Math 0430 - University of Pittsburgh

Math 0430

Homework #10

Sec. 6.2: #4: (a) Let [a]n denote the congruence class of the integer a modulo n. Show that the map f:[pic]that sends [a]12 to [a]4 is a well-defined surjective homomorphism.

Proof: Let [a]12 = [b]12. Then 12|(a - b), so 4|(a - b) and f([a]12) = f([b]12). Thus f is a well-defined mapping. f([a]12 + [b]12) = f([a + b]12) = [a]4 + [b]12 = f([a]12) + f([b]12) and f([a]12 [b]12) = f([ab]12) =[a]4 [b]4 = f([a]12) f([b]12), so f is a homomorphism. Clearly, if [a]4 ([pic], a is an integer, [a]12 ([pic]and f([a]12) = [a]4, so f is surjective. (

(b) Find the kernel of f.

Proof: Ker(f) = {[a]12([pic]| f([a]12) = [a]4 =[0]4} = {[a]12([pic]: 4|a} = ([4]12]) =

{[0]12, [4]12 , [8]12}. (

Sec. 6.2: #8: (a) Let I = {0,3} in Z6 . Verify that I is an ideal in Z6 and show that [pic] .

Proof: Define f: [pic]by f([a]6 =[a]3. Then f is clearly surjective. For [a]6 ,[b]6 ( [pic],

f([a]6 + [b]6) = f([a + b]6) = [a + b]3 = [a]3 + [b]3 = f([a]6) + f([b]6) and f([a]6 [b]6) = f([ab]6) = [ab]3 = [a]3 [b]3 = f([a]6) f([b]6); so f is also a homorphism. The kernel of f is I. So I is an ideal in Z6 and by the First Isomorphism Theorem, [pic] . (

Sec. 6.3: #7: Let R be a commutative ring with identity. Prove that R is a field if and only if (0R) is a maximal ideal.

Proof: Assume that R is a field. Let (0R) ( M ( R. If M ≠(0R), then there is a( M with a ≠0R. This means that a is a unit, 1R ( M and M = R. Therefore, M is a maximal ideal of R.

Conversely, assume that (0R) is a maximal ideal. Let a ≠ 0R and consider (a). (0R) ( (a) ( R, so (a) = R. It follows that 1R ((a) and there is b ( R such that 1R = ba, and a is a unit. Therefore, R is a field.

Sec. 6.3: #10: Let p be a fixed prime and let J be the set of polynomials in Z[x] whose constant terms are divisible by p. Prove that J is a maximal ideal in Z[x].

Proof: Since p is prime, Zp is a field, Define (: Z[x] [pic] Zp by ((f(x)) = [a0] where f(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + …+a1x + a0. Let g(x) = bmxm + bm-1xm-1 + …+b1x + b0. Then ((f(x) + g(x)) = [a0 + b0] = [a0]+ [b0] = ((f(x)) + ((g(x)) and ((f(x)g(x)) = [a0b0] = [a0][b0] = ((f(x))((g(x)), so ( is a homomorphism. If [a] ( Zp, then f(x) = a ( Z[x], and ((a) = [a]; so ( is surjective. Furthermore, the kernel of ( is {f(x) ( Z[x] | ((f(x)) = [a0] = [0]} = {f(x) ( Z[x] | p|a0} = J. By the First Isomorphism Theorem, [pic]. Since Zp is a field, J is a maximal ideal of Z[x]. ■

Sec. 6.3: 11: Show that the principal ideal (x-1) in Z[x] is prime but not maximal.

Proof: Define (: Z[x] [pic] Z by ((f(x)) = f(1) where f(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + …+a1x + a0. Let g(x) = bmxm + bm-1xm-1 + …+b1x + b0. Then ((f(x) + g(x)) = f(1) + g(1) = ((f(x)) + ((g(x)) and ((f(x)g(x)) = f(1)g(1) = ((f(x))((g(x)), so ( is a homomorphism. If a ( Z, then f(x) = a ( Z[x], and ((f(x)) = f(1) = a; so ( is surjective. Furthermore, the kernel of ( is {f(x) ( Z[x] | ((f(x)) = f(1) = 0} = {f(x) ( Z[x] | x-1|f(x)} = (x-1). By the First Isomorphism Theorem, [pic]. Since Z is an integral domain and not a field, (x-1) is a principal ideal, but not a maximal ideal. ■

Sec. 6.3: #13: Find an ideal in [pic] that is prime, but not maximal.

Proof: Define f:[pic] by f((z1,z2)) = z1. F is a surjective homomorphism and the kernel of f is I = [pic] . So the First Isomorphism Theorem implies that [pic]. Since Z is an integral domain but not a field, [pic]is a prime ideal that is not maximal. ■


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