Social Studies Curriculum Guide


Social studies instruction in Elkhart Community Schools will provide all students with an opportunity to become active lifelong learners, and responsible citizens who participate effectively in our democracy. Therefore, social studies instruction will provide active learning experiences integrating the skills necessary for all students to exercise their responsibilities as citizens in a constitutional democracy by engaging in inquiry, problem solving, and decision making in school and community settings.

|Curriculum & Instruction: |Philosophy & Goals Committee: |

|John Hill, Director |Elaine Fiwek |

|Jim Bennett, Assistant Director |Nena Fuller |

|Dave Benak, Supervisor |Jason Grasty |

| |Bob Harvey |

| |Sara Jackowiak |

| | | | |

|Steering Committee: |Trends & Research Committee: |Scope & Sequence Committee: |

|Dave Benak |Stefanie Foster |Diane Myers |

|Teresa Jamison |Dave Foutz |Tim Osborne |

|Karen Kelly |Sonya Harrington |Bruce Rogers |

|Gary Mann |Jackie Hilliard |Jeremy Satterfield |

|Bob Meyers |LuAnn Powers |Rich Toth (Chair) |

|Diane Parker |Bruce Rogers |Ronald Wetzel |

|Peggy Presser |Gladys Stevens | |

|Steve Starzyk |Mary Thomas | |

| | | |


|African Studies |Psychology |United States Government |World Geography |

| |Nena Fuller (Central) |Linda Fine (LIFE) |Robyn Freeman (LIFE) |

| |Brian Lattimer (Memorial) |Sonya Harrington (Memorial) |Erin Hartman (Central) |

| |Steve Starzyk (Central) |Peggy Presser (Memorial) |Bob Harvey (Memorial) |

| | |Steve Starzyk (Central) |Bob Martin (Memorial) |

| | |Phil Stillson (Centyral) |Ron Wetzel (Central) |

| | |Ron Wetzel (Central) | |

|Exploratory Teaching |Sociology |United States History |World History |

|Dennis Nowicki (Central) |Dennis Nowicki (Central) |Linda Fine (LIFE) |Steve Asbury (Memorial) |

|Ken Hauser (Memorial) |Peggy Presser (Memorial) |Stefanie Foster (Memorial) |Bob Harvey (Memorial) |

| | |Nena Fuller (Central) |Bob Johnson (Central) |

|Economics | |Sonya Harrington (Memorial) |Joe Waltz (Memorial) |

|Dave Foutz (Memorial) | |Bob Johnson (Central) | |

|Bob Martin (Memorial) | |Brian Lattimer (Memorial) | |

|Beth Velkoff (Central) | |Phil Stillson (Central) | |


| | | | |

|Seventh Grade | |Eighth Grade | |

|Rich Amacher (West Side) | |Karen Kelly (North Side) | |

|Jason Grasty (Pierre Moran) | |Gary Mann (West Side) | |

|Jeremy Satterfield (Pierre Moran) | |Tim Osborne (Pierre Moran) | |

|Rich Toth (North Side) | |Diane Parker (Pierre Moran) | |

| | | | |


| | | | |

|Kindergarten |Second Grade |Third Grade |Fifth Grade |

|Sue Walsh (Pinewood) |Jackie Hilliard (Roosevelt) |Judith Cummins (Pinewood) |Carole Foutz (Feeser) |

| |Juanita Love (Woodland) |Teresa Jamison (Eastwood) |Phyllis Herczeg (Eastwood) |

|First Grade |Deena Smith (Cleveland |Gladys Stevens (Daly) |Shirley Riffell (Beck) |

|Stephanie Booth (Riverview) | | | |

|Luann Burlingame (Roosevelt) | |Fourth Grade |Sixth Grade |

|Theresa Holmes (Beck) | |James Cebra (Osolo) |Bruce Rogers (Eastwood) |

|Bridgett McKay (Cleveland) | |Elaine Fiwek (Beardsley) |Michele Stauffer (Woodland) |

|Andrea Phillips (Feeser) | |Rhonda Lobatos (Beck) | |


(Kindergarten Living and Learning Together)


In Kindergarten, students learn about their environment as they begin to distinguish events of the past and present. They explore the concepts of time and space. Students identify symbols that are important to our country. They discover why they must follow school rules and laws as they learn about their role as a citizen in the school and community. Students identify basic characteristics of maps and globes while exploring the geographic characteristics of their community. They explain how people have different kinds of jobs and work to meet basic economic wants. Students develop an understanding that they are individuals who interact with other individuals and groups, and identify ways that people, who are similar and different, make up the community.


The Standards and Power Indicators

Power Indicators are Highlighted in Bold

|Standard 1 – History |

|Students examine the connections of their own environment with the past, begin to distinguish between events and people of the past and the present, and use a sense of time in classroom planning and |

|participation. |

|K.1.1 |Compare people, objects, and events of today and long ago. |

| |Example: Compare objects of the past and present, such as a butter churn and a mixer; compare clothing, houses, and transportation of the past with the present. |

|K.1.2 |Identify celebrations and holidays as a way of remembering and honoring events and people in the past. |

| |Example: Identify Thanksgiving; the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Presidents’ Day; Memorial Day; Veterans’ Day. |

|K.1.3 |Listen to and retell stories about people in the past who showed honesty, courage, and responsibility. |

| |Example: George Washington, George Rogers Clark, Mercy Otis Warren, Dolly Madison, Chief Little Turtle, Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, Tuskegee Airman Walter Palmer. |

|K.1.4 |Identify and order events that take place in a sequence. |

| |Example: Identify events in the school day as first, next, last; list the day’s classroom activities in order; place events, such as birthdays, in order; use a calendar to identify national |

| |holidays and historical events. |

|Standard 2 – Civics and Government |

|Students learn that they are citizens of their school, community, and country; identify symbols of the state and nation; understand examples of responsible citizenship; follow school rules; and know why |

|rules are needed for order and safety. |

|K.2.1 |Identify and describe the roles and responsibilities of school personnel. |

| |Example: Principal, secretary, custodian, instructional assistant, bus driver, nurse, and teacher. |

|K.2.2 |Give example of rules in the classroom and school and provide reasons for the specific rules. |

|K.2.3 |Identify symbols and traditions associated with being citizens of Indiana and the United States. |

| |Example: Identify the Indiana flag and the United States flag. |

|K.2.4 |Identify examples of responsible citizenship in the school setting and in stories about the past and present. |

|K.2.5 |Identify and follow school rules to ensure order and safety. |

|Standard 3 – Geography |

|Students learn that maps and globes are different ways of representing Earth’s surface and begin to explore the geographic characteristics of their homes, school, and community. |

|K.3.1 |Use words related to location, direction, and distance, including here/there, over/under, left/right, and up/down. |

|K.3.2 |Identify maps and globes as ways of representing Earth and identify map symbols for land and water. |

|K.3.3 |Describe people and places in the school and community. |

| |Example: People in the school might include school workers; places might include the cafeteria, office, and gym. People in the community might include firefighters; places might include the |

| |fire station. |

|K.3.4 |Give examples of seasonal weather changes and describe how seasonal changes affect people and the environment.. |

| |Example: In different seasons, people wear different kinds of clothing. |

|K.3.5 |Describe simple differences and similarities between ways people live in cities and on farms. |

|K.3.6 |Recommend ways that people can help keep their environment clean. |

|Standard 4 – Economics |

|Students explain how people do different jobs and work to meet basic economic wants. |

|K.4.1 |Explain that people work to earn money to buy the things they want. |

|K.4.2 |Identify different kinds of jobs that people do. |

| |Example: Picture books and stories illustrate and identify different types of jobs, as well as tools and clothing used in different jobs. |

|K.4.3 |Explain why people in a community have different jobs. |

| |Example: People may have different types of jobs because they like doing different things, or because they are better at doing one particular type of job. |

|K.4.4 |Give examples of work activities that people do at home. |

|Standard 5 – Individuals, Society, and Culture |

|Students identify themselves as individuals who interact with other individuals and groups, including the family, school, and community; and identify ways that people, who are similar and different, make |

|up the community. |

|K.5.1 |Identify ways in which people are alike and different. |

| |Example: Identify qualities, such as interests, hobbies, skills, and experiences, which make individuals unique. |

|K.5.2 |Identify individuals who are important in students’ lives — such as parents, grandparents, guardians, and teachers — and give examples of how families cooperate and work together. |

|K.5.3 |Give examples of how families in the community are similar and different, yet are part of the community. |

|K.5.4 |Identify and compare similarities and differences in families in other places and cultures. |

| |Example: Use picture books and stories to show the similarities and differences in houses, clothing, work, and celebrations. |

Power Indicators are always subject to revision and improvement. They are not to be considered static or established for ever. Updated Fall 2006

Social Studies

Essential Vocabulary Terms


|Term |Description |Related Indicator |

|City |a city is a place where a lot of people live |K.3.5 |

|Farm |a farm is a place where people grow food and raise animals |K.3.5 |

|Left |left is the opposite of right |K.3.1 |

|Globe |a globe is round and can show the entire Earth |K.3.2 |

|Map |a map is flat and can represent only a part of Earth’s surface |K.3.2 |

|Money |money is something people use to buy things |K.4.1 |

|Over |over is above or on top of something |K.3.1 |

|Right |right is the opposite of left |K.3.1 |

|Responsibilities |responsibilities are things people should do to help their families and communities |K.1.3 |

|Rules |rules are made by groups of people to help them live and work together |K.2.2 |

|Season |season is a time of year like spring, summer, fall, and winter |K.3.4 |

|Under |under is below something |K.3.1 |

|Weather |weather is the condition of the atmosphere with respect to hot or cold, clear or cloudy, dry or wet |K.3.5 |

|Work |work is a place where people do things to make money |K.4.4 |


|Standard 1: Students examine the connections of their own environment with the past, begin to distinguish between events and people of the past and the present, and use a sense of time in classroom planning and |

|participation. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Historical Knowledge |

|K.1.1 Compare people, objects, and events of today and |Compare clothing, houses, and transportation of the |Demonstration |*Big Book 3, Lesson 3 |

|long ago. |past with the present from picture books. | |T.E., p. 130 |

| | |Brainstorm | |

| |Analyze pictures from today and long ago. | |*Big Book 5, Lesson 2 |

| | |Drawing |T.E., p. 258 |

| | | | |

| | |Venn diagram |*Big Book 5, Lesson 4 |

| | | |T.E., p. 266 |

| | |Read aloud | |

| | | |*Big Book 5, Lesson 6 |

| | | |T.E., p. 274 |

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| | | |*Big Book 6, Lesson 4 |

| | | |T.E., p. 316 |

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|Standard 1: Students examine the connections of their own environment with the past, begin to distinguish between events and people of the past and the present, and use a sense of time in classroom planning and |

|participation. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Historical Knowledge (continued) |

|K.1.2 Identify celebrations and holidays as a way of |Thanksgiving |Story books |*Big Book 2, Lesson 7 |

|remembering and honoring events and persons in the past. | | |T.E., p. 94 |

| |Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |Celebrations in classroom | |

| | | |*Big Book 5, Lesson 5 |

| |Presidents’ Day |Drawing |T.E., p. 270 |

| | | | |

| |Memorial Day |Storytelling |Posters |

| | | | |

| |Veterans’ Day | |Storybooks |

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| | | |Guest speakers |

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|Standard 1: Students examine the connections of their own environment with the past, begin to distinguish between events and people of the past and the present, and use a sense of time in classroom planning and |

|participation. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Historical Knowledge (continued) |

|K.1.3 Listen to and retell stories about persons in the |George Washington |Storybooks |*Big Book 5, Lesson 3 |

|past who showed honesty, courage, and responsibility. | | |T.E., p. 262 |

| |George Rogers Clark |Drawing | |

| | | |Posters |

| |Mercy Otis Warren |Storytelling | |

| | | |Storybooks |

| |Dolly Madison |Dramatization | |

| | | | |

| |Chief Little Turtle |Picture identification | |

| | | | |

| |Abraham Lincoln | | |

| | | | |

| |Harriet Tubman | | |

| | | | |

| |Tuskegee Airman Walter Palmer | | |

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| |Christopher Columbus | | |

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|Standard 1: Students examine the connections of their own environment with the past, begin to distinguish between events and people of the past and the present, and use a sense of time in classroom planning and |

|participation. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Chronological Thinking |

|K.1.4 Identify and order events that take place in a |Identify events in the school day as first, next, |Agenda board |*Big Book 3, Lesson 11 |

|sequence. |last. | |T.E., p. 162 |

| | |Calendar activities | |

| |List the day’s classroom activities in order. | |Math book, Chapter 10 |

| | |Drawing | |

| |Place events, such as birthdays, in order. | |Study trips |

| | |Sequencing activities | |

| |Use a calendar to identify national holidays and | | |

| |historical events. |Cooking | |

| | | | |

| |Visit a farm, apple orchard, or pumpkin patch to | | |

| |learn about growing cycles. | | |

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|Standard 2: Students learn that they are citizens of their school, community, and country; identify symbols of the state and nation; understand examples of responsible citizenship; follow school rules; and know |

|why rules are needed for order and safety. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Foundations of Government |

|K.2.1 Identify and describe the roles and |Principal |Interview |*Big Book 1, Lesson 7 |

|responsibilities of school personnel. | | |T.E., p. 46 |

| |Secretary |Create a chart | |

| | | |School personnel |

| |Custodian |Field trip | |

| | | | |

| |Instructional assistant |Visit to sites | |

| | | | |

| |Bus driver |Guest speakers | |

| | | | |

| |Nurse |Shadowing | |

| | | | |

| |Teacher | | |

|Functions of Government |

|K.2.2 Give examples of rules in the classroom and school,|Classroom procedures |Create a chart |*Big Book 1, Lesson 5 |

|and provide reasons for the specific rules. | | |T.E., p. 38 |

| |Hallway procedures |Small group discussion | |

| | | |*Big Book 2, Lesson 3 |

| |Playground procedures |Dramatization |T.E., p. 80 |

| | | | |

| |Signs in school and signs on the way to school |Community circles | |

| | | | |

| | |Traffic signs | |


|Standard 2: Students learn that they are citizens of their school, community, and country; identify symbols of the state and nation; understand examples of responsible citizenship; follow school rules; and know |

|why rules are needed for order and safety. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Functions of Government (continued) |

|K.2.3 Identify symbols and traditions associated with |Identify the Indiana flag and the United States flag.|Drawing |*Big Book 5, Lesson 1 |

|being citizens of Indiana and the United States. | | |T.E., p. 254 |

| |Statue of Liberty, bald eagle, red, white, and blue |Discussion | |

| | | |Coins |

| |Fourth of July |Demonstration | |

| | | |Storybooks |

| | |Stories | |

| | | | |

| | |Say the Pledge of Allegiance | |

|Roles of Citizens | | | |

|K.2.4 Identify examples of responsible citizenship in the|Follow school rules |Guest speakers |*Big Book 1, Lesson 6 |

|school setting and in stories about the past and present.| | | |

| | |Drawing |D.A.R.E. officer |

| | | | |

| | |Storytelling | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 2: Students learn that they are citizens of their school, community, and country; identify symbols of the state and nation; understand examples of responsible citizenship; follow school rules; and know |

|why rules are needed for order and safety. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Roles of Citizens (continued) |

|K.2.5 Identify and follow school rules to ensure order |Follow school rules |Drawing |*Big Book 2, Lesson 4 |

|and safety. | | |T.E., p. 84 |

| | |Dramatizations | |

| | | | |

| | |Create a chart | |

| | | | |

| | |Discussions | |

| | | | |


|Standard 3: Students learn that maps and globes are different ways of representing the earth’s surface and begin to explore the geographic characteristics of their homes, school, and community. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|The World in Spatial Terms |

|K.3.1 Use words related to location, direction, and |Use descriptive words to describe the location of |Drawing |*Big Book 1, Lesson 4 |

|distance, including here/there, over/under, left/right, |various classroom objects. (i.e., The flag is on the | |T.E., p. 34 |

|and up/down. |right of the calendar.) |Demonstrations | |

| | | |*Big Book 2, Lesson 2 |

| | |Discussions |T.E., p. 76 |

| | | | |

| | |Computer programs |Harcourt Brace Math, Chapter 2, pp. 9-12 |

| | | | |

| | |Storybooks | |

| | | | |

| | |Dramatizations | |

|K.3.2 Identify maps and globes as ways of representing |Land: |Demonstration |*Big Book 4, Lesson 7 |

|the earth, and identify map symbols for land and water. |Color - according to the key | |T.E., p. 212 |

| | |Drawing | |

| |Water: | |*Big Book 4, Lesson 9 |

| |Color - blue |Classifying |T.E., p. 220 |

| | | | |

| |Tell students: “Water is blue on all maps and |Manipulatives |*Big Book 4, Lesson 10 |

| |globes.” | |T.E., p. 224 |

| | | | |

| | | |School map |

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| | | |Maps |

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| | | |Globes |


|Standard 3: Students learn that maps and globes are different ways of representing the earth’s surface and begin to explore the geographic characteristics of their homes, school, and community. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Places and Regions |

|K.3.3 Describe people and places in the school and |People in the school might include school workers. |Visit sites in the school |*Big Book 2, Lesson 2 |

|community. | | |T.E., p. 76 |

| |Places might include the cafeteria, office, and gym. |Interviews | |

| | | | |

| |People in the community might include firefighters. |Discussions | |

| | | | |

| |Places might include the fire station. |Field trips | |

| | | | |

| | |Guest speakers | |

| | | | |

| | |Create a chart | |

|Physical Systems |

|K.3.4 Give examples of seasonal weather changes, and |In different seasons, people wear different kinds of |Graphing |*Big Book 3, Lesson 9 |

|describe how seasonal changes affect people and the |clothing. | |T.E., p. 154 |

|environment. | |Drawing | |

| |In different seasons, the weather changes. | |*Big Book 4, Lesson 1 |

| | |Dramatizations |T.E., p. 188 |

| |In different seasons, people can do different | | |

| |activities outside. |Discussions |*Big Book 4, Lesson 2 |

| | | |T.E., p. 192 |

| | | | |

| | | |Clothing items |


|Standard 3: Students learn that maps and globes are different ways of representing the earth’s surface and begin to explore the geographic characteristics of their homes, school, and community. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Human Systems |

|K.3.5 Describe simple differences and similarities |People in cities live in houses and apartments with |Graphing |*Big Book 1, Lesson 2 |

|between ways people live in cities and on farms. |small yards. They use public transportation and their| |T.E., p. 26 |

| |own vehicles. |Create a chart | |

| | | |*Big Book 2, Lesson 6 |

| |Farm families use their own vehicles for |Dramatizations |T.E., p. 92 |

| |transportation. | | |

| | |Field trips | |

| |People on farms have a lot of land by their house. | | |

| |Barn/no barn |Compare/contrast | |

| |Farm animals/no animals | | |

| | |Venn diagram | |

|Environment and Society |

|K.3.6 Recommend ways that people can help keep their |Recycle paper at school. |Demonstrations |*Big Book 4, Lesson 3 |

|environment clean. | | |T.E., p. 196 |

| | |Drawings | |

| | | |*Big Book 4, Lesson 11 |

| | |Graphing |T.E., p. 228 |

| | | | |

| | |Visit the Elkhart Environmental Center. |Elkhart Environmental Center |


|Standard 4: Students explain how people do different jobs and work to meet basic economic wants. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|K.4.1 Explain that people work to earn money to buy the |Invite guest speakers to tell about their jobs and |Dramatization |*Bib Book 3, Lesson 4 |

|things they want. |reasons for working. | |T.E., p. 132 |

| | |Guest speakers | |

| | | |*Big Book 3, Lesson 5 |

| | |Field trips |T.E., p. 138 |

| | | | |

| | |Interviews |*Big Book 3, Lesson 6 |

| | | |T.E., p. 142 |

| | | | |

| | | |*Big Book 3, Lesson 7 |

| | | |T.E., p. 146 |

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| | | |Harcourt Brace Math, Chapter 8 |

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|Standard 4: Students explain how people do different jobs and work to meet basic economic wants. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|K.4.2 Identify different kinds of jobs that people do. |Picture books and stories illustrate and identify |Guest speakers |*Big Book 3, Lesson 2 |

| |different types of jobs, as well as tools and | |T.E., p. 126 |

| |clothing used in different jobs. |Interviews | |

| | | | |

| |After visiting places in the community and school |Drawings | |

| |(K.2.1 and K.3.3), list the jobs seen. | | |

| | |Study trips | |

| | | | |

| | |Graphs and charts | |

|K.4.3 Explain why people in a community have different |People may have different types of jobs because they |Interviews |*Big Book 2, Lesson 5 |

|jobs. |like doing different things, or because they are | |T.E., p. 88 |

| |better at doing one particular type of job. |Guest speakers | |

| | | | |

| | |Field trips | |

| | | | |

| | |Discussions | |


|Standard 4: Students explain how people do different jobs and work to meet basic economic wants. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|K.4.4 Give examples of work activities that people do at |Mow the lawn. |Drawings |*Big Book 1, Lesson 3 |

|home. | | |T.E., p. 30 |

| |Rake leaves. |Demonstrations | |

| | | |*Big Book 3, Lesson 1 |

| |Make a bed. |Dramatizations |T.E., p. 122 |

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| |Vacuum. |Interviews |Scott Foresman reading, p. 229 |

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| |Wash dishes. | | |

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|Standard 5: Students identify themselves as individuals who interact with other individuals and groups, including the family, school, and community; and identify ways that people, who are similar and different, |

|make up the community. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|K.5.1 Identify ways in which people are alike and |Identify qualities, such as interests, hobbies, |Create a chart |*Big Book 6, Lesson 6 |

|different. |skills, and experiences, which make individuals | |T.E., p. 324 |

| |unique, and identify qualities of others. |Graphing | |

| | | |*Big Book 6, Lesson 7 |

| | |Discussions |T.E., p. 328 |

| | | | |

|K.5.2 Identify individuals who are important in students’|Families work, play, read, celebrate, eat, and watch |Drawings |*Big Book 1, Lesson 1 |

|lives, such as parents, grandparents, guardians, and |movies together. | |T.E., p. 22 |

|teachers, and give examples of how families cooperate and| |Discussions | |

|work together. | | |*Big Book 6, Lesson 2 |

| | |Dramatizations |T.E., p. 308 |

| | | | |

| | |Special Person’s Day | |

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|Standard 5: Students identify themselves as individuals who interact with other individuals and groups, including the family, school, and community; and identify ways that people, who are similar and different, |

|make up the community. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|K.5.3 Give examples of how families in the community are |Some families live in houses, apartments or mobile |Graphing |*Big Book 6, Lesson 1 |

|similar and different, yet are part of the community. |homes. | |T.E., p. 304 |

| | |Discussions | |

| |Some celebrate different holidays. | | |

| | |Dramatizations | |

| |Some attend the same schools and churches. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|K.5.4 Identify and compare similarities and differences |Use picture books and stories to show the |Dramatizations |*Big Book 3, Lesson 10 |

|in families in other places and cultures. |similarities and differences in houses, clothing, | |T.E., p. 158 |

| |work, and celebrations. |Compare/contrast | |

| | | |*Big Book 6, Lesson 3 |

| | |Create a chart |T.E., p. 312 |

| | | | |

| | |Story books |*Big Book 6, Lesson 5 |

| | | |T.E., p. 320 |

| | |Venn Diagrams | |

|Unit: Citizenship |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

| Life skills |K.2.2 Give examples of rules in the classroom and |Create a chart |Maps |

|rules and procedures |school, and provide reasons for the specific rules. | | |

|roles and responsibilities | |Discussions |Globes |

| |K.2.3 Identify symbols and traditions associated with | | |

|Patriotism |being citizens of Indiana and the United States. |Dramatization | |

|symbols |Examples: Identify the Indiana flag and the United | | |

| |States flag. |Guest speakers | |

| | | | |

| |K.2.4 Identify examples of responsible citizenship in |Storytelling | |

| |the school setting and in stories about the past and | | |

| |present. |Drawings | |

| | | | |

| |K.2.5 Identify and follow school rules to ensure order |Manipulatives | |

| |and safety. | | |

| | |Graphs | |

| |K.3.2 Identify maps and globes as ways of representing | | |

| |the earth, and identify map symbols for land and water.| | |

| | | | |

| |K.3.6 Recommend ways that people can help keep their | | |

| |environment clean. | | |

|Unit: Community |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|School community |K.2.1 Identify and describe the roles and |Interview |School personnel |

|people and roles |responsibilities of school personnel. | | |

| |Examples: Principal, secretary, custodian, |Create a chart | |

| |instructional assistant, bus driver, nurse, and teacher| | |

| | |Field trips | |

| |K.2.4 Identify examples of responsible citizenship in | | |

| |the school setting and in stories about the past and |Visit to sites | |

| |present. | | |

| | |Guest speakers | |

| |K.3.3 Describe people and places in the school and | | |

| |community. |Shadowing | |

| |Example: People in the school might include school | | |

| |workers; places might include the cafeteria, office, |Drawing | |

| |and gym; people in the community might include | | |

| |firefighters; places might include the fire station. |Discussion | |

| | | | |

| | |Demonstration | |

| | | | |

| | |Celebrations in classroom | |

| | | | |

| | |Storytelling | |

| | | | |

| | |Graphing | |

| | | | |

| | |Dramatizations | |

| | | | |

| | |Compare/contrast | |

|Unit: Community (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Celebrations and holidays |K.1.2 Identify celebrations and holidays as a way of |Storybooks |Pictures |

| |remembering and honoring events and persons in the | | |

| |past. |Celebrations in classroom |Books |

| |Examples: Identify Thanksgiving, the Reverend Martin | | |

| |Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, |Drawing |People in the community |

| |Veterans’ Day. | | |

| | |Storytelling | |

| |K.3.3 Describe people and places in the school and | | |

| |community. |Field trips | |

| |Example: People in the school might include school | | |

| |workers; places might include the cafeteria, office, |Guest speakers | |

| |and gym; people in the community might include | | |

|Similarities and differences |firefighters; places might include the fire station. |Discussions | |

| | | | |

| |K.4.4 Give examples of work activities that people do |Interview | |

| |at home. | | |

| | |Dramatization | |

| |K.5.1 Identify ways in which people are alike and | | |

| |different. |Graphing | |

| |Example: Identify qualities, such as interests, | | |

| |hobbies, skills, and experiences, which make | | |

| |individuals unique, and identify qualities of others. | | |

|Unit: Community (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Families |K.5.2 Identify individuals who are important in |Drawings |Books |

| |students’ lives, such as parents, grandparents, | | |

| |guardians, and teachers, and give examples of how |Discussions |People in the community |

| |families cooperate and work together. | | |

| | |Dramatizations | |

| | | | |

| |K.1.2 Identify celebrations and holidays as a way of |Storybooks | |

| |remembering and honoring events and persons in the | | |

|Celebrations |past. |Class celebrations | |

| |Examples: Identify Thanksgiving, the Reverend Martin | | |

| |Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, |Field trips | |

| |Veterans’ Day. | | |

| | |Guest speakers | |

| |K.3.3 Describe people and places in the school and | | |

| |community. | | |

| |Example: People in the school might include school | | |

| |workers; places might include the cafeteria, office, | | |

| |and gym; people in the community might include | | |

| |firefighters; places might include the fire station. | | |

|Unit: Community (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Careers |K.3.6 Recommend ways that people can help keep their |Dramatizations |Business in the community |

| |environment clean. | | |

| | |Interviews |Books |

| |K.4.1 Explain that people work to earn money to buy the| | |

| |things they want. |Guest speakers | |

| | | | |

| |K.4.2 Identify different kinds of jobs that people do. |Study trips | |

| |Examples: Picture books and stories illustrate and | | |

| |identify different types of jobs, as well as tools and |Discussions | |

| |clothing used in different jobs. | | |

| | |Graphs/charts | |

| |K.4.3 Explain why people in a community have different | | |

| |jobs. | | |

| |Example: People may have different types of jobs | | |

| |because they like doing different things, or because | | |

| |they are better at doing one particular type of job. | | |

| | | | |

| |K.5.3 Give examples of how families in the community | | |

| |are similar and different, yet are part of the | | |

| |community. | | |

|Unit: Community (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|World |K.3.5 Describe simple differences and similarities |Graphing |Pictures |

| |between ways people live in cities and on farms. | | |

| | |Dramatizations |Books |

| |K.5.4 Identify and compare similarities and differences| | |

| |in families in other places and cultures. |Study trips | |

| |Example: Use picture books and stories to show the | | |

| |similarities and differences in houses, clothing, work,|Venn diagram | |

| |and celebrations. | | |

| | |Storybooks | |

|Unit: Time |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Calendar activities |K.1.2 Identify celebrations and holidays as a way of |Storybooks |Posters |

| |remembering and honoring events and persons in the | | |

| |past. |Celebrations |Math workbook |

| |Examples: Identify Thanksgiving, the Reverend Martin | | |

| |Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, |Drawing | |

| |Veterans’ Day. | | |

| | |Storytelling | |

| |K.1.4 Identify and order events that take place in a | | |

| |sequence. |Agenda | |

| |Examples: Identify events in the school day as first, | | |

| |next, last; list the day’s classroom activities in |Sequencing activities | |

|Math |order; place events, such as birthdays, in order; use a| | |

| |calendar to identify national holidays and historical |Demonstrations | |

| |events. | | |

| | |Discussions | |

| |K.3.4 Give examples of seasonal weather changes, and | | |

| |describe how seasonal changes affect people and the | | |

| |environment. | | |

| |Example: In different seasons, people wear different | | |

| |kinds of clothing | | |

|Unit: Time (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|History |K.1.1 Compare people, objects, and events of today and |Demonstrations |Pictures |

| |long ago. | | |

| |Examples: Compare objects of the past and present, such|Read aloud |Books |

| |as a butter churn and a mixer; compare clothing, | | |

| |houses, and transportation of the past with the |Drawing |Coins |

| |present. | | |

| | |Storybooks | |

| |K.1.3 Listen to and retell stories about persons in the| | |

| |past who showed honesty, courage, and responsibility. |Picture identification | |

| |Examples: George Washington, George Rogers Clark, Mercy| | |

| |Otis Warren, Dolly Madison, Chief Little Turtle, | | |

|Famous people |Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, Tuskegee Airman Walter| | |

| |Palmer. | | |

|Unit: Rules |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Life skills |K.2.2 Give examples of rules in the classroom and |Create a chart |Posted rules |

| |school, and provide reasons for the specific rules. | | |

| | |Discussion | |

| |K.2.5 Identify and follow school rules to ensure order | | |

| |and safety. |Dramatization | |

| | | | |

| |K.3.6 Recommend ways that people can help keep their |Drawings | |

| |environment clean. | | |

| | |Graphing | |

|Unit: Spatial Terms |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource |

|Directions |K.3.1 Use words related to location, direction, and |Drawing |Math workbook |

| |distance, including here/there, over/under, left/right,| | |

| |and up/down. |Demonstrations | |

| | | | |

| | |Role playing | |

| | | | |

| | |Discussion | |

| | | | |

| | |Computer programs | |


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