“Summer” by Walter Dean Myers is an awesome poem that ...

“Summer” by Walter Dean Myers is an awesome poem that reminds everyone why summer is the best time of year. It paints a picture of a perfect summer day with “Bugs buzzin from cousin to cousin.” My first thought, after reading “Summer”, flashed back to the wonderful days I spent with my grandmother during the hottest part of the year in the San Joaquin Valley.

After the initial reading of the poem, the reader is full of images which are planted there through the use of such words as “hot days”, “Juices Dripping”, “Old men”, and “lazy Days.” It is very difficult not to imagine a wonderful summer day. There were many moments during my childhood in which I spent exactly the type of summer Meyers depicts. In fact the best times of my life occurred during the summer season when I was hot, lazy, and hanging with my grandfather.

Summer seems to be a time of year when “Beaming” occurs, when smiles happen for no reason. People are happier during summer. My children truly enjoy summer and the smiles on their “beaming” faces tell me that there feeling “summery.”

“Shaking hands ‘raza’ style” reminded me of all the times when I was in school, and my friends and I would great each other with a special handshake. I was not one of the “cool” kids and I was not Hispanic. Basically, I did not fit in anywhere, so I decided to make my own secret handshake, something only a “Seventh Grader” would come up with, and much to my surprise it caught on. I became cool like Victor.


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