Release: Baseline - National Weather Service

Release: Baseline |Test Case Creation Engineer: Carolina Fayos | |

|Title: Text Workstation |Date Test Case Created: 2/27/2006 |

|Test Case Execution Engineer: |Pass/Fail/Postpone: |

|Test Platform: TBW3, TBW4, TBDW, TBDR |Total Test Time: |

|Start Date: |Run Time for processes or reports: |

|Complete Date: |Database Instance and Version: PostGres 7.4.8 |

|Logged in User’s Role: |Location of Test Artifacts for this test case: N/A |

|Notification Server Version: OB8.1 |CI: DB |

|Last Modified By: | |

Test Case #: Baseline_TextDB_OB8.1

Test Case Description: This test case demonstrates the capability of AWIPS to recall and display text products, and to allow for the editing and transmission of those products. This test case also demonstrates the capability of AWIPS to update and alarm products on the text workstation, and to allow the user to write text scripts and TAF/TWEB products.


AWIPS shall provide the capability to distribute data among AWIPS sites.

AWIPS shall provide the user with the capability to specify Point-to-Point distribution control parameters.

AWIPS shall have the capability to automatically generate the following routine forecast products from information contained in the forecaster-prepared digital database:

(l) Transcribed Weather Broadcast (TWEB)

(m) Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF)

Prior to full implementation of the digital database capabilities, AWIPS shall be able to format the TAF by extracting the data from station-specific forecast guidance products.

AWIPS shall provide a “fixed-format” capability to aid in the generation of products whose structure requires specific and rigidly controlled user input. This fixed-format capability will allow a user to create, modify, and store “fill-in-the-blank” forms, and use these forms to generate and modify products.

AWIPS shall provide the capability to retrieve data stored locally.

AWIPS shall provide the capability to enter and modify data stored at the site.

AWIPS shall provide the user the capability to specify retrieval criteria. The retrieval criteria include any combination of:

(a) time

(e) location (site, sensor, geographic area)

(f) product

(g) source (product, task)

(h) forecaster identifier

AWIPS shall provide the capability to store the types of data defined in Appendix F and Section

AWIPS shall provide the capability to store and retrieve hydrometeorological data. Hydrometeorological data include the following types of data:

(a) Guidance Products

(c) Radar Data

(d) Observational Data

(e) Local Area Data

(f) Official User Products

AWIPS shall provide the capability to automatically detect and log the following system events:

(f) Receipt of Specified Data

(h) Performance Parameters

AWIPS shall provide the user the capability to define actions to be taken upon detection of a system event.

AWIPS shall retain all data stored and under edit at the time of system shutdown.

AWIPS shall automatically monitor observations, forecasts, and guidance data, and notify the user when detection criteria are met.

AWIPS shall also provide the user the capability to define and modify detection criteria.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to simultaneously display up to at least 8 data windows on each workstation’s monitor.

AWIPS shall provide the capability to display text in data windows on any workstation monitor.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to display the previous and next versions of displayed products stored locally.

AWIPS shall (9) provide the capability for the user to move any data window.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to resize any data window.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to display the date and time of day on each workstation monitor.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to replace a displayed product with another product of the same type.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to automatically update displayed data products with newly received product versions.

AWIPS shall provide the following capabilities for the user to manipulate displayed text:

(a) Change the character size and font

(b) Move text from one window to another

(c) Copy text from one window to another

(d) Page through text

(e) Scroll through text

(f) Move to the beginning of text

(g) Move to the end of text

(h) Append text

(I) Highlight text

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to edit displayed text on any workstation monitor.

AWIPS shall provide an automatic text backup and recovery capability such that backed up text can be recovered at any workstation.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to create and save a sequence of interactions, called a user-defined procedure.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to modify a user-defined procedure.

AWIPS shall provide the capability for the user to single step through the execution of a user-defined procedure.

AWIPS shall require all users to provide a valid user name and password to log on to the system.

Data Input: N/A

Prerequisite Conditions: The general prerequisite conditions for testing apply to this test case. In addition, this test case requires the following:

· The text workstation must be at the login prompt window

· The text workstation Beep sound must be turned on

· D2D must be up on one of the graphics display monitors

|Step # |Action / Inputs |Expected Outputs |Pass(P)/Fail(F) |DR#, Name and |Special Needs / |

| | | |Pending(Pen) |Description for |Comments |

| | | | |failed step | |

| |Log into the text workstation. |A Text Workstation Control window, a Monitoring | | | |

| | |Controller window, and a Text 1 window open. The | | | |

| | |current date and time (local and Universal Time | | | |

| | |Coordinated [UTC]) appear in the Text Workstation | | | |

| | |Control window and the Monitoring Controller | | | |

| | |window. | | | |

| |From the Windows menu, select New |A new Text 5 bar appears in the Text Workstation | | | |

| |Window. |Control window. | | | |

| |Select New Window three more times |Window selected | | | |

| |so that there are eight text windows | | | | |

| |listed in the Text Workstation Control | | | | |

| |window. | | | | |

| |From the Windows menu, select Show |Eight text windows are opened on the display. | | | |

| |All. | | | | |

| |From the Windows menu, select Hide |All eight windows are closed. | | | |

| |All. | | | | |

| |From the Text Workstation Control |The Text 1 window opens. | | | |

| |window, select Text 1. | | | | |

| |Select the AFOS Browser button in |The Text 1 AFOS Browser window opens. | | | |

| |the Text 1 window. | | | | |

| |From the Origin: menu of the Text 1 |The selections in the Node section change | | | |

| |AFOS Browser window, select East. |accordingly. | | | |

| |(Already on East) | | | | |

| |In the Node section of the Text 1 |WBC becomes highlighted. Selections appear in the| | | |

| |AFOS Browser window, select WBC |Ctgry section. WBC appears in the AFOS Cmd: | | | |

| | |command line in the Text 1 window. | | | |

| | In the Ctgry section, select ZFP. |ZFP becomes highlighted and is added in the AFOS | | | |

| | |Cmd: command line in the Text 1 window. | | | |

| | |Selections appear in the Designator and DISPLAY | | | |

| | |sections. | | | |

| |In the Designator section, select LWX | LWX and its associated time become highlighted, | | | |

| |(site ID for Baltimore, |and the word ALL: appears in the DISPLAY section.| | | |

| |MD/Washington, DC WFO). |LWX is also added in the AFOS Cmd: command line | | | |

| | |in the Text 1 window. | | | |

| | Select Load and Continue in the Text |The selected product is displayed in the Text 1 | | | |

| |1 AFOS Browser window |window. The product name appears in the Text 1 | | | |

| | |window title. | | | |

| |Press and hold mouse button 1 in the | The Text 1 AFOS Browser window moves with the | | | |

| |title bar of the Text 1 AFOS Browser. |cursor to a new location at the top of the screen,| | | |

| |Move the cursor to the top of the |uncovering the Text 1 window. | | | |

| |screen, and release the button. | | | | |

| |Move the cursor to the bottom edge of |The cursor changes shape, indicating that it is | | | |

| |the Text 1 AFOS Browser window. |ready to resize the window. | | | |

| |Press and hold mouse button 1, move |The Text 1 AFOS Browser window increases in size | | | |

| |the cursor downward, and release |to the location where mouse button 1 was released.| | | |

| |mouse button 1. | | | | |

| |In the Text 1 AFOS Browser window, |The word ALL: becomes highlighted and is added | | | |

| |in the DISPLAY section, select ALL:. |along with the product name to the AFOS Cmd: | | | |

| | |command line in the Text 1 window. | | | |

| |Select Load and Close. |The Text 1 AFOS Browser window closes, and all | | | |

| | |versions of the selected product that are in the | | | |

| | |database appear in the Text 1 window, replacing | | | |

| | |the previously displayed product in the window. | | | |

| | |The most recent available version of the product | | | |

| | |is displayed first. The product name appears in | | | |

| | |the Text 1 window title. | | | |

| |Use the vertical scroll bar on the right |Vertical scroll bar used | | | |

| |side of the Text 1 window to scroll | | | | |

| |through the text in the window. | | | | |

| |Press mouse button 1 anywhere in the |The window is now active. | | | |

| |Text 1 window. | | | | |

| |Press the key on the | The next page of the text appears. | | | |

| |keyboard | | | | |

| |Press the key on the |The previous page of the text appears. | | | |

| |keyboard. | | | | |

| |Press the key on the keyboard. |The end of the text appears | | | |

| | Press the key on the |The beginning of the text appears. | | | |

| |keyboard. | | | | |

| |In the Text 1 window, type: |The latest version of that product replaces the | | | |

| |PITMTRPIT on the AFOS Cmd: |previously displayed text in the Text 1 window. | | | |

| |command line, and press . |The product name appears in the Text 1 window | | | |

| | |title. | | | |

| |In the Text 1 window, toggle on the |Toggled on | | | |

| |Accum radio button. | | | | |

| |From the Version menu in the Text |The previous version of the product, relative to | | | |

| |1 window, select Previous. |the product version already displayed, is | | | |

| | |displayed appended to the text in the Text 1 | | | |

| | |window. A -1 appears as part of the Text 1 window| | | |

| | |title. | | | |

| |Select Next from the Version menu. |The next version of the product relative to the | | | |

| | |version just displayed is displayed appended to | | | |

| | |the text. The -1 in the Text 1 window title | | | |

| | |disappears. This product should be the same as | | | |

| | |the first product displayed two steps ago. | | | |

| |Select Latest from the Version menu. |The latest version of the product available in the| | | |

| | |database is displayed appended to the text. This | | | |

| | |should be the same product as displayed in the | | | |

| | |previous step. | | | |

| |Select All from the Version menu. |All versions of the product available in the | | | |

| | |database appear in the Text 1 window. The word | | | |

| | |ALL: appears as part of the Text 1 window title. | | | |

| |Select Clear in the Text 1 window. |The Text 1 window clears | | | |

| |Toggle off the Accum radio button. |Toggled off | | | |

| |Type: FWCDCA on the AFOS Cmd: command line and press |The NGM MOS product is displayed in the Text 1 | | | |

| |. |window, and the product title appears as part of | | | |

| | |the Text 1 window title. | | | |

| |Type: FRH62 on the AFOS Cmd: |The NAM model product replaces the previously | | | |

| |command line and press . |displayed product in the Text 1 window, and the | | | |

| | |product title appears as part of the Text 1 window| | | |

| | |title. | | | |

| |From the Options menu, select Font | The size of the text in the Text 1 window | | | |

| |Size. In the cascading menu, select |increases, and the Text 1 window resizes to | | | |

| |Large |accommodate the larger type. | | | |

| |Select Medium from the Font size |The text is restored to its original size, with | | | |

| |menu. |the Text 1 window resizing accordingly. | | | |

| |Select Clear in the Text 1 window. |The Text 1 window clears. | | | |

| |In the Text 1 window, select the Enter |The Text 1 window becomes divided into a header | | | |

| |Editor button. |section and a text section. A Header Block window| | | |

| | |also opens. | | | |

| |In the Header Block window, type: |Text typed | | | |

| |WBC in the WSFO ID command line. | | | | |

| |Type: ZFP in the Product Category |Text typed | | | |

| |command line. | | | | |

| |Type: LWX in the Product |Text typed | | | |

| |Designator command line. | | | | |

| |Type: TBDR in the Addressee |Text typed | | | |

| |command line. | | | | |

| |Select Enter. |The Header Block window closes, and the header | | | |

| | |information for the product you are about to | | | |

| | |compose appears in the header section of the Text | | | |

| | |1 window. The text section of the window is blank| | | |

| | |and ready for composition. | | | |

| |Type the words |The words “TEST....TEST....TEST....TEST” appear in| | | |

| |“TEST....TEST....TEST....TEST” in |the Text 1 window. | | | |

| |the window. | | | | |

| |Select Send from the editor toolbar. |The product is saved and transmitted to TBDR. | | | |

| |In the AFOS Cmd: command line on |The product just edited is displayed in the Text 1| | | |

| |the Text 1 window, type: |window, and the product name becomes part of the | | | |

| |WBCZFPLWX and press |Text 1 window title | | | |

| |In the AFOS Cmd: command line on |The product is displayed in the Text 1 window, and| | | |

| |the Text 1 window, type: |the product name becomes part of the Text 1 window| | | |

| |WBCZFPAKQ and press . |title. | | | |

| |Select the Enter Editor button. |The Text 1 window is split into two sections, a | | | |

| | |header section and a text section. A Header Block| | | |

| | |window also opens. | | | |

| |Select Enter in the Header Block |The Header Block window closes, and the header | | | |

| |window. |information for the current product appears in the| | | |

| | |header section of the Text 1 window. | | | |

| |In the Text Workstation Control |A Text 2 window opens. | | | |

| |window, select Text 2. | | | | |

| |Select the Enter Editor button. |The Text 2 window is split into two sections, a | | | |

| | |header section and a text section. A Header Block| | | |

| | |window also opens. | | | |

| |In the Header Block window, type: |Text typed | | | |

| |FPUS65 in the TTAAii command line. | | | | |

| |Type: KBOU in the CCCC command |An AFOS ID Selection window is displayed | | | |

| |line. | | | | |

| |Select ‘DENSFPCO’ from the list and select the ‘Close’ |Selected | | | |

| |button. | | | | |

| |Type: TBW3 for the Addressee. |Text typed | | | |

| |Select Enter. |The Header Block window closes, and the header | | | |

| | |information for the current product appears in the| | | |

| | |header section of the Text 2 window. | | | |

| |In the text section of the Text 1 |That section of text becomes highlighted. | | | |

| |window, press and hold mouse button | | | | |

| |1, and move the cursor down a section | | | | |

| |of the text. | | | | |

| | Press and hold mouse button 3 for a |The highlighted section of text is erased. | | | |

| |pop-up menu, and select Cut. | | | | |

| |Select the Paste button from the |The section of text cut from the Text 1 window | | | |

| |toolbar in the Text 2 window. |appears in the Text 2 window. | | | |

| | In the Text 1 window, highlight |Highlited | | | |

| |some text. | | | | |

| |From the Edit menu of the Text 1 |The amount of text that is highlighted expands to | | | |

| |window, choose Select, and To end of |the end of the product. | | | |

| |Product from the submenu. | | | | |

| |From the Edit menu, choose Select and To previous word. |The amount of text that is highlighted decreases | | | |

| | |to the previous word. | | | |

| | Select the Copy button. |Selected | | | |

| |Select the Paste button from the |The section of text copied from the Text 1 window | | | |

| |toolbar in the Text 2 window. |appears appended to the text in the Text 2 window.| | | |

| | |Add “TEST....TEST....TEST....TEST” to the text 2 | | | |

| | |window. | | | |

| |In the Text 2 window, select Save |The product is saved locally. | | | |

| |from the editor toolbar. | | | | |

| |Turn off the power to the text |The text workstation shuts down. | | | |

| |workstation central processing unit | | | | |

| |(CPU). | | | | |

| |Wait 10 seconds, and then turn the |The text workstation boots up. The process is | | | |

| |power back on. |complete when the login prompt screen is | | | |

| | |displayed. | | | |

| |Log into the text workstation. |A Text Workstation Control window, a Monitoring | | | |

| | |Controller window, and a Text 1 window open. | | | |

| |From the File menu in the Text 1 |An Edit Session Recovery window opens. | | | |

| |window, select Recover Edit Session. | | | | |

| |Select the session that was active |The listing becomes highlighted. | | | |

| |when the power was turned off. |(take note of this ahead of time!!!) | | | |

| |Select Recover. |The edit session that was in progress when the | | | |

| | |power was turned off is restored in the Text 1 | | | |

| | |window. | | | |

| |Select the Cancel button. |The edit session ends | | | |

| | Move to the D2D display monitors | A Text 1 window opens. | | | |

| |From the Tools menu, select Text | | | | |

| |window. | | | | |

| |In the AFOS Cmd: command line |The radar free text message is displayed in the | | | |

| |type: SFOFTMDAX, and press |Text 1 window. The product name is erased from | | | |

| |. |the AFOS Cmd: command line and appears in the | | | |

| | |Text 1 window title. | | | |

| |Select Alarm/Alert from the Text |A Current Alarm Queue window opens, showing any | | | |

| |Workstation Control window. |alarmed products that are currently in the queue. | | | |

| |Select Product List. |An Alarm/Alert and Proximity Alarm Products window| | | |

| | |opens, showing all products currently set to alarm| | | |

| | |the system upon arrival. | | | |

| |Select New AA Entry. |A New Alarm/Alert Product window opens. | | | |

| |In the Product ID: command line, |Text typed | | | |

| |type: WBCMTRIAD. | | | | |

| |Toggle on the Alarm radio button next |Toggled on | | | |

| |to the command line. | | | | |

| |Select OK. |The New Alarm/Alert Product window closes. The | | | |

| | |selected product is listed in the Alarm/Alert | | | |

| | |Products window, with the word Alarm in | | | |

| | |parentheses next to the product name. | | | |

| |Select New AA Entry. |A New Alarm/Alert Product window opens. | | | |

| |In the Product ID: command line, |Text typed | | | |

| |type: WBCZFPLWX. | | | | |

| |In the Optional Search String |Text typed | | | |

| |command line, type the name of the | | | | |

| |day four days from now. | | | | |

| | Select OK. |The New Alarm/Alert Product window closes. The | | | |

| | |selected product is listed in the Alarm/Alert | | | |

| | |Products window, followed by the phrase | | | |

| | |“containing ‘’.” | | | |

| |Select Save & Close under the File |The current list of products is saved, and the | | | |

| |menu. |Alarm/Alert Products window closes. An | | | |

| | |Alarm/Alert bell icon should appear within one | | | |

| | |hour of the current time. This will be verified | | | |

| | |later in the test. | | | |

| |Select the Text 4 button from the Text |The Text 4 window opens. | | | |

| |Workstation Control window. | | | | |

| |Type: WBCMTRDCA in the AFOS |The most recent METAR data appear for DCA. Note | | | |

| |Cmd: command line, and then press |the product time | | | |

| |. | | | | |

| | Toggle on the Update Obs radio |Within one hour, new METAR data should replace | | | |

| |button. |that displayed in the Text 4 window. This will be| | | |

| | |verified later in the test case. | | | |

| |Select Clear in the Text 1 window. |The Text 1 window clears | | | |

| | From the Scripts menu, select Edit. |The Text 1 Script Editor window opens. | | | |

| |Type the following lines into the |Text typed | | | |

| |window to create an example of a | | | | |

| |script: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |clear; | | | | |

| |accum on; | | | | |

| |load wbcafdlwx; | | | | |

| |wait; | | | | |

| |load miamtrmia; | | | | |

| |wait; | | | | |

| |load pitccfpbz; | | | | |

| |From the File menu in the Text 1 |A Save Script As window opens. | | | |

| |Script Editor window, select Save As. | | | | |

| |In the Filename: command line, |The period at the end of the path name is erased. | | | |

| |move the cursor to the end of the path | | | | |

| |name and press the key | | | | |

| |once. | | | | |

| |Type the name testscript at the end of |Text typed | | | |

| |the path. | | | | |

| |Select OK. |The script is saved under that pathname. The Save| | | |

| | |Script As window closes. The name testscript | | | |

| | |appears as part of the Text 1 Script Editor window| | | |

| | |title. | | | |

| |From the File menu in the Text 1 |The Text 1 Script Editor window closes. | | | |

| |Script Editor window, select Close. | | | | |

| |From the Scripts menu in the Text 1 |The Run Script File window opens. | | | |

| |window, select Run. | | | | |

| | In the Files section, select testscript. |The name testscript becomes highlighted, and the | | | |

| | |pathname updates in the Filename: command line. | | | |

| |Select OK. |The Run Script File window | | | |

| | |closes, and the script begins | | | |

| | |running. Each product is | | | |

| | |displayed and is appended at the | | | |

| | |bottom of the window, waiting | | | |

| | |each time for the tester to select | | | |

| | |the Continue button before | | | |

| | |loading the next product. A | | | |

| | |status message at the bottom of | | | |

| | |the window indicates the current | | | |

| | |stage of the script. | | | |

| |From the Scripts menu in the Text 1 |The Text 1 Script Editor window opens. | | | |

| |window, select Edit. | | | | |

| | From the File menu in the Text 1 |The Open Script File window opens. | | | |

| |Script Editor window, select Open. | | | | |

| | Select the file testscript by double- |The Open Script File window closes. The | | | |

| |clicking it with mouse button 1. |testscript script appears in the Text 1 Script | | | |

| | |Editor window, and the name testscript appears as | | | |

| | |part of the Text 1 Script Editor window title. | | | |

| |Add the following lines to the end |Lines added | | | |

| |Of the script: | | | | |

| |wait; | | | | |

| |load wbcrwrakg; | | | | |

| |From the File menu, select Save. |The script is updated with the changes. | | | |

| |From the Execute menu, select Run. |The script begins running. Each product is | | |Cannot select run?? |

| | |displayed and is appended at the bottom of the | | | |

| | |window, waiting each time for the tester to select| | | |

| | |the Continue button before loading the next | | | |

| | |product. A status message at the bottom of the | | | |

| | |window indicates the current stage of the script. | | | |

| |Select Clear in the Text 1 window. |The Text 1 window clears. | | | |

| |Toggle off the Accum radio button. |Toggled off | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |From the File menu in the Text 1 |Text 1 Script Editor window closes. | | | |

| |Script Editor window, select Close. | | | | |

| |Select Text Window 3 from the Text |The Text 3 window opens. | | | |

| |Workstation Control Window. | | | | |

| |In the AFOS ID: command line, type: |The latest version of that product is displayed in| | | |

| |WBCRWRLWX and select . |the Text 3 window. Note that there is a UGC code | | | |

| | |at the top of the product, e.g., VAZ042. This | | | |

| | |code will be used later to set up a new proximity | | | |

| | |alarm. Keep this window open for use later. | | | |

| | Select Alarm/Alert from the Text |A Current Alarm Queue window opens, showing any | | | |

| |Workstation Control Window. |alarmed products that are currently in the queue. | | | |

| | Select Product List. |An Alarm/Alert and Proximity Alarm Products window| | | |

| | |opens, showing all products currently set to alarm| | | |

| | |the system upon arrival | | | |

| | Select New PA Entry. |A New Alarm/Alert Proximity Alarm Product window | | | |

| | |opens. | | | |

| |In the Product ID:, type: |The tester is creating an alarm for that UGC in | | |UGC format error window for ASUS41, |

| |WBCRWRLWX. Select Alarm in the |the current WBCSWRVA product. | | |try MAC013 |

| |Alarm/Alert option menu. Refer back | | | | |

| |to the open Text 3 window with the | | | | |

| |current WBCRWRLWX product | | | | |

| |displayed and the current UGC code | | | | |

| |included in the product. Back on New | | | | |

| |Proximity Alarm Product Window, | | | | |

| |for the UGC List:, type a UGC code | | | | |

| |that is listed in the WBCRWRLWX | | | | |

| |product in the Text 3 window. | | | | |

| |Select OK. |The New Proximity window closes. The new | | | |

| | |proximity alarm is listed at the bottom of the | | | |

| | |Alarm/Alert and Proximity Alarm Products window | | | |

| | Select Save and Close at the bottom of the window. |The current list of proximity alarms, including | | | |

| | |the new alarm, is saved and the Alarm/Alert | | | |

| | |Products window closes. | | | |

| |Return to the Text 3 window. To |The Text 3 window becomes divided into a header | | | |

| |activate the alarm, a new |section and a text section. A Header Block window| | | |

| |WBCRWRLWX product must be |also opens. | | | |

| |sent. Select Enter Editor. | | | | |

| |In the Header Block window, verify |Verified | | | |

| |WBC is in the WSFO ID command | | | | |

| |line, RWR is in the Product Category | | | | |

| |command line, and LWX in the | | | | |

| |Product Designator command line. | | | | |

| |Type: 000 in the Addressee command |Text typed | | | |

| |line. | | | | |

| |Select Enter. |The Header Block window closes. | | | |

| |Change the time in the product to a |The WBCRWRLWX product is saved. Select Go Ahead | | | |

| |few minutes ahead of the current time. |to any window message that opens. A flashing | | | |

| |Add |alarm bell starts blinking in the upper left | | | |

| |“TEST....TEST....TEST....TEST” to |corner of the text workstation screen | | | |

| |the top of the product, then select | | | | |

| |Send. | | | | |

| |Press mouse button 1 over that |The flashing bell disappears. A Current Alarm | | | |

| |flashing bell. |Queue window opens, showing the product currently | | | |

| | |in the queue. | | | |

| | Select the product. |An Alarm Display Window opens. The WBCRWRLWX | | | |

| | |product selected to alarm the system appears. | | | |

| |Close all Alarm/Alert-related |Windows closed | | | |

| |windows. | | | | |

| |When a flashing alarm bell starts |The flashing bell disappears. A Current Alarm | | | |

| |blinking in the upper left corner of the |Queue window opens, showing the product currently | | | |

| |text workstation screen, press mouse |in the queue. | | | |

| |button 1 over that flashing bell. | | | | |

| | Select the product. |An Alarm Display Window opens. The WBCMTRIAD | | | |

| | |product selected to alarm the system appears. | | | |

| |Press mouse button 1 over the tab in |A pull-down menu appears. | | | |

| |the upper left corner of the window. | | | | |

| | Select Close from the menu. |Both the Alarm Display Window and the Current | | | |

| | |Alarm Queue window close. | | | |

| |View Text Window 4 after the hourly |A newer version of the WBCMTR product has | | | |

| |METAR arrives. |automatically replaced the previous version of the| | | |

| | |product. The station ID is highlighted in black | | | |

| | |when the product has been updated. | | | |

| |When a flashing alarm bell starts |The flashing bell disappears. A Current Alarm | | | |

| |blinking again in the upper left corner |Queue window opens, showing the product currently | | | |

| |of the text workstation screen, press |in the queue. | | | |

| |mouse button 1 over that flashing bell | | | | |

| |(it may take several hours for the | | | | |

| |WBCZFPLWX product to come in). | | | | |

| |Select the product. |An Alarm Display Window opens. The WBCZFPLWX | | | |

| | |product selected to alarm the system appears. | | | |

| |Exit application |This concludes the test case | | | |


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