Rise of The greek civilization I. Mountains and seas

[Pages:6]Rise of The greek civilization

I. Mountains and seas

First civilization to develop in Europe. Dominatedby mountains and seas {NOT RIVERS}. Mainland is on southern part of Balkan Peninsula. Aegean Sea Is part of Mediterranean sea. Hundreds of islands. Traded goods and ideas between the islands. Now Trade and fish just like back in ancient greece. Farming communitiesbetween mountains. Crop-Wheat, Barley, Olives, grapes. Sheep and goats. Communitieswere fiercely independent.

II. An Island Civilization

Greek Myth describes early civilization called Crete. A.D. 1900 British archaeologist, Arthur Evans, Found site on Crete-Knossos. Uncovered palace of king minos. EvAns concludedthat Minos lived in the palace. Some of rooms in palace had stored oil, wine, and grain. other rooms were workshops. there were also bathrooms. Minoans built the palace.. Minoan civilization was the first to develop in Aegean region. NOT GREEK. lasted from 2500 b.c. to 1450 B.C. Trade was important for economic activity. ship made from cedar in trees. sailed to egypt and Syria.

trade Pottery and stone vase for ivory and metals. Ships patrolled sea to protect from pirates. 1450 = collapse of Crete. cause of Collapse is unknown. theory undersea earthquake, waves destroyed. or Mycenaeans invaded crete.

III. A Mainland Civilization

2000 b.c. Mycenaeans left asia to go to greek mainland. mixed with locals. created several kingdoms.

A. Mycenaean Kingdom Little was known about Mycenaean until 1800. that is when

German archaeologist, Heinrich Schliemann (ALSO DISCOVERED TROY), Discovered ruins of a palace in Mycenae. Palace on hill. Stone wall around palace protected the people. Nobles lived outside walls on farms called estates. workers and slaves who farmed land lived in villages in estates. Palace=center of government. Artisans made leather goods, clothes, and jars of olive oil and wine. Other workers made ox-hides shields and swords.. Government officials recorded wealth. Collected wheat, livestock, and honey as tax.

B. Traders and Warriors Minoan traders visited the greek mainland. Mycenaean adopted

features of Minoan cultures. Built ships and worked with bronze. Sun and stars to navigate. Worshiped mother earth, Minoans' chief god. Mid-1400 b.c. Conquered minoans and controlled Aegean areas. wealth expanded military. Proud of trojan war.

C. A dark Age Mycenaean declinedover time. Mycenaean kingdoms fought each

other and earthquake destroyed fortress. 1100 B.c. Mycenaean crumbled. Warring people moved through Mediterranean region. One was Dorians.

next 300 years was dark ages. Trade slowed. This was intro to iron weapons and skill of iron making. thousands fled FROM mainland.

D. The hellenes by 750 b.c. people returned to mainland. Brought new ideas,

crafts and skills. small INDEPENDENT communities. Called themselves GREEKS or hellenes. As trade increased writing system was developed. Adopted alphabet from Phoenician traders. 24 letters represent sound. Simplified reading and writing. recording became easier. wrote stories told by bards-storytellers. tales Were passed orally before.

IV. Colonies and Trade

Greece recovered from dark ages. population increase. by 700 b.c. farmers could not produce sufficient amount of food. greeks established coloniesoutside Aegean area to fix problem. Found many colonies between Mediterranean and black sea between 750 B.C. and 550 B.C. greek culture spread to Italy, sicily, Spain, France, North Africa, and western Asia. Colonies traded with "Parent" cities on mainland. Colonies sent grains, fish, metals, timber and slaves. greek sent wine olive oil, and

potteries. greek make coin from metal affecting trade. this increased colony's wealth.

V. The Greek City-state

Mountain and sea separated greece so they were loyal to their communities. became Fiercely independant. noble overthrew king and nobles ruled. Eachpolis or city state was like a country.

a. What did a Polis look like? polis was the basic unit of greek civilization. at the center was

a fortress on top of a hill. that fort was called Acropolis.people would take refuge in acropolis when under attack. Greek temples on acropolis.

Outside was an agora.Agora was a gathering place (Debate issues, choose officials, pass laws, and carry out business) or marketplace in Ancient greece. neighborhood around agora. beyond were villages and farmland that were part of the city. small since surrounded by mt. or sea. by 500 b.c. 300,000 people lived in athens. others are smaller.

b. What did Citizenship mean to The greeks? Our citizenship ideas came from greece. Citizens were members

of political community with rights and responsibilities. Male citizen could vote hold public office, own property, and defend themselves in court. They had to be Citizen soldier and serve in government. Citizenship is different in mesopotamia and egypt. No rights for women and children.

c. citizen warriors.

wars fought by wealthy people riding horse and driving chariots. by

700 B.c. citizens called hoplites made up the city's armies. dought on foot carried short sword and a spear and round shield. marched forward together. their unified formation was called aPhalanx. lack of unity caused greece to weaken.


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