CHA3U Online Culminating Activity

CHA3U Online Culminating Activity

“What If…”


• You, individually, are going to create a report that challenges you to think critically about how out history would be changed if a major event had a different outcome

• The project is worth 15% of your overall final grade for American History

• You should use you class notes and outside sources to complete this project.

• Any plagiarism will result in an automatic zero on the entire project. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to failure to use proper citations, cutting and pasting from the internet, paraphrasing (changing a few words), copying, or attempting to pass off another’s work as your own original work.

The Sections: Include all information needed to explain the causes, the topic itself, and the effects of the topic.

SUMMARY: A summary of the topic (What is it? What happened? Who, What,

When, Where?)

CAUSE: The causes of the event, as it really happened (Why did it happen?)

EFFECT: The significance and effects of the event, as it really happened.

(What was the result/impact?)

SHORT TERM: What if? What would have happened in the short term (0-25 years)

if the event had not occurred as it actually happened. This section addresses the “what if,” not what really happened.

LONG TERM: What is? What would the USA be like today if things had

happened differently? This section addresses the “what if,” not what really happened.

OPINION: What do you believe would’ve been better- if the event did or did

not occur as it actually happened? Support your opinion with


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Include a bibliography, in proper Chicago formatting.


Each student must complete the following requirements:

1. Each section must be clearly titled

2. Each section must include information presented in paragraph form. (At least 250 words per section: quality of writing is key for this project).

3. You must include appropriate references and citations (bibliography and footnotes).

4. You must include your name, class (CHA3U), and teacher (Ms. Hurley) on the FRONT of your final project

Things to Remember:

1. All writing for this project should be persuasive, plausible, supported by facts.

2. Make sure you understand the causes and effects of the event as it really happened.

3. You must analyze, explore, conceptualize, and theorize. Think of what happened, and then imagine!

4. Beautiful writing is more important than beautiful art; make sure your writing is your very best.

Student Checklist for CHA3U ISP

1.Summary (Completed (Included in project

2. Cause (Completed (Included in project

3. Significance (Completed (Included in project

4. Opinion (Completed (Included in project

5. Short term (Completed (Included in project

6. Long term (Completed (Included in project

7. Bibliography (Completed (Included in project


1. Cover/Title Page (Completed

Title, your name, course code, Teacher’s name

2. Each section clearly titled (Completed

3. All pages numbered (Completed

4. Bibliography in Chicago (Completed

5. Footnotes in Chicago (Compelted

Possible Topics

|Topic |“What if…” |

|Unit 1 | |

|Jamestown |What if the Jamestown colony had failed? |

|British taxation after the French and Indian |What if Great Britain had not tried to pay for the French and Indian war by taxing the colonists? |

|War | |

|Unit 2 | |

|Revolutionary War |What id the USA lost the revolutionary war? |

|Articles of Confederation |What us the USA had not replaced the Articles of Confederation? |

|Constitution |What if the constitution was not ratified? |

|Federalist vs. anti-federalists |What if Jefferson and Hamilton had not disagreed about the role of government? |

|Louisiana Purchase |What is the Louisiana Purchase was not purchased? |

|UNIT 3 | |

|Cotton Gin |What if the Cotton Gin had not been invented? |

|Mexican War |What if Mexico won the Mexican war? |

|2nd Great Awakening |What is the 2nd great awakening never happened? |

|Missouri Compromise |What is the Missouri Compromise was never made? |

|Uncle Tom’s Cabin (& Harriet Beecher Stowe) |What if Uncle Tom’s Cabin was never published? |

|Civil War |What if the North lost the Civil War? |

|Election of 1860 |What if Lincoln had never been elected President? |

|Election of 1864 |What if Lincoln had lost the election of 1864? |

|Assassination of Lincoln |What if Lincoln had not been killed? |

|15th Amendment |What if the 15th Amendment gave women the right to vote? |

|Bessemer Process- invetion/development |What if the Bessemer Process of making steel was never perfected? |

|“New” Immigration |What if the immigrants of the “New Immigration” never came to the USA? |

|Light bulb (invention/development) |What if Edison had not perfected the light bulb? |

|Progressive Accomplishments |What if muckrakers and progressives had not fought for social change? |

|Explosion of the Maine/ Spanish American War |What if the Maine had not exploded? |

|Assassination of McKinley |What if McKinley had not been assassinated? |

|Unit 4 | |

|Sinking of the Lusitania |What if the Lusitania had not been sunk? |

|Pearl Harbour |What if the Japanese had never bombed Pearl Harbour? |

|Nuclear Bomb |What is the Manhattan project hadn’t developed the nuclear bomb? |

|Nagasaki and Hiroshima |What if President Truman hadn’t dropped the bombs on Japan? |

|Unit 5 | |

|Marshall Plan |What if the US and other western countries had not implemented the Marshall Plan? |

|I Have a Dream |What if Martin Luther King Jr. hadn’t led the Civil Rights Movement? |

|Cuban Missile Crisis |What is the Soviet Union hadn’t removed their missiles from Cuba? |

|Assassination of Kennedy |What if Kennedy hadn’t been assassinated? |

|The Draft |What is the US government hadn’t brought in the draft in the war of Vietnam? |

|Unit 6 | |

|Gulf War |What if the USA hadn’t joined the Gulf War? |

|9/11 |What if al-Qaida hadn’t attacked the United States on September 11, 2001? |

|Iraq |What if the US didn’t invade Iraq? |

|Patriot Act |What if the Bush government hadn’t implemented the Patriot Act? |

|(U)Osama Bin Laden |What if the Navy Seals hadn’t killed Bin Laden? |

|Barack Obama |What if Barack Obama had not won the election in 2005? |

**If you have another even that you are interested in please email Ms. Hurley for approval**

CHA3U ISP Rubric

| |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|Organization |All |Most |Some |Few |

|Student followed the requirements of | | | | |

|the assignment. | | | | |

|(T) | | | | |

|/2 | | | | |

|Summary | | | | |

|Student summarized the event as it |Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|happened. | | | | |

|(K) | | | | |

|/4 | | | | |

|Cause | | | | |

|Student included the historical |Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|cause(s) of the event as it happened. | | | | |

|(K) | | | | |

|/4 | | | | |

|Significance | | | | |

|Student included why this event is |Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|important to American history. | | | | |

|(A) | | | | |

|/4 | | | | |

|What If | | | | |

|Student included a description of “what|Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|if” in the short term. | | | | |

|(A) | | | | |

|/8 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Student included a description of “what| | | | |

|if,” in the long term. |Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|(A) | | | | |

|/8 | | | | |

|Opinion | | | | |

|Student included their own opinion on | | | | |

|which outcome they think would have |Thorough |Considerable |Some |Limited |

|been better. | | | | |

|(A) | | | | |

|/8 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Student used historical information to | | | | |

|support their opinion. |Multiple |Some |Few |No historical evidence used |

|(A) |(3 pieces historical |(2 pieces of historical |(1 piece of historical | |

|/4 |evidence) |evidence) |evidence) | |

|Mechanics | | | | |

|Spelling, grammar, and punctuation |No errors |Few errors |Some errors |Multiple errors |

|errors. | |(less then 5) |(5-10) |(10+) |

|(C) | | | | |

|/2 | | | | |

|Bibliography | | | | |

|Done in proper Chicago style |All |Most |Some |Limited |

|formatting. | | | | |

|(C) | | | | |

|/2 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sources are appropriate and relate to |Excellent and Appropriate |Appropriate |Some appropriate sources |Sources aren’t appropriate/do|

|the topic. | | | |not relate |

|(T/C) | | | | |

|/2 | | |Some | |

| |All | | |Limited |

|Footnotes are included in proper | |Most | | |

|Chicago style formatting. | | | | |

|(C) | | | | |

|/2 | | | | |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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