Music Video Project

Music Video Review Project

NAME: _____________________________________________________________ PER ___________________

Choose a music video that you like. You can search for videos on many record label websites, not just youtube (which may be blocked). The video must be school appropriate. You will complete a shot-by-shot analysis of the video.

Song Title: ____________________________________________________________________________

By: __________________________________________________________________________________

Concept or Story Description video (mostly lipsync, “live” performance, story elements, narrative, etc..): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1) Create a three column script in Microsoft Word. Three columns? Yep – One is for time of the song! In the left column you will write the time starting with 0:00. You will have to look at the time counter as the song plays. Each time the shot changes you will need to indicate the time code.

2) In the middle column write out or copy and paste all the lyrics. Remember to leave space for instrumental introductions and sections in the middle and/or end where there may be no lyrics. Just write “Music” in those places.

3) In the right column, describe what you see shown in each section of the song. Don’t forget to include visuals for instrumental sections where there may be no lyrics. Include specific camera shots, camera angles, camera motion and a description of what is being shown and what the action is. REMEMBER TO INCLUDE ANY GRAPHICS OR ON SCREEN LETTERING!

4) Remember: Every time there is a new shot, you will indicate the time in the song in the left column. When the shot changes, indicate the time.

EXAMPLE – Thrift Shop by Macklemore


|0:00 |Hey, Macklemore! Can we go thrift shopping? |Black Screen |

| | | |

| |What, what, what, what... [many times] |Ext. Wide shot. Crowd of thrift shoppers in thrift shop |

| | |outfits. Some on bikes, skates, rolling chairs. Walking and |

| |Bada, badada, badada, bada... |rolling towards and past the camera. |

| | | |

|0:12 |What, what, what, what... [many times] |Ext. Long shot of car driving into frame |

|0:13 |Bada, badada, badada, bada... [x9] |Cut to Medium shot of car window |

|:014 |What, what, what, what... [many times] |Montage of bike handle bars, Close ups of two different girls |

| | |drinking Slurpees |

| |Bada, badada, badada, bada... | |

| | | |


5) Make a list of the shots and scenes from the video and group them together by location in the way you think they were shot. For example if there are black and white segments of the artist lip syncing the song on a darkened sound stage and those are sprinkled throughout the video, you would group those together as Sound stage Black and White Lip Sync and then list all those shots.


Outside Crowd Shots – Long shot of crowd of thrift shoppers in thrift shop outfits. Some on bikes, skates, rolling chairs. Walking and rolling towards and past the camera. Long shot, crowd runs to thrift store.

Outside Car Shots - Long shot of car driving into frame. Medium shot of car window. Pan around car. MS low angle car door opening.

Outside Bike Shots – Montage CU of bike handle bars and wheels. LS Macklemore on bike with girls walking.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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