Second Grade Standards Assessment Ideas

Second Grade Standards Assessment Ideas

|Standard |Selected Response |Constructed Response |Performance Assessment |Informal Assessment |

|ELA2R1 Applies knowledge of letter-sounds and spelling patterns to decode unfamiliar words |

|ELA2R1 a |Multiple Choice |Highlight, underline target words while reading books or poems |Word Sort |Reading conference- |

|Phonics/Word Identification |Matching – picture and word |Tree-map to sort words |Oral reading |anecdotal |

|Reads words containing blends, | | | |notes |

|digraphs, and diphthongs. | | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

| | | | |Early Reading Behaviors Checklist (GHGR |

| | | | |Assessment Handbook) |

|ELA2R1 b |Multiple Choice |Fill-in-the blank |Oral reading |Reading conference- |

|Phonics/Word Identification |Matching – picture and word |Use graphic organizer to record words with target skill found in |Student writing |anecdotal |

|Recognizes, reads, and writes words| |independent/guided reading text | |notes/checklist |

|containing regular plurals, | |Word Hunt | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|irregular plurals, and possessives.| | | | |

| | |Regular | | |

| | |Plurals | | |

| | |Irregular | | |

| | |Plurals | | |

| | |Possessives | | |

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|ELA2R1 c |Multiple Choice |Fill-in-the blank with the appropriate word |Oral reading |Reading conference- |

|Phonics/Word Identification |Matching – picture and word | |Create a flip book |anecdotal |

|Reads compound words and | | | |notes/checklist |

|contractions in grade appropriate | | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|texts. | | | |Early Reading Behaviors Checklist (GHGR |

| | | | |Assessment Handbook) |

|ELA2R1 d |Multiple Choice |Fill-in-the blank with the appropriate word |Oral reading |Reading conference- |

|Phonics/Word Identification |Matching – picture and word |Brainstorm/spell words with target pattern |Create a flip book |anecdotal |

|Reads and spells words containing | |Use graphic organizer to record words with target skill found in |Student writing |notes/checklist |

|r-controlled vowels and silent | |independent/guided reading text |Word sort |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|letters. | | | | |

|ELA2R1 e |Multiple Choice |Fill-in-the blank with the appropriate word |Oral reading |Reading conference- |

|Phonics/Word Identification |Matching – picture and word |Brainstorm/spell words with target pattern |Student writing |anecdotal |

|Reads and spells words containing | | |Word sort |notes/checklist |

|irregular vowel patterns. | | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

| | | | | |

|ELA2R1 f |Multiple Choice |Fill-in-the blank with the appropriate word |Oral reading |Reading conference- |

|Phonics/Word Identification |Matching – picture and word | | |anecdotal |

|Reads multisyllabic words. | | | |notes/checklist |

| | | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

| | | | |Running record |

|ELA2R1 g |Multiple Choice |Fill-in-the blank with the appropriate word |Oral reading |Reading conference- |

|Phonics/Word Identification |Matching – picture and word | |Student writing |anecdotal |

|Applies learned phonics skills when| | |Word sort |notes/checklist |

|reading and writing words, | | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|sentences, and stories. | | | |Running record |

| | | | |Early Reading Behaviors Checklist (GHGR |

| | | | |Assessment Handbook) |

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|ELA2R2 Demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression |

|ELA2R2 a | | |Reader’s Theater |Reading conference- |

|Fluency | | |Oral reading |anecdotal |

|Applies letter-sound knowledge to | | | |notes/checklist |

|decode quickly and accurately. | | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

| | | | |Running record |

|ELA2R2 b | | |Reader’s Theater |Reading conference- |

|Fluency | | |Poetry reading |anecdotal |

|Automatically recognizes additional| | |Oral reading |notes/checklist |

|high frequency and familiar words | | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|within texts. | | | |Running record |

|ELA2R2 c | | |Reader’s Theater |Reading conference- |

|Fluency | | |Poetry reading |anecdotal |

|Reads familiar text with | | |Oral reading |notes/checklist |

|expression. | | |Student self- assessment of taped |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

| | | |reading |Running record |

|ELA2R2 d | | |Timed fluency |Reading conference- |

|Fluency | | | |anecdotal |

|Reads second- grade texts at a | | | |notes/checklist |

|target rate of 90 words correct per| | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|minute. | | | |Running record |

|ELA2R2 e | | |Oral reading |Reading conference- |

|Fluency | | | |anecdotal notes |

|Uses self-correction when | | | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|subsequent reading indicates an | | | |Running record |

|earlier misreading within | | | | |

|grade-level text. | | | | |

|ELA2R3 Uses grade-level words to communicate effectively |

|ELA2R3 a |Multiple choice |Illustrate word meanings of new vocabulary |Student writing |Observation-Checklist/ |

|Vocabulary | |Reading log |Acting out words |Anecdotal notes |

|Reads a variety of texts and | |Cloze story/fill in the blank | |Oral questioning |

|uses new words in oral and | | | |Reading response journal |

|written language. | | | | |

|ELA2R3 b |Match the word in the sentence with |Vocabulary Notebook |Create a flip book or poster of |Read-aloud – Text Talk (discuss/give examples |

|Vocabulary |its meaning. |Venn diagram/double bubble map for compare/contrast |multi-meaning words |of vocabulary words) |

|Recognizes grade appropriate | |Multiple Meaning Match ( – vocabulary section) |Act out words |Reading conference - |

|words with multiple meanings.| | | |anecdotal |

| | | | |notes/checklist |

|ELA2R3 c | |Bridge map/analogies |Student writing |Read-aloud – Text Talk (discuss/give examples |

|Vocabulary | |Word sorts |Create a flip book |of vocabulary words) |

|Recognizes and applies the | |Synonym/Antonym Dominoes | |Reading conference – |

|appropriate usage of | |() | |anecdotal |

|homophones, homographs, | | | |notes/checklist |

|antonyms, and synonyms. | | | | |

|ELA2R3 d | |Fill in the blank |Act out words |Reading conference – |

|Vocabulary | |Illustrate the word | |anecdotal |

|Determines the meaning of | |Guess the Covered Word | |notes/checklist |

|unknown words on the basis of| | | |Observation in guided reading |

|context. | |Interesting Word Chart | |Oral questioning |

| | |Page | |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | |Word | |Handbook) |

| | |What I Think It Means | | |

| | |Definition | | |

| | |(Use the dictionary.) | | |

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|ELA2R4 Uses strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text |

|ELA2R4 a | |Reading log |Book talk |Observation –checklist |

|Comprehension | | |Poster |Reading response journal |

|Reads a variety of texts for | | |Dramatize | |

|information and pleasure. | | | | |

|ELA2R4 b | |T-chart (text/prediction) |Dramatization |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |T-chart (the text says/I think…) |Reciprocal Teaching (predicting, |anecdotal |

|Makes predictions from text | |Ticket out the door |clarifying, questioning, |notes/checklist |

|content. | |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reading response|summarizing) |Guided reading - anecdotal notes |

| | |journal) |Response from independent |Checklist used to record observations during |

| | |Illustration |reading/guided reading on |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

| | |Short answer |post-it notes |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | | | |Handbook) |

|ELA2R4 c | |T-chart (text/question) |Literature Circle/Book Club |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |Three column chart |discussion |anecdotal notes/checklist |

|Generates questions before, | |My Questions |Reciprocal Teaching (predicting, |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|during, and after reading. | | |clarifying, questioning, |Checklist used to record observations during |

| | |Before Reading |summarizing) |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

| | |During Reading |Questions from independent |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | |After Reading |reading/guided reading on post-it |Handbook) |

| | | |notes | |

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| | |Ticket out the door | | |

| | |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reading response| | |

| | |journal) | | |

| | | | | |

|ELA2R4 d |Matching |Ticket out the door |Literature Circle/Book Club |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension |True-False |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reader’s |discussion |anecdotal |

|Recalls explicit facts and | |response journal) |Response from independent |notes/checklist |

|infers implicit facts. | |Fill in the blank |reading/guided reading on post-it |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

| | |Written summary of text |notes |Checklist used to record observations during |

| | | | |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

|ELA2R4 e | |Ticket out the door |Oral summary of text |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reader’s |(use anecdotal notes/ |anecdotal |

|Summarizes text content. | |response notebook) |checklist to |notes/checklist |

| | |Written summary of text |record |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

| | |Fill in the blank summary form |observation) |Checklist used to record observations during |

| | |Story Frame/Book Frame (GHGR Assessment Handbook) |Book Talk/Oral book report |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

| | |Graphic organizers ( – comprehension section) |Book Club/ |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | | |Literature |Handbook) |

| | | |Circle | |

| | | |Reciprocal Teaching (predicting, | |

| | | |clarifying, questioning, | |

| | | |summarizing) | |

| | | |Write a letter summarizing the | |

| | | |text. | |

| | | | | |

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|ELA2R4 f |True/false |Ticket out the door |Response from independent |Reading conference – |

|Comprehension | |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reader’s |reading/guided reading on post-it |notes/checklist |

|Distinguishes fact from | |response journal) |notes |Guided reading - notes/checklist |

|fiction in a text. | | | |Checklist used to record observations during |

| | | | |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

|ELA2R4 g |Multiple choice |Graphic organizers |Use of graphic features in student|Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |Ticket out the door |writing |anecdotal notes/checklist |

|Interprets information from | |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reader’s |Response from independent |Guided reading - anecdotal notes |

|illustrations, diagrams, | |response journal) |reading/guided reading on post-it |Checklist used to record observations during |

|charts, graphs, and graphic | |T-chart (feature/how it helps me as a reader) |notes |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

|organizers. | | | |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | | | |Handbook) |

|ELA2R h Comprehension | |Venn Diagram/Double Bubble Map |Dramatization |Reading conference - |

|Makes connections between | |T-chart (text/connections) |Response from independent |anecdotal notes/checklist |

|texts and/or personal | |Ticket out the door |reading/guided reading on post-it |Guided reading - anecdotal notes |

|experiences. | |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reader’s |notes |Checklist used to record observations during |

| | |response notebook) |Book Club/ |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

| | | |Literature |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | | |Circle |Handbook) |

| | | | | |

|ELA2R4 i | |Tree map with main idea at the top and supporting details on the |Step Into the Story |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |branches |(Students infer the character’s |anecdotal |

|Identifies and infers main | |Graphic organizers ( – comprehension section) |thoughts and feelings.) |notes/checklist |

|idea and supporting details. | |Ticket out the door |Response from independent |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

| | |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reader’s |reading/guided reading on post-it |Checklist used to record observations during |

| | |response journal) |notes |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

| | | | |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | | | |Handbook) |

|ELA2R4 j | | |Oral reading |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | | |Reciprocal Teaching |notes/checklist |

|Self-monitors comprehension | | |(predicting, clarifying, |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|and attempts to clarify | | |questioning, summarizing) |Checklist used to record observations during |

|meaning. | | | |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

| | | | |Running record |

| | | | |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | | | |Handbook) |

|ELA2R4 k | |T-chart (cause/effect) |Charades |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |Graphic organizer | |notes/checklist |

|Identifies and infers | |Multi-flow map | |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|cause-and-effect | | | |Checklist used to record observations during |

|relationships. | | | |discussion and listening in on |

|ELA2R4 l | |Story map |Book Club/Literature Circle |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |Venn Diagram/ |Dramatization |notes/checklist |

|Recognizes plot, setting, and| |Double Bubble Map |Use props to retell the story. |Guided reading - anecdotal notes/checklist |

|character within text, and | |Graphic organizers ( – comprehension section) | |Checklist used to record observations during |

|compares and contrasts these | |Table constructed during author study | |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

|among texts. | | | |Checklist of Good Habits (GHGR Assessment |

| | |Character | |Handbook) |

| | |Setting | | |

| | |Plot | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Title | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | |Title | | |

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| | |Title | | |

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| | | | | |

|ELA2R4 m |Multiple choice |Story map |Student writing (poem, fable, |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |Graphic organizers |folktale) |notes/checklist |

|Recognizes the basic elements| | | |Writing conference |

|of a variety of genres (e.g.,| | | |Guided reading – observation/notes |

|poetry, fables, folktales). | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ELA2R4 n |Multiple choice | |Student informational writing |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | | |informational |anecdotal notes/checklist |

|Uses titles, tables of | | |Oral reading |Guided reading – observation/anecdotal notes |

|contents, and chapter | | | | |

|headings to locate | | | | |

|information quickly and | | | | |

|accurately and to preview | | | | |

|text. | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|ELA2R4 o | |Short answer |Responses from independent |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | |Response from independent reading/guided reading (reader’s |reading/guided reading on post-it |notes/checklist |

|Recognizes the author’s | |response journal) |notes |Guided reading – observation/anecdotal notes |

|purpose. | | | |Checklist used to record observations during |

| | | | |discussion and listening in on think-pair-share|

|ELA2R4 p |Multiple choice |Illustrate the word |Dramatization |Reading conference - |

|Comprehension | | | |notes/checklist |

|Uses word parts to determine | | | |Oral questioning |

|meanings. | | | |Guided reading – observation/anecdotal notes |

|ELA2R4 q. | |Illustration |Create a dictionary, thesaurus, or|Observation/checklist |

|Comprehension | |Word map |glossary | |

|Uses dictionary, thesaurus, | | | | |

|and glossary skills to | | | | |

|determine word meanings. | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|ELA2W1 The student begins to demonstrate competency in the writing process. |

|ELA2W1 a | | |Student writing |Author’s Chair – student/teacher feedback |

|Writing | | |R.A.F.T. |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writes text of a length | | | |(glow and grow) |

|appropriate to address a | | | | |

|topic and tell the story. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 b | | |Student writing |Author’s Chair – student/teacher feedback |

|Writing | | | |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Uses traditional | | | |(glow and grow) |

|organizational patterns for | | | | |

|conveying information (e.g., | | | | |

|chronological order, | | | | |

|similarity and difference, | | | | |

|answering questions). | | | | |

|ELA2W1 c | | |Create and perform a rap |Author’s Chair – student/teacher feedback |

|Writing | | | |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Uses transition words and | | | |(glow and grow) |

|phrases. | | | |Student self-assessment using a rubric and/or |

| | | | |checklist |

|ELA2W1 d | | |Student created book |Author’s Chair – student/teacher feedback |

|Writing | | | |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Begins to create graphic | | |Student writing |(glow and grow) |

|features (charts, tables, | | | |Student self-assessment using a rubric and/or |

|graphs). | | | |checklist |

|ELA2W1 e |Multiple Choice | |Letter |Student self-assessment using a rubric and/or |

|Writing | | | |checklist |

|Begins to use appropriate | | | |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|formatting conventions for | | | | |

|letter writing (e.g., date, | | | | |

|salutation, body, closing). | | | | |

|ELA2W1 f | |Illustration |Oral retelling |Author’s Chair – student/teacher feedback |

|Writing | | |Dramatization |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Begins to write a response to| | |Student letter - response to |Student self-assessment using a rubric and/or |

|literature that demonstrates | | |literature |checklist |

|understanding of the text and| | | | |

|expresses and supports an | | | | |

|opinion. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 g | |Student response to a prompt |Student writing – persuasive piece|Author’s Chair – student/teacher feedback |

|Writing | | | |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Begins to write a persuasive | | | |(glow and grow) |

|piece that states and | | | |Student self-assessment using a rubric and/or |

|supports a position. | | | |checklist |

|ELA2W1 h | |Graphic organizer |Student pre-writing |Author’s Chair – student/teacher feedback |

|Writing | | | |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Pre-writes to generate ideas | | | |Student self-assessment using a rubric and/or |

|orally. | | | |checklist |

|ELA2W1 i | | |Student writing – rough draft |Teacher/Student |

|Writing | | | |conference/commentary |

|Uses planning ideas to | | | | |

|produce a rough draft. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 j | | |Student writing - rough draft |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | |with evidence of revising and |Student self-assessment using a rubric and/or |

|Rereads writing to self and | | |editing |checklist |

|others, revises to add | | | | |

|details, and edits to make | | | | |

|corrections. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 k | | |Student writing |Student self-assessment |

|Writing | | | |Observation |

|Creates documents with | | | | |

|legible handwriting. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 l |Multiple Choice |Fill in the blank sentences |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Consistently writes in | | | | |

|complete sentences with | | | | |

|correct subject/ verb | | | | |

|agreement | | | | |

|ELA2W1 m |Multiple Choice |Fill in the blank sentences |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Uses nouns (singular, plural,| | | | |

|and possessive) correctly. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 n |Multiple Choice |Fill in the blank sentences |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Uses singular possessive | | | | |

|pronouns. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 o |Multiple Choice |Fill in the blank sentences |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Uses singular and plural | | | | |

|personal pronouns. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 p | | |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Uses increasingly complex | | | | |

|sentence structure. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 q |Multiple Choice |Dictation – sentences |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | |Spelling assessment | |(glow and grow) |

|Uses common rules of | | | | |

|spelling. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 r |Multiple Choice |Dictation – sentences |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Uses appropriate | | | | |

|capitalization and | | | | |

|punctuation (periods, | | | | |

|question and exclamation | | | | |

|marks) at the end of | | | | |

|sentences (declarative, | | | | |

|interrogative, and | | | | |

|exclamatory; simple | | | | |

|and compound). | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|ELA2W1 s |Multiple Choice | |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Begins to use commas (e.g., | | | | |

|in a series, in dates, after | | | | |

|a friendly letter greeting, | | | | |

|in a friendly letter closure,| | | | |

|and between cities and | | | | |

|states, and periods after | | | | |

|grade-appropriate | | | | |

|abbreviations. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 t |Multiple Choice | | |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Uses a variety of resources | | | |Observation/checklist |

|(encyclopedia, Internet, | | | | |

|books) to research and share | | | | |

|information on a topic. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ELA2W1 u |Multiple Choice | |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Recognizes appropriate uses | | | |Observation/checklist |

|of quotation marks. | | | | |

|ELA2W1 v | | |Student writing |Teacher/Student conference/commentary |

|Writing | | | |(glow and grow) |

|Uses the dictionary and | | | |Observation/checklist |

|thesaurus to support word | | | | |

|choices. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ELA2LSV1 The student uses oral and visual strategies to communicate. |

|ELA2LSV1 a | | | |Teacher observation |

|Listening/ Speaking/Viewing | | | |Anecdotal |

|Interprets information | | | |notes/checklist |

|presented and seeks | | | | |

|clarification when needed. | | | | |

|ELA2LSV1 b | | |Orally debate position on a topic |Teacher observation |

|Listening/ Speaking/Viewing | | |Orally inform audience about a |Anecdotal notes/checklist |

|Begins to use oral language | | |topic | |

|for different purposes: to | | |Show and Tell | |

|inform, to persuade, and to | | | | |

|entertain. | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ELA2LSV1 c | | |Student presentations |Teacher observation |

|Listening/ Speaking/Viewing | | |Show and Tell |Anecdotal notes/checklist |

|Uses increasingly complex | | | |Interview |

|language patterns and | | | | |

|sentence structure when | | | | |

|communicating. | | | | |

|ELA2LSV1 d | | |Orally share information |Teacher observation |

|Listening/ Speaking/Viewing | | | |Anecdotal notes/checklist |

|Listens to and views a | | | | |

|variety of media to acquire | | | | |

|information. | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ELA2LSV1 e | | |Presentation to share growth in |Teacher observation |

|Listening/ Speaking/Viewing | | |vocabulary development |Anecdotal notes/checklist |

|Increases vocabulary to | | | |Interview |

|reflect a growing range of | | | |Journal sharing |

|interests and knowledge. | | | | |


Assessing Comprehension Thinking Strategies by Ellin Keene

Assessment First: Using Just-Right assessments to Plan and Carry Out Effective Reading Instruction by Deborah White

Day-to-Day Assessment in the Reading Workshop: Making Informed Instructional Decisions in Grades 3-6 by Franki Sibberson and

Karen Szymusiak

How to Assess Authentic Learning by Kay Burke


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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