Summer solstice 2019 The woman clothed with the sun and ...

Summer solstice 2019

The woman clothed with the sun

and her manchild

Part 3 of 5

(What follows is intended for those who would understand and apply the science of cosmic cycles derived from the teachings of the Ascended

Masters of the Great White Brotherhood (of Light) as given through their Messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet and applied using the science of the cosmic clock and astrology. I have followed as faithfully as I can the direct application and translation of the cycles as given, understanding it is karma making to interpret. I have taken the Master's dictations to the altar and sat under my Christ Self and the Masters who tutor my soul and have applied these cycles in my own world for the purpose for which they are given, to save my soul. What follows is the product of the cycles as given by the Masters and as applied and understood in the meditation of my heart with the hearts of Mother, my Guru, Saint Germain, Kuthumi, and Maitreya. I have followed and applied this science for years. I have been compelled to share these with you that my cup might be emptied that it might be filled again and again. I have applied the science of light and the cosmic clock with my understanding of esoteric and mundane astrology to translate the hand writing on the wall of returning karma. The light flushes out the darkness. The methodology of this applied science is not given here, but the inquiring mind may understand. The methodology will be given separately at a later date.

It is my intention and purpose that you sit under your own vine and fig tree and use the material here and study the Masters teachings referenced here to enter into a dialogue with your God Presence and be God taught so as to acquire God's gifts of the Holy Spirit of Knowledge and Understanding, Discernment, and Interpretation of Tongues. Your Christ Self is your teacher. What truth lies here is only of value to you if it sets your heart to vibrate as two tuning forks that come into contact. The Truth will set you free. Your Christ Self is Truth. Seek and you will find.

What follows is for your intercession on behalf of mankind for the saving of souls and your ascension in the light.)

Summer Solstice Sun in the Etheric Plane: Part 3 of 5

This document Summer Solstice 2019 The Woman Clothed with the Sun has been divided

into five parts. This is Part 3, the third of five, Summer Solstice Etheric Plane in


Part 1, Helios Cycle of The Year

Part 2, Summer Solstice 2019

Part 4, Sun in Mental Plane of Cancer

Part 5, Sun in Emotional & Physical Planes of Cancer


Esoteric astrology is the astrology of the soul who has committed herself to the path of seeking God, on the journey home. What follows here is an approach founded on the science of esoteric astrological principles but based on the Ascended Masters Teachings and the science of the Cosmic-Clock. This astrology I have coined, Sun Star Lunar Dragon. It follows the teachings of the soul's friend and personal psychologist, Master Kuthumi. It follows the Sun on its journey in the signs (Cancer) through each of the four planes of matter, the four lower bodies of the soul and her spirit. It follows the Sun's or solar time, not earth time. Astronomically we measure this as the exact moment of the Sun's ingress into a sign. Beginning, Kuthumi teaches us, a cycle of 28 solar days, seven days in each of the planes of matter, fire (etheric), air (mental), water (emotional), and earth (physical). Each day is one of the seven rays, seven chakras, seven heavens, seven mansions of your casual body. Each sign and house has three decants with very specific esoteric meanings that have their correlation to the ascended masters teachings, known of old as the promised, everlasting gospel. Promised by Jesus in the Book of Revelation by the Seventh Angel in Rev chapter 10 verse 7.

This is the astrology of the soul's initiation and testing on her return to the mystery school that she left so long ago. This is the astrology, the science of soul navigation day by day on the path of the soul's Odyssey to get home on the path of the initiation of her heart with the Guru. This is the astrology of the encounter with the counterfeit self (New Testament view) known today as the synthetic self, the dweller on the threshold of consciousness.

Sun Star Lunar Dragon


Golden Age - Cosmic Clock - Cosmic Astrology


Summer solstice 2019

The woman clothed with the sun

and her manchild

Part 3 of 5

The sun enters each sign (Cancer) in the etheric plane of that sign, the memory body, the seamless solar body of the soul to nurture, initiate and test the soul's mastery of her weaving. The soul is being initiated to see [Sagittarius] the soul's origins in the schoolroom of the Mother to be the bride of Christ. We know this as the transformation in Scorpio, the eighth house from the scorpion, rising as the Eagle then transfiguring in the sun to the Phoenix. This is the occult laboratory of self of Pisces and Scorpio that rules the 12th and 8th houses. The soul, beginning at summer solstice is being tested to claim the victory of her origins as chela (disciple) of the Guru (Teacher), bonded to the heart of the Guru, in the highest love.

The messenger of the Sun, Mercury in Cancer conjunct Mars, delivers the message to the soul standing at the North Node on the apex of the YOD to Jupiter the Guru conjunct the nadir and to the Moon at 19? Aquarius in the first decant of the sixth house. The message is to hold fast the light delivered by the July class in 2019 at the Grand Teton while our physical and emotional bodies sat meditating on the message delivered by Helios from the July class of 1984. The light, delivered in 2019, illumined the higher mind and our etheric bodies of all those who stand in 2019 bonded to the heart of the Guru (the Teacher). Illumination's flame revealed to the soul an understanding of the prophecies of the Book of Revelations as taught to us in the Everlasting Gospel. This revelation of summer solstice 2019, delivered by Helios is to guide the soul in the coming initiations when the soul will be sorely tested. The soul is being initiated in the seven initiations on the path of the Ruby Ray, as taught by Sanat Kumara.

The light illumined our origins in God and our destiny in Christ congruent with the return of the Guru, the Teacher. The soul is taught to surrender into the flame all karma with the 2 guru throughout the ages, particularly the last 12,000 years, also the last 25,800 years as we stood with the Messengers and the lineage of the gurus known today as the ascended masters through many an embodiment. Phylos the Tibetan teaches that the heritage, the lineage of Americans today goes back to the tribes of Abraham, and beyond to the ancient people of Suern (India) and to the people of Atlantis who rebelled against the Sons of Solitude and the Emperor Jesus Christ, during the last golden age.

Each one's causal body contains within its rings, all the victories of the soul in service to the Great White Brotherhood and their messengers, the Sons of Solitude. Each one also contains within their electronic belt all the records, the memories, the feelings, thoughts and deeds of our unlawful negative desires, the soul's rebellion, disobedience of the law and the law giver. Master Kuthumi teaches us in his Expos? of the False Teachings, numbers nine through thirteen that these desires manifest in matter as attachment to material substance and to substance of the self, vanity. He teaches that attachment is residual desire stored in the electronic belt within the subconscious that feeds, Mother teaches us, the collective unconscious of the planet. This substance is released by the magnetic force of the moon and amplified by the water body of the planet and the soul's emotional (water) body, as feelings of attachment manifest as change known as mood momentums. These manifest as emotional disturbance that agitate the mind. These desires are of the lesser self, the synthetic self, and the carnal mind. They are represented in the image of the homeless soul. They are manifest today in many of our cities as seen in Seattle, Portland, and Los Angeles as the images of the tent cities of the homeless. These

Sun Star Lunar Dragon


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Summer solstice 2019 The woman clothed with the sun

and her manchild Part 3 of 5

represent on the screen of life, to the soul, the image of the soul's very own prodigal son and daughter.

This message of the sun to the individual soul is that all good deeds are stored in heaven to be called upon as a fire from heaven from the heart of the guru into all returning karma that is coming upon the earth. The soul is taught to release all this karma into the flame to invoke the light to consume the tie that binds the soul to the earth. For this is the kingdom age and the passing of the church age. This is the kingdom of God come in the earth. In the cycle of time it will consume all vibrations, all thoughts and feelings and all memories that are not of the kingdom of God. In polarity the fallen ones stand in the earth re-asserting their kingdom of Babylon the Great [in Capricorn ? South Gate] launched in America by the NEOCONS in the early 1990s, the New World Order. The soul is taught that she must choose. She must cut herself free from all idolatry and all sympathy for the lesser self, in oneself or another, as these are human and the product of desire and genetic engineering and intermarriage throughout the ages represented by the Old Testament and continuing today to thwart the destiny of the soul, the nation, and the church.

Revelations, the book

of Daniel and the book of

Isaiah all teach what will play

out in these the end times

during which we have

embodied. The coming of


Helios in 2019 released

illumination's flame to

illuminate these prophecies of

the prophets who have gone

before us and of the Prophets

who stand with us, today.

Maitreya Buddha teaches us to speak the truth of the light that is coming into the earth into the face of those who once again hide in the garden from the light of the Guru, in Maitreya's mystery school in the community of the Holy Spirit in the Western Shambala. Archangel Uriel then teaches us to be silent as was Mother (see The Vials of the Seven Last Plagues). Maitreya Buddha teaches us that having spoken the truth to

Sun Star Lunar Dragon


Golden Age - Cosmic Clock - Cosmic Astrology


Summer solstice 2019

The woman clothed with the sun

and her manchild

Part 3 of 5

recede into the secret chamber of the heart, the eight-petal chakra on the eighth ray and be God taught by the Lord of the World. These are the cycles of the soul on the path of personal Christhood on the path of the initiation of the heart in Leo in 2019 in the 32nd year to prepare the soul for the Transfiguration leading up to her Christ mission in the 34th year in Libra in 2021 when the soul must stand before the guru who returns to anoint the soul with the mission and the mantle as promised by Sanat Kumara. This will begin the three-year mission of the Christ of those who are anointed as the victorious ones, in 24 months (2021).

The testing of the soul in the Helios cycle of 2019 is to determine if the soul can stand on the apex of the YOD of the North Node at 18? Cancer conjunct Mars, standing at the Y in the road where the soul must choose to balance her karma with the Guru, represented by Jupiter conjunct the nadir or choose to be influenced by the magnetism of the moon that amplifies her attachment to material substance ending in Capricorn as the soul's position and standing in society and the organization out of the internal drive of the synthetic self, the lesser self for selfpreservation, the survival of the lesser self. (see Kuthumi, chapter one, The Enemy Within).

The soul stands in juxtaposition between spiritual survival and physical survival as the soul stands on the North Node in the 31st year in Cancer on the 6 o'clock line of the initiation of the soul in the safe passage of ye all in the mantle of learning, of illumination and of selfknowledge. This is the initiation of the safe passage of the soul given on January 1, 1989 as the divine plan for 1989 as we entered the shelter cycle, and as the soul entered the dark night of the soul that Saint Germain told us would be followed immediately by the dark night of the spirit. The latter he told us would end with the last 3 ? years known as the tribulation which would end 4 in the final battle of Armageddon, within and without the soul. Saint Germain taught us that while we must prepare to survive spiritually, he taught us to prepare to survive physically, four scenarios. They taught us that the first key to survival is community, and to come apart and be a separate and chosen people...who will lead them in 2019-2024? Christ born again in you, in the second coming, will lead them as you are sent forth from the river Jordan anointed by the Guru. This is the destiny of the prepared ones.

The soul is taught to stand in the light and pass her initiations to receive that light. The soul is taught to hold onto that light in the face of the daily testings of the soul as she stands in her Odyssey with her companions, her partners in the community and the nations. Her companions are those who choose by the rationalization of the serpent mind in Gemini and in the third house to follow the logic and the reasoning of the serpent mind (outer mind) that is the test of the garden of Eden and is now the test of the return of the soul to the mystery school in the community of the Holy Spirit in the Western Shambala. This is taking place as we stand upon the mountain of Capricorn with the goats, the inverted five-pointed stars of the Satans and the Serpent on the East Gate to pass the initiations of the Ruby Ray. Mighty Victory teaches us that these are the initiations of the secret rays, beginning in the 29th year (for five years beginning in 2016). We are standing in the 32nd year in Leo in the fourth year of initiation in the secret rays to demonstrate the mastery of the law of all cycles from the fall of 1987 through the summer of 1988. We also stand in the 31st year in Cancer of the cycles from the latter part of 1988 and 1989. Therefore, this five-year cycle of initiation going on now in the five-secret rays, for the public

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Summer solstice 2019 The woman clothed with the sun

and her manchild Part 3 of 5

demonstration of the mastery of the law is precursor to the Transfiguration and the Christ mission of each soul, that must begin in 2021.

1. All dispensations given in late 1990 and early 1991 are in the 29th year in Taurus on the first of five years of the inner teachings of the soul on the five secret rays.

2. All dispensations given in late 1989 and early 1990 are in the 30th year in Gemini on the second of the five years of the inner teachings of the soul on the five secret rays.

3. All dispensations given in late 1988 and early 1989 are in the 31st year in Cancer on the third of the five years of the inner teachings of the soul on the five secret rays.

4. All dispensations given in late 1987 and early 1988 are in the 32nd year in Leo on the fourth of the five years of the inner teachings of the soul on the five secret rays.

5. All dispensations given in late 1986 and early 1987 are in the 33rd year in Virgo on the fifth of the five years of the inner teachings of the soul on the five secret rays.

Number four, contains the dispensations of the initiation of our soul on the path of

personal Christhood (11 /1/1987) in the initiation of our hearts by the Holy Spirit (2/21/1988).

This initiation will bring the soul in 2021 to the 34th year in Libra at the river Jordan to stand

before the Guru to be anointed to begin their Christ mission, the soul's three-year mission of

personal Christhood to prepare for the crucifixion and the resurrection that will begin for these


souls who are being initiated as the fruits on the tree of the Guru and the teachings, to walk the

earth in the resurrection's flame for the next 50 years (2024-2074) as world teachers wearing the

mantles they wore on Atlantis before the golden age fell as prophesied by Lord Sanat Kumara.

It is important to understand the timing of the cosmic cycles of the dispensations given each year beginning with the founding of the Summit Lighthouse in 1958. This timing of all cosmic cycles and dispensations given governs our lives, your life in 2019 going forward. They can be studied prior to 2019 to understand how the soap opera of life on earth has been the playing out of the acceptance and the rejection of the relentless wave of light that is for the judgment, the salvation of the lightbearers and the judgment of the reprobate. The timing of the cycles must be understood, of the preparation of the soul for the second coming and the return of the guru, prophesied by Mother as her return and by Saint Germain as the return of Merlin. They are returning, they tell us, to restore the church and to cast the black magicians out of Camelot and the Goddess of Liberty tells us, out of North America.

The guru returns to stand at the river, as John the Baptist stood before Jesus who presented himself to the guru to be baptized to begin his mission. So, in 2021 at the end of the Galactic Alignment of 46 years, the initiates must come prepared to stand before the Guru, to receive the light. So that they may stand, in the final years of the dark night of the spirit known as the tribulation, as the light of the world. By the light of their hearts flame they are called to stand in the eye of the coming storm and by the magnet of their hearts, gather all to the waters of

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