1 - Robert H. Jackson Center

1. Colby’s Oak Institute for the Study of International Human Rights ()

2. Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights ()

3. Columbia’s Center for International Conflict Resolution ()

4. Berkeley’s Human Rights Center ()

5. Urbana-Champaign’s Center for Global Studies ()

6. Chicago’s Human Rights Program ()

7. Chicago’s Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture ()

8. Emory’s Carter Center ()

9. St. Thomas’s Human Rights Institute ()

10. Iowa’s Center for Human Rights ()

11. Trinity’s Human Rights Program ()

12. San Diego’s Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation ()

13. Irvine’s Global Peace and Conflict Studies Program ()

14. UConn’s UNESCO Chair and Institute of Comparative Human Rights ()

15. Cal Santa Cruz’s Center for Global, International, and Regional Studies ()

16. Indiana’s Center for the Study of Global Change ()

17. Georgetown’s Institute for the Study of International Migration ()

18. Mellon-MIT’s Inter-University Program on NGOs and Forced Migration ()

19. MIT’s Program on Human Rights and Justice ()

20. NYU’s Center on International Cooperation ()

21. BC’s Center for Human Rights and International Justice ()

22. Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights ()

23. Harvard’s Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights ()

24. Denver’s International Human Rights Advocacy Center ()

25. Knox’s Human Rights Center ()

26. Drew’s Center for Holocaust/Genocide Study ()

27. Haverford’s Center for Peace and Global Citizenship ()

28. Claremont McKenna’s Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights ()

29. Grinnell’s Center for International Studies ()

30. Princeton’s Bobst Center for Peace and Justice ()

31. Duke’s Center for International Studies ()

32. Cornell’s Institute on Conflict Resolution ()

33. Macalester’s Institute for Global Citizenship ()

34. Mount Holyoke’s McCulloch Center for Global Initiatives ()

35. Tufts’s Institute for Global Leadership ()

36. Connecticut’s Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity ()

37. Minnesota’s Human Rights Program ()

38. Minnesota’s Human Rights Center ()

39. North Carolina’s Center for Global Initiatives ()

40. Barnard’s Human Rights Program ()

41. Bucknell’s Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender ()

42. American’s Center for Global Peace ()

43. American’s Center for the Global South ()

44. Bard’s Human Rights Project ()

45. Fordham’s Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs ()

46. Colgate’s Center for Ethics and World Societies ()

47. Bryn Mawr’s Center for International Studies ()

48. Florida State’s Center for the Advancement of Human Rights ()

49. Abo Akademi’s (Finland)’s Institute for Human Rights ()

50. Lausanne’s Centre for International Humanitarian Law ()

51. Latvia’s Institute on Human Rights ()

52. Pretoria’s Centre for Human Rights ()

Law Schools

53. Columbia’s Human Rights Institute ()

54. Columbia’s Human Rights Clinic ()

55. Yale’s Lowenstein International Human Rights Law Clinic ()

56. Yale Law’s Schell Center for International Human Rights ()

57. UVA’s Human Rights Program and International Human Rights Law Clinic ()

58. UVA’s International Tribunals and Immigration Clinics ()

59. Cornell’s Asylum and CAT Clinic ()

60. Cornell’s International Human Rights Clinic ()

61. Georgetown’s International Women’s Human Rights Clinic ()

62. Georgetown’s Center for Applied Legal Studies ()

63. Stanford’s Center on International Conflict and Negotiation ()

64. Stanford’s Immigrants’ Rights Clinic ()

65. Notre Dame’s Center for Civil and Human Rights ()

66. Notre Dame’s Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies ()

67. Notre Dame’s Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies ()

68. Brown’s Watson Institute for International Studies ()

69. Brown’s Third World Center ()

70. Johns Hopkins’s Center for Civil Society Studies ()

71. Seattle’s Immigration and International Human Rights Law Clinics ()

72. Oxford’s MSt in International Human Rights Law (

73. Fordham’s Crowley Program in International Human Rights ()

74. Fordham’s Immigrants’ Rights and Access to Justice Clinic ()

75. Fordham’s International Justice Clinic ()

76. Buffalo’s Human Rights Center ()

77. American’s International Human Rights Law Clinic ()

78. American’s War Crimes Research Office ()

79. American’s Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law


80. Depaul’s International Human Rights Law Institute ()

81. Depaul’s Immigration/Asylum Clinic ()

82. Houston’s Immigration Clinic ()

83. Loyola Chicago’s International Children’s Rights Initiative ()

84. San Diego’s Immigration Clinic ()

85. Miami’s Center for the Study of Human Rights ()

86. Michigan’s Program in Refugee and Asylum Law ()

87. Harvard’s Human Rights Program ()

88. Harvard’s Immigration and Refugee Clinic ()

89. Northwestern’s Center for International Human Rights ()

90. St. Marys’s Immigration and Human Rights Clinic ()

91. Northeastern’s Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy ()

92. Berkeley’s International Human Rights Law Clinic ()

93. San Francisco’s Center for Law and Global Justice ()

94. San Francisco’s Frank C. Newman International Human Rights Clinic ()

95. Pepperdine’s International Human Rights Program ()

96. Penn State’s Refugee Clinic ()

97. Indiana’s Program in International Human Rights Law ()

98. St. John’s’ Immigration Rights Clinic ()

99. NYU’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice ()

100. NYU’s Center for International Law and Justice ()

101. NYU’s Migration Policy Institute ()

102. NYU’s Immigrant Rights Clinic ()

103. NYU’s Immigrant Defense Clinic ()

104. NYU’s International Human Rights Clinic ()

105. Hastings’s Center for International Justice and Human Rights ()

106. Hastings’s Immigrants’ Rights Clinics ()

107. Hastings Center for Gender and Refugee Studies ()

108. Washington St. Louis’s Harris Institute for Global Legal Studies ()

109. Texas’s Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice ()

110. Texas Immigration Clinic ()

111. USC’s Immigration Clinic ()

112. George Washington’s International Human Rights Clinic ()

113. George Washington’s Immigration Clinic ()

114. Minnesota’s Human Rights Center ()

115. Minnesota’s Immigration Clinic ()

116. BC’s International Criminal Tribunals Program ()

117. BC’s Immigration and Asylum Project ()

118. BC’s Law and Justice in the Americas Program ()

119. W&M’s Human Rights and National Security Law Program ()

120. Brooklyn’s Safe Harbor Project ()

121. Cincinnati’s Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights ()

122. Cardozo’s Immigration Clinic ()

123. Cardozo’s Human Rights and Genocide Clinic ()

124. Cardozo’s Program in Holocaust and Human Rights Studies ()

125. Arizona State’s Immigration Law and Policy Clinic ()

126. UConn’s Asylum and Human Rights Clinic ()

127. Arizona’s Immigration Law Clinic ()

128. Maryland’s Immigration Clinic ()

129. Florida’s Institute for Human Rights, Peace, and Development ()

130. Illinois-Urbana-Champaign’s International Human Rights Clinic ()

131. UNC’s Immigration/Human Rights Policy Clinic ()

132. Washington’s Immigration Clinic ()

133. Washington’s Refugee and Immigrant Advocacy Clinic ()

134. UC Davis’s Immigration Clinic ()

135. George Mason’s Immigration Clinic ()

136. Nottingham’s Human Rights Law Centre ()


1. Amnesty International ()

2. Human Rights Watch ()

3. The International Center for Transitional Justice ()

4. The Coalition for the International Criminal Court ()

5. The Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law ()

6. Geneva Call ()

7. The International Criminal Court ()

8. The International Committee of the Red Cross ()


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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