2017-18 Yearly School Calendar

|Congregation Beth Shalom Teen Program |

|To cultivate a lifelong love of learning and living Jewish values |

|DRAFT 8/13/2020 |

|5781 2020-2021 FALL Academic Calendar |

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|September 2020 |October 2020 |November 2020 |

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| | |School Closed |

| | |Special Events |

| | |Class Dates |

| | |Youth Minyan |

| | |Volunteer Opportunities |

|Tuesday Evening Teen Learning on Zoom |

|Dinner and Games: 6:30pm-7:00pm |

|Class: 7:00pm-8:00pm |

|Flip this page over for course titles, teachers, and descriptions |

|Tuesday Evening Teen Learning |Teachers |Class Descriptions |

|Dinner: 6:30pm-7:00pm | | |

|Class: 7:00pm-8:00pm | | |

|Session A |September 8thth- October 27th |Shira Orzech |B’nai Mitzvah Tutoring Class |

| |(skipping September 29th and October 6th) | | |

| | |Yuval Berenstein |What does it mean to be Jewish and Political in|

| | | |America? |

|Session B |November 3rd- December 15th |Shoval (CBS Shinshiniot) |Contemporary Israeli Culture and How it Meets |

| |(skipping November 24th) | |American Culture |

| | | | |

| | |Rabbi Borodin |Biblical Stories I never learnt in Hebrew or |

| | | |Jewish Day School |

|Session C |January 5th- February 9th |Rabbi Kurland |Introduction to Ladino Language and Culture |

|Session D |February 23rdth- April 6th |Beth Huppin |Contemporary Issues and Ancient Jewish Text |

| |(Skip March 30th) | | |

|Session E |April 20th - May 25th |Rabbi Rose |What Makes a Decent Person |

| | | | |

| | |Liel (CBS Shinshinit) |Ethnic, Cultural, and Historical Diversity in |

| | | |Israel with a Focus on the Ethiopian-Jewish |

| | | |Community. |

|Teen Volunteer Opportunities |

|Scheduled on one Sunday of each month with USY Advisor, Bevin Fritz-Waters |

|September 13th |Volunteer at CBS Religious School Kickoff from 11:00am-12:30pm |

|October 18th |Racial Justice Learning and Volunteering: School Inequities |

|November 15th |Racial Justice Learning and Volunteering: School to Prison Pipeline |

|December 13th |Racial Justice Learning and Volunteering: Voter Suppression |


Special Events

Sept 8th

Teen Program Kickoff

Sept. 10th-13 LTI Leadership Training Institute for USY Board Members

Sept. 13th

USYers join youth for a back to school Religious School event followed by the USY Kickoff

Oct. 6th

USY Sukkot Program

Oct. 25th

USY PJs and Pumpkins

Nov. 24th

USY Cooking Competition

Dec. 12th

USY Ice Skating

Dec. 15th

Hannukah Celebrated at Teen Learning

*Events will be held in person or via zoom depending on COVID.

Youth Minyan






School Closed

Sept. 29th

Yom Kippur

Oct. 6th

No class; join us for a USY Event

Nov. 24th

No class, join us for a USY Event

Dec. 22nd and Dec. 29th

Winter Break

Teen Volunteer Opportunities

One Sunday A Month 5pm-6:30pm on Zoom

This semester teen volunteering will be virtual and will focus on learning about issues of racial justice and taking actions to repair them. Flip the page for dates and topics


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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