’s three miles north of Cambridge Road 28.

B. It’s three miles north of Colfax on Highway 28.

C. It’s three miles west of Colfax on Highway 28.

9. How many miles of shoreline does Silas Lake have?

A. It has about 12 miles of shoreline.

B. It has about 20 miles of shoreline.

C. It has about 22 miles of shoreline.

10. How old was the boy who caught the 19-pound bass?

A. He was 14.

B. He was 13.

C. He was 12.

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 98

The Doctor’s Almost Perfect Children

Veronica was an only child. Even as a child, she decided that she was going to be a doctor. All her dolls became her patients. All her dollhouses became hospitals for her patients. She spent her early childhood treating her patients for all kinds of diseases and injuries. She saved all of them and billed none of them.

Veronica got straight A’s in high school and college, because she knew that good grades would help her get into a good medical school. She graduated from medical school near the top of her class. She became a pediatrician. She got married and had two kids, one boy and one girl. Veronica’s husband David was an architect and a great cook. Her children did their homework without being told. They got straight A’s in school. They ate all their vegetables without complaining. They were perfect little children, except for one thing: They argued with each other constantly.

Veronica got home at 4:30 p.m. today. David gave her a big kiss and a hug. Then her kids gave her a kiss and a hug. She went upstairs and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. When she returned, the kids were waiting for her in the living room to talk about their day in school.

Marvin, 10, said that today his biology teacher helped them cut up dead frogs. They smelled bad, but he enjoyed seeing their little body parts, like their lungs and heart. “I like biology,” Marvin said. “I want to be a biologist, an animal doctor, and an inventor when I grow up. I’m going to invent a pill so that animals all learn to live together without eating each other all the time.”

“You’re crazy!” exclaimed Rebecca. “What are the animals going to eat if they don’t eat each other?”

“You don’t know anything. You’re a girl and you’re only nine,” taunted Marvin.

“Marvin, be polite to your sister,” Veronica admonished.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said. “I apologize, dear little sister.”

“That didn’t sound very sincere, mommy,” Rebecca complained.

“Okay, here’s how I’ll keep the animals from eating each other. I already thought of that, of course. The solution is a pill that will make all animals like to eat grass, like the cows and sheep do. That way no more animals will eat each other, and kids won’t have to mow the lawn any more. So, that will kill two birds with one stone.”

“Well, that’s very clever,” Veronica told Marvin.

“Now, tell us about your day, Rebecca,” Veronica said.

“Well, as you know, mommy, I’m going to be a real doctor like you, not a mad scientist like somebody I know,” Rebecca started, and then stuck her tongue out at her brother.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1. She was an only child.

2. She wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.

3. Her dog became her patient.

4. She saved all her patients.

5. She billed her patients.

6. She became a podiatrist.

7. She married David.

8. They had three kids.

9. David gave Veronica a T-shirt.

10. She went upstairs to change.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1. How many sisters does Veronica have?

A. One sister.

B. None.

C. Two sisters.

2. How many brothers does Veronica have?

A. None.

B. One brother.

C. A younger brother.

3. What did she decide as a child?

A. To be a pediatrician.

B. To be a doctor.

C. To be an animal doctor.

4. How did she spend her early childhood?

A. Treating her patients for all kinds of diseases and injuries.

B. Dreaming of becoming a pediatrician.

C. Studying hard.

5. What were her grades in high school and college?

A. Straight B's.

B. Straight A's.

C. Straight C's.

6. Why were good grades important?

A. Because they would help her to become a good doctor.

B. Because they would help her to marry an architect.

C. Because they would help her get into a good medical school.

7. How many of her patients did she save?

A. All of them.

B. None of them.

C. Almost all of them.

8. How much did she charge her patients?

A. Nothing.

B. A hundred dollars.

C. Ten dollars.

9. What was wrong with her children?

A. They did their homework without being told.

B. They argued with each other constantly.

C. They wanted to be pediatricians.

10. What did her son want to be?

A. A biologist, an animal doctor, and an inventor.

B. A real doctor.

C. A scientist.

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Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 99

A Slave

Murillo was a great painter in Spain. He painted a beautiful picture and he had many students. Once he came to his studio and found a very beautiful picture there. He asked his students who had painted that picture but nobody answered. Then he asked his slave Sebastian if he had seen somebody in the studio the night before. The slave did not answer. When the night came and everybody went away Sebastian began to paint. He did not think of time. Suddenly he heard a noise behind him. When he turned round he saw Murillo and his students watching him quietly.

“Sebastian”, cried Murillo, “you are a very good painter. How did you learn to paint?”

“I took lessons from you, master”, the slave answered.

“From me? I have never given you lessons”, said Murillo.

“But you gave lessons to your students, and I heard them”, answered the slave.

Murillo was a very honest man. He understood that the slave was a very gifted painter, so he gave him his freedom and began to work with his “slave” who was not a slave any longer.

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1.Murillo was a great painter in Germany.

2. He had many students.

3. Once he came to his studio and found a beautiful sculpture there.

4. He asked his son Sebastian about it.

5. The slave did not answer.

6. When the morning came Sebastian began to paint.

7. Suddenly he heard a noise in front of him.

8. He saw Murillo and his students watching him quietly.

9. “I took my lessons from you master”, the slave answered.

10. Murillo gave the slave his freedom and began to work with him.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1.Once Murillo came to his studio and found

a)a very beautiful flower;

b)a very beautiful picture;

c) a very beautiful vase.

2. When the night came Sebastian began

a)to sleep;

b) to paint;

c) to clean the room.

3. He didn’t think of

a)a noise;

b) a whistle;

c) a cry.

4. Murillo asked Sebastian

a) who his teacher was;

b) who his mother was;

c) who his friend was.

5. Sebastian said that Murillo was

a) his teacher;

b) his advisor;

c) his tutor.

6. Murillo answered that he

a) had been pleased;

b) had never taught him;

c) had advised him nice advice.

7. Murillo was a

a) a very dishonest;

b) a very simple person;

c)a very honest man.

8. He understood that his slave was

a) a very gifted person;

b)a very clever person;

c) a very stupid person.

9. He gave his slave

a) the freedom;

b) the money;

c) the house.

10. From that time he began to work with

a) Raphael;

b) Sebastian;


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Міський методичний кабінет

Міська альтернативна олімпіада з англійської мови

для учнів 7 – х класів

2012 – 2013 навчальний рік


Варіант 100

Economy Wasted Trip

An Englishman who was in France wanted to go back to England by sea. But he had very little money. Ne had so little money that he could pay only for the ticket. As he knew that the trip would last only two days, he decided not to eat during these days.

As he took a ticket and got on the ship the next morning, he tried not to hear the bell for breakfast. When dinner time came, he was very hungry, but he didn’t go to the dining-room. In the evening he was still more hunger, but when the waiter came to invite him to have supper, the Englishman said that he was ill.

The next day the Englishman was half- dead and couldn’t stand the hunger any longer. “I shall go and eat even if they kick me out into the sea”, said he to himself. So he went to the ship dining-room and had his dinner. In the evening he had supper but he was very much afraid of his future because he didn’t pay for the meals. At last he addressed the waiter and said: “Bring me the bill, please”. “What bill?”’, asked the waiter. “For the supper and dinner I had in your dining- room” “Don’t trouble , Sir. You paid for your meals when you bought the ticket”

I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False:

1.The English man was in Africa.

2. He wanted to go home by sea.

3. He had a lot of money.

4.The trip would last for a week.

5.He decided not to eat during these days.

6.The English man couldn’t have dinner too.

7.He was very hungry but he didn’t go to the dining-room.

8.The next day he didn’t have dinner too.

9.He was much afraid of his future.

10.He paid for the meal when he bought the ticket.

II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option

1.The English man got on the ship

a) the next week;

b) the next morning;

c) the next month.

2.He felt… during the dinner time.

a) very angry;

b) very sad;

c) very hungry.

3.He told the waiter

a) that he was ill;

b) that he was upset;

c) that he was lonely.

4.He felt himself… the next day.

a) half-dead;

b) very active;

c) strong and healthy.

5.The next day he couldn’t

a) stand the loneliness;

b) stand the hunger;

c) stand the joy.

6. He said to himself that he

a) would go to eat;

b) would stay;

c) would order meals.

7.He went to the

a) ship restaurant;

b) ship dining room;

c) ship café.

8.He was afraid because he

a) didn’t pay for the meals; b

b) forgot the money;

c) lent the money.

9.He asked the waiter

a) to bring the bill;

b) to bring the salad;

c) to bring the wine.

10.The waiter said that his meals

a) were lost;

b) were included into the ticket;

c) were brought.


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